DIY didactic toy for children. Do-it-yourself didactic games - mathematics can be interesting. "Find a house for an egg"

DIY didactic toy for children. Do-it-yourself didactic games - mathematics can be interesting. "Find a house for an egg"

DIY didactic games

Layout "Pets"

was made from waste material (cardboard and newspaper tubes) for preschool children.
You can take a look at the master class on making a model
Target: consolidate ideas about domestic animals.
Strengthen children's knowledge about pets. Note the characteristic features of animals.
Strengthen the ability to compare, find similarities and differences.
To develop the ability to distinguish between animals and their young.
Develop the skill of writing a short story about animals.
To develop children's memory, thinking, and imagination.
To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.
To instill in children a love for their native land.
To instill in children a kind attitude towards animals, to create a desire to help them.

Model "Miller's Yard"

Purpose: The layout is intended for direct educational and play activities for children of senior preschool age, and for interior decoration.
Target– to promote the emergence and development of emotional and cognitive interest in the historical and cultural heritage of Russia.
1. To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of peasant labor and the profession of a miller.
2. Expand the understanding of the life of a peasant family in Rus'.

Didactic game: “Feed the bun”

Target: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.
Equipment: not tall plastic jars with lids, beans.
Making a manual: depict a kolobok (or other character) from self-adhesive paper on the lid. Make a hole in the mouth with a stationery knife (it’s convenient to cut a hole if you twist the knife in a circle)


There are many variations of this game. It can be complicated depending on the age of the children. I offer my options with children of the younger and middle groups.
A child catches a fish with a fishing rod.
1. "What size and color is it"
Purpose: to train children in determining the size of a fish; consolidate knowledge of color.
2. "Where does it grow"
Goal: learn to classify objects according to the topics “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.
3. "Who lives where"
Purpose: to learn to classify objects according to the topics “Domestic and wild animals”
4. "Where is whose mother"(additional animal cards needed)
Goal: to teach how to select domestic and wild animals and name them correctly.
5. "The fourth wheel"
Goal: learn to classify objects by topic.

"Carnations and Rubber Bands"

For this game you need wooden plywood, stationery nails and rubber bands.
Purpose: for the development of fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, imagination;; consolidate knowledge of various types of geometric shapes and lines.

Game "Funny Dwarfs".

Target: learn the names of the days of the week and their order, consolidate the concepts of yesterday, today, tomorrow.
First option.
"Which gnome is gone."
Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one gnome. Children open their eyes and guess which gnome ran away.
Second option.
Children close their eyes, the teacher changes the order of the gnomes. Children open their eyes and place them in the correct sequence.
Third option.
We teach together with the children yesterday and tomorrow, if today is Monday, yesterday and tomorrow, if today is Tuesday, etc. goal: to develop tactile perception in children; enrich children's active vocabulary with new words, develop memory, attention, imagination, imaginative thinking; fine motor skills.

"Tactile caps"

for the game I took:
- bottled water caps;
- different textured fabric, fur, sandpaper, leather, beads;
- glue.
- cut out circles of the same size as the lids from various materials and glued them.
How we play:
- Put all the caps in an opaque bag and ask the child to pull out a cap with a smooth texture, etc.
- "Find a Pair"
- "Find dissimilar caps"(eg fur and leather)
- "Guess what (who) it looks like"
-"Guess who am I"(red fur - fox, sandpaper - hedgehog, smooth skin - frog)

Educational game “Squares with a secret”

Goal: to enrich children’s active vocabulary with new words, to develop memory, attention, and fine motor skills.
The sense of touch or tactile perception plays an important role in development. And it is associated with the development of imagination, imaginative thinking and creative speech abilities in children. And training fine motor skills of the fingers stimulates the timely development of speech skills.
Each “square” is sewn from opaque fabric. It's a flat 6x6 pad with a cardboard frame inside and one small object in the center. There must be a pair of “squares” with identical objects inside. This game is multifunctional.
First option "Find a match." The child feels the “square” and finds a match for it.
Second option. It is necessary to divide the “squares” into two piles so that each does not contain the same ones. Place the first pile on the table, and distribute the “squares” from the second to the players equally. Players place their “squares” in front of them. The adult becomes the leader, but can also take part in the game. The presenter takes the “square”, feels it and describes its contents in words. For example, he says that there is a large smooth stone there. The player who has the paired square takes it for himself. The first person to get a pair for each of their “squares” wins.

Educational game "Candy"

Goal: learn to differentiate non-speech noises, find identical-sounding “candy,” develop logical thinking, attentiveness, and memory.
Hearing is no less important a tool for understanding the world around us than sight and touch. The ability to hear and distinguish sounds also requires constant training. The better a child hears, the faster he will learn to understand the meaning of what is being said to him and the faster verbal communication will become an effective way for him to gain new knowledge.
Each “candy” is made from kinder surprise. The “candies” are filled with various fillings that produce a certain sound when shaken, and are lined with bright fabric. A pair consists of “candies” that make the same sound when shaken, with the same filling. These can be beads, cereals, paper clips, etc.
The first option is “Find the same one.” Two people are playing. “Candy” is laid out on the table, the player takes any one “candy” and rattles it, and then takes another one and also shakes it. You cannot take more than two “candies”. If the sound is different, then the player puts each one in its original place, and the turn passes to the next player. If the sound is the same, then the player takes both candies for himself and gets the right to immediately make another move. The game continues until there are no more candies on the table.
And this is a similar game to “coffee girls”, the manual is made from chocolate eggs and covered with thermal film

Game for developing fine motor skills "Surprise Box"

I work in a group with children with hearing impairments. Due to their underlying illness, these children have great difficulty making contact with adults and have no experience of practical communication with peers. Most hearing-impaired children have impairments in the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Their hand movements are often awkward and uncoordinated, the dominant hand is not prominent, and the ability to simultaneously act with both hands at once is impaired. For example, a child cannot hold the base of a pyramid with one hand and string a ring onto a rod with the other, etc.

