We make a convenient rack with our own hands. Make a rack from boards with your own hands How to make a beautiful rack

We make a convenient rack with our own hands.  Make a rack from boards with your own hands How to make a beautiful rack
We make a convenient rack with our own hands. Make a rack from boards with your own hands How to make a beautiful rack

Owners of small apartments often wonder if it is possible to use the balcony as a storage area for necessary and not so necessary items?

Certainly. If you make convenient rack, suppose, for a balcony where you can store tools and other things unnecessary in the apartment. You can order wooden shelves for your balcony from specialists, or you can make a rack yourself. It won't be difficult and, of course, it will be cheaper.

Shelves can be made:

  • from metal profile And chipboards;
  • wooden beams and plywood;
  • boards and chipboard;
  • beams, with plasterboard shelves;
  • in other variations.

A do-it-yourself rack, if it is wooden, will require the purchase of pine boards, the width of which can be from 240 mm, and the thickness from 200 mm. They should be even, dry and smoothly planed. You will also need screws and metal corners to fasten the shelves.

PVA glue is useful for gluing wood. And when you paint the rack (if it is for a balcony), it will be more profitable to do the painting yourself. You will have to purchase PF-115 enamel for exterior use. But you can also buy stain and alkyd varnish.

What tools will you need?

  • saw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • square, tape measure, sandpaper;
  • brush for painting.

Self-tapping screws and screws for fastening

As you can see: the material for wooden shelving will be inexpensive, and simple carpentry tool can be found in any home.

How will we do it?

Let's get acquainted with the wooden structure. As you can see, it consists of three standard elements installed one above the other. Thus, you can improvise and make a rack, preferably a wooden one, of any height and width.

The dimensions can be calculated by arbitrarily changing the dimensions of the shelf and the number of racks. We will connect them together with self-tapping screws and metal corners. For greater stability, we can additionally attach the shelves with corners to the wall of the balcony.

It is necessary to take into account that the length of the shelves should not exceed 80 cm so that the shelves do not sag. If you want to make the length longer, then insert reinforcing supports from boards in the middle of the rack, securing them at the top and bottom with self-tapping screws.

First, mark all the elements on the boards using a square. Carefully cut the boards to size and assemble them by gluing the PVA joints and screwing in the screws. Each structure must consist of a load-bearing shelf and two supports in the shape of the letter “L”. For strength, you need to strengthen the rack if it is wooden. It can be supplemented at the bottom with its own metal corners for strength.

Below are possible options making such racks on the balcony with your own hands.

We will need:

  • planed pine timber 50 to 50;
  • boards (any thickness, depending on the purpose of the shelves);
  • screws, dowels, screwdriver, saw, hammer, jigsaw, tape measure, square, plumb line;
  • paint, stain, varnish, brushes.

We measure the timber, saw off the wooden risers and crossbars with a jigsaw or saw. On the floor we assemble a frame with crossbars, like a ladder. We check them with a square. We fasten with self-tapping screws.

We drill holes in the balcony wall with a hammer drill. Insert the dowels. We place our “ladder” against the wall and screw the screws through the bars.

We install the same “ladder” No. 2 near the window, with the difference that the length of this structure should rest against the ceiling. We drill holes on the ceiling with a hammer drill and strengthen two parallel bars to which the “ladder” will be attached.

We plumb the “ladder” and, holding it with our hands, screw it to the beams on the ceiling with self-tapping screws. On the resulting crossbars we nail the shelves from the boards.

We paint the resulting structures with paint or stain. If necessary, open with varnish.

Those who like durability will like it metal racks, which may only be suitable for a balcony. You can also design them and make a rack yourself. It will be a little more difficult than wooden ones, but it is quite possible. You can calculate how many pipes you will need yourself based on the size of your loggia.

For production you will need:

  • metal pipes square section for racks 20 by 50 mm;
  • corner for the shelf frame 15 by 25;
  • welding machine, electrodes;
  • pine board, thickness 20 mm and width from 240 mm;
  • wood saw, grinder, tape measure, level;
  • PF-115 enamel – one can and a brush.

