For complex painting work. Painting works. General information. Surface preparation and treatment technology

For complex painting work.  Painting works.  General information.  Surface preparation and treatment technology
For complex painting work. Painting works. General information. Surface preparation and treatment technology

Technological process of molar work


The scale and pace of our country's economic development is largely determined by the pace and quality of capital construction. For their successful solution, it is necessary to continue the concentration of capital investments, material and labor resources, to raise the level of industrialization, to improve the planning and organization of construction, and to improve the technology of building production.

The most important task, along with a further increase in the volume of housing and civil construction, is to improve the quality of construction and installation work and finishing work. Among the finishing works, painting is of great importance.

Painting work - applying paint compositions to the surfaces of structures of buildings and structures in order to increase their service life, improve sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises and give them a beautiful appearance. Painting also includes wallpaper work, which is also performed by painters. Masters of construction professions - plasterer, painter, bricklayer, tiler were always held in high esteem, always had sufficient income and work.

Famous masters of these building professions immortalized their work in

beautiful creations of architecture.

Many beautiful facades and interiors of forgotten palaces and modern cottages delight the eyes of the inhabitants of Russia. In all this, the work of a builder - a finisher, whose skill has admired more than one generation of Russia.

1. Technology sequence of painting work

.1 Organization of the workplace

painting defect tool

Each worker at his workplace must be provided with the necessary materials, products, products, semi-finished products, as well as electricity, water and compressed air.

Painting work is carried out by a flow-dissected method. Painting work must be properly organized: acceptance and storage of products and materials, their safety is ensured. All materials and products entering the site must have a passport. Machines and mechanisms must be kept in exemplary order, be ready for action, undergo inspections and repairs on time, and must also be painted in the color established for them. Painting work should be carried out with highly productive advanced methods, observing progressive work technology.

1.2 Required tools, fixtures

For painting work, various brushes, rollers, spatulas, rulers are needed. You can buy these tools or make your own. Brushes, depending on the type of work, use a different type. The handbrake, flutes, maklovits, trimming, rollers, spatulas and rulers are shown in (Fig. 1).

Handbrakes - round brushes are used for painting small surfaces with oil paint.

Flutes - wide flat brushes are used for leveling colorful and varnish coatings made with a fly brush or handbrake. Fleuts can also be used for coloring. In the process of work, these brushes should be wiped periodically.

Maklovitsy - are round with a diameter of 120 m and 170 mm. With a bristle length from 94 to 100 mm, rectangular. The handle of the maklovits is fastened in the middle of the block tightly or removable with screws. Top coats are recommended to be used on glued ones and require fletching.

Trimmers - come in a rectangular shape with a size of 154 x 76 mm, they are made of hard spinal bristles. Trimmers are used to treat freshly painted surfaces. Trimming is applied evenly, smoothing out the unevenness of the paint applied with a brush. Trimming must be clean and dry, so it must be wiped frequently.

Rollers - for painting work. When painting, the rollers form a texture resembling a large shagreen. Rollers can perform different work: prime and paint with various paints both walls and ceilings. Before starting work, fur rollers should be put in water for a while so that the hair acquires the same stiffness.

Spatulas and rulers. In the production of painting work, metal and wooden spatulas, various in shape, are used to level the putty. These spatulas are used for applying and leveling putty on wood and plaster. In addition to these tools, a knife, a chisel, a steel brush, a bucket, basins, cups, a frequent sieve or gauze are needed for work.

painting defect tool

1.3 Required materials

Finishing materials in the production of painting works include paints and varnishes. Their consumption per unit area is relatively small. Paints and varnishes are divided into basic and auxiliary.

The main materials include: paint (binding materials with the addition of pigments); varnishes (solvents with the addition of film-forming substances); enamels (color pigments in varnish); primers (pigment suspension in a binder); putties (thickened mixture of pigment with filler in a binder); binders (polymers, adhesives, emulsions and drying oils).

Auxiliary materials include: pastes and putties, solvents and mastics, thinners and driers, washes and other components.

Dye. When carrying out painting work, a thin film of a decorative coating is formed, which simultaneously performs protective functions. The composition of the paint is complex and diverse, violation of this condition leads to damage and its unsuitability for use.

The basic composition of the paint: pigment (dye), film-forming substance (binder), filler, solvent, stabilizer, modifier.

The pigment gives color to the paint. The binder provides a continuous film of the composition on the surface. The filler is used to dilute the pigment. The solvent is designed to give the paint fluidity. The stabilizer gives the film resistance to environmental influences. The modifier is designed to give the paint specific properties.

Synthetic varnishes. This category includes perchlorovinyl and pentaphthalic varnishes. Mixed with resin lacquers of appropriate tones, they form a reliable floor covering.

Alkyd-styrene varnish, anti-corrosion, for coating metal products.

Perchlorovinyl varnish, PVC resin solution in an organic solvent, colorless.

Varnishes PF and GF for coating metal and wooden painted surfaces.

KhSL varnishes, for coating oil paints and protecting them from aggressive environments.

Enamel GF, resistant to oil and water, but fire hazard.

Enamel PF, for interior work.

EP enamels are toxic and flammable; a homogeneous semi-gloss film is formed.

Enamel FL, for painting the floor.

Recently, nitro-based enamels have been used more often.

Nitrolac NC, for painting prepared metal surfaces.

HF nitro-lacquers, for coloring wood or metal in the air.


GF-21 and PF-0260, red-brown, primers for application on metal and wooden surfaces under enamel coating.

NC 081, brown, for preparation for application of nitrocellulose and nitroglyphthalic enamels.

Solution SOPRO CD 749 - for preliminary preparation of walls with high hygroscopicity.

Primer VDAK-0301, acrylic-based, waterproof, deep penetration, for the treatment of wood, brick and concrete surfaces.

