Design of a room for a teenager - stylish solutions for a modern interior. Design of a teenage boy's room: colors, stylish decor Design project of a teenage boy's room

Design of a room for a teenager - stylish solutions for a modern interior. Design of a teenage boy's room: colors, stylish decor Design project of a teenage boy's room
November 2016

Modern rooms for teenagers are very difficult to decorate, at times, even for designers. This task is quite difficult, since the design must suit both the parents and the child himself. But the most important thing is that the design of such a design will definitely not seem boring! Look through the proposed photos of room designs for teenagers.

Teen room design

The age of a teenager is one of the most difficult periods. After all, then a person’s personality, morals and views are formed. They are at the same time children who need your attention and care, and they are also just learning to take responsibility for their actions. And at the same time, they are already beginning to realize that they are independent, therefore they can rebel, defend their own views and rights, they begin to check how strong their parents’ prohibitions are, and they themselves make the boundaries of freedom wider.

As a rule, the need to update a child’s room for a teenager arises at school, and at a fairly early age. Of course, no one forbids you to regularly update the interior of the nursery gradually, depending on how your child grows. But if this is not possible, you should immediately think through and create an original room design for a teenager.

Even if you are decorating a room for the “future,” you don’t need to decorate the interior in a very boring, but expensive and tasteful way. Everyone has known for a long time that in youth, maximalism is encouraged in almost everything. And in terms of taste, preferences, and even more so – behavior! That is why the interior of a room for a teenager must be created taking into account incredible colors and their combinations, shapes, textures and color schemes!

You must remember that as a teenager, a child will not appreciate the interior of his own room just because it turns out to be very expensive!

A room for a teenager is your child’s “personal corner” where he does everything: studies, invites his friends here and spends time with them, fools around, plays, and has fun. And if you don’t want him to constantly run outside for a walk, decorate his room so that it is comfortable enough and he wants to spend as much time as possible in it.

Keep in mind that it is important for your child to express himself. Don’t let the layout of the apartment “confuse” you. When decorating the interior of a room for a teenager, take into account his interests and wishes. In accordance with them, arrange a nursery for a teenager, or you can even make it themed. You can give him the opportunity to choose the furniture for his room that he likes and tastes best, or the wallpaper pattern in the photo. If you have a girl, together with her, you can sew beautiful and unique curtains or, for example, pillows for the bed with your own hands. This method is great because you can teach her the skills she needs in life, and also bring her closer together. Look at the design options in the photo for the design of a room for a teenager.

A room for a teenager should be decorated beautifully, but you can’t make it the same as for a baby!

Room for a teenage girl

Thanks to numerous designer designs, it is not necessary to decorate a nursery for a teenage girl in pink tones, as well as bows and all kinds of ruffles. Manufacturers of a variety of furniture for a teenager’s room take into account children’s hobbies and their versatility. Therefore, they offer a diverse range of furniture. But no one can tell you how to organize a room for a teenage girl better than her, even if you hire a super designer!

Every girl becomes a woman over the years. Therefore, if space allows, place a dressing table in the room!

As a rule, any girl, even a goth, has a very wide variety of clothes. Accordingly, there should also be a lot of space where it can all be stored. The furniture should be such that it does not clutter up the free space, especially if the room is very small. The following storage options will fit perfectly into any interior:

closet; a chest of drawers for storing linen and small clothes, and if there are drawers at the bottom of the bed, you can store shoes in them.

Room for a teenage boy

In fact, it almost never happens that a boy does not have a hobby. But it is thanks to them that you can decorate a room for a teenage boy in an original way.

To do this, you can use and reproduce absolutely any ideas and fantasies into reality! For example, you can use a sports theme, or perhaps an army theme, music theme, ship theme, computer theme, chemical theme, or cinema art and many other ideas.

If it is difficult for you to understand which topic of your son is the most interesting for him, pay attention to what exactly he is ready to do at any time of the day or topics that are interesting to him. This is exactly the answer!

And regardless of what your son’s hobbies are, his room simply needs a sports corner! Look at the photo of a teenager’s room for possible design options!