Great difficulties arise for deaf children when distinguishing many color shades, because they usually do not know the corresponding speech symbols. Our main task, as teachers of correctional groups, is to develop in children with hearing impairments search methods of orientation when completing a task proposed by an adult. To solve it, we use games and exercises in which preschoolers act through trial and experimentation. These games develop in children attention to the properties and relationships of objects, the ability to take these properties into account in practical actions. This further improves visual perception. We make most of our games ourselves. In our interaction with children, we use didactic games both during frontal, subgroup, and individual work with students. By the end of preschool age, most children with hearing impairments, who have been in special correctional children's institutions since the age of 2-3, reach a level of development of visual perception close to normal.

I present to my colleagues DIY games, aimed at developing in children 3–6 years old ideas about the color, shape, size of objects, at developing their ways of perceiving the holistic image of an object, improving fine motor skills, training attention, memory and thinking.

Examples of games:

Game "Tanya's doll's room"

Game "Find a Pair"

Game "Ball Houses"

Game "Assemble a pyramid"

Game "Vegetables - Fruits"

Game "Big and Small"

Game "Sort by color"

Game "Loop"

Game "Collect the picture"

Lacing game

Game "Sweet Berries"

Game "Collect beads"

Game "Cut pictures"

Game "Colorful Peas"

Game "Colorful Sticks"

Game "Tanya's doll's room"

Target. Teach children to perform simple play actions with a doll, introduce them to the names of furniture. Teach children to compare the results of visual and tactile examination of the shape of an object. Foster a caring attitude towards toys and aids.

Equipment. Doll house with furniture, signs.

Dictionary. House, doll sitting, standing, lying, sleeping, table, chair, sofa, bed, closet, window, mirror, lamp.

Progress of the game.

The teacher brings in the doll's house and, together with the children, examines the furnishings of the room. An adult shows furniture and signs for it, demonstrating the names of furnishings. Next, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the owner of the room, the doll Tanya, and shows how she greets guests. The teacher reproduces simple play actions with dolls. After this, the children are invited to play on their own.

Then the adult collects the signs and invites two children to find a place for the signs. The one who completes the task without errors wins.

Notes Take a large shoebox and cover it with wallpaper, this will be the basis of the doll's house. Use scrap materials to make furniture and household items. Dishes and vases can be made from foil.

Game "Find a Pair"

Target. Learn to select objects of different proportions according to a pattern, consolidate knowledge of the main colors of the spectrum, develop attention and memory.

Equipment. Images of scarves and mittens made from cardboard of different colors.

Dictionary. Scarf, mittens,

Progress of the game.

The teacher brings dolls in multi-colored hats into the group and invites the children to choose mittens and scarves of the same color. Planar images of scarves and mittens are laid out scattered on the table. The dolls are seated on chairs around the table. The teacher shows the children how to select warm clothes for the dolls. Then he offers to complete the task on his own, dressing his doll. Several people can take part in the game. Then the task is completed to see who is the first to assemble a kit for their doll.

Game "Ball Houses"

Target. Teach children to compare circles by size, find identical objects (this one - not that one), practice comparing objects by color, encourage them to focus on two characteristics at the same time (color and size), distracting from the third (shape).

Equipment. Cardboard insert frame with slots for large and small circles in four colors, cardboard circles matching the slots in shape and color.

Dictionary. Ball, big, small, blue, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher places frames with slots and circles inserted in them in front of the players. These are boxes of balls. Balls are large and small, of different colors. Each ball is in its own house. An adult examines objects, compares them, and explains. Then the teacher “awkwardly” turns the box, the circles fall and crumble. Children are invited to collect the balls in their houses. The player who completes his frame first wins.

The game continues several times with changing participants.

Notes The equipment is made according to the principle of the previous game.

Game "Assemble a pyramid"

Target. To strengthen in children the ability to establish the relationship between several objects in size when assembling a pyramid, to correlate the size of the slot and the tab.

Equipment. Board with slots for inserting ovals of different sizes; cardboard ovals, corresponding in size to the slots.

Dictionary. Big, small, blue, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

A teacher with two children examines a sample pyramid with slots, takes one insert (oval) at a time, finds the required size slot for the insert and inserts the oval into the cell. Next, the children are asked to complete the task independently. In case of difficulty, the teacher again shows a sample action. The game continues until the pyramid is completely collected. Children are then asked to complete the task independently from start to finish.

The player who completes the pyramid first wins.

Notes Cut out ovals from cardboard. You will get a pyramid stencil, which should be glued to a solid base. Paint the cut out ovals in primary colors and coat them with water-based varnish for durability.

Game "Vegetables - Fruits"

Target. Teach children to place toy vegetables and fruits on plates, taking into account color, shape, name; relate the number of objects to the number. Practice highlighting the number of objects on the table. To form ideas about the concepts of “Vegetables” and “Fruits”.

Equipment. Two plastic plates, numbers from 1 to 5, toy vegetables.

