Dolomite flour: when and how to use, characteristics. Dolomite flour for liming the soil Adding dolomite flour to the soil in autumn

Dolomite flour: when and how to use, characteristics.  Dolomite flour for liming the soil Adding dolomite flour to the soil in autumn
Dolomite flour: when and how to use, characteristics. Dolomite flour for liming the soil Adding dolomite flour to the soil in autumn

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!

Today at the summer residents big choice fertilizers rich in microelements and facilitating the fight against weeds and insect pests. Dolomite flour is in deserved demand as an effective limestone agent for reducing soil acidity in gardens, which is often applied in the fall. Economical consumption low price, environmental friendliness are the main advantages due to which the use dolomite flour It is very popular among gardeners and gardeners.

What is dolomite flour

Dolomite or dolomite bait is a fertilizer in powder form made from dolomite, a carbonate class mineral. A product of natural origin saturates the soil useful substances, microelements, normalizing its acidity, improving the structure of the fertile soil layer. The mineral has a light shiny color from white to gray, rarely reddish. Fertilizer is obtained by crushing dolomite rock into small fractions.


Mineral formula: CaCO3 MgCO3. Excellent feeding rich in magnesium, calcium and does not require additional additives; it is used in its natural form after grinding to a powder state. The active composition of dolomite flour is, first of all, calcium: a component that is necessary for replenishment in the soil when increased acidity soil and deterioration of its qualities. The carbonate form of calcium and magnesium prevents their accumulation in fruits and vegetables in excess quantities.

What is it for?

Adding a mineral allows you to maintain the required level of hydrogen and calcium in the soil. Deoxidation of the soil with dolomite flour is the main task of its use, but in addition to neutralizing acidity, the soil with fertilizer receives useful substances for plants, weeds are reduced in the area, beneficial microorganisms (worms) are activated. Magnesium has a positive effect on the course of photosynthesis, and calcium-rich soils promote rapid growth and good development of above-ground parts and roots of plants.

Using dolomite flour in the garden

The fertilizer is useful for vegetable crops (yields of potatoes, beets, onions, tomatoes, carrots), herbaceous plants(buckwheat, clover), fruits and berries (plum, cherry). A good result is achieved both when adding flour throughout the entire site, and in beds in greenhouses and greenhouses on sandy loam soils and with low level magnesium When the soil is neutrally acidic, dolomite fertilizer is not recommended to be used, as the natural soil balance will be disrupted.

As a result of the chemical properties of dolomite:

  • are improving biological properties soil;
  • the content of useful microelements, macroelements, and minerals increases;
  • the effect of other fertilizers increases;
  • productivity increases;
  • the quality of products improves;
  • radionuclides are removed.

Dolomite flour or lime, which is better?

To deoxidize the soil, lime fertilizers are often used, which are considered stronger for normalizing the level of soil acidity due to the form of calcium hydroxide, which enhances the possibility of neutralization. However, limestone flour has its disadvantages. Immediately after its application, the necessary substances phosphorus and nitrogen are not absorbed, so the soil needs a break for planting. Lime flour is added in the off-season to ensure a good time interval before planting. Dolomite, which also contains magnesium, can be used to fertilize the soil at any time.

Instructions for using dolomite flour

Before you start using fertilizer, you need to know exactly the soil acidity of the soil, otherwise you can harm the plants, even destroy them. Instructions on how to apply dolomite fertilizer per one hundred square meters of area, depending on acidity, provide the following dose of lime fertilizer:

  • for acidic soils with a pH less than 4.5, 500-600 g will be required;
  • for moderately acidic soils with pH from 4.5 to 5.2 - about 450-500 g;
  • for slightly acidic soil with a pH from 5.2 to 5.7 – 350-450 g.

For stone fruits fruit trees Every year after harvesting, mineral fertilizers from dolomite are applied - 1 kg or 2 kg per tree. 0.5 - 1 kg of the substance is applied under the currant bush. Under vegetable crops application is carried out before planting vegetables, and for potatoes and tomatoes - in advance. Dolomite is not used for sorrel, gooseberries, and blueberries.