Design of a children's room for a boy
Room for a teenage girl
Small bedroom design - (100 photos)
Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs

Two teenagers

In this case, it is important to make the room so that the children can interact, and also so that each of them can do something different. A photo of a teenager's room will certainly help you make the right choice.

At the same time, it is also important that none of them is deprived or offended. Therefore, they should have everything in equal shares and, accordingly, in full abundance. And now we are not talking about toys at all. What is important here is the comfort of beds, wardrobes with the required number of shelves, as well as the necessary space for doing what you love or studying.

If a teenager’s room is small, then combine “work” areas in it. For example, in the sleeping area, place a bunk bed, roughly divide the wardrobe equally, and make one large tabletop as a work area.

The design of a nursery for children of different sexes will need to be zoned, this does not mean at all that it will look like two different interiors. After all, such ugly design can be prevented by decorating thematic areas in the same style.

Design rooms for teenagers of the same sex in the same theme, the main thing is that both teenagers like it equally.

Accents in interior design according to age

Depending on the age of your child, the design may be completely different. Accordingly, the older he gets, the more consistent his style becomes! And so, let's look at it in more detail.

12-13 years old

Early adolescence, when independence is just beginning. Often at this age, a teenager has his own interests or hobbies, which he does in his free time from school. Of course, the sooner he understands what exactly he likes, the more he can achieve in life! And you yourself can help him with this. For example, display his hobbies in interior design.

In this way you will influence his best and most effective achievements.

14-15 years old

This age allows children to acquire idols. Wall posters, posters, or posters will start appearing in their room! It is at this age that children begin to unite in groups based on interests and morals. You will only be happy when he does not leave home, and his friends come to your home and gather in the child’s room.

Age 16

The child has both a hobby and already some achievements! He was fully formed as a person. And now you can absolutely trust him, because he himself will figure out exactly how to decorate a modern room for a teenager!

Teen room styles

When it comes to decorating a children's room for a teenager, you can choose different styles. Let's look at them in more detail.


This design is very successful if you have a girl. After all, she is the future “creator” of comfort in the home. It would be right to accustom a girl from an early age to the most beautiful things.

American style

In external design, this style is similar to classic. But it will look more democratic.

The main characteristics and features of the American style include:

  • United different zones.
  • Local way of lighting a room.
  • Sufficiently large furniture for a teenager's room, which is located at a decent distance from each other.
  • Expensive materials are used.

Of course, this style is suitable for any gender. It is appropriate to use it in fairly large and spacious rooms.

Minimalism style

Its peculiarity is the minimum cleaning in the room. It is also quite successful in the sense that it is less traumatic. After all, it uses a minimum of various sharp and breakable parts, which makes it less likely for a child to be injured during various games. Despite the fact that teenagers are already older, they are still children. Therefore, they can unexpectedly have fun and actively play pranks!

High tech

Formed in the 60s, it is one of the varieties of the minimalist style. It embodies flights into the universe, dreams of space exploration and future technologies.


Originated in the USA, during the period when factory workers began to settle in factories and factories. It is considered “industrial”, in which even the incongruous is combined. All this is appreciated by people who prefer to stand out. But it is important that everything is “in moderation” so that the room does not seem cluttered and tasteless.

Decorating the “adult” children’s room

Wallpaper for a teenager's room

Choose wallpaper that your child will like. If the tastes do not coincide, then find a compromise solution and accent one of the walls. To do this, you can use wallpaper with a pattern, photo wallpaper, or special wallpaper for painting.

Ceiling decoration

If the height is sufficient, you can use suspended ceilings made of plasterboard. And this is a great opportunity to better illuminate the room.

Floor covering

Choose a covering based on the chosen style for your teenager’s nursery. For example, parquet is suitable for a classic style, linoleum is an excellent solution for a loft, and ceramic tiles are an ideal solution for high-tech.

But the most important thing is that the floor is warm. For this reason, always think through the heating function first.

If your child is into sports and likes to “pull” weights, put down a carpet. Then the main coating will not deteriorate, and the neighbors will not complain about the noise.

Lighting organization

There should be a lot of light, especially if the teenager’s room is small!

To ensure quality sleep, you definitely need to hang curtains made of fairly dense materials. In addition to the main lighting, be sure to use lamps; give preference to local lighting in several areas rather than using just a chandelier.

