Add dye slime 4 is ready. The easiest ways to make slime at home. How to make slime from pva glue

Add dye slime 4 is ready.  The easiest ways to make slime at home.  How to make slime from pva glue
Add dye slime 4 is ready. The easiest ways to make slime at home. How to make slime from pva glue

With its ability to stick to hands and surfaces and change shape depending on imagination, the Lizun toy has earned great popularity among children. She simply brings them into indescribable delight. And so today I decided to figure out the question: how to make slime at home.

Slime is the case when most adults treat children's games without much joy. But what should you do if kids are crazy about a copy of a cartoon character from the acclaimed “Ghostbusters”?

There is only one answer - to understand and accept the passion of the younger generation. And also remember your childhood and help make slime at home.

Dear mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, let's try to note the positive aspects of a child's attachment to an evasive toy. This will undoubtedly make her more attractive to us.

Firstly, slime is useful for kids, as playing with it develops hand motor skills and imagination. By the way, adults can also massage their hands.

Secondly, additional free time appears when the child tries to calm down the naughty licker (no matter what the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn’t cry).

Thirdly, money is saved when making a popular toy yourself. And, finally, the most important thing - unforgettable minutes spent with the baby making a fascinating creature in a cozy home environment.

After all, there is no greater happiness for both adults and children than interesting communication while working together.

Making slime with your own hands and bringing joy to your baby will not be difficult. The main thing is to have the desire and some materials at hand.

Let's get down to action and be content with the invention of an unusual hero - a spreading, spreading, running away slime.

The standard slime, let's call it classic, is made from PVA glue, borax (aka sodium tetraborate) and water. It's quick and easy, and the toy turns out wonderful: it bounces off all surfaces and is elastic.

A kind of jumper, while remaining soft. This craft can even be washed; it is not afraid of moisture.

Sodium tetraborate can be purchased in pharmacies and radio departments. Buy a four percent solution, you can also use a powdered one, which is diluted as follows - 1 tbsp. spoon half a glass of water.

We prepare a set of components:

  • PVA glue – one hundred grams (white), with a suitable shelf life
  • Sodium tetraborate (bottle)
  • Dyes to choose from - in the form of gouache, brilliant green, acrylic paints, food colorings
  • Dishes larger than half a liter
  • Wooden stick for stirring.

Making children's fun

The toy is ready for battle. It's just like a store-bought one. No, even better - after all, it was created by the hands of caring parents for the joy of the child!

It is worth adding some comments so that the slime turns out to be original and serves a happy baby for a long time.

  1. It is necessary to keep the slime in a box that closes tightly with a lid.
  2. It is not recommended to leave the toy in the sun or near heating devices.
  3. It is also not advisable to place the created slime on fleecy surfaces (carpets, clothes), which will ruin the smooth and even toy, and our child will be upset.
  4. Drops of essential oils will add zest to the man-made creation. The enchanting aroma will delight children.
  5. Do not skimp on cosmetic sparkles - the slime will become charming, even somewhat glamorous, from a small amount of it.
  6. Drop a little vinegar into the solution - the slime will become more plastic and viscous. And the paint will not stay on your hands.
  7. A small amount of glycerin droplets will allow the homemade product to resemble the prototype from the cartoon - it will become slippery.
  8. Added hydrogen peroxide will turn the craft into a light and airy substance.

What do home conditions mean? Availability of components that are always at hand. These materials are baking soda and PVA glue. Just that, and how much joyful children's squealing in response!

Assembling the toy set:

  • PVA glue – 50 gr.
  • Soda - one tablespoon
  • Food coloring - good to eat, no - you can do just fine without it
  • Plastic container – 2 pcs.
  • Wooden stick for stirring
  • Rubber gloves
  • Half 1 tbsp. water (necessarily warm).

Step-by-step creative production of slime in a homely atmosphere:

All that's needed - and the slime is ready!

It should only be noted that slime made from glue and soda is not very durable. They will probably be able to play for no more than four days. But this has its advantages - you can prepare fresh, which will be clean and sterile.

