Indoor plants blooming in winter. What care do indoor plants need in winter? A house flower falls asleep in winter and grows in spring.

Indoor plants blooming in winter.  What care do indoor plants need in winter? A house flower falls asleep in winter and grows in spring.
Indoor plants blooming in winter. What care do indoor plants need in winter? A house flower falls asleep in winter and grows in spring.

How long does winter last with severe frosts, piercing winds and snowfalls! And sometimes it torments us with slush, gray and dull days. At this time it is especially pleasant to receive from loved one bouquet. Of course, they are not as bright as in spring or summer, but when there is bad weather outside, they are especially expensive.


This is not to say that roses are exclusively winter flowers. They delight us with their austere and refined beauty throughout the year. They are loved and completely young girls, and ladies of mature age. Various shades (from white to almost black), exquisite flower shape, delicate aroma - all this can surprise any person. And the unusual blue and green rose buds look especially impressive in winter.


On harsh frosty days, bright chrysanthemums look especially tender and tender. Pink and yellow, blue and burgundy are the most popular winter flowers today. What plants can complement a bouquet of chrysanthemums? Correct form This flower allows you to combine it with roses and greenery.


Another common one in last years winter flowers, photos of which often adorn the covers of floriculture publications, are irises. Gray and gloomy everyday life will be colored with bright emotions at the sight of these ideal asymmetrical shapes and unusual combinations of a spectrum of shades. These flowers are amazingly perfect. Irises are always relevant, but in cold weather winter evening- especially.

Indoor winter flowers

A gift of a bouquet can certainly lift your spirits. But indoor winter flowers bring special joy. After all, when a blizzard rages outside the window, they delicate petals- an unexpected and slightly exciting sight. When a flower blooms at this time, the room seems to become brighter and happier. What plants can give you such a holiday?


Winter flowers in the house are always a holiday. It is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in winter - from November to March. Although different varieties this period may be slightly shifted in one direction or another. Therefore, if you want a camellia to bloom next to the New Year tree, when purchasing a plant, be interested in its variety and cultivation characteristics.

Camellia loves light very much, so for active winter flowering, provide the plant with additional lighting.


It is impossible to take your eyes off these flowers. The orchid is a world-recognized beauty and sophistication. These winter flowers bloom (you see the photo below) over the course of several months. The orchid is a symbol of harmony and grace, charm and luxury. It looks equally appropriate in both the living room and the bedroom.

Orchids prefer diffuse light, so it’s better to place them not on the windowsill, but on the chest of drawers. These flowers are very easy to care for, although for us they are quite exotic. Many types of orchids bloom in winter time. Stephanotis, Cymbidium and Phalaenopsis are among them. But, like camellia, this plant needs lighting in winter so that flower buds can form.


Another gorgeous winter flower. They belong to the rhododendron genus. IN natural conditions found in China, India, and the Caucasus mountains. This one resembles a miniature tree, which during flowering is literally covered with many magnificent buds from white to deep red.

In China, this plant symbolizes prosperity and long life. Azalea prefers a cool, but at the same time sunny place and does not tolerate drafts at all.


Cyclamen blooms in winter. This plant should be purchased in the fall, choosing a specimen with big amount buds. Cyclamen is quite demanding. In order for it to actively grow and develop, it requires a cool temperature - no higher than +15°C. More heat will serve as a signal for him to prepare for rest.

Cyclamen love bright, but diffused light; direct rays of the sun are contraindicated for them, since they often cause burns on the leaves. During the formation of buds and flowering, the plant requires regular, moderate watering (no more than twice a week). Since these are tuberous-root plants, it is better to water them in a tray to prevent the tuber from rotting. It is not recommended to spray the flower.

Cyclamens bloom from early autumn to late spring, and in the summer they rest, shedding their leaves completely.


These winter flowers come from South America. Naturally, they life cycle displaced, their buds bloom in winter. They bloom once in a lifetime. Getting your next plant is not easy. Shoots should be separated from the mother flower and grown.


These beautiful winter flowers belong to the cactus family. This plant is more often called in our country Decembrist, barbarian flower, Christmas plant is long lasting and abundant (usually until the end of January). For active growth, zygocactus requires light, but without straight sun rays place. In spring and summer period The plant must be placed in partial shade, and during the period of bud formation and flowering - on southern window sills. Optimal temperature considered from +17 to +30 degrees.