Multifunctional teenage – zoning

You can make a teenager’s room with your own hands, and it won’t be at all difficult if you listen to the child’s wishes and take into account his hobbies. If the room is large enough, it is better to make the “correct” zoning in it so that the child can comfortably do any business in his own “corner”.

Sleep and rest area

It is important to have quality sleep. After all, this is the main guarantee of health! If there is not enough space to put a bed, choose a good sofa with an orthopedic mattress. It is important to place it in such a way that the sun does not shine in your eyes. And you should put a night light at the head of the bed.

Study and hobby area

A table is required where the child can pursue his hobby and do his homework. The lighting in this area should be bright, but not harsh!

Storing things

Especially if you have a girl, you simply can’t have too many closets! When there is not much space in the room, but you need to place a lot of things, this may seem like a serious problem. But in this case, it would be ideal to use multifunctional furniture, such as a bed with a built-in wardrobe or a chest of drawers in the form of a staircase to a two-tier bed.

In any case, fantasize and make your most original ideas come true!

Several Videos on the topic:

Sliding wardrobes in the bedroom - the best photo ideas
Bedroom design 12 sq.m (150 photo ideas)
Nursery design for children of different sexes (100 photos)
Bedroom design: 150 photo design ideas

Photo gallery (79 photos)

Must be functional and stylish.

During adolescence, a guy's tastes and habits change. This is a signal that it’s time to get rid of soft toys, cars, and radically change the environment in the nursery. The main task of parents is to listen to the wishes of the child and create the interior together.

The child should feel comfortable in his room.

Children's room for a teenage boy: what, how and why?

For a boy, his room should be a multifunctional room where he can do homework, relax, and spend time with friends. Therefore, it is important to properly design each of the relevant zones.

Don't forget that interests change quickly during adolescence. Today a child wants to see a football team on the entire wall, and a week later – a rock band. It would be wise to decorate the room so that it can be quickly and easily updated without having to renovate, for example by using beautifully framed idol posters.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian interior looks very stylish. Its basis is a combination of white, gray and wood. Colored details add color to the interior (this can be any textile elements, lamps, decorative elements). The design must include paintings/posters. You can take a closer look at the dedicated link.

Black color may be present in measured quantities.

When decorating a room for a teenager, you can use a travel theme.

Important: If you don’t want to suddenly redo the interior as your child’s hobbies change like the wind, decorate the room in a neutral style.

However, it all depends on the boy. Perhaps he is professionally passionate about something and dreams of designing his room in a special way. There cannot be universal advice that will suit everyone. Just listen to your child.

Some useful articles:

Enjoy watching!

You can divide a room into a sleeping and activity area using furniture, for example, a shelving unit with closed or open shelves.

In a small room, you should use all the available space. Designers love to use a podium to create additional storage space and highlight the bedroom area.

In a room for two, where there are already two places for sleeping and studying, there is a large closet; there is often not enough space for a TV area. Therefore, parents go to different lengths using a swivel bracket. But! Using a TV stand, you can divide a teenager's room into two parts, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

Room for a boy 8 - 10 years old

Brickwork is great for a teenager's room. It can be easily imitated using gypsum panels.

Interior with a hint of a loft

When choosing furniture, pay attention to models that have storage space and allow you to zone the room. Furniture selected in the same style, ideally from the same manufacturer, will allow you to create a harmonious design.

For some reason, many parents believe that the interior for a boy is not as important as for a girl and that everything can be decided for him. But this is a mistaken opinion. A child should feel comfortable in his own room, so you should definitely discuss all aspects of the renovation with him. Listen to his opinion and express yours, but don’t push, choose a room design for a teenage boy that both he and you will like.

Children grow up very quickly, and before you know it, your 12-year-old child is no longer a child at all, but an adult 17-year-old boy. During this period of time, he may change dramatically and his taste preferences, worldview and hobbies may change accordingly. Therefore, always be prepared for the fact that you may have to change something in the interior as the boy grows up.

If the budget is limited and you do not plan further renovations, then there is no point in decorating the interior with the theme of cars. Maybe it's better to turn to the theme of superheroes if that's what your child likes. Usually such a hobby remains even after adulthood. In any case, listen to the child’s reasons. Read more about choosing wallpaper in the article -.