Putties. All major manufacturers of paint and varnish products offer a wide range of putties for various purposes. They are designed to complete the processing of surfaces and give them a finished look. Putties such as Knauf, Vetonit, Presto, Lakkakity, Prestonit and others, this line includes putties based on an organic and polymeric binder. They are divided into draft and finishing putties.

They differ in the size of solid particles: 0.55 and 0.1 mm, respectively.

Bonding Materials:

Adhesives are organic and synthetic.

Organic adhesives include vegetable and animal adhesives.

Animal adhesives are the largest group of organic binders. It includes skin, fish, bone and casein glue and technical gelatin.

Mezdrovy glue is obtained from the waste of tanneries.

Bone glue is made from animal bones.

Fish glue is made from air bubbles of catfish and sturgeon fish.

Casein glue is made from skimmed cow's milk.

Technical gelatin is a high quality bone glue.

Vegetable glue is obtained from potato, rice or corn starch.

Synthetic adhesives:

These include CMC glue, methylcellulose, PVA dispersion, latex and others.

Binders for oil compositions - drying oils.

Drying oils are natural artificial and semi-natural.

Natural drying oils - linen and hemp, for thickly grated paints.

Artificial drying oils:

Slate drying oil is used for thinning paints for outdoor use.

Layer drying oils (neftenol, karbol and others) are used for diluting paints for internal use.

Semi-natural - drying oil oxol, glyphthalic, pentaphthalic and castor.

Drying oil oksol is used in the preparation of oil paints for outdoor use, fire hazardous.

Glyptal drying oil is used for the preparation of thick paints, for exterior and interior painting of wood, metal and plastered surfaces.

Pentaphthalic drying oil is intended for the preparation of ready-to-use paints with an alkyd base for indoor and outdoor use.

Castor drying oil is intended for the preparation of thickly grated paints for interior work.

1.4 A detailed description of the sequence of the task, indicating the preparation of work

Before painting, the surfaces should be well prepared, as the quality of the work performed depends on this. New plastered, plaster and concrete surfaces. First of all, they are cleaned with pumice, bream or sandpaper, removing bumps and roughness. Cleaning is carried out on dry surfaces. After that, all cracks are cut to a depth of at least 3 mm, moistened with water, covered with a gypsum mortar or a specially prepared chalk and gypsum lubricating paste, dried well and cleaned.

New wooden surfaces require cutting branches, tars, dowels, plugs to a depth of at least 3 mm, cutting cracks. After that, the surface is primed, dried, defective and cut-out places are corrected with a lubricant paste or putty, dried and cleaned. If you do not remove the knots, dowels and do not drown the nails, then when the wood dries out, they will protrude from its plane, leaving bumps on the painted surface. Paint over such places will crack and flake. If the resin is not cut out, the resin will seep through the putty, destroying the paint and leaving permanent stains. Painted (old) wooden surfaces most often require cutting slots, their pro-oiling and sealing.

The preparation of painted surfaces for adhesive painting most often consists in removing the old, usually thick layer of paint. If the layer is thin, does not crack, it can be primed and painted. The paint is cleaned from a dry or previously well-moistened surface with water. It is better to moisten with hot water with a brush. As soon as the paint gets wet, it is removed with a scraper. However, after that, traces of coloring still remain in places, which will stand out on the painted surface. Therefore, after cleaning, the surface should be washed with water using a hard brush, but it is better to grind it. Glue paint is easy to remove if the surface is washed with a 1-2% hydrochloric acid solution, from which the paint swells. After that, the surfaces are washed well with water.

Preparation of rusty and sooty places. Especially a lot of trouble is delivered by rusty and smoky places. There are many different ways to prepare them, but sometimes all of them are powerless, so you have to remove the old plaster and apply a new one. First of all, the old paint should be completely removed from such places and only then proceed with the preparation. A herb is prepared, consisting of water and copper sulfate: for 10 liters of water, take 500 g of copper sulfate for a solution of normal strength, 700 g for a solution of medium strength and 1000 g for a strong solution. Grass, preferably hot, is covered with rusty places once or twice, having previously filtered it. After drying, the surfaces are covered with vitriol soil. Smoked surfaces should be washed well with a 2% hydrochloric acid solution, then washed off with clean hot water and primed after drying. In case of strong sootiness, after washing with acid and water, the surfaces are rubbed with lime mortar prepared on fine sand. If the structures are rusted, then the rust will begin to pass through the layer of new plaster, so it is necessary to provide insulation. Wooden surfaces are insulated with roofing felt or other insulating material, after which they are stuffed with shreds. Stone and brick surfaces are cut down to a depth of 3-5 cm. Thickened plaster will be a fairly reliable protection. Smoked places and other spots are covered once or twice with a strong soap maker. The remaining paint is completely removed. Spots must be dry before priming.

Surface priming. Having prepared the surfaces, proceed to their priming with the indicated compositions. The primer is applied in one or more layers, depending on the quality of the surface. Only dry surfaces are primed, each new layer of primer is applied to a well-dried previous layer of soil. If new plastered surfaces are primed with a soap maker, this operation should be performed twice. The second primer is applied after the first one has dried, after the second primer has dried, it is painted. The purity of the color depends on the quality of the shading of the primer. The last layer of primer is shaded on the walls with vertical strokes, without coarse stripes and streaks. If the painting will be done at one time, then it is better to shade the primer with horizontal strokes, because when painting the walls, the paint is shaded from the floor to the ceiling, i.e. vertically. The strokes, intersecting, will make it possible to obtain a more even color. The primer on the ceilings is shaded against the light, and the paint is shaded in the opposite direction. Ceilings made of prefabricated slabs are primed across and painted along. When using rollers, the same procedure should be followed. When painting with oil and other anhydrous compounds, it is necessary to carry out pro-oiling and priming. When painting without putty, right after the pro-oiling, shading on wood is performed across the fibers, along the walls - horizontally, along the ceilings - across the light rays. The most serious attention should be paid to the quality of the primer: the primer, without thorough shading, leaves rough streaks that no good coloring can correct. Before painting, it is recommended not to oil the putty surfaces, but to prime them with liquid paint, adding 0.5-1 kg of thick paint of the desired color per 1 kg of drying oil. After a good primer, instead of two colors, one is enough. When pro-oiling, you have to perform two colors.

