Decorative textured paint for walls photo, applying texture paint for interior decoration video, structural paint. Structural paint: characteristics, application

Decorative textured paint for walls photo, applying texture paint for interior decoration video, structural paint.  Structural paint: characteristics, application
Decorative textured paint for walls photo, applying texture paint for interior decoration video, structural paint. Structural paint: characteristics, application

This is boring and characteristic only of the last century, but when they see textured paints for walls, they instantly change their minds. This is because they create incredible effects on the walls before our eyes, which are impossible to achieve using other means, or are so difficult that they completely lose any meaning as part of the renovation.

Modern living room with walls painted bright blue textured paint

Basic concepts and features of classification

Not everyone understands what it is textured paint for walls. In essence, this is a finishing decorative coating, reminiscent in most respects. Her distinctive feature is its composition, consistency and structure. The last distinguishing factor allows us to distinguish among such paints structural ones, which contain large particles or microgranules.

In their consistency, such compositions are more reminiscent of putties, but unlike them, no matter how fun it may sound, the paints do not need to be additionally colored after application.

The basic components of such decorative compositions are the following natural and polymer ingredients:

  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone;
  • Silicate (sand).

Luxurious interior in classic style with walls painted with textured gold paint

Fillers in such paints can be a variety of additives, including:

  • Marble chips;
  • Microcapsules with dye;
  • Ground gas silicate.

In addition, such ready-made compositions are additionally divided according to the size of the largest inclusion - with small, medium and large fractions.

Textured wall paint is not suitable for every apartment. To fully appreciate the created effect not by touch, but with your own eyes, you will need a room large enough. It must have at least one or . But this does not prevent the use of such paints for, and not only internal parts premises.

Advantages of decorative material

Decorative properties The benefits of textured wall paint are reflected especially clearly in the photo. It can be figuratively compared to clay, which the sculptor turns into a real masterpiece. But besides the good ones external qualities This paint has many side effects, but that doesn’t make it any less useful characteristics that can be used effectively.

One of the most important among them is protective function. It implies multilateral protection from negative factors. The property of vapor permeability of such paints allows you to create. Water resistance, if specified by the manufacturer, allows you to preserve it for a long time appearance surfaces under the influence of dust and other pollutants, and some of these paints even perform a function that does not allow the room to lose temperature in the autumn-winter period.

However, decorating walls with textured paint requires some preparatory activities which are carried out in several stages. The first stage is not always required and its implementation is implied only in the case when repeated repairs of the walls of the room are carried out after long period operation.

At the first stage, the walls are cleared of old layers decorative coatings and swollen layers of plaster, since their presence will contribute to paint peeling.

At the next stage, the walls are treated with primers. For most of these decorative compositions, it is sufficient to use only concrete contact primers, which improve the quality of the base and increase its adhesive properties. Some require the additional use of other primers, for example, with silicate fractions, which make it possible to achieve more bright effect using the selected type of decor. Each subsequent layer of primer is applied after the previous one has dried. The primer is applied using a paint roller, and after it dries, proceed to.

Application technology

Painting walls with textured paint is not done with brushes, but with other tools that allow the thick consistency of the decorative solution to be retained. These are spatulas and trowels. In addition, professionals can use means of mechanizing the process, for example, spray guns and similar pneumatic tools, provided that this is permitted by the paint manufacturer.

The decorative composition is supplied ready-made in tinted or white version. If desired, you can additionally add another dye in liquid form.

Tip: be sure to follow the dosage of the dye. Otherwise, your walls or parts of one wall may become completely different shades and will require repainting.

Some manufacturers distribute tinting agents in convenient dosage packaging. If it is not provided, use a regular pharmacy syringe of the largest commercially available volume. Do not forget also that most dyes significantly lose color when the base being tinted dries.

The thickness of the textured paint layer can vary from 7 to 15 mm. If the layer is smaller, the texture will not appear, and if the thickness is greater, it will be more difficult to work with the composition. It is important to remember that to work with such a composition you will need good physical training. This is especially true in cases where the area or height does not allow it to be completely covered in one pass.

Application technique

After the composition has dried, if desired, the surface can be immediately sanded and the remaining paint dust can be removed, or the surface can first be subjected to post-processing using additional decor.


After the paint has completely dried, it can be further processed by special means. They are tinters and protective compounds. The first are the same paints of a similar color, but of a different shade, varnishes and other tinting agents. They are applied to the surface in order to highlight or fully reveal an inconspicuous texture.