Dictionary.Apple, pear, tomato, carrot, orange, vegetables, fruit, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

Option 1.

The teacher shows real vegetables and fruits, then compares them with soft crafts - toys, clarifies the names (showing signs). The teacher lays out all the vegetables and fruits in front of the child sitting opposite him and gives a task: for example, put all the round vegetables, or all the red vegetables, or all the apples, etc. on the plate. The other children watch his actions. Then each participant receives a plate and the task of putting all the round vegetables and fruits (etc.) on the plate. The one who completes the task first wins.

Option 2.

The adult shows the child the number 1 and asks him to put the same number of carrots (cucumbers, etc.) on the plate. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher helps him, laying it out with his hand, and counts with the child using tablets. If the child has coped well with the task, then it can be complicated, for example: “Put 2 cucumbers and 3 oranges.”

Then each participant in the game is tasked with putting as many vegetables on the plate as the adult indicates with a number. The one who completes the task first wins.

Notes Vegetables and fruits can be sewn from colored oilcloth using old inflatable rings and toys. These items must be tightly stuffed with cotton wool or padding polyester, trying to give them a similar shape.

Game "Big and Small"

Target. Teach children to distinguish objects by size; form ideas about the relative size of objects. Learn to arrange three or four objects in descending order of size. Learn to dissect an image of an object into its component parts and recreate a complex shape from parts.

Equipment. Cards with a picture of a large object, small objects (whole), parts of a large object.

Dictionary. Big, smaller, small, names of objects and toys.

Progress of the game.

1) The teacher lays out large cards and gives the child one small object each. The child must not only recognize the object, but also correlate the images of the objects by size. After this, the result is fixed in the word, a graphic plate is given - “big”, “small”.

2) The teacher gives the child one card with a picture of an object and an object of the same size, cut into pieces. An adult offers to assemble a whole object from parts by superimposing parts on a picture - a sample.

After the initial acquaintance with the equipment, you can conduct a game-competition between 2 - 3 children “Who can collect the picture the fastest” or “Who will be the first to arrange the pictures from the largest to the smallest.”

Notes You can use pictures from the Internet or old postcards as images. For strength, it is advisable to roll all small parts in film or varnish.

Game "Sort by color"

Target. Continue introducing children to the six colors of the spectrum and their names. Learn to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other. Develop visual perception and fine motor skills.

Equipment. A box with multi-colored recesses, insert items of the corresponding color, bags according to the number of participants.

Dictionary. Spectrum color names.

Progress of the game.

The teacher brings in a box and bags with the same number of multi-colored inserts. Children take turns taking the inserts out of their bag, looking at them and finding a cell of the same color in the box. Each insert fits into its own cell. In case of an incorrect choice, the player misses his turn. The winner is the one who runs out of earbuds before others run out.

Notes The basis for the game is a candy box with round cells. Divide the cells into sectors by color. Glue a label made of colored self-adhesive paper to the bottom of each cell. Use a plastic chocolate egg capsule as a liner, painting it with paint.

Game "Loop"

Target. Teach children to combine a loop with a clothes hook, act sequentially, selecting pairs for the indicated items.

Equipment. Wall panel with hooks, paired items equipped with loops.

Dictionary.Give, here, take, hang.

Progress of the game.

The teacher hangs one object on the hook of the wall panel. Invites those who wish to find a pair and hang the same item nearby. The same thing happens with the second pair of objects, until the end. Then the children are asked to complete the task independently, competing with a peer. The child who completes the task first wins.

Notes I made items with a loop from fabric. They turned out soft and pleasant to the touch.

Game "Collect the picture"

Target. Teach children to identify the shape of an object, distracting from its other features: color, size, learn to compose an image of an object from individual parts, correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object, act by applying.

Equipment. Cards with images of simple familiar objects, parts of objects corresponding to the images on the cards.

Dictionary. Collect a picture, help, names of objects.

Progress of the game.

One card is placed on the table in front of the players. The teacher invites participants to examine and assemble a picture from individual parts. At the first stage, children can put parts of an object on a card. Later, you can complicate the task: lay out the picture on the table, holding the sample card in front of you. The child who completes the task first wins.

Lacing game

Target. Teach children to thread ribbon through holes by imitating the actions of an adult; continue to develop the movements of small muscle groups of the arm, purposefulness of actions; create a positive emotional attitude towards completing the task; to form visual-motor coordination and a sense of spatial perception.

Equipment. Tablets made of fiberboard with images of fairy-tale characters, animals, funny men printed on them with holes for lacing.

Dictionary. Track, rope, cord, names of toys and names of fairy-tale characters.

Progress of the game.

The teacher looks at the pictures with the children:

1) Hares live in the houses. They want to get home, but there are no paths to get around.

2) The children want to slide down the mountain, but there is no slope.

3) The boy is fishing, but his fishing rod has no fishing line.

4) It’s raining, the bunny hid under a mushroom.

5) The boy carries the balloons home. Balls without a rope and no path to the house.

The adult invites the game participants to help the characters by completing the pictures with the missing images made using cords. The teacher explains how to do this, threads the end of the rope into the hole: “So we have a path to the house and a good fishing line for a fishing rod, strings are tied to the balls”; “The rain is falling next to the fungus, the bunny is not wet.” The teacher draws attention to the fact that the rain comes from top to bottom - and each rope is pulled into its own slots, they are all laid side by side. Children complete the task according to the model. If they have difficulty, an adult helps them.

Subsequently, you can offer children two identical pictures to compete in lacing. The child who completes the task first wins.