After preparing the surface, you can proceed to decorative painting work. Decorative finishing is performed using aqueous, semi-aqueous and anhydrous compositions. At the beginning of decorative painting work, it is necessary to draw out the panels.

Panels - dividing lines, usually applied at the junction of two adjacent differently colored sections placed on the same plane. They are performed only if there is a special instruction in the project. The panels are drawn along the ruler with round bristle brushes or horsehair brushes or on a stencil (Fig. 2), or special devices are used, for example, designed by K.E. Burman (Fig. 3), using glue and oil compositions for oil painting of surfaces, and only glue compositions for glue and at the border of oil and glue painting, the technique for stretching panels is also presented. It is important that the panel along its length has a given width and is strictly horizontal, vertical or made at the required angle.

Device a) consists of:

) paint tank

) Removable rubber roller for rolling panels

) felt disc for paint supply

) handle

) the axis on which the disk rotates

Surfaces painted with adhesives are rolled with patterned rollers (Fig. 4) or sprayed (Fig. 5), using adhesive paints with a harmonious color combination of the background and the applied pattern.

Rice. 4 Fig. 5

For knurling, hand tools are used, consisting of a patterned and feed roller. The pattern is applied by rolling the roller from the bottom up, without gaps, in parallel stripes.

Spraying on adhesive coloring is performed by:

) with a manual paint sprayer, reducing the supply of the paint composition until an intermittent jet is formed at the outlet of the nozzle;

) a machine equipped with a shaft with steel plates fixed around its circumference: with a slow rotation of the shaft, the plates, catching on the stop, bend and, springing up, eject the colorful composition with separate splashes to the surface;

) blows of the handbrake, on the palm or bar;

) with a stiff bristled brush and a block of wood.

The creation of relief dressing with manual elements is performed with plastic putties with minimal shrinkage, for which gypsum is included. Only dry, durable, carefully rubbed plasters are suitable for finishing. With increased pulling ability, the plastered surfaces are primed with a solution of animal glue equal to 8%. When preparing early painted surfaces, water-based paints are cleaned to the ground and the plaster is ground, and oil coatings are thoroughly washed with a solution of soda ash equal to 5% or a solution of crystalline soda equal to one and a half to two percent.

A textured layer with a thickness of 2-4 mm is applied to the surface, starting from one of the corners, usually on the left side. The freshly laid composition is processed with a variety of techniques and tools, giving the surface a characteristic texture. The following types of textured finishes are more often used (Fig. 6):

“under the basket”, applying putty with a flute in squares with sides of 15-20 cm;

"fan-shaped", treating the surface of freshly laid putty with half-turns of the end of the flywheel, maklovitsa or scallop; the pattern is arranged in horizontal rows, shifting each next row by half the diameter;

"vertical strokes", processing the putty layer with the ends of the bristles of a brush or floor brush;

"Inclined strokes", using a scallop or a hard muffler to form a pattern;

"wavy strokes", using a hard brush for processing;

"Curls", processing a freshly laid layer of putty with spiral movements of a tablespoon;

“under the reed”, performing a horizontal shading of the background with a hard brush, along which lines curved in one direction are applied with a knife handle;

"under the Italian limestone", processing with a sponge some places of freshly laid light yellow putty, with the formation of nostrils. After blunting with a sponge, the surfaces are slightly smoothed with a plastic triangle. The hardened surface of the wall is marked into separate stones, cutting the seams with a knife. For final finishing, the surface is painted with glazing paint - burnt umber, the excess of which is removed from all bulges with a rag, leaving the recesses painted over.

The surface with a finished texture finish is kept until completely dry, after which it is lightly sanded with abrasive paper and painted with oil glazing compounds. Often, a freshly laid paint layer is wiped over the bumps with a rag, leaving the recesses more painted over, which increases the decorative effect of the finish and, as it were, raises the relief, creating the impression of deeper shadows.

1.5 Defects arising from painting work

In almost any repair, defects and some errors are inevitable, and painting work is no exception. From a wide variety of types of paints, several basic ones can be distinguished, differing in composition and, therefore, having both different causes of defects and different methods for their elimination.

The first type is paints with lime and adhesive compositions. When using these types of paints, most often we encounter such phenomena as streaks and splashes, translucence of the previous layer, peeling of the paint film, greasy or rusty spots, discoloration of the coating, and chalking. These are the most characteristic, although by no means all the troubles that lie in wait for the masters and do not bring joy to the owners. The reason for the occurrence of such defects lies on the surface - this is an elementary non-compliance with the technology of painting work when using paints with lime and adhesive compositions. Unfortunately, as a rule, the only way to eliminate such defects is to completely repaint the entire surface.

Streaks and splashes are the result of using an overly thick coloring solution. The only way out is to prepare a solution of normal viscosity, and, sadly, repaint the entire surface.

Translucence of the previous layer. It arises as a result of the imprudent use of a primer, which differs sharply in color from the paint used. You can try to apply another coat of paint, if this does not give the desired result, then you will have to re-prime the surface using a primer of the appropriate color, and of course, re-paint.

Detachment of the ink film. This phenomenon is the result of several causes, one of which is an excessively thick coloring solution, which, moreover, was applied several times to the same place. Another is that too much glue is included in the paint. And one more reason - weak putty or too thick layer of old paint. To eliminate this defect, it will be necessary to remove all previous layers of paint, including the last ones, and repaint the surface. Alternatively, when finishing an apartment, you can shade the paint with a damp brush, washing off part of the coating, which will still require re-painting.