The greatest effect can be achieved by using tinting in unusual shades. These are metallic, golden and similar tones, as well as chameleon compositions. The latter change color depending on the type of lighting in the room. In daylight they may have one shade, but in artificial lighting– completely different and not at all similar.

Advice: use your own imagination to the maximum. Don't be afraid to experiment, add sparkles if it's appropriate for the style of the room.

Re-tinting is applied using absolutely different instrumentspaint rollers, brushes, sponges, natural sponges and even rags, depending on what degree of coloring you want to achieve. Still fresh tint can be washed off if it has water base, creating decorative stains.

The final result can be fixed simply by drying the surface of the walls, or after drying it can be further processed protective equipment, for example, liquid wax.

Retro style with walls painted with textured paint

Price category and purchasing features

Whatever type of textured wall paint it is, buying it will not be difficult. There are many similar products and they are produced not only by European ones, for example, Italian, Polish and German manufacturers, but also by domestic firms. They are not so popular, however, their assortment has many high-quality analogues.

But no matter what the textured wall paint is, the price for many consumers is still the determining factor. Note that cheap repairs with such decorative composition can not be. And we are not talking about the high cost of the product or the difference in exchange rates. The main problem in this case is the consumption of textured paint. In view of high density and composition density, the application technology requires increased consumption. Additionally, it increases if the walls in the room do not suffer from perfection. Buy paints even for small room it really takes a lot, and accordingly, repair costs increase, which should be taken into account when choosing just such a decorative coating.

Structural (relief) paint is a relatively young type decorative finishing surfaces. It is a dispersed mixture containing inclusions of elements of various structures. Use this method decoration began quite recently, however, it has already gained great popularity due to the relatively simple technology of application and excellent results. Many appreciated the originality and effectiveness coloring composition, as well as the practicality and environmental friendliness of this material.

Structural paint has unique property allow steam to pass through, ensuring the perfect balance is maintained temperature regime and humidity, making it ideal for use in interior work Oh. At the same time, this composition is extremely resistant to external environment, so the paint can be safely used for facade and exterior work. The service life of this coating is up to four years.

Structural paint gives surfaces a relief shape and creates additional protection from mechanical or atmospheric influences. In addition, the structural composition has excellent adhesion to the surface, so this coating is successfully used for decorating walls, a variety of walls, from concrete to wood.

The advantage of structural paint is the wide range of colors of the coloring composition, choose desired shade it won't be difficult. And, of course, the undoubted advantage is the unique individual design surfaces when working with this material.

One of the disadvantages of using structural paint is the relatively high cost of the coloring composition. Although, the technology of its use allows covering the surface with only one layer of paint, which will undoubtedly significantly reduce required amount coloring composition for work.

Using structural paint to decorate a room is quite simple. It is not necessary to have special professional knowledge in painting.

To decorate the surface, in addition to the coloring composition, you will need:

  • metal brush,
  • Master OK,
  • maklovitsa,
  • putty knife,
  • rollers with fur or foam attachment.

The decoration process consists of a number of consistent actions. First, prepare the surface for applying the painting composition, then prime it and, if necessary, apply a layer of acrylic paint of the desired shade. Then the coloring composition is prepared, thoroughly mixed and tinted in the appropriate color. Only after this can you proceed to applying paint to the surface. Let's consider the nuances of using structural paint in the decorating process.

Preparation for coloring begins with pre-treatment surfaces. Despite the fairly simple application of the coloring composition itself, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention preparing the base for decoration. Otherwise, the service life of the coating will be significantly shorter.

Applying structural paint to a wall

Surface preparation

If the surface was plastered without reinforcement, then it would be a good idea to completely remove the plaster layer. If the plaster layer has a strong adhesion to the wall, there is no need to remove it completely; it is enough to remove poorly adhering areas of the hardened mortar. In addition, peeling and flaking paint should be removed, for which you can generously moisten the surface with water, and after a while dry the area with a construction or regular hairdryer. Water that gets into microcracks in the paint layer will swell the old coating when it dries, which can be easily removed with a spatula or wire brush.

It is allowed to apply the coloring composition to old layer paints, however, in this case the entire surface must be treated grinder or sandpaper, and the old layer should turn out matte.

If present on the surface minor defects there is no need to eliminate them. Structural paint can cope with this task, since the decoration process creates a relief pattern. In case of significant unevenness, the base should be puttied.

