Decorating the walls with your own. Original wall decor ideas (55 photos): decorating your interior. From home to garden

Decorating the walls with your own.  Original wall decor ideas (55 photos): decorating your interior.  From home to garden
Decorating the walls with your own. Original wall decor ideas (55 photos): decorating your interior. From home to garden

DIY wall decor is a useful activity not only for the interior, but also for the development of your creativity. Do you want to have a hand in decorating your home and making its design unique? Try yourself as a decorator own apartment! You can either come up with ideas on how to beautifully decorate a wall yourself or get them on the Internet. Anyway, DIY decoration will bring a lot of positive emotions and pleasure from the work done.

How to decorate a wall with your own hands: original ideas with photos

If you are bored with interior design, and there is no desire or opportunity to do a full renovation, then try making wall decor with your own hands. Below Dekorin will show you how you can decorate a wall with your own hands to create comfort and a new mood.

Option No. 1. Stencil painting of walls

It will not be difficult for each of us to create a drawing on the wall using stencils. This decor option is best suited for plain walls and walls with a repeating pattern. The stencil is very easy to make with your own hands. To do this, you need to draw an ornament on thick cardboard or simply print the downloaded pattern. Then all that remains is to cut it out with scissors and apply paint to the selected area of ​​the wall.

Option No. 2. Artistic wall painting

This decoration option can completely transform the appearance of a room, but requires the professional skills of an artist. We offer several photo with ideas for DIY wall decor.

Option No. 3. Decorating the wall with vinyl stickers

Option No. 4. Decorating the walls with unique dishes

This wall decor will bring a certain zest and rural charm to the kitchen interior. Painted plates brought from distant countries or left to you by your beloved grandmother will look very original on the contrasting color of the walls in the most visible place.

Option No. 5. DIY wall decor with wood

Wall decor using wooden panels is also a very popular option for transforming the interior. The most comfortable materials for this type of decoration - this is lining and laminate, which are relatively inexpensive and easy installation. More ideas you will get in our article Wall decoration with wood and wood panels in the interior.

Option No. 6. Decorating the walls with paintings

For lovers of beauty, as well as connoisseurs of painting, decorating walls with paintings will be the easiest and most enjoyable way to update your design. The advantage of this decor is that over time the paintings can be changed, inserted into new frame or swap places.

Option number 7. How to decorate a wall with photographs

An alternative idea is decorating walls using photographs. Before you decorate the wall with photographs, you need to carefully think through the composition. The presence of photographs on the wall will bring special comfort to the interior of the room and will give warm memories.

Creative DIY wall decor from scrap materials

To decorate a living room, it would be interesting to decorate the walls yourself using scrap materials. There are a lot of objects that can be used in design: cans, bottles, window frames, natural materials etc. Below we will consider interesting ideas to decorate the walls in a room with your own hands from the simplest things - paper and fabric.

Option No. 1. Decorating walls with fabric paintings

This wall decor option is more suitable for people who love to sew. Before you start making a painting, you need to choose the right fabric and future pattern. They should match the color of other elements of the room's interior, such as upholstery or curtains.

Option number 2. Patchwork technique

The patchwork technique (from the English patchwork - “blanket, bedspread, product made from multi-colored patches”) involves decorating walls in the style patchwork quilt. Perfect for patchwork wall decor decorative wallpaper with different patterns, wall tiles, as well as pieces from different fabrics. the main task- competently think through the composition and compatibility of colors with common interior premises.

Option No. 3. DIY paper wall decor

Most original decor You can make your own walls using paper applications. These can be either bold paper flowers or any other shapes.

But the most popular solution today is to decorate with butterflies on the wall with your own hands, as in the photo below.

Original DIY wall decor - 25 ideas with photos updated: May 16, 2017 by: Andrey Zinchenko

There are quite different ideas for decorating walls, because tastes change, and progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds and new ideas are appearing all the time. Today we will present ideas for wall decor, you will see some of them in the video in this article and photos, it is likely that you will be satisfied with ready-made solutions.

