Job responsibilities of an energy inspector. Job description for energy sales technician for working with household consumers. Powers of the energy sales controller

Job responsibilities of an energy inspector. Job description for energy sales technician for working with household consumers. Powers of the energy sales controller

The Energy Supervision Department exists within the structure of Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation. The state exercises supervision in such areas as:

  1. safety regulation nuclear power plants and nuclear research facilities
  2. regulation of the safety of nuclear fuel cycle facilities, nuclear power plants ships and radiation hazardous facilities, supervision of accounting and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection
  3. mining supervision
  4. general industrial supervision
  5. construction supervision
  6. energy supervision
  7. supervision in the coal industry
  8. supervision of oil and gas complex facilities

Also, the management structure of Rostechnadzor includes a number of auxiliary departments.

Energy supervision inspections (groups) are divided by territorial basis. Moscow Energonadzor is served by several groups of inspectors from the Interregional Technology Directorate Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision. Head organization as agreed project documentation is ANO ITC Mosgosenergonadzor, located at the address: 105043, Moscow, 4th Parkovaya St., 27. Coordination with Rostekhnadzor is necessary for power supply projects with installed capacity over 100 kW. The industrial inspectorate deals with industrial facilities and large consumers.

I approve

[organizational and legal [position, signature, full name.

Form, name of the manager or other official

Organizations, enterprises] of a person authorized to approve

Job description]

[day month Year]


Job description

3rd category energy sales controller [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, Tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of electric power industry workers, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1999 N 5; Model industry standards for free distribution to employees special clothing, special shoes and other means personal protection, approved Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 16, 1997 N 63, and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General provisions

1.1. An energy sales controller of the 3rd category belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person with special training is hired for the position of energy sales controller of the 3rd category, without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. An energy sales controller of the 3rd category is hired and dismissed from work by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.4. A 3rd category energy sales controller must know:

The principle of operation and rules of operation of electricity meters and instrument transformers;

Technical characteristics of electricity meters, instrument transformers and other serviced electrical appliances;

Schemes for connecting electric meters;

The principle of operation and connection diagrams of single-phase electricity meters;

Permissible errors in the operation of electricity meters;

Estimated coefficients;

Technology of payments for electricity;

Basic information about the electrical installations being serviced;

Methods for connecting electrical receivers, bypassing metering devices;

Job and production instructions;

Technological maps;

The procedure for maintaining documentation for electricity calculations;

Rules for payments for electricity using computer technology;

The procedure for correct use of tabulagrams for payments for electricity;

Rules technical operation power stations and networks;

Rules and regulations on occupational health, safety and industrial sanitation;

Fire safety rules;

Rules of Gosgortekhnadzor (to the extent of knowledge in one’s profession);

Kinds emergency situations, the causes of their occurrence and methods of prevention and elimination;

Internal labor regulations of the organization.

2. Job responsibilities

The 3rd category energy sales controller is assigned the following responsibilities:

2.1. Control over settlements with electricity consumers based on tabs or paid bills received from the bank, and electricity consumption by consumers.

2.2. Switching off and on electrical appliances of electricity consumers and their maintenance.

2.3. Conducting payments for electricity for assigned consumers.

2.4. Preparation, issuance of tasks, acceptance of work from energy sales controllers of lower qualifications and electricians for the operation of electric meters.

2.5. Carrying out work on computers when making payments to consumers for the electricity they consumed.

2.6. Monitoring the condition of electricity metering devices and ensuring their correct operation.

2.7. Management of energy sales controllers of lower qualifications.

2.8. In addition, a 3rd category energy sales controller must also perform work related to the acceptance and delivery of shifts, timely preparation of his workplace, equipment, tools and devices for work, maintaining them in proper order, and maintaining established technical documentation.

3. Rights

3.1. A 3rd category energy sales controller has the right to:

For all social guarantees provided for by law;

Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in fulfilling its professional responsibilities and exercise of rights;

Demand the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision necessary equipment, equipment, workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.;

For the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment;

For payment additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease;

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;

Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration;

Request personally or on behalf of your immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary to perform your job duties;

Improve your professional qualifications;

Instructions for the position " Energy Supervision Inspector", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics workers' professions. Issue 62. Electricity production and distribution. (With amendments and additions made by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine dated September 8, 2003 N 462), (with amendments made in accordance with order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy N 196 dated 04/08/2009)", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine 03/16/2001 N 19. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine.
The document status is "valid".