If you don’t have the machine, or don’t know how to use it, you can order it from a welder individual parts to make a shelving unit for the balcony. And with bolts it will be easy to assemble it with your own skillful hands at home.

Sequence of work

Mark with chalk all the elements on the profile and corner. We cut it with a grinder. Then we weld the side racks with the machine, checking them with a level so that our rack, which is intended for the balcony, does not warp. Then we weld a quadrangular frame from the corner for each shelf.

Then, on the side posts of the structure, we will make chalk marks for the shelves, using our hands to apply a level horizontally.

We weld the frame of the shelves. After this, we cut the boards to fit the shelves. It is better to lay the boards crosswise, this will be better for the strength of the shelves. Then we drill holes around the perimeter of the frame and fasten the boards with self-tapping screws.

At the end, with our skillful hands, we paint the shelving we have for the balcony with PF enamel and leave it until dry.

I repeat that the racks can be made by specialists, but assembled by hand at home, using bolts. This will be easier and will save your budget a little.

Now, after getting acquainted with the process of making shelving, we know that making them on our own is not at all difficult.

The rack allows you to conveniently place various things using free space as rational as possible. It can be installed in the garage, on the balcony, in the pantry, personal library, office and other rooms. Figuring out how to make a rack with your own hands is not at all difficult. No need for this expensive materials and hard-to-reach tools. The work is done very quickly, and the resulting result will delight you with its quality for many years.

Types of self-tapping screws for making shelving.

Selection of design and dimensions

Before making a rack, you need to choose the most suitable design and determine the required dimensions. The cantilever shelving unit is perfect for the pantry and kitchen. Many open and very convenient shelves provide maximum visibility. Necessary items It will be very easy to take out and put back. For a garage or balcony, you can make a rack from an inexpensive metal profile.

If you want to get an original addition to the interior, try making a rotating rack. It can be a small tabletop model or a full-fledged rotating cabinet.

Before you start making, you need to choose the appropriate sizes. If you do all the work yourself, then it is best to make the shelves from MDF or chipboard. Plywood will also work. Use boards 18-20 cm thick. Material left over from previous ones will do. construction work. If your budget allows and you have a sawing machine, it is best to make a rack from durable natural wood.

Select the width of the shelves taking into account what you will store on them.

Figure 1. Rack drawing.

any universal solution there is no. To store cans and various books, it will be enough to make a rack with shelves 25-40 cm wide. If you are making shelves for various instruments, take into account their dimensions.

The appropriate length of the shelves is also determined taking into account what exactly will be stored on them. If you are going to make a rack for storing various figurines, toys and other souvenirs, then the shelves can be more than one and a half meters long. In the same case, if various thick and heavy books will be stored on its shelves, it is recommended to reduce their length to 80-100 cm, otherwise they will sag.

Fastening elements are also selected taking into account the loads. A light and simple decorative rack can be assembled using self-tapping screws. If the structure will be attached to concrete wall, use self-tapping screws with a length of 89 mm. If the wall is brick, fasteners 52 mm long will be sufficient. You may need hooks and anchors to assemble and secure garage shelving and bookcases. The final choice depends on how much the rack with the items stored in it will weigh. You can make a rack based on the following drawing (Fig. 1). If necessary, change the number and size of shelves to suit your needs.

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Step-by-step assembly instructions

This design looks like this - Fig. 2. In order to make a rack, you will need following materials and tools:

  • lath 183x3.8x1.9 cm – 10 pieces, for making crossbars and planks;
  • rail 20.3x3.8x1.9 cm - 3 pieces, for racks;
  • beam 39x8.9x3.8 cm for support;
  • shelves – 18.3x30.5x1.9 cm;
  • screws;
  • dowels;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • drill.

First you need to prepare the markup. Draw a line on the wall. It should be 183 cm in length and pass at a height of 39 cm from the floor. Draw 4 more similar lines above it in increments of 41 cm.

If the walls in the room are finished with plasterboard, you will need to find a standing profile. The finished structure will be attached to it. The profile can be found using a magnet. Mark the intersections of the wall profile and future shelves. Cut 5 crossbars and 5 slats.

