DIY designer item. House interior – photo ideas for the design of your home (500 photos) interior design. Original shelf with jars

DIY designer item.  House interior – photo ideas for the design of your home (500 photos) interior design.  Original shelf with jars
DIY designer item. House interior – photo ideas for the design of your home (500 photos) interior design. Original shelf with jars

Bold DIY Designs – Ideas for your home can be easy to implement! Sometimes all you need to liven up a boring interior is a few bright spots. We present to you a selection of 20 of the most original design solutions. Their authors found unexpected uses for scrap materials.

1. Graphics and lyrics

Chris and Saule Smariga from Maryland hung this homemade miracle in their living room. Woven on the canvas in black and white are the lyrics to the song Stereo Heart by Gym Class Heroes. Saule admits that the scale of the painting and at the same time its stylish laconicism never cease to impress. And my son’s participation in the work on this masterpiece added pleasant memories!

2. Letter floor

Katie Lo from Canada covered her bathroom floor with Scrabble pieces. Not everyone immediately accepted the originality of the idea, but in the end they appreciated its creativity. It took 2 days of work and 7,000 parts to make the floor. Hidden among the set of symbols are real words: about 60 names of cities, names of family members and iconic phrases. The letters are attached to the plywood using polyurethane glue, and the top is covered with 5 layers of water-based sealant.

3. From rags to riches

Australians Will Onus and Simone Viljoen painted the laundry room in an original way. Viljoen, being a model and artist, took several photographs of garbage from the trash can and retouched them in Photoshop. The photo was printed and placed under glass.

4. Straight beauty

Abby Taylor from Washington, D.C., says mosaics and triangles inspired her to create two huge geometric canvases in her living room. By combining patterns in different ways, you can achieve an unexpected effect.

5. 50 shades of blue

A bright spot of color in the kitchen of this design house contrasts perfectly with the monochrome, industrial style. Timothy Mitanidis used his brother's help to create this mesmerizing painting: shades of blue, white and green are applied to Lexan polycarbonate.

6. World map

Bryan and Jen Danger, who live in Portland, decorated their walls with a map of the world. Travelers marked with orange dots places they had already visited. The long, winding line is reminiscent of a year-long van tour.

7. Big plans

At Jason Kays from Austin, the world map takes center stage in his office. It marks places that the owner of the house would like to visit. Cinder block, wood, and Ikea boxes hold memorable trinkets.

8. Light as a feather

Mine home Office Katie Lo from Canada decorated with original cork boards, painted white and decorated with Ikea kitchen stands. No one important document or a reminder sticker will no longer be lost. The designer's plans include original sliding doors.

9. If the walls spoke

Camille Dickson from Texas decorated her walls with book pages: textbooks on French and a couple of cheap novels. The sheets are secured using a stapler. Grandfather's piano complements the interior.

10. Artist's bedroom

Cody Derrick, a Salt Lake City resident, installed two large boards at the head of his bed and now draws pictures with easy-to-wash markers whenever his mood strikes. Initially, the bedroom was very small, painted in different colors and cluttered with closets. Cody redid everything in monochrome and added drama with wall-length curtains.

The bed is installed on a podium with a larger perimeter, and the shelves are hidden right under the ceiling, along with ventilation: for convenience and to hide the wiring. Artificial lighting lamps at the head of the bed can be used for reading. They are controlled remotely.

11. Cross stitch

Cross stitch inspired Texas-based Jennifer Kinder to create a cozy wall masterpiece. Her 10-year-old daughter helped the designer color the sketch.

12. Artist's workshop

In the home-studio of artist Richard Murray from Oregon high ceilings and ample work space. Living sector separated by original walls made from used palettes. “They are amazingly beautiful in themselves,” admits Richard. He also considered covering the dining room walls with them, but ultimately opted for railings.

13. Wine collections

Canadian Jessica Schmid decorated her kitchen with wooden blocks from wine crates. Some of the boards are over 25 years old.

14. Aladdin's lamp

Artists Buffy Cribbs and Bruce Morrow from Washington DC turned oil lamps as an aid to reading. The lamps are brightly colored to match the colorful headboard.

15. “Wallpaper” from coasters

Inspired by a trip to Ireland, Caroline and David Denis built a minibar in their home. The table top is made from old furniture, and the wall is decorated with a collection of beer coasters collected on trips. Supplement the bar homemade shelves, photographs and memorable souvenirs.

