Decorative stone panels for exterior decoration. Stone-look facade panels - installation Installation of stone-look cladding panels on a building

Decorative stone panels for exterior decoration.  Stone-look facade panels - installation Installation of stone-look cladding panels on a building
Decorative stone panels for exterior decoration. Stone-look facade panels - installation Installation of stone-look cladding panels on a building

The technology of finishing the base with panels that externally imitate stone originated in Canada and the USA, but is now becoming more widespread due to a lot of advantages. The panels we are talking about in this article are a type of siding and it is easy to guess that they look like stone in appearance. They are produced using high pressure casting.

Despite the fact that sheathing the base with this material is beneficial from many angles, the installation must be carried out very accurately and carefully, however, the same applies to other finishing materials. So, let's look at how the base should be finished with stone panels.

The base is the part of the foundation that is located above the ground. One of the functions that the plinth performs is to protect the building from moisture, including rain. The plinth bears both functional and architectural load, so this part of the house must be treated very responsibly. The plinth also provides thermal insulation between the main space of the building and the basement.

Interesting! Architects believe that the base should be attributed to the wall, its lower part, but builders, on the contrary, are sure that it is still an element of the foundation.

Advantages and relevance of covering the base with stone panels

Firstly, modern materials have great design and significantly improve the exterior of the building. Secondly, the technique allows you to increase resistance to moisture, which allows you to forget about problems with foundation cracking for a long time. If liquid gets into the voids of the material from which the base of the building is made, it will freeze in cold weather, and, as you know, ice has a larger volume than water, and cracks will eventually appear. To better understand the principle, you can put a PET bottle filled to the top with water in the freezer overnight - in the morning the container will be greatly deformed. The same thing happens with building materials if moisture gets into them.

The base bears a much greater load than the façade, so this part of the building must be treated with great attention. Temperature changes that cannot be avoided and currents can have a bad effect on the condition of the base. groundwater, the pressure of the house itself, precipitation in the form of rain or snow.

Finishing the base with panels - features of material and fastening

One of the methods that have proven themselves to be excellent in protecting the base is special panels stylized to resemble a stone structure. Among the important positive points It is worth highlighting the following.

Base siding "Alta-profile"

Price for decorative stone

Decorative rock


It's hard to find really serious ones negative sides on the panels for finishing the base, but a couple of points can be specified.

  1. Limitations in color. It will not be possible to choose a shade to suit your taste, since the external appearance of the panel is stylized to resemble stone, which has specific dim colors. But if you couldn't choose desired design in store catalogs, you can always contact the manufacturer directly and place an order according to your taste. Whether it is worth paying extra for such a service is up to you to decide.
  2. Despite the fact that the panels resist loads and the influence of many destructive factors very well, Fire resistance cannot be expected. Since the main manufacturing material is still plastic, the panel will quickly melt when elevated temperatures, and therefore it is not worth grilling shish kebab or burning garbage near the house.

Materials from which stone panels are made for basement finishing

The production of such products is carried out only on new, innovative technologies, which appeared thanks to the hard work of highly qualified specialists. Only materials that are highly resistant to low temperatures and are endowed with water-repellent properties are used. Also, they (the materials) should not crack in winter and in strong winds. Most often, polypropylene is used as a basis, which is formed by casting; the characteristics of such panels are always at a high level.

In general, it is possible to use different polymers if they are added chemical substances, increasing the service life of products. The choice of base material directly affects the cost.

Existing types of panels

Before you choose and purchase required amount panels, you need to deal with existing species these products, with all their features, strengths and weaknesses. Each variety has some differences that need to be taken into account. Today, 4 types are widely used, which are presented in the table.

Table. Popular types of stone-look plinth panels.

Panel viewFeatures and Benefits

Fiber cement panels stand out from the entire range of products due to their increased strength characteristics and high degree weather resistance. Such products are difficult to distinguish from real stone; they do not harm either nature or human health.

These plinth panels are made on the basis of vinyl plastic, they can also add a variety of specific dyes, so color palette here is the widest, it is also easy to choose the desired texture. Ideal for those for whom the visual impression of the appearance of the house is extremely important.