Figure 2. Diagram of a rack on a metal base.

Attach each strip in its designated location to the middle stud you found under the drywall. Make holes where the planks and posts intersect. Attach the strips to the posts through these holes. Also secure the 4 remaining fastening strips.

Cut out the support and 3 posts. For support, use a beam measuring 39x10x5 cm. It will be dismantled later. In order to perform cantilever installation of shelves, it is necessary to make a simple calculation. You can calculate the length of the slanting rail, due to which the overhanging edge of the shelf will be held, using the following formula: a²=b²+c². IN in this case a is the length of the slats, b is the width of the shelf, c is the height between the individual shelves. In this example, the length of the oblique rail is 51.1 cm. You can see this in the following figure. 3.

Attach the rail to support post and a crossbar holding the outer edge of the shelf. It must be mounted at an angle of 45°. Use self-tapping screws to connect. To make the connection more durable, lubricate the parts with glue.

Secure the shelf using self-tapping screws of a suitable length and glue. If you use a board, you need to prepare the holes with a slightly smaller diameter, otherwise the canvas may split. Do the same for all remaining shelves.

You can attach ready-made consoles in the shape of triangles cut from a board to the racks. The fastening can also be done so that the shelf fits freely into the resulting triangular hole.

Just a few decades ago, furniture was very difficult to obtain. This encouraged home craftsmen to make it themselves. Today in every store of relevant goods you can find a model for every taste and budget, but to this day it is customary to buy sheet materials which are used for the production of cabinet furniture.

The rack is used quite often in interior design. It has functional qualities, and its appearance does not burden the perception of the room. You can purchase such a piece of furniture in a store, but its size, shape and color are not always suitable for the buyer. In this case, it is better to make the structure yourself, using chipboard, which will save money and simplify the work.

Preparation of basic material

Before making a shelving unit, you should decide whether the design should be cheap or stylish. Thickened parts can create a feeling of monumentality and massiveness. Such a piece of furniture will look expensive, but it will take twice as much materials, effort and time. Therefore, it is recommended to use 16 mm chipboard.

You will need 6 horizontal planes, the size of each of which should be 1200x350 mm. Vertical planes must be cut in the amount of 15 pieces, the parameters of each of them must be equal to 320x320 mm. If you decide to make a stylish rack from chipboard, then the number of parts should be multiplied by two. This option will stand on horizontal bars in the color of the chipboard, but they can be replaced with those selected in a hardware store.

Preparing consumables

The main fasteners for furniture are 5x70 mm. If you purchase a box of 1000 pieces, you can save 5 times the retail price. In addition to legs and confirmations, you should purchase with adhesive base. The vertical planes will be visible from both sides, and it is better to fix the component parts together with brackets at the working ends. The edge must be purchased wide; the standard 22 mm must be abandoned.

Preparing design details

If you are making a rack from chipboard, then you will also have to prepare the design details. There is no point in sawing a laminated board at home, unless you have circular saw with a quality disc. It is better to entrust these manipulations to professionals who make furniture. But you can glue the edge with your own hands, using a regular iron to heat the adhesive surface. The regulator should be set to 3/4 of the maximum power.

After this, you need to attach the edge to the end of the parts, heat it up and use a dry rag. The cloth should be rubbed over the surface several times to ensure that the edges are securely attached. The protruding excess is cut off with a knife and processed with fine-grained sandpaper. You shouldn’t be overzealous with sanding, otherwise you will get a chamfer, which is useless on chipboard furniture.

Carrying out the assembly

When making a rack from chipboard, you need to use confirmations as ties. Through 8 mm holes are made in the plane, 5 mm holes need to be made at the ends of the parts, deepening by 60 mm. In order not to encounter difficulties when using hand wrenches, which are sold together with confirmations, you should purchase a hex bit for a screwdriver. In order for the chipboard rack to turn out original, vertical planes can be positioned any way you like. The main requirement is that the holes for the fasteners coincide, and that the structure itself is stable.