When to sprinkle

Dolomite fertilizers are used at any time. Before you start using them, it is better to clarify when to sprinkle dolomite flour in the garden. In the area where it is planned to grow vegetables, flour is scattered in the spring in advance, 2 weeks before planting. In addition to improving the structure of the soil, dolomite sanitizes it and prevents the occurrence of plant diseases. This sanitary function is relevant in the spring, especially for crops closed ground. In autumn, fertilizing is used to treat fruit and berry trees and bushes.

How to deposit

To get the most out of using the product, you need to figure out how to add dolomite flour:

  1. The product cannot be mixed with superphosphate and ammonia fertilizers or urea.
  2. The flour should be distributed evenly over the area, mixed thoroughly with the soil and loosened by 10-15 cm, for trees and shrubs - along the edge of the circle near the trunk, deepening into the ground.
  3. IN clay soils dolomite is added annually.
  4. A dose of manure and compost should be applied not together with the fertilizer, but after it has been applied, and then dig everything up.
  5. The increase in the efficiency of liming dolomite bait is influenced by the simultaneous use boric acid and copper fertilizers.
  6. For flowers, dolomite fertilizer is applied to the hole.

Consumption per 1 m2

Different garden and vegetable crops react to soil acidity in their own way. If you are planning to use dolomite fertilizer, find out from the table below which plants need such feeding and in what quantity:


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To begin with, let us explain that dolomite is a mineral from the class of carbonates that has a crystalline structure. It has a glassy sheen, and the color can be very varied - grayish, white, slightly reddish and even brownish. Dolomite flour is obtained by grinding minerals to a powder state and further drying. All this is done under production conditions. Dolomite flour contains 8% more calcium than lime. And another important difference from lime is the presence of about 40% magnesium in dolomite flour. If there is little magnesium, then plants stop developing and growing, brown spotting and chlorosis appear. The price of this fertilizer is relatively low, and there are a lot of useful properties, which contributed to its popularity among gardeners.

Benefits of dolomite flour

Dolomite flour can be applied not only to open ground in beds, but also to greenhouses and hotbeds. And flower growers widely use it. Its use has a particularly good effect on sandy loam and sandy soils, poor in such an element as magnesium. What can you expect if you periodically add it to the ground?

  1. Biological, physico-chemical and physical properties soil. Increased soil acidity is neutralized.
  2. In the soil there is a significant increase in the amount of forms of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and molybdenum that are readily available to plants.
  3. There has been an increase in the efficiency of fertilizers applied by summer residents, especially manure.
  4. The soil is enriched with calcium, which improves root system plants.
  5. The soil is saturated with magnesium, which is integral component chlorophyll, actively involved in photosynthesis.
  6. Plants eat better, change in better side conditions of their detention.
  7. The harvest becomes of higher quality, more environmentally friendly (radionuclides are neutralized), and is preserved better and longer in winter.
  8. It can be used as a means of combating insect pests, because well-ground dolomite destroys the chitinous covers of insects dangerous to plants.

How to use it correctly?

The amount of dolomite flour that needs to be added to the bed depends on the acidity of the soil in a given place and the mechanical composition of the soil mass. MirSovetov will name only average standards:

  • acidic soils (environment reaction less than 4.5) – on square meter area is applied from 500 to 600 grams;
  • medium acidic (medium reaction ranges from 4.5 to 5.2) – from 450 to 500 grams per square meter;
  • slightly acidic (medium reaction from 5.2 to 5.6) - from 350 to 450 grams per square meter.

If the soil is clayey or heavy, then the amount of this fertilizer is increased by 10-15%. For light soils, the dosage can be reduced by 50%.

You can check the soil and find out the acidity levels by purchasing it at a garden store or center. special devices or tests.

The efficiency of use increases if the copper sulfate and boric acid.