Notes The subject of the picture placed on the tablet can be anything. To make tablets, you need to cut out identical rectangles from fiberboard and cover them with film of any color. Mark with a pencil the location for future holes. Drill holes using a drill. Glue the character images onto the base. White shoe laces can be used as strings for threading.

Game "Sweet Berries"

Target. Teach children to select colors according to a pattern, develop visual perception, fine motor skills, and support children’s emotional and positive attitude towards playing together.

Equipment. Trays of primary colors - 4 pcs., images of fruits and berries made of cardboard of the same colors - 10 pcs. each color.

Dictionary.Blue, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher brings in planar images of fruits, examines them with the children, and pays attention to the color. Places trays on the table in front of the players. Then he invites players, upon a signal, to select images of berries and fruits of the same color as the tray. On the green tray - gooseberries, on the red - cherries, on the blue - plums, on the yellow - apples.

Notes Trays, fruits and berries are made of cardboard, painted and varnished for durability.

Game "Collect beads"

Target. Develop correlating actions, coordination of the actions of both hands, and an emotional attitude towards the result of one’s activities. Encourage children to group objects based on color.

Equipment. Colored ropes and rings of primary colors.

Dictionary. Beads, rope, doll, blue, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher brings in the dolls who are going to the party. Children are explained that dolls need decorations - beads. The teacher shows the beads and puts them on (trying them on) for the dolls one by one, but there aren’t enough of them for everyone. What to do? The dolls are upset. The teacher brings a box with rings and strings. Children are given the task: to collect rings of the same color on a string (red string - red rings, blue string - blue rings, etc.). The ends of the ropes are connected by the teacher. Multi-colored beads are put on dolls. They rejoice and dance.

The child who completes the teacher's task first wins.

Notes Multi-colored ropes can be made by choosing colored laces or dyeing white laces. Large abacus bones make excellent beads. Paint them with paint of four main colors, let dry and you can collect multi-colored beads.

Game "Cut pictures"

Target. To form in children ideas about the holistic image of an object, to teach them to correlate the image of the idea with the holistic image of a real object, to fold a picture cut into 4 parts.

Equipment. Cut pictures from 4 parts. Items and toys that match those in the pictures.

Dictionary. Collect, apple, ball, tumbler, matryoshka.

Progress of the game.

On the table in front of the children are cut-out pictures depicting a familiar object (apple, tumbler, ball, etc.). Children participating in the game are asked to put together a picture from parts so that they get a whole object. At the end of the task, children are offered to select and correlate two objects (for example: a car and a tumbler), which they compare with the image.

The child who first collects the cut picture wins.

Game "Colorful Peas"

Target. Teach children to compare objects by color, select circles (peas) of one or two colors from the total mass of objects, placing them in baskets with the appropriate label.

Equipment. Two baskets made of painted cardboard, circles of primary colors.

Dictionary. Blue, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher brings in a doll that has scattered colorful peas on the table. The adult invites the players to collect peas of the desired colors into their baskets, leaving the extra ones. The doll rejoices and thanks the children who completed the task correctly. The child who completes the task correctly first wins.

Notes Baskets and circles (peas) are cut out of thick cardboard, painted with gouache and coated with water-based varnish on both sides.

Game "Colorful Sticks"

Target. Teach children to distinguish primary colors, practice arranging sticks into boxes of the corresponding color, develop visual perception and fine motor skills.

Equipment. Wooden sticks painted in four primary colors, boxes of similar colors, complemented by images of animals.

Dictionary. Blue, red, green, yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher places boxes of four colors on the table and shows the multi-colored sticks that the bear scattered. Children participants are asked to put all the sticks into boxes of their own color. The teacher examines the sticks, drawing the children's attention to the fact that the color of the stick and the box are the same. Then the children complete the task.

The child who is the first to select sticks of his color and name it correctly wins.

Gradually the number of sticks increases.

Notes Take ice cream sticks and paint them in primary colors. Cut the kefir boxes and cover them with multi-colored paper. Paste a picture of a funny animal on the back side.


Raising the sensory culture of a child from birth to 6 years: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden /L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger; Ed. L.A. Wenger. M.: Education, 1988. -144 p.: ill.

Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher at GDOU TO – correctional kindergarten of compensatory type No. 1, Tula city.

The master class is designed to work with teachers and parents.

Purpose: DIY didactic toy.

Goals: the use of unconventional methods in making toys, the development of fine motor skills and sensory perception in children.

Description of the master class:

In my work, I paid attention to the unconventional way of making toys with my own hands, using different types of cereals that differ from each other in size, shape, texture: small (millet), medium (buckwheat) and large (barley).

If your child gets a “Miracle Ball”, I am sure that he will be happy. After all, by playing with such a toy, children develop fine motor skills and speech; the child receives a variety of sensory impressions; he develops attention and the ability to concentrate. No wonder V. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers.” Therefore, I recommend the “Miracle Ball for all-round development, and besides, it will simply bring joy and pleasure to your children.