Oily or rusty spots. An extremely unpleasant and difficult to eliminate defect, explained by the penetration of water through the layer of plaster for a long time or if the painting was carried out on fresh wood. In this case, resinous substances inherent in wood can cause such stains. By eliminating the penetration of water, and re-painting, you can get rid of such a defect. You can also try washing off the paint, treat the stains with a 3% hydrochloric acid solution, prime the treated areas with oil paint and finally apply a new layer of paint based on lime and adhesive compositions.

On the surface of the material, there may be areas with non-drying oils, which, after painting, will certainly cause the appearance of greasy spots. The only way out in this situation is a complete replacement of the material for apartment renovation.

Rust stains on the surface to be painted can be caused by long-term flow of water or resinous substances through the plaster (if painting is done on fresh wood). This defect can be corrected only by eliminating the cause of rust and re-applying paint. There is, of course, another option. Wash off the paint, treat the places where stains appear with a warm 3% hydrochloric acid solution, paint over with oil paint, and only then apply paint based on lime and adhesive compositions. Greasy stains are associated exclusively with non-drying oils directly on the material on top of which the painting is made. It is possible to get rid of them by replacing the material.

Shallowing is caused by an insufficient amount of glue in the paint solution or insufficiently thorough grinding of chalk (presence of large particles), especially if the prepared solution was not filtered before use. To eliminate such a defect, it is recommended to apply a weak adhesive solution to the paint layer by spraying, or re-priming and then painting the entire surface.

Paint color changes. To give the paint a certain color, appropriate pigments (dyes) are used, which are resistant to alkalis and ultraviolet. Careful selection of the components of the coloring solution, if such a defect occurs - the only way out is a complete re-painting of the surface.

Brush marks are the most common defect resulting from the use of overly thick paint. It is eliminated by removing dried paint with, for example, pumice stone and re-painting with a solution whose viscosity has been brought to the required condition.

Applying multiple coats of quick-drying paint may cause noticeable seams in the paint. Using a different type of paint or re-painting in one go will help eliminate this defect.

"Crocodile skin" - the appearance of "wrinkles" on the painted surface is the imprudent application of paint to a surface that has not yet completely dried after the previous treatment. And in this case, the correction of the defect will require a complete repainting of the surface.

1.6 Quality indicators and tolerances

Quality indicators Quality assessment excellent good satisfactory translucence of the soil Not allowed Hardly noticeable from a distance of 2 m Roughness Not allowed Rare, barely noticeable to the eye Shallowing when pressed at a time in one place Not allowed Weak, in some places Horizontal panels Deviations no more than ± 1 mm per 1 linear m length Deviation no more than ± 2 mm per 1 running. m lengthb) Oil painting on plaster Scratches from a spatula or sand, grains of sand on the surface Not allowed Barely noticeable to the eye, no more than two per 1 m2 Barely noticeable to the eye no more than four per 1 m2 Roughness - a sign of insufficient grinding or rough puttying Not allowed Not allowed one or the other side when removing from other surfaces (when painting in several tones) or when pulling out panels m, but not more than 5 mm from the horizontal for the entire room The same, up to 2 mm per 1 linear meter. m, but not more than 10 mm horizontally for the entire room Contamination of surfaces not to be painted with this paint or clean floors Not allowed Not allowed one spot per room or per flight of stairs Two spots per room or per flight of stairs are allowed c) Oil painting on wood twice Grains of sand, hair, scratches, grains on the surface and other irregularities Not allowed Barely noticeable to the eye at a distance of 2 m Allowed barely noticeable to the eye in separate places at a distance of 3 m Roughness - a sign of insufficient grinding or rough putty Not allowed Barely noticeable roughness in some places Allowed Contamination of surfaces or clean floors not to be painted with this paint Not allowed Barely noticeable pollution in 1-2 places

2. Labor protection, safety measures

.1 General safety requirements

Persons not younger than 18 years of age, who have the appropriate qualifications, who have received introductory instruction and initial instruction at the workplace on labor protection and have been trained in safe work methods, are allowed to independently carry out painting work.

A painter who has not passed a timely re-instruction on labor protection (at least 1 time in 3 months) and an annual test of knowledge on labor safety should not start work.

When applying for a job, a painter must undergo a preliminary medical examination, and in the future - periodic medical examinations within the time limits established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia.

The painter is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

The length of the working time of the painter should not exceed 40 hours per week.

The duration of daily work (shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations or shift schedule, approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union committee.

Paints and solvents are flammable, explosive substances, in addition, vapors of such substances, when inhaled, cause irritation and can lead to poisoning.

The use of faulty equipment, tools and attachments can result in personal injury.

It is forbidden to use tools, fixtures, equipment, with which the painter is not trained and instructed.

The painter must work in special clothing, special shoes and, if necessary, use other personal protective equipment.

In accordance with the standard industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, the painter is issued cotton overalls, leather boots, combined mittens or cotton gloves, a cotton helmet, a respirator, goggles.

The painter must comply with fire safety rules, be able to use fire extinguishing equipment. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.

The painter during work must be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations.

The painter must report the observed violations of safety requirements at his workplace, as well as malfunctions of equipment, devices, tools and personal protective equipment to his immediate supervisor and not start work until the identified deficiencies are eliminated.

The painter must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Wash hands with soap and water before eating and at the end of work.

For drinking, use water from devices specially designed for this purpose (saturators, drinking tanks, fountains, etc.).

For non-compliance with the requirements of the instructions developed on the basis of this and specified in paragraph 1.2, the painter is liable in accordance with applicable law.

2.2 Job description for labor protection painting work

The instructions apply to all departments of the enterprise.

