The color of the walls in a wooden house made of timber. Interior of a house made of timber: photo inside, design features. Interior design of a children's room in a house made of timber

The color of the walls in a wooden house made of timber.  Interior of a house made of timber: photo inside, design features.  Interior design of a children's room in a house made of timber
The color of the walls in a wooden house made of timber. Interior of a house made of timber: photo inside, design features. Interior design of a children's room in a house made of timber

From time immemorial in Rus' they built wooden huts and tower. With the development of technology and building materials, wooden houses have faded into the background. However, in last years wooden living space has regained popularity. Not a single building material is considered environmentally friendly and harmless to the human body, like a tree growing in the lap of nature.

This is the main reason for the growing trend and demand for wooden homes. Another advantage is ease of construction, reliability, durability and cost-effectiveness.

All features with photos are described in more detail below. wooden houses.


Housing made from natural materials has a number of advantages:

  • due to its breathable properties, wood does not allow harmful substances to pass through from the environment;
  • thanks to the resins contained, the air in the room becomes healing;
  • It stays warm in winter and cool in summer;
  • economical in terms of heating the room;
  • cheaper than other building materials;
  • easy to install;
  • does not require a complex foundation;
  • does not require external or internal finishing;
  • stable and strong during earthquakes.


There are several reasons why many people refuse wood:

  • fire hazard;
  • rot;
  • damage by fungi and termites;
  • ability to dry out and crack.

People have come up with many protective equipment allowing the wood to be processed, so the shortcomings of such dwellings can be easily corrected.

Types of wooden houses

Currently, there are several types of wooden houses:

  • from ordinary or rounded logs;
  • from beams;
  • frame and panel structures;
  • wooden blocks.

The last two options are especially popular due to their quick construction, good thermal insulation and adaptation to any weather conditions.

But such houses are not environmentally friendly due to the use of synthetic insulation, which interferes with the normal microclimate inside the building.

Log houses are distinguished by their at a high price. In the old days, forests for construction were cut down in winter. They used an ax to remove the bark and build houses from logs of different sizes.

Now the logs are sorted by quality. Standard ones are left for construction, processed at special machines and bringing them to the same size. For long-term operation of the building, the logs are impregnated with special liquid agents.

Modern solutions for wood:

  • have no odor;
  • protect against rot, insects and fungi;
  • provide fire-fighting properties;
  • give a decorative look.

When choosing a wooden house, preference is given to such material as timber. There are different types of bars:

  • sawn;
  • planed;
  • glued

The first two types are of average quality and low price. The last type of timber is a high-quality and expensive building material. Glued laminated timber is made from specially dried boards firmly glued together. Thanks to this production technology, laminated veneer lumber is durable and not prone to deformation and cracking.

The techniques for constructing houses from timber or logs do not differ from each other. They are assembled according to the principle of a designer by joining grooves.

Another distinctive point is the use of wood with stone or brick. A house made of beams can be lined with brick or decorative stone on the outside. This finish will look expensive and will increase heating savings.

In the 90s, buildings were widespread two-story type. The first floor was made of brick, the second floor was made of logs. If you wish, you can implement this idea now.

Key points in the construction of wooden houses

Building a house is a responsible undertaking. Regardless of the material chosen, in order to obtain ready-made housing at low costs, many people order turnkey houses.

This method is also good because Building company already offers finished project wooden house. This option will significantly reduce the time and save costs for construction preparation.

Next you need to decide on the foundation. It takes up a third of the main expenses. For wooden housing, they usually choose strip, columnar or screw foundation. For log structures, the first option is suitable.

For houses made of timber and frame-panel, the second two types of foundation are used. The soil of the site plays an important role. In mountainous and forested areas, it is more advisable to build on a screw foundation.

The size of the future home also matters. Based on the area of ​​the building, they calculate the budget and select the material for construction.

After completing the foundation work, they begin to work on the walls. The main thing is not to forget to saturate the wood with appropriate solutions.

Insulation of a wooden house also takes place at this stage. For log houses, moss, tow or jute are used in the old fashioned way. Today the construction market offers many different modern materials for wall insulation.

Having built the box of the building, they take on the roof. It is important to choose a reliable shape that protects from bad weather and fits into the overall design of the future home. In addition to the roof, it is important to cover the rafters with a vapor barrier film.

For windows in wooden house, as well as doors, plan to make openings in advance and think through their mechanism of use. They will be sliding or hinged, with classical architecture or with arches.

Floors in a wooden house must be covered with waterproofing before screeding and finishing work. The flooring can be anything depending on the owner’s choice.