There was no tetraborate, but the child wants a licker that looks like the store bought one? No problem, we'll do it. For these purposes, we will find liquid starch (used for washing) and PVA glue. The slime will be as it should be - viscous and vague.

We will need:

  • PVA glue – quarter bottle (not expired)
  • Liquid starch - a third of the bottle (you can dilute ordinary starch with water, in one to one proportions)
  • Dye - whatever you have on hand
  • Package for mixing ingredients.


  1. Place liquid starch in the bag.
  2. Add a little dye.
  3. Follow with glue.
  4. Stir the mixture - you can even use your hands.
  5. Make sure that the mass becomes homogeneous, and at the same time check the color. Not enough color - add colors to achieve the desired effect.
  6. Place the bag in a cool place for three to four hours.

The hours have flown by - the slime is ready for fun games. It turned out perfect! The child will be delighted. What else is needed for happiness?

One of the environmentally friendly methods of creating children's fun is from ordinary water with the addition of starch. The slime comes out wonderful, it’s not scary to give it to your beloved child.

For water crafts you will need:

  • Starch
  • Water (must be warm)

The components are taken in a one to one proportion.

The manufacturing process is very simple, as is the set of components: water is mixed with starch, a ball is formed. The homemade product is ready.

If desired, you can add dye, glitter, essential oil. This will significantly embellish the homemade miracle - yudo.

This is the easiest way to create slime. It turns out to be very reliable, which the children are immensely happy about.

For creativity you need:

  • Glue called “Titan” – 90 gr. It’s better to choose just one, and certainly with a suitable shelf life
  • Shampoo – 30 gr. Any one will be useful, even the most inexpensive one
  • Any dye. The type of dye depends on what color you want to give to your homemade fidget
  • Gloves
  • Plastic bag.

Step-by-step creative process

  1. Shampoo and glue are poured into the bag and mixed.
  2. Dye is added and mixed.

Ready! Simple and fast.

For this technique, the following tips will be useful:

  1. The dye may not be added if the shampoo was colored. Or add just a little to enhance the color effect. This is your decision.
  2. The proportions can be varied: if you pour in more shampoo, greater elasticity is achieved. More glue - the density will differ.

It is possible to make slime from different materials. The simplest option is plasticine and gelatin. Surely they can be found in every home where little children grow up.

Such a toy will be useful for kids, it will allow their hands to develop, and it can be given a wide variety of shapes. In addition to motor skills, the toy also develops children's thinking and imagination.

To work, you will need a wooden spatula and two containers. Metal, for dissolving gelatin, and plastic, for mixing.

For creativity you need:

  • About a hundred gr. plasticine of any color
  • A couple of 25 gram packages of gelatin
  • Warm water up to 50 ml


  1. Take a metal container, dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package, set aside for swelling (approximately one hour).
  2. Place the container with the dissolved gelatin on the fire, bring to
    boil, set aside to cool.
  3. Knead the plasticine thoroughly with your hands.
  4. Take a container, pour warm water into it, place plasticine.
  5. Stir with a spatula until smooth.
  6. Send the cooled gelatin to the plasticine. Mix well, the mixture should become homogeneous.
  7. Place in a cool place to harden.

Just flour and water. This version of homemade slime can be given to even the smallest family member. He will undoubtedly be interested in fun that is amenable and pleasant to the touch.

To create a simple slime you need:

  • Two tbsp. flour
  • Water – cold and hot
  • Dye - optional.


  1. Pour flour into a container.
  2. Add a quarter glass of cold water and stir. Place the dye here if you wish.
  3. Pour in enough hot water until the mixture becomes sticky.
  4. Cool the mixture for 1 hour.
  5. Knead well with your hands.

The licker is ready. Can be put into operation.

The shaving foam makes the lick very elastic, a fact that kids really like. It’s also very big – there are so many games you can come up with!

To invent it you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Shaving foam
  • PVA glue
  • Borax (sodium tetraborate) powder – 1.5 tsp.
  • Warm water – 50 ml
  • Convenient capacity
  • Spatula.