The instruction was developed on the basis of DNAOP 0.00-8.03-93 "Procedure for the development and approval by the owner of labor protection regulations in force at the enterprise", DNAOP 0.00-4.15-98 "Regulations on the development of labor protection instructions", DNAOP 0.00-4.12-99 " Standard regulation on training on labor protection, SNiP III-4-80, Safety in construction, GOST 12.3.035.

According to this instruction, the painter is instructed before starting work at the enterprise (initial briefing) and then every 3 months (repeated briefing). The results of the briefing are recorded in the "Journal of registration of briefings on labor protection issues." After passing the briefing, the log must contain the signatures of the instructor and the painter.

The owner must insure the painter against accidents and occupational diseases. In case of damage to health through the fault of the owner, he (the painter) has the right to compensation for the harm caused to him.

For non-compliance with this instruction, the painter bears disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability,

Persons who have the appropriate qualifications, have passed a medical examination, an introductory briefing on labor protection and briefing at the workplace are allowed to perform painting work.

To work with toxic dyes, persons under the age of 18 are allowed.

When working with toxic dyes, the painter must be instructed in the safe rules for their use.

The painter must:

Comply with internal labor regulations.

Use overalls and personal protective equipment.

Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the workplace.

While on the construction site, wear a protective helmet.

Perform only the work for which he has been instructed and assigned to him by the supervisor.

Do not follow instructions that are contrary to the law labor protection lamas.

Know how to provide first aid to victims of accidents.

Know how to use primary heat quenching.

Remember personal responsibility for the implementation of labor protection rules and the safety of colleagues.

The main dangerous and harmful production factors affecting the painter are:

the effect on the body of toxic dyes;

effect on the skin of dyes, solvents;

falling objects;

falling from height;

fire and explosion hazard;

insufficient illumination of the working area;

The painter is provided with overalls:

cotton overalls;

combined gloves;

leather boots;



for robots with the use of harmful paints additionally: rubber gloves or rubber gloves on a knitted basis;

when working on the roof and metal structures, in addition - felted galoshes;

on outdoor robots in winter additionally: a jacket and trousers made of cotton with a warm lining, felt boots.

Workplaces must be provided with tested inventory devices and fixtures (scaffolding, platforms, ladders, etc.) made according to standard designs and installed in accordance with the work execution plan (PWR).

Scaffolding used when performing painting work in places under which other work is carried out or there is a passage must have floorings without gaps.

In places of application of nitro-paints and other paints and varnishes and substances that form explosive vapors, actions with the use of fire or actions that cause the formation of sparks are prohibited. The electricity in these places must be turned off or the wiring must be made in explosion-proof design.

Containers with explosive materials (varnishes, nitro-paints, etc.) during breaks must be closed with stoppers or lids and opened with a tool that does not cause sparks.

The workplace of the painter-operator must be provided with an alarm system (sound or light) with a painting station.

The container released from under solvents and paints and varnishes should be immediately removed from a workplace in warehouse.

Before starting work, the painter must:

Put on overalls, safety shoes, prepare personal protective equipment.

Inspect the workplace, prepare tools, fixtures, inventory.

Remove unnecessary materials, clear passages, approaches.

Check the reliability of scaffolding, platforms, mobile tables, ladders.

Make sure the communication with the painting station is working.

Check the serviceability of the hoses and the reliability of their connection.

Get a task from the work manager.

Safety requirements during work

Paint mixtures should be prepared, as a rule, centrally.

For their preparation at the construction site, it is necessary to use premises equipped with ventilation that does not allow exceeding the limit of permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area. The room must be provided with harmless detergents and warm water.

The operation of mobile painting stations for the preparation of dye mixtures that are not equipped with forced ventilation is not allowed.

It is not allowed to prepare paint mixtures in violation of the requirements of the paint manufacturer's instructions, as well as to use solvents that do not have a certificate with instructions on the action of harmful substances.

It is forbidden to perform painting work at unprotected workplaces located at a height of more than 1.3 m above the ground or ceiling; without properly installed scaffolding or platforms; in unlit or dark places.

If it is inexpedient to construct scaffolds or platforms, the painter must use a tested safety belt during work. The place of attachment of the carabiner must be indicated by the work manager.

It is forbidden to carry out outdoor painting work on scaffolding during thunderstorms, ice, fog, winds with a force of 15 m/s or more.

It is forbidden to carry out painting work on several tiers along one vertical line without intermediate protective decks.

Do not rest ladders on window frames.

The floorings of scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders during work and after its completion must be cleaned of construction debris.

When performing painting work on flights of stairs, special scaffolding should be used, in which the supports have different heights, or retractable racks installed on the steps.

To perform small painting work, it is necessary to use portable or sliding stepladders with incised steps.

The lower ends of the ladders should have sharp metal tips when installing them on a wooden floor and rubber tips on a concrete floor.

It is forbidden to use untested, random means for scaffolding.

All internal painting work must be carried out only with open windows or forced ventilation.

It is forbidden to apply paints, enamels and primers, which include lead compounds, by means of spraying.

When removing old oil paint by chemical means, use a long-handled trowel. The removed paint is collected in a metal box and removed from the workplace.

Puttyed surfaces should be cleaned with a piece of pumice stone or emery, clamped in special devices.

Painting work inside the containers should be performed only with forced ventilation by a link of three people (two of them insure) with a work permit.

To work with pneumatic tools, painters who have undergone special instruction on its safe operation are allowed.

When working with pneumatic tools, you must:

Make sure that the working part of the tool is in good condition (rods, nozzles, spray gun, etc.).

Check the serviceability of the pressure gauge, the presence of brands.

Turn on the tool only after placing it in working position.

Make sure that the hoses are not bent, do not touch the cables, electric cable or hoses of gas cutting devices.

Frozen hoses should be thawed in a warm, dry room. Steam heating is not permitted.

In the event of a break in work or detection of malfunctions of devices, you should immediately turn off the air supply, close the air valve.

