Dollar tree or zamioculcas: a houseplant for beauty and prosperity. How to properly care for a dollar tree at home Pests of indoor dollar tree plants

Dollar tree or zamioculcas: a houseplant for beauty and prosperity. How to properly care for a dollar tree at home Pests of indoor dollar tree plants

The dollar tree zamioculcas looks like a crassula - a money tree, only it differs in larger size and massiveness. Both plants symbolize financial well-being, only the task of the fat plant is to take care of the family budget, and the zamioculcas is to attract more funds, and in currency, which will become savings and bring income to the owner.

This is how followers of Taoist practice view this home vegetation and give recommendations on how to make a green pet “work” for the benefit of the owner. In turn, flower growers value the dollar tree for its unpretentiousness and spectacular noble appearance.

The Zamioculcas plant, popularly called the dollar or currency tree, is native to Africa. It is a member of the Aroideae family, the only subspecies of Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It does well in the climatic conditions of Europe, Asia, America, Mexico, Australia and Brazil. In Russia it is found as a house or office flower.

It is somewhat reminiscent of zamia - an evergreen relict plant. And the word “zamia” itself has Latin roots and is translated as “losses” or “damage.” In addition, in different parts of the world the flower is found under different names: pearl of Zanzibar, eternal or golden tree, aroid palm. It is also sometimes called the opposite: women's happiness or the flower of celibacy.

The tree appeared in cultivation relatively recently; flower growers learned about it only at the end of the last century. But, it almost immediately became popular in the world of floriculture thanks to sales at Dutch flower auctions, which are world famous.

Many people liked Zamioculcas because of its high decorative qualities; it is perfect for almost any interior. With good care, it grows up to one and a half meters, is a perennial, but its life expectancy does not exceed 10 years.

The plant is a succulent with thick, straight stems. It can store moisture, filling it not only with stems and foliage, but also with tubers. This allows the tree to withstand even prolonged droughts.

The leaves of Zamioculcas are fleshy, with a dark green, glossy surface and pointed ends. They are located in pairs, symmetrically. The succulent blooms rarely, throwing out a short thick peduncle, on which a creamy flower similar to a cob appears. It is enveloped in a blanket of light green, so it is not so easy to notice the flowering of the dollar tree.

Popular types

Selection work with this succulent is still ongoing, and it bore its first fruits in 2007, when botanists developed a miniature bushy tree, Zamicro, based on Zamioculcas zamifolia, whose height was only 40–60 cm.


The main type of succulent that is found in the natural environment is Zamioculcas zamifolia, named after the gymnosperm zamia.
The popular name is Loddiges.
Botanists first discovered it in the 30s of the 19th century; it is most common in Madagascar. Russian flower growers learned about the dollar tree only at the beginning of the 21st century, when specimens of this exotic plant were imported from Europe.
This home flower is quite expensive, however, this does not affect its high popularity.
Loddiges looks very impressive, forming a rosette of large feathery leaves. The root system has a large tuber.



Another representative of the species, which in its homeland, South Africa, is called the “pearl from Zanzibar”. Like the previous species, it prefers to grow on the coast of Madagascar.
The large tuber of the flower, like its other parts, absorbs moisture well, however, the succulent likes regular watering and showers with a spray bottle. Doesn't do well in dry air.
Zamioculcas boivin has beautiful foliage, leathery, emerald green, with smooth edges. Like other representatives, it blooms extremely rarely and this period does not last long.
With good care and frequent feeding, the tree grows significantly, so it is better to plant it in wide, stable containers. Suitable for novice gardeners.

There are also various variations of the dollar tree, however, they are quite rare.

Zamioculcas in the house: pros and cons

There are many superstitions around this succulent; in fact, this can be understood by the abundance of capacious additional names. So what does the money tree, or scientifically, Zamioculcas africanus, promise its owner? It is worth considering the main beliefs associated with it:

Succulent attracts wealth

The appearance of this flower in a house is a good sign; its inhabitants will soon experience an increase in their level of well-being. The Taoist practice of Feng Shui claims that zamioculcas, like a magnet, attracts money into the home.

But for the symbol to work, you need to place a pot with a succulent in the apartment in the wealth zone, which is located in the southeast. Naturally, this place should be suitable for growing tropical vegetation. And you can also place a few foreign currency coins under the pot or in the soil.

The Zamioculcas flower is a symbol of female happiness

It is believed that this plant can solve many problems of the fair sex if you place a pot with a dollar tree in the room. It will help a lonely girl find a soul mate or experience the joy of motherhood.

This effect is due to the phallic shape of succulent flowers; there is a popular belief that they can attract male energy. But here there is one caveat - it is advisable not to buy a flower, but to receive it as a gift. It is best if it is presented by a woman who has a happy marriage, this will significantly increase the chances of attracting a worthy, reliable man to the house.

This succulent is a celibacy tree

Why in one case are only positive qualities attributed to him, and in the other - negative? Most likely, the reason for this is the similarity of the foliage of the dollar tree with the leaves of spathiphyllum, which is considered muzhegon.

This is interesting! The surest sign that a green pet is doing its “work” is its flowering, which occurs infrequently in nature, and is extremely rare at home. And if this happens, it means that only good things await the owner ahead: success, good luck in business and on the personal front, happiness. In the case when a person has changes coming, but he just can’t decide on them, and suddenly Zamioculcas blooms - this is a signal that he is on the right path and everything planned will definitely succeed.

Whether it is worth having such an ambiguous indoor plant as the dollar tree in the house, the gardener must decide for himself. But, it is important to remember that this is a rather large succulent that needs special care.