Applying primer

To provide high adhesion the surface should be carefully primed. A layer of primer in this case will not only remove small particles of dust and dirt, but also provide quality basis. To prime the surface, it is more convenient to use a foam roller, and hard to reach places can be treated with a brush.

Acrylic can be used as a primer material. It is simple and easy to use, unpretentious and affordable.

The primer performs a very important function in protecting the subsequent layer of structural paint from physical, chemical, mechanical stress and, at the same time, increases the service life of the coating and saves material.

Mixtures are also suitable as primers deep penetration. It is best, according to experts, to use special primers.

You should begin directly applying structural paint to the surface only after completely dry primer coat after about 2-3 hours.

Preparing the premises

Before painting works in the room, care should be taken in advance to ensure that there are no drafts, direct sunlight should not fall on the surface, and optimal temperature In order for the paint composition to dry properly, the temperature in the room should be from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Before use, the coloring composition must be thoroughly mixed; if the consistency of the paint is too thick, you can dilute it with ordinary water or a special solvent. Also on at this stage the coloring composition is tinted, giving it the desired shade.

You need to apply paint to the surface in a thick layer, at least two centimeters; it is thanks to the wide layer of paint that the surface will subsequently acquire an exquisite relief shape. It is preferable to paint the surface with a spatula.

It is important to remember that the structural composition is applied to the wall in no more than one layer.

The coloring composition must be applied evenly to the surface. In case it is decorated big square surface, it is advisable to apply the material along planes. In this case, the surface of the plane must be painted completely in one go. If not used this method, then a discrepancy is possible color range on the surface to be painted.

Surface decoration

The next stage is one of the most enjoyable for implementing design ideas. Using fur roller or a brush, you need to give the coating your own unique pattern or design. Creative thought is absolutely unlimited here. Creating a unique pattern on the wall using a roller has its own characteristics, for example, the technique of applying a pattern to the wall can be longitudinal, transverse and even combined.

You can give the surface a “scratched” relief using metal brushes or combs. If you want to create a finer and more graceful relief, just moisten the fur roller or brush with a little water first.

In a word, at this stage you can safely experiment with various techniques giving the surface patterns and designs.

The coloring composition thickens very quickly and will begin to dry within half an hour, so you need to create patterns or designs on the surface right away.

By the way, it will take eight to twelve days for structural paint to dry completely, after which it can be cleaned, washed or exposed to other influences.

When applying the coloring composition with a roller, a number of conditions must be met. Firstly, the number of rollers must be at least three, and two rollers must be the same size, and one slightly smaller. Two tools are involved in the process of surface decoration different sizes. Secondly, the tool must be completely immersed in a bath of coloring composition and cover the surface with vertical lines from top to bottom. And finally, the material should be applied gradually, first with a large roller, and then, if it is necessary to correct defects, use a smaller roller.

Final stage

Finally, you need to check the uniformity of the applied layer of paint; if it is too thick, then a clean roller will be useful here, with which you can remove excess paint from the surface.

After creating a relief pattern on the surface, the coating can be modified, namely, removing the sharp edges of the textured surface with a brush or spatula.

Naturally, to obtain an ideal result, you should use a coloring composition from one batch in order to maintain a uniform tone throughout the entire surface, and when diluting paint with water, it is important to use the same source or composition.

There is another technology for painting surfaces with a structural coloring composition. It consists of using a sprayer as a tool for applying material to the surface.

The advantage of this technology is the ability to regulate the particle size of the coloring composition, as well as the intensity of supply and paint consumption.

Along with the magnificent textured effect using a spray bottle gives impressive results. Another advantage of using this method is the possibility of its easy use for both interior and exterior work.

If the device is properly adjusted, then when painting you will get a perfect layer of paint without drips. The distance from the spray gun to the surface to be painted should be from 50 to 70 centimeters, in this case the particles coloring matter will lie evenly on the surface.

With a smaller distance, the paint layer may not lie evenly, and the material consumption will increase significantly. If the distance from the surface to the sprayer is too large, some of the dye will simply settle on the floor. The movements of the spray gun should be smooth without jerking, and you should not linger in one area for too long to avoid drips.

When painting a surface outdoors, you should also remember that exposure to direct sun rays on structural paint shortens its service life. The freshly applied coating should be protected from drying out, excess moisture and low temperatures, for this you can use a blanket made of foil or mesh.