16. The bench is not for sitting

Landscape designer Chris Kukula from Northern California transformed an old bench with a rusty iron frame into a bed for daisies and echeveria.

17. Waste-free production

Jen and Bryan Danger from Oregon used nails and a tool kit to creatively mark the number of their studio home.

18. Signed as a keepsake

Texans Harper and Jimmy Quill have achieved comfort in the house in an unusual way. Jimmy, a musician and producer, equipped it with a recording studio and a place for filming video clips. Artists visiting the couple leave their autograph on chalk board In bathroom.

19. Green alphabet

Jeran McConnel from California not only collected a herbarium of photographs of tropical plants from the family garden, but also framed it in a homemade frame.

20. Everything is yours

Los Angeles-based designer Kristin Korven used woven Mexican fabrics and wood chips from the ocean to decorate her daughter's nursery. The painted crib from Ikea also fits perfectly into the interior.

What original materials do you use?

Every housewife and owner wants to make their home beautiful and comfortable. This article contains a variety of ideas for the home that allow you to achieve this result with little time, money and effort.

Decorating the walls

Recently, painted or glued ones have become very popular. plain wallpaper walls. Yes, they serve as an excellent backdrop for accessories, furniture, etc. But large empty spaces require some additions. How to decorate an empty wall? There are a lot of ways, you just need to choose the right one.

Geographic maps on the walls

An extremely simple and very effective idea for the home that helps solve the problem of empty walls is to stick a geographical map. It is not suitable for every room or every interior, but you can find options for a child’s room, office, balcony or loggia, and in some cases even for a bedroom or living room. It is important to choose the right map for the interior, and there are not only “ordinary” ones - geographical ones. There are vintage, navigational, stylized, etc.

Where can I look for similar cards? Geographic maps can be found in bookstores or stationery stores. You won’t find stylized or antique ones there. Some options can be found in wallpaper stores. There they come in the form of photo wallpapers. There are many different ones on the beloved Aliexpress, you can search in other online stores. But there is another option: find the card you like on the Internet, save it to a medium and print it out at a company that deals with outdoor advertising. The only requirement: a large format card. They, of course, will be able to increase it, but not indefinitely. So the initial image must be of high quality and large.

We make modular paintings

The idea for the home - paintings and photos on the walls - is not new and many people are tired of it. Yes, it's a classic, but I want something new and unusual. One option is modular paintings. This is one image divided into a different number of fragments. Fragments can be different in size or the same. Often these “pieces of images” are called “modules”, hence the name “modular picture”.

You can take any poster, banner, or photo wallpaper as an object. You can, again, print the image you like at an advertising agency. In this case, you can even take a photo of yourself or close friends, your favorite landscape, etc. Based on the composition of the drawing, it is divided into several parts and cut. Frames are made for the fragments. The dimensions of the frames should be 3-5 cm smaller than the fragments so that the module can be wrapped and secured on the back side.

Nature is one of the most popular motifs. Sunset on the sea - what could be more romantic? Beach, sun, summer...
And flowers again... Symmetrical division is also possible Fantasy - an option for teenagers

Frames can be made from wooden planks, tighten thin plywood or fiberboard. But the easiest way is to take foam plastic of sufficient density (300-350 g/m³) with a thickness of 4-5 mm or more. It doesn't cost much, you can cut it with any hacksaw, it won't damage the paper, it weighs a mere trifle, so you can even secure the modules with double-sided tape. You can attach images to tablets using glue (find a suitable one), or using construction stapler and staples.

Decorative mirrors

Ideas for the home using mirrors are not new. The first examples of this magical glass appeared before our era and were extremely expensive and rare. And no wonder. The mirror itself is an excellent accessory, and if it has an unusual shape or an amazing frame, it will definitely become an interior decoration.

It’s so simple - circles made of mirrors, and the interior is transformed by Butterflies from the mirror - interesting idea
If you decorate a shelf, chest of drawers, bedside table in the same style...

Such compositions can be made not only from an ordinary mirror - coated glass. There is an acrylic mirror on the market. This is a flexible and absolutely safe material. It does not give such an ideal reflection as a “normal” mirror, but for these conditions it is not required. You need a plastic material that is easy to work with. They sell sets of fragments different shapes and size, on the reverse side of which double-sided tape is glued. This mirror is easy to attach: just remove protective film from adhesive tape, apply and press. All.