A 12-year-old child is no longer a toddler and his needs are different. He is already beginning to understand what personal space is and needs it himself. His room is his castle. Everything here must meet his requirements and tastes. Don't stop him if he likes to put posters everywhere. Or if he is interested in collecting, be sure to organize a separate storage area so that the collection is visible in all its glory.

Another point is the door. Parents often install doors with glass in the children's room so they can see what the child is doing. In this case, you should abandon this option, and if there is one, be sure to replace it. The child should feel comfortable.
Safety is one of the main criteria when choosing materials for a nursery. However, you should not rush to buy the most expensive materials. The child will not appreciate this and will feel depressed if you point out to him that he should not play on the floor because it is expensive. Choose high-quality materials, but those that you can afford, so that if they are damaged you will not faint.

When choosing materials, don’t settle for boring, faded options. After all, this is a children's room and there should be brightness. But furniture may be worth buying simpler, suitable for any style. Replacing wallpaper is not difficult and will always be affordable, but changing furniture can hit your wallet.

The minimum contents of a room for a teenager are a bed, a table and a closet. The rest can be completely abandoned if the room is small. For storage, you can use hanging cabinets that will not steal floor space.
Consecration must be bright. Use lamps with warm light, it is closer to natural light. The table and bedside area should be additionally equipped with light sources.

Design of a boy's room 12-13 years old

In principle, at this age, the child’s taste preferences most likely have not changed. Therefore, if the repair was done 3-4 years ago, then there is no need to start a new one. Even a themed interior may still be interesting to him. But before you change or not change something, find out the opinion of the boy himself. If you still decide, then we have prepared a more detailed article about such an early age.
If repairs are still needed, then you should adhere to a few basic rules. First of all, it is worth remembering that boys love outdoor games. Therefore, the floor should be warm and soft. You can install a “warm floor” system, but this is if funds allow.
You can cover the room with carpet. But this option has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the coating attracts dust. It is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Secondly, hygiene. The carpet will have to be cleaned at least once a day, which can simply terrify the child. The soiling of the carpet also leaves no doubt; even a small stain is difficult to remove. The best option is laminate. Relatively inexpensive with high thermal conductivity. It will remain warm in winter. You can lay out a small rug in the games area.
To make your child appreciate your work, you can invite him to participate in the repair. The ceiling and walls can be painted and a design can be applied using stencils. A child can handle this quite well, and after spending his own efforts, he will be more careful about the things around him.
There should be no glass in the room. Coffee tables and glass shelves are all attributes of adults, but children can easily break them while playing. So nothing breakable.
The choice of furniture depends on your budget. If you can afford to install a bed in the form of a machine, and then replace it in a year or two, then go for it. Otherwise, choose neutral options that will suit both a 13-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy.
If your child is sociable and constantly brings friends to the house, then perhaps you should give up the bed in favor of a sofa. You need a place to accommodate friends.

Design of a boy's room 14-15 years old

This period is usually considered the most difficult. The child is slowly breaking free from the control of his parents and is already beginning to prepare for an independent life. Therefore, it is important that the interior meets his needs. Be sure to discuss all aspects of the repair with him, otherwise this may become a reason for quarrels.
Most likely, the boy already has a hobby or goes to the sports section, so this can be used when creating the interior. A watch in the shape of a soccer ball or a picture with your favorite airplanes will delight your child.

However, don't overdo it. If a child gets tired during training, you shouldn’t remind him of this at home, decorating everything in the style of a football theme, so he won’t rest.
During this period, children begin to pay attention to the opposite sex, so it may be necessary to organize a place to store personal hygiene items and slowly teach the child to take care of himself.