Structural paints give the surface a unique texture, at the same time protecting it from atmospheric and mechanical influences and allowing you to realize the most daring creative ideas for interior decoration.

Video about structural paint

materials on the topic

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"CPI" (Center Innovative Technologies) and nine other European partners are jointly developing a High Energy Ball Mill (HEMB) pilot plant to produce and test advanced nano-structured powders. These advanced powders can be used in a range of high quality manufacturing applications such as cutting tools, medical implants and a range of aerospace and automotive components.

Structural paints and varnishes- capable of giving the treated surface a special structure and texture, due to the presence of a special structuring filler in the composition. Also, such paints can be called structural.

And, which seem to relate to structural paint, but are not. Since I have never worked with structural paint and today I painted walls with it for the first time, I will leave my existing opinion.

Structural paint is decorative finishing material with many advantages. Thanks to high degree vapor permeability, it will not interfere with the natural regulation of humidity in the room, so it can be used when. These paints are also weather-resistant and are used for painting facades.

Method of applying structural paint.

You need to make the surface clean and dry before painting it. If there is an old coating that is peeling or cracked, you must remove it with a spatula. Old durable paint should be matted with sandpaper, preferably carefully and coarsely. There is an option, quickly of course, but with smoke and stench. If there are traces of fungus on the walls, you need to use mechanical method to remove it, then treat the surface with an antifungal agent (for more information about removing fungus, see the article).

Since structural paints can be applied in a thick layer, they can hide small unevenness on the walls. Large defects must first be leveled using putty.

Structural paint If it has a high density, dilute it with water or a special solvent, taking into account its composition. Add paint and mix it. To obtain high-quality painting, you can use acrylic paint matched to the main color as a background. website

The appearance of the coating is determined by the composition of the structural paint, the technological methods used to apply it and the working tool. To achieve the effect of “scratched” walls, use paints that contain coarse fillers, as well as Teflon spatulas, special graters or combs.

To get a more delicate pattern, you need to pick up a little paint with a spatula or brush and apply it to the surface of the wall. You need to moisten a roller with water textured surface and smooth it out. If you are processing smooth interior walls, when applied finishing material You can only use one layer applied with a damp roller. The paint must be smeared using first longitudinal, then transverse movements.

If you are using a spray gun, the first coat of paint should also be applied using a downward motion. After 2-3 hours you will need to apply the 2nd layer using transverse movements. Make sure that there are no unpainted areas left on the surface. When finishing exterior walls, avoid working in direct sunlight or during strong wind or rain.

Applying structural paint video.

Video 2.

Building a new home or renovating an existing home has general list works mandatory stage- finishing of premises. Any owner of a house or apartment wants his home looked elegant, original and cozy, which largely depends on the choice of wall finishing method.

The coating used determines general style and the appearance of the room creates a certain atmosphere.

The traditional way in such cases is painting the walls or gluing wallpaper, finishing decorative tiles or wall panels— there are enough options, and each of them is good in its own way.

What kind of material is this?

Structural (textured) paint as a way to decorate walls - relatively recent technology, which is an alternative to conventional painting or using wallpaper.

Due to specially selected viscosity, the coating has the ability to preserve the relief, formed during application, creating the effect of a three-dimensional pattern.

What will the drawing be like? depends on the choice of the homeowner— technology allows the use of several application methods.

The color of the surface is also chosen independently, it added to the mixture using special colors. Possible combined coloring using multiple colors.

Scope of application

Structural, decorative paint can be used for both interior and exterior painting of walls. Textured paint is often used to cover the ceiling. The composition does not emit harmful fumes, does not have a pungent odor, which allows you to safely work with it in the interior.

Compositions with one type of filler or another capable of creating surface texture with different types of roughness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Structural paint has a number of advantages over other types of coatings. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Water permeability. Usage textured finish creates a “breathing” surface. The paint layer does not interfere with air movement and allows water vapor to pass through. Thus, the wall material has the ability to release moisture into the atmosphere, eliminating wetting and damage to the walls.
  2. Thick coating layer well masks surface imperfections- scratches, dents, etc. Possessing the properties of plaster, textured paint fills all irregularities and compensates for them. In addition, this type of coating creates an inimitable unique pattern and surface texture, which is impossible to create using other types of finishing materials.
  3. Possibility to get any color coatings as desired. The white color of the base allows you to use any color to achieve the desired shade of the selected color. Moreover, if it is required White color, for example, to cover the ceiling, no color is needed.
  4. Cleans well. The permeability to moisture and porosity of the coating allows it to be washed without the risk of damaging the surface. Dirt and dust are easily removed; after drying, the surface regains its original appearance without loss of quality.