Ideas for decorating walls are selected depending on the style and purpose of the room. The first blog will describe “stationary” methods that allow you to decorate the walls of a room not only stylishly, but practically and for a long period (5-8 years). However, you need to take care of their choice in advance. Let's take a closer look.

Combined wallpaper

Wall decor ideas for home are the most common. This maneuver has become available even to non-interior design professionals. Thanks to companion rolls that conscientious manufacturers put on the market. It is enough to decide on color palette and by pasting method, according to the given style of the room.

The most popular combination:

  • Vertical– alternating stripes;
  • Horizontal– emphasis on the top, where the bottom stripe plays a neutral role;
  • Selecting one wall or part– this technique is often used at the head of the bed.

Photo wallpaper

One of the popular wall decor accents is photo wallpaper. The variety of images, both in the form of canvases and with a 3D effect (see 3D photo wallpaper: a variety of options), will conquer even the most demanding customers. In addition, you can independently order an individual copy with a photograph or favorite painting. This object should be given pride of place in the room, where there will be one presented accent.

Let's look at home wall decor ideas using photo wallpaper:

Decoration Materials

Ideas for DIY wall decor can easily be brought to life and different materials. And not just one, but a combination of them.

Created for original and bold interiors special methods wall decoration:

If you want to create the coziness of your home, you should pay attention to a fireplace made of plaster and performing a purely decorative function.

Most economical way improvement - decorative plaster. It is she who is able to hide all the unevenness and roughness of the walls. Using this coating you can get a relief surface, geometric shapes and various patterns. There are multi-colored and mother-of-pearl options. And each of them will serve intact for many years.


This design material requires serious preparation in order to avoid mistakes when choosing: acrylic, water-molded or slate. The fact is that the first option is appropriate for unique interiors, including artistic painting. When the wall is treated acrylic paint can be applied various images"oil" and brush.

Most of us perceive a summer cottage as a place where it is necessary to constantly cultivate the soil, plant and care for plants, harvest crops, and repair fences and buildings. By by and large this, of course, is true, but even ordinary things can be turned into interesting activities. Besides, creativity decorating the site will allow you to temporarily escape from the routine.

In the photo - interesting ideas for a suburban area

Why not transform your dacha

This does not mean that you should radically reconsider your principles and only focus on landscape design. Just keep in mind that such work helps preserve not only the beauty, but also the practicality of the territory.

Agree, there are many moments when the work is finished and there is enough free time. So why not take advantage of our original ideas and turn your dacha into an interesting and practical corner outside the city. Below we want to offer simple DIY decor for your garden and home that you will like.

Flowerbed and recreation area

Country decor is interesting because its originality is sometimes beyond measure, although this is for the best, since creativity is only welcome here. Let's start with the design idea flower bed- the most common landscape object.

In addition, the solution can be used for other suitable places, for example, for a pond. Let's continue with a seating area and a table on it made of natural materials.

Flowerbed The idea is an inexpensive and attractive fence that can be made from:
  • concrete pillars;
  • wooden beam;
  • old sleepers.

It is not difficult to create such a structure yourself; it is enough to simply lay it evenly according to the shape of the object being improved. Difficulties may arise only with the “lock”, but it can be made of high-density foam or metal.

All that remains is to paint the decor in the colors that you consider appropriate. We hope that the originality of the design will appeal not only to you, but also to your guests, since they are unlikely to have seen anything like this anywhere else. The cost of the project may well be in double digits.

Table in the recreation area A dacha located outside the city, and even in an ecologically clean place, simply must have a place where everything will be done from natural elements.IN in this case We will talk about a table in the recreation area.
  1. To create it, you don’t need to hire designers who will demand a decent fee for their work.
  2. We will make it ourselves, which will require a brick or stone.
  3. From these we will build with our own hands a cube-shaped structure with special side pads where we will plant plants, and we will cover our structure with moss.
  4. Of course, you will have to spend time and some effort, but you will have a country table unlike any other.
  5. The last step is installing the countertop.

In fact, you will get one, the like of which is very, very difficult to find.

Second life of old furniture

A thrifty and creative homeowner in our country will never get rid of old furniture, if she can serve again, but at the dacha. It will help bring originality to the landscape of a suburban area. For example, old chairs can be used as stands for pots or flower pots.