Acrylic plinth panels are highly resistant to harmful ultraviolet solar radiation. They are capable of maintaining their original color throughout their entire period of use. The presented panels can withstand prolonged shock loads.

They are good in cases where it is necessary not only to strengthen the base and make the interior more pleasant, but also to improve thermal insulation. The structure of such panels has several layers, the topmost of which is decorative and is finished to resemble stone. The rest are important from a technical point of view.

What does the cost depend on?

The price will depend on several factors. Firstly, this is the country that produces the siding and the specific company - the more reputable the company, the higher the cost will be. The material used, what polymers, modifiers, etc. are also affected. If you select products that are easy to install and are large in size, then the price for them will be higher than for small options. If you want to save money, then you should not choose elaborate panels, since the intricate texture and multi-colored colors significantly increase the cost. How better characteristics products, that is, resistance to temperature changes, strength, resistance to wind - the more expensive it will cost.

Important! Worth paying attention to a domestic manufacturer, among the products they present on the market you can now find very good specimens not only in appearance, but also in characteristics, while the price is an order of magnitude lower than that of foreign analogues.

Prices for popular stone-look finishing wall panels

Stone effect wall panels

Panel selection

When you start choosing stone-style panels for finishing the base, you need to pay special attention to several parameters. If the product is of high quality, then the characteristics specified by the manufacturer will be high, and the appearance should be appropriate, without defects. The material greatly affects the rate of fading under the sun, if the base is not in the shade and you want to preserve the beautiful exterior for a long time - find out more from the seller.

It is better to buy panels in places where there are big choice different products so that there is plenty to choose from. Term successful work is also very important: if the company has existed for several years and has accumulated many clients with positive reviews, which means it sells a quality product. Decide what is more important - convenience during installation or savings. If the first, then you should pay attention to large panels, but if the second, then to small ones. TO good product A license and certificate are required to guarantee quality.

The facade, lined with Dagestan stone, looks prestigious and creates the impression of wealth of the homeowner. However, the costs of such finishing are relatively small and comparable to the costs of the device " wet facade" Therefore, at a relative low cost you can get an impressive result. Read more in .

Panel installation

Installing the panels under the stone is easy. You need to be very careful and pedantic in the process, carefully carry out all measurements and calculations.

We will tell you how to install correctly finishing panel on a concrete base.

Prices for cordless drill/driver

Cordless drill/driver

We will need:

  • roulette;
  • circular saw with diamond blade;
  • perforator;
  • fasteners.

Step 1. We calculate the required number of panels in one row. To do this, divide the total length of the wall (minus the space for corner elements) by the useful length of one panel.

Step 2. If there is not enough part to cover the entire length of the wall, or you need to install panels along the contour of a window or other element without covering it, use a tape measure and measure exactly how the panel needs to be cut. Using manual circular saw With a diamond disc or hacksaw, we cut out the part we need from one panel.

Important! You should not cut off more than 1 part from each product, otherwise the result will not look so natural.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Step 3. Let's move on to installing the panels. We lean the product against the base exactly in the place where it will be located. We need to drill the mounting hole using a hammer drill, after that we use special fasteners for secure fixation.

Step 4. We move the next panel, fasten it in 6 places so that it is resistant to the wind - 5 fasteners on top and 1 on the side. The top line of fastening should start from the center.

Step 5. We make sure that the mount is not too rigid to ensure proper response to temperature changes (expansion compensation).

Important! Gaps are also needed between the panels for the same purpose. If you are installing in winter, then the joint width should be about 15 cm, and if in summer, then no more than 10 cm.

Video - Installation of plinth panels

As you can see, the installation process is not at all complicated and does not take much time; at the same time, your house will be insulated, and the base will be strengthened and protected from moisture. The technology makes it possible to simply and cheaply add elegance to the exterior and increase the life of the building.

Finishing the facade is one of the most important activities. Not only the appearance, but also the operational characteristics of the building depend on it. One of the ways to quickly and efficiently cope with the task is to use facade panels for exterior finishing Houses. They are different from various materials With different characteristics and spring appearance.

Types of facade panels

Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house - a solid group of materials with different technical characteristics made from different materials. To choose, you need to have at least a rough idea of ​​their appearance, features and properties.