Caring for a dollar tree at home

This flower is a succulent plant and usually lovers of such vegetation have no problems growing it. The same conditions suit him as other “thrifty” green pets. Beginners should get acquainted with the features of keeping a tropical guest.

Adaptation period

Experienced gardeners advise: if you bought a zamioculcas, you should give it time to adapt to the new room, air, temperature, humidity and other indicators. As a rule, these succulents are grown in greenhouses, conditions that are as close to natural as possible. Afterwards they are planted in transport soil and a compact container. During a move, trees experience severe stress and may shed their leaves in a store or even in the owner’s home. There is no need to panic - the tree will recover and grow its dollar leaves.

It is not recommended to replant it immediately; if the flower is not particularly crowded and it is in suitable soil, you can wait 3-4 weeks. But when the soil is too oily or, on the contrary, poor, and there is not enough space for the tuber, replanting is indispensable.
The event should be carried out carefully:

  • The plant is removed from the transport tank along with the soil.
  • It needs to be gently shaken and planted in fresh soil and a spacious pot.
  • It is better to avoid watering in the first two to three weeks, and after time, water the succulent carefully - infrequently, in small portions, you can start with spraying.

It is important! Flowers from abroad are most often sold in a transport substrate, which is practically unsuitable for their life and subsequently, in most cases, are not replanted. Therefore, moving your green pet to suitable land can be a lifesaver for it.

Suitable lighting

The dollar tree is unpretentious in this matter, it is able to grow in the shade and in the sun, however, the African Zamioculcas, as a true tropical inhabitant, loves bright lighting and in such conditions develops more evenly and quickly.

It is advisable to place the pot with the tree in a well-lit place; in bright, diffused light, the foliage of the succulent will retain a rich green tint. The tree tolerates direct sunlight well, although the leaves become more faded in color.

In winter, a succulent may experience a lack of lighting, so it is advisable to place it closer to a light source, for example, on a south-facing window.


It is directly related to the season:

  • in summer the preferred air temperature is +25 - +30 degrees;
  • in autumn – varies from +16 to +22 degrees;
  • in winter - the average is -+16 degrees, a decrease is undesirable;
  • in spring - the temperature should gradually increase, from +16 to +20 - +22 degrees.

It is important! Dropping temperatures are dangerous for the dollar tree. In the cold, the plant not only stops growing, but can get sick and even die.

Soil mixture for Zamioculcas

Like other succulent plants, the dollar tree requires light, nutritious soil. You can purchase a ready-made mixture intended for cacti and succulents, or prepare it yourself by mixing leaf and grain soil, adding peat and coarse sand. It is also recommended to add a little expanded clay chips.

It is important to ensure that excess moisture does not remain in the soil, which can cause the roots and tuber of the tree to rot. To do this, pour a layer of drainage material on the bottom of the pot - brick chips, small crushed stone, perlite, vermiculite, pieces of ceramics.
The bottom of the container must have drain holes.

Involuntary and planned transplantation

This succulent has a powerful, strong root system, however, it is easy to damage it, which will lead to the death of the tree. And in order to reduce possible risks, Zamioculcas should be replanted taking into account certain rules and recommendations:

  • The dollar tree is a typical slow-growing succulent, in which new leaves appear no more than 2 times in six months, so the flower does not need frequent replanting;
  • planned transplants should be carried out when the roots of the plant grow - young succulents on average need 1 transplant per year, adults - once every 2-3 years;
  • if a pet is transplanted from a substrate, then this material must be removed carefully, without damaging the roots;
  • the most gentle method is the “transshipment” method; it maximally preserves the integrity of the zamioculcas measles system, which is highly sensitive.

It is important! Do not neglect the “transshipment” method and completely remove the old soil from the roots of the flower. This can cause damage to the roots and subsequent death of the African tree. The exception is transplanting a pet whose root system is infected with rot.

The root system is placed in a new pot along with the old soil and sprinkled with fresh soil mixture to the edges of the container. It is not necessary to completely immerse the root in the tank; it is desirable that the tubers are slightly visible on the surface. You can water the transplanted zamioculcas a couple of weeks after the event.

The dollar tree does not tolerate waterlogged soil. This leads to lethargy, yellowing of the foliage and rotting of the roots and tubers. Timely replanting will help save the tropical plant:

  • in this case, you need to remove the root from the soil, clean it without damaging the parts;
  • it is important to conduct a thorough inspection of the root system and if rotten dark brown areas are found, they should be removed;
  • after this, you need to rinse the rhizome under running warm water and dry thoroughly in the open air;
  • The tree is ready to be transplanted into new soil.

If an emergency transplant is required, then it should be carried out immediately, but it is better to postpone the planned “move” until the spring period - at the end of March - beginning of April. In winter, the succulent rests and is not recommended to be disturbed.

Watering mode and humidity level

This succulent accumulates water in all parts and retains it, spending it sparingly when necessary. Like other similar plants, it does not need excessive watering and experienced gardeners note that it is better to underwater zamioculcas than to overdo it. Excessive moisture in winter is especially dangerous.

In summer, the tree is watered once every 5–7 days, in winter, especially if the flower is kept cool, no more than once every two weeks, or even less often. From November to February, you can limit yourself to one watering per month.

The water should be at room temperature, well settled, ideally rainwater.

The plant is not sensitive to air humidity, so no humidifiers or other devices are needed. It is recommended to wipe the foliage with a damp cloth from time to time, removing dust that makes it difficult for air to enter the cells of the leaf plate.

You can give your succulent a monthly shower; this invigorates and refreshes the tropical plant. However, it is important to ensure that no water remains in the container after the procedure; the pot is put back in its original place only when all the liquid has drained from it.