Tip: by decorating country houses made from block containers with flowers, you can transform their standard appearance.

It doesn’t matter what plants you decide to decorate your old furniture with, the main thing is that you should like them. Agree that placing a pot of flowers in the seat of a chair will not be difficult.

Then you need to provide the plants with regular care. To make everything look even more beautiful, you can tighten and paint the furniture, then you can use it for much longer.

Decorating the front garden

Not everyone wants to spend time caring for the many types of plants planted near their home. We offer a simple but radical way to get rid of this - lawn grass, which needs to be sown in the soil, which will make it possible to create beauty from different elements based on it.

Why not stop in this case at classic design territories.

For example, put:

  • Part ;
  • entrance arch decorated with ornaments;
  • small tyn;
  • place several wheelbarrows or carts around the site, decorating them with flowers.

Tip: they will look interesting next to each other standing buildings, which will be decorated with a variety of weaving plants or use vertical gardening for this.

Additional ideas

Carts are not interesting, then we can do it modern options jewelry that can surprise and delight your loved ones.

Old shoes, wire, bamboo fishing rod and plastic bottles:

  1. Take a broken bamboo fishing rod, 2 pieces of thick wire, old shoes and plastic bottles.
  2. Place the shoes near the country threshold, nailing them into the path with wire.
  3. Decorate it with bamboo by simply placing it on it.
  4. Bend the wire so that you can hook small flower pots with flowers from it. plastic bottles.
  5. Paint the structure with gold spray paint.

Such decoration is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Another way to decorate country house– transform his porch. In this case, you will need a lot of worn-out clothes, which everyone usually has in a warehouse in their suburban area. It is usually used for dirty work as a work kit.

Now there is another option for using it, in particular, for old jeans. As a result, you will be able to make “legs” that will become a “flowerbed” for perennial herbs. The idea is quite nice and does not require any money.

Advice: If you are experiencing difficulties with electricity in a suburban area, renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help you solve the problem.


For the overwhelming majority of summer residents, a plot outside the city is not the only source of subsistence and food. Therefore, you can turn it not only into a place for planting and harvesting, but also into an original park where you can have a good time. To do this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, you just need time and imagination. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Some spectacular accents on the walls after renovation can transform any interior, making it spectacular and stylish. It is recommended to decorate the walls if there is no design concept or stylistic connection in the apartment. Not everyone can use the services of famous designers. But many ideas are quite possible to implement if you decide to create original wall decor with your own hands. Having become familiar with different techniques for transforming vertical surfaces, do not rush to do everything at once. Each room has its own way of decorating, harmoniously fitting into the functionality of the room and emphasizing its style.

You can make a beautiful drawing on the wall

You can decorate a wall with wood cuts

Very beautiful photos wallpaper creates the feeling of making objects smaller

When thinking about how to decorate a wall with your own hands, you have to carefully analyze everything:

  • room dimensions;
  • free surface area;
  • your artistic abilities;
  • the scale of transformation of a room or apartment.

If there is no stylistic reference to the interior, but major renovation has already been completed or is not yet planned, it is important to highlight your preference in what style to decorate the apartment. A wall panel or mosaic can highlight the choice of style, and a few accessories and a curtain pattern will complement the atmosphere.

A pattern of dishes on the wall in the kitchen will look harmonious in the interior

The process of creating a picture on the wall

Featured Image Topic or bright accent may be a typical expression of a certain style:

  • retro (vintage, shabby chic, grunge);
  • minimalism (constructivism, functionalism);
  • country (Provence; chalet; ranch, tower);
  • urban styles (loft, techno, futurism);
  • modern style (fusion, contemporary, hi-tech);
  • ethno (African, Asian - Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Arabic);
  • classical and historical styles (antique, palace, renaissance, baroque).

If it's time to choose your own style, don't chase fashion or adopt someone else's lifestyle. Imagine this or that design example in your apartment or house - will it be comfortable to live in such an environment? Sometimes original wall decoration with your own hands causes some rejection and rejection. On the contrary, some well-executed idea close to the heart will fill your personal space with a special aura. But it happens that you are simply tired of everything, and you want to dilute the trivial atmosphere with unusual decor on the wall, as in the photo.