We make accessories for home decoration

Many ideas for the home concern the creation of unique designer crafts that make our home memorable and cozy. These are the things that create the atmosphere of a home. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend an incredible amount of time and money on their creation. There are very simple ideas using the most ordinary, and sometimes even junk, things.

Ideas for your home are a whole sea of ​​possibilities for improving your interior or making your life more comfortable...and sometimes both

Decorating vases and bottles with lace

Amazing transformations can take very little time. For example, from an ordinary vase, bottle or jar you can make a uniquely beautiful vase. Moreover, the process itself will take 10-15 minutes. This is if you have everything at hand. And besides decoration objects, you only need lace, PVA glue, scissors and a brush.

Everything is exactly as you thought. We simply wrap the vessel in lace, cut it to size, glue it, and wait until it dries. This is all. But the result will please you.

Who said lace has to be white...

Lace can be bought or knitted. The second option allows you to decorate vases complex shapes, which can be decorated with ordinary lace with great difficulty. If you don’t know how to knit, but want to decorate a vase with an unusual shape, look for a stretch one. There is such a thing, and quite wide range. With the help of a stretchy openwork, most problems are removed.

Zen garden

If you're looking for creative ideas for your home, consider a miniature zen garden. It’s not difficult to do, it looks great, and it can also help you relax and calm down after a hard time. working day. Only this accessory is not for families with small children.... You will understand why.

Garden-Zen in the original - quite a complex system, but stylizations can be made from a transparent round container or even from a glass candy bowl, vase, small aquarium. You will need more sand for landscape design, terrariums or aquariums and a crassula plant or cactus.

First, let's figure out what to do with the plant. it can be planted in a small pot and buried in the sand. Instead of a pot, you can use a sock with soil (tie the sock). Some plants (cacti) can be planted directly in the sand. In general, you choose any method, but when planting directly in the sand, you need to take care of normal drainage - put pebbles on the bottom.

Sand is poured into the container, a pot with a plant or its roots is installed, and the whole thing is covered with sand to a certain level. All is ready. Now the surface of the sand is leveled and drawings are applied to it. There is a special metal stick for drawing, but a wooden one is also suitable for starting.

If you want to get closer to the original, you can make a tabletop version of a Japanese garden from a small box. The frame of the box is assembled from wooden blocks or bamboo trunks, the bottom is usually made of plywood or well-fitted and treated wooden planks. You can also make legs.

The resulting container is also filled with fine sand, but what else to add there is up to you. You can plant several plants, lay stones, pebbles, put candles, a Buddha statue. In general, everyone here already creates their own zen))

Mini garden in the house

There are two types of miniature gardens that can be made to decorate the interior of a house or apartment: open and semi-closed. An open mini-garden is made in large flat pots and pallets. Can be used miniature plants bonsai type, succulents and small cacti.

When selecting plants, pay attention not only to size, but also to the soil in which the plants grow. When enough large area minigarden, it can be divided into zones with different soil acidity, but this will require physical separation, as well as delimitation using physical partitions made of plastic - so that the soils do not mix.

This interior decoration recreates a real garden. With paths, benches, rockeries, etc. You can put up a toy house or make a pond. Whatever your imagination tells you.

Semi-closed mini-gardens are made in glass containers. Round ones look very interesting: aquariums, vases. Soil or stones are poured into them and plants are planted. But in such a limited volume, it is necessary to select plants not only by soil type, but also by the degree of illumination, watering regime, etc. It will not be possible to care for plants in a jar differently.

The smallest gardens... And then - a garden of moss... a piece of a fairy tale

In such containers you can grow different varieties of moss. In fact, they are very beautiful and only in such miniature gardens can you examine them down to the smallest detail. Some of them resemble trees or shrubs, others are more like herbaceous plants. A wide variety of compositions are created from pebbles and moss, reproducing real landscapes or transporting us to a fairyland.

DIY sofa pillows

If you look at the photos of interiors, you will notice that in most of them, pillows add zest to the interior. With their help, a boring interior turns into a lively and memorable one. Besides, a large number of pillows allow you to rest comfortably. Such home decor ideas allow you to quickly change the “mood of the interior,” adding home comfort.

In the case of using fabrics, everything is clear - we select the color and texture to match the interior. But there are homemade pillows that exude coziness. A striking example of this is knitted pillows. A variety of patterns, colors, shapes. But the result is the same - you really want to hug them and cuddle them. They look very unconventionally.