The plant requires high humidity air (constant), so it should be sprayed warm water. After the first buds appear and until the end of flowering, water abundantly; the soil should always be moist, and from April to early autumn it is watered only as the top layer of soil dries. From autumn the plant is kept in cool and dry conditions.

The bright palette of autumn colors is quickly replaced by a dull and monotonous landscape with bare trees and empty flower beds. And I really want to admire the flowers, touch the smooth delicate leaves, watch their development! Indoor plants will help with this. They will not only decorate the interior, but also improve the microclimate of the apartment or office, clean and humidify the air. However, the vast majority of house plants, sensing the approach of winter, prepare for a long “vacation”, changing the active development of shoots and flowering to dormancy. True, they behave ornamental crops differently.


Everyone is asleep except the “watchmen”

Gloxinia, hippeastrum, achimenes, caladium completely die off at this time. Their nodules and bulbs are usually kept in cool dark place, leaving in a pot or placing in paper bags until spring. Other indoor plants enter a dormant period without the above-ground parts dying off.

Aloe, succulents, chlorophytum, eucalyptus, and tradescantia are resistant to low temperatures and temperature fluctuations.

Due to the difficulties associated with maintaining the required air humidity, tropical species plants will have to organize a cool winter. This, in particular, applies to ficus, monstera, and dracaena. Arrange winter quarters at low temperature It’s not difficult if you have a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia, where the temperature during the cold season does not fall below 6 degrees Celsius. You will rarely need to humidify the air there. However, in severe frosts, it is necessary to move the plants into the room so that they do not freeze.

But there are species that crave warmth. Cool wintering is not suitable for tropical flowering and decorative deciduous plants indoor plants. So, for araceae, aphelandra, begonia, bromeliad, mulberry, dieffenbachia, calathea, orchid, peperomia and others winter temperature It is undesirable to lower the temperature below 20 degrees.

Meanwhile, for Schlumbergera, Kalanchoe, poinsettia and azaleas, short winter days are the time of wakefulness, and, moreover, of growth and flowering. These are a kind of “sentinel” in the world of indoor plants.

On a starvation diet

When flowers are dormant, their watering is significantly reduced, and succulents and cacti are not watered at all. But if it was not possible to organize a cool winter for the plants, during hot heating the flowers still need to be watered using settled water at room temperature.

Plants are not fertilized; an exception is made only for those that are under artificial light and continue to actively grow and bloom. In this case, decorative foliage indoor plants are fed once a month, but the recommended dose is halved.

Unfavorable factors

Short cloudy days and warm dry rooms do not in the best possible way affect the well-being of green pets. In autumn winter period they suffer most from a lack of light and high dry air, and if the room is warm, the plants become very stretched and are affected by diseases and pests. To prevent this from happening, flowers need to rest in winter and stop growing.

Most indoor plants come from areas where the length of daylight is almost the same throughout the year. Therefore, in our latitudes we must try to give them more light in winter. Keep it clean window glass, since dirty ones “steal” 10% of the light. Also, if possible, move the flowerpots to the window sills of windows facing south and east. They should be placed closer to the window, but so that the leaves do not touch the glass. Turn it on for a few hours artificial lighting. But as soon as it gets very cold, it is necessary to move the flowerpots deeper into the room, providing them with additional lighting - at least 12 hours a day.


Crowding of plants in winter and dry air often lead to weakening of plants; they are easily affected by various pests. Washing and regular inspection indoor flowers allows you to promptly identify traces of attacks by various enemies.

In winter, in order not to undermine the strength of weakened plants, you can resort to folk remedies protection - infusions of garlic or onions, soap solution, alcohol. In extreme cases, use chemicals, but after treatment the rooms should be thoroughly ventilated.

Drought is lifted

When the batteries are scalded, the humidity in the apartment drops to 30%, and for most tropical plants The optimal figure is 65-70%. Excessive dry air will be indicated by dried tips of leaves, falling buds and leaves.

Not only household electric humidifiers will help correct the situation, but also a large number of plants in the apartment, as well as an aquarium. You can do this: place many wide bowls with water or hang a damp towel on the radiator and periodically wet it.

Welcome to the shower

Spraying with water and showering will help retain moisture in plants. However, irrigating the leaves with a spray bottle gives a short-term effect. But for Saintpaulia, for example, it is not at all suitable, because it often leads to rotting of the leaves. Another thing is washing the leaves in the shower with the water temperature slightly higher than room temperature. In this case, you can increase the humidity for a longer period, while at the same time taking care of plant hygiene. But you will have to protect the surface of the soil in the pot from erosion. And if you place pots with plants in a tray filled with wet expanded clay or decorative pebbles, the effect of such moisture will be even more noticeable. For this purpose you can use cat litter boxes with a mesh, the main thing is that moisture does not enter the pots through the drainage hole.