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check of this document carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Energy Supervision Inspector" belongs to the "Specialists" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements- complete or basic higher technical education in the relevant field of training (specialist or bachelor) without work experience requirements.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- resolutions, orders of authorities top level;
- orders, methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on the operation and technical condition of electrical and heat-using installations;
- Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks;
- rules of the State Labor Supervision Service;
- Rules for electrical installations;
- Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations and Rules safe operation electrical installations of consumers;
- Rules for the technical operation of heat-using installations and heating networks and safety rules for the operation of heat-using installations and heating networks;
- Rules for the use of electrical and thermal energy (within the limits of this position);
- design diagrams and territorial location of energy supervision facilities;
- advanced production experience in the profile of its activities;
- basics of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- basics of labor legislation;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. An energy supervision inspector is appointed to a position and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The energy inspection inspector reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The energy inspection inspector supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, the energy inspection inspector is replaced by a person appointed to in the prescribed manner, which acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of the duties assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Monitors compliance and compliance by consumers with the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of electrical and heat-using installations, heating networks and other energy consumption conditions; technical condition backup power plants of consumers and schemes for their inclusion in the power grid; the state of the emergency automation system elements installed at consumers, which affect the reliability of the operation of electrical networks; compliance of power supply circuits (external and internal) with the categories of electrical receivers; compliance by consumers with electrical and thermal energy consumption modes and equipment operating modes with compensation reactive power, and also evaluates the effectiveness of the developed measures to comply with these regimes; consumer readiness to work in the autumn-winter period and the period of occurrence emergency situations; the state of operational dispatch control of consumers' energy services; fulfillment of technical conditions for connecting electrical and heat-using installations to the networks of energy supply organizations; the state and compliance of accounting for production, consumption of electrical and thermal energy with current requirements, as well as the reliability of energy consumption reporting; compliance by consumers and producers of electrical and thermal energy with energy quality indicators, as well as compliance by consumers of thermal energy with the amount of condensate return in accordance with established standards.

2.2. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.3. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. The energy inspection inspector has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or non-compliances.

3.2. The energy inspection inspector has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The energy inspection inspector has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. The energy supervision inspector has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The inspector of the Energy Supervision Inspectorate has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The energy inspection inspector has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. An energy inspection inspector has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The energy supervision inspector has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The inspector of the Energy Supervision Inspectorate has the right to familiarize himself with the documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The energy supervision inspector is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The energy inspection inspector is responsible for non-compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The energy supervision inspector is responsible for the disclosure of information about an organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. The energy inspection inspector is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The energy inspection inspector is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The energy inspection inspector is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The inspector of the Energy Supervision Inspectorate is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

PPEE, forms of contracts for the use of electronic devices. energy, notices, warnings, statements of debtors for consumed electricity. When entering the site, the controller is required to remove expensive jewelry; When visiting a household consumer during rounds, wear a “Badge” on your lapels outerwear, without waiting for the subscriber’s request, the controller presents an identity card; Be polite and tactful in dealing with subscribers; Handle books of personal accounts with care, fill out all the necessary columns in them legibly and clearly. When visiting subscribers, the controller is obliged to: When performing official duties controller 1st quarter gr. I am obliged to personally observe the following safety measures: When entering the apartment of subscribers with dogs, be careful.

Job description of the controller of the subscriber department (energy sales)

The notification is signed by two controllers, in whose presence the subscriber refused to accept the notification, and by the foreman.

  • If the subscriber agrees to conclude an agreement, the controller is obliged to carefully, without corrections, fill out two contract forms (possibly using a carbon copy), sign them with the subscriber and give one agreement to the subscriber, and the second to the foreman.
  • When filling out the contract, the controller indicates, without abbreviations, the last name, first name and patronymic of the subscriber (main tenant), his address and telephone number.
  • Clause 1 indicates the power of current collectors in kW allowed for connection.