You can paint fruits on the wall in the kitchen

You can make a collage of many paintings on the wall

You can make a collage of paintings on the wall

The designer by vocation considers any free wall as a blank canvas for the upcoming transformation of the interior. But home decor Doing it yourself in an apartment can solve other problems:

  • get rid of inept children's “art”;
  • hide wall defects (stains, smudges, sagging, cracks, holes, unevenness);
  • tidy up the most problematic wall so as not to do general repairs;
  • add some zest to the interior design;
  • visually expand the space.

Decorating the walls in an apartment with your own hands is associated with creative self-realization, this exciting process. But it is advisable to master the secrets of mastery or choose available method original design walls Don't overdo it when choosing decoration methods. It is better to do one thing, but impressive, than many small techniques that distract attention.

Wall decoration can be made from large tiles

Such wallpaper in the interior looks practical

Choosing simple ways to decorate walls

Unusual decor with familiar objects.

A creative look is when you see familiar objects in a new way. If you don’t have any interesting ideas of your own, you can use other people’s samples and illustrations. Options for wall decor are ordinary boxes without a bottom and boxes made of dense materials. They can be repainted and hung on the wall as shelves for small items, dishes or spices in the kitchen.

One mirror in each room is good. N, but if there are several of them, as an addition to the main one, this is already a whole “ mirror wall" By the way, on modern market enough facing materials with a high degree of reflection. But don't overdo it. If the room has a mirror floor, glossy ceiling and tiles with mirror effect- this is already too much. On the south side, an excess of reflected light will blind the eyes; in a northern room or hallway without windows, this option is more appropriate. But it's better to choose mirror decor walls in the interior in some original design.

You can paint tree branches on the wall

Photo wallpaper will perfectly complement the bedroom design

Panel with mosaic tiles will be a great addition to the decor

Framed photos for lasting memories

Decorating walls with photographs is the most affordable way to decorate an empty wall, known to our grandmothers. Chaotically hung “selfies” will not exquisite decoration interior But if you select photographs by topic, build a plot around them, or trace the dynamics of life development in a certain time period, such an exhibition will be interesting.

It’s good if they are all of decent quality, black and white or color photos, framed in the same frames, hung in a certain order or form a clear geometry. Decorating the walls in an apartment with artistic photos does not exclude large drawing in the center of the composition or a talented collage. This method is also good because photographs can be replaced or added new ones over time, as well as moving frames or hanging them in an unusual way.

You can put wallpaper on the wall near the bed

You can stick decorative butterflies on the wall

Vinyl stickers

The theme of wall decor in the house can be emphasized with ready-made images. Vinyl stickers They are sold ready-made, they are convenient, so they are becoming more and more popular. Some express a certain theme, for example, a fisherman with a cat and fish - a great way to decorate a kitchen wall to hide greasy stains.

Most often, stickers are used to design walls in a nursery with your own hands. But if the image matches the functionality, they will be appropriate in any room. They are easy to apply - on back side There is adhesive base, and is a great alternative to applique and stencil designs. When you get tired of the sticker, you can easily remove it.

Such drawings on the walls will perfectly complement the interior of the room.

The bedroom is designed in a modern style

You can make these decorative arrows from wood

Stencil paintings on the walls

Stencils are used to obtain identical images or decorating walls in the absence of artistic talent. Stencil - plates made of hard material with a cut out silhouette pattern. You can buy this and make it yourself from a piece of plastic, cardboard, or plywood.

Any image is transferred onto it and cut out along the contours with any sharp object.

The finished stencil is applied to the prepared wall for drawing, which is first leveled with putty and painted. You can use the internal contours of the stencil and a cutout - the image that fell out. The drawing is applied in different ways:

  • aerosol from a can;
  • brush with paints;
  • marker;
  • roller with textured attachments and regular foam rubber.

By removing the stencil, you get a graphically clear decoration of the wall. If the paints are unstable, the surface of the drawing can be fixed with a colorless matte varnish. The marker lines can be duplicated with colored tape or tape, as in the photo - a polar bear and a penguin in a children's room.

