Chrysanthemum oak flowers. Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise

Chrysanthemum oak flowers.  Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise
Chrysanthemum oak flowers. Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise

How to grow oak flowers

Oak trees - autumn flowers, like other chrysanthemums, bloom when the others garden plants are already preparing for winter. Unpretentious oak trees decorate the garden until the coldest weather with their numerous bright capped flowers.

Description of the species

Oak trees, or, as they are also called, Korean chrysanthemums, are perennial flowering plants, reaching a height of 25 to 120 cm. The stems are thin, erect, pubescent at the bottom, the leaves are carved, shaped like oak trees, which is why the plant got its name

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Oak trees - autumn flowers, unpretentious and bright

The flowers are tubular and reed, collected in inflorescences-baskets. The inflorescences, in turn, are collected in dense panicles. During the flowering period, up to 400 inflorescences bloom simultaneously on one bush.

Oaks are unpretentious flowers; they take root well in any type of soil, but they love well-drained, loose types of soil. Chrysanthemums are light-loving plants; this should be taken into account when planting and give them a well-lit area of ​​land.

Planting and caring for oak flowers

Elevated areas are best suited for planting oak trees; in this case, water will not stagnate at the roots. Excess moisture is dangerous for chrysanthemums: it can cause root rot and plant death.

    • You can add to the soil before planting organic fertilizers. One such feeding can be enough for two to three years.
    • Holes for seedlings need to be dug in increments of 35-40 cm; in just one season the cuttings will grow well.

After planting, caring for oak trees consists mainly of sufficient watering and weed control. You need to water the flowers moderately, directing the stream of water to the roots of the plant and avoiding stagnation of moisture. But regular watering cannot be neglected: a lack of liquid will not have the best effect on the flowering of chrysanthemums.

Unpretentious oak trees can for a long time do without feeding.

But if you apply mineral fertilizers 1-2 times a season, the plant will bloom more luxuriantly and for a longer period of time.

After flowering ends, before the onset of real cold weather, it is necessary to prune the bushes. The stems of oak trees are cut at a height of 15 cm from the ground to protect the rhizomes from frost, the plant is covered with spruce branches, fallen leaves, and cut stems. The cover should be quite dense.

Growing oak flowers is a simple task, with a minimum of effort - and up to late autumn flowers will decorate your garden with a bright carpet of their fluffy inflorescences.

Oak trees are wonderful flowers for any garden. If you give them proper care, then during the flowering period the oak trees will simply fascinate with their beauty. They are also called Chinese chrysanthemums, and quite rightly, because it was from there that this wonderful flower, together with Buddhism, migrated to Japan, and only then to us. The Japanese usually call this flower kotengiku, which means “ancient chrysanthemums.” Wonderful garden flowers, oak trees symbolize longevity, but the flower itself is quite delicate. Although they tolerate the winter climate of our latitudes relatively well, it is better to transplant them into greenhouses for the winter. The Chinese have been practicing this for centuries.

Oak flowers - growing

Garden oaks are unpretentious flowers for planting and growing on summer cottage. Gardeners will love them for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of the type of oak tree, these flowers are completely unpretentious to the composition of the soil where they are planted. This flower loves when the soil has good drainage and good lighting in the place where they are planted. The fertilizers that are most suitable for these flowers are some of the cheapest. This could be droppings, mullein infusion, vermicompost.

With the timely application of nitrogen as bait during the formation of inflorescences, the stems and leaves turn out to be much stronger and an order of magnitude larger than in the case when bait was not used.

The only period when oak trees require the gardener's attention is the period of bush growth. At this time it is necessary to cut off lower leaves. By this procedure you will also protect the flower from diseases, because it is through the lower leaves that the flower most often becomes infected with diseases. After flowering ends, the flower is cut off, leaving only small stumps no more than 15 centimeters high.