Job description of the controller (energy sales)

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M.P. Job description of the controller of the subscriber department (energy sales) [name of organization, enterprise] This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions 1.1. The controller of the subscriber department (energy sales) belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [name of the manager's position]. 1.2. A person with [enter the required] education and work experience [enter the required] is accepted for the position of controller of the customer department (energy sales).

Error 404 page does not exist

PUE, PPEE for the population and Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations; 2.2.9. to prevent, identify and eliminate unmetered electricity consumption among the population and other consumers (legal entities and individuals); 2.2.10. for the issuance of orders by household consumers to eliminate violations of the PUE, PTE and PPEE during the operation of their electricity. installations and electricity meters and monitoring their implementation; 2.2.11. on issues of control reading of meter readings from both household consumers and legal entities(on the instructions of the management of the distribution zone), as well as timely payment for consumed electricity; 2.2.12. on registration and execution of requests for elimination of violations in the operation of metering devices of household electricity consumers. 2.3. Conducts: 2.3.1. work with subordinate personnel to improve their knowledge and qualifications; 2.3.2.

Energy sales controller

  • If an error is found, you can carefully cross it out with one line incorrect reading, write the correct ones next to them, sign and write your last name.
  • Must know
  1. Fundamentals of electrical engineering and Rules for the design of electrical installations of household electricity consumers in the scope of the work performed.
  2. The principle of operation and design of single-phase electric meters, their connection diagrams, their permissible errors.
  3. Methods for connecting pantographs bypassing metering devices and other methods of unmetered electricity consumption.
  4. Terms of use electrical energy for the population.
  5. Electricity tariffs for residential consumers.
  6. Rules of conduct when visiting household consumers.
  7. The procedure for concluding contracts for the use of email.

Energy sales controllers

  • Any visit of the controller to the subscriber must end with a corresponding entry in the subscription book, where the controller puts his signature and the date of the control collection.
  • When visiting apartments, the inspector is obliged to check the last name, first name, patronymic of the main tenant (owner of the house) with the entry in the personal account, and if a discrepancy is identified, re-register the contract (re-registration of the contract is carried out only according to the passport and the purchase and sale agreement, warrant, house book, will, contract donations).
  • When the subscriber fulfills the requirements of the PPEE and the terms of the contract for the use of electricity, a record of the meter readings and the date of the control reading is made in the subscriber book.
  • If any of the items listed in clause 3.4 are identified.

Topic: question about inspections from energy sales

The subscriber, if it is impossible to pay in full, must submit a debt repayment schedule, which is an addition to the agreement.

  • In the case of installation of current collectors at the consumer, the total power of which exceeds that permitted for use by the contract for the use of electricity, the controller leaves with the subscriber, against signature, an order (Appendix 7) and makes the corresponding entries in the book of personal accounts.
  • If the subscriber refuses to sign the act, accept a notice or order, appropriate notes are made in the book of personal accounts and 2 signatures of the controllers participating in the control survey and one signature of the foreman are placed, while the foreman confirms with his signature the accuracy of the records made by his subordinates.
  • If household subscribers have meters with an expired state verification date, appropriate notes are made in the book of personal accounts.

Responsibilities of an energy sales controller

  • calculated coefficients;
  • basic information about the electrical installations being serviced;
  • methods for connecting electrical receivers bypassing metering devices;
  • operating principle and connection diagrams of single-phase electric meters;
  • electricity payment technology;
  • procedure for maintaining documentation on electricity calculations;
  • technical characteristics of electricity meters, instrument transformers and other serviced electrical appliances:
  • rules for paying for electricity using computer technology;
  • the procedure for the correct use of tabulagrams for payments for electricity;
  • job description;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • labor protection and fire safety rules.

Controller (Energosbyt) Job responsibilities Serving electricity consumers.