The creative process consists of the following stages:

  1. First you need to dilute the borax powder. Why dissolve it in warm water in a separate container, stir well - no powder crystals should be observed.
  2. The foam is squeezed into the prepared container.
  3. Add glue and stir.
  4. Add two tablespoons of dissolved powder to the mixture and mix. The mass thickens.
  5. Add more solution and mix.
  6. The solution is added until the mass begins to lag behind the walls of the container.
  7. Another criterion for the readiness of the product is that the mass does not stick to your hands.

The toy is ready. It is exactly the same as what is sold in the store.

White foam also determines the corresponding color of the product. You can add all sorts of colors and get a colored toy. And if you make eyes out of buttons or paper for a slime, it will become simply charming.

You can also paint your foam slime in all the colors of the rainbow. An original toy will become a source of pride for both the child and the creator. To do this, you need to prepare several additional containers and perform the following operations:

Exclusive fun is ready. You can sculpt anything from it!
Well, dear adults, how did we convince you that slime is an interesting thing? That making it with your own hands is an exciting and fascinating process?.. Moreover, this is another opportunity to plunge into the children's world of your child, another connecting thread. So let's say thank you to Lizun!

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You can make slime without glue and sodium tetraborate using water, soda and dishwashing detergent, the main thing is to prepare everything correctly according to the recipe below. Many people know the most memorable character of the cartoon “Ghostbusters” - Lizun. The harmless ghost is familiar to everyone.

Several types of do-it-yourself slimes

When choosing a recipe, pay attention to the time it will take and the ingredients.

Types you can cook:

  • From PVA and borax (sodium tetraborate),
  • From detergent and soda,
  • From shampoo (without glue),
  • Made from flour and water (no chemicals).

Making any of them does not require much effort and time. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let’s take a closer look at them.

The easiest way to make

One of the easiest to prepare and most successful options includes a few ingredients:

  • Sodium tetraborate (borax),
  • PVA glue,
  • Dye,
  • A disposable container or any container you don’t mind.

The fresher the glue, the better the result. Sodium tetraborate is sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. You can use not a solution, but a powder, borax, it doesn’t matter.

Now let's look at the recipe:

  • Prepare a container in which to mix the ingredients. It can be anything, you should not take the dishes from which you eat, toxic substances are still used.
  • Add dye to the glue, the more, the brighter the color. When adding tetraborate, watch how thick the mixture is, do not pour too much. If you are using a powder rather than a solution, first dissolve a small amount in slightly warmed water.
  • To ensure that it does not stick to your hands, place it in a plastic bag and knead it well. When it becomes elastic, take it out, it is ready.

Without sodium tetraborate and PVA

If you don’t like the previous option or you don’t have the necessary ingredients for it, the option of soda and detergent will definitely suit you.

Almost everyone can find these ingredients, and the result will be just as good.

For it we will need:

  • Dishwashing liquid,
  • Water,
  • Soda,
  • Dye (gouache).

Any brand of detergent will do, there is not much difference. Water is needed to thin out a mixture that is too thick if necessary.


  1. Here you can take any utensils, the main thing is that it is convenient to get the finished toy. The role of glue in this recipe will be played by washing liquid, so the size of the future toy will depend on its quantity.
  2. Take the amount of soda required for the desired thickness. Pour in, stirring constantly, adding more water or detergent if necessary. The soda slime is ready.

From shampoo without glue

If you don’t have glue on hand or you just don’t want to add it, this slime will be the optimal solution. The option for making it could be the simplest, if not for the time it takes to prepare. In order for it to acquire the qualities we need, it must stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Everyone will have the ingredients they need:

  • Shampoo,
  • Shower gel, detergent.


  1. No special effort is required, you just need to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions.
  2. Just put the prepared mixture in the refrigerator and the next morning you will have a ready-to-use slime on your hands.

Slime safe for children without chemicals

To ensure that your toy is safe and does not contain any chemicals, a flour slime will work well for you. The option will be optimal for those who have small children.

For this simple and safe toy you will need:

  • Flour,
  • Hot and cold water,
  • Dye.

The process is similar to making dough; you can put on an apron.