An alternative option for a chipboard rack: assembly from individual cubes

A do-it-yourself chipboard rack can be made using another technology. It will involve assembling individual cubes. Detailing involves preparing 20 sidewalls of square cubes with a side of 300 mm. Large shelves will have dimensions equal to 700x300 mm. You will need 10 of them, as well as small shelves. The dimensions of the latter will be 500x300 mm. Detailing from fiberboard involves cutting 5 blanks with dimensions equal to 695x295 mm. Another 5 elements should have dimensions equal to 495x295 mm.

Fasteners and accessories

When shelving is made from chipboard, photos of similar finished structures and a description of the work should always be at hand by the craftsman. For example, they will make it clear that the ends should be covered with melamine edges. It is matched to the color of the base material. Confirmations with the above dimensions will be needed to carry out the work. You should also purchase furniture nails; their dimensions will be 1.5x25 mm. Buy 4x30mm self-tapping screws. With their help, you can pull the cubes together as soon as you create a beautiful design.

Chipboards can be made only after you see that there is a certain set of tools available, including:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver bits.

Once all the tools and parts are ready, you can begin assembly.

Work methodology

In order to make shelving, chipboard is quite often used by home craftsmen. The technology involves assembling a cube; to do this, you need to mark the back and front edges, as well as the bottom and top, on the sidewall. Letters are placed on the plane, this will allow you to navigate. 40 mm should be measured from the back and front, while 8 mm is measured from the bottom and top. This will allow you to mark the sidewall for confirmations.

8 mm holes are drilled at the resulting marks. The shelves will be the same width and different lengths, their width will need to be drilled. Holes are made in the thickness of the parts using a 5 mm drill; to do this, go deeper by 60 mm. To obtain a cube, the shelves are pulled together with the sides. Hardboard can be nailed, but it is important to maintain right angles. Confirmed hats are decorated with caps, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

Chipboard shelving for a home must have a reliable base if the structure is to have an impressive height. Before starting work, you need to mark the wall. In this case, wooden beams are usually used for load-bearing supports. If the rack is the height of the room, then the base is attached not only to the floor, but also to the ceiling. Wooden beams in this case they act as an excellent base; they can have a rectangular or square shape. Everything will depend on final size finished design, width and depth of shelves.

The frame is twisted with self-tapping screws, and the corners are reinforced with planks. The base can be fixed to the wall, then the rack will be different high degree sustainability. It is important to ensure that the supporting supports are positioned vertically. Transverse side braces will ensure the reliability of the rack, which will make the structure rigid. These factors must be taken into account if the rack will be subject to high loads.


If the described piece of furniture reaches the height of the ceiling, then sheathe ready-made supports You can use not only chipboard, but also MDF. In this case, fastening is carried out to the beams, on the sides, top and bottom. The result will be ready box, which does not have a back wall. But if you wish, you can supplement the rack with it. The most simple design consists only of shelves and beams. After completion of the work, the material can be painted.

IN small apartments Very often the problem of lack of space to store certain items arises. If in a large living space it is possible to arrange a storage room or closet, then a small apartment excludes this possibility. The most simple solution will be the installation of a wooden rack.

But it will become useful not only in the apartment, but also on the balcony, where a lot of things are often stored, and in the garage, where car accessories and tools must be placed in their places so as not to waste time constantly searching for them. It is very interesting to fit in a shelving structure for zoning space, for example, in a studio apartment.

Despite the fact that even a beginner can make a shelving unit, there are still some nuances that, when observed, will help create a high-quality piece of furniture at a minimum cost.

Types of wooden shelving

A wooden rack is a structure consisting of several shelves attached to support board. Their number depends only on the desires and capabilities of the owner. Prefabricated wooden shelving will fit perfectly into any interior and help you store various items, for example, books, dishes, souvenirs, etc.

The functionality of the rooms where this piece of furniture can be placed is very diverse.

It is very convenient to install shelving in the nursery, where, thanks to the presence free space and the openness of the shelves, the child will be able to place all his toys and get them out without the participation of adults.

In the office, the structure will serve not only as a place for storing documents, but will also become a wonderful decorative element workplace.