Powers of the energy sales controller

They have the right to check the supply to the meter and their entire household for signs of unauthorized connection, but they do not have the right to check anything else. In response to their actions, call the police, demand that they draw up a report to the prosecutor, as well as to the RAO UES website at the headquarters for working with consumers. Anatoly Golov Union of Consumers of Russia Reply with citation

  • 06/18/2007 11:52 #9 Message from Anatoly Golov Dear carrambazv! There are no regulations other than the Constitution and PP No. 307 of 05.23.06 on this topic.
    They have the right to check the supply to the meter and their entire household for signs of unauthorized connection, but they do not have the right to check anything else.


Establishes and promptly delivers production tasks to teams and individual workers in accordance with approved production plans and schedules and monitors their implementation.2.7. Checks the work of inspectors directly at workplaces.2.8.

Analyzes the results of the production activities of controllers and takes measures to eliminate deficiencies in their work.2.9. Ensures correct and timely execution of primary documents for recording working hours, execution of acts - protocols for unaccounted electricity consumption.2.10.

Maintains documentation on the organization of work of controllers and reports on the work performed by them.2.11. Draws up protocols on administrative violations and violations of the requirements of the “Rules for the Use of Electricity for the Population.”2.12.

Rights of the energy sales controller


I approve [organizational and legal [position, signature, full name, form, name of manager or other official of the organization, enterprise] person authorized to approve job description] [day, month, year] M.

P. Job description of a 3rd category energy sales controller [name of organization, enterprise, etc.] This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Electric Power Industry Workers, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1999 N 5; Model industry standards for the free provision of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to employees, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 16, 1997 N 63, and other legal acts regulating labor relations. 1. General provisions 1.1.

Rights of an energy sales controller in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Responsibility The 3rd category energy sales controller is responsible for: 4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation RF.
4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

This instruction defines the rights and responsibilities of an energy supervision inspector of the 1st qualification group.
For independent work the controller of the 1st quarter. gr. allowed after industrial training By individual program and knowledge testing in the commission at the district email. networks to the 2nd group on electrical safety.
Industrial training controller 1st quarter. group is carried out under the guidance of a specially assigned controller of the 2nd or 3rd quarter. groups under the control of a technician of the energy sales area or an engineer of the settlements with the population group.
1st quarter controller training gr. consists in acquiring production skills to monitor the consumption of electricity by household consumers, the condition of electricity metering devices and consumer electrical wiring.
If the results of the knowledge test are positive, the person who has completed the training is issued a knowledge test certificate and an identity card for the right to independent work energy supervision controller of the 1st quarter. groups.
Work assignments are issued daily. In some cases, it is allowed to issue an assignment for a period of more than 1 day, subject to a written order from the head of the Distribution Zone.
In administrative and technical terms, controller of the 1st quarter. The group is directly subordinate to the technician of the energy sales area.
To work in an assigned area, the controller of the 1st quarter. gr. issued: assignments for the execution of work, against signature in the book of personal accounts, forms of acts of violation of PPEE, forms of contracts for the use of electronic mail. energy, notices, warnings, statements of debtors for consumed electricity.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The main tasks of the controller of the 1st quarter. gr. are:
Monitoring and ensuring complete and timely receipt Money from household consumers for consumed electricity in a designated area;
Control for rational use electricity;
Concluding contracts for the supply of electricity;
When performing the assigned task, the controller is obliged to pay attention to the presence at the specified address of consumers who do not have contracts for the supply of electricity, unmetered consumers (yard lighting, street lighting not provided for in contracts with organizations responsible for lighting residential areas, installations for temporary use of electricity, etc.)
Timely and high-quality execution planned tasks.
Energy Supervision Controller 1st Quarter gr. must:
When entering the site, have a “Badge”, an identity card, a safety certificate, and an e-mail with you. flashlight, work order, books of personal accounts, forms of acts of violation of PPEE, forms of contracts for the use of electronic mail. energy, notices, warnings, statements of debtors for consumed electricity.
When entering the site, the inspector is required to remove expensive jewelry;
When visiting a household consumer during rounds, wear a “Badge” on the lapels of your outerwear, without waiting for the subscriber’s request, the controller presents an identification card;
Be polite and tactful in dealing with subscribers;
Handle the books of personal accounts with care, fill out all the necessary columns in them legibly and clearly.