  1. Pour 2 cups of flour into the container to make the mass more tender and homogeneous; it is recommended to sift it first. Carefully pour a little cold water into the flour, then the same amount of hot water. The proportions should be such that the mixture is moderately thick.
  2. You need to mix thoroughly; the quality of the slime will depend on the homogeneity of the mass. All that remains is to add the dye and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

To ensure that the result of your labors lasts longer, during moments of rest it is better not to leave it in the air; put it in a bag. Now that you know how to make slime in different ways, we can wish you success and good mood. Experiment!

The funny name “lizun” is given to a jelly-like soft toy that can be endlessly crushed in your hands, thrown at the wall and had fun with it in other ways. Already want to get your hands on such an interesting thing? You don't have to go to the store for this. There are several interesting recipes that will tell you how to make slime without glue at home, using improvised materials.

This recipe does not include either liquid glue or a pencil.


  • starch (both potato and corn starch are suitable) – 130-150 g;
  • water – 70-80 ml;
  • dye of any shade - ¼ tsp.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Pour all the prepared dry starch into a suitable plastic container. It must be remembered that the size of the toy depends on this component. If desired, its quantity can be increased.
  2. Add coloring matter. Initially, the result may not be the intended shade at all. No need to worry, later (after kneading) the color will become original.
  3. Fill with water. Definitely cold. First, about a third of the liquid is introduced and only then the rest (after thorough mixing). It is at this stage that the process of changing the paint color will begin.
  4. Mix ingredients until desired thickness.

You will be able to have fun with the finished toy for no longer than two days. Then it will become unusable. But from the simplest components you can quickly make a new one.

Method of preparing toothpaste

Toothpaste makes a safe entertainment that can be used even by little ones. The main thing is not to put the toy in your mouth.


  • toothpaste - its volume depends on the size of the planned product;
  • any food coloring - a few drops or a pinch.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Squeeze the prepared amount of paste into a glass container. It is convenient to use a tall glass for this. It should be noted right away that the paste should be very thick. The best is gel. But her other qualities are unimportant. You can buy the cheapest one you can find.
  2. Add coloring to the paste.
  3. Make the mass as homogeneous as possible. There should not be even the smallest grains of dye left in it.
  4. Place the mixture in a small saucepan and then in a water bath. This is necessary to remove excess liquid from the composition. Usually 13-15 minutes is enough.

The thick mass can be removed from the pan and formed into a ball. If the composition turns out to be a bit dry, you just need to coat your hands with any vegetable oil and knead it thoroughly.

Shaving foam slime

The simplest and cheapest shaving product is suitable as the base of the toy.


  • shaving foam - at least 1 full glass;
  • acrylic or food paint - optional;
  • thick shampoo - ½ tbsp.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Pour the selected shampoo into a bowl convenient for mixing.
  2. Send all the shaving foam on top. It is important that it is lush and has not yet had time to settle.
  3. Add paint according to package instructions.
  4. Add salt. The quantity of each ingredient can be independently adjusted so that the resulting mass of the desired thickness is obtained.
  5. Steam the mixture.
  6. Place the slime in the refrigerator.

After about half an hour, you can try to use the product for its intended purpose.

From shampoo and salt

This is the simplest version of the recipe for the product under discussion. But it requires a person to be careful and patient. Instead of shampoo, you can also use dishwashing detergent.


  • thick opaque shampoo – 4-5 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. The shampoo will need to be placed in a container convenient for mixing.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on top. This ingredient will be enough literally on the tip of a knife.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. It is convenient to do this with a wide wooden spoon or even with your hands.
  4. Place the mixture in the refrigerator.
  5. In approximately 17-20 minutes, the slime toy will be ready.

It should be noted right away that the slime made from shampoo will be very different from the one made in production. The mass will turn out sticky. But it is perfect for all kinds of educational finger games.

Step-by-step instructions from flour

According to this scheme, the slime without PVA glue is elastic and stretches well. When warm, playing with it is a pleasure. But after cooling, the mass becomes not so soft.