Required materials and tools:

Fabric of different colors and textures;

Needle and scissors;

Multi-colored threads;

Bright and colorful braid;

Various cereals (millet, buckwheat, pearl barley);


Step-by-step work process

1. Prepare the appropriate material to get started.

2. Cut out rectangles of the same size from various types of fabric.

3. Sew six rectangles one by one, leaving a hole on one side.

4. Turn each stitched rectangle of fabric right side out (use a pencil to help).

5. Fill the resulting bags with cereals (buckwheat, millet, pearl barley and padding polyester).

6. We carefully sew up each filled bag so that the cereal does not spill out.

7. The resulting square-shaped convex bags are equal in size.

8. Sew each square to exactly the same one, different in color, forming a pair.

9. Sew the double pads together one at a time.

10. Forming a ball, sew the finished pairs of squares to each other.

11. It turns out to be a ball.

12. Using braid, we decorate our product, giving it a beautiful and elegant look.

13. Our “Miracle Ball” is ready.

Good luck!

Do-it-yourself play aids will help your child’s development. Offer children plenty of entertainment, as well as homemade musical instruments.

Making game aids for children: master class

There are plastic bottles in almost every home. We will use them for the next tutorial.

Game "Flower Glade"

To provide yourself with everything you need to create such entertainment, take:
  • a cardboard box with low sides, for example, for candies;
  • plastic bottles;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors.
To make this game guide, cut out circles around the diameter of the neck of the bottle in a cardboard box, and cut out flowers from thick paper of different colors. Cut the necks of the bottles, insert each into its hole, and screw on the caps. The child will put flowers of the same color on them.

Here's how to play with your baby using these items. Tell him to:
  • put flowers of the same color on the lids;
  • I would put plants of a certain color in this impromptu flowerbed;
  • I counted how many flowers and what color they came out with.

Game "Clothespins"

It will help the child develop his fingers, improvise, and come up with interesting stories.

For crafts, take plastic clothespins so that your child can easily squeeze them and put them on the object.

To make a game tutorial like this, take:
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • markers;
  • clothespins of different colors;
  • scissors.
Making master class:
  1. Use templates or draw figures on cardboard: various funny animals, suns, clouds, flowers, people.
  2. Glue colored paper onto the cardboard and draw the characters' features using a felt-tip pen.
  3. Place the clothespins in the box. Let the child take them out and pin them: on the sun - rays, on a fish - fins, on a caterpillar - legs, on a cloud - rain, and so on.
It will be interesting for the child to come up with stories with these characters, and adults will help him with this.

Game "Feed the Animals"

Kids will also like this fun; it will also require clothespins. Children will learn what some animals look like and what they eat. To do this, you need to cut a circle out of cardboard, use a ruler and a thin felt-tip pen to draw segments on it. Glue or draw the following products into each:

  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • grass;
  • corn;
  • bone;
  • acorn.
On pieces of other cardboard, draw the following animals:
  • cat;
  • squirrel;
  • hare;
  • monkey;
  • cow;
  • mouse;
  • dog;
  • pig.
Pin a clothespin to the edge of each animal's face. Using this mechanical device, have your child place each animal next to the food item he or she is eating.

Tactile covers

For such an interesting game you will need:
  • caps from baby food and plastic bottles;
  • pieces of leather;
  • scraps of various fabrics;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
Cut out two circles for each type from various fabrics (silk, drape, fleece, flannel). Now stick one blank from the pair on top of the lid, and put the second in a box or bag.

First, show the child the fabric on the lid and let him touch it. Now, without looking, you can take a pair of circles out of a bag or box. In the same way, he will find a lid with pieces of fur and leather.

Finger Theater

This kind of fun helps children develop motor skills, hand coordination, thinking, and speech. You can see that the child put small characters on these parts of his hands. But you can make heroes in such a way that the child’s fingers temporarily turn into their feet.

The baby will surely be amused by how the character walks or runs briskly, thanks to the child.

As you can see, you need to cut out figures of people and animals from cardboard, stick colored paper on them, and paint the character so that it is clear who it is.

In place of each person’s legs, you need to cut out two equal circles. When it is necessary for a specific character to move, the child will insert his index and middle fingers here and “walk” with them.

This is how you can make a finger theater with your own hands.

Outdoor and indoor games for children

They will also help the child's development. After all, after quiet entertainment, the baby needs movement. Both boys and girls will be happy to help their parents make the following game aids.

They are made very simply. First take:
  • carton boxes;
  • colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
Cut off the bottom and top of the cardboard box. The inner and outer parts should be covered with plain paper. If it is light, for example, blue, then glue red and green rectangles on all four sides outside.

Cut out the wheels from dark paper, and their inner part from yellow paper. Make headlights from the same.

You can come up with many games for children using these items. For example, children will simply stand inside such a car and run races with their peers or with adults.

If there is not enough space at home, then you need to conduct such outdoor games on the street. Of course, on a playground where there are no real cars.

Let the child try himself as a driver, and the other one become a gas station worker.

It's just as easy to do. To do this, cover a tall cardboard box with colored paper. Make a hole at the bottom of the structure, attach a piece of corrugated pipe or an old hose from a vacuum cleaner here. Stick a sign showing the amount of gasoline.

For girls, you can hold a competition on the topic “Who will drive the most beautiful car,” and after that, at the same time, do exercises, telling them that now they need to run on their toes, as if it were a light sports car. Then they will stomp their feet as they move, as if a heavy truck is passing by.

You can also make the following game aids yourself.

"Move the fish"

This entertainment will help strengthen the coordination of children's movements and prevent the development of flat feet. To organize such fun, take:

  • gymnastic hoops;
  • dish sponges;
  • marker;
  • scissors.
Draw the outlines of fish and their eyes on each sponge, cut out these blanks.

Place the hoop on the floor, place the inhabitants of the aquatic depths in it, as many participants as there are, so many more hoops are needed. This is where each child will put the fish they catch. But you need to take them not with your hands, but with your feet.