For finishing the facades of private houses

Not all facade panels are used for cladding private houses. The point is not that it is “impossible”, but that they are not suitable, and almost all of them are appearance. Other reasons are the complexity of installation and high cost. Today you can find the following facade panels for exterior decoration of different types of houses. We list them all below.

Facade siding

A well-known finishing material in the form of long planks mounted on a frame. Eat traditional options painted in one of the colors, there is an imitation of timber, logs, and brickwork.

This is the most available material for finishing the facade of a house, but it is too thin and has low resistance to mechanical damage. One more nuance - sunny side fades, and not everyone likes the appearance.

Basement siding

Basement siding is also made from polymers - PVC (vinyl), polypropylene. Available in panel form rectangular shape, some with locks on the edges. Basically they imitate brickwork different colors and textures, wild or faceted stone.

Basement siding is made from polymers. The cheapest - made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polypropylene

The mass from which the plinth facade panels are formed is colored in the mass, therefore scratches and other damage do not differ from front surface. They differ from facade siding not only in shape and price (more expensive), but also in greater thickness (20-30 mm, versus 15 mm) and a more believable imitation of stone or brick.

Fiber cement facade panels for exterior home decoration

Fiber cement is environmentally friendly pure material, which is obtained from a mixture of fiber (small synthetic fibers) and cement. The mass is formed into boards or slabs, after which they are painted. They were invented in Japan, which is why they are also called “Japanese facade slabs”.

Fiber cement boards are a serious finishing material

Disadvantages: large mass and coloration of the surface layer (the cement base is visible on deep chips). The advantage is that the material does not burn and does not support combustion. If we talk about price, then Japanese stoves are expensive, but there are Chinese and domestic analogues with more reasonable prices. Chinese A-Vent groups, by the way, are of good quality. The company has been on the market for a long time, reviews are mostly good.

WPC (wood-polymer composite)

Wood ground to fibers is mixed with liquid polymer, add dye. Slabs or boards (lining, planken) are formed from the resulting mass. This material is used not only for finishing facades; it is used to make flooring near the pool, in the gazebo, and on the open veranda.

In appearance, and even in tactile sensations, wood-polymer composite is very reminiscent of wood. The difference is that these “boards” do not need to be painted or varnished. They long time retain their original appearance. The disadvantage is the considerable mass and high price. But they are durable, since they are painted in bulk, chips and damage (if any) are not visible.

Porcelain tiles

The appearance of this material is known to everyone, since a thinner variety is used for finishing the floor. Facade porcelain tiles are thicker and larger in size.

Facade cladding with porcelain stoneware has significant disadvantages: heavy weight, the complexity of cutting and installation, which entails high cost installation work. And this is a plus to the fact that the material itself is far from cheap. The disadvantages also include an overly pompous appearance, so the architecture must be appropriate. And so, finishing the house with porcelain stoneware facade slabs beautiful, durable, resistant to climatic factors.

Clinker facade panels

This multilayer material. A layer of insulation (expanded polystyrene) is glued onto a layer of OSB (not always available), and a thin clinker tile is glued onto it. There is only an option made from expanded polystyrene and clinker. Available in rectangular blocks with jagged edges.

Clinker facade panels - finishing and insulation in one “bottle”

The material is not cheap, but at the same time durable and attractive in appearance. In addition, at the same time as finishing they improve thermal insulation characteristics. This is the only material that comes along with insulation, which is why it is also called façade thermal panels.

So which is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed materials is better. In appearance, many of them are similar, although there are exceptions. For example, porcelain stoneware or façade siding there is little to confuse it with. But all the others have a similar flourishing. So in this matter you have to focus on your own preferences.

About operational properties There are no clear favorites either. All have features and disadvantages. So, based on these parameters, it is necessary to select facade panels for the exterior decoration of the house, depending on the properties of the material from which the house is built and the need for heat/wind/sound insulation.

For example, vapor permeable walls It is better to finish without foam. It does not conduct moisture. At all. In this regard, the use of clinker thermal panels is undesirable. No, you can add it from inside vapor barrier material. The vapor barrier will block the access of moisture inside the wall, everything will be fine with the finishing. But the moisture will remain indoors. To remove it, you need a powerful ventilation system, and its installation is an expensive proposition. And it must be designed at the stage of designing the house. So thermal panels can be used on houses made of wood or aerated concrete only if they are installed on the sheathing. Direct wall mounting is no longer required.