Replant or wait for spring?

Any transplant is a strong stress for plants, so it is extremely undesirable to do it in poor light and low air humidity. Fresh soil can provoke active flower growth, resulting in thin and elongated shoots.

However, sometimes, due to severe waterlogging of the soil, it is necessary to carry out a forced replanting of a plant whose roots have begun to rot. Then it is removed from the pot, all the black rotten roots are cut off, and then planted in fresh soil. The transplanted plant is not watered for a week and is kept under a plastic bag.

From the end of December to the end of winter, indoor plants begin to be propagated from seeds. Various varieties and hybrids of pelargoniums, gloxinias and cyclamen are sown in the middle of winter in order to get flowering plants. An important condition Additional illumination and high temperature are necessary for such reproduction. Vegetative propagation It is better to produce indoor plants in the spring.


If in an apartment wooden frames, then it will get very cold on the windowsill root system colors. This plant suffers less in plastic pots, but in clay ones - more. You can protect your green pets from a cold windowsill by placing them on a stand made of wood or foam.

If the flowers are frozen, you need to cut off all the affected parts to living tissue. After this, treat the plant with growth stimulants such as Epin or Zircon.

Lydia VISHNEVETSKAYA, biologist

Every living thing needs rest from time to time, and indoor plants are no exception to this rule, especially since with the onset of autumn the days become shorter and shorter, and plants begin to lack light, and due to working around the clock heating devices your flowers also suffer from dry air. Therefore, the best thing you can offer them from November to April is to immerse themselves in a state of peace.

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Preparing indoor plants for winter

Prepare plants for winter regime should be done gradually. In nature, in autumn, along with the shortening of daylight hours, the temperature of the air and soil drops, and at this time plants begin to accumulate strength for growth and flowering next year. If you force your indoor flowers continue the growing season, despite the snow outside the window, it is likely that next season they will refuse to bloom, and decorative deciduous specimens may lose their attractiveness for a long time. Therefore, you need to let them rest in conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

To send plants for the winter, they must first be treated against fungal infections and pests. Flowers are sprayed against insects with insecticides or acaricides, and against fungi with fungicidal preparations, and it does not matter whether there are signs of disease or the presence of pests on the plants or not. Since most of the pests concentrate on the underside of the leaves, make sure that the insecticide gets on it during treatment. For sucking pests, such as aphids, mites and thrips, it is better to use insectoacaricidal preparations that cope with all types of insects, for example, Actellik, Fioverm, Apollo or Akarin, and scale insects and scale insects are destroyed with Confidor. However, if there is little or no pest damage, first wash the plant leaves three times at intervals of five days. soapy water. To prepare the solution, 5 g of grated laundry soap or dishwashing detergent dilute in 1 liter warm water. And only if this measure does not produce results, spray the plants with pesticides.

Treatment for fungal diseases is carried out with preparations based on copper and sulfur - Abiga-pik, HOM, Oksikhom, Fundazol or Benlat, but before spraying, all dry and damaged leaves are removed.

After harmful microorganisms and pests have been destroyed, stop feeding, gradually reduce watering, transfer the flowers to unheated room intended for wintering, and arrange the pots so that the plants do not touch each other - air should circulate freely between them. If the window sills in the room where the flowers will winter are cold, place thermal mats or foam padding under the pots. Keep in mind that unglazed ceramic containers lose heat faster than plastic ones. Amorphophallus, gloxinia, caladium, tuberous begonia and calla lilies stop watering when their leaves completely die, after which the plant tubers are removed, dried, cleaned of dry roots, rotten places are removed from the rhizomes and the wounds are sprinkled with crushed coal. The tubers are then wrapped in sphagnum moss and stored in a cool, dark place until spring.

If you do not have the opportunity to give your plants a rest period, you will have to provide conditions for their full growing season during the winter, namely, provide them with additional lighting and air humidification.

How to care for indoor plants in winter

Conditions for plants continuing their growing season

If your plants are not resting, they will need artificial light for several hours in the morning and evening. Illumination of indoor plants in winter is carried out by a light source fixed at a certain height above them - a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp.