Reproduction of oak trees

In order to know how to plant oak flowers from seeds next year, it is important to follow some rules. If you plant fresh seeds that were collected just a month ago, their germination rate will disappoint you. This figure, unfortunately, will not exceed 10%. Seeds that were collected a year and a half ago will not sprout well (95%). The thing is that only by this time all chemical processes inside the seeds are completed. In addition, oak trees are planted by cuttings. The best time to take cuttings and plant new plants is spring. At this time, young shoots no longer than 15 centimeters are cut off, and after treatment with the drug “Kornevin”, they are planted. If your oak flowers need replanting, then there is another great way to propagate them - dividing the bush. In this case, the bush is divided in half, and part of it is planted. This procedure is of exceptional benefit, because as a result you get rejuvenated bushes, the flowering of which will be more vigorous and vibrant.

Diseases and pests

The greatest damage to oak trees is caused by aphids. It feeds on the sap of this plant, thereby slowing down its growth. In addition, aphids also spoil the buds. I wouldn't mind eating this flower , mites, caterpillars, thrips and snails. Most often, oak trees are susceptible to rust, gray rot, ring spot, and verticillium wilt.


Unfortunately, not all varieties of oak trees can withstand wintering in the open ground. Most of them die in severe frosts, so we recommend replanting them in a greenhouse for winter period. Chamomile-shaped oaks are the most resistant to cold. Particularly demanding of heat hybrid varieties, it is advisable to transplant them into a greenhouse with the first cold weather. With proper care, this wonderful flower will delight its owners for many years.

The autumn lights of lush annual flowers have long faded. Perennials are ready for winter. And only bushes of blooming chrysanthemums still delight the owners of the site with the magic of their beautiful, multi-colored inflorescences. It seems that, meeting the first frosts, they are postponing the onset of winter and saying goodbye to the past summer. The stems of the plant are decorated with green leaves, similar to oak leaves, and bright flowers of any shade., which themselves ask for the last bouquets of the past season. These flowers are affectionately called oaks; they have been known in Europe for several centuries. The best varieties of this plant with photos and names is given below.

Currently, about 65 0 species of chrysanthemums are known, grouped into 13 groups according to types of inflorescences. Among them are pompom, feathery, bristly, spherical, anemone-shaped, simple, low-growing, semi-double, double types of plants. Perennial and annual species. One of the conditional groups includes cold-resistant ones. The list of varieties of Korean chrysanthemums contains a large number of multi-colored forms, despite the meaning of the word chrysanthemum as “golden-colored.”

Bush height Korean chrysanthemums can reach 25, 130 cm. Inflorescences are formed from a large number of small flowers or several large ones, reaching 12 cm. Flowers can have the shape of a tube or tongue. Often up to 400 inflorescences bloom simultaneously on a bush, collected in a complex panicle. The erect stems have fragile branches with numerous leaves. Their upper surface is smooth. Bottom part covered with light hairs. Branched root system, located at a depth of up to 20 cm, has shoots in the form of stolons and numerous shoots.

Terry, semi-double varieties have specific smell, similar to the freshness of autumn mists, not yet cold rains. If faded inflorescences are promptly removed, the total duration of flower growth on the stems reaches four months. Japan and China are considered the birthplace of oak trees. In Russia, cultivate as a cultural perennial flower chrysanthemums began in the middle of the last century. There is information that the main set modern varieties“Korean hybrids” began as a result of crossbreeding work carried out by A. Cumming in 1928.

It is not recommended to grow any type of oak tree in a specific place for more than five years. The flowers become small. The decorative quality of the inflorescences decreases. Two, three years These bushes tolerate winter better.

Domestic breeders offer the following varieties of chrysanthemums that have become popular:


A strong bush, reaching a height of 70 cm, decorated with semi-double inflorescences of white flowers with a diameter of approximately 8 cm. White color the petals have a tint yellow color. Leaves light green tint. The plant blooms at the end of August. Flowering lasts until frost arrives.

Valentina Tereshkova

In September, the crimson inflorescences of chrysanthemums bred in Crimea open. Against the background of juicy, large leaves, the bush looks solemn and elegant.