Pruning a succulent

How to prune zamioculcas, and most importantly, does this tropical plant need such a procedure? As it turned out, it is carried out for several reasons:

  • to give the tree any shape, increasing its decorative properties;
  • to rejuvenate a succulent whose lower part is woody;
  • pruning zamioculcas is possible if the owner wants to propagate the dollar tree;
  • damaged or diseased parts of the plant are also cut off.

It is possible to trim all parts of the succulent: rhizome with tubers, leaves with cuttings and individual leaf blades. To reduce injury to the flower, it is recommended to manipulate with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The cut areas are dried and sprinkled with activated charcoal or charcoal powder.

How does the dollar tree reproduce?

Zamioculcas is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ease of care, the same applies to the propagation of succulents. There are several ways:

Tuber division

An effective method that is very simple and effective. To grow new zamioculcas, during transplantation it is enough to divide the root system of the tree into 2-3 parts and plant them in different containers. The process algorithm is as follows:

  • After removing the plant from the soil, you should inspect the tuber for the presence of growth points. Each separated part must have at least one so that shoots can subsequently form from it.
  • The rhizome is divided with a sharp blade; it is recommended to sprinkle the shoot sections with charcoal powder - activated or charcoal, and then dry them in the open air.
  • Then the plant is immediately placed in a pot; the soil mixture should be light and sterile. You can make its consistency more loose by adding a little vermiculite to the soil.
  • Part of the tree is immersed in the ground so that the root-leaf boundary is slightly higher above the ground.
  • The planting should be watered only after 3–4 days; in a “dry” mode, the flower will make do with the moisture contained in the flowerbed.

It is important! A zamioculcas tuber that has only one growth bud is not suitable for division. This procedure can lead to the death of the mother plant.


Another method of propagating a tropical plant, which is recommended during the growing season - in the spring. Healthy cuttings are used as planting material, and succulents purchased in the flower department are not suitable for these purposes. The latter is due to the fact that the flower contains many chemicals that stimulate the active growth of the plant, regardless of the season.

The method includes the following steps:

  • You should select a healthy twig, cut it with a sharp knife with a disinfected blade and divide it into several parts.
  • The cuttings are dried in air for 24 hours.
  • The cut site is treated with root and placed in a small container with loose soil; the pot must have drainage holes.
  • It is advisable to provide the twigs with greenhouse conditions by covering them with glass containers or film. The planting should be protected from direct sunlight, as condensation may cause the material to rot.

After two weeks, the branches will turn into young plants - with a tuber, roots, shoots, new branches and foliage. You can use fertilizers that activate the growth of new branches.

Reproduction by leaves

Not the fastest, but a fairly simple and effective option for propagating an African tree. The entire process can take from 8 weeks to six months. It is carried out in stages:

  • Using a disinfected blade, you should cut off a large, strong leaf, preferably with a stem. Such material will give roots faster than a young leaf.
  • The sheet dries for 2-3 hours in air, after which the cut is sprinkled with a stimulant drug - Zircon, Kornevin or crushed activated carbon.
  • Some gardeners keep the leaves in water until the roots appear, but most often they are immediately placed with a light substrate and create a greenhouse effect. A leaf without a stem can be placed in clean sand or perlite.
  • A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the tank. A couple of times a day you need to open the container and ventilate.
  • Instead of watering, it is recommended to spray the soil and leaves, this will avoid waterlogging and rotting of the planting.

With proper care and appropriate conditions, cuttings and leaves begin to take root after 6–8 weeks.

Fertilizer application: rules and features

You should feed the succulent plant carefully, focusing on the needs of the guest from the tropics. As with watering, it is important not to overdo it:

  • You can fertilize for the first time in the spring, after transplanting the zamioculcas into a pot. During the growing season, a young tree requires many useful substances for proper growth and development.
  • In winter, a healthy succulent does not require fertilizer; fertilizing is applied only if signs of a lack of any elements appear.
  • Starting in spring, the dollar tree is fertilized, but not more than 2 times a month.
  • You can use liquid complex formulations for cacti or succulents.
  • Two methods are used: spraying the above-ground part of the tree with a nutrient solution and watering the roots. The first method is only suitable for healthy plants that do not show signs of disease or depletion.
  • It is recommended to apply products to the soil after watering.

It is important! Zamioculcas should not be fed while buds are setting. After the process is completed, fertilization is resumed.

What fertilizers are suitable for dollar trees? Experienced gardeners advise alternating organic and mineral products:

  • Litter - suitable for root feeding, a mixture of water and fertilizer (3:1) is infused for 3-4 days, diluted 1:25 with water.
  • Compost is used in the form of mulch, which is spread on the ground in a 2–4 ​​cm layer.
  • Sapropel - fertilizing from lake silt - liquid or granules, which are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 before application.
  • Wood ash - diluted in water, 5 tsp. per 1 liter, leave for a week, water with the composition - 0.1 liter per 1 kg of soil.
  • Sawdust is added to the soil as mulch.
  • Peat - placed in a 5 cm layer and mixed with the top layer of soil.

Mineral fertilizers

A lot of different products are produced and each has its own properties that can both harm the flower and support it:

  • Agricola - the composition is rich in various microelements, it is diluted in a liter of water - 0.5 tsp. and applied to the ground once every week and a half. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the above-ground parts of the succulent.
  • Agricola Aqua is a ready-made composition that is used for watering and spraying plants. When using it, the tree grows more actively, flowering and budding last longer.
  • Pokon is a ready-made fertilizer that is considered dangerous for people and animals, so you should only work with it if you have personal protective equipment.
  • Uniflor-growth is a nitrogen-containing fertilizer that has a positive effect on the growth of the above-ground part of the succulent. A solution is prepared from it - 3 ml of the drug per liter of water.
  • Master color is a drug necessary for the prevention of chlorosis.

