House flowers that do not require special attention. Unpretentious indoor flowers for all year round. Indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light: house plants for the bedroom, bathroom and corridor

House flowers that do not require special attention.  Unpretentious indoor flowers for all year round.  Indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light: house plants for the bedroom, bathroom and corridor
House flowers that do not require special attention. Unpretentious indoor flowers for all year round. Indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light: house plants for the bedroom, bathroom and corridor

For many thousands of years, people have been decorating their homes. One of the ways to create coziness and beauty in your home is to grow indoor flowers . This article will talk about plants that do not require a lot of sunlight.

Many plants need a lot of light for good development and abundant flowering. But There are indoor flowers that feel great in the shade and do not require special care. It is enough just to create the necessary light conditions for them and systematically water them. What flowers don't like a lot of light? This group of plants includes:

The exquisite fern is a temperate tropical crop. It is characterized by a thin creeping root, which is covered with matte brownish scales. The plant is decorated with alternating strongly dissected leaves, colored green with a bluish tint. Round shape the sori and sporangia are covered with a brownish false veil and are located along the veins at the bottom of the leaf.

Adiantum care:

  • penumbra adherent, so windows on the north or east side are suitable for him;
  • the optimal temperature in summer should be 21̊ C, and in winter – within 15-20̊ C, but the plant can withstand temperatures down to 10̊ C;
  • constant watering and maintaining the substrate moist throughout the year;
  • feeding in summer period using liquid fertilizer for domestic crops;
  • pruning old and damaged leaves.

Replant in the spring, as needed. It reproduces in spring by dividing the bush or spores.

Aucuba, which belongs to the Dogwood family, is called the golden tree. evergreen bush up to 1.5 m high, does not like a lot of sunlight. Reddish flowers collected in a bunch and leathery leaves with golden spots attract attention. They give the culture originality and resemblance to gold. The fruits of the plant have a variety of colors and are similar in appearance to dogwood berries.

Basic rules of care:

  • providing diffused light, since aucuba is a shade-loving plant;
  • organization of optimal temperature regime : in summer 21-24 ̊ C, and in cold seasons - temperature readings should not be lower than 10 ̊ C;
  • constant watering, which will promote active growth;
  • feeding from March to October every ten days with a complex of mineral fertilizers;
  • cutting and pinching to form a beautiful crown.

Young plants should be replanted every spring, and mature plants once every three years. It is important to carefully remove soil from the roots during the process, since they are very fragile and break easily.

Propagated vegetatively at home using cuttings.

Thanks to exotic species serves decorative decoration. The flower reaches two meters in height. The trunk is flexible and the foliage is dense. Long but narrow leaves spread out from the trunk in a rosette.

The plant requires:

  • penumbra, because it does not withstand direct rays of the sun;
  • abundant watering in summer, and moderate - in winter;
  • permanent spraying leaves;
  • periodic taking a warm shower for washing away dust;
  • fertilization from April to August every ten days with special complex nutritional elements.

It needs to be replanted in the spring every two years. Propagated by apical cuttings or pieces of stem.

Plant of the Marantaceae family. Presented in the form of a low bush, which is valued for the beauty of its iridescent leaves.. Flower buds are pink, white or light yellow and are located on flower arrows. Duration of flowering from early spring to late summer.

Creating comfortable conditions:

  • location in partial shade, the ideal option is to move the arrowroot to the back of the room, where it will feel great;
  • optimal temperature in summer 21-25̊ C, in winter – no less than 18̊ C;
  • watering depending on the condition of the soil, using soft water at room temperature;
  • spraying regardless of the time of year;
  • feeding during active growth a set of fertilizers for ornamental plants.

In the spring, you need to replant arrowroot older than three years of age every two years. It propagates in two ways: by dividing the bush during transplantation and by cuttings.

Liana of the Araceae family. A shrub with thick climbing stems and hanging aerial roots. The leaves are large, dissected, with closed holes.