The only disadvantages of structural paint include high cost, but we must remember about the great durability of the applied coating, which justifies its price.


Conditionally we can distinguish two main types textured paints - façade and interior paints.

On practice Most of the paints produced are universal and are suitable for both external and internal use.

In addition, paints differ according to the type of filler- this includes sand of different fractions, fiber, and marble chips, and other elements that give the composition viscosity and form the relief.

Main types of structural paints:

  1. Mineral. Dry mixture, the composition includes lime and cement. For use, dilute with water to the desired consistency. Suitable for outdoor use.
  2. Silicone. The silicone resins included in the composition make the finished coating durable and most suitable for outdoor use. It differs from other types by its hydrophobic effect, preventing the penetration of rainwater into the wall material.
  3. Silicate. Some of the most expensive paints. They require surface preparation with a silicate primer and are firmly bonded to the base chemically.
  4. Polysilicon. They are a mixture of silicate paints and silicone resins. Easy to apply by hand, good for outdoor use.
  5. Acrylic. Wear-resistant coatings, are distinguished by their versatility of use. Can be used wherever needed, sold in the form of a ready-to-use composition.


Besides different types paints, their quality may significantly depend on the manufacturer. The following brands can be distinguished:

  1. Alpina. Wear-resistant products trademark"Olympus". Easy to apply to any surface.
  2. Caparol. Facade paint with a long service life.
  3. Optimist. Facade on a water-dispersion basis.
  4. Tikkurila. The most famous company producing paints in a wide variety of colors and high quality.
  5. Expert. Universal paint, can be used for both exterior and interior work. Dries quickly, setting time is approximately 2 hours. Washable and suitable for metal work.
  6. Fassadenfarbe Relief. Facade paint for external use. Quick-drying, does not turn yellow over time. Has good adhesion to concrete, brick, primed surfaces. Economical.
  7. Tex. Coating with marble filler does not require careful preparation of surfaces.

All existing structural paints characterized by increased consumption- from 100 to 300 grams per 1 m2, which is due to the large thickness of the layer.

Consumption depends on the thickness of the paint and on the size of the filler fraction— the larger the grains, the higher the consumption.

Application methods

Using Structural Paint requires a certain skill to achieve maximum painting effect. The tool should be convenient for shaping the relief.

Typically used for applying paint:

The paint application process itself can be divided into two stages. The first is preparing the surface, cleaning it from dust, plastering large defects, and priming if necessary.

When the surface is ready, proceed to the second stage - applying a textured coating, using the selected tool and drawing.

How to make structural paint with your own hands?

Making textured paint can be done independently. The connecting element can be regular acrylic paint , selected according to the method of application for external or internal work.

Can serve as a filler quartz sand or crushed granite purchased at the store.

Important! Ordinary river or sea sand is not suitable for this purpose at all!

The components are mixed in proportions, providing sufficient viscosity, so as not to be too thick, but not runny either. Further work produced as usual.

Painting in two colors

Textured paint supplied as a homogeneous mass snow-white or grayish color.

She can give any color which is achieved by using color desired color. Use of tinting components from different manufacturers not allowed!

To paint textured plaster in two colors you need to go through finished surface another pass using a flat roller. In this case, the surface will not be completely painted over, but only protruding elements will be covered textures.

If the base is intended to be white, then no tinting is required, just apply a coat of paint and let it dry.

If a base of a different color is planned, it can be achieved by tinting textured paint, or painting the finished coating using a brush to completely paint all areas.

After drying it is necessary add additional color to the surface roller without pressing so that the surface is not completely painted. In this way, a two-color coating effect is achieved, giving the surface an original look.

IN next video see how to apply structural paint:

Paintwork works

Structural wall paint as a material appeared relatively recently, but many consumers and finishing specialists have already highly appreciated its characteristics. The growing popularity of this decorative paint due to its harmlessness, the ability to be applied to walls with minor flaws, versatility and many other advantages. In addition, structured paint is easy to work with even for a novice craftsman.

The surface of the wall on which structural paint with different pigments is applied

Specifics and scope of the material

Textured paint (the second name of the composition) is a type of modern finishing material for indoor walls and for facade works. The advantages of structural paint are undeniable:

  • high vapor permeability;
  • the ability to paint the finished composition in any color;
  • excellent moisture resistance and wear resistance;
  • dense and elastic structure, ideally hiding small surface defects;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • harmlessness and environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of subsequently painting the surface in a different color using acrylic paints.