During the growing season, you can apply fertilizers intended for decorative foliage vegetation. You just need to dilute the product by 2 times, reducing the concentration of active ingredients. The event is held no more than 2 times every 4 weeks.

Basic mistakes when caring for and maintaining a dollar tree

Dollar tree owners are often perplexed as to why such an unassuming succulent does not grow? Yes, the plant is unpretentious, however, it is still important to take into account that its natural environment is the arid regions of the tropics and it has certain needs. The following signs should alarm the owner of a Zamioculcas:

Yellowing of foliage

If yellowness affects the lower lobules of old leaves, then this is a natural process and there is nothing to worry about. After they die off, young shoots appear, from which emerald green leaves unfold.

Sudden yellowing and falling of leaves is a sign that the succulent is drying out. The flower got ready, deciding that a drought had arrived. If you carefully add moisture in small portions, the green part of the flower will be restored.

In addition, this can happen during sudden temperature changes, due to drafts, or lack of lighting. Yellowing of the tips indicates that the tree is too hot.

If the young foliage has acquired a yellow color, then most likely the earthen ball has become waterlogged and an emergency transplant is required to save the succulent.

Appearance of spots

Under the influence of direct rays of the sun, burnt areas may appear on the foliage of a tree - spots of yellowish-brownish color. Dark spots are a sign of improper care; perhaps the container with the plant is in a draft, cold, or it is not watered correctly.

spotted stem

In this case, more detailed diagnostics are required, since the appearance of spots on the stem can be both a sign of inappropriate maintenance and care, and a symptom of scale insect infection or the development of an infection.

If dark, purple spots appear on this part of the succulent, there is no need to worry - this is a biological feature of an adult flower.

Slow growth

You should not expect rapid growth from a succulent; normally it grows 1–2 leaves per year. You should worry if there is no growth at all. The reason for this may be the following:

  • oily, heavy, clay soil;
  • placing the flower in a container that is too spacious;
  • lack of any substances in the soil.

In most cases, with timely rehabilitation measures, it is possible to save the plant. However, sometimes the malaise of a succulent is associated with disease, then emergency measures are required and treatment of the green pet is mandatory.

Dollar tree diseases

Not all indoor flowers have the same good health and immunity as this African plant. But zamioculcas can also get sick and most often it is affected by root or stem rot.

It is not so easy to detect signs of damage to the roots, but on the stem the disease manifests itself very clearly - it is covered with wet necrotic spots spreading upward from the root neck.
Symptoms of root rot are as follows: slow growth, flabbiness of the stem, yellowing of the foliage.

If the disease is detected at an early stage, the succulent can be saved by carrying out a complete transplant, replacing the soil and pot, first removing the affected parts or cleaning them to the deep layers. It is recommended to keep the plant for a quarter of an hour in a fungicidal solution and let it dry for an hour and a half. Afterwards the flower is placed in new soil.

Initially, the tree is not watered; after a few days, you can place some water in the pan. The sparing watering regime is maintained for 10–12 weeks.

African succulent pests

Spider mite

It draws life-giving juices from the plant, and in addition, secretes a sweet sticky liquid that attracts insects that carry viral and bacterial infections. Where the scale insect settles, dark spots appear.

The pet requires treatment - treatment with a soap solution and spraying with insecticides.


Most often, garden plantings suffer from these small insects, but these pests are also capable of affecting indoor plants. There are many folk remedies for aphids, but they are ineffective and it is better to immediately resort to insecticides - Fitoverm, Decis, Intavir.


The most insidious pests from which it is not so easy to get rid of a succulent. Several treatments with different drugs that need to be changed will be required.


People call them hairy lice; they damage both the aboveground and underground parts of flowers, laying eggs in the soil. Therefore, only treating the leaves will not give a positive result. A complete replantation of the succulent is necessary, removing insect nests from the root system.

The tree is removed from the soil, washed with soapy water and then treated with an insecticidal agent.

If the owner knows what to do in this or that case and immediately reacts to the changes that have occurred with the pet, then it is not difficult for him to cure him and help him recover.


Zamioculcas is an incredible plant to which unique properties are attributed. It has high decorative properties and adds a special flavor to any interior. It is beautiful, spectacular, attracts wealth and prosperity, and at the same time, even a novice gardener can afford it, which makes the dollar tree an even more attractive indoor dweller.


A beautiful, evergreen plant with shiny, fleshy dark green leaves. With good care, the plant reaches up to 1-1.5 meters in length and has already established itself as one of the most beautiful and noble indoor plants.
In common parlance, this handsome green plant with a powerful tuberous rhizome is simply called a dollar or money plant. Can you guess what plant we are talking about?! Yes, indeed, this is it - the Zamioculcas plant, beloved by many.


The “dollar tree”, which came to visit us from distant sunny Africa and the island of Madagascar, quickly “nailed itself to the shores” of domestic flower growers. So, according to some canons of Feng Shui, in order to attract financial luck to your home (or office), you need to place this plant in the southeast, in the so-called wealth sector, and to activate the talisman you should add a few coins to the ground.