For a kitchen, a shelving unit is a must. Dishes can be stored there, as well as neatly arranged containers with bulk products.

On the balcony, a wooden rack is used to place seedlings or indoor plants in the warm season. Everyone knows that plants generally need a little heating. Nowadays you can purchase special pieces of furniture with heated shelves, but self-made ones can also perform this function if each shelf is covered with foam plastic. This material accumulates heat and transfers it to plants.

Depending on the design, a suitable option can also be selected:

Original shelving

Such pieces of furniture should be given special attention, since they are created in accordance with individual project, which is suitable for a specific interior. Ordinary rough DIY wooden structures are only suitable for balconies or garages, but to decorate your living space it is better to use something more original. For example, the rack with bottles in the form of racks shown in the photo will fit perfectly into the living room or kitchen. Despite its external instability, books and even collectible bottles of wine can be stored on it.

Interesting in the interior, especially nautical style Look like rope structures of wooden shelving for the home, which are attached to the wall using massive hooks. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to store something heavy on such racks, but small souvenirs or photo frames are fine. This design is very simple to make; all you need is a thick rope and a few scraps of wood. Shelves can also be made from leftover laminate flooring.

For interior in modern style designs using metal are suitable. One of these is the design of a rack with many shelves in a chaotic order, which are interconnected by metal tubes. Thanks to metal elements create rigidity, you can dispense with the back wall.

If you plan to create a shelving unit in a private house, then you can arrange it in the space under the stairs, as shown in the photo.

Making your own shelving

Execute wooden rack Doing it yourself is quite simple if you study all the nuances of the work in advance and thoroughly prepare for it.

Project development

Creating a Project future design- Very important stage, which must under no circumstances be missed. First of all, measurements are taken of the place where it is planned to place the rack. If the rack will not be intended for decorative purposes, but will be used only in accordance with the storage function, then it makes sense to carry it out in a simple form. To do this, measure the height of the wall near which the furniture will be located and calculate the indicator that suits the owner.

Important! In a garage, the shelving is best made to cover the entire height of the wall.

The parameters of the shelves for the structure, both in length and width, deserve special attention. Long shelves of 1.5 meters are ideal for storing light items, for example, souvenirs and toys, but jars with blanks and books require shorter ones - about 90 cm, so that there is no sagging. As for the width, shelves with a width of 25 - 40 cm will be suitable for storing books and cans, as well as growing seedlings, and for tools or larger items, those that will correspond to their size are arranged.

In general, the dimensions of the shelves completely depend on what will be placed on the rack, so first you should estimate the approximate location of the items and add 10 - 15 cm to the calculated figures so that you can easily put and remove the item.

Necessary tools

Professionals advise for self-made rack design Use only strong and solid wood. It could be pine, mahogany or oak. Materials made from pressed sawdust are not suitable for installation, as they are quite short-lived.

Important! The moisture content of wood for shelving should not exceed 12%.

The boards are impregnated with antiseptic impregnations in advance and left for several days so that the solution is absorbed.

In addition to boards, you will also need to make a rack:

  • Metal corners
  • Shelf holders
  • Bars for stuffing them into bottom part shelves
  • Furniture legs or wheels
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Wood glue
  • Varnish or other paint material, which will be used for finishing
  • Jigsaw and sander
  • Hammer
  • Drill with matching drill bit set
  • Tape measure, level and pencil

Algorithm for making a wooden rack

To begin with, prepare all the parts necessary to assemble the rack.

Prefabricated wooden racks are manufactured starting from the bottom. For the bottom shelf, the thickest board should be selected, into which a 3 cm screw can easily fit. The shelf parameters are selected depending on the project, which describes all the dimensions of the future structure. Also, if the length of the shelf is large, then it is better to mount transverse bars in its lower part to add rigidity.

The next step is the installation of the side walls. For them, not solid wood, but thick plywood can be used. They cut it out required sizes side walls, with their inside The location of future shelves is noted. It is worth remembering that the most commonly used height of the shelves in the design is 42 and 21 cm. These indicators can be alternated to get a neat and functional rack.