The overall impression of DIY wall decor largely depends on the choice of colors. There are textured, pearlescent, iridescent, light accumulating and fluorescent (luminous) paints. They are preferred by those who are afraid of complete darkness. You can draw “guiding” stars and planets along the corridor on the top of the wall.

A picture on the wall will look great in the bedroom

You can hang pictures on the wall and hang small lamps

For advanced level artists, you can take on the important task of applying a 3D drawing to the wall. It could be something like a fresco, a landscape, a visual illusion that expands the space. You can even redraw the Colosseum on wet plaster. But even volumetric flower The 3D design above the sofa will amaze your guests.

If you don’t know how to draw, replace the drawing with photo wallpaper with a similar effect.

Paper applications

Paper is the most available material for wall decoration. Decorations can be seasonal or temporary, such as for a holiday.

Today, many interesting techniques for working with paper are gaining popularity.

Each technique has its own secrets; it’s worth mastering at least one of them in a master class in order to use it to decorate your apartment with your own hands.

The simplest way is a volumetric applique in the form autumn leaves, flying birds or butterflies, bent in half and attached to the wall. These butterflies can be placed on the wall to be decorated in different ways:

  • lay out the composition on the wall from a certain point (as if flying out of an outlet or floor vase);
  • place on a branch;
  • attach to hoops;
  • place it movably on the wall (on studs, pins or needles);
  • hang on an invisible line (“flutter” from the slightest draft);

Paper wall decor with voluminous flowers is no less interesting, especially for a birthday or the 8th of March holiday. It is worth thoughtfully choosing the color and texture of paper (with the addition of other material), size and decoration technique.

The bedroom design is in the same style

One wall in the bedroom can be made differently, stick wallpaper on it or hang pictures

A large painting on the wall in the bedroom will perfectly complement the interior

Original ways to decorate walls without painting abilities:

  • collection placement self made framed or on a shelf;
  • wall decor with children's drawings;
  • exposition musical instruments on the wall;
  • handmade embroidery decoration;
  • luminous patterns made from diode tape;
  • imitation stucco molding plastic elements or foam plastic;
  • hand-painted plates or rare specimens from abroad;
  • cells with coins, gems, dried insects;
  • a collection of old alarm clocks or interior clocks as apartment decor.

You can choose any available decoration method, but you should not sculpt everything on the walls - it will not look stylish and aesthetically pleasing.

Unusual fabric wall decor is a favorite way of transforming the interior of many famous designers.

Working with textured materials is a pleasure; they are most often used:

  • leather and suede;
  • velvet and velor;
  • organza and muslin;
  • satin and silk;
  • jacquard;
  • tapestry;
  • chenille and other furniture fabrics with beautiful patterns.

The fabric is used to make bedspreads and wall panels using the patchwork technique.

Fabric appliqués and paintings are made in the same way (folding the flap into a common image).

For decorative panels duplicating the material of curtains or upholstery upholstered furniture, select interior fabrics for the road.

Do-it-yourself drapery and upholstery of walls with fabric is a new fashion trend. Diamond-patterned carriage-style upholstered walls behind a low-back sofa or along backless seats look luxurious.

Metal ingots look very nice on the wall in the living room

You can make a collage like this on the wall

For those who like more complex decor

Wall painting requires artistic education or some experience in decorating vertical surfaces. For such masters, a wall like Blank sheet paper or canvas where it is performed decorative design walls with your own hands.

If you have artistic talent, you can paint on any plane, including treating walls with textured plaster.

Flexible stone is the basis for a fresco, battle scene or historical sketch in imitation of masters from the past.

Black and white graphics, silhouette drawings and “pen strokes” - for artists who work with black and white images.

You can draw traditional way or apply an image in an unusual way using interior paints. Frescoes are painted on wet plaster. You can master this technique in a master class.

Video: DIY wall decor

50 interesting photos of wall decor ideas:

The best way to put unnecessary containers and leftover building materials to use is to decorate your summer cottage with your own hands. Some crafts border on masterpieces; they will decorate not only a quiet courtyard in the shade of the garden, but will also make any living space inimitable. Some craftsmen work no worse than artists and designers, performing work in the same style. But even without special skills, it’s easy to implement interesting ideas borrowed from the site if you have the desire and skills to work with simple tools.