For a flower to develop normally it is necessary:

  • install in a lit, dark place from direct sunlight;
  • create the ideal temperature in summer - 25°C, in winter - 16-18°C;
  • water when dry the top layer of soil composition, using softened water;
  • spray systematically and wipe, freeing from dust;
  • fertilize from March to September once every 14 days with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Young plants should be replanted annually, and those older than three years – once every two years. Propagated by shoots, cuttings, and sometimes seeds.

Perennial rhizomatous flower of the Araceae family. Attractive are the long oblong leaves on petioles that widen at the base.. The foliage is colored rich green color. The stem is absent, the rhizome is short. Inflorescences in the form of a yellow cob and a snow-white blanket of cream or pink tone decorate .

The plant prefers:

  • diffuse light without direct sunlight, grows well in partial shade;
  • temperature in summer is about 22-23̊ C, and in winter - not lower than 16̊ C;
  • good watering, which should be reduced in winter, preventing the soil from drying out;
  • spraying in hot periods so that moisture does not get on the flowers;
  • feeding during the period of active growth and at the time of flowering using low concentration mineral fertilizer.

It should be replanted in the spring, when the root system fills the container. Propagated both by cuttings and by dividing the rhizome.

Herbaceous perennial with rosettes of dense leathery leaves from 10 cm to 1 m long, which extend directly from thick creeping roots. Small white-green flowers are collected in a long raceme.

Secrets of care:

  • put anywhere, since it can grow in both light partial shade and full shade;
  • create temperature within 18-25̊ C;
  • water moderately, preventing the soil from completely drying out and moisture from entering the center of the sockets;
  • feed during the growing season once every three weeks, using mineral fertilizer for cacti or home crops.

Replant when the root system fills the entire width of the pot. This happens once every three years. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and leaf cuttings.

These versatile plants will decorate any room interior. and will give it comfort and sophistication, as well as give the joy of communication with nature.

plants for low light rooms

12 indoor plants that tolerate low light

For rooms and spaces where sunlight rarely reaches, these varieties can be a real salvation. They thrive in partial shade and low light.

For most of the plants in this collection, the beauty is not in the flowers, but in the beautiful leaves. But this is also a lot, considering the “sunless” diet and how they perfectly purify the air.


The patterned leaves make this plant a welcome addition to any room, but keep in mind that direct sunlight is not recommended. The best option for calathea - partial shade.


Diffused light works best for this plant. It's best to keep it behind a curtain. The plant is especially beautiful in spring and summer, when light, delicate leaves appear in the center.

Dracaena marginata

This is a real piece of the tropics on the office desk. But keep the plant away from direct sunlight - it can damage them. The plant loves shade.

Chlorophytum crested

A very unpretentious plant, therefore quite popular. It can go without the sun for a long time and at the same time perfectly purifies the air.


A plant with tiny delicate leaves looks beautiful in hanging plant pots and in pots next to tall plants. But be careful: do not plant it near low plants - helxina can “strangle” them. You are required to water and spray frequently.


More than 2,000 species of ferns are suitable for growing at home. These tropical plants are willing to stay in the shade, but they will not tolerate dry air. They need frequent spraying of leaves, especially during the heating season.

Philodendron cordate

Perhaps this favorite plant many flower growers. Feels good in the shade and perfectly purifies the air. Occasionally it is necessary to pinch so that it does not stretch too long.


A tropical plant that thrives when fed only artificial lighting. Thrives in wet conditions, for example in bathrooms.


If you often forget to water your plants and almost no sunlight gets into the room, you can choose such a beautiful and unpretentious flower.


One of the best options for a room with low light. Ideal for beginner gardeners.

Sansevieria three-lane

A plant that requires virtually no care. Light affects its growth, but it lives well in the dark.

Flowers are a wonderful decoration for any interior. But what if there is not enough light in your apartment for their full growth? The answer is simple: you need to plant unpretentious indoor plants. These are mainly plants that naturally grow in shady or shaded areas. We offer you names short description and photos of the most popular indoor rooms shade-loving plants.


Among the shade-loving plants there are many beautiful flowering ones. So you have the opportunity to decorate both northern and foliage-shaded windows with luxurious flowers. You just need to create plants optimal conditions For lush flowering and active growth.