Autumn sunset

Already from the second half of August, until frost, you can admire red inflorescences on a bush about 50 cm high. The variety is pleasant to use in autumn bouquets.


On a powerful bush at the end of August, white flowers open up, with a delicate pink tint flowers. Flower diameter is about 6 cm. The bush has a large number of leaves.

Vivat Botany

Blooms profusely for 65 days with yellow semi-double inflorescences. The height of the bush is about 55 cm. Flowering begins in mid-August.


Yellow-brown flowers are located on a bush, about 50 cm high. The diameter of the flower reaches seven cm. As the buds open, their color changes from a crimson hue to a brown, golden color.


low bush distinguished by bright red, double inflorescences.

Rules for caring for Chinese chrysanthemum

Oaks are unpretentious flowers, the cultivation of which is considered not difficult. Regular, well-drained garden soil is optimal for growing. The plant cannot withstand stagnant moisture. In such places, the likelihood of winter freezing increases. If on site clay soil, then before planting it must be diluted with peat, humus, and compost.

When choosing a place to plant oak trees, provide the plant with sufficient sun. Flowers appear earlier, have a rich, bright color. In the shade of trees, the plant may not bloom.

The best time It is considered spring to plant oak trees. The distance between planting holes is about 40 cm. In addition to their bottom, add a small amount of organics mineral fertilizers. They are quite enough for two or three years of bush development. Plants grow quickly, turning from a small seedling into a spreading bush in one season. This requires careful attention to feeding chrysanthemums.

The first fertilizing is recommended two weeks after planting.. For this purpose, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used. During the budding period, it is recommended to apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. They are also used at the moment of mass flowering of bushes. The plant is watered with an organic solution throughout growing season. In the fall, after pruning the bush, it is useful to add organic matter around each bush along with bone meal and superphosphate. Flower growers believe the best fertilizers for oak trees ready-made drugs Aquarin, Omu flower, Gumi-Omi.

Watering matters for the quantity and preservation of flowers. With a lack of moisture, the stems of oak trees become lignified, the beauty of flower stalks decreases. Water carefully, trying not to get water on the leaves. In the fall, after pruning the bush, you need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water in the place where the flowers grow. The last step in caring for the plant is pruning, preserving the stumps, about 15 cm high, and covering them for the winter. To do this, it is recommended to use sawdust, peat, spruce branches, dry leaves, and stems of annual flowers. Winter shelter should not be dense.

During the period of active growth of bushes, remove the lower leaves in a timely manner. This helps protect the plant from many diseases.

Reproduction of oak trees

The plant can be propagated in the following ways:

Dividing bushes

The simplest and least labor-intensive method of propagating chrysanthemums is dividing the bush

The procedure can be carried out throughout the growing season. Even at the moment of flowering. The best time is considered to be the beginning of summer. This is due to the intensive growth of young shoots, good conditions her transplants. They dig it up along with part of the old bush. From each shoot with roots, a new bush manages to grow.

Holes for planting sections are dug at a distance of about 30 cm from each other.. Fill with compost and water generously.


Oaks are a type of plant that easily forms roots on cut stems. Cuttings are planted in pots in the fall. Until February, they are kept under conditions of moderate watering in a bright, cool room. Optimal value cutting temperature is about 6. At the end of February they are placed in warm room, water, feed with nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 25 g per bucket of water. After 20 days, the seedlings with formed roots are transferred to separate containers filled with fertile soil. After reaching a height of 20 cm, remove the growth point by pinching the top.

The second pinching is done after the side shoots grow to a size of about 20 cm. Feeding is carried out alternating different kinds fertilizers Before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened off in the usual way. Cuttings can be done at any time, using shoots, side shoots, or pieces of old stems. First flowering of plants grown from cuttings different periods, begins almost simultaneously.

Seed propagation

Seeds are planted in fertile soil at the end of February, March. The containers are covered with glass, creating a micro greenhouse. Shoots appear in a week. After two true leaves grow, the seedlings dive into new pots.