Housing built from timber or rounded logs does not require external or internal finishing. A house made from an ordinary log house requires a long time to shrink, so it is advisable to decorate it.

Having completed the construction of the house, they begin to install the heating system. The choice of heating depends entirely on the whims of the owner.

The last moment in construction is installation electrical wires, sockets and lamps according to the documentary design of the building.

Having discussed the most important points, we can say with confidence that building a house is a serious, but completely feasible desire. What matters is what it is built from.

Photo of a wooden house

Having decided to build a house from wood, the last thing many people think about is what its design will look like from nutria. Having invested a tidy sum in expensive construction material, you should take care that the interior of a house made of timber looks harmonious and suits the style of your lifestyle. About the basic principles of design solutions, and which ones are used design solutions in wooden houses, will be discussed further.

Basic Design Principles

A log house, regardless of the chosen interior theme, must have in its design required elements. One of the rules is the harmony of the internal and external appearance of a wooden house.

Another pattern in the design of a house made from timber inside should be that structural elements(walls, ceiling, floor beams) are considered the main parts of the interior. And they can perform this function if they are not cluttered with massive furniture or, even worse, hidden behind some kind of paneling.

When adding decorative elements to the interior of a wooden house made of timber, it is necessary to take into account its naturalness, in other words, decorations should also be made from natural materials, such as stone, knitted bedspreads. Forged furniture looks quite organic, or the inclusion of forging in the design of wall paintings and photographs.

Houses made of wood should not be too colorful from the inside; the entire color scheme used is usually monochromatic. However, the inclusion of a pair bright colors, can be business card your home made of timber, as in the photo below.

The issue of lighting plays an important role; the main principle of the interior of a wooden house made of timber in the photo is maximum natural light. The windows should be large, and their frames, of course, should be wooden. In the sunlight, all elements of the house acquire the charm characteristic only of wooden houses.

Lighting is an important component of the interior.

Of course, it's best to think interior design even before the house was built. This will allow you to correctly adjust all the work and highlight those elements that will be the focus of attention in the living space.

Main stylistic directions

There are many styles for decorating a log home. We will dwell on the most frequently used ones in the vastness of our country below, and now we will talk about less popular design solutions.


Simple villager farm style North America, the decor abounds in woolen blankets and fabric curtains with simple patterns (checks, polka dots, flowers). One more distinctive feature the interior of a house made of timber is considered color palette without use bright colors, only soft and warm shades are used.

French Provence

This style, like country, was adopted from the inhabitants of the outback, but the French are more refined in nature, so even in this peasant design of a house made of timber, there are elements of fine handcraft. Among the shades there are many warm lavender and green colors. The walls of the house are usually painted in bed colors that highlight the wood grain.

An obligatory element of “Provence” is a massive stone fireplace installed in the very big room, he adds medieval motifs to the interior of a timber house.


The interior design of this style is partly reminiscent of noble mansions of the 19th century; all small and large elements have strict outlines. Even if there is not enough space in a house made of timber, due to the use of such a design solution, it seems to be a kind of echo of tsarist times.


One of the most rarely used interiors of a wooden house. This is due to the fact that this style looks harmonious only in rooms with high ceiling And large rooms. But if, when building a house from timber, you wanted just such an interior, then it would not be amiss to use some modern materials in combination with wood, at least install plastic windows.


The interior design of such houses includes spacious rooms that are not devoid of comfort. Large window and door openings should allow as much passage as possible sunlight which will visually increase the space of the rooms. The choice of furnishings can be approached based on your taste; this style goes well with modern furniture, as in the photo below.

English style

Like the French, the British heated their homes with fireplaces, so having one is a must.

In general, the strict design of the house assembled from timber is somewhat diluted by gilded elements (dishes, candlesticks) and handmade carpet runners.

Additional design

Often wooden houses with the same style are similar to each other, and you can make your home unique using simple design solutions.

Unpainted elements - against the general background of the same colors of the walls, you can highlight some interior details in an original way, depriving them of the last stage of finishing. So, for example, in a wooden house with dark brown walls, you can leave the floor beams unpainted.

  1. Painting – hand painting, done in a style characteristic of the chosen design, will give your home originality. If you don't get too carried away with the use of this element interior, then you can make your home truly sophisticated and unique;
  2. Natural elements - the inclusion of stone, forged furniture, wool and skins in the interior of the house will give it the original appearance of the home of knights;
  3. The inclusion of modern materials is not suitable for every style, however, such decorative elements as smooth wall from plasterboard or replacement wild stone red brick in the design of the fireplace, sometimes it looks more than appropriate;
  4. Furniture – in some styles of wooden houses, design solutions look good using modern furniture, and it must be environmentally friendly.
    More common styles in the CIS countries

Russian hut

This style involves a complete rejection of any wall treatment; the structure of the wood should be visible. The best solution would be to use a D-shaped beam, or a solid wood frame.