Air football game

It will help develop the child's lungs and promote proper breathing. To make such tabletop entertainment, you need to take:
  • plastic egg from Kinder Surprise;
  • glass ball;
  • 2 cocktail straws;
  • marker;
  • box of chocolates.
Draw an analogue of a football field on the inside of the box. There should be markings for the gate, a central circle in which you will install the glass ball. Place half a plastic egg in place of the gate and give two children cocktail straws.

On command, they begin to blow on the glass ball through the tubes in order to drive it into the enemy’s goal.

"Catch the Ball"

For your next educational game, take:

  • plastic bottles;
  • colored paper and glue or wide electrical tape;
  • rope;
  • bottle caps or small balls.
Game sequence:
  1. Cut the bottles about halfway, you want the part with the neck. To prevent your child from getting hurt on a sharp cut, cover it with colored paper or tape.
  2. Tie one end of the rope to the neck of the container, attach a ball to the second, you can use a bottle cap instead.
  3. This game trains dexterity. Let the child try to get the ball inside the container by tossing it. If several people play, the one who managed to do it the most times wins.
Interesting outdoor games also contribute to the development of the child, help to strengthen him and improve his health. You can attract several children from the yard and show them fun activities.

Game "Fishing Rod"

For it you need:

  • long rope;
  • scissors;
  • small weight.
How to play:
  1. Cut the rope to the required size and tie a weight to its end. One child becomes the driver, the others stand opposite him in a semicircle.
  2. The driver takes the end of the rope without a weight in his hand. In this case, the second edge with a weighting agent is located near the children’s feet.
  3. The leader will spin around its axis, while the rope should describe a circle. When the weight comes to the children's feet, everyone should jump. If someone did not have time to do this, was touched by this object, he himself becomes the leader.

Instead of rope and weights, you can take ordinary jump ropes of the required length and use them as a fishing rod.

Game "Chairs"

This fun can be included in the outdoor entertainment program. Bring folding stools and use them. Both children and adults can play such outdoor games on the street. You will need musical accompaniment. Place chairs in a circle, their number should be 1 less than the number of participants.

Turn on some fun music and let the competitors run around these attributes. When you stop the song, everyone should take a chair. Anyone who does not receive this attribute is eliminated from the game. For the next round, you need to remove another chair and so on.

Game "Traffic Light"

The kids really like her. To do this, you need to put on accessories of different colors in advance; this trick will help you win. You can put handkerchiefs of different colors in your pocket, tie laces of different colors on your sneakers.

  1. One person will play the role of Traffic Light. He stands with his back to those around him. When the game begins, the Traffic Light turns sharply towards the competitors and pronounces a certain color.
  2. Now, in order to get to the other side, each participant must hold on to the thing he has of this color.
  3. If there is no such color on the details of the clothing, then the person quickly runs to the other side. If the Traffic Light managed to leave him at this time, then the unlucky runner must now take the place of the driver.

DIY children's musical instruments

It is important to develop a child’s ear for music. To do this, make the game aids presented below.

Sounds of the rain

To recreate it you will need:
  • cardboard tube from baking paper or foil;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • colored tape;
  • cardboard;
  • cereal.
Use an awl to make many holes on the surface of the cardboard tube.

The more there are, the more the instrument will begin to resemble the sound of rain. Now insert toothpicks into these holes and secure them with drops of glue. Cut the sharp ends of the wooden skewers flush with the cardboard tubes so that they do not extend beyond the edges. Cover the bottom with a piece of cardboard and secure with a piece of tape.

Experimentally find out how much grain you need so that when you shake the instrument, it makes sounds similar to the sound of rain. You can add buckwheat or rice, but it is best to use millet. Cover the top hole of the tube with a circle of cardboard, and also secure it with colored tape.

You can make another noise instrument.

To make it, you just need to take:
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • reliable glue;
  • plastic or iron bottle caps.
Cut a rectangle from cardboard of such a size that it is comfortable for the child to hold it in his hand, bending it in half. Glue the covers to the first and second edges of this blank. The child will bend the cardboard and knock one half against the other.

If you have large buttons, use two. Sew elastic bands to each so that the child can put them on his fingers and tap one against the other.

Metal lids on cardboard will make more high-pitched sounds.

You can make a noise musical instrument from other materials. Use nut shells, coffee cans and other waste materials that are usually thrown away.

Noise musical instruments

For this, take:
  1. two toilet paper rolls or empty metal cans that used to hold coffee;
  2. cereals or small pebbles;
  3. beads;
  4. cardboard;
  5. colored paper;
  6. stationery erasers.
Manufacturing Features:
  1. If you are using toilet paper rolls, then glue a piece of cardboard onto the other ends.
  2. Cover them with a sheet of colored paper, securing it with rubber bands.
  3. Pour small pebbles, beads, sand or grain inside, and fix this hole in the same way.
  4. If you are using empty coffee cans, then after filling them, secure them in the same way on one side only.

Do not give such toys to a child under 3 years old. Also keep an eye on the older ones, because these noise instruments contain fine filler.

Here's another fun little thing made from scrap material.

To make this musical slingshot, take:
  • wooden rogulin;
  • sandpaper;
  • thin elastic band;
  • acorn caps;
  • small metal buttons on the legs;
  • awl;
  • scissors.
Make through holes in each acorn cap with an awl, 2 pieces each. Thread the elastic through a needle with a thick eye. String acorn caps and small metal buttons on it.

