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Job description of the caretaker according to etc. Job description of a caretaker, job responsibilities of a caretaker, sample job description of a caretaker. Job responsibilities of the caretaker

Employment sites

Specialized sites created for quickly finding information. The main task of employment sites is to provide job seekers with vacancies in various specialties and types of work, posting resumes and necessary employment links. To search for a job using employment sites, no special knowledge or skills are required - anyone can take part in the job search process.

This method of job search is ineffective for low-skilled specialists and senior personnel (top managers). The former do not look for work using Internet resources, and the latter do not use a similar method of job search. A recruiter must sift through dozens of unsuitable resumes to find a suitable candidate.

Employment sites are divided into sites of general specialization and narrow specialization. Thus, specialized resources provide information about vacancies and candidates in only one area of ​​business, for example, information technology, lawyers, HR specialists, and financiers.

Professional thematic sites

Such sites are considered a useful source of information about the most qualified specialists who are experts, commentators or authors of certain articles. The recruiter receives information about a professional in the field that interests him, learns about events, and also gets the opportunity to attend such an event and increase his network of professional contacts for the purpose of searching and selecting specialists. Professional websites typically include employment sections and specialist forums. The disadvantage of using this method of personnel selection is that a lot of work is required to find the names of specialists.

Professional forums

A positive feature of using this method of personnel selection is the opportunity to contact specialists who use professional forums to exchange information and experience, as well as to meet and communicate with colleagues. The downside is that it takes a lot of time to find the right specialist.

Social media

Social networks provide the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the profile (analogue of a resume) of a specialist and directly contact the candidate by writing him a letter. As they are also called, “business card holders” of specialists make it possible to obtain data from candidates who are not actively looking for work.

Marina Zelenina,
Commercial Director

The use of the global web as a means of job search, on the one hand, and a means of searching for personnel, on the other, has become commonplace and everyday. In Yekaterinburg alone, there are several dozen sites, including highly specialized ones, where job seekers and employers can “find” each other. And this is great, because it greatly makes it easier for people to solve a specific problem. And this is natural, since the development of technological progress cannot be stopped.

There are different types of sites: pages on which vacancies are posted; specialized, working with specialists in a certain field of activity, for example, for accountants, auditors, financiers or for industry representatives. They only register candidates, from which employers select potential candidates for vacancies. Others ask candidates to fill out a fairly detailed questionnaire to make the employer’s search easier. Still others accept an application from a candidate “I want this and that,” and vacancies come in response.

To summarize, we can distinguish two types of sites: a) free for job seekers - the employer pays for posting a vacancy (analogous to a newspaper); b) and vice versa, operating on the principle of an online store for selling resumes, where the employer pays for receiving candidates’ resumes

ABOUT pros There is no need to speculate for a long time - they are obvious.

Firstly, any specialist or person who is determined to change jobs can post their resume completely freely and free of charge on the site that interests them. In some cases, you can get a list of vacancies for money in order to try to find something for yourself.

A high-level specialist who does not want to “shine the spotlight” (after all, employers also “monitor” these sites from time to time!) can look for a vacancy that interests him and call directly the employer or recruiting agency.

Secondly, the employer, in some cases for free, in others for a small fee, can post his vacancies on the site - like in a newspaper. Or request (or view) a list of resumes to independently select candidates.

Third, recruiting agencies, in the case of recruiting ferst-level personnel (secretaries, office managers, sales representatives, sales consultants, administrators, etc.) or massive middle-level vacancies (managers, accountants, programmers, economists, lawyers) can review candidate resumes and thereby increase the “influx of fresh blood” into their databases.

In cases with complex orders, the agency can attract as yet unknown candidates by posting vacancies on specialized websites.

As popular wisdom says, the further into the forest, the more firewood! And firewood, in turn, can quite easily turn into a “spear in the wheel.” These are what we wanted to think about today. But, first, a few words about the specifics of the work of recruiters - professionals from personnel (recruiting) agencies.

Everyone knows that a feature of the work of recruitment agencies is the selection of “narrow” specialists and very high-level specialists. But not everyone knows how labor-intensive this work is, especially if we are talking about a market in which the agency has to look for a specialist for the first time. Usually, a rather long and thorough study of the market itself and the specifics of the personnel who serve it remain behind the scenes.

Further, the employer pays not only for the search, but most importantly for the selection of the candidate. And in order to choose correctly, you must first clearly formulate the criteria by which this selection will be made. As a rule, this takes up to 70% of a recruiter’s time.