Agricultural crops are divided into the following main groups depending on how they relate to the reaction of the environment in which they grow and liming:

  1. Not tolerant of acidic soil - cabbage, beets, alfalfa. They need soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. They really like it when they are fed dolomite flour.
  2. Sensitive to living in an environment with high acidity - cucumber, lettuce, beans, onions, peas, corn, wheat, soybeans. They prefer soil whose environmental reaction is close to neutral; they respond quite well to the use of dolomite flour.
  3. Weakly sensitive to increased soil acidity - tomatoes, carrots, radishes, oats, buckwheat. They grow quite normally regardless of the reaction of the soil mixture, but the best results are shown in weak conditions. acidic soils Oh. If the soil has strong or moderate acidification, then dolomite flour can be added to the soil in full dosage. Then the plants will be better fed with nitrogen and ash compounds.
  4. Requiring liming only for strongly acidic and moderately acidic soils. For example, flax likes to grow in slightly acidic soils. A slight acidity will not affect the yield of potatoes planted in this area.

Features of application

On heavy clay soils, dolomite flour will have to be applied every year, on the rest - once every three years.

It is more convenient to do liming in the fall. But if necessary, dolomite is added in the spring or at any time.

When liming, distribute dolomite flour evenly over the entire surface of the soil to a depth of 15 cm, mixing thoroughly. If you simply sprinkle dolomite on the surface, there will be an effect, but you will notice it no earlier than after 12 months.

You can add dolomite and manure to the soil at the same time, but you cannot mix them together. First, dolomite flour is spread, then manure is spread, the third stage is digging.

The leaves will not be harmed if you scatter this flour over the lawn or pasture.

For cherries and plums, add one or two kilograms of dolomite flour every year after harvesting.

Apply once every two years under each bush. black currant about 500 grams of dolomite. If the bush is large, then you can add a kilogram.

Apply dolomite under cabbage and turnips when planting.

In spring, you can water plants, for example, beets, clematis, with dolomite “milk” - water to which dolomite flour has been added.

Do not apply this fertilizer to sorrel and gooseberries.

Dolomite flour is added to the flowers before planting them - in a pot or hole, being sure to mix well with the other components of the soil mixture. Hyacinths, orchids, and violets respond positively to the addition of dolomite flour.

Do not mix dolomite flour with urea, superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate.

If it turns out that the soil on your site has a neutral reaction, then there is no need to do liming.

Positive results will not be noticeable immediately, and the greatest effect appears somewhere in the second or even third year after liming. Scientists believe that dolomite flour can increase yield by an average of 4-12%.

Dolomite flour is the name given to crushed dolomite, a rock whose chemical formula looks like CaMg(CO2). This effective remedy to reduce the level of soil acidity, the main advantages of which include, first of all, affordable price and environmental friendliness. It is precisely because of this that the fertilizer described in the article is very popular among owners of suburban areas.

The use of dolomite flour is convenient way reducing soil acidity levels. The substance is a crystalline mineral with a light color (gray or white, less often reddish) and a characteristic shine.

The feature that favorably distinguishes dolomite chips from other means of similar action is not only more low cost, but much less consumption. Moreover, slaked lime, for example, which contains a hydroxyl group and calcium ion, reduces the acidity of the soil too sharply, as a result of which plants, unable to get used to such conditions, begin to absorb phosphorus extremely slowly. That is why lime is applied exclusively in the fall after harvesting - in this case, the soil will still have enough time to find a chemical balance for the new gardening season.

To others a powerful tool, which reduces acidity is wood ash. The concentration of calcium salts in it - the main active ingredient - ranges from 30-60%, but the difficulty is that it is not possible to determine the exact composition. The concentration of calcium salts depends, first of all, on the rock from which the ash was produced, on which parts of the plants were used (branches, trunk, etc.), as well as on the characteristics of the soil and climate conditions in the region. where did these trees grow? On your own, without resorting to chemical analysis, it is impossible to accurately determine the required amount of ash, which means people act at random. By the way, ash is usually used for seedlings and flowerpots, because it contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium.

Note! The volume of ash or lime should be approximately twice that of dolomite flour, assuming the same area.

How dolomite affects the soil

The described fertilizer, as noted above, contains a large percentage of calcium. If the soil is used for a long time fruit plants, then over time it worsens chemical characteristics, which means that the lost elements must be replenished somehow. The use of dolomite flour makes it possible to artificially maintain the required concentration of hydrogen and calcium ions.