If we talk about cost. Of all the ones listed, the most cheap way finishing - facade siding. The next most expensive are basement siding, fiber cement boards and WPC. And the most expensive are porcelain stoneware and clinker facade panels.

For decoration of industrial buildings and offices

In this section we list façade panels that are most often used to decorate offices, industrial, commercial or warehouse buildings. This does not mean that they cannot be used for a private home or cottage. It’s just that their appearance is not very suitable for a “home” in the broad sense. But houses with non-standard architecture - in the style of techno, minimalism and other similar ones - are very possible to decorate. They will look even more unusual.

  • Metal panels. Available in rectangular or square blocks different sizes. They are made from steel or aluminum. Steel ones are cheaper, but are susceptible to corrosion. Aluminum ones do not corrode, but are expensive. This type of facade panels for private houses is also widely used due to their “noisiness,” which makes them the least attractive of the entire group.

    Metal facade panels - for houses of non-standard architecture

  • Translucent panels. This type of facade panels is used for finishing office high-rise buildings. They are made from transparent sheet plycarbonate or double-glazed windows - several glasses installed in one profile. In private housing construction they can be used to install winter garden, indoor , glazing large terrace, balcony, loggia. Can be made from transparent material, painted in mass or coated (mostly mirrored on one side). It is probably possible to decorate the entire house with translucent facade panels, but for this you need to involve an architect - the material is too demanding in terms of aesthetics, and even with difficult technical specifications installation

    Translucent panels - for decoration winter gardens, covered verandas, gazebos

  • . Available in large format blocks. These are two metal plates(the front one is very similar to corrugated sheeting), between which there is laid heat insulating material. Purpose: finishing of industrial and warehouse buildings. It is not suitable for private houses for aesthetic reasons, although it can be used for summer cottages if there are no too high requirements for appearance. It is possible to build technical premises from them - gatehouses, .

    Sandwich panels - for quick construction

  • Aluminum composite plates. One of the varieties of sandwich panels. Between two flat sheets There is a layer of aluminum composite material. Again, not very often seen in the private sector. There are two reasons - the high price and the same “office” look, although it may be suitable for finishing the base, since aluminum-composite finishing is not as “noisy” as just “metal”.

    Aluminum composite plates - two sheets of metal with a composite layer

As you can see, any of the materials in this group can also be used to decorate a private house. The look will be non-standard. If this is what you need, choose the appropriate option.

Installation method

Facade panels for exterior decoration of a house are made of different materials, have different shape, but their installation method is very similar. During the installation process, special elements for fastening can be used, but the device is the same - based on the principle of ventilated facades. In short, the installation looks like this: a grille is assembled from profiles, and façade finishing panels are attached to it.

Facade panels for exterior finishing of the house are attached to a special frame. It is exhibited in horizontal and vertical plane, after which facade panels are screwed onto it for exterior decoration of the house.

The frame is assembled from metal and plastic profiles, sometimes wooden blocks are used. Wooden beams are an economical option, since in most areas of the country they are much cheaper than metal products. But it is only suitable for materials that are light in weight and not particularly demanding on the installation system.

Facade and basement siding, fiber cement boards, WPC, and clinker panels can be attached to the bars. Only before installation, the wood must be treated with antibacterial and fire-retardant compounds. The bars can be replaced with galvanized drywall profiles. They also do a good job. But we must remember that most façade panels have their own system of profiles with special fastening elements. The standard mount usually involves hidden installation - without damaging the front surface. When replacing profiles with timber, you have to drill holes in the finishing for installing fasteners, and this is not very good, as it breaks the tightness.

The good thing about the ventilated façade system is that, simultaneously with finishing, the building can be insulated and sound insulation improved (by laying appropriate materials between the profiles). Another one of hers important dignity— the problem of condensate removal is easily solved. Disadvantage: significant material costs for the fastening system itself (in addition to the cost of the facade panels).

Let's take an example of how to decorate a facade with basement siding, fiber cement and clinker slabs. Why these materials? Because about, and the given materials are the closest competitors, gradually ousting it from the market.