Spathiphyllum is a beautiful, shade-tolerant plant loved by many gardeners. indoor flower. It feels great on a north-facing window, where its leaves acquire a rich green hue and an elongated shape. Likes frequent spraying and a shower once a month.


Gardenia is a real find for lovers of flowering indoor plants. With good humidity, comfortable temperature(from +16 to 24ºC) this beauty will delight you with its luxurious flowers. Just don’t forget to remove wilted buds in a timely manner.


Saintpaulia (Usambara violet) is one of the most common flowering indoor herbaceous plants. It develops well and blooms beautifully in partial shade, with sufficient humidity and comfortable temperatures (from +20 to +24°C).


Vriesia is an unusually beautiful indoor flower, memorable for its bright arrow. However, when growing it, you need to monitor the air temperature (not lower than +18 and not higher than +27 ° C) and the presence of water in its outlet.


Anthurium is quite capricious, but very beautiful flower, many types of which are intended only for heated greenhouses. When working with the plant, you need to be as careful as possible, as it contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane.


Begonia is one of the most beautiful shade-loving plants, whose beautiful large bright flowers serve as decoration for any interior in summer and winter. There are about 2000 species of decorative deciduous and decorative flowering begonias. And they all prefer partial shade and moderate watering.


Shade-loving clivia pleases gardeners with unusual umbrella-shaped inflorescences located on high peduncles. However, for abundant flowering it needs good watering, light partial shade and fertile soil.

Calathea Crocata

This representative of the arrowroot family is grown for its beautiful leaves of unusual colors: speckled, dashed, dark and light green. Calathea Crocata does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and dry air. Grows well in a closed flower window.


For its lovely flowers, wide open and pansy-like, the Miltonia orchid is called “ pansies" Loves partial shade and good humidity. Afraid of drafts. A sign of the correct location of the plant is the pinkish tint of its leaves.


Streptocarpus, with its delicate, bell-like flowers, is a real boon for gardeners. It is unpretentious in care, tolerates partial shade, blooms magnificently and for a long time (up to six months) and is easily propagated by any of its parts.


Azalea (rhododendron) is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful and vibrant flowering indoor plants. In conditions high humidity air, with regular spraying and observing the temperature regime (from +12 to +20 °C), it will delight you with a luxurious cap of amazing flowers in the winter cold.


Angrecum, like all orchids, is very delicate and whimsical tropical flower. But it grows well with plenty of moisture and regular spraying with soft, warm water in light partial shade or with sufficient artificial lighting.


Ampelous indoor shade-loving plants are an excellent room decor, especially if you need to decorate the walls. They are grown in hanging pots, pots, flowerpots and baskets.


Ivy is one of the popular hanging plants. It absolutely cannot tolerate direct sunlight, changes in the light source and does not like temperature changes. Shade-tolerant, but loves soft diffused light.

Green-leaved syngonium

Green-leaved syngonium is a very beautiful, distinctive vine with succulent leaves on long petioles. The leaf blades of the plant, closing together, form a continuous green cascade that will decorate any interior. The main thing is to avoid excessive dryness of the air.

Roicissus rhombicus

Roicissus rhombicum is perfect as vertical gardening large premises. But remember that this decorative deciduous vine from the grape family requires regular pruning and systematic spraying.


Epipremnum is an unpretentious, very easy to grow tropical vine. It grows very quickly (in a year - more than a meter) and curls beautifully over a decorative moss-covered special support. Blooms only in natural conditions.


Peperomia is a perennial tropical evergreen herbaceous plant from the southern regions of India and America. In nature it grows on tree trunks, and indoors it grows well in light partial shade. True, in winter, in order not to lose color, it requires brighter lighting.


A native of Northern and South America, today Tradescantia is undeservedly forgotten, although not so long ago it could be seen in any public place. The benefits of this perennial indoor plant herbaceous plant in its absolute unpretentiousness. Grows well in the shade. The main thing is a sufficient amount of moisture.