After two months, the height of young seedlings reaches 20 cm. Depending on the weather, they are planted in open ground in May.. Typically, flowering begins 5 months after planting the seeds. Seed propagation does not create stable forms of plants. Its advantages include high resistance to wintering.

Pests and diseases of flowers

Many pests happily settle on chrysanthemum bushes. Among them aphids, leaf rollers, slugs, snails, caterpillars, nematodes. Ash, dry mustard, herbal infusions, chemicals like " Healthy garden"will help you get rid of them in time. The same methods help the plant with diseases powdery mildew, leaf spot, rust, chlorosis.

Typically, many diseases develop with a lack of magnesium. In this case use Uniflor-butonour, Fitosporin, Zircon. Fungal diseases appear on plants with constant excess moisture.

If you notice wilting of plants caused by a viral disease, you must urgently dig up the bush and burn it.

Careful attention to chrysanthemums allows you to realize the most beautiful, long-blooming options for decorating your site. Later autumn time, when all the work is completed, it’s nice to think about new plans for the next season surrounded by bright, beautiful flowers.

Korean chrysanthemums, or oak flowers, as they are also called, are easy to care for and have an attractive appearance, decorating the garden area with their blooms. Thanks to their ease of care, every gardener can cope with growing oak trees, and the variety of varieties will allow you to choose flowers that will suit the overall color scheme of the flower garden and alpine hill.

Description of the species

Korean chrysanthemums are perennial flowering plants, which can reach a height, depending on their variety, of 120 centimeters. The stems of oak trees are erect, thin, and pubescent on top. In my own way appearance the leaves on the stems resemble oak leaves, hence the name of these flowers. Flower buds are reed and tubular, located in inflorescence baskets. During the flowering period, up to 400 inflorescences can simultaneously open on one full-size bush.

These are unpretentious flowers that easily take root in any type of soil, and they grow especially well and are decorative in loose, well-drained soil.

Chrysanthemums are light-loving plants, therefore, when choosing a site for a flower garden, you should remember that in the sun the oak trees will be distinguished by their maximum decorativeness. At the same time, every gardener and novice summer resident will be able to care for oak trees.

Gardeners today know several hundred varieties of chrysanthemums, which are perfectly zoned for the Russian climate, are unpretentious in care and are distinguished by their excellent decorative properties. Oak flowers, the care and propagation of which are not difficult, make it easy to arrange personal plot a full flowerbed.

Common varieties include:

By purchasing quality planting material In specialized stores, you can be completely confident in the quality of the flowers planted in the flowerbed.

The gardener needs to remember that most varieties of oak trees are hybrids, so it will be impossible to obtain seeds from them on your own. When choosing one variety or another, it is necessary to take into account its size, flowering period, as well as agricultural cultivation techniques.

This is a moisture-loving crop, so regular watering will be required, which has a positive effect on the decorative appearance of the plantings. When watering, you should be careful so that water does not get on the leaves, which can lead to sunburn. In summer, Korean chrysanthemums need to be watered several times a month.

Annual pruning is performed in spring and autumn. In the spring, the gardener will need to remove frozen and dried branches. In the fall, before the onset of cold weather, the bush is pruned in such a way as to leave small stumps with a height of about 15 centimeters. Subsequently, the autumn flower garden is mulched and covered with spruce branches. Next spring With proper care, the chrysanthemum will quickly grow green mass and will soon bloom profusely.

When using fertile soil, the first feeding of oak trees should be done in the second year after planting. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil, and before the growing season the plants are fed with nitrogen-containing complexes. During the flowering period, potassium-phosphorus mineral complexes are also added to ensure maximum decorative effect. In the fall, after flowering has completed, you can water the bush with a light solution of mullein and other organic matter. Experienced gardeners They use specialized flower complexes called Gumi Omi, OMU flower and Aquamarine for fertilizer.

Throughout the growing season, you will need to regularly weed the beds and remove weeds. It is weeds that can contribute to the emergence of various infectious diseases, taking away nutrition from the bush, which significantly weakens the flowers.