Installation of basement siding

From traditional lathing to linear Decoration Materials(siding, for example), the installation of basement siding differs in that the sheathing must be “in a cage” - the profiles/bars must pass at the junction of the panels. Since the basement siding looks like a rectangle, the sheathing should also look like it. Another feature is the installation of a starting and J-profile. They cover the sections of the material, provide support, and give a finished look. They are not that expensive, so there is no point in trying to get by without them.

And we must also remember that there are special corner panels for decorating the corners of the building. They are purchased separately, and often have a different color or even a different texture. So even rectangular or square house looks more interesting.

The procedure for installing basement siding is as follows:

That's the whole installation of basement siding. After the sheathing is assembled, the process goes quickly (if the sizes of the panels match and there are no problems with shades).

How to install fiber cement boards

Fiber cement facade panels for the exterior of a house can also be mounted on a lathing made of wooden blocks, but they will have to be fastened through, having previously drilled a hole. The standard frame for installing fiber cement slabs consists of horizontal and vertical profiles. In this case, the plates can be installed on clamps - special plates for hidden installation.

Frame assembly

The operating procedure is as follows:

When fastening with self-tapping screws, they are screwed in so that they fit into the profile. In this case, you must try to get into the technological recess (the seam between the “bricks”). In this case, the fastening is less noticeable.

Fastening fiber cement boards to the frame

Fastening with clamps is secret. In this case, the surface of the plate is not damaged. The clamps are attached to the profiles and hold the slabs with special tongues. The operating procedure is as follows:

  • The lower tide is installed.
  • The starting bar is attached.
  • The corners are set.
  • The first row of slabs is placed in the starting bar and secured with clamps on top. They are placed, trying to get into the established profiles.
  • The next sheet rests on the protrusions on the clamps. WITH reverse side fiber cement board available special seal, which guarantees the tightness of the connection.

This installation method is invisible - the clamps are positioned so that they are behind the panel, and the protruding tabs are covered with the next fiber cement board.

Most ventilated facades are installed according to this principle, which includes all or almost all facade panels for the exterior of a house. The shape of the profiles and clamps, the installation step, are different, everything else is very, very similar.

Installation of clinker facade panels

As has already been said, any facade panels for exterior decoration of a house are mounted according to the same principle, so let’s only talk about the differences that are specific to clinker thermoblocks.

Features of choice

Their main difference is that they come immediately with insulation - expanded polystyrene. When choosing them, you need to choose not only the quality of the clinker (on impact metal object the sound should be clear). It is important to choose the right insulation thickness. The dew point should be within the thickness of the insulation. This is very important for normal operation (the walls will not get wet and freeze, the house will be warm and dry).

Second important point: on smooth walls(height difference no more than 3 mm) they can be mounted without lathing, directly to the wall. In this case, you need to use long dowels or self-tapping screws (when installing on wooden walls). Otherwise, the frame is assembled from wooden beam, which compensate for all irregularities.

How is installation different?

Other significant installation differences:

Clinker facade panels for exterior finishing of a house after installation look exactly the same as a house built from clinker bricks. You won’t find any differences either at first or second glance. Unless the masonry is too perfect.

It will also be useful for you to learn about on our website.

Plastic facade panels are most often used for exterior finishing of facades. Sometimes they are called. This material has great strength and is quite easy to install. It is recommended to install it with insulation: this will allow the house to retain heat inside for as long as possible.

Installation Features

Most often, conventional ones are used for installing vinyl siding. wooden slats. Sometimes they are replaced with a special metal CD profile. The same profile is used for installing drywall indoors. Considering that the panels will be installed outdoors, it is better to use metal products, since wood tends to absorb moisture, which significantly reduces its service life.

You should choose a CD profile with a cellular frame: this will make it easier. The profile should be placed vertically; Each strip is mounted at a distance of 35 cm from the adjacent part. Only the top and bottom strips are installed horizontally.

In order to install the profile, metal hangers are often used. They are bent in a U shape and attached to the wall using screws or dowels. The distance between the dowels should not be more than 50 cm. It is optimal to place them at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

The panels will be located at a short distance from the main wall, creating decorative surface. These voids can be used by placing insulation in them. Often used as insulation mineral wool or polystyrene foam. When installing stone-look siding, it is important to ensure that there are no gaps or cracks.