Creeping callisia grows quickly and creates a beautiful green carpet that is pleasing to the eye. You just need to make sure that the soil in which callisia grows does not dry out, and that there is enough space and air around the plant. Loves “walks” on the balcony or terrace.


Scindapsus is an unpretentious tropical liana with original leaves painted in yellow and white stains. This fast-growing plant looks great against the background of greenery of other flowers, it loves high humidity, partial shade, and from spring to autumn - abundant watering.

Palm and large-sized

Shade-loving palm plants and large trees are widely used in decorative floriculture. They look great alone and are best suited to decorate large spacious rooms, adding a touch of exoticism to them.


Ficuses are popular tree-like, fast-growing, beautiful shade-loving plants. They look good in residential and office spaces, and in winter gardens. Ficuses love partial shade and plenty of moisture.


Hamedorea is a slow-growing, shade-tolerant palm. Its other name is bamboo palm. It is important to frequently spray the leaves of this beauty, wipe them from dust with a soft damp cloth, protect them from direct sunlight, and wash them once every two weeks under a warm shower.


Rapis is a slow-growing ornamental palm tree that not only decorates the interior, but also cleanses the air well of pollutants. Rapis loves soft, diffused light, abundant watering in summer (once every 3 days), and moderate (once every 10 days) watering in winter, walks and regular wiping of the leaves. It is also important to promptly prune dried parts of the plant.


Dracaena is a tree-like ornamental indoor plant, very similar in appearance to a palm tree. Its other name is “ dragon tree", which dracaena acquired thanks to its unusual red juice. Loves moisture, moderate temperatures and partial shade.


Cordyline is a tree-like, shade-loving plant of the Dracaena family. For good growth and beautiful appearance Cordyline needs regular watering with soft, settled water, diffused light, and in winter additional lighting.


Monstera is one of the most beautiful indoor vines. This tropical large plant is very popular in homes and institutions with limited light. Under favorable conditions - moderate temperatures, regular spraying, protection from direct sunlight, it can grow up to 3-4 m in height.


Decorative deciduous shade-loving indoor plants are natives of the subtropics and tropics. They are grown for their showy leaves. These non-flowering plants are not picky about light and can decorate the interior of rooms with windows facing north.


Flower growers breed Fittonia for its beautiful leaves. However, in order for their color not to fade, the plant needs partial shade, since Fittonia cannot withstand either bright sun or full shade. But in winter it needs additional lighting.


Nephrolepis – bright representative ferns with tufted stems and small green leaves. It grows well in partial shade, but does not like too dark places and direct sunlight on the leaves. Needs constant spraying with soft warm water.

Fatshedera Lisa

Fatshedera lise is an original hybrid of ivy and Japanese fatsia. This deciduous, shade-tolerant houseplant is perfect for a hallway. It can be planted at front door and north window. The main thing is not to fill it up and take it out Fresh air in the summer.

Fatsia japonica

Thanks to its beautiful crown, Fatsia japonica is widely used for interior decoration. It is not very capricious, grows quickly and tolerates partial shade, but prefers coolness and fresh air. Also, for comfortable development, she needs a lot of free space.


Adiantum is the most sophisticated and delicate representative of ferns. Its beautiful leaves are widely used to decorate bouquets and will decorate any interior. However, they require protection from bright sun. Therefore, penumbra and north windowsperfect option for adiantum.


Philodendrons are a beautiful creeping vine with semi-herbaceous woody branches and long aerial roots. This is one of the most shade-tolerant and unpretentious vines suitable for growing in hanging pots. Does not tolerate drafts, temperature changes, dry soil and air.


Calathea is a wonderful representative of the arrowroot family, whose main decoration is large leaves original colors that fold up overnight. Calathea is quite capricious to care for. It grows best 2 m from a western window, on a tray of wet pebbles, in conditions without drafts and temperature changes.


Arrowroot, with its original oval leaves, creates a unique decorative effect, which attracts many gardeners. True, they have to try to make the arrowroot feel comfortable and its leaves look attractive - water it often (every 3-4 days) and spray it with settled water every day, protect it from temperature changes, strong shade and bright light.