When visiting subscribers, the controller is obliged to:

When performing official duties, the controller of the 1st quarter. gr. I am obliged to personally observe the following safety measures:
When entering the apartment of subscribers with dogs, be careful. If the dog is not locked in a separate room or is not on a leash, the controller should not enter the subscriber’s premises and demand that he or his family members remove the dog from the premises. safe place(wear a muzzle);
When using auxiliary devices for taking readings of the electric meter (ladders, chairs, stools), be careful. Avoid using random objects (boxes, boards, bricks, etc.).
Issue an order to move the electric meter to a height of no more than 1.7 m (Appendix 9);
If there is no lighting in the subscriber’s apartment or staircase You should use a flashlight.
Before visiting the subscriber, use the book of personal accounts to find out the installation location of the subscriber’s meter, the date of his last visit and payment, etc.

If a meter is installed on a staircase, the controller must:

    1. Carefully copy into the book of personal accounts: meter readings, their type and number;
    2. Check the operation of the meters, namely, check for defects in the electric meter or damage to it (broken seal, broken glass, punctures and cracks, etc.), changing its switching circuit, devices for artificial braking of the disk and other devices that reduce the readings of the electric meter.
    3. After examining the accounting means installed on the staircase and making the appropriate entries, the inspector calls the subscriber’s apartment, introduces himself and informs the purpose of the visit.
    4. The purpose of the visit may be: a request to the subscriber to endorse the results of a control survey or an act of violation in metering equipment, the transmission of instructions or notifications to the subscriber, the conclusion of an agreement with the subscriber for the use of electricity, or checking the compliance of the contractual and actually connected power of the subscriber's electrical installation.
    5. Any visit of the controller to the subscriber must end with a corresponding entry in the subscription book, where the controller puts his signature and the date of the control collection.
    6. When visiting apartments, the inspector is obliged to check the last name, first name, patronymic of the main tenant (owner of the house) with the entry in the personal account, and if a discrepancy is identified, re-register the contract (re-registration of the contract is carried out only according to the passport and the purchase and sale agreement, warrant, house book, will, contract donations).
    7. When the subscriber fulfills the requirements of the PPEE and the terms of the contract for the use of electricity, a record of the meter readings and the date of the control reading is made in the subscriber book.
    8. If any of the items listed in clause 3.4 are identified. violations in the operation of accounting tools installed on landing an act of violation of the PPEE is drawn up for the population (Appendix 1) with a detailed and clear statement of the discovered facts and about which a corresponding entry is made in the book of personal accounts and reported to the site technician at the next duty. At the same time, the act indicates the current collectors available to the consumer, connected to the network and their power (electric lamps, electric devices, electric motors, electric heaters and other electrical appliances).
    9. The absence of accounting means or their non-compliance with the requirements of the PPEE is a gross violation of the PPEE for the population. In this regard, the subscriber is issued a notification against signature (Appendix 2) about the need to restore electricity metering within 3 months and enter into an agreement for temporary unmetered electricity consumption (Appendix 3).

If a meter is installed in an apartment or premises controlled by a subscriber, the controller is obliged to:

    1. Introduce yourself to the subscriber and inform the purpose of the visit.
    2. The purpose of the visit may be: conducting a control reading, checking the subscriber’s compliance with the PPEE requirements for the population, etc.
    3. If the subscriber refuses to let the controller in, the latter verbally warns the subscriber about the consequences and invites the subscriber to receive a notification (Appendix 8). In case of refusal to accept the notification, the controller signs the notification and leaves it in mailbox subscriber The tear-off coupon indicates when and where the notice was left, the reason for not delivering it to the subscriber and the date.
    4. Upon admission of the controller to the installation site of accounting equipment.
    5. Carefully copy into the personal account book: the meter reading, its type and number;
    6. When installing the meter at a height of more than 1.7 m, ask the subscriber for a chair for more convenient reading of the meter. Give him an order to move the meter to a height of no more than 1.7 m. (Appendix 9).
    7. Carry out an external inspection of the estimated electric meter - checking the integrity of all seals, glass and casing, the absence of a gap between the glass and the casing, etc.
    8. If any defects are detected in the electric meter or damage to it (breakage of the seal, broken glass, punctures and cracks, etc.), a change in its switching circuit, devices for artificial braking of the disk and other devices that reduce the readings of the electric meter, as well as if hidden wiring, installed for the purpose of stealing electricity by receiving it in addition to the electric meter, grounding the electrical wiring (with an unphased electric meter), the controller is obliged to draw up a report at the site of the violation (Appendix 1).
    9. When filling out a report on the discovery of hidden wiring installed to receive electricity in addition to the electric meter, the controller is obliged to draw up and attach to the report a diagram for connecting this wiring to the network.
    10. A bilateral act is drawn up on special forms as a carbon copy in two copies, without erasures or corrections.
    11. The act is drawn up in the presence of the main tenant or, in his absence, another adult who uses electricity through the same meter as the main consumer. The act is signed by the controller and the consumer. If the consumer refuses to sign, a note about the refusal is made in the act. The act is considered valid if it is signed by three representatives of the electricity supplier. The second copy of the act is handed over to the consumer against signature on delivery on the controller’s copy. The first copy of the report remains in the hands of the controller and is handed over to the site technician during the report for further action.
    12. If the meter malfunctions in cases beyond the control of the consumer (sticking of the counting mechanism, reversal of numbers, etc.), the controller is obliged to submit a request to the site technician to replace the meter. Based on the applications, a work order is issued - a task for replacing meters.
    13. When checking a subscriber's meter readings, the controller must compare electricity consumption with the availability of electrical appliances. If there is any doubt about the correct operation of the electric meter, the controller is obliged to notify the site technician, who must take measures to check the meters and electrical wiring.
    14. If a malfunction is detected in the subscriber's electrical wiring, especially allowing the theft of electricity, the controller of the 1st quarter. gr. must submit a report (Appendix 6) to the site technician indicating the noticed malfunction in order to take action.
    15. In case of unsatisfactory condition external electrical wiring household consumer or internal electrical wiring to the meter that threatens fire or danger to human life, controller of the 1st quarter. gr. obliged to warn him about the danger of damage to the email. electric shock and immediately notify the site technician for further action.
    16. If a subscriber violates the terms of payment or the payment does not correspond to the actual consumption of electricity, he is given, against signature, a warning about disconnection from the power supply source for non-payment (Appendix 4).
    17. At the same time, it is necessary to explain to the subscriber that reconnection will be possible only after payment of the entire amount of debt and the costs of the oblenergo for disconnection and connection
    18. The subscriber, if it is impossible to pay in full, must submit a debt repayment schedule, which is an addition to the agreement.
    19. In the case of installation of current collectors at the consumer, the total power of which exceeds that permitted for use by the contract for the use of electricity, the controller leaves with the subscriber, against signature, an order (Appendix 7) and makes the corresponding entries in the book of personal accounts.
    20. If the subscriber refuses to sign the act, accept a notice or order, appropriate notes are made in the book of personal accounts and 2 signatures of the controllers participating in the control survey and one signature of the foreman are placed, while the foreman confirms with his signature the accuracy of the records made by his subordinates.
    21. If household subscribers have meters with an expired state verification date, appropriate notes are made in the book of personal accounts. If the subscriber does not have an agreement for the use of electricity, the controller is obliged to offer the subscriber to conclude an agreement. Instructions for concluding an agreement are given below.
    22. Before the next assignment, the controller submits a report to the foreman (Appendix 6) indicating the comments identified during the execution of the assignment, and makes entries in the log of notifications, warnings, and orders issued to subscribers.