First of all, endure the adaptation period - this is about two to three weeks. Then you can safely get down to business - start replanting the plant, taking into account the seasons and the age of your green pet (you should not replant a plant that is too young at first). Pay special attention to the choice of pot. It is not recommended to use ceramic pots; the plant may die in them due to lack of space. It is best to choose a pot for a zamioculcas plant not by height, but by width, since it will be very difficult to get the plant out of a narrow and elongated pot when it becomes necessary to replant it. Ideally, it should not be too large or narrow.

After choosing the shape of the pot, you need to move on to creating expanded clay drainage. It can be bought in specialized flower stores. It is best for the zamioculcas plant to place medium-sized expanded clay fractions with a diameter of 10 to 20 mm at the bottom of the container. A coarse layer of sand is then added on top, which will be approximately ¼ of the total volume. Transshipment of young plants should be carried out annually. The young zamioculcas plant is transferred into a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one.

(Attention! This must be done carefully, using gloves, as the sap of the plant is poisonous).

In this case, the procedure should not affect the earthen lump in any way. Prepared fresh soil is added, taking into account the capacity of the new dishes. Remember that old plants should be transferred as needed. A plastic pot that has changed its shape can tell you about this.

But nevertheless, domestic flower growers fell in love with the Zamioculcas plant not only for its spectacular monetary “appearance”, but also for its completely unpretentious care. This means that it can be recommended to both experienced flower growers and beginners.
By the way, about feeding! It is advisable to start feeding the plant in late spring and summer, somewhere from mid-April to September. The plant cannot be fed in autumn and winter. For feeding, you must use fertilizers recommended for succulents and cacti.

Spray the zamioculcas plant in a timely manner and wipe the rounded leaves from dirt and dust. Make sure that spider mites do not appear on the plant. In summer, take the flower out into the fresh air - there it will feel great. Zamioculcas should be watered in summer as the soil dries out, since overwatering leads to rotting of the roots.

The most important thing to remember is that zamioculcas loves: bright, diffused light, warmth and moderate watering.
What it doesn’t like is dampness and low temperatures, so it is necessary to water the plant in the summer as the soil dries out and no more than twice in the winter months.

. The dollar tree grows best in a bright place near windows facing western and eastern directions.
. In winter, place “your friend” closer to the window.
. After a cloudy winter, the plant should be accustomed to direct sunlight gradually to avoid sunburn.
. It is better to let the soil be dry than waterlogged.
. On summer days, take the plant out to the balcony, garden, etc. to the open air.
. Don't forget to wipe and spray the leaves of the plant.
. From April to August, every two weeks, the zamioculcas plant needs feeding. (This can include fertilizers for cacti and succulents).
. It is better to choose a place for the plant where there is no direct sunlight, otherwise sunburn may appear on the leaves.
. Once every two years in the spring it is necessary to replant adult plants.
. If the plant has been “staying” in the garden or in the open air all summer, then it does not need to be watered; the “rain” baths it has taken will be enough.
. The soil must be enriched with mineral and organic substances, consisting of turf, peat, leaf soil and sand.
. The pot should correspond to the root system of Zamioculcas (i.e. be quite wide).
. Thick and fleshy stems need support, otherwise they may begin to collapse.
. For watering, use only soft, settled water.

Zamioculcas propagation and care at home is a rather difficult task, but realistic. There are several methods of propagation, or rather three: cuttings, dividing the bush and leaves.

The larger the part you choose for propagation, the sooner you will see the result. Leaf blades and cuttings are rooted in a mixture of sand and peat (1:1) in a warm place with diffused lighting, under glass or polyethylene cover. Under these conditions, the leaves begin to form a round, tuberous organ on which buds and roots develop. You can create a certain thermal effect in a plant pot by placing, for example, a jar on top.

The dormant state for our indoor plant has always been winter and deep autumn. During this period, it is necessary to treat zamioculcas with special care, water it less often and keep it relatively cool, about sixteen degrees Celsius; if possible, expose it as close to the light as possible. But in the summer, in the midday heat, the plant should be kept in diffused light, at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, avoiding direct sunlight, which can lead to burns of the plant.

From spring to autumn, the plant should be watered in moderation (until the top layer dries completely). Weekly, at all times of the year, it is necessary to monitor the level of stagnation of water in the soil. It is very important that it does not stagnate. Air humidity does not play a significant role; plants tolerate dry indoor air well.

First of all, Zamioculcas is a plant that needs attention. What this plant does not like is sudden changes in temperature or low temperatures or drafts. This may cause dark spots on the leaves. Lack of light can cause the plant to stretch out. Death of leaves can be caused by mechanical damage, and excessive watering at low temperatures can lead to rotting of stems and even roots.

Most often, the plant dies when it suffers from an excess of moisture, due to too frequent watering. It also suffers from a lack of sunlight, especially in winter. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. Transplanting into heavy clay soil, where moisture practically does not evaporate, will also not benefit these plants.

Thus, if you follow the above recommendations, then your “green” pet will delight you for many years, creating comfort in your home and bringing long-awaited luck.

Zamioculcas (scientific name), also known as the dollar tree, has recently become one of the most popular plants for landscaping and decorating home and office settings.

This flower promises wealth and prosperity to its owners. He is not demanding in care. Even a novice florist and a person who has no desire to learn this art will be able to.

This indoor plant has a lush green crown, which makes it an extraordinary decoration for any interior. In addition, Zamioculcas is called women's happiness. Wealth, happiness, prosperity, prosperity - all this emphasizes that the dollar tree has the right to settle in your home.

Description of the Zamioculcas flower

The Zamioculcas flower belongs to the araceae family. He came to us from tropical Africa. Among people, due to its beautiful green leaves, the plant is called the dollar tree. Its properties are similar to the money tree. This is how the flower accumulates moisture inside the trunk, leaves and roots and then uses it as needed. This allows it to survive the dry period that characterizes its homeland.