An inhabitant of subtropical forests, aucuba is a tree-like, shade-loving plant. She is very shade-tolerant and is more afraid of excess light than lack of it. Moderate air temperature (not higher than +20 °C) is also important for akuba. You need to work with it carefully, because it is poisonous.


Codium (croton) is a beautiful indoor plant of the Euphorbiaceae family, valuable for its luxurious leaf color. Needs very good watering, drainage and constant spraying. It is important to spray the plant in the shade, since in the sun after this procedure burns may appear on the leaves.

For rooms where sunlight rarely reaches, these indoor plants can be a real salvation. They thrive in partial shade and low light.

Most plants from the selection Bright Side All the beauty is not in the flowers, but in the beautiful leaves. But this is also a lot, considering the sunless “diet” and how they perfectly purify the air.


The patterned leaves make this plant a welcome addition to any room, but keep in mind that direct sunlight is not recommended. The best option for calathea is partial shade.


Diffused light works best for this plant. It's best to keep it behind a curtain. The plant is especially beautiful in spring and summer, when light, delicate leaves appear in the center.

Dracaena marginata

This is a real piece of the tropics on the office desk. But keep the plant away from direct sunlight - it can damage them. The plant loves shade.

Chlorophytum crested

A very unpretentious plant, therefore quite popular. It can go without the sun for a long time and at the same time perfectly purifies the air.


A plant with tiny delicate leaves looks beautiful in hanging plant pots and in pots next to tall plants. But be careful: do not plant it near low plants - helxina can “strangle” them. You are required to water and spray frequently.


More than 2,000 species of ferns are suitable for growing at home. These tropical plants are willing to stay in the shade, but they will not tolerate dry air. They need frequent spraying of leaves, especially during the heating season.

Philodendron cordate

Perhaps this is the favorite plant of many gardeners. Feels good in the shade and perfectly purifies the air. Occasionally it is necessary to pinch so that it does not stretch too long.


A tropical plant that thrives when receiving only artificial light. Thrives in damp conditions, such as bathrooms.


If you often forget to water your plants and almost no sunlight gets into the room, you can choose such a beautiful and unpretentious flower.


One of the best options for a room with low light. Ideal for beginner gardeners.

Sansevieria three-lane

A plant that requires virtually no care. Light affects its growth, but it lives well in the dark.

Aspidistra tall

This plant tolerates shade, heat and cold well. But it will take a little patience as it grows very slowly.

Preview photo happymodern, beyondstores

Today the editors of Useful Tips will tell you about indoor plants that take root well in dark rooms and do not require special care. They will help refresh the air in your home and decorate any corner of it with the charm inherent only in greenery.

Which plants to choose for dimly lit rooms

1. Aglaonema

Aglaonema is an excellent choice for beginners. She is unpretentious and feels great in dark rooms.

2. Aspidistra elatior

Tolerant of shade, cold and heat, this plant will test your patience for only one reason - it develops more slowly than other plants.

3. Calathea

Calathea will surprise you with the variety of leaf colors and will become a chic decoration for your home. Due to the fact that this plant does not tolerate the sun, the best place for it will be rooms with poor natural lighting.

4. Chlorophytum comosum

This plant perfectly purifies the air and does not require much light or special care. Therefore, it can often be found in apartments and public institutions.

5. Dracaena

Despite the fact that dracaena resembles tropical palms, direct sunlight can simply burn its leaves. Therefore, place it where it will be protected from light.

6. Dieffenbachia

Not requiring special care, Dieffenbachia will decorate any interior. It does not require much sunlight, so it survives well even in rooms with closed curtains.

7. Neoregelia

This plant, belonging to the genus Bromeliad, is content even with artificial light, so it will be an excellent choice for the bathroom.

8. Philodendron cordatum

This plant has taken a special place in the hearts of gardeners. Probably because it gets along well in dark places and purifies the air perfectly. We recommend removing some leaves to speed up its growth.

9. Fern

All fern-like plants are an excellent solution for those who want to decorate rooms with poor lighting with plants. Unpretentious to sunlight, they require a lot of water. Therefore, water your ferns thoroughly and periodically spray their leaves so that they delight you with lush greenery.