Often the siding does not fit ideally in height, and the last row has to be shortened yourself; but there will be no mounting holes on the panel. The sheet should be fastened in such a way that the screws pass along the decorative seam. Three fixation points are enough for one sheet.

To decorate the facade with a stone look, it is best to use façade panels, since they are specially designed for this purpose.

The price of the material is much lower than that of natural stone, but, unlike the latter, siding always looks perfect and is easy to install.

  • In addition to ease of installation, siding has the following advantages:
  • It is easy to clean and does not require any additional maintenance.
  • Using siding will allow you to insulate the wall and hide the insulation without additional costs.
    The material does not allow moisture to pass through and will protect the walls from it. No required cement mortars
  • , which are quite expensive.

The material itself is much cheaper than natural stone and has a form convenient for installation. Install vinyl siding It’s quite possible to do it on your own. This will take a little time, minimum set

tools and a little patience. Even an amateur can handle the installation. Manufacturers offer a large number of materials so that each developer can clad the facade of the house to his own taste. Of course, stone finishing is one of the most ideal options

, but also one of the most expensive. An alternative is panels with an imitation of stone texture, while the material retains all the qualities and practicality, and in some ways even surpasses natural material.

Features of the material

  1. Facade panels imitating stone are divided into two types:
  2. Having a homogeneous structure, made of PVC and modifications.

Thanks to the presence of expanded polystyrene, combined type profiles have increased thermal insulation qualities and also protect the house well from noise from the street. Sometimes there are foam sheets used as insulation, however, like polystyrene foam, foam is installed without the use of glue by heating.

The peculiarity of the product is its resistance to temperature phenomena and imperviousness to water flows. Moreover, even sharp changes in thermometer readings per day do not affect the strength of the profile in any way; there is no deformation, fragility or other unpleasant qualities. Having a low linear expansion rate, the panels eliminate the appearance of such factors as: peeling, change in stable shape. Well, wide color and the lineup products allows you to select profiles the desired shade and textures.

Material advantages

The main advantage of the material is its price. It is much lower than natural or artificial stone. Installation work can be easily done with your own hands, and paneling the house does not take much time. The all-season nature of the processes is also a plus: profiles are attached even in snow or rain, of course, if it is a glue-free technology, otherwise dry and warm weather. Also:

  1. There is no large dust when working with panels;
  2. The profiles are light in weight, unlike natural or artificial stone, which means that the weight of the finishing will not have to be taken into account in the project and a strong foundation will not be laid;
  3. During the installation process there is practically no need to use adhesive solutions;
  4. The presence of corner fasteners reduces the time of drawing corners;
  5. The large area of ​​the panels allows you to quickly cope with façade cladding of any size;
  6. The strength qualities of the panels, resistance to water and snow will serve good service any facade;
  7. The material from which the building is built does not matter - installation is carried out on buildings of any type and number of storeys.

According to their varieties, profiles are divided into two types:

  1. Decorative. They are used for covering both the walls of the house and the basement. The variety of palettes and textures will help you choose perfect solution for facing works.

Important! If you choose panels that are fastened to each other, you will not need to install a frame.

  1. Insulated ones allow you to fulfill two conditions at once: decorate the facade and lay additional insulation. At the same time, significant savings on materials are achieved, heat loss is reduced and the risk of mold and mildew formation is minimized.

Thus, stone panels are a good substitute for natural or artificial material. Service life of 25 years, high strength indicators, no need for professional installation, efficiency of work, minimal load on the foundation and a huge selection color solutions– in many respects the facing material is superior to natural and artificial stone. Considering that the price of profiles is several times lower, it becomes clear that cladding a house with stone panels is profitable and practical solution problems of aesthetics of any structure.

Step-by-step instructions for installing profiles

It’s worth noting right away that the cladding of the plinth and facade have the same technology, so there is no particular difference in the process

It is worth immediately noting that the cladding of the plinth and the facade have the same technology, so there is no particular difference in the process. The main thing to remember is that to decorate the basement of a house with plastic panels, select products made specifically for basements! Such profiles are slightly thicker and therefore stronger. At the same time, the panels for the ground floor are better able to withstand mechanical stress, and if desired, the developer can completely decorate the façade of the building with just such a material. However, wall profiles have big sizes, rather than products for the ground floor.