Penetrating into the soil, this fertilizer not only normalizes its acidity, but also enriches it with microelements necessary for plants. But when and how should you apply fertilizer? One of the differences between the mineral is its versatility: not only can the plot be fertilized almost all year round, but flour also increases the yield of all crops: vegetables, fruits and grains. Finally, the effectiveness of fertilizer is equally high in the garden, in the greenhouse and even in the house (if we're talking about about indoor plants).

But the product is especially effective on:

  • sandy loam soil;
  • soil with a low concentration of magnesium.

As for soil with a neutral pH level, it is better not to use flour here, as this can disrupt the natural chemical balance.

Fertilizer applied to the soil has the following effects:

  • improves its biological characteristics;
  • improves plant photosynthesis;
  • increases the concentration of various minerals and trace elements that plants need;
  • helps produce environmentally friendly products;
  • increases the effectiveness of other agents applied to the soil;
  • improves productivity;
  • improves the quality of crop nutrition;
  • finally, due to the presence of calcium in its composition, flour activates the development of both above-ground and underground parts (rhizomes).

Note! Besides all this, dolomite flour is excellent remedy from harmful insects, which is completely non-toxic. Small particles of the product act as an irritating abrasive that destroys the chitinous shells of insects.

Video - Soil deoxidation using dolomite flour

Methods for determining acidity

In order to determine required quantity fertilizers, you must first find out what mechanical composition soil (for example, whether it is clay or sandy) and its acidity level. Typically, one-time tests or other special devices are used for this (for example, the KS-300V soil analyzer), which are sold in all gardening stores.

Acidity is expressed in pH, it is designated by numbers from 0 to 14 and can be:

  • weak (more than 7);
  • neutral (pH equals 7);
  • high (less than 7).

By the way, you can determine the acidity of the soil using improvised means.

Determining soil acidity using improvised means

Method No. 1. You need to pour a small amount of table vinegar onto a handful of soil.

If the result is a violent reaction with the formation of foam, then the earth is either neutral or non-acidic.

The absence of a reaction (the vinegar is simply absorbed into the soil) indicates that the acidity is increased.

Method number 2. Place a lump of earth into a glass of grape juice.

If the color of the contents changes and bubbles form on the surface, then the soil is either neutral or slightly acidic.

Method No. 3. Weeds will not grow in soil that is not suitable for their acidity level. That is why they can be used as a kind of indicators indicating the pH level.

Coltsfoot, clover and wheatgrass grow in weakly acidic soil.

On soil with neutral acidity - nettle, quinoa.

If the acidity is high, then plantain and woodlice will grow on the site.

Note! The effectiveness of the fertilizer will increase significantly if boric acid is added along with it in combination with copper sulfate.

Another useful video material that can help in determining the properties of the soil before the deoxidation procedure.

Video - Folk methods for determining pH levels

How to use dolomite flour in the garden

The specific proportions of the mineral depend on the acidity level. So, approximately 0.6 kg/m² should be added to acidic soil, if it is slightly acidic, then no more than 0.35 kg/m², and if neutral, then a maximum of 0.5 kg/m². If the soil on the site is sandy, then the amount of flour should be reduced by one and a half times, and if it is clayey, it should be increased by about 15%.

Note! The effectiveness of fertilizer can be increased by distributing it as evenly as possible. If you scatter the flour correctly, then the benefits from it will last for about eight to ten years.

Do not forget that plants react differently to the application of the product. In this regard, cultures can be divided into several groups.

Table. Groups of plants according to sensitivity to acidity

GroupShort description
Such plants include sainfoin, beets, alfalfa and cabbage. All of these plants thrive at neutral or low acidity levels. You can increase productivity by adding the product to non-acidic soil.
Onions, barley, wheat, clover, beans, soybeans, cucumbers and corn cannot grow in acidic soils. Ideally, such crops should be planted on soil with weak or neutral acidity.
This group includes timothy, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, millet, buckwheat, and rye. All these plants grow equally well in soils with a pH level from 4 to 7.5.
This includes potatoes and flax. For example, if you grow potatoes in acidic soil, sooner or later they will become infected with scab, which will significantly reduce the level of starch in the tubers. In such conditions, flax will become infected with calcium chlorosis, which will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the fibers.