It is forbidden to bend or tie the hoses into a knot to stop the air supply.

Before working with a spray gun or a fishing rod, it is necessary to check the reliability of the attachment of the hoses to the tool and the fastening of the tank.

When painting the lanterns, you should use a ladder - a stepladder and a safety belt.

Containers for varnishes, paints, solvents and other materials should be steamed, rinsed, ventilated before cleaning. The container must be opened and cleaned with a tool made of non-sparking material.

Safety requirements after completion of work:

Disable all mechanisms; after stopping them, clear them.

Remove tools, fixtures, put them in order.

Remove workplace.

Blow out the hoses and remove them after reducing the air pressure.

Take off your clothes, put them in order.

Wash hands, face with soap; if possible, take a shower.

Report to the manager about all the shortcomings that occurred during the work.

Safety requirements in emergency situations:

Immediately stop work, turn off mechanisms, and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the danger zone.

Report what happened to the supervisor.

If there are victims, provide them with first aid, if necessary, call an ambulance.

Providing first aid.

Providing first aid in case of electric shock. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to turn it off, pull him away from the conductive parts by clothing or using insulating material at hand. If the victim has no breathing and pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in the blood circulation of the brain. In this condition, revival must begin immediately, and then call an ambulance.

First aid for injury.

To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open an individual package, apply a sterile dressing material, which is placed in it, to the wound and tie it with a bandage.

If somehow the individual package was not found, then a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. must be used for dressing. On a rag that is applied directly to the wound, it is advisable to drip a few drops of tincture of iodine to get a stain larger than the wound, and then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to apply the tincture of iodine in this way to contaminated wounds.


Along with a further increase in the volume of construction, an important task is to improve the quality of all construction work, including painting. Painting works are reduced to applying paint compositions on the surfaces of structures and parts of buildings and structures to increase their durability, give them a beautiful appearance and create normal sanitary and hygienic conditions for the operation of premises. Painting also includes wallpaper work, which, as a rule, is performed by painters. All types of these works are carried out with strict observance of safety regulations and fire prevention measures. Every year, the requirements for durability, architectural expressiveness, interior and exterior design of buildings, and the quality of finishing are increasing.

These requirements are met by new efficient, economic and durable finishing materials - new synthetic drying oils, varnishes and paints, especially water-based and organosilicon ones. The huge scale of construction and the high demands placed on the quality of work radically changed the previous methods and means of performing painting and wallpapering. All main operations of these works are mechanized. Therefore, in this thesis work, much attention is paid not only to materials and technological processes, but also to mechanisms, tools and devices that contribute to the high-quality performance of finishing work. The quality of painting work is mainly determined by the level of training of young workers in educational institutions. Each future worker must become an active builder, a diligent owner ready to create masterpieces in the construction industry.


1. Belogurov V.P., Chmyr V.D. A Young Painter's Handbook. M.: Higher school, 1992. - 208 p.

Belousov E.D. Technology of painting works: Proc. for avg. PTU. M.: Higher school, 1985. - 240 p.

Belousov E.D., O.S. Vershinina Painting and plastering works. - Moscow: Higher School, 1990. - 270 p.

Iskra E.V., Lukovsky A.M. Coloring: Tips for the Home Craftsman - 1986

Padua B.3. Teaching special technology painting. - M.: Higher school, 1982.

Sustavov A.I. How to renovate an apartment - 1984

Chmyr V.D. Material science for painters. - M.: Higher school, 1982.


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Before you start painting any of the surfaces, you need to prepare it in accordance with all the rules. Plastered, gypsum or concrete surfaces must first be cleaned of dust, then, to remove irregularities and other defects, they are passed over the surface with sandpaper or special pumice. If there are cracks on the surface, they are deepened by a few millimeters and then moistened with water and covered with gypsum mortar. The surface that has been treated in this way is leveled with a special grater.

The places cleaned from the old coating are processed (it must be clean), then puttied and.

Metal parts with which the facade is finished or will be finished must be cleaned of rust and, which may no longer have the proper appearance.

To perform these works, you must use a spatula, scraper, metal brush and sandpaper.

Also, all surfaces to be painted must be well cleaned of plaster, dust, dirt and other similar contaminants.

All surfaces that will be painted in the future enamel or water-based paints , must be prepared, as well as when painting, with oil paint.

Water based paint suitable for painting surfaces that have been previously painted with oil paint or other paints.

But before painting it is necessary to prepare the surface to be painted, as noted earlier, it is necessary to remove peeling paint, etc.

Before staining Finnish and Swedish manufacturers, freshly planed wood is cleaned of resin. To clean the surface of the wood from the resin, it is necessary to wipe it twice with an eight or ten percent solution of soda ash. This solution should be at a temperature of fifty or sixty degrees, after you have wiped the surface with soda, it must be wiped with a rag soaked in warm water.

If surfaces have been previously painted lime , then they are well inspected and if there are whites, they are cleaned. To do this, the nabels are well moistened with water, which should have a temperature of fifty to seventy degrees. Then the lime layer is removed with a spatula and washed well with water.

Surface that was previously painted glue paint , it is absolutely impossible to paint with this paint again, since the new layer will peel off with the old layer. The old coating of adhesive paint must be dry cleaned, but you can also use hot water to remove the old coating (for this, use a wide brush). Then the adhesive paint is easily removed with a spatula or scraper.

surface painted, casein or silicate paints cleaned with a two or three percent solution of hydrochloric acid. Under the influence of acid, the paint softens, and it is removed with a scraper or spatula.

Surface priming

It is considered the main procedure for painting work.

Priming the surface is necessary so that the pores that are on the surface are clogged.

It also provides good adhesion of the main layer of paint to the surface. Surface priming is done once, but there are cases when priming is done in several layers. The primer is always applied only to the surface that has been previously prepared. A brush is used to prime the surface. To apply the next layer of primer, the previous layer must be completely dry.