What to do:

  1. Determine the amount of material for finishing the outside. To do this, you need to know the profile area and the area of ​​the house facade minus windows and doors. You will have to take into account overlaps, cuts and add another 10% to the resulting amount; if the panel has a complex texture and configuration, then add the entire 15% to the resulting amount. The number of starting strips is also calculated; for this, the sum of the perimeter of the building is divided by 3 meters - standard length planks.
  2. You will need external corners according to the height of the cladding, the number of which is also calculated by the sum of all angles and dividing the result by 0.45 m (height of the standard element) plus 5%.
  3. An internal J-profile, the length of which is 3 meters, will come in handy. The quantity is calculated as needed, for example, if you plan to use profiles for finishing a doorway, then there will be more.
  4. It would also be a good idea to check fasteners and tools before starting work.
  5. The installation process begins from the corner, at a distance of 10 cm at the very bottom of the wall, a starting strip is attached, the horizontal and vertical level is measured, the mounting step of the strip is 30 cm.
  6. Facing the foundation involves first fastening the first outer corner, then checking the lower level for the evenness of the starting strip, and fastening it.
  7. The panel is inserted into the strip, pushed into the groove so that the gap from the outer corner is no more than 3 mm, the lock of the strip is latched, and the edge of the panel entering the groove is cut at a right angle.

Important! You should not veneer two corners at once; all work is carried out in stages. The panels can and should be cut, but the first and last profiles must be at least 30 cm wide, but the remaining trim is inserted just as the first or last panel.

  1. The last profile is attached to the left with one fastener, the right side is bent, the last element is mounted in the groove, both panels are bent and joined, secured.
  2. After the first row is completed, each subsequent row is performed by installing the upper profile into the lower one. And to connect with the previous one, it moves slightly to the left.

Important! In the place where it ends ground floor, a curb is mounted on the profile, only then attached to the wall panel. And the façade outer profile is inserted into the mounted border.

Don't forget about the additional facing decor. These could be visors, shutters, and other elements. Installation is carried out on top of the panels to the sheathing. Drilled out required quantity holes, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the fasteners, the trim is installed. After this, the work process can be considered complete.

As you can see, cladding a house with stone panels is much easier than laying a wall made of natural or artificial material. Among other things, you don’t have to resort to the help of professionals, lift weights and spend a lot of money. Well, the result will exceed any of your expectations - it turns out very beautiful stone house stable form, even if it is an old wooden mansion that has stood for decades.

House facades finished with natural stone attract many people. This design looks beautiful and fits well into any landscape. But such finishing is not available to everyone, because the natural stone itself and work with it are very expensive.

But this is not the only obstacle to use stone materials for home decoration. Often a house that has been in use for a long time is simply not designed for additional loads. Stone is a heavy material, and the load on the foundation of the house in the case of facing the facades with it will increase significantly. Therefore, each project of such cladding requires verification bearing capacity foundation and possibly strengthening it.

What should those who still want to decorate their home do, turning it into something like a small ancient castle? Modern ones come to their aid facing materials in the form of facade panels stylized as stone.

Stone-like facade panels

There are quite a few options for such panels.

They are made from various materials:

  • particleboard panels;
  • cement-bonded particles;
  • plastic panels;
  • fiberglass products.

The most commonly used products are now made of plastic, which have good performance qualities and a very affordable price.

These panels are produced both for cladding the walls of a house and for cladding the base.

The base is constantly exposed to difficult operating conditions, as it is exposed to dampness, cold and other unfavorable natural factors. Therefore, it especially needs good protection. Due to increased operational loads, plinth panels have a thickness that is 2-3 times greater than the same parameter of wall panels. This allows them to withstand large mechanical impacts without destruction.

Base panels differ from similar wall products in that they have a larger pattern of natural stone and have a rougher texture. Most often they have a rich color and increased size.

All facade plastic panels are divided into 2 types:

  • Single-layer, made of PVC.
  • Combined panels. These are products with extended functionality. They consist of two layers: the front layer, made of polymer material, and internal – from expanded polystyrene.