When to fertilize?

As noted above, the fertilizer described can be used regardless of the time of year, since it does not in any way affect the composition of the soil or the intensity of absorption of other useful substances. But in most cases, flour is scattered before using other fertilizers, since it does not interact organically with all of them.

If vegetables are grown on the site, dolomite flour is scattered in the spring, two to three weeks before planting. This product not only nourishes, but also sanitizes the soil, which is especially important, for example, for potatoes, which are susceptible to various diseases, whose development dolomite can stop. In addition, it is important for potatoes that the fertilizer fights pests. As for fertilizing crops closed type, then adding the mineral in the greenhouse will prevent the spread of fungi.

In autumn, it is recommended to fertilize the soil for fruit bushes and trees. Here, for each tree you need to apply about 2 kg of fertilizer (along the edge, with a slight depth), and for shrubs - from 0.5 kg to 1 kg (it all depends on the size) according to a similar scheme.

  1. Dolomite should not be mixed with superphosphate, urea or ammonium nitrate, otherwise a dangerous reaction may begin.
  2. Clay soil should be fertilized annually.
  3. Gooseberries or sorrel cannot be fertilized with flour.

  4. The fertilizer should be distributed as evenly as possible, thoroughly mixing with the soil and loosening it to a depth of about 15 cm (with the exception of shrubs and trees).
  5. In spring, vegetables can be periodically watered with dolomite “milk” (mineral diluted with water).
  6. Manure is also good for the soil, but mixing it with flour is prohibited. First you need to spread fertilizer, then manure, and only after that the area can be dug up.

  7. The harvest of turnips and cabbage will improve if flour is added directly at the time of planting.
  8. Plums and cherries need to be fertilized every year after harvesting the fruits (the dosage is described above). This way the fruits will be large and juicy.

  9. When growing black currants, flour should be scattered every two years (0.5-1 kg per bush, depending on size).

As a result, we note that dolomite flour acts gradually, so you should not expect an immediate positive effect. Greatest benefit observed two to three years after applying fertilizers - the yield increases by 10-15%.

Exist universal fertilizers, which are of natural origin. With them, the harvest in the garden will always be good and environmentally friendly. One of these fertilizers is dolomite flour, which is made from rock. How to properly use dolomite flour?

What is dolomite flour

Dolomite (limestone) flour is crushed dolomite, which belongs to the group of carbonate rocks. It is produced in accordance with GOST 14050–93, according to which the particles do not exceed 2.5 mm; The presence of fractions up to 5 mm is allowed, but not more than 7%. Limestone flour is widely used in garden plots to deoxidize soils and control chitinous insects. The product is safe for other living organisms. But nevertheless, flour contains extremely small particles; work with it should be carried out in calm weather, protecting your eyes and respiratory tract if possible.

Photo gallery: the path of dolomite - from the mountain to the garden plot

Dolomite - rock Dolomite flour is produced on an industrial scale Dolomite (limestone) flour can be white, gray and even orange color Dolomite flour is packaged in bags

Dolomite flour is sold in stores, packaged in 5 or 10 kg, has white or grey colour. During its production, no third-party chemical elements are mixed in, since dolomite itself is useful.

The smaller the particles of dolomite flour, the higher its quality.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of dolomite flour

Table: chemical composition of dolomite flour

The percentage of moisture in dolomite flour is allowed within 1.5%.

Recommendations for using fertilizer depending on soil type

The rates for applying dolomite flour depend on the chemical and biological composition of the soil at the dacha or personal plot. For one square meter you need:

  • for acidic soil (pH less than 4.5) - 600 g,
  • with moderately acidic soil (pH 4.6–5) - 500 g,
  • for slightly acidic soil (pH 5.1–5.6) - 350 g.

For maximum effect, limestone flour is evenly distributed throughout the entire area and mixed with the soil (approximately 15 cm from the top layer). You can simply scatter the product over the beds, in which case it will begin to act no earlier than in a year. Dolomite does not burn plant leaves. Its effect at the right doses is 8 years.