The leaves of the dollar tree are very beautiful and fleshy. On average, 10 feathers are included in one leaf. The root of the flower is tuberous. It is he who stores most of the water that the plant needs during difficult periods of drought. The height of the tree is 1 meter. Unlike the money tree, this plant can bloom. True, this event occurs extremely rarely, even in the wild. It is almost impossible to wait for flowering at home.

The most important advantage of this indoor plant is its ease of care. Due to its bright appearance and tall growth, the dollar tree is well suited for decorating large rooms. In small rooms, this flower can also fit harmoniously if the rooms are not overloaded with other flowers.

Proper care of a dollar tree

The dollar tree does not require undue attention. The best place for this plant is a place with diffused light. In summer you can place the pot on the balcony or street. In winter, you should choose a place on the windowsill closer to the glass. Excessive watering, as well as lack of light, can cause serious harm to the flower. The plant may become sick or be attacked by pests. In this case, it is necessary to provide competent treatment that will help the tree return to its previous shape and continue harmonious growth. How to propagate and how to transplant a plant? What pests can cause severe damage to a dollar tree? Let's try to answer all these questions.

Lighting and temperature

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious and hardy representative of modern flora. However, for normal growth and development, the flower also needs special conditions. The best place to place it is on the windowsill of a window facing south. This position allows the sun's rays to affect the leaves of the plant throughout the day. It will also grow on the north side. But the lack of the proper amount of light will affect its appearance, making the plant dull. Don't be afraid of high temperatures. When it’s +30 degrees outside, the dollar tree feels great. It is worth emphasizing that zamioculcas needs a certain temperature regime. So, even in winter the room should not be below 18 degrees. In lower temperatures, the flower may become sick.

Pot and soil for the plant

The dollar tree feels best in loose, soft and breathable soil. This type of soil ensures the proper level of moisture and oxygen entering the root system. For the normal functioning of the flower, it is important to use well-fed soil. A mixture of peat, sand, turf and leaf soil is suitable for this. Fertilizer in the form of humus will also benefit the plant. A mixture with expanded clay will help make the soil more loose. The bottom of the pot itself should contain holes through which excess moisture will escape. The bottom quarter of the pot should be occupied by drainage.

What to feed and how often to water

An adult and young dollar tree needs feeding and watering. The best time for feeding is from early March to mid-autumn. If a tree does not grow, it means that it does not have enough moisture. How do you know when it's time to water? After all, overflow is worse for this representative of the flora than drought. It is necessary to water the flower when the soil in the pot has become completely dry. The plant must receive enough liquid so that the soil becomes wet throughout its entire depth. Excess moisture causes the development of plant diseases. Pests can also develop in such conditions. The recovery period is very difficult and long. The plant may die, so you should avoid the formation of puddles in the window sill and on the surface of the soil.

During the period of active growth, the plant expends a lot of energy. It is best to feed it once every two weeks. Ready-made mixtures for succulents are also suitable as fertilizer. During the winter period, it is recommended to stop watering and fertilizing the plant. You can wash the dollar tree once a month.

Transplantation and propagation of the Zamioculcas tree

The plant needs annual replanting. The most suitable period for this is spring. The soil must be sufficiently nutritious. The best composition: turf soil, peat, sand, leaf soil. Good humus is an excellent fertilizer. Adult representatives of this group require a less frequent transplant - once every two years. When choosing a pot, you need to consider the size of the root system. They must be proportionate.

Propagation can occur by leaf, cuttings or bush. Planting shoots is not difficult at all:

  • The leaf is dried before planting;
  • When planting a leaf or cutting, it is worth using soil with phytohormones, which will allow them to take root faster;
  • The rooting process may take two months.

Plant diseases - what to do and how to treat?

The dollar tree is characterized by a high degree of hardiness. Due to its unpretentiousness, this flower rarely gets sick and is attacked by pests. The only way to cause harm to Zamioculcas is inept care. The leading mistake gardeners make is overwatering the plant. Dollar Tree is no exception. The roots of this flower are afraid of large amounts of moisture. They begin to rot. If suddenly this happens, the plant must be immediately removed from the pot. Next, you need to remove the rotten roots, and sprinkle the remaining parts with crushed coal. After this, the plant requires drying and replanting in new soil. Let's take a closer look at the main problems that dollar tree lovers face.

The leaves are turning yellow

If the leaves of a flower begin to turn yellow, then there is no need to conclude that the plant is getting sick. Zamioculcas is characterized by slow growth, during which one leaf ages, turns yellow and dies, and another appears. Don't worry if new shoots grow along with the yellow leaves. If this does not happen, it is worth reviewing the principles of care. The main reasons for yellowing leaves:

  • Draft;
  • Sudden change in temperature;
  • Insufficient moisture;
  • Pests.

The trunk turns black and the roots rot

If the roots of a dollar tree rot and the trunk turns black, then in 99% of cases we can talk about cold temperatures and excessive watering. In the autumn-winter period, the plant should be cared for specially. You can water it only a few days after the top layer of soil has dried completely. At low room temperatures, the time between waterings must be extended even further. At the same time, you should pay attention to ensure that the leaves of the dollar tree do not change. They should not wrinkle or fade. In the cold season, it is best to choose the sunniest location for the flower.

Dark spots appeared

The appearance of dark spots also indicates that flower care is not organized correctly. It is necessary to make adjustments to the thermal and water regime. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot.