DIY country decor

DIY cottage design

Country holidays involve family feasts on outdoors, and organizations dining area worth your time Special attention. It is best to equip a large “refectory” under a canopy or in a shaded part of the yard. The main decoration of the place for joint lunches and dinners will be country decor handmade countertops.

Decorate the surface dining table can be done in different ways:

  • take a cut big tree original form;
  • cover the filler edge with colored fabric and cover it with polymer or varnish;
  • fill the base with herbarium elements and cover it with glass, sealing the edges;
  • lay out a mosaic pattern as in the photo.

Any method is good if you have available materials and tools. To make a mosaic countertop, you will need large leaf plywood and boards for the frame. You can make a folding or stationary table, but it’s easier to transform ready-made old furniture. When choosing a mosaic pattern, it is better to rely on your taste and preference. It can be a geometric pattern or a decorative panel on a nature theme - an aquarium, fruits, sunflowers, firebirds, etc.

Any material of the same thickness is suitable for the pattern - small mosaic, broken glass and pieces mirror tiles, remains of tiles and ceramic tiles. If there is an abundance of such material, after the tabletop, using the mosaic technique, you can make flower pots or supports for a garden bench.

The plywood sheet is coated with a primer, and after drying, the center and areas for applying the pattern are marked. If you have no artistic experience, it is better to use your favorite DIY garden decor ideas or work with simple geometric compositions. Abstraction will help you avoid the need to lay out a recognizable plot.

Unusual design of the cottage

First, the central fragments are done, then the blank background is laid out. It is advisable to work slowly and carefully, since decorating a garden or dacha with your own hands is a matter of family pride; these things will last for many years.

When the mosaic is completed, it is allowed to dry, after which all that remains is to fill it with grout for tile materials and clean all fragments of the composition with a damp cloth. It is recommended to paint all parts of the table or dining area in the color that predominates in the pattern of the tabletop.

White garden furniture is always beyond competition, regardless of the decor of the summer cottage. Complete the dining area under open air forged barbecue or a DIY barbecue.

DIY country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

DIY cottage design

Do-it-yourself fences, hedges and railings

The first thing neighbors in the country see is how the fences are designed. Gray rickety boards made of boards are becoming a thing of the past and are being replaced by original partitions between sites and zoning elements.

Regular chain-link fences between concrete pillars and “Euro fences” are very popular. But this high costs, and do-it-yourself garden decor can be easily done in the form of original fences.

If there are children in the family, they will certainly appreciate a picket fence in the shape of colored pencils at the dacha. Teens can color decorative hedge, this is a great way to spend time together doing a common activity.

Another way is to use plastic bottles: fences from unnecessary containers strung on metal rods, thick wire or clothesline. The fence can be one color, for example, from dark plastic beer bottles or kvass. Alternating material different color, you can get the original drawing in the form decorative panel or just a striped fence that complements the decor of the garden plot.

To make the fence look aesthetically pleasing, it is important to make a thorough frame - stretch the trellis between the columns. Using a ready-made base, it is easy to make vertical garlands from plastic bottles of the same format. They can even be processed spray paints to give your dacha decor more originality.

Unusual design of the cottage

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

Original flower beds and sandboxes made from stumps

Uprooting old stumps is a very labor-intensive task; it is much easier to turn them into wooden decor for the dacha. The overgrown tree has taken its place in the landscape, and its roots still penetrate deep into the soil. A good idea is to hollow out its rotten core to fill it with soil or sand.

Flowerbeds in old stumps are an original and simple decoration for the site. You can sow fragrant low-growing perennials or climbing plant, installing a support for it next to the stump. If the driftwood has a good appearance, it is not necessary to paint it or process it in any way, let it be natural background for plants.

A wide stump with a large internal volume will replace the sand container. If there is only one child in the family, then such a sandbox will be quite enough for the baby to play. My only wish is to cover the bottom with a tarpaulin so that bark beetles, worms and other invertebrates do not get into the clean sifted sand from the side of the decayed roots.