Design of a room for a 16 year old boy

At this age, a child, in general, can completely decide for himself what he needs. During this period, you can completely abandon all childish details in the interior and move on to more modern styles: high-tech, Scandinavian.
Men are more likely to have some minimalism when choosing interior design.
The color scheme should also be more balanced. No wallpaper with colored pictures. Nowadays it’s fashionable to have plain wallpaper accenting one wall with graffiti or a panel with your favorite superhero, and some people prefer mountain landscapes.
Nowadays there are many types of different gadgets that children have in abundance. Therefore, you should make sure there are a sufficient number of sockets in the room. And put all the wires in special niches so that they don’t lie everywhere.
If previously a child was still looking for himself, then at 16 his passion is probably already many years old. Give him a separate space for. So if your son is an athlete, then you can hang a ring or organize a horizontal bar. Sound insulation is important for a musician. If a child is interested in drawing or something else that requires painstaking work, then it may be worth setting up a separate table.

Room design for a 17-year-old boy

At this age, there is no trace left of teenage preferences. A fully formed adult man is already standing in front of you. Therefore, when creating an interior, it is impossible not to listen to his opinion.
The color preferences of an adult youth are no longer limited to blue. For a guy, you should choose black, white, brown, dark blue, gray, metallic, green.
If the guy is active, then perhaps he will like a more aggressive color scheme, for example, red or burgundy.
Young people like to sit in the twilight, which is why they choose a gloomy style. But still the room should be well lit. Therefore, for lighting, install several light sources: a central bright one and a more languid one around the perimeter. You can also equip the room with LED strip with different colors. This will give you something to brag about to your friends.
Thematic interior needs to be chosen more carefully. There should be no more pirates and bear cubs. But this does not mean that this option is not suitable. Just the decorative elements should be a little different. This way you can hang a clock in the form of a steering wheel or compass. And decorate the entire interior in blue.

Modern rooms for teenagers are very difficult to decorate, at times, even for designers. This task is quite difficult, since the design must suit both the parents and the child himself. But the most important thing is that the design of such a design will definitely not seem boring! Look through the proposed photos of room designs for teenagers.

The age of a teenager is one of the most difficult periods. After all, then a person’s personality, morals and views are formed. They are at the same time children who need your attention and care, and they are also just learning to take responsibility for their actions. And at the same time, they are already beginning to realize that they are independent, therefore they can rebel, defend their own views and rights, they begin to check how strong their parents’ prohibitions are, and they themselves make the boundaries of freedom wider.

As a rule, the need to update a child’s room for a teenager arises at school, and at a fairly early age. Of course, no one forbids you to regularly update the interior of the nursery gradually, depending on how your child grows. But if this is not possible, you should immediately think through and create an original room design for a teenager.

Even if you are decorating a room for the “future,” you don’t need to decorate the interior in a very boring, but expensive and tasteful way. Everyone has known for a long time that in youth, maximalism is encouraged in almost everything. And in terms of taste, preferences, and even more so – behavior! That is why the interior of a room for a teenager must be created taking into account incredible colors and their combinations, shapes, textures and color schemes!

You must remember that as a teenager, a child will not appreciate the interior of his own room just because it turns out to be very expensive!

A room for a teenager is your child’s “personal corner” where he does everything: studies, invites his friends here and spends time with them, fools around, plays, and has fun. And if you don’t want him to constantly run outside for a walk, decorate his room so that it is comfortable enough and he wants to spend as much time as possible in it.

Keep in mind that it is important for your child to express himself. Don’t let the layout of the apartment “confuse” you. When decorating the interior of a room for a teenager, take into account his interests and wishes. In accordance with them, arrange a nursery for a teenager, or you can even make it themed. You can give him the opportunity to choose the furniture for his room that he likes and tastes best, or the wallpaper pattern in the photo. If you have a girl, together with her, you can sew beautiful and unique curtains or, for example, pillows for the bed with your own hands. This method is great because you can teach her the skills she needs in life, and also bring her closer together. Look at the design options in the photo for the design of a room for a teenager.

A room for a teenager should be decorated beautifully, but you can’t make it the same as for a baby!

Room for a teenage girl

Thanks to numerous designer designs, it is not necessary to decorate a nursery for a teenage girl in pink tones, as well as bows and all kinds of ruffles. Manufacturers of a variety of furniture for a teenager’s room take into account children’s hobbies and their versatility. Therefore, they offer a diverse range of furniture. But no one can tell you how to organize a room for a teenage girl better than her, even if you hire a super designer!

Every girl becomes a woman over the years. Therefore, if space allows, place a dressing table in the room!