After pistachios or walnuts are eaten, they are left with a pile of husks. To avoid throwing this garbage away, use it to create other noise-based musical play aids.

To make this type of ratchet, take:
  • dense threads;
  • two sticks;
  • awl;
  • pistachio shells.
Sand the slingshot sticks with sandpaper to make this blank smooth. Using an awl, make a hole in each shell and string these elements onto threads. Then you will need to tie them to one or two sticks.

An interesting noise musical instrument is also made from walnut shells. Holes are also made in them using an awl, threads or elastic bands are threaded here, and then tied at the top. The child will shake the instrument, holding it by the handle, and interesting sounds will be produced.


To make one, you'll take:
  • a metal biscuit or tea tin;
  • awl;
  • semolina;
  • thin satin ribbon;
  • 2 gel or ballpoint pens;
  • two containers from under shoe covers;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.
Master class on creating:
  1. Sprinkle a 1 cm layer of semolina onto the bottom of a metal can; this will prevent the sounds produced from being too loud.
  2. Using an awl, make a couple of holes opposite each other on the top of the wall, thread a ribbon here, and secure it by tying it. Secure the lid to the jar with tape.
  3. To make drum sticks, unscrew the tip from the handle and use a knife to make a small hole in the lid of the shoe cover capsule. Insert the handle body into it and screw the tip.
  4. Close the capsule from the shoe covers. If you want to get an even more interesting sound, then first pour cereal, small stones or beads into these two small containers.
For the next reel you will need:
  • empty can of canned food;
  • burst balloons;
  • stationery erasers.
Pull a piece of a burst balloon onto the jar; if you have others, you can put them on top. Secure the structure with a rubber band, and the drum is ready.

Wind instruments

You can easily turn a cocktail straw into a pipe. The tip must be cut at an angle.

If you want your child to make different sounds, then make straws of different lengths.

And if you take these blanks, fasten them in pairs with colored tape, arranging them according to size, you will get this kind of musical wind instrument.

For the following you will only need two items:
  • comb;
  • tissue paper or foil.
Cover the comb teeth with foil or tissue paper. When the child takes this part of the musical instrument into his mouth, blowing on it, he will be able to make funny sounds.

Here are some play aids you can make with your own hands so that your child receives comprehensive development from an early age. Watch the video to see how to make musical instruments from scrap materials.

The following review will show you how to make play aids for a child.

Tactile counting cards.
A lot about sensory development has been written in the works of Maria Montessori, who taught children to distinguish materials by touch and remember adjectives that describe tactile sensations - smooth, rough, rough, slippery, ribbed, etc.
Such tactile cards can easily be made at home using available materials without spending money.
“Touching game” (from the word touch) is a set of 10 cards with different surfaces and numbers from 1 to 10.
Tactile cards develop the child’s sensory perception, tactile memory, fine motor skills of the fingers, and as a result have a beneficial effect on the baby’s mental potential and promote learning to count from 1 to 10.
- cardboard for the base;
- glue “Moment”;
- scissors;
- numbers made of velvet paper
- materials with different surfaces (sandpaper, felt, satin ribbon, pieces of leather, wood, plastic, buttons, the prickly part of Velcro, etc.)
When making a second set of cards, game variations can be different, for example:
we take several pairs of cards, turn them face down, then in turn each player opens two cards, if they match, then the player takes the cards for himself, and if not, then puts them in place;
we take one card at a time, swipe it along the hand (leg), the child needs to guess what kind of card it is, but first, of course, you need to say the name of each material and touch everything carefully;
find identical cards;
It's interesting to just touch it.

Educational toy for children: "Box with cups - inserts."
The essence of the game is simple and obvious to any adult, but the little one still has to master this “so simple and difficult” task!
Making a toy is really easy. We take any cardboard box, preferably a stronger one. Next, we cover the box with colored paper.
You definitely need to put something rattling and ringing in the cups, so that along with the flowers, children develop sound perception. You need to try to make the clinking of the cups different. To do this, put buckwheat in one glass, rice in another, semolina in a third, and seeds in a fourth.
We cover the tops of the cups with cardboard and glue them with glue, not forgetting to attach a loop to each one.
We make a delimiter inside the box, and add pebbles of a certain color inside each hole (by color).
Consolidating knowledge of size; colors; development of hand motor skills, counting skills.
Variations of games can be different, for example:
arrange the pebbles by color;
count how many pebbles of one color or another;
guess what is in the cup, remember the sound and try to determine what is in the cup by the sound;
It's interesting to just touch it.

Sorter: "Flower jar".
A sorter is a children's educational toy, the main purpose of which is to sort objects according to one or more criteria. These characteristics are usually shape, size or color. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is the main, but not the only purpose of the sorter. Sorters develop the child’s logical thinking, coordination of movements, sensory skills, form analysis skills, the ability to compare and find cause-and-effect relationships, introduce the baby to the shapes of various objects, and teach colors. What is a sorter?
Description of the manual: This is a jar in which there are holes of various shapes: these are rectangular holes of primary colors for large beads from old abacus painted in a certain color, holes for pushing counting sticks also in colors, holes for laces (laces), and screwing on lids of a certain color to the flower. You need to insert figures of appropriate shape into these holes.
Screwing the centers to a certain color flower;
Pushing certain items by color

Dry aquarium. (for children 2-7 years old).