What does he do? Finds out what place the enterprise occupies in the market (if it is a new customer). At what stage of the life cycle is the enterprise located (if this is a stage of development, growth, people with one type of character are needed, if this is a period of stabilization, with another.). Tries to understand the problems of this enterprise and the announced vacancy: either it is new, just being created - this will require the same qualities from the candidate; or a complex, problematic one, on which specialists do not dwell for long - this is a “problem” of a completely different kind. It is also necessary to take into account the status of the company, its corporate culture, so that the candidate, after working for a month, does not run away without fitting into the team. The recruiter must be able to avoid many other pitfalls that the employer may not even be aware of.

If we figuratively compare the selection of a specialist by an agency and through a website on the Internet, we can say that they differ, like an exclusive suit from a famous fashion designer and mass-produced clothing from a store or from the Chinese market. Because high-class specialists, specialists in narrow fields of activity usually already have a job - they are offered a new job (along with specific conditions that may be of interest to this particular person). They are already doing well, but if they offer something more interesting, they may agree. In this situation, the agency acts as a producer.

Does this whole complex procedure deprive “other line” candidates of the chance to find an attractive job through an agency? Not at all. Recruiters have a golden rule: there are no bad candidates, there are candidates who are suitable or not suitable for a particular company.

But let’s assume that the employer, in addition to the “top” position, orders first-level or middle-level specialists. Naturally, the agency has the right, to expand the boundaries of the search, to view new resumes on the Internet. To further select and screen candidates.

And among the applicants presented to the employer, there turns out to be a specialist who once sent out his resume to various sites on the NET. This circumstance becomes a stumbling block in the relationship between the Agency and the Customer.

The Customer’s position: “Why would we pay for a candidate whose resume is online? We could find him there ourselves.”

The Agency’s position: “The customer does not pay for a resume, but for the work done by the agency: collection and review of questionnaires, personal meetings and interviews with candidates, verification of information, selection of applicants for vacancies. This requires a certain knowledge of the market, as well as considerable costs – time, financial, intellectual.”

Unfortunately, sometimes these positions cannot be “reconciled”.

In our opinion, the current situation with “Internet employment” is partly reminiscent of the situation in the late nineties of the last century, when employment agencies and personnel (recruiting) agencies began to appear on every corner. For a long time people could not understand who, where, to whom and for what. And in what situation is it more profitable for whom? It is not surprising that in the “muddy waters” of the emerging market for personnel services, there were many “lucky fishermen” who pretty soon left the market - some of their own free will, and some not of their own. Those who survived and stayed for a long time were those who were determined to work professionally and seriously.

But, like the Phoenix bird, this phenomenon has been reborn in virtual space. The only difference is that in the 90s, people looking for work turned out to be “mugs” (thousands of them fled from collapsed enterprises, including “defense” enterprises, where they did not pay wages for months; many, on principle, did not want to register with the state labor exchange - self-esteem did not allow).

Today’s “employment hackers” most often make fun of employers: for example, they send fictitious resumes of “ideal candidates” to websites - they say, sit down, dears, choose, if you are not too lazy!

Another new product is “fake” vacancies from employers, which have become one of the methods of competitive intelligence, that is, one of the ways to collect information about the market, competitors and specialists who work in this market. A professional interviewer can win over an applicant for a “fake” vacancy in such a way that he will without hesitation talk about the strategic development plans of his current company and about the company’s “bottlenecks” known to him. The logic here is simple: why spend money on market research if you can give a “fake” on the Internet, promise an unrealistically high salary, and then charm and win over the “talkers”.

And “raking through” piles of resumes and working with “fake” documents, in our opinion, is not the best use of enterprise personnel services: they should spend as much effort and money as possible on ensuring employee loyalty, motivating them to work, developing and training staff. Showing professionalism in selecting candidates is the direct responsibility of recruiting agencies. Nobody argues, the Internet is a great thing, an irreplaceable form of communication and a way to search for information. But, unlike the same specialized newspapers, in which there are editors and proofreaders, the Internet also - excuse the style! - a big trash heap, landfill. But it is known that the more information, the more difficult it is to sift through it.

I wonder what the “third party” in this process, a specialist interested in a new job, will think when reading these lines: “Is it worth sending out my resume if in the future it may turn out to be a “spear in the wheel” of my career?” Do not rush to conclusions, we note: who has the right to prohibit a person from using the achievements of technological progress?

As you can see, there are still more questions than answers. There are problems, production needs, professional technologies, personal interest, etc. And it's just common sense. We hope that he will win in the end.

The Internet has firmly entered our lives, or certain areas of our lives have moved to the global network, this is a rhetorical question, and it is obvious that recruiting as a business process, the activity of searching and selecting personnel, has not escaped this fate.

The emergence of the term “Internet recruiting” is living proof of this. What is it, what are the scale, prospects of Russian online recruiting and what is the place of traditional recruiting in the modern labor market.