As a rule, any girl, even a goth, has a very wide variety of clothes. Accordingly, there should also be a lot of space where it can all be stored. The furniture should be such that it does not clutter up the free space, especially if the room is very small. The following storage options will fit perfectly into any interior:

closet; a chest of drawers for storing linen and small clothes, and if there are drawers at the bottom of the bed, you can store shoes in them.

Room for a teenage boy

In fact, it almost never happens that a boy does not have a hobby. But it is thanks to them that you can decorate a room for a teenage boy in an original way.

To do this, you can use and reproduce absolutely any ideas and fantasies into reality! For example, you can use a sports theme, or perhaps an army theme, music theme, ship theme, computer theme, chemical theme, or cinema art and many other ideas.

If it is difficult for you to understand which topic of your son is the most interesting for him, pay attention to what exactly he is ready to do at any time of the day or topics that are interesting to him. This is exactly the answer!

And regardless of what your son’s hobbies are, his room simply needs a sports corner! Look at the photo of a teenager’s room for possible design options!

Two teenagers

In this case, it is important to make the room so that the children can interact, and also so that each of them can do something different. A photo of a teenager's room will certainly help you make the right choice.

At the same time, it is also important that none of them is deprived or offended. Therefore, they should have everything in equal shares and, accordingly, in full abundance. And now we are not talking about toys at all. What is important here is the comfort of beds, wardrobes with the required number of shelves, as well as the necessary space for doing what you love or studying.

If a teenager’s room is small, then combine “work” areas in it. For example, in the sleeping area, place a bunk bed, roughly divide the wardrobe equally, and make one large tabletop as a work area.

Ceiling decoration

If the height is sufficient, you can use suspended ceilings made of plasterboard. And this is a great opportunity to better illuminate the room.

Choose a covering based on the chosen style for your teenager’s nursery. For example, parquet is suitable for a classic style, linoleum is an excellent solution for a loft, and ceramic tiles are an ideal solution for high-tech.

But the most important thing is that the floor is warm. For this reason, always think through the heating function first.

If your child is into sports and likes to “pull” weights, put down a carpet. Then the main coating will not deteriorate, and the neighbors will not complain about the noise.

There should be a lot of light, especially if the teenager’s room is small!

To ensure quality sleep, you definitely need to hang curtains made of fairly dense materials. In addition to the main lighting, be sure to use lamps; give preference to local lighting in several areas rather than using just a chandelier.

Multifunctional teenage – zoning

You can make a teenager’s room with your own hands, and it won’t be at all difficult if you listen to the child’s wishes and take into account his hobbies. If the room is large enough, it is better to make the “correct” zoning in it so that the child can comfortably do any business in his own “corner”.

Sleep and rest area

It is important to have quality sleep. After all, this is the main guarantee of health! If there is not enough space to put a bed, choose a good sofa with an orthopedic mattress. It is important to place it in such a way that the sun does not shine in your eyes. And you should put a night light at the head of the bed.

Study and hobby area

A table is required where the child can pursue his hobby and do his homework. The lighting in this area should be bright, but not harsh!

Storing things

Especially if you have a girl, you simply can’t have too many closets! When there is not much space in the room, but you need to place a lot of things, this may seem like a serious problem. But in this case, it would be ideal to use multifunctional furniture, such as a bed with a built-in wardrobe or a chest of drawers in the form of a staircase to a two-tier bed.

In any case, fantasize and make your most original ideas come true!

Finding the perfect design solution for a teenager's bedroom is extremely difficult. The main problem is not only the variety of suitable style and planning solutions, but also the need to take into account the opinion of the future owner of the room.

A teenager is no longer the obedient kid who will agree with the wallpaper chosen by mom and the furniture chosen by dad. Almost an adult, already having his own opinion and his own view of things, a teenager needs a thoughtful and rational space that leaves room for creativity and imagination.

A stylish option for decorating a room for a teenager

Room for a teenager: what should it be like?

When the phrase “ideal room for a teenager” is mentioned, everyone imagines something different: cozy or technical, spacious or, on the contrary, compact. The main feature and difference between a teenage bedroom and a child’s room is its pronounced individuality in everything, from decor to layout.