10. Sansevieria or Mother-in-law's Tongue

The very unpretentious sansevieria will not be scared by darkness. This is probably why it was so popular among lovers of indoor plants.

11. Soleirolia soleirolii

This plant is called "baby tears" due to its small leaves. It needs a lot of water, so we do not recommend planting it in the same pot with other plants.

12. Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is easy to care for and does not require direct sunlight or regular watering. Therefore, it will pleasantly surprise those who often forget to water their indoor plants.

Watch the video and learn more about plants that don't require much sunlight to thrive.

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You want to enjoy the coziness that plants create in every room. But not every room is flooded with sunlight, and bad light significantly limits our landscaping capabilities. We have compiled for you a list of plants that will do well even in the hallway, corridor or bathroom. Among them there are both simply green and flowering plants that require little light.

Howea (Kentia)

Howea, also called the paradise palm, not only looks beautiful and does not require serious care, but also produces a large amount of oxygen. The plant is very unpretentious: artificial light and a small amount of water are enough. Water the palm tree once a week, and it will delight you with its appearance and fresh air.


Aspidistras are very popular, and for good reason. Extremely easy to care for, these palms are also suitable for inexperienced gardeners: they do not require frequent watering, rarely get sick and are completely unpretentious to light. Of course, with good lighting, like any plant, the aspidistra will grow faster, but even in a dark corridor it will feel good. But direct sunlight will only harm its leaves.

Epipremnum aureus

Epipremnum aureus is a climbing plant that will grow depending on the direction of support, either upwards or sideways. This type of vine with multi-colored leaves must be protected from drafts and promptly provided with moisture. However, epipremnum will tolerate short periods of drought.

READ ALSO: The best winter gardens and greenhouses in the house


Zamioculcas, which are also called “ dollar tree" The plant, which does not need much light, attracts the eye with pleasantly shiny leaves. The color of the leaves is determined by the growing conditions. In the shade, Zamioculcas grows more slowly, the leaves acquire a rich green tint. A large amount of light stimulates the growth of the flower and makes it lighter. In general, zamioculcas can bloom, but this rarely happens. A sign of drought is the falling of the upper leaves, although the flower does not require water, and excessive watering can even be destructive.

A plant that needs little light is Sansevieria.

Sansevieria is a desert plant that is not afraid of drought. The only condition for keeping it is a temperature above 12 degrees. If desired, sansevieria twigs can be intertwined, it turns out very impressive.

Decorative asparagus

This plant can do just fine without light, although the ideal position for it is in a north-facing window. Ornamental asparagus loves water very much, so the soil should be constantly moist.

Chlorophytum (green lily)

The shape of the leaves of chlorophytum resembles sedge. Even the colors can be the same: the leaves are either completely green or with white stripes. The plant tolerates darkness, drafts and hot air from radiators, so it can be placed anywhere without worrying about its future fate. The only condition is that watering must be regular, because the green lily will not tolerate a long period of drought.


Another plant that needs little light, and is also distinguished by its beautifully decorated leaves. Philodendron grows quickly and, if supported, can be used as a creeping plant. In heavily heated rooms, philodendron needs additional moisture: it needs to be sprayed and ensure that the soil does not dry out.


Ferns tolerate the absence of light very well. Add resistance to cold here - and you can place a fern even in a poorly heated hallway. Undemanding to light, ferns love moisture, making them ideal plants for the bathroom. In heavily heated rooms, the leaves need to be additionally sprayed to obtain a sufficient amount of moisture.


A very cute plant consisting of tiny leaves on thin stems. You can shape its crown yourself by trimming the excess with scissors.


Schefflera is very popular as it grows quickly. A little light will not harm the plant, but the flower will grow more slowly. However, what difference does it make if he will delight you with his appearance anyway?