The surface, which will later be painted with oil or enamel paint, is primed with drying oil. It will be possible to add a certain amount of paint to the drying oil with which you are going to paint the surface. Due to this, places that are poorly primed or not primed at all will be visible.

Before painting with lime paint, the primer is applied to a damp surface. This will ensure good adhesion of the paint. For any paint there is a suitable primer, this must always be taken into account.

In painting work, the next step, after priming, is lubrication.

With the help of grease, various kinds of defects are removed on the surface, which will be painted in the future.

It is applied with a spatula. Then, when the grease dries, the excess is cleaned and primed. The primer must be suitable for the paint being used.

The next work will be and for this they use a putty mixture. Putty is also selected in accordance with the paint used.

Putty must be applied not in a thick layer with a spatula on the surface, which will need to be painted in the future. Next, the putty is cleaned, but after it is completely dry. And cover again.


Usually paint a clean and dry surface, to apply the paint using a brush or spray or brush.

To apply the next layer, you must wait for the previous layer to dry. When painting the surface with a brush, it must be held perpendicular.

This tool should easily touch the tip of the surface to be painted. The surface is painted with a thin layer. Vertical surfaces are painted from top to bottom.

Wooden parts or products are painted along the fibers. The surface is also painted in one or two layers and, if necessary, the paint is applied in several layers.

Painted surfaces are sometimes varnished and oil paints are used for this. Such surfaces can be coated with oil varnish, due to this, the surface acquires shine and durability.

Before starting paint and varnish work, the varnish must be heated and then mixed. Apply a warm varnish with a brush, on a dry, oil-painted surface. Lacquer is applied in a thin layer.

To color

7th grade

Technology Fundamentals

painting works

Painting materials

When painting, paints of various compositions are used, which contain:

  • Coloring pigment (dry construction paints)
  • Bonding material (glue, drying oil, resins with solvents)
  • Filler (ground chalk, sand, talc)

Oil paints

Used for painting wood, metal, plaster indoors and outdoors

Lead Paints

Poisonous, intended for outdoor use, subject to respiratory protection

Water-based paints

Used for painting porous surfaces

These are solutions of resins in various solvents - drying oils or alcohols. Used to coat wood and metal surfaces.


Solvents are used to dissolve and dilute various thickened paint compositions to a working density, wash tools, etc.

These are coloring compositions based on varnishes with the addition of coloring pigments.

Gloss degree

Matte materials and semi-matte

Gloss degree



and semi-gloss

Painting tools

Paint rollers

Spray guns

Paint brushes

a - flywheel; b - maklovitsa; c - round and flat handbrakes

Stencil brushes [a, b]

and panel (c)

Finishing brushes

paint layer

a - brush-trimming;

b, c - flat and round flutes


Rollers are a tool for painting flat surfaces. For water-adhesive paints, foam-coated rollers are used (Fig. a), for oil and water-adhesive paints - with fur coating (Fig. b, c).

Painting accessories

a - the back side of the pipes; b - pipes; in - lattice fences; g - ends of window frames and door panels; 1 - ejector; 2 - fixed clip; 3 - movable clip with a foam plate; 4 - sliding rollers; 5 - earring; 6 - bracket; 7 - compression device; 8 - foam rubber

Spray guns

  • 1. Paints and enamels should be stored in a special room away from heating devices.
  • 2. When painting surfaces, ventilate the room.
  • 3. Do not touch your face and clothing items contaminated with paint.
  • 4. Do not throw paint-soaked rags indoors.
  • 5. Do not tilt your face close to the paint container.
  • 6. At the end of work, carefully wash your hands with soap.

Practical work

  • What is painting work?
  • What safety precautions should be observed when performing painting work?
  • What is drying oil? Where is it used?
  • What is the difference between enamel and varnish?
  • What is the purpose of surface priming before painting?
  • What tools are used for painting?
  • What is a flute?
  • How are stencils made for applying a pattern to a surface?

Painting works are carried out only after the completion of construction and installation works, as well as finishing works such as plastering and facing.

Rice. 10.6. Tools for preparing surfaces for painting

Start painting work from the upper floors. At the same time, the air temperature should not be lower than + 8 ° С, and the relative humidity should not exceed 70%.

Painting works include preparation of surfaces for painting, painting itself and finishing of painted surfaces.

Preparation of surfaces for painting

Preparing surfaces for painting is a very time-consuming operation, but the quality of painting as a whole largely depends on it. It includes: smoothing a plastered surface (any surface in general, for example, wood), cutting cracks, removing knots and pitches of wooden surfaces, cleaning, greasing, puttying, grinding and priming. The simpler the type of coloring, the less preparation operations you need to perform.

Continuous puttying is done only with improved and high-quality colors. The thickness of the putty layer is from 1 to 3 mm, depending on the number of applied layers. The filling process is carried out either manually or mechanically.

Grinding is carried out with a pumice stone or sandpaper on a textile basis manually or using a grinding machine. As such a device, a drilling machine with a special nozzle can be used (see Fig. 10.6).

Surface painting

Surfaces are painted with a homogeneous paint composition, the color of which must correspond to the approved standards of the color book. The paint composition is made at the painting station, a special building or a room at the construction site.

For the production of painting works, depending on the height of the premises or facades of buildings, either stationary or mobile scaffolding, various scaffolds and cradles, as well as ladders and tables are used. Their device is almost the same as those used in plastering work.

Rice. 10.7. Hand tools and accessories for staining

In painting work, the following types of tools are used - various brushes and rollers for manual painting; spray guns and compressor units with a mechanized method of applying paints to surfaces (see Fig. 10.7).

Any paint compositions must be applied in a thin layer. If it was not possible to paint the surface for 1 time, then it is better to repeat the operation.