It is best to apply dolomite flour to the ridges in the fall

There are plants that grow on acidic soils and therefore can die from the presence of dolomite flour in the soil. Based on their responsiveness to the application of such fertilizer, crops are divided into four main groups:

  1. They do not tolerate acidic soils, plants grow well on neutral and alkaline soils, and respond positively to the addition of dolomite even on slightly acidic soils. Such crops include: alfalfa, all types of beets and cabbage.
  2. Sensitive to acidic soil. Plants of this group prefer neutral soils and respond positively to the addition of limestone flour even on slightly acidic soil. These are barley, wheat, corn, soybeans, beans, peas, beans, clover, cucumbers, onions, lettuce.
  3. Weakly sensitive to changes in acidity. Such crops grow well in both acidic and alkaline soils. Nevertheless, they react positively to the application of dolomite flour at the recommended rates in acidic and slightly acidic soil. These are rye, oats, millet, buckwheat, timothy, radish, carrots, and tomato.
  4. Plants that need liming only when the soil is highly acidic. Potatoes, for example, when dolomite flour is applied without the recommended amount of potassium fertilizers, can develop scab, the starch content in tubers decreases, and flax can develop calcium chlorosis.

Table: rules for adding dolomite flour

For other garden crops, dolomite is applied two weeks before planting in quantities depending on the acidity of the soil.

Dolomite flour in greenhouses is distributed over ridges in the amount of 200 g per 1 sq.m. Only, unlike open ground, the soil in this case is not dug up. Dolomite creates a film that retains moisture.

There are two most popular methods of soil liming. They are named after their developers-agronomists:

  1. Mittleider's method. Instructions: for 1 kg of dolomite flour, take 8 g of boric acid powder, distribute it over the ridges, and dig it up. A week later, mineral chemical fertilizers are applied and dug again. Suitable for open ground.
  2. Makuni method. Mix 2 liters of soil from the ridge, 2 liters of a special substrate for a specific crop that is being prepared for planting, 2 liters of sphagnum moss, 1 liter river sand, 4 liters of peat, then add first 30 g of dolomite flour, then the same amount of double superphosphate and two cups of crushed charcoal, mix everything thoroughly. Suitable for preparing soil mixtures indoor flowers or for growing crops in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Table: compatibility of dolomite flour with various fertilizers

Fertilizers incompatible with limestone flour should be used no earlier than 10 days after dolomite application.

Video: dolomite flour in agriculture

Garden tricks for using fertilizer

  1. If the soil on the site is clayey, dolomite is added annually. In other cases, it is used once every three years.
  2. It is better to apply fertilizer in the fall so that the soil can rest and be saturated with all useful elements.
  3. In spring or early summer, plants can be watered with a mixture of water and dolomite flour (200 g per 10 liters of water).

Dolomite flour is applied to trees around the perimeter of the tree trunk circle

Analogues of the product for use in the garden

Dolomite flour is not the only product that can be used to deoxidize the soil; it can be replaced with other compounds.

It is also successfully used to reduce soil acidity. But here you need to take into account the type of wood from which the ash was made, calculate required amount very difficult for deoxidation, especially on large areas. In any case, its consumption is several times higher than that of dolomite, therefore, the procedure is more expensive.

Wood ash is a costly soil deoxidizer

Lime (fluff). It is very active, quickly neutralizes the soil, and prevents crops from sufficiently absorbing phosphorus and nitrogen, so it is better to apply lime in the fall before digging. Under no circumstances should it be sprinkled on the plant - the fluff causes burns to the leaves. AND Excess slaked lime leads to serious damage to the roots.

Lime causes burns on plant leaves and roots

Thanks to dolomite flour, you can get a safe, tasty, rich harvest. It's economical, but effective method enrich the soil of your garden plot with useful microelements, without having to worry about damaging the plants.

Every summer resident who cares about the harvest on his plot has at least once heard about dolomite flour. The advantages of this product are efficiency, environmental friendliness and accessibility. Today we will talk about the features of using dolomite flour, its unique properties and methods of use in the garden.

Dolomite flour: what is it and what is it for?