  • flour - a full glass;
  • water - a full glass;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • any coloring matter.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Pour a glass of flour into a container suitable for mixing.
  2. Pour the dry component with not very cold water.
  3. If after mixing the composition turns out to be too thick, the amount of liquid must be increased. The optimal consistency is like store-bought sour cream.
  4. Divide the mixture into three parts. Paint each one a different color. To do this, you can use a variety of dyes - acrylic, food. Even a composition made from a felt-tip pen will do.
  5. Each part needs to be warmed up. This can be done in the microwave (1 minute at medium power), in the oven (6 minutes at 170-180 degrees), in a frying pan, stirring constantly until thickened.

When the slime has cooled slightly, you can use it for playing.

Plasticine toy

Even plasticine can be made the basis of the unusual toy under discussion.


  • food gelatin – 15 g;
  • water - a full glass;
  • plasticine from any manufacturer and any color – 90-100 g.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Pour cool water over the dry ingredients (reserve approximately 50-70 ml). No need to stir. Simply leave the mixture for about an hour. It is best to immediately mix everything in a metal container and then send it to the fire.
  2. When the gelatin has swollen enough, you need to put the bowl/pan on low heat and wait until it boils. Then immediately remove from the burner.
  3. Knead the plasticine. You need to make it soft with the warmth of your hands.
  4. Mix the mixture with the remaining water. It is convenient to do this with a wide spatula.
  5. Combine the mixtures from the second and fourth steps.

Place the resulting mass in a cool place for about forty minutes.

Let's talk about everyone's favorite toy - slime! A toy with such an unattractive name is a sticky-wet, jelly-like mass of bright color and odorless. Slime does not mold like plasticine, although it has a certain plasticity, but it sticks well to surfaces, slowly sliding off them. This ability and its pleasant-to-touch texture have made this seemingly unremarkable mass one of the most famous inventions in the gaming industry.

The history of handgam

The ancestor of the substance, known in the countries of the former USSR under the name “slime,” was the acid-green toy slime, which was produced by the Slime company.

The name "slime" stuck to slime after the release of the film "Ghostbusters" on television. The ghost after whom this jelly-like toy was named had a similar shape.

The beneficial effect of handgam on the development of a child

Another name for this sensational sticky plasticine is handgam, which translated means “hand” and “chewing gum.”

Scientists who have studied handgams claim that playing with them has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and can serve as a relaxing massage.

So, how can you please your child with such a wonderful toy that develops imagination and motor skills? Of course, you can go and buy it at almost any store, but it’s safer and more interesting to make it yourself.

How to make slime at home without or with it with your own hands will be discussed in our article.

Safety rules for making handgams

Before you learn about sodium tetraborate, let's familiarize ourselves with the basic safety rules, since failure to comply with them can be fraught with serious health problems:

Wear an apron (or clothes you don't mind) and gloves, as you will be using dyes during the work.

If you are making “smart” plasticine together with a child, be careful that glue and borax do not get into his stomach. If these ingredients are ingested, rinse and consult a doctor.

For the mixture of ingredients, use a container from which you will not eat food after the process is complete.

The shelf life of homemade slime can be from a week to two weeks, depending on the ingredients included in its composition.

After playing, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.

How to make such a toy with your own hands at home? Slime without sodium tetraborate or with it is made in approximately the same way, as will be described below in the article. Safety precautions are the same for all methods.

Making “smart” plasticine from sodium tetraborate

There are many ways to make handgam yourself, today we will look at the most common of them.

Sodium tetraborate slime is considered the most durable. To increase its shelf life, strictly follow the manufacturing technology and choose the highest quality materials.

By the way, tetraborate itself is an antiseptic, so if a child drops a slime that contains this substance, you don’t have to worry.

You can buy borax solution at pharmacies, hardware stores, craft stores, and even at the construction market.

There are two ways to create handgam from sodium tetraborate - with water and without water. In the first case, your slime will turn out a little transparent, in the second - more matte.

Method without using water

Materials and ingredients you will need:

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour glue into the container (all or only part, depending on how many and what size slimes you want to get).