Video: how to grow and care for a dollar tree

In this video, an experienced expert gardener will tell you everything about the dollar tree in detail. Why did it get this name? How to properly care for the plant? How to replant it? What to consider when choosing a pot and soil? All this and much more will help you learn how to care for your dollar tree.

Signs associated with the Zamioculcas plant

There are many signs around Zamioculcas. First, the plant will bring prosperity and well-being. It is important to provide good conditions for flower growth. If the tree begins to wither, the family faces financial problems. Secondly, the flower will bring happiness to a woman. The main thing is to try to get it to bloom. Third, a flower cannot be accepted as a gift. If you are handed it, you need to pay a symbolic amount. Only in this case the plant will bring wealth.

Photo: what a dollar tree looks and blooms

These photographs will help you appreciate the beauty and unusualness of the dollar tree. In the photo you can note what common features this plant has with the money tree, and also understand why the plant received such a name. In addition, you can get acquainted with such a rare and unusual phenomenon as the flowering of zamioculcas.

The dollar tree, or zamioculcas, has an attractive appearance and fits into any interior. The plant does not require complex care - this is one of the reasons for its popularity. There is a belief that the flower brings prosperity, so the tree, which attracts dollars, is often grown in offices, cafes, restaurants, and banks. Even the busiest person can take care of it. The main rule for growing this beautiful and hardy indoor flower is to observe moderation in watering. The plant quickly adapts to its habitat conditions and sometimes even blooms.

Temperature and light

The plant feels comfortable at a temperature of +20+22 degrees. In winter it can drop to +16+18 degrees. At 12 degrees and below, the plant dies.

Moderate temperature requirements make the flower suitable for any living space. It does not require special heating or cooling. Zamioculcas will feel good in an apartment or private house both in winter and summer.

The plant loves light, but at the same time can withstand lack of light for many months. In view of this, zamioculcas can be used for landscaping a room with windows facing north. It will also feel good in a south-oriented room, but it should not be placed on a windowsill, as direct sunlight can burn the leaf plates. Zamioculcas is not afraid of fresh air, so in summer the pot can be taken out to the balcony.

It is important that in winter the tree does not stand next to a central heating radiator or other heating devices.


For moistening, use warm, settled water. Watering zamioculcas should be moderate at any time of the year. Special care is needed in winter. In cold weather, the soil should dry out sufficiently between waterings.

Excessively wet soil causes the roots to rot, after which the leaves turn yellow and the flower dies.

The lanceolate dark leaves of Zamioculcas withstand drought, as they are covered with a waterproof layer. Under the ground, in fleshy tubers, the flower accumulates a decent supply of moisture. Therefore, it is better not to water zamioculcas than to over-water it.

As for air humidity, the plant does not need to be sprayed with a spray bottle, since its leaves are not afraid of a dry atmosphere. The optimal humidity for zamioculcas is 50-70%, which corresponds to the values ​​recommended for living space.

On dark leaf plates, dust settling from the air is immediately noticeable. To prevent the bush from losing its attractiveness, it should be wiped with a damp cloth or washed in the bathroom under the shower.

You can spray the leaves from a can with a plant-based polish with an antistatic effect. After this, they will become even more shiny and beautiful, and you will need to wash dust from them less often.

Transplantation and fertilizing

Small plants are replanted every year in the spring, adults - once every 2-3 years. The substrate for Zamioculcas consists of:

  • turf and peat land;
  • sand;
  • leaf soil.

All components are taken in equal parts. To improve water and air conditions, you can add sphagnum moss in an amount of 1/3 of the total volume. Since the plant is afraid of stagnant water, it is important to fill the bottom of the container with a sufficient layer of drainage.

The sap of the plant is poisonous, so you need to wear rubber gloves when replanting the bushes. If it comes into contact with the skin, zamioculcas juice causes irritation and itching.

The plant is replanted using the transshipment method. The flower is taken out of the old pot along with a lump of earth and carefully placed in a new container prepared in advance. The seat height should be the same. The tops of the tubers do not need to be completely covered with soil - they should remain bare 1 cm.

The plant expels an impressive above-ground part, so it needs feeding. It is optimal to feed the flower with fertilizers for cacti and succulents. Nutrition is necessary only in the warm season, when the plant is in its growth period. The frequency of fertilizers is once every 2 weeks. You can alternate mineral and organic compositions, which will allow you to quickly get a large specimen.

Possible problems

Possible negative situations when growing a dollar tree are described in the table:


Zamioculcas can be propagated at home in two ways:

  • divide the bush;
  • cut and root cuttings.

Usually the second method is used. Dividing the bush is used if the pot has become too small for an adult specimen.


Cuttings are cut in May. 2 pairs of leaves are left on each. The bottom pair needs to be cut off.

All manipulations with cuttings are carried out with a sharply sharpened blade so as not to flatten the vessels running along the entire length of the stem.

The cuttings are planted in a wet mixture of sand and peat, buried to the very leaves. Roots will subsequently grow from the place where the lower leaves were previously located. The plantings are covered with polyethylene or transparent cups to maintain high air humidity around the cuttings. It is convenient to root zamioculcas in special indoor greenhouses, consisting of two parts:

  • a lower opaque tray into which the substrate is poured;
  • removable transparent cover.

Cuttings need to be sprayed periodically. The first roots will appear in one and a half to two months. After this, the plants can be planted in cups individually.

Dividing the bush, rooting branches and leaves

The bush is dug up, divided into several parts and planted in different pots. An adult indoor plant is propagated in this way during transplantation. Containers for planting cuttings should not be deep.

Some gardeners manage to propagate Zamioculcas with a branch without cutting it into cuttings. The branch is planted in a mixture of sand and peat and care is taken that the soil does not dry out. After some time, the branch will dry out, and a tuber will form in the ground, from which a new shoot will appear.