Structural paints are available for interior and exterior finishing works. The material's resistance to weathering allows you to create a reliable and attractive coating for facades. In apartments and residential buildings These paints are appropriate to apply to the walls in the hallway, living room and kitchen.

The effect of fern leaves, which was achieved thanks to structural paint

The only disadvantage of structural paint is its high price. However, if we take into account the minimum requirements for surface preparation and often the need to apply only one layer of material, as well as its long term services, textured paint in some cases is the best option finishing.

Wall finishing with structural paint

The process of applying structural paint to a surface is not technologically complex. Main condition - proper preparation walls

Preparation for work

Before finishing work begins, the surface of the walls in the room or the walls of the facade must be leveled and prepared. You will learn how to do this correctly from.

Further purchased necessary materials and tools. In addition to the structural paint itself in the required volume, you will need a color scheme - the material itself is only available in white. The dye is added to the paint mass in small portions, and the resulting composition is thoroughly mixed. To avoid getting a shade that is too saturated, after adding another portion of dye to the paint, you should check the color of the mixture on an inconspicuous area of ​​the wall. Once the paint has acquired the desired shade, you can begin applying it.

Important! The initial color of the painted mass will be brighter colors surface after the paint has dried, so it’s worth making it a little more saturated.

To work on finishing walls with textured paint, you may need: brushes, rollers (regular or structural), spatulas, sponges. Often, to create an interesting relief, an additional tool can be used - for example, special combs. Tools are selected depending on the type of surface that is planned to be obtained as a result.

Before applying structural paint, you need to prepare the necessary materials

Methods of applying structural paint

The composition of the selected structural paint and the texture filler in it affect the appearance of the walls after finishing, but to a greater extent the surface relief depends on the method of applying the material.

  1. Application with a brush.

For this type of finishing, a wide and hard brush is used. With its help, paint is applied to the surface in large strokes. The direction of the strokes can be any - chaotic, vertical or horizontal. With sufficient skill, you can create interesting patterns on the surface of the walls with a brush.

Wall surface painted with structural paint using a brush

  1. Applying paint with a roller.

If you plan to apply the paint on the wall in an even layer, you will need three rollers, two of which are medium in size and one is small. First, the mass is applied in large vertical strokes with a medium roller, and errors are corrected with a small roller. A second medium roller will be needed after covering the entire wall - to remove excess paint.

Structural rollers are needed to form a relief on the surface. Such a tool will be needed in addition to the three rollers already mentioned and will be used immediately after correcting the material on the wall.

Interesting relief on the surface of structural paint, created using texture roller

Important! If you plan to use a structural roller, the layer of material applied to the surface should not be too thin.

Sometimes to cover the surface with large area It’s more convenient to work together. You will see an example of applying textured paint to a ceiling using four hands in the following video:

  1. Applying structural paint with a spatula.

Many finishers prefer to work with structural paints with a spatula, especially if a thick material with a large filler is chosen. Paint is applied to the walls in large or small strokes different types spatulas. A soft spatula will create a more elegant surface structure, a hard one will create a rough relief.

Surface structure of textured paint resulting from the use of a spatula

  1. Application by spray.

Sometimes structural wall paint comes in a spray bottle, and then it is necessary to additional tools does not arise. Despite its apparent simplicity, such paint cannot be applied very carefully by a non-professional. If you have chosen this type of structural paint, before finishing the main surface you need to practice spraying the composition on unnecessary area, for example, a piece of drywall.

  1. Applying paint with a sponge.

This method of finishing walls with structural paint is quite common. Many construction stores They offer not only special sponges for decorative wall decoration, but also natural sponges - marine sponges. The paint is applied to the wall with a sponge, and an interesting relief pattern is formed on the surface. The depth of the surface texture will depend on the size of the pores of the sponge.

An ordinary sea sponge that can be used to apply structural paint to a wall

We invite you to watch a video in which a painter paints the surface of the walls using textured paint:


Textured paint is a very popular finishing material. façade walls and walls in rooms. However, experts predict that this material will become even more widespread. It successfully hides small unevenness in the walls, is safe, vapor permeable and extremely easy to apply. Thanks to our tips, you can now decorate the walls of your home using structural paint.