Flowering plants that require little light. Spathiphyllum

If you want to add some gorgeous flowering plants to brighten up the dark corners of your home, here are some plants that require little light. A great example of this is the spathiphyllum with its interesting white flowers. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the flowers lighten and wither, but the lack of light does not in any way affect the flowering of spathiphyllum. Therefore this moisture-loving plant can decorate, for example, your bathroom. Otherwise, spray its leaves more often.


With its flowers, alocasia resembles a plant. However, the big difference lies in the leaves: in Alocasia they grow large, burdock-like in shape. Again, this moisture-loving plant needs regular misting.


This flower, which receives little light, catches the eye with its contrasting brightness. In general, Aeschinatus loves good lighting (only without exposure to direct sunlight), but, once it gets used to it, it begins to bloom in dark corners.

Sideraris brownish

Cute flowering plant, which does not require a lot of light. The flowers are small, purple, reminiscent of violets. With enough light it will actively grow and bloom, but it will not wither away in dark places.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Kalanchoe Blossfeld can produce flowers of completely different shades, although they were originally red. Breeders managed to create orange, yellow, white, pink and purple flowers. Kalanchoe is a succulent, which means it requires no effort to grow, while still filling the room with its blooming beauty. It is better to water the plant when the soil dries out from the previous watering.


Periwinkle also has to offer a large assortment shades. Periwinkle grows best in cool, well-ventilated areas. The shoots can reach two meters, so the plant will look beautiful in a hanging pot. Liven up a dark room with bright colors!

READ ALSO: Hanging planters for flowers - 24 photos


The amount of light affects the shape of the leaves, so a large amount of light will still benefit the anthurium. But even in the dark, the plant will delight you with its white and red flowers, the main thing is to water it on time.


Good lighting stimulates the formation of streptocarpus flowers. In the dark, it will simply not bloom as actively. Otherwise, this is an unpretentious and easy-to-care plant.


Aglaonema also produces beautiful flowers. Appearing at the end of summer, they gradually turn into berries. But be careful: the berries are not edible and even poisonous! The rest of the time, aglaonema will decorate the room with its wide spotted leaves.

Solenostemon (coleus)

Coleus, a plant that receives little light, does not produce flowers, but has leaves of a very unusual bright color. Coleus requires watering once a week: immerse the pot in water, and after a few minutes drain the excess.


Indoor plants decorate the house and make the life of a modern city dweller more joyful. And even if a city apartment is not always sunny and spacious. There are many - large and compact, bright and modest, shade-loving, decorative deciduous and flowering - that can decorate any home, even a dark hallway. For example, those that do not need bright lighting.

Shade-loving indoor plants

In urban dwellings there is often a shortage of well-lit, sunny places. Therefore, shade-loving ones are especially valued. Sciophytes - “shade plants” - this is the name given to representatives of the flora that prefer shaded areas. They are also known as heliophobes - those who are afraid of the sun.

These amazing plants thrive in partial shade, out of reach of direct sunlight. Only here their beauty is fully revealed, the leaves become fabulously decorative, and the flowering becomes as spectacular and abundant as possible.

Bright light if not destructive, then definitely not useful. The ancestral home is the gloomy deciduous forests of the most different parts Sveta. Under their canopy, the leaves acquire an exotic color; only here is flowering possible.

Many shade-tolerant inhabitants of the lower tiers of tropical and subtropical forests have settled in city apartments. And now the best place for them has become the northern and western home window sills, the shaded corners of the rooms, where only diffused light falls.

Among them are those that do not bloom or have very modest inflorescences, but have extremely decorative leaves different colors. Others feature colorful flowers.

Some shade-loving ones are luxurious and large, many are graceful and airy unpretentious plants. Each one needs proper placement and special tender, loving care.


A small part of shade-loving plants can boast luxurious flowers. However, even among them there are spectacular species that can make up an exquisite collection.

Anthurium - a flower that prefers shade

For good health, this exotic plant needs partial shade from spring to autumn and diffused light in the cold season. Blooms from mid-spring to late summer. The anthurium inflorescence-cob is framed by a bright “waxy” blanket.

Anthurium with blue flowers

Regular, but not excessive watering, air humidification, and temperature control (constant temperature of about 15 degrees) are required.