It will also be necessary to promptly remove all lower leaves during the period of active growth, which prevents the development of various diseases in the plant.

Narcissus flower: what it looks like, characteristics and description

Plant propagation methods

Propagating oak trees is not particularly difficult, so even novice gardeners can cope with this work. Plants can be propagated in the following ways:

  • Dividing bushes.
  • By cuttings.
  • Seed propagation.

You can divide the bushes throughout the growing season. You just need to dig up part of the old rhizome, carefully separate the shoots with roots and transplant them to a new place. Such divisions must be planted at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other.

Oak shoots quickly form roots, which makes it easy to propagate such plants, producing required amount layerings. Cuttings are best done in late summer and early fall. At home, cuttings are planted in fertile soil, within a few months the shoots develop roots and in the spring you can easily replant them permanent place residence.

Seed propagation is possible only when using purchased seeds, since if you produce them yourself, the germination rates will be minimal, and the grown flowers may not retain their grade. The easiest way is to plant seeds at home, providing the seedlings with greenhouse conditions. Subsequently, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate containers, and as soon as the height of the seedlings reaches 20 centimeters, they can be transplanted into open ground in May. Flowering after transplantation begins at 4-5 months.

Bright, varied autumn flowers in the garden, photos and names of which are mentioned in this article, will help brightly color the flower garden of a modern housewife against the general background of fading nature. To create a real cradle for a fall asleep garden, it is important to know what autumn flowers to plant and how to do it correctly.

Classification of autumn flowers

Before you decide on the flowers that you would like to see in your flower beds in the fall, you need to have an idea of ​​what types of plants there are.

  • Autumn flowers delight the eye with a riot of colors, which is clearly visible in the photo. But they are also distinguished by long flowering periods. Most of them bloom throughout September and October, and some last until the first frost.
  • Classification according to decorative characteristics is based on color, height, decorativeness, shape, flowering time, etc. In this case, we have to talk about a significant difference in species.
  • From a scientific point of view, annuals and perennials are distinguished.

Knowledge distinctive features Autumn flowering plants will help you correctly lay out your garden beds and create unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to color or flowering period. To properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants and the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Compositions created from autumn flowering plants amaze with their splendor and riot of colors, and the photo garden flower bed, installed on your desktop, will allow you to preserve a piece of blooming autumn in all its glory.

September flowers - names, descriptions

The weather in September tends to resemble the end of summer. Only in the second half of this month changes become noticeable. Summer flowers are living out their last days in the garden. However, there are many plants that just begin to bloom in September. Among them, the following stand out:

Oak trees (Chrysanthemums)

Chrysanthemums, their more common name, can boast a wide variety of varieties, differing both in height and in the size and color of the flower. The inflorescences of this plant resemble asters, which is clearly visible in the photo, only the color palette of the latter is more diverse. Oak trees feel great in the sun, on rich, moderate wet soils. The plant begins to bloom at the end of summer and continues throughout the fall.

Nowadays they have become especially popular Korean oak trees, which are completely unpretentious. The bush of the plant is strewn with many small flowers. As for chrysanthemum leaves, they differ in external signs and sizes.

Oak trees are wonderful flowers for any garden. And artificial chrysanthemums made in the kanzashi style can decorate the main bouquet of these flowers.


Tender, beautiful, unpretentious plants can boast a wide variety of shapes and shades. They bloom at the very beginning of autumn. A huge number of species allows you to choose flowers for every taste and color, from blue and white to purple or pink.

Belonging to the herbaceous genus, this plant reproduces easily and has increased resistance to mild frosts. In flower beds, asters continue to bloom until winter. Often so many flowers form on a bush at once that the leaves of the plant are not visible at all.

Bouquets of asters look great in a vase on the table. They will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.

Helenium autumn

Numerous and incredibly beautiful flowers make a fully bloomed bush look like fireworks, consisting of many different shades. Tall helenium bushes are like ready-made bouquets, they will become worthy decoration cottage or front garden. It blooms before frost, attracting bees from all over the area.