This design of a house made of timber completely eliminates the presence modern elements finishes such as plaster, tile or drywall. The most that needs to be done is to cover wooden walls at home with varnish to protect against contact with air.

The main distinguishing feature of such a house is naturally the traditional Russian stove. It should be noted that it is more practical than the fireplace that Europeans loved so much. The stove allows you to use the heat generated much more rationally, and you can also build a sun lounger over it and make it your favorite place to relax.

The furniture used in the design of this interior should be rough and look rustic.

Hunter's house

This style is also called “Chalet”; it is also quite provincial. However, the decorative elements in it differ significantly from the Russian hut.

Instead of a stove, a fireplace should be installed, on which it will be convenient to roast a leg of wild boar. It should be faced with wild stone or tiles resembling it.

Stuffed animals and animal skins are an integral attribute of such a home. Among the heads of animals killed “with your own hands,” it’s a good idea to hang decorative or real weapons; both hunting rifles and blades are suitable for this.

Furniture for your home should also look like it was made by yourself, so you shouldn’t chase luxury items when decorating your home in a similar style.

These are not all the interior decors that you can use to decorate your home made of wooden beam or a log house, but they provide room for maneuver. Whichever one you choose, always adhere to the basic principles in the design of such homes, which are listed above.

Video: interior in a wooden house

We associate wooden houses made of timber with an exceptional climate, an eco-friendly space, and they are closely connected with nature. Interior country house made of timber, we try to decorate in such a way as to highlight the beauty of the wood, create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Various interiors You can see the rooms in a house made of timber with photos below; using the options presented, you can find inspiration for creating your own cozy home.

Finding inspiration

So, you have built a wooden country house from timber. You probably analyzed the pros and cons of such a decision and took into account certain arguments when choosing. Now it's time to arrange the interior of the house from timber inside. Part design bureaus The project package also includes visual examples of interior design. However, if you decide to approach this issue with imagination and consider other projects, we will provide you with several interesting solutions on how to organize the interior of a wooden house made of timber inside.

Interior of a house made of timber inside - photos and fresh ideas

Design and interior decoration, probably the most pleasant part of realizing the dream of the owner of a country house, since before that we had to overcome a considerable and difficult construction path. Buying a plot, choosing design solutions, related to construction technology and their subsequent implementation, as a rule, cause us many problems and require a lot of effort, time and money. At this stage, many people probably re-read construction manuals, spent long hours on thematic forums, consulted with experts, and discussed problems with friends and neighbors. At that time, we had to deal with a whole variety of professionals, building materials sellers, various companies and experts.

In the end, we successfully raised the walls of our house. Now you can allow yourself to show your imagination and create a unique interior, not only beautiful, but also functional, taking into account the needs of each resident of the house.

Interesting idea– using the attic of a wooden house to organize a mezzanine. Natural wood does not require painting; it will make the room warm and cozy.

In wooden houses, rooms are often decorated in a classic style with the addition of rustic elements; such solutions are especially popular in the kitchen. The interior of the kitchen of a wooden house, of course, should be made in wood, the perfect additions to which will be natural and fake diamond or brick. Wooden ceiling elements play an important role in such kitchens. Usually we try to finish them so that they are combined with other interior elements.

In order to emphasize the beauty and variety of textures, such rooms should receive more light, special attention should be paid natural light. This issue should be taken into account at the stage of designing a house. Large panoramic windows will allow natural finish indoors to merge with nature outside, forming a harmonious whole.

Can we decorate the interior of a wooden house in a modern style? What about minimalism? Fans of these styles can also achieve amazing and interesting effects.

Decorating a bathroom can also be a daunting task, but modern finishing materials and plumbing give us many options, and the privacy of a country house will allow you to enjoy the view of the beautiful landscape from the window while lying in a hot bath.

A wooden house, decorated in a modern style, looks very spacious and cozy, and glass and metal give it modern accents. In this case, it is worth betting on modern stairs, leather furniture in a minimalist form, bio fireplace.

Large windows in the gable wall of the building will help you make the living room open to the garden attractive. Dormer windows will help in lighting this part of the house.

Wood gives us great opportunities

Natural wood provides unlimited possibilities for the design of rooms in wooden houses. If you feel bad about hiding all the wooden, natural elements of the frame under a thick layer of plasterboard plates, you can leave, and even emphasize some of them, such as, wooden poles that support beams or other wooden elements roofs. Properly integrated and adapted to the style of the entire home, they can add charm even to modern room arrangements, further organizing the space.