Coincidence or not, the emergence of the Internet and recruitment in Russia roughly coincided - the beginning of the 90s. Their “union” began with the appearance of the first web server designed to search for personnel as an alternative to specialized printed publications or columns about hiring/job search. The Human Resources ON-Line (HRO) service, created on May 17, 1996, provided the opportunity to post vacancies from organizations and recruitment agencies on a paid basis. Six months later, a similar Internet resource PointJob ( was launched. This was the beginning of electronic recruitment. Then the sites,,,,,, and many others began to appear. Some of them were free, but later switched to a paid operating principle.

Today, Internet recruiting (or online recruiting) refers to a wide range of methods in finding employees of different levels and industries, as well as methods of communication between the employer and the candidate using Internet resources.

The following types of online recruiting can be distinguished:

All of the listed types of online recruiting can be divided among themselves based on the tasks they solve: attracting, searching and selecting (evaluating) personnel. If we talk about “search” tasks, then job sites are most actively used here, as an additional resource - the companies’ own official websites with information about vacancies, and, last but not least, Social media. According to the Superjob portal research center for 2012, only 19% of 1,000 surveyed HR service employees use social networks as a candidate search tool.

Over the past, perhaps, 5 years, job sites have transformed from the databases that they were at the beginning of their appearance into full-fledged service systems focused on the HR needs of clients. Well-known job search sites today are trying to embody the idea of ​​versatility by combining technologies that, according to some opinions, can replace a personnel specialist. And therefore, Internet recruiting most often means searching for personnel using job portals.

What do these sites offer employers? In addition to accessing applicants’ resumes, where, in addition to factual and personal data, you can view the candidate’s portfolio, and even a video CV, follow the links to his profile on social networks; You will be asked to conduct an initial assessment of the candidate using an online test - recruiting without personal contact in a time-saving mode; filtering and searching resumes using automatic selection - if a candidate has not responded to a vacancy, he will be detected by an intelligent auto search. We offer a service in the development of branded HR communications: an original presentation of the company, a unique visual and graphic design of the vacancy. Moreover – virtual 3D tours of the company’s office and virtual job fairs!

Job sites are aimed at further intellectualizing their services (albeit much more) and the question now arises not about the prospects of online recruiting, but about the prospects of “real” recruiting, where the live dialogue between the recruiter and the candidate is at the forefront. Economical in terms of time, financial and resource costs, online recruiting is inferior to classical recruiting on other points.

Firstly, the peculiarities of the Russian labor market are such that today it is not the candidate who is looking for a job, but the candidate’s job. The reason is the “staff shortage” and the general shortage of specialists in a number of industries (construction, IT, manufacturing, etc.). There is also a category of applicants who are ready to consider job offers, but are not ready to actively look for them themselves: they post but do not update their resumes; not too flexible when it comes to coordinating the time of a face-to-face interview with HR. In this case, only the recruiter’s creative approach in choosing search methods and high initiative can make it possible to find a candidate with the required qualifications.

As for the selection of senior executives, as a rule, they do not resort to the help of job sites, at least posting CVs with limited visibility settings. They prefer not to advertise their intention to change employers and avoid reducing their own value in the labor market: there is an opinion that good managers do not look for work, but are invited by business owners; a similar situation with a top vacancy published in open sources. Finding such professionals is an art subject only to man, perhaps armed with the Internet, but hardly HH or Superjob.

Secondly, in personnel selection, assessing the personal qualities of a future employee is far from the last place in the list of requirements for qualifications, experience, and education. The higher the status of the proposed position, the more important the concept of personal compatibility between the candidate and the manager becomes. In choosing a prospective manager of the first or second line of subordination, the “mental match” of the applicant and the hiring person becomes almost the key. This task can only be accomplished by an experienced recruiter who can rely not on tests and responses on the job portal, but on his own intelligent tools for assessing people, experience and intuition.

In principle, depersonalization of the personnel selection process deprives it of flexibility and significantly reduces its effectiveness.

This leads to the third disadvantage of online recruiting - the lack of opportunity to influence a candidate’s motivation, work with his doubts about working in a particular company, and actively shape the image of the employing company in the eyes of the applicant. In conditions of personnel shortage, this is a serious task assigned to an HR specialist.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is a great way to overcome geographical distances, save time and obtain the necessary information, which is 30% the key to success in solving problems of finding the necessary specialist. But the strategy and tactics of working on a vacancy are determined (or should be determined) by the needs of the business and the abilities of the recruiter, and not by the “opportunities” of special sites.

Simanova Irina
Recruiting company AVICONN
Recruitment Consultant

The number of users of employment portals is increasing every year.