From old flannelette pajamas and a sweater And these old jeans turn into an original pillowcase...all you need is fabric with an adhesive base Knitted miracle - very cozy Lace for finishing pillows - you need to choose the style Fleecy fabrics - simple and effective

What to do if you don’t know how to knit? It's no problem. There are old sweaters. Yours or children's. They make very interesting and neat pillows. Cut the old knitted items along the sleeves, put the pillow in the half-finished pillowcase, and sew it up on both sides. That's it, the designer pillow is ready.

You can also use lace, fleecy fabrics, old jeans, even pajamas. Everything is going well. And the stranger the coloring, the more interesting the result.

Ideas for the home: various little things with your own hands

The atmosphere and comfort in the house is created not only by global things. Many small things that can be made from scrap materials bring no less and, sometimes, more pleasure and benefit. You use them often. And after a month you don’t look at the same paintings or mirrors anymore. A number of ideas for turning your home into a cozy and comfortable spot collected in this section.

Opportunities are a sea

Shoe tray with pebbles

Owners of private houses have to go out into the yard regardless of the weather. That’s why shoes don’t always shine clean. Many people get out of this situation by placing a rubber mat near the door or by placing a rubber tray. Yes, the dirt does not spread, but the view is not the most attractive. You can significantly improve the situation by simply pouring pebbles into the tray. The water will flow over the stones, the drips on them will not be visible, and neither will the dirt. From time to time you will need to soak the pebbles in water and rinse them to remove accumulated dirt, but the pebbles reusable material and she simply cannot “erase”.

If there is no rubber tray, you can knock down a wooden box with a side height of about 10 cm. Pebbles can be found on the banks of a river, sea, etc. As a last resort, you can find it in designer stores or where aquarium products are sold. But buying this “charm” is expensive.

Scarf storage

Every family usually has a lot of scarves, neckerchiefs and other similar items. How to store them so that they don’t take up a lot of space, are always at hand, and don’t get wrinkled? There are several life hacks that you can easily do yourself.

First. We attach metal rings to a regular hanger. Rings can be plastic or metal. Both can be found in departments selling. There are all sorts of them, in shape, size and material. Rings can be nailed to wooden hangers/hangers/trempels, attached with staples, or glued or tied with thread to plastic hangers. And that’s it, you have a device for storing scarves.

The situation is a little more complicated with the second device. You will need a treated board and a dozen or two clothespins. We attach clothespins to the bar with one side. They can be nailed, screwed, or glued. You will also need hinges to secure the structure itself to the wall.

Both ideas for the home are practical, require a minimum of money and a little time. And evaluate the benefits yourself. Especially in the spring-autumn period, when there are a lot of scarves, scarves, and flower pots on the shelf.

Instead of a bookshelf

- a good thing, but they are not appropriate everywhere, and good copies cost a lot of money. But books need to be stored somewhere. The solution is metal staples. When installing them, the lower book serves as a support for 4-5 pieces, which are simply stacked on it.

Book holder - everything ingenious is simple

The disadvantage is obvious - the lower book is inaccessible. The solution is to put the most unpopular or unnecessary one down.

Holders for keys and other small items

One of the most big problems- where to hang the keys so that they can be quickly found, and also instantly hung or removed. One of the good options is a magnetic board, but where to look for it is a question. But you can make funny holders from tennis balls. They are cut to about a third of the diameter. That's all. The holder is ready. It just needs to be secured somewhere. You can - on the wall using nails, you can attach several pieces on a separate board, and then attach the board itself to the wall, cabinet, etc.

Instead of a key holder - cute faces

You can make such a holder for small items in a matter of seconds. Look longer for tennis balls. And to make it even more interesting, eyes are glued to the ball. It turns out to be such a cheerful smiley.

Basket made of plastic bins and clothespins

The farm is full plastic containers from under food products, but ideas for the home with their participation are rare. We found one such option in which the hero is a liter mayonnaise container. In principle, any can of large diameter and small height can be used. Otherwise, the “basket” will be inconvenient to use.

Waste into income - a basket made from a plastic can

Using universal glue, we glue the containers with clothespins. When the glue has dried, coat the surface with varnish or wood oil. We cover the inside with a cover made of cotton or linen. We make it a little longer than necessary so that we can hide the unsightly edge behind the lapel.

We make the handle from steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. We bend an arc from it. We make a loop at one end, and in the side, using a nail heated over a fire, we make two diagonally located holes (one opposite the other). We thread the formed loop on the handle into one hole. We bend the wire on the second side, thread it through the second hole, and then form a loop. We decorate the handle with hemp rope. You can also make decorations for a basket from it. If you know how to weave macrame - great, no - a regular braid woven from several threads will do.