Rudbeckia hairy

Quite popular beautiful plant, having bright yellow or orange flowers with a dark brown core. Reminds me of a large chamomile. The stems are tall, straight, elastic. As for the leaves, they are elongated, thick, and rough.

Rudbeckia, which blooms in September, pleases the eye until the first frost. The land on which it grows must be moist and fertilized. Special requirements In terms of care, no.


They bloom in September and are pleasing to the eye until the first frost, until there are no leaves and inflorescences on the stem, they wither and fall off. If there were minor frosts that did not last long, and the dahlias did not have time to shed their buds, then you can soon expect them to bloom again, although not in all cases. Unassuming, shade-tolerant dahlias can grow in almost any type of soil. They love hydration, but cannot tolerate excess moisture.

There are six types of this ornamental plant, depending on the shape, doubleness, size of the flowers (they can reach 10–12 cm). This plant will look great when decorated garden paths, colorful parterres, when creating a group composition on the lawn. Dahlias made in accordance with Japanese style kanzashi. This DIY creation can be added to regular bouquets, making them more creative.

Zinnia graceful

On vigorous and erect stems with yellow down, majestic flowers rest, the shape of which depends on the species. They are also characterized by numerous and wide color scheme. The flower is very whimsical. Requires nutritious soil, a lot of sun and protection from the wind.

October flowers

In October the weather is significantly different from summer. Many plants in the garden have already bloomed, but it is the October autumn flowers that can give a real fairy tale. Among all, the following stand out:

Snapdragon (Doggies)

This plant is a perennial, but it is more often used as an annual. Yours interesting name it was obtained due to the unusual shape of the flowers, which resemble the mouth of a lion. Snapdragons can be either tall, up to 80 cm, or completely dwarf, no higher than 20 cm.

Dogs – unpretentious flower. Prefers light loamy soil and loves well-lit areas. If those inflorescences that have already bloomed are removed regularly without touching the leaves, this will lead to the development of lateral shoots, which are usually abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Pansy or Viola

Delicate, graceful perennial garden culture. This low-growing plant resembles a violet in the shape of its flowers. The shade-tolerant plant is distinguished by a wide and varied range of colors. Viola compositions serve as an excellent decoration for balconies and outdoor flowerpots.


In order for the flower garden to please the eye, it is important to follow certain rules when placing ornamental plants.

  • With proper selection of plant species, the flowerbed can bloom all year round.
  • A small distance between planted flowers can lead to them simply intertwining with each other, and this is not always beautiful.
  • Plants in the same flower bed should be selected in such a way that they are in harmony with each other in size, color, and leaf shape. So, if you place too small and too small nearby large flowers, then it will look more unfortunate than beautiful.
  • Try to avoid the proximity of flowers with the so-called “primary colors” - red, blue, yellow.
  • Between red and bright yellow flowers, white ones will look great. But the proximity of lemon-yellow shades in this option is best avoided.
  • If possible, do not overload the area with a large variety of plants.

Kanzashi - an art inspired by the beauty of autumn flowers

Kanzashi is a hair ornament worn by Japanese girls during the Edo era. Recently, this type of needlework has become especially popular. Within the art of kanzashi, you can create not only original flowers, but even entire bouquets. Creating autumn flowers using the kanzashi technique is a simple task, anyone can master it. The main thing is to be patient; skill will come with time. A description of the manufacturing technique and corresponding photos of works in the kanzashi style can be easily found on the Internet.

To create a masterpiece within the art of kanzashi, you will need satin ribbons different colors, wire, scissors, thread and needle, ruler, tweezers, lighter. When making petals and leaves for kanzashi, you can use two techniques: create a spicy or round view. Flowers using the kanzashi technique can also be used as interior decoration. You can decorate a flowerpot with them or put them in a vase.

Autumn flowers are very diverse and amazingly beautiful. And it doesn’t matter whether they be oak trees, roses, asters or simple daisies, the main thing is that, blooming at a time when nature begins to fade, they delight the eye and give a charge of energy and Have a good mood every day.