This substance is produced by grinding dolomite rock, a type of limestone (chemical formula CaCO3*MgCO3). It is calcium that is the leading component when dolomite flour acts on the soil. It is known that hydrogen ions displace this chemical element from the soil, causing its acidity to increase, and physical and Chemical properties, accordingly, decrease.

Dolomite flour is one of the cheapest and most effective fertilizers

If the soil is on your summer cottage acidic, then you will have to artificially level, and then regulate the balance of hydrogen and calcium. One of the best ways To achieve a good result in this matter is to use dolomite flour, often in combination with other means.

Composition and properties

Dolomite flour has the form of a powder consisting of very small crystals with a glassy sheen. It can be white, gray, reddish, and in some cases even Brown. Flour is produced on an industrial scale exclusively under production conditions.

This fertilizer is a limestone rock, dolomite, crushed into flour.

Dolomite flour contains 8% higher calcium content than lime. In addition, it contains 40% magnesium, which is very important for the growth and development of plants: it helps to resist many diseases (chlorosis, brown spotting).

Dolomite flour is successfully used not only on open ground, but also in greenhouses, greenhouses, and even when growing indoor flowers.

Effect on soil and plants

The effectiveness of dolomite ground into flour can hardly be overestimated. This tool performs a whole range of useful actions:

Usually experienced gardeners and gardeners know about the characteristics of the soil on their site. But if you are a beginner and are just about to develop a dacha, you need to find out the acidity level of the soil. You will need this information in order to enter optimal quantity fertilizers

There are special devices and one-time tests that determine acidity; they can be purchased at any store focused on gardening and horticulture. But if this is not possible, you can easily measure the acidity of the soil yourself. It is expressed in pH and designated by the numbers 0–14.

There are 2 ways to determine soil acidity level.

  1. Take some earth, put it on flat surface and pour a small amount of table vinegar. A bubbling reaction with the release of foam indicates that the acidity is weak or neutral.

    Neutral and slightly acidic soil will react to table vinegar

    In highly acidic soil, vinegar will simply be absorbed without reacting.

    Highly acidic soil will not react to vinegar.

  2. Place a small lump of soil in a glass with grape juice (natural). If the color of the juice changes and bubbles float to the surface, the soil is neutral or slightly acidic.

    Can be used as a catalyst for the reaction to soil acidity. grape juice: on the right the soil is neutral or slightly acidic

Video: how to independently determine soil acidity

When to apply fertilizer and how much dolomite flour is needed?

Having determined the acidity level and mechanical composition of the soil, you can easily calculate the amount of dolomite flour required for application.

Table: amount of fertilizer depending on acidity

For the lungs sandy soils the amount should be reduced by 1.5 times, for heavy clays - on the contrary, increased by 10–15%.

Note! To increase the effectiveness of dolomite flour, distribute it as evenly as possible over the surface.

Dolomite flour can be added to the soil in any season. But we recommend that you carry out deacidification in the fall, after you have harvested the entire crop. In winter, the earth will rest, and by spring it will be completely saturated with useful substances. In a stationary greenhouse there is enough heat and air humidity is achieved much faster than at open ground, therefore, the addition of dolomite flour can be carried out in the spring, when the soil is first dug.

Try to distribute dolomite flour evenly over the soil surface

If your site has heavy clay soil, it would be advisable to annually add dolomite flour. For soil of a different composition and type, it is enough to carry out deoxidation using this product once every 3–4 years.

When distributing dolomite flour over the surface of the soil, be sure to loosen it by 10–15 cm, mixing thoroughly. If the fertilizer is simply scattered, the effect of its action will appear only after a year, when everything will be washed away deep into the soil by precipitation. This rule especially applies to stationary greenhouses, in which watering is usually artificial.

Combination of dolomite flour with various types of plants (table)

Traditionally, agricultural crops are divided into 4 groups according to their response to typical composition soil and adding dolomite flour to it.




Plants that do not tolerate high acidity

Alfalfa, sainfoin, sugar, table and fodder beet, cabbage.

These plants thrive in neutral or slightly alkaline soils. Good results yield when adding dolomite flour to slightly acidic soil.