For propagation, you can simply take a leaf of the plant. It is rooted in the same way as a cutting - buried 1/3 into a loose substrate, slightly moistened and placed in a well-lit place, covered with polyethylene. In such conditions, the leaves take root within several months. Not all of them will take root, so for the success of the event it is better to plant 5-10 copies at once.

The smaller the part of the plant taken for propagation, the longer it will take to grow a full-fledged dollar tree.

Zamioculcas grow slowly. Leaves of young plants will appear no earlier than six months after the formation of roots. To speed up the process, you can use growth stimulants: dust the sections with heteroauxin powder before planting or dip them in humate for 24 hours.
And here's another article

Exotic plants have long ceased to be something surprising - now on almost every windowsill you can find a flower from distant countries. One of the popular representatives of indoor flora is Zamioculcas, a native of Africa. At the same time, caring for a dollar tree is not at all difficult, and the decorative qualities of the plant and its positive energy more than compensate for the efforts of flower growers.

Zamioculcas is a succulent from the aroid family. Its homeland is considered to be East Africa and Madagascar. The closest “relatives” of the exotic plant are calla lilies, monstera and dieffenbachia, well known to gardeners.

The plant cannot self-pollinate, since male and female flowers are located separately in the peduncle. In its natural environment, succulents are pollinated by wind and insects. In indoor conditions, gardeners have noticed that when placing a pot with a plant on a south window, zamioculcas will begin to bloom at a young age, and in the north - at a more mature age.

There are several signs and superstitions associated with Zamioculcas, sometimes contradictory.

People believe that this plant is capable of attracting banknotes into the owner's house - for this reason, the dollar tree got its name. But to attract wealth, you will have to try: you need to not just care for the plant, but love it. When watering the zamioculcas, you need to talk to it affectionately and ask it for financial well-being. The best time for such requests is considered to be any Tuesday on the waxing moon.

For irrigation, you can make special “money” water. To do this, you need to take a few coins, put them in any container and fill them with clean water, and then let them brew for a couple of days.

To enhance the magical properties of Zamioculcas, it is advised to take a banknote (not necessarily a dollar bill), roll it into a cone like a pyramid and attach the sharp end to the plant. The shape of the cone has the special property of attracting positive energy from space and concentrating it at the desired point - that is, in the house of the plant owner.

In China, zamioculcas is an indispensable attribute of the New Year's interior. The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui endows the plant with magical properties, claiming that it attracts the energy of wealth and happiness into the home. According to Feng Shui, a flower pot should be placed in the southeastern part of the house, and to enhance positive energy, several coins should be placed in the ground. Zamioculcas should only be planted in new soil, and not in the one where another flower grew before.

The universal law of maintaining balance states that in exchange for any gift, the donor must be thanked - gratitude can be material or intangible. But since zamioculcas is associated with the material sphere of life, the person who presented it must be given a few coins.

It is better to give a plant in connection with an event related to novelty, renewal - for a birthday (including the birth of a child), for housewarming, New Year - this will greatly enhance the magical properties of the plant. You cannot throw away a diseased plant - it needs to be cured or another zamioculcas should be brought into the house - a healthy flower will share its life-giving energy with the sick one.

There are several variants of the plant that have not been classified into separate species and are considered simply natural varieties of Zamioculcas:

Despite its exotic origin, caring for a dollar tree at home is a pleasure. The main rule is to provide the flower with good lighting, otherwise its glossy leaves may fade and look bad. A south window is best for placement, but during peak solar activity the plant needs to be shaded a little.

Pruning and disease control

In spring, zamioculcas is subjected to formative pruning to maintain a neat crown shape. Trimming is performed in the following order:

  • Remove shoots growing inward.
  • Trim the tops of the shoots to encourage the growth of lateral stems.
  • Excessively long stems that disrupt the shape of the crown are shortened.

Despite its unpretentiousness, zamioculcas can be affected by diseases and pests. The most dangerous for him are:

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For the best effect, spraying should be carried out twice, maintaining an interval of 10-14 days between them.

Reproduction methods

Since the plant blooms extremely rarely, propagation of zamioculcas by seeds is not popular. It is bred vegetatively.

The simplest method is leaf propagation. Its only drawback is the lengthy process of root formation, which can take several months. A leaf is separated from the shoot and planted in peat. The container should be covered with a jar to create greenhouse conditions and placed on a well-lit windowsill.

Tuber division is used for mature plants. To do this, you should prepare containers where the root system will fit with a margin of 3-4 cm. The pots are filled with loose and slightly acidic nutrient soil. The rhizome is divided into equal parts, each of which is planted in an individual container. After this, the seedlings need to be watered and moved to a place with good lighting. Plants need to be protected from direct sunlight.

To make cuttings, you need to take a stem cutting that contains a bud and a leaf. The cut area should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal - charcoal or activated. The cuttings are kept in the air for about two hours, and then planted in wet sand. The container with the seedling is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place with good lighting, waiting for roots to appear. The cuttings should take root in 0.5-1 month.

Safety precautions when working

Perhaps the only drawback of the exotic plant is its poisonous juice. To avoid skin damage, always wear gloves when pruning, replanting and propagating zamioculcas. In addition, the flower pot should be kept out of the reach of children and animals, who may inadvertently taste the plant.

If a dollar tree appears in your apartment, caring for and propagating the plant at home will not present any difficulties for the gardener. The main thing is to treat the flower with attention and love, and it will delight the owner not only with luxurious glossy foliage, but also bring good luck and wealth to his home.