The soil in pots of vegetative plants should be kept slightly moist. Avoid abrupt transitions from too dry soil to wet soil. Develop a watering regime for each type of plant and follow it strictly. Most indoor flowers require watering when they dry out and brighten. upper layer substrate. The water temperature should be the same as the air temperature in the room. If, with regular watering, the leaves of the plant become lethargic, fall off, and the soil emits bad smell, you most likely allowed the soil to become waterlogged.

In winter, due to working radiators, air humidity drops sharply, and indoor flowers on the windowsill in winter begin to suffer from its dryness. To eliminate this problem, some plants will need containers of water placed around them, some will need daily misting, and there are plants that are better off placed on a tray of wet pebbles. You can cover the batteries with wet towels to increase humidity, but the easiest way is to purchase good humidifier air, especially since there is no shortage.

Watering indoor plants in winter

Caring for indoor plants in winter consists primarily of watering the plants, since even with the flowers’ reduced need for moisture during dormancy, they still need to drink. How often to water indoor plants in winter?

The frequency of watering depends on the conditions and the type of plant. Plants with high moisture requirements during the dormant period indoor culture very little. Usually these are those that naturally live along the banks of lakes and rivers or in swampy areas - cyperus, sedge, colocasia and papyrus. For such crops, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist, but care must be taken to ensure that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

Most indoor plants are those whose need for moisture during the dormant period is moderate - palm, ficus, philodendron, aspidistra, syngonium, chlorophytum, citrus fruits, zamioculcas, monstera, tradescantia, fern, spathiphyllum and others. These plants are watered when the soil in the pots has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm.

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Julia Adamonis 12/21/2015 | 3596

Houseplants, as well as those that overwinter indoors, often look depressed in winter. How to keep them in good shape throughout the cold months?

1. Keep flowers in a bright place

In winter, plants need more than ever sunlight. Therefore, the home flower garden should be located in a place where there will be plenty of it. If necessary, especially delicate or most valuable specimens can be moved to follow the sun. The most convenient way to do this is to place the flowers on a table on wheels or simply move special stands for flowers. If you place plants on window sills, then east-oriented windows are best suited for this. Flowers will feel worst on northern windows.

2. Water less

Most plants only need to be watered once a week in winter, as they are dormant. This is especially true for those flowers that usually grow on outdoors, but were moved indoors for the winter.

3. Humidify the indoor air

Due to the heating being turned on in winter, the air in houses and apartments becomes very dry, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of plants. Most of them need humidity around 50-60%, while in the house it averages up to 35%. Therefore, plants that love humidity are recommended to be sprayed every day with a spray bottle. You can also install a humidifier in the flower garden.

There is another way to increase the humidity level for specific plants: a flower pot can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles, and then such a structure can be installed in a warm room. sunny place. If necessary, water should be added to the tray from time to time.

You can also try to build individual greenhouses for flowers that are especially sensitive to lack of humidity: cover them with a transparent glass cap or put them in a regular plastic bag.

4. Protect plants from diseases

The most common disease of indoor flowers in winter is leaf spot, which is of bacterial or fungal origin. Yellow or brown spots develop on outside sheet, and then appear on the inside. If you notice similar spots on the leaves of your plants, spray the flower systemic fungicide and do not water it for several weeks.

5. Keep your plants clean

To make home flowers less sick, you need to take good care of them. One of the important points in caring for indoor plants is removing dust from the foliage. If you periodically wipe them from accumulated dirt, it will be easier for the flowers to “breathe”. In addition, if the leaf plates are covered with dust or plaque, the process of photosynthesis will be difficult. All this applies to plants with smooth leaves, because flowers with leaf blades covered with small villi are very afraid wet cleaning, the same as spraying.

6. Bathe green pets

Not too much large plants Spraying is enough to freshen up and wash away dust from the leaves. But large flowers are still recommended to have “bath procedures”, cleaning the foliage in the shower. To prevent water from dripping from the plant onto the floor after this, the leaves can be wiped with a sponge.

7. Stop feeding

As already noted, many plants are dormant in winter, and there is no need to “wake up” them with fertilizing. You can start applying fertilizers in the spring, when the flowers begin to grow again and need feeding.

8. Adjust the temperature

If you have the opportunity to change the air temperature in the room where the plants are located, then take note that a slight temperature difference has a positive effect on their well-being. If the room is a little warmer during the day than at night, then the plants will feel approximately the same conditions in which they grow outdoors.

9. Get rid of insects

In order not to miss the moment when pests appear on plants, flowers should be periodically inspected. If there are midges in your home flower garden, you should place sticky traps nearby. Another solution to the problem is to bury a clove of garlic in the soil in the pots.

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