Stand for a sofa or chair for cups/glasses/newspapers

Drink some tea in your favorite chair - great idea. But there’s nowhere to put the cup, the phone always falls between the seat and the “bytsy”. The armrests of modern models are soft, you can’t put anything on them. That's what we came up with smart people make a stand for cups/glasses (pictured). Extremely simple and very convenient thing. Few ideas for your home will bring you more pleasant moments.

You will need three boards with a width of at least 25 cm. They are knocked down in the shape of the letter “P” (the connection can be strengthened using carpentry corners). The height of the jumper is slightly greater than the height of the armrest; the table should protrude no more than 1/3 of the width of the seat, otherwise you simply will not sit in the chair. The structure is placed on its side, the lower part is pushed under the chair. It serves as a stop and prevents the structure from turning over. To be sure, make the lower part much longer than the “table”. Also, for mobility, you can install wheels, but do not forget that the legs modern furniture low and the wheels need small ones, and they will have to be mounted on the side. Otherwise, the stand simply won’t fit under the chair.

Where to hide dog bowls

Dog owners know how difficult it is to find space for their dog bowls. Dogs living in an apartment or house are usually fed in the kitchen. There they are given bowls. But they are needed for half an hour a day, and then they get underfoot on the floor all day. The problem can be solved, and elegantly. We place the bowls in one of the drawers. If they were needed, they opened the box and poured in food. Feeding is over - the bowls have been washed, put back in place, and the drawer has been pushed back. Everything is perfect and does not bother anyone.

This idea will require a little modification to the drawer. A small section bar or corner is placed around the perimeter. From plywood or other sheet material a rectangle of the required size is cut out. We cut holes in it for the bowls, then paint (if necessary). That's all, the idea has been implemented. All that remains is to train the pets.

Idea for storing slippers

In any house or apartment with two or more inhabitants, slippers always get lost, confused and disappear somewhere. One of the interesting ideas for solving the problem is such pipes/holders for slippers. Each pair has its own pipe. Order is guaranteed.

The pipes can be made of stainless steel, or they can be cut from large diameter plastic pipes. You just need to process the cut well - so that it is comfortable and beautiful.

What has not been invented in the world of design for a comfortable, stylish and at the same time original interior. Experienced craftsmen they know how to surprise their customers. Do you think it’s impossible to do something like this? But in vain! We've got 80 luxury home ideas that are not unlike designer bells and whistles.

1. Beaded curtains

Instead of an ordinary door, lovely curtains made of beads and beads look much more interesting. It’s very easy to make these, you just need to buy a lot of beads.

In the process of work you will need: scissors, a base for the curtain (cord, fishing line), a cornice, large beads and the beads themselves.

Think over the pattern, then measure the fishing line, folding it in half. Leave some extra space to attach it to the bar and start weaving.

We decorate the bar and fasten the bead threads.

2. Decor on the wall in the form of a world map

Materials needed: twine, hammer, pen, stationery metal nails, a plain area on the wall, world map.

The finished panel can be decorated with anything - photographs, pictures, postcards and other things that you always want to look at.

3. Marine motifs: unusual clock on the wall

How to transform home environment and keep the romantic beach mood? We recommend making a watch from sea pebbles.

To work, prepare pebbles, clockwork, scissors, ruler, paints, marker, glue, cardboard and wrapping paper.

We wrap the frame with paper (you can also use a nice thick fabric).

We paint the pebbles in different colors, draw the dial, mark the place for attaching the mechanism and attach a loop to it.

Glue the pebbles.

We install the mechanism and admire the unique masterpiece!

4. Magic lamp

Even an ordinary glass jar can shine without electricity. And it won’t be difficult to make such magic happen.

For a sparkling lantern, prepare a glass jar, a lot glass balls, alcohol, cotton wool, fluorescent paint and a brush.

First, wipe the inside of the jar well with alcohol, and only then use a brush to make strokes and dots of paint. Let it dry completely. All that remains is to pour in glass balls - so the rays in the wonderful lamp will playfully echo.

5. Picket lamp

6. Paintings of flower buds

Everyone can do artistic crafts when they have flowers, paints and inspiration.