In the case of examining a meter installed at a subscriber living in a private home, the inspector is obliged to:

    1. Carry out all the actions provided for in the section describing the case of installing a meter in an apartment or premises controlled by the subscriber .
    2. All pantographs located on the estate are subject to additional inspection.
    3. When visiting the estates of household subscribers, the controller is obliged to pay attention to the distances between by air lines power transmission lines and tree branches that grow on the consumer’s territory. In the case when this distance is less than 1 meter, the consumer is issued an order to bring the protected area under the overhead line into compliance with the requirements of the PUE (Appendix 10). A corresponding entry is made in the book of personal accounts.
    4. If after 6 months secured territory The overhead line will not be brought into compliance with the requirements of the PUE; the consumer will be given a second notification and a warning about disconnection.
    5. One of the most common methods of theft in the private sector is burglary. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of burns on the wires, look for fishing rods with wires.
    6. When inspecting private houses, the inspector must pay attention to cases of using electricity for non-domestic needs: power supply to car repair shops, retail outlets, warehouses, etc. When such cases are identified, a corresponding entry is made in the book of personal accounts and in this case reported to the foreman for further action.

The procedure for concluding contracts for the use of electricity by household consumers.

    1. If the consumer does not have an agreement with the electricity supply organization, the controller is obliged to offer the consumer to conclude an agreement for the supply of electricity.
    2. If the subscriber refuses to enter into an agreement, the consumer is given, against signature, a notice of the impossibility of further supply of electricity without concluding an agreement (Appendix 11).
    3. In case of refusal to accept the notification, the notification is left in the subscriber's mailbox, about which a corresponding entry is made in the book of personal accounts and the notification slip. The notification is signed by two controllers, in whose presence the subscriber refused to accept the notification, and by the foreman.
    4. If the subscriber agrees to conclude an agreement, the controller is obliged to carefully, without corrections, fill out two contract forms (possibly using a carbon copy), sign them with the subscriber and give one agreement to the subscriber, and the second to the foreman.
    5. When filling out the contract, the controller indicates, without abbreviations, the last name, first name and patronymic of the subscriber (main tenant), his address and telephone number.
    6. Clause 1 indicates the power of current collectors in kW allowed for connection. If the permitted value is not indicated in the personal account and paybook, the controller takes into account the actual connected power on the day of inspection, compares it with the tabular value determined by departmental building codes VBN 59-99 and records the actual value in the book and personal account. Approximate power is shown in the table:
    1. For private houses in the city and in the countryside, the amount of permitted power should be indicated from the certificate of approval of the electrical installation for operation, but not more than the value specified in technical conditions. If the acts or technical conditions have not been preserved, the controller calculates the actual connected power and enters it into the personal account card and paybook
    2. Points 4, 5, 7 are filled in if the subscriber has 3-phase current collectors approved for use. In everyday life, only space heating devices are allowed to be used, domestic water heaters and cooking stoves.
    3. Paragraphs 7 and 8 indicate only electrical appliances installed in accordance with the design of the premises and permitted for use.
    4. Paragraph 10 states: “at the terminals of the bushings” or “at the bolted terminals of the input cable.”
    5. If the subscriber puts forward a requirement to include in the contract current collectors whose power exceeds the permitted value, the controller issues a notification to the subscriber about the need to coordinate such a connection with the power supply organization (Appendix 7).
    6. If the subscriber has various reasons a debt has arisen to the electricity supplying organization; the amount of debt is in UAH. and kWh is indicated in clause 17 of the contract indicating the date of conclusion of the contract. In the line Debt Repayment Schedule it is indicated: “according to the appendix to this agreement.” The application itself is filled in:
      1. If the debt does not exceed six months' consumption of this subscriber, the subscriber does not have benefits or subsidies and does not refuse to sign the application for repayment of the resulting debt; the application for repayment of debt (Appendix 5) is filled out by the controller on the spot and is an integral part of the contract. In the application, the controller indicates the amount of debt at the time of concluding the contract, the repayment period (no more than 12 months) and the amount to be paid monthly.
      2. In cases where the debt exceeds the average 6-month consumption of the subscriber or the subscriber insists on a debt repayment period of more than 12 months, as well as in the event of the subscriber’s refusal to enter into an additional agreement on repayment of the debt, the subscriber is refused to enter into an agreement for the supply of electricity, about which an appropriate notice is made entry in the book of personal accounts, the subscriber is warned of the need to appear at the energy sales office to resolve the issue of concluding an agreement, and the subscriber is given a notice of termination of the supply of electricity in the event of a failure to conclude an agreement for the supply of electricity (Appendix 11).
    7. In clause 33 of the agreement, the subscriber clearly and completely indicates his last name, the date of conclusion of the agreement and puts his signature.
    8. At the end of the agreement the addresses of the parties are indicated.
    9. In the signature column of the parties, the energy supplier puts the signature of the director of the energy supply company or the person to whom the power of attorney was issued.