The online recruitment market is segmented. Sites such as,, Alljob., Rabota.UA, contain information about applicants of various levels from blue-collar jobs and service personnel to specialists and middle and senior managers. Resources, with candidates for middle and senior management positions (mainly office); offers exclusive services for the selection of elite personnel and unique specialists. E-recruitment is being developed by specialized sites,, - specialists in the field of IT technologies, - the first thematic portal for sales specialists, ua is a professional website and forum for medical and pharmaceutical representatives of Ukraine and Kyiv. and are active in the regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Europe and America. Internet resources, like ordinary companies, are exploring new markets - opening local sites in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other promising regions. posts both vacancies of European companies looking for elite Russian-speaking employees, and advertisements of Moscow clients opening vacancies in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

Online selection forms

Online recruitment occurs in several ways.
1.The HR manager can simply view applicants’ resumes posted on free Internet resources (free for direct employers). The resume banks on these sites are quite solid. The undoubted advantages of this form are its simple interface and free access. For large companies with a large staff of recruiters and recruitment agencies, this is the most effective method. For companies with a limited number of HR managers involved in selection, this method is not suitable: a lot of time is spent reviewing a huge number of resumes and finding the right employee. The simple interface is convenient for applicants - you can enter your data in a few minutes by copying your resume. For a recruiter, this results in viewing a large number of mini-resumes, which often lack important information about the applicant, such as contact information. This information is often lost when copied into a site field.
This method is not suitable for searching for top managers and rare specialists. Applicants at this level do not tolerate popularization; you will not find their resumes on free resources.

2.Large companies with an active personnel policy prefer to place banner advertising on information Internet portals. It ensures the strengthening of the employer company's image and the flow of resumes. Advertising of network recruitment agencies can be seen both on specialized resources and on information portals. Banner advertising is most effective for mass recruitment. This method is quite expensive - averaging about $3,000 per week - and is therefore not considered effective when recruiting a small number of specialists.

3.Step-by-step on specialized sites. The first step is to post an advertisement describing the vacancy. Then the integrated system regularly sends this message to applicants who have specified the search parameters for the corresponding specialty and position. The second stage is receiving responses from applicants. The third is reviewing and selecting resumes, correspondence with candidates, scheduling interviews. Thus, all preliminary stages before the interview take place within the site system. Everything in this case is structured taking into account the provision of strict confidentiality to applicants, as a rule, managers of the highest category holding responsible positions.

Many aspiring professionals and entrepreneurs want to know what recruitment is in simple words. First of all, recruitment is the field of activity for finding and attracting employees to an enterprise. Personnel recruitment should be distinguished from recruiting - despite the similarity of both names and tools, there is a certain difference between them that every professional personnel specialist or enterprise manager should take into account.

In simple words: recruitment is the process of finding employees, or not only?

Recruitment in the modern personnel and business environment means, first of all, simply the field of searching for employees. However, this is only a general definition of recruitment in simple words. In fact, this area concerns both passive and active methods of personnel search. At the same time, one of the first tasks that should be solved within the framework of personnel recruitment is determining the category of employees who need to be selected to work in the organization, since the recruitment methods used will differ depending on it. Accordingly, recruitment goals can be:

  • Selection of line employees. In this case, the enterprise requires simple specialists whose labor market is not experiencing a shortage, and therefore, when selecting them, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure the right choice among the mass of potential employees.
  • Search for highly qualified specialists and top managers. In this case, the market most often experiences a shortage of truly professional workers, and the possibility of a future employee influencing the activities of the organization as a whole is quite large. Therefore, in this case, specialized recruitment methods can be used, aimed at a specific person, and not at selecting suitable workers from the general mass of specialists available on the labor market.
  • Search for promising employees. In some cases, an enterprise may not be interested in significantly expanding the staff of line workers or replacing highly qualified specialists at this stage. However, even at this stage, it is desirable to lay the foundation for future development, for which purpose the recruitment of promising workers is used, who will subsequently be able to develop within the enterprise and occupy niches corresponding to their abilities, which are currently only planned for opening.
  • Recruitment of temporary staff. Certain situations may require hiring not full-time full-time employees who would work in the organization for a long time, but temporary employees. Accordingly, the recruitment tasks in this case, as well as the methods used, will be different from other categories of workers.

Recruitment can be carried out both by employers themselves, who need new employees of the organization, and by attracted specialists or recruitment agencies specializing specifically in finding people suitable for vacancies.

Recruitment methods

There are a significant number of different recruitment methods, and not every employer or even HR specialist knows their immediate significance. Therefore, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with what the various recruitment methods are in simple words:

What is the difference between recruiting and recruiting

What is the difference between recruiting and recruiting? Many HR professionals and employers simply use these words as synonyms, but this is incorrect. Thus, the main difference between recruiting and recruiting lies directly in the deciphering of their original meanings. Accordingly, these definitions look like this:

Thus, there is practically no fundamental difference between recruiting and recruiting, except for the formal definition. However, it is still necessary to take into account one nuance - recruiting is also used within the company, while recruitment primarily concerns the field of activity in which the search for employees from outside is ensured.