DIY country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

DIY cottage design

Another original solution for an old hemp - do-it-yourself dacha decor as an element of landscape design. Build a house for a gnome with lighting in the evenings, and this element will become a logical conclusion to the garden alley deep into the garden. A house for a gnome will not require a lot of time and available materials, and the fairy-tale character itself can be bought ready-made or made independently. The plot can be supplemented by fireflies, frogs, snails, turtles and other characters.

Old stumps can be used for DIY garden decoration in another way - as stands for flower pots. This is convenient for hanging petunias, decorative strawberries and other hanging plants. Between two stumps of the same height, it is convenient to equip a bench or base for a Hawaiian hammock, if the supports are high enough.

Flowerbeds from old furniture

Used bookcases, beds, armchairs, chairs and stools are original decor for a do-it-yourself dacha. They are used not only as a stand, but also as the basis for a small flower garden raised above ground level.

It’s a pity to throw away old Viennese rattan chairs with an ornate frame; they will still serve as original flower bed on a green lawn.

The stepladder will serve as a shelf if you fasten old boards instead of rungs. They are convenient for placing flower pots with indoor plants and country decor.

Unusual design of the cottage

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

Many owners take it with them to their dacha houseplants, they also need to find a worthy place. Unpretentious cacti and succulents feel best. Entire collection compositions will be placed on old furniture. If you want to make the composition more attractive, repaint all the items the same color.

No less organically fit into landscape design old baskets and leaky tubs. To decorate a site with your own hands, anything without a bottom, but with good walls or sides, is suitable.

DIY country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

DIY cottage design

Original country decor from old vehicles and tires

Trolleys, wheelbarrows, bicycles, parts of retro cars and “bald” tires are constant garden decor used by designers and home craftsmen.

A cart without a team, as if lost by its horse, the best way will transform an unoccupied area of ​​the estate. Similar decor for country house with your own hands does not require much effort and time. It's enough to find the best place for a chaise on which flowering plants will flaunt all summer. This could be a collection flower garden, where representatives of one species flaunt different shades or a selection was made based on the principle of contrast.

It is advisable to treat old bicycles as decoration to remove rust with sandpaper, coat them with a metal primer and paint them. When the base is ready, the frame is securely fastened so that the bicycle does not collapse under the weight of the soil in the pots attached to it.

Advice. As containers for planting flower seedlings Old jeans and boots will do, but it’s best to first put the soil in garbage bags placed in your pants.

Unusual design of the cottage

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

“Bald” tires are traditionally used as borders for small flower beds. Entire compositions painted with paint look more attractive. A favorite design technique is cascading flower beds, where the widest rubber is located at the bottom, and the shallowest base is at the top.

DIY tire decor for your home and garden is another way to decorate “bald” tires. There are many ways to carve animals and fairy tale characters from an inverted tire.

Ways to use unnecessary tires in site decoration

DIY country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

DIY cottage design

Original site lighting

Lamps from scrap materials are another way to make useful things out of unnecessary things. Small columns along the garden alley can be decorated with lamps made from tin cans with a printed pattern, into which candles or small lamps are inserted. This DIY dacha decor will liven up a party or a romantic dinner outdoors.

Pendant lamps with electric bulbs are made from glass bottles. Cutting off the bottom will help special technology, where the contrast of hot and cold water, where the bottom of the bottle goes. With such an amplitude of temperatures, the bottom will be cut off like a ruler. All that remains is to sand the edge and make a garland by inserting small light bulbs into such original lampshades. It is important that the base of the electrical wiring is made by a person who understands this. All parts of garden lighting should be hidden from rain.

Unusual design of the cottage

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

The best way to decorate a country house with your own hands is with the help of helpers. Each task is given according to his strength. Some may cut wood, others may paint. One article cannot describe all the ways to decorate a dacha with improvised means. Perhaps, when you look at the illustrations in our gallery, you yourself will understand how to make garden butterflies and bees, and decorate pebbles like a family ladybugs, make fantastic creatures or completely recognizable characters. Use your creativity and good ideas for inspiration.