Controller rights.

    1. Controller 1st quarter groups have the right:
    2. Unimpeded access to electricity metering devices and other electrical installations of the consumer, with the exception of those that are operated in accordance with special rules, upon presentation of an identity card of the controller of the established form, with mandatory compliance with the Laws of Ukraine.
    3. Disconnect household consumers from the power supply when:
      1. Unauthorized connection to the power grid;
      2. Misuse of electricity, intentional damage to metering equipment and breaking seals;
      3. Violation of the deadlines for payment for consumed electricity in the manner prescribed by paragraph 27 of the PPEE;
      4. Failure to pay for the installation of a new metering device in accordance with clause 17 of the PPEE or other payments in accordance with the PPEE;
      5. Failure to comply with instructions State Inspectorate on energy supervision of electricity consumption modes;
      6. Decrease in power quality indicators due to the fault of the consumer.
    4. Draw up reports of violation by subscribers of the Rules for the Use of Electricity for the Population.
    5. Make suggestions to improve sales activities.
    6. To compensate for damage caused to him by injury or other health impairment caused to him in the performance of official duties, as well as payment of a one-time benefit in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Labor Protection” and the current legislation of Ukraine.
    7. Refuse the assigned work if a production situation is created that is dangerous to his life and health, or to the health of the people around him.
    8. Give proposals for conducting raids to identify the theft of electricity by household consumers.

Controller's responsibility.

    1. Controller 1st quarter gr. is responsible:
    2. For violation of the requirements of this instruction, the Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations of consumers and the incorrect application of the Rules for the use of electricity for the population.
    3. For failure to comply and untimely execution of orders from the site technician, the management of the distribution zone and the service of benefits and subsidies.
    4. For failure to comply with the internal regulations of the enterprise.
    5. For failure to take action against defaulters and household consumers when illegal use or theft of electricity is discovered.
    6. For the loss of an identity card or forms of acts of violation of PPEE.
    7. For tactless behavior and rudeness in working with household consumers.
    8. For failure to implement measures to reduce electrical losses. energy.
    9. For abuse of official position or exceeding the rights granted to him.
    10. For causing material damage to the enterprise by one’s actions or inaction.
    11. To the controller of the 1st quarter. groups are prohibited:
    12. Use matches in the subscriber's premises;
    13. Produce electric installation work in the subscriber’s electrical installations (including at the subscriber’s request);
    14. Receive money from subscribers to pay for email. energy;
    15. Correct or erase email readings recorded in personal account books. counters and previously made calculations.
    16. If an error is discovered, you are allowed to carefully cross out the incorrect testimony with one line, write the correct ones next to it, sign and write your last name.

Must know

    1. Fundamentals of electrical engineering and Rules for the design of electrical installations of household electricity consumers in the scope of the work performed.
    2. The principle of operation and design of single-phase electric meters, their connection diagrams, their permissible errors.
    3. Methods for connecting pantographs bypassing metering devices and other methods of unmetered electricity consumption.
    4. Rules for the use of electrical energy for the population.
    5. Electricity tariffs for residential consumers.
    6. Rules of conduct when visiting household consumers.
    7. The procedure for concluding contracts for the use of email. energy by household consumers.
    8. Laws of Ukraine on providing benefits to certain categories of the population.
    9. Instructions on labor protection for the energy supervisor and these production instructions.
    10. Other directive documents that relate to his work and labor protection.
    11. The bonus system in force at the enterprise.

Qualification requirements

    1. Controller 1st quarter group must have complete secondary education and work experience in the profession of 1 qualification group for at least 1 month.
    2. Training is carried out directly in production according to an approved individual program and in advanced training courses.
    3. Knowledge testing is carried out in commissions at electrical network districts.