A workplace for studying is a must

The child’s opinion should be taken into account at all stages of interior creation: from the choice of material for wall decoration to the final decision on the layout. Only participation in creating their own corner in an apartment or house will allow a teenager to feel his adulthood, significance and increased responsibility for his actions, words and choices.

Original design for a lover of Dalmatians

Advice. Designers note the importance of loyalty and psychological mobility of adults who are creating a bedroom for a teenage boy or girl. It is not enough to give the future owner of the room maximum rights to make final decisions; it is important to guide and regulate his choice in the stylistically correct direction.

Drawers under the bed - convenient and practical

A room for a boy or girl aged 13-15 should be arranged according to standard recommendations:

Girls often choose lilac color

A suitable bedroom for a young lady

Touching animals and graceful princesses are replaced by huge mirrors, dressing tables with cosmetics and wardrobes filled with clothes in a teenage girl’s room. The little lady becomes a real woman with a clearly defined desire to be beautiful, with attention to her appearance, with an interest in fashion and style.

But more often teenage girls choose pink

The room of a 13-year-old girl is a bedroom with a transitional character, which should satisfy all desires: to play with dolls with her friends, and to paint her nails with fashionable varnish. But by the age of 16, a teenager needs a more adult room, stylish and characterful. That is why designers suggest choosing not traditional girlish shades as the main tone for the bedroom during the renovation process, but more neutral and calm options.

Important. Beige or white can be easily shaded with pink, purple or lilac to give it a delicate mood. As the owner grows up, such a room can easily be transformed into the room of a serious lady - you just need to change the pink tulle to gray, and instead of a plush bedspread with princesses, cover the bed with a luxurious graphite blanket.

Interior decoration in classic style

Mobility and the ability to change the mood of the interior are extremely important properties for a teenage girl’s room. Paintings or posters on the wall, window curtains, chair covers, rugs or flower pots are ways to quickly transform a room. To develop independence, it is better to leave the opportunity to change the interior to the owner herself.

Room of the future gentleman: interior features

Boys perceive their room completely differently, so design techniques when organizing space for a 14-year-old teenager will be different. In such a room there is no place for childhood sentiments and memories, because ahead is an adult life filled with impressions, for which we must prepare now. A sports corner, a toolbox, a table for wood burning - these are suitable contents for a man’s bedroom.

Room for a teenager in an army style (military)

Room with blue lighting

  • A place to sleep should not take up much space or interfere with active activities. A loft bed or folding bed would be an excellent option for a teenager's bedroom.
  • The workplace, namely the desk, should be combined with a place for the boy’s creative expression. For example, you can equip it with drawers with tools, mount a stand for sailboat models, install fasteners for a soldering iron and other electrical appliances.
  • Boys of any age prefer to relax actively, so if there is space in the room, it is worth installing compact exercise equipment and making room for your favorite bicycle. Don’t forget about other home entertainment: for example, a TV with a set-top box and a comfortable sofa will become a gathering place for the owner’s best friends.

Photo wallpaper in a teenager's room is considered not just a rational element, but also an original way of adding originality and individuality to the interior. The choice of pattern for such wall decoration should be based both on the appropriateness of a particular motif in the interior, and on the child’s desire to see a specific plot on the wall of his room.

Photo wallpaper on a car theme

Photo wallpaper night city

Sports-themed photo wallpapers

Designers pay attention to the importance of choosing the right place for such decor in the interior of a teenager’s room: photo wallpapers, as a rule, turn out to be too bright and noticeable, overwhelming other decor in the bedroom. On the other hand, for the bedroom of a child of this age, maximum harmony in everything is important, so only a balance of colors and meaning in the choice of decor will create a picture suitable for quiet life.

Things are somewhat more complicated. Limited space will cause certain difficulties with the choice of decoration, furniture and room layout. In a small bedroom it is extremely difficult to allocate a full-fledged place for sleeping, working and relaxing. In this case, there is a need to combine these zones in a minimum space. Most often, a working and creative corner is combined in one part of the room, using modular cabinets and retractable storage systems.

Lemon color

Advice. A folding bed or sleeping area hidden in a podium can be a practical method of increasing the usable area of ​​a room.