Constantly stirring the glue with a wooden stick, add 1 drop of borax solution to it until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Add a couple of drops of gouache or and mix thoroughly with your hands wearing rubber gloves.

Sodium tetraborate slime made according to this recipe can be washed with water if necessary.

Method using water

Materials you will need to make a toy like Slime from sodium tetraborate:

A glass of cold water.

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Sodium tetraborate (aka borax solution), it is better if it is a solution in glycerin - a few drops.

Food coloring or gouache.

The container in which you will mix everything.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Mix glue and water in a container at a ratio of 1:1.

Pour in a lot of dye.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add two drops of borax solution and mix until smooth.

If the mass turns out to be too liquid, then add a little more sodium tetraborate.

Sodium tetraborate slime is stored in the refrigerator in airtight packaging. When your homemade “smart” plasticine hardens, add a little water to it.

If you want to get a transparent slime, replace the PVA glue in this recipe with clear stationery glue.

Slime, which contains glue and starch

If you consider a toy that contains sodium tetraborate to be unsafe and unsuitable for playing with a child, or you were unable to buy a borax solution, then your option is homemade slime without sodium tetraborate.

Materials required to make handgam:

Liquid starch for washing clothes (if you do not find starch in liquid form, dilute it yourself in a ratio of 1:3).

Food coloring or gouache.

Dense file.

Cooking method:

Pour 85 ml of liquid starch into a clean, dry file.

Add a little gouache or a couple of drops of food coloring to the starch.

Pour 30 ml of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

Mash the mixture in the file with your hands, mixing it thoroughly.

After most of the composition has turned into a thick, slippery clot and some liquid remains at the bottom of the bag, remove the slime from the bag and remove excess moisture from it with paper or a cloth.

Lizun is ready.

If you see that the slime is too sticky or not at all plastic, it means you have calculated the proportions incorrectly (in the first case there is too much glue, in the second there is too much starch).

Remember that in addition to harmless starch, such a toy contains glue, so make sure that the child does not put it in his mouth.

It is important to know not only how to make slime without sodium tetraborate, but also how and how long to store it later: store it in a closed container at room temperature for no more than a week.

Slime made from baking soda and detergent

There are a huge number of ways to create “smart” plasticine, similar in its properties to the world famous toy slime.

If your goal is a slime without sodium tetraborate and glue, then we have a couple more options, here is one of them.

Materials and tools you need:

Dishwashing liquid (like Fairy).

Baking soda.

Food coloring or gouache.

Wooden stick (a sushi stick works great).

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of detergent into the container.

Add 1 tbsp. l. soda

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Add as much water to the resulting mixture as needed to ensure that the resulting consistency suits you.

Add a few drops of dye (this step is optional, because often the dishwashing liquid already has a fairly bright color that is transferred to the slime).

Slime without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate is ready. Store it in the refrigerator.

Slime with the longest shelf life

As you have probably already noticed, all of the homemade slimes described above have a fairly short shelf life (no more than 2 weeks), this is due to the fact that they contain almost no preservatives or substances that will protect them from drying out.

If you want to make handgam with a longer shelf life, then we have such a recipe. The lifespan of “smart” plasticine, the manufacturing method of which we will now describe, is from 1 to 2 months.

By the way, for this recipe you will need very few ingredients, and you almost certainly have them at home:

Transparent bright color without granules.

Transparent shampoo with bright colors.

Mixing container.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of shampoo into a container.

Add 150 ml of shower gel to the shampoo.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and carefully, making sure no foam forms.

Place the container with the future slime in the refrigerator for a day.

This slime must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will simply melt. As in all other cases, make sure that your child does not taste the handgam and wash their hands thoroughly after playing with it.

The safest slime

If all the above methods do not seem safe to you and do not inspire confidence in you, but you want to please your child, then we suggest you make a beautiful and interesting toy (slime) without sodium tetraborate and starch, without shampoo and dishwashing detergent, without glue and washing powder .

The shelf life of such a toy is not very long, and it differs noticeably from the original in appearance, but it is safe, and you can be sure that nothing will happen to your child, even if he puts the handgam in his mouth.