In addition to the usual coloring, there are so-called decorative painting finishes - pulling panels, flattening, trimming; stencil finishing; wood trim; airbrush finishes; varnishing, etc.

Pulling out panels - painting horizontal stripes 5 ... 30 mm wide to border the frieze. Stenciling is the application of a repeating ornament to the surface of walls (sometimes ceilings). Airbrushing is a method of applying a stencil pattern to the surface with a paint sprayer. The pattern can also be applied to the surface with a rubber roller, on which the corresponding relief is cut (see Fig. 10.8).

With textured painting, liquid putty is applied to the surface, and then processed with various tools to give a particular texture (embossing, grooves, strokes, etc.).

Lacquer coating is used to obtain protective coatings for metal or wood surfaces.

The quality of painting depends on the type of tool used and the consistency of the painting composition. Their compliance allows you to avoid sagging, smudges, splashes, bubbles, traces of brush hair, etc.

External painting work should only be carried out from scaffolding or cradles. When painting roofs and other structural elements at height, it is necessary to use safety belts and other safety devices.

Fig.10.8. Devices and mechanisms for applying paints and patterns on surfaces

Internal painting should be carried out from scaffolds or tables with a fence if their height is more than 1 m. Special precautions are necessary when working with flammable compounds containing volatile substances - gasoline, benzene, toluene, acetone, etc.

Types of wallpaper review

Along with painting, one of the final processes of interior decoration is pasting walls (sometimes ceilings) with wallpaper or synthetic films. These works are considered more industrial, although they are handmade (compared to painting) and more decorative due to the possibility of imitating natural materials (wood, stone, etc.) and creating a variety of textures, textures and colors.

Wallpaper - a rolled finishing material (rather, a product) on a paper or fabric basis, on which the corresponding pattern is applied. They are: simple (from paper of low density), embossed (more dense, embossed); ordinary and washable, lincrust wallpaper and even with applied wood veneer.

Wallpaper is supplied in rolls, the width of which is 500…600 mm, and the length of the roll is 9…18 m.

Recently, the so-called wallpaper panels have become widespread. These can be high-quality reproductions, made, for example, from frescoes or representing a particular landscape. Their peculiarity is that they visually increase the volume of the room, enrich the plasticity of the walls. The basis of these products is a non-woven material from a mixture of various fibers, on which colored granules of quartz grains are applied. They are glued without visible joints, since the base under them is painted in the same tone. In this case, there is no special need to carefully align the walls under them. The strips of such panels are 2.7 m high and about 1 m wide. There are usually 3-5 strips per wall.

A variety of such panels are photo wallpapers, which can depict not only the natural landscape, but also the interiors of the premises, even with furniture. The dimensions of these wallpapers are - 2.8 m high and 1.86 wide; 2.32 and 3.72 m.

The linkrust mentioned above is a material that has gauze or thick paper as a base, on which a layer of synthetic resins is applied mixed with cork or wood flour. The surface of the linkrust has a convex pattern. This material is used for walls in public or office spaces.

Began to be used and the so-called. "liquid wallpaper" - mixtures consisting of papier-mâché ("chewed paper") and glue, diluted with water and applied to the walls with a spray gun. The result is a rough surface of various colors and shades.

The technology for performing high-quality surface painting with water-based compositions consists of several sequential operations. Careful execution, which allows us to consider this finish high quality.

These operations are: surface cleaning, smoothing, crack filling, priming, partial lubrication, grinding, the first continuous filling, grinding, the second continuous filling, grinding, priming with highlighting. first coloring, second coloring, facing.

Cleaning removal of dust, dirt, splashes of drips from the surface with metal spatulas, scrapers or mechanically. (Fig.1).

Smoothing (performed only on a plastered surface) - surface treatment with a pumice stone with a piece of wood. Elimination of errors not removed during cleaning.

Jointing of cracks is carried out with a knife or a spatula itself in order to prevent its further spread (Fig. 3).

Priming - preliminary application of primers to the surface. Done with brushes. Spray gun rollers. The composition is applied to the surface, then shaded in a horizontal, and then in a vertical position. (Fig.4)

Partial lubrication - is carried out in order to eliminate depressions and holes formed during the jointing of cracks in order to level the surface, (Fig. 5a). It is carried out with the help of a spatula using the herringbone technique. The putty is applied at an angle of 45 degrees to the axis of the crack on one side and the other. The filled crack is smoothed with a spatula (Fig. 5b).

Grinding greased places - is carried out in order to eliminate the protruding traces of the previous grease on the surface before applying a continuous layer of putty. So that it lies flat and smooth on the surface. (Figure 6). When performing this operation, a bar, pumice stone is used. Grinding is carried out with circular and vertical movements. This operation is carried out only after the complete drying of the putty.

The first continuous filling of the surface is done manually and leveled with a spatula. The painter picks up putty on an auxiliary spatula. Then he transfers it to the main spatula and applies it to the surface with vertical movements, with the edge of each next layer overlapping the previous one. (Figure 7).

After the putty layer dries, it is polished, and then a second continuous puttying is performed in order to finally level the surface. Then this layer of putty is also polished after drying. After grinding the second layer of putty, the surface is primed with a highlight, adding the color of the future coating to the primer. The techniques for applying this primer are the same as for the first primer.

After drying of this layer proceed to the first painting. (Fig.8).

When painting surfaces with rollers, preliminary layering of hard-to-reach places (joint corners, etc.) is carried out with a brush. After applying the pre-tinted paint composition to the surface, it is vertically shaded. The roller moves evenly over the entire surface with smooth movements, with each subsequent layer overlapping the previous one.

After the first layer of paint has dried, the second layer is applied.

In some cases, when performing high-quality painting, surface trimming is used - so that the surface becomes matte, devoid of gloss and rough. Trimming is carried out with trimming brushes on a freshly applied second layer of paint with trimming brushes in two directions at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. Keep the trim perpendicular to the surface. Fig 9.