Cutting shelves from wood. Their size must correspond to the rack and be such that the owner can install and remove the shelf without restrictions.

Important! The thickness of the shelves should be at least 2.5 cm, but to give strength they can be equipped with transverse bars at the bottom.

The next step is optional and is performed only at the discretion of the master. If the wall against which the shelving structure will stand completely suits the owner, then the back wall need not be mounted to it. If it is customary to mount the back wall, then it is cut to the size of the plywood rack and nailed to it with small nails.

All the parts are prepared, now you can start assembling the entire structure:

  1. Screwed to the bottom shelf, which is the base, with self-tapping screws back wall. If it is not there, then you can immediately attach the side ones.
  2. But before installing the side walls, you need to install holders, which can be metal or plastic, in the places marked for shelves.
  3. Afterwards, the side walls are attached to the base with self-tapping screws. If necessary, a metal corner can be used.
  4. Also, shelves can be supported not on special elements, but attached directly to the side walls. To do this, the shelf is held inside the rack by an assistant, and the second master screws in the screws from the outside. To increase strength, the shelves can be supported by metal corners.

Advice! At all stages of rack assembly, it is mandatory to use building level, which will eliminate any distortions.

For creating quality construction shelving there are several tips that are optional, but very desirable:

  • The main structure of the rack can end with a top cover. This is very convenient due to the fact that the rack will become stronger, and dust will not fall on the top shelf.
  • For additional strength, the holes are coated with wood glue after drilling.
  • If you use wheels instead of regular legs, the rack can be moved. Also, installing these elements will help prevent the structure from distorting under heavy loads.
  • If chipboard or MDF were used to make the rack, then their ends are treated with melamine film, which is easily glued with an iron. Such a strip is laid on the processed sandpaper end and processed with a hot iron. Thus, the end will close and acquire an aesthetic appearance.
  • For greater decorativeness, the rack can be supplemented with doors or other elements that will only decorate it.


A shelving unit for your apartment will be a very functional addition that can be used to display memorabilia or other items. It is possible to make this piece of furniture yourself, which will allow you to save money and get exactly the design that is needed. This is not difficult to do, just read this article, which contains detailed instructions on installation.

The time comes when there is critically not enough space for tools and various available materials in the workshop or the same garage. The first thing that comes to every man’s mind is to make an audit and throw it in the trash unnecessary trash. Well, that wasn’t the case, because when it comes to deciding what to keep and what to throw out, it’s not common sense, but the thriftiness of the Russian peasant, ingrained at the genetic level into his nature. After thinking a little, most men stop at the idea of ​​how to make a shelving unit with their own hands.

The time comes when there is critically not enough space for tools and various available materials in the workshop or the same garage. A shelving unit is the ideal way out of this situation, which will make it possible to free up some space in the room.

A shelving unit is the ideal way out of this situation, which will help save everything acquired through back-breaking labor and make it possible to free up some space in the room.

  1. Prefabricated is the most simple option, which allows you to assemble its design yourself in a matter of hours. Nowadays, there are many prefabricated racks of different sizes on the market, from various manufacturers. The main advantages are that they are made of specially treated materials (galvanized steel, wood), which increases their service life. In addition, the shelves supplied can be mounted on different heights followed by rearrangement.
  2. Rack made from metal corner(profile) with wooden (metal) shelves. This one has increased strength, since the frame is made of durable metal and able to withstand heavy weight. Due to the fact that the rack is made by hand, its dimensions can be adjusted to the actual dimensions of the room, mounted along one of the walls, right up to the ceiling.
  3. Wood. Such a rack is made according to the same design diagram, like metal. Except that for the main racks, wooden blocks are used, rather than a metal profile. As a rule, production is resorted to when the budget is limited. Because wooden blocks much cheaper than a metal profile. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the load capacity of such a rack is much less, unlike its metal counterpart. And the service life is inferior to the second type.

Making a metal analogue

Before starting work, you need to prepare protective equipment: your hands should be wearing gloves, and your eyes should be protected with special glasses. If the safety regulations are met, we proceed to production.