A “dry aquarium” - a set of kinder eggs collected in a plastic basin or box, can be offered to a child at any time: when he is in a bad mood, or, conversely, he is too excited, or he simply has nothing to do. The main value of this manual is that the child is not afraid of breaking or losing something. By plunging as deeply as possible into the “aquarium” filler (eggs), the child’s hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, and their movements are coordinated.

Self-massage of hands and fingers in a “dry aquarium” (“pool”) promotes:
- normalization of muscle tone;
- stimulation of tactile sensations;
- increasing the volume and amplitude of movements of the fingers;
- formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the fingers.

Option 1. “Bathing” hands in a “dry aquarium”, immersing hands, arms up to the elbows, up to the shoulders in the covers, rustling with eggs. Self-massage in a “dry pool” can be performed to music or accompanied by a poetic text: Place your hands in the “pool”, mix the eggs, simultaneously squeezing and unclenching your hands, saying: In the “pool” the eggs are different: green and red. We decided to look at them and let our fingers run wild, causing a commotion there so that our fingers wouldn’t be sad.

Option 2. Hide Kinder surprise toys at the bottom of the “pool”. Dip your hands into the “pool”, mix the eggs, then find and take out the toys.

Games will give the concept of size, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills, teach how to solve logical problems, and develop creative abilities.

Didactic manual “Place the pencils in cups.”
develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
logical thinking.
develop the ability to distinguish colors;
learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right
Description of the tutorial: Cut out rectangles and pencil shapes from ceiling tiles. We cover the rectangles to the middle with squares of self-adhesive film of different colors. We paste the pencils with the corresponding colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!
Variability: invite children to find a mistake (put one of the pencils in the wrong color or shade), and correct it, while pointing out the mistake.

Didactic manual “Place the eggs in your houses”

Description of the tutorial: Paint the cells of the egg container with the main colors and varnish them. We tie the Kinder Surprise capsules in the appropriate color.
The result is a bright and beautiful manual.
Children must arrange the eggs into houses according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the eggs and the color of the houses.

find identical testicles
count how many eggs of a certain color
arrange the eggs according to color into plates

The game “Geokont” is a wooden field with “nails” attached to it, on which multi-colored rubber bands are pulled during the game. each “stud” has its own coordinates (for example, Zh-2 – yellow “ray”, second “stud”).
"Geokont" is an original designer. Using multi-colored rubber bands on the playing field, you can create geometric shapes of various sizes, multi-colored contours of object forms in the surrounding world, and symmetrical asymmetrical patterns.
The set of the game "Geokont" includes the methodological work "Skillful Paws". this is a fairy-tale story about Yucca the Spider and his grandchildren - spiderlings, game tasks, diagrams.
The methodological fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava” opens a cycle of fairy tales of the Violet Forest. In it, “Geokont” becomes the Wonderful Glade of Golden Fruits. The fairy tale “revitalizes” geometric concepts, making them interesting and understandable for preschoolers. Its plot is structured in such a way that the child, by completing tasks, helps the fairy tales overcome the obstacles that arise in their path.
The educational essence of the game.
The game "Geokont" develops the sensory and cognitive abilities of preschoolers. Independent construction of geometric figures, when visual and tactile analyzers are involved, contributes to the formation of ideas about the standards of form. Play activities develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, speech, spatial thinking and creative imagination, the ability to coordinate one’s actions, analyze, and compare. Preschoolers become familiar with such a property as elasticity (rubber bands stretch and return to their original position). The use of schemes in play activities contributes to the formation of the symbolic function of consciousness. Constructing figures on a sheet of paper according to the coordinates of the playing field prepares children for mastering simple programming. Using a coordinate grid, preschoolers can draw a plan of the playing field and diagrams of figures using a verbal formula.
The game “Geokont” and the fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava” immerse the child in the world of geometry, he masters the basic geometric concepts: “ray”, “straight line”, “point”, “segment”, “angle”, "polygon", etc.
The game "Geokont" is used for the mathematical development of preschool children, introducing them to the objective world, developing design skills and solving creative problems. In addition, the fairy-tale environment helps preschoolers indirectly perceive the main learning task. For example, during the game, children face an “obstacle” (task, question, task, etc.). The personification of this obstacle is an elastic band (“web”) of any color stretched in the Geokont field. If the problem is solved correctly, it “disappears.”
Junior preschool age. When mastering the game “Geokont”, children of primary preschool age simply pull rubber bands onto “nails”. Then they construct simple geometric figures, elementary contours of object forms and create images of objects according to their own plans. Children are introduced to the characters of the fairy tale and told a simplified version of it.
Senior preschool age. Children of senior preschool age not only construct geometric figures or object forms, but also perform more complex developmental game tasks and become familiar with the concepts of “ray”, “straight line”, “curve”, “segment”. Preschoolers draw a plan of the playing field, memorize the coordinates of the points, and transfer figures invented and constructed on Geokont onto the plan. Game activities with “Geokont” are based on a fairy tale plot.

Decoration - decoupage technique. We train our fingers and hang fleece, paper, felt (whatever you like best) clothes on strings using clothespins!

Tactile pillow. Training in fastening different types of fasteners.

Didactic manual “Place the pebbles in your houses”
develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;
learn to combine a testicle with a cell, perform correlating actions (color guide); act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
Children must arrange the pebbles into houses according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the stones and the color of the houses.
When making the second manual and using disposable plates of 4 main colors, variations can be different, for example:
teach children to distinguish colors and use the names of colors in speech.
develop fine motor skills of hands
find identical testicles
count how many pebbles of a certain color
arrange the pebbles by color into boxes