Good lighting is required, but indirect sunlight. Annual flowering will provide winter holidays, during which the flower must be moved to a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees), reduce watering and stop feeding. The rest of the time it should not be moved, replanted, or over-watered.

Bright clivia flowers

Occasionally you need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Bell-shaped red, yellow or orange flowers, collected in an inflorescence on a high peduncle, look bright and very impressive.


A striking representative of the “atmospheric” bromeliads. The 70 cm inflorescence with bright bracts makes it memorable. For luxurious flowering you need a stable temperature in the range of 19-28 degrees, and constant moistening of the rosette.


Sempolia or Uzambara violet

Although this flower needs enough light, does not tolerate direct sunlight well: burn spots appear on the leaves, their color fades, and there is no flowering. The best option for placing violets is light partial shade, diffused light.

Violet is a very popular flower

Decorative foliage

The main advantage of decorative deciduous plants is spectacular coloring of their leaves. The flowers may be small and inconspicuous.


This plant of “strict lines” is called by amateur gardeners “mother-in-law’s tongue” and “ pike tail" Many varieties have been bred with different combinations of colors in the color of leathery leaves.

In partial shade the contrast of color spots becomes brighter. In favorable conditions, Sansevieria blooms, throwing out long “candles” of white and yellowish inflorescences.


Ferns - love dark places

Among the many types, you can choose for both home and office, large or compact types. For example, broad-leaved Asplenium or delicate thin-leaved Adiantum (Venus hair).

All of them prefers shade or partial shade, moist air and soil.


Crassula (money tree)

The money tree does not tolerate shade well, but feels comfortable in dim lighting. Abundant watering is not required.

Money Tree


Compact ampelous and dwarf species need partial shade, they bright light is contraindicated. Moderate watering, air humidification, and temperatures above 12 degrees are required.



Takes root well in bright room, but at some distance from the window. Frequent spraying of leaves and maintaining a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees is required. Compact and large species have been bred.


Palm trees and large trees for home growing in partial shade

Such plants will decorate a spacious room, office or winter garden.


A tree-like plant with contrasting colors of narrow long leaves. Depending on the type, dracaena grows from 70 cm to 3 m in height. To preserve decorativeness it is necessary sufficient but not bright lighting, moderate hydration.

One of the types of dracaena


Height from 0.5 to 2 meters. Often grown in tubs. It is distinguished not only by its varied color, but also by the shape of its leaves: they can be very narrow, long, lanceolate, or wide, round. Cordyline is often confused with dracaena.

Cordilina on the windowsill on the north side


Doesn't tolerate bright lighting at all. Loves " water procedures» - wiping and polishing the leaves, spraying, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter.



This name combines various species that have one feature: a single growth point at the top of the stem. Most palms grown indoors are love partial shade, abundant watering in summer and less intense in winter, humid air.

Everyone cannot stand drafts and transplants.


Climbing shade-tolerant

To decorate walls and create volumetric compositions they use climbing plants and vines.

Philodendron climbing

Does not tolerate direct sunlight and strong shade. Best Accommodation – in bright but diffuse light or in partial shade. Moisturizing is weak in winter, frequent and abundant in summer.

Philodendron climbing


There are a huge number of types of this hanging plant with varied leaf colors. To preserve its decorativeness partial shade required or indirect bright light.



An excellent option for decorating large surfaces. There is plenty of imagination given by the variety of varieties - the leaves can be large leathery and small delicate, whole and dissected. It grows quickly, becomes attractive and decorates the room.


Features of shade-loving flowers

All shade-loving plants are characterized by properties that distinguish them from others:

  • decorative qualities are most clearly manifested, if the flower is located in the shade or partial shade most of the day;
  • under intense lighting, development is inhibited, growth slows down, leaf color fades, flowering may not occur; in direct sunlight, the plant may get burned;
  • need sufficient soil and air moisture;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime;
  • usually shade-loving cannot tolerate frequent transplants.

Shade-loving plants are beautiful in their diversity. From them you can create exquisite, bright, stylish, light or respectable compositions that will become the main decoration of any room.