In most cases, when considering the options, the choice falls on a rack based on metal frame with wooden shelves.

Depending on the room and location, it is not difficult to calculate required amount materials for its manufacture. When preparing materials, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. The total length should not be equal to the length of the wall along which it will stand, but should be 10-15 cm less. It is recommended to adhere to this condition, otherwise installation in the chosen location will be difficult.
  2. The height is limited by the ceiling and the height of the profile, if it is not specially prepared, but is already available.
  3. Before preparing material for shelves, it is necessary to take into account the maximum weight of the load that is supposed to be placed on them. The size of the shelves must be chosen taking into account the fact that maximum dimensions should not exceed 1 m.
  4. When making a rack, you need to maintain its versatility, taking into account the fact that it will store not only hand tool. Based on this, the depth of the shelves should be in the range of 40-60 cm.
  5. The height of the shelves should correspond to the height of the items that are planned to be stored on the rack. Typically, the height of the shelves corresponds to 30-50 cm. The bottom shelf, as a rule, is twice as high as the next ones.


  1. For the manufacture of frame racks, a 30x50 mm corner is mainly used. At the same time, its alternative replacement is a 20x50 mm profiled pipe.
  2. In order to securely fasten the shelves, a frame is made for them from a 15x25 mm corner.
  3. Since the chosen material for the shelves is wood, you will need a board 15x25 mm thick. Before installing the shelves, the board will need to be further processed, painted or oiled.

The total footage of materials is calculated by simply summing the lengths components according to the drawing. May be needed Consumables, such as 10mm threaded bolts.

Required tools:

  1. Welding machine (in the absence of a drill).
  2. Saw on wood.
  3. Bulgarian.
  4. Electrodes - 1 kg.
  5. Set of drills.
  6. Roulette.
  7. Level.
  8. Enamel PF-115 - 0.5 kg.
  9. Primer - 0.5 kg.
  10. Cutting wheels - 2 pcs.
  11. Chalk (scriber).
  12. Self-tapping screws - 1 pack.

Work order

Using a tape measure, we mark the required length on the profile prepared in advance. Next, you need to use a grinder to cut all the necessary components. Profile trimming can be ordered directly where the profile is purchased, but in this case the cost of the rack itself increases, since this service is usually paid.

Using welding, it is necessary, in accordance with the drawing, to make a frame, securely welding the joints at the joints. This is the most critical moment, since the main structure of the rack with vertical posts must be strong and withstand a fairly large weight. When making a frame, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of the entire structure so that it does not turn out uneven.

The next stage is preparing the frame for future shelves. It is also carried out by welding corners with a lower flange height.

Next, you need to accurately measure and mark with chalk (scriber) the places where the shelves will be attached to vertical posts. In these places, the frame for the shelves is welded to the racks, and their horizontalness is simultaneously controlled. If the shelves turn out to be non-horizontal, the tool will simply roll off them.

For greater versatility, the frame can be attached to the racks using bolts; to do this, you must first mark the drilling locations on the racks and frame so that during installation they coincide and the bolt fits into them.

Also, for greater versatility, the floor frame can be attached to the racks using bolts; to do this, you must first mark the drilling locations on the racks and the frame so that during installation they coincide and the bolt fits into them. Although this method, unlike welding, has an advantage, namely, the height of the shelves can be adjusted if, of course, you drill additional holes, but at the same time it requires more effort.

Next you can start making the shelves. Shelves can be made not only from boards, but also from fiberboard. Before cutting the prepared material for this, it is necessary to take into account that in order to give greater strength, it is necessary to cut the boards (fibreboard) not along, but across the rack. This way they will sag less and, accordingly, support more weight. After the blanks for the shelves are cut, you need to try them on, and if everything fits well, they do not fit in the frame, start processing them. In most cases, painting them will be sufficient.

Once the shelves are dry, you need to screw them to the frame. For this purpose, as a rule, metal screws are used.

To make the shelving more stable, it can be attached using brackets or spacers in the wall.

Based on the above, the answer to the question has been received: how to make a rack yourself? Having analyzed everything, it is easy to see that making a rack does not require significant costs and effort.