7. Felt rose basket for small items

Felt – comfortable material primarily for those who are just learning the basics of cutting and sewing. It is not necessary to skillfully sew and cut out, since such fabric does not require an overlocker. Simply cut and connect.

So, prepare: felt, ruler, knife, pins, thread, hexagon-shaped stencil.

Transfer the shape and cut it out.

Gather the core with pins.
Attach the remaining petals.

A wonderful basket in the shape of a rose is ready! It can have a lot of functions - from storing small items, to a newspaper rack and flower pots.

8. Natural composition of branches and fresh flowers

Materials: wire, wire cutters, a beautiful ribbon, small branches up to 15 cm long (about 60 pieces), pruning shears and the best flowers.

We make the frame.

We twist our composition and secure it with the remaining wire.

The final touch is the decor. We wrap the branches with ribbon, place the flowers inside and place them in a glass flask. The result is incredible!

9. Decorate the walls with origami paper

10. Functional board organizer

11. Original shelf with jars

12. Gorgeous lampshade “Luminous lace”

Materials: lace fabric (this could be a piece of an old curtain), a brush, PVA glue, an electric mechanism and an inflatable balloon.

First of all, we cut the lace fragments.

We inflate the balloon, coat it with glue and overlap our lace circles. Let it dry for a day.

We pierce the ball with a needle, peel it off from the lace surface.

We make a hole in the opposite side for wiring. We install the electrical mechanism.

13. Bucket lampshades

This original lampshade imitates an old bucket, creating the effect of antiquity. But in fact it is made of dense specific fabric.

14. Signs with messages

15. Colorful photo collage

16. Impressive photo wall

17. Creative pendant with photos

18. Letter of Memories

19. Exclusive vase made from a jar and nuts

20. Laconic cute vases on the wall

Materials: planks (preferably square), fasteners, leather tape, cute glass pots, screws, hammer, screwdriver and scissors.

21. Decorative clay pot

22. Transforming old shoes

23. An extraordinary panel - a new role for old-fashioned ties

24. Decorate the wall with children’s hats and elegant dresses

25. Vintage window frame cabinet

26. Not a standard place for skis

27. “Ski” photo frame

28. Musical wall of guitars

29 ... and vinyl records

30. Headboard made from old pallets

Very simple idea to create a cozy interior identity. You can hang different things on pallets: mini garlands, ribbons, cute fabrics.

31. Cork mat

A great alternative to regular bathroom bedding! It is convenient, practical and beautiful. This rug repels moisture, and its natural color will harmoniously fit into almost any environment.

32. Old storage boxes

33. Picket fence for a hanger - an element of vintage decor

34. Retro idea: decorate the inside of furniture with beautiful wallpaper

35. Wallpaper on the doors

36. Wall frame - a place of honor for a luxurious wallpaper ornament

37. Double function of one pattern

Support the theme of the wallpaper on the wall by wrapping books in it.

38. Update your table lamp by decorating the lampshade with some pretty wallpaper.

39. Nature in your home

40. Another role of an ordinary hanger

41. Hanger with clip as a holder for paintings, photographs and other decorative items

42. Office tablet for compositions on the wall

43. Artist's experiments

44. Bright chandelier with pompoms for a nursery

45. Lush paper balls for decoration

46. ​​Garland in boho style

47. Cute braid for a Roman blind

48. Transforming the lampshade with lovely fringe

49. A fun interior detail – a garland of mini pom-poms by the window

50. Restoration of a high chair for a nursery

It’s easy to make a beautiful and stylish piece of furniture from an old chair with scuffs and scratches. Gather your paints, masking tape, and colored wool threads to make a cute pom-pom pillow for the high chair.

51. Snag as a hanger

52. A vintage chest is a great alternative to a coffee table.

53. Original bedside table from a chest

54. A chest as an exhibit inside a glass box - a central piece of interior decor

55. Extravagant dressing table from a suitcase

56. Unusual minibar

57. “In limbo” – chests a la shelves

58. Storage cases

59. Adorable pet bed

60. Music wall

61. Cities and countries above the desktop

62. Note board

63. Instead of wallpaper, old newspapers

64. Precious bookmarks

IN modern world computer technology books also purchased electronic format. But for some of us, the ritual of reading good old books in their original form still takes place. A luxurious bookmark will not only further emphasize its significance and value, but will also become a decorative highlight of your interior. This kind of thing is easy to do with your own hands.

Any decorations are suitable for decoration - beads, brooches, stones.