So, here are the ingredients you will need to make safe “smart” plasticine:

Wheat flour.

Hot water.

Boiling water.

Container for mixing ingredients.

Fork or whisk.

Food coloring (you can even use beet juice or spinach juice, for example).

Cooking method:

Pour 4 cups of flour into a container prepared in advance, sifting it through a sieve.

Add half a glass of ice water to the flour.

Pour half a glass of boiling water there.

Mix everything as thoroughly as possible, the mixture should be smooth and without lumps.

Now it’s the dye’s turn: add a few drops to the mixture and mix everything again.

Place your future safe slime in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

The slime is ready, now you can rest assured about your child.

other methods

There are many more ways to make slime. Here are some of them: from washing powder, from a solution of borax and dry (but such handgam needs to be boiled), from plasticine and gelatin, magnetic, etc.

In this article, we tried to describe in as much detail and clearly as possible several completely different, but at the same time very simple ways of making slime. We hope we were able to answer all your questions.

If you are wondering how to make slime without sodium tetraborate, then this article is for you. Slime is a viscous, slippery mass that changes shape and stretches, but does not stick to your hands. What makes the toy even more popular is the fact that you can easily make it yourself. This process gives unlimited freedom for creativity. You yourself choose the color of the toy, its consistency and decide whether it should contain fillers: beads, sparkles, etc.

Below we will tell you how to make slime at home without sodium tetraborate.

Mix with baking soda

Option No. 1 (baking soda, thick glue and foam)

You will need: one container (125 ml) of PVA glue, a can of shaving foam and baking soda.

Let's start making slime with our own hands. Mix the first two ingredients. You will end up with a liquid that is similar in thickness to cake cream. If you want, you can paint it. Then add soda in small pinches, actively stirring the mixture and bringing it to the desired consistency.

Please note that the mass will not set immediately. Therefore, after adding a pinch of powder, stir for about three minutes and only then add a new portion of soda. Do not overdo it with this component, otherwise you will ruin the toy.

Option No. 2 (Soda and “Fairies”)

Here we will tell you how to make slime at home from soda, Fairy (50 ml) and dye.

This recipe is extremely simple to make. Pour half a glass of hot water and dissolve two teaspoons of soda powder in it. Let the liquid cool.

Pour Fairy into the bowl and gradually pour in the soda solution. If you overdo it with the thickener, just add a small amount of dish soap to the mixture.

Theoretically, it is permissible to use dry soda in this method. But in this case, the gum for your hands will be denser and not so pleasant to the touch. “Fairy” can be replaced with any similar product.

Option number 3 (soda, glue and water)

To make this slime with your own hands, without using sodium tetraborate, you will need: a soda solution as in the previous recipe, dye and a bottle of PVA glue (can be replaced with silicate).

Pour the glue into a container, tint it (if desired) and add a soda solution (a teaspoon) to thicken the mass, stirring it constantly. Thus, achieve the desired density of the toy.

From gel for washing machines

Liquid detergents are great for thickening the mass when making slimes. Pervol and Persil are best suited. However, if you have another gel at home, try using it as a thickener. It's likely that it will work great.

To find out how to make a jelly toy with stain remover gel, read the recipe carefully.

For slime you will need: 125 ml of glue, 2 teaspoons of washing liquid (if it is in capsules, then take 2 pieces).

Pour glue into a deep bowl, add washing gel and, if desired, dye and mix thoroughly with a whisk or mixer.

When the slime becomes tight enough, start working with your hands. If you miss this moment and bring it to readiness with a whisk or mixer attachments, then it will be extremely difficult to remove it from them. Half of the toy may remain on the devices.

Thicken with flour or starch

Life hacks for slimers

Please note that most slimes made from improvised materials without the use of sodium tetraborate have a rather short shelf life (from 3 to 7 days). But even this time is quite enough to play with the new slime.

Please also note that hand gum thickened without sodium tetraborate is less dense and rubberized, so store it in the refrigerator in a closed container.

If you liked the methods of making chewing gum for hands without sodium tetraborate described in the article, then like and repost.

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