Crops sensitive to high acidity

Barley, spring and winter wheat, corn, soybeans, beans, peas, vetch, broad beans, clover, cucumber, onion, lettuce.

These plants need soil with an acidity close to neutral. They respond well to the addition of dolomite flour to soil of any acidity.

Crops that are slightly sensitive to high acidity

Rye, oats, millet, buckwheat, timothy, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.

They grow well in any soil, but to increase productivity, soil with weak acidity is recommended. They positively perceive the deoxidation of strongly and moderately acidic soils in full doses. This will help improve plant nutrition with nitrogen.

Plants that require the addition of dolomite flour only to strongly acidic and neutral soil

Potatoes, flax.

Soil acidity has virtually no effect on crop yields. But the quality of products suffers without the application of fertilizers: potato tubers are affected by scab, their starch content decreases; Flax fiber quality decreases and it becomes susceptible to diseases (for example, calcium chlorosis).

Combination with individual plants

What fertilizers can dolomite flour be used with (table)

A greater effect can be achieved if you use dolomite flour to dig up the soil on the site

The Mittleider method has become quite popular in soil deoxidation. Prepare a mixture in a ratio of 7–8 g of boric acid per 1 kg of dolomite flour. Apply at the same time as mineral fertilizers under digging every time you change the culture to garden plot. For peat bogs and heavy soil you will need 200 g of this mixture per 1 linear meter narrow ridge, for light soil - 100 g, respectively.

Analogues of dolomite flour


Slaked lime (popularly called “fluff”). Chemical formula Ca(OH)2. The substance has the highest soil deoxidizing properties. The calcium content is supplemented by a hydroxyl group (OH), which gives lime a neutralizing ability that is one and a half times greater than that of crushed dolomite.

But the speed of action and high activity of fluff grass significantly reduce the absorption of phosphorus by plants. Therefore, it is recommended to apply lime only in autumn period so that by spring a balance of chemical processes in the soil is established.


Wood ash is the most accessible remedy to reduce soil acidity. It contains from 30 to 60% calcium. The disadvantage of ash is that it is very difficult to determine its composition by eye. It may depend not only on the type of trees being burned, but also on the type of soil in which they grew, and even on what was burned - branches or trunk.

Therefore, the amount of ash required for application to the soil is given conditionally in the recommendations. However, in any case, it will be required 2 times more per unit area than dolomite flour. Will you always have so much material at hand? This is the reason that ash is often used as a component of plant soils used for seedlings and indoor plants.

Chalk or dry plaster

An accessible way. These substances contain the highest calcium content. Chalk or plaster can be applied in early spring, before planting, for plowing. The method is quite effective, but it will require 30% more material than dolomite flour.

Chalk has low solubility in water, which causes it to clog the soil and eventually lead to its salinization, which is easy to detect by white plaque on a surface.

Plaster or alabaster

These inexpensive products do a good job of soil deoxidation. But, firstly, they will need 2 times more to achieve the effect, and secondly, gypsum is not useful for humans, and alabaster is completely harmful. These products should be used with caution.


This material has been found to be quite effective. Crushed eggshells are added to the soil, calcined in a frying pan or in the form of an infusion. But you will need quite a lot of it, and it is very difficult to collect the required amount of material before the start of sowing. Therefore, eggshells are often used in small areas, individual beds or flower beds.

Photo gallery: what can replace dolomite flour?

Ordinary chalk will replace dolomite flour, but you will need large quantity Alabaster and gypsum are often used to deoxidize soil eggshells have been used for a very long time to improve the physical and chemical qualities of soil Slaked lime acts too aggressively on the soil compared to dolomite flour Benefits of the effect wood ash the soil is quite difficult to predict

Of course, liming the soil with dolomite flour will not give you visible instant results. The real effect is high yield you will see in the second or third year after regularly treating the area. But now you know how to properly deoxidize the soil in your garden, so that the labor invested in growing garden and garden crops, brought good fruit. Share with us in the comments your experience of using dolomite flour in your summer cottage, or ask questions that you have after reading the article. Easy work for you and a good harvest!