For work you will also need: wide colored ribbons (velvet or satin), scissors, thread, needles, wire cutters, glue and clips for decoration.

Find the perfect combinations for your taste.

Glue the ribbons well by folding them in half.

We decorate the ends with clips.

65. Serving decor – butterflies made from napkins

Add a romantic touch to your table decor by turning paper napkins into cute, colorful butterflies. You just need a thin wire, scissors and, of course, the napkins themselves.

Fold the napkin in half.

We form triangles along diagonal lines.

On one side, we connect the ends of the triangle to the vertex.

Turn it over and bend the top to the base.

That's all! All that remains is to make the antennae from the wire.

66. Bird on canvas

68. Stylish decoration of plates

Materials needed: white plates, tape, special markers, water, cotton swabs and an oven. Cotton swabs with a glass of water will be needed to adjust the pattern.

Option N°1

Option N°2

The final touch is to secure the resulting drawings by placing our plates in the oven. For porcelain 220°C for 30 minutes, for ceramics – 160°C for the same 30 minutes.

69. Unusual cover for a vase

A vase made from a plastic bottle with a decorative cover made of multi-colored lightning bolts looks much more attractive!

Materials: 12 zippers (20-25 cm), plastic bottle, thread, knife.

Sew along the length of the zipper.

Sew the two edges together (you can do this by hand).

Let's try it on.

Cut off the top of the bottle.

We trim the flowers and enjoy the composition!

78. Family organizer: making a menu

79. Luxurious basket “Pink Heart”

80. Romantic decor – heart made of branches

Such options for great ideas for handmade crafts and other things for the home are what you need when the usual interior is no longer inspiring, and you can’t afford to radically change the decor.

We spend most of our time at home. As a rule, convenience and functionality are put at the forefront. Of course it's important. But why not combine convenience, familiar life and non-standard interior solutions that will make your home truly unique? Some of the ideas presented in the article are quite expensive, but there are also completely simple options that will require a minimum of money and time.

Interesting solutions for small apartments

One should not equate life in small apartment-Khrushchev and a sad, joyless existence. A little imagination - and you will get a lovely interior, beautiful and ergonomic. It is possible that you will want to bring some ideas to life, especially since it is not difficult.

Sliding doors

It's stylish and unusual solution. This design looks beautiful and unusual. Plus, it won't interfere. Additional convenience: Place furniture directly next to the door.

Miracles of ergonomics

Organization of space in a small one-room premises with limited sq. m is something between science and art. But it's not as difficult as it might seem. It is only important to arrange things so that they are extremely functional. To prevent the room from seeming even smaller, it is not advisable to use heavy curtains and large furniture in dark tones. The color of pink powder, white, pale blue and the now classic beige will create an atmosphere of coziness, comfort and visually expand the space.

No matter how small the apartment is, it is impossible to do without a storage area. You can use multifunctional furniture (beds with drawers or corner cabinets). The interior will be not just functional, but also very beautiful. In any case, preference should be given to open shelves, built-in cabinets and their combinations. Such furniture cannot be called classic, but in a small room it is more than appropriate.

Original solutions

If saving space is a priority, then various tricks are used:

  • For a two-tier apartment or cottage - a storage area in the form of boxes for storing things in the steps of the stairs.
  • Using furniture with a transformation mechanism. In addition to the traditional sofa bed, it can be a wardrobe with a sleeping place, chair-beds.
  • A ceiling bookcase with a miniature staircase.
  • There is another idea for a staircase to the upper tier country house: decorating it with LED lighting.
  • Wall mounted bike holder. The traditional placement of a bicycle machine is in the hallway or on the loggia. But, if you hang a beautiful bike in the living room, it will play the role of the most original decorative element.

Successful solutions for space are possible not only with the help of various things, but also with their relative arrangement. For example, a loft bed is a full-fledged comfortable sleeping area, under which you can place a computer desk.

Unusual solutions for the living room

Non-standard interior items in the living room will make the room not just cozy, but also memorable:

  • The window has an original shape, made in the shape of a tower clock. It looks extremely creative, especially if the windows overlook the old city.
  • A permanent accessory for the sofa area - coffee table. An interesting idea - furniture with “split” wooden table top. The glass insert looks like a river.
  • Skateboarding walls. If you are interested in this sport, then you may want to think about this decision. But this pleasure is not cheap.
  • Fireplace area decorated with natural pebbles. At the same time, the stones form a bizarre spiral, some of them can be painted.
  • LED device in the form of a starry sky, placed on the floor. This type of lighting is rarely seen. Anyway, it's not standard.
  • Laminate or parquet is beautiful, but familiar. Much more interesting is the floor made of wooden “puzzles”. At the same time, remember your childhood.