The latter not only perform the function of protecting the facade from adverse influences, but also replace insulation.

Therefore, if a building needs insulation, then it is worth considering the purchase of combined panels - then you will not have to separately deal with the insulation of the facade.

In addition to being lightweight, which does not create a load on the foundation of the building, plastic panels have other advantages.

Advantages of plastic panels “stone-like”:

  • The material can withstand mechanical loads that often occur during home use. Especially the rack plinth panels.
  • The appearance of the building after cladding is radically improved. This finish can be used even for the oldest facades and houses.
  • Wide range of façade design possibilities, thanks to the presence of construction market products various manufacturers. The only limitation: if you decide to finish both the walls and the base, then it is better to purchase panels from the same manufacturer - this will avoid annoying panel inconsistencies and make their installation easier.
  • After covering the facade, it will not need any special care. Simply washing it is enough.
  • Installation of the cladding requires only precise execution of the work technology. If this condition is met, it is not difficult even if done independently.
  • The panels are so light that no special equipment or devices are required to work on the facade.
  • The cost of the panels depends on their quality and manufacturer, but generally it is quite affordable.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  • The color palette of panels is quite wide, but when their color has to be selected in accordance with the design of other facade elements, difficulties may arise. Although you can always order a specific color from the manufacturer, which will cost a little more.
  • Plastic panels do not withstand fire well - they begin to melt, which leads to the destruction of the material. Therefore, you should not light a fire near a house lined with them.

Installation procedure and necessary tools

For self-execution work, you must have a set of tools and devices.

Such tools include:

  • roulette;
  • water level;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • Circular Saw;
  • self-tapping screws with a countersunk head 30 mm long.

The surface of the walls to be finished, no matter what material they are made of, must be prepared: they must be clean (without crumbling finishing elements and dirt) and smooth. If the building is plastered, you need to remove the peeling coating, level the walls, and repair cracks. If the facade is wooden, then before starting work it is necessary to treat it with agents against mold, rot and insects. It is also necessary to treat with a composition that increases the fire resistance of wood.

If you decide to use ordinary plastic panels, and the house needs insulation, then you first need to do preliminary work.

  • The wall must be protected with a layer of vapor barrier film.
  • Next, the sheathing is installed. It can be either wooden (the bars are impregnated with an antiseptic) or metal (a special galvanized profile is used).
  • Sheets of insulation are cut according to the size of the cells of the sheathing and tightly secured in the resulting cells.
  • Next, you need to secure the windproof membrane close to the insulation.
  • The next step is the installation of the counter-lattice, to which the plastic cladding panels will be attached.

If the panels are equipped with a heat-protective layer of polystyrene foam, then there is no need to install insulation.

Before laying the first row cladding panels It is necessary to use a water level to mark a horizontal line along the entire perimeter of the building.

It is on this that everything will be attached starting bars. At the corners of the house, you also need to secure special strips necessary for installing corner elements.

Installation of facing panels occurs as follows:

  • The first panel is attached to the starting bar in the lower left corner.
  • Each new panel is attached from left to right, and the rows are formed from bottom to top.
  • The first panel is fixed with self-tapping screws, and the second is attached by snapping it with a vertical lock.
  • The panels are fastened with self-tapping screws, which are screwed into special holes in the panels. A gap of approximately 1 mm is left between the screw head and the panel, designed to compensate for the expansion of the material when the temperature changes. This prevents the plastic from cracking.
  • If last panel the row does not fit in length, it needs to be cut with a grinder and thus adjusted to the length of the facade.

Each manufacturer has its own corner starting bars and elements.

Attached to the planks with self-tapping screws plastic elements corner finishing. The depth of the panel entry into the corner is at least 50 mm. Myself corner element should overlap the external walls by 15-20 mm on each side.

When combining panels different types their joints are formed using a J-profile.

This gives the cladding a finished look.

What else do you need to know

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the stone-look panels have a repeating pattern. For this reason, to give the facade a natural look, it is recommended to move the panels in each row, giving the masonry natural look. Although you can find information that panels can be installed at any time of the year, you should not do this at temperatures below -5 degrees.