Unusual bedroom interior

The bedroom is a place for rest and sleep, so too bright photo wallpapers or excessive variegation are unlikely to work here. There is an interesting idea: decorate the headboard with open books. Now that e-books popular, paper volumes, unfortunately, are beginning to become obsolete. However, they can find such non-standard uses. And you don't need to spend a lot of money. By the way, this is a good solution for a student dormitory. But there is no need to spoil library literature. A typical example of using scrap materials.

Another idea for fans of minimalism: a built-in wardrobe behind the head of the bed, which can be opened using electric drive. Externally it looks like regular wall made of shiny material.

Interior solutions for the kitchen

An unusual interior option for country style is a tabletop in the form of a log sawn lengthwise. Such furniture creates the atmosphere of an old coffee shop or a patriarchal village house.

Abstract painting flooring marker. Of course, to make it look beautiful, you will have to work hard.

Interesting solutions for the corridor

One way to decorate the walls in the hallway is decorative plaster, a good alternative to wallpaper. What if you make its texture resemble concentric circles on water during rain? Looks original.

Another decoration for a spacious hallway is floor lamps. From the point of view of practicality, it is doubtful, but what is unusual is a fact!

Interesting solutions for the bathroom

The eternal question: are plants appropriate in the bathroom? Most florist experts believe that they will feel quite normal in this room. You just need to choose plants that tolerate high humidity and temperature changes well. A more creative option is also possible: make a real green wall from decorative mosses and ferns. Why not a miniature summer cottage?

No less interesting design– bath in ordinary apartment, made in the form of a hammock. A real gift for hedonists, epicureans and lovers of a good rest.

Shell-shaped sink. Interesting and self-sufficient modern item interior, and as part of “marine” design.

A sink placed on the frame of a regular bicycle. This idea doesn’t require any expenses, but it looks good. "Yellow Submarine" - good design bathroom or combined bathroom, based on the famous song by Paul McCartney. A stylized lamp in a metal “mesh”, a “periscope” above the sink and a mosaic pattern on the walls with fish, octopuses and other sea animals.

For a family in which children are growing up, this is the most important room. Here the baby grows, learns, plays, has fun and is sad, develops and thinks. That’s why it’s so important that the baby’s corner is cozy and original in design.

A children's room is a room in the house that, in terms of multifunctionality, has left even the living room behind. The room simultaneously serves as a bedroom, playroom, study, gym and place for receiving guests. Many mothers complain that the room is not spacious enough. In fact, it is not only important square meters premises, but also mutual arrangement objects and, of course, the atmosphere in the room. The color scheme is calm, with individual bright accents.

There is no place for unnecessary furniture in the decoration of a child's room. The baby needs fresh air. The necessary items are a bed, a table with a chair, a closet (as an option - shelves and racks) and, of course, a corner for physical exercise. Natural materials are preferred. Now – about creative design. Here are some interesting ideas:

  • Decorate a child's or teen's room with a realistic three-dimensional tree. But it is not simple, but with a secret. Place it next to it comfortable staircase which leads straight to attic room. By the way, you can arrange an additional playroom in the attic. Both preschoolers and teenagers will love this.
  • It’s unlikely that anyone can be surprised by a multi-tiered solution for a small nursery. The upper part is a loft bed, the lower part is workplace And wardrobe. What if the usual staircase is replaced with a liana? Naturally, artificial and quite durable. However, you shouldn’t give up the traditional staircase either. Freedom of choice from early childhood is very healthy.

Interesting ideas for the interior, aren't they? Some of these ideas are not that difficult to implement. Go for it! Feel like a designer. Decorating your own home is not an easy but fun task. Maybe you will have your own ideas.

There comes a time when almost every person asks the question - how to make your home or apartment cozy, stylish, incomparable? In this section of the site we collect interesting solutions and ideas for your home that will help transform its interior and make your house different from other houses. Here we put up for discussion interesting interior solutions from decorators, as well as all kinds of advice from architects, builders and designers. We always try to write on these pages about interesting interiors, about ideas for a home without reference to the format of the rooms and consider interesting interior solutions for the entire house: ceilings, floors, walls, lighting, furniture arrangement and other decorations.

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