Give free rein to traditions

As a rule, the interior of a timber house is dominated by rustic or classic style. What gives them their special character are raw materials – unpainted wood, beams and columns.

In the design of such interiors, unique finishes are often used, for example, hand painting, a historical cuckoo clock or a samovar. They fit very well into this type of interior. natural materials– wood with pronounced grain or tiles imitating stone on the floor.

The interiors of wooden houses have a special climate, but their arrangement can cause us a lot of trouble. It seems that this type of interior does not create restrictions, but it will be quite difficult to decorate it in a modern style, it is more often used rustic interior or even eclectic.

To give a little lightness to heavy walls made of logs, it is good to combine them with fragments of ready-made plasterboard plates and in some places make smooth plaster on the walls. But you shouldn’t cover all the wood with finishing; the wood should give the interior an internal character and expressiveness. A fireplace trimmed with stone or red brick will stand out very beautifully against such a background.

The bedroom can combine the charm of natural wood and modern interior elements. The location of the windows in the attic bedroom will facilitate morning awakening and provide optimal lighting bedrooms.

And finally, you can also decorate a log house in an ecological style, for example, combining timber and beams with elements of simple, preferably white furniture, which in its form will emphasize natural structure walls Natural materials are suitable for this type of interior; stone, linen, cotton and clear natural colors such as beige, white or green work well. So we will do lighter interior and give it a little lightness and space.

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a wooden Russian bath

And the interior of this wooden bath with bright pink backlights, it turned out to be more original, largely thanks to the unusual sconces with carved wooden lampshades. This decor turns the bathhouse into a fairy-tale forest with unusual illumination.

Finishing materials in the interior of a wooden house made of timber

Most of finishing materials, used in the interior of a wooden house inside, one way or another, is connected with wood and its by-products. Walls and ceilings in timber buildings can remain virtually untouched. This way you can save a lot on finishing the room.

19. Wooden beams in home design

All photos In the photo: Design of a house made of timber with wooden ceiling beams

In interior design today there is a whole list of styles where wooden beams are welcome. In addition to loft, such structures can also be used in modern interiors and country-inspired design projects.

20. Natural stone and wood

All photos In the photo: Design of a massage room with stone and wood decoration

After wood, the second most common material used in the design of a log house is natural stone. Stone textures can be used in almost any interior, regardless of its style. Just for art deco, modern or in a house made of timber to be warmer and more comfortable. In the interior of the bathroom shown in the photo, a bathtub and sink with a “wooden” texture are “supported” by a wood-look insert on the wall.

22. Combination of expensive textures in finishing a house made of timber

All photos In the photo: Combination of different types of textures in cinema design

And looking at the interior of this home theater, hardly anyone would think that it is located in a house made of timber. Instead of wood, leather is used here. Textured inserts in the form of relief rectangles help add variety to the interior composition. Thanks to the combination of expensive textures, modern design project acquires the charm of unsurpassed art deco.

Interior styles of timber houses. Photo

As we mentioned above, the interior of a wooden house can be designed in absolutely any style. Of course, the simplest and most obvious stylistic decision Country music is used for such interiors. However, if you like classics or art deco more, then you can easily use them in the design of a house made of timber.

23. Design of a house made of timber in a modern style

All photos In the photo: Design of a wooden house in a modern style

An abundance of glossy textures, minimalism in decoration, a simple monochrome palette, furniture with an almost complete absence of decor - all these characteristic features modern style Easily applicable in the design of a house made of timber. And the kitchen interior shown in the photo serves the best confirmation.

24. Elements of art deco style in the design of a house made of timber

All photos In the photo: Design of a home theater with Art Deco elements in a wooden house

House made of timber with its abundance wooden textures- not the most suitable site for creating an interior in the art deco style. This style direction is characterized by a certain glamorous shine and a thirst for constant celebration. While the tree itself instills tranquility and creates an atmosphere of rural idyll. In the interior of a wooden house, you can use individual elements Art Deco. Often, in the traditions of this style direction, a separate room is decorated.

25. Russian country in the design of a bathhouse made of timber

All photos In the photo: Bathhouse design in Russian country style

Russian country music, as can be understood from the name of this style direction, strives to recreate the atmosphere of a hut lost somewhere in the outback. Elements associated with Russian life and culture are used as decor: samovars, bearskins, balalaikas, homespun rugs, wooden utensils threaded. Thanks to this design, we end up with a Russian variation on the theme of ethnic interiors.

26. Country style in the interior of a house made of timber

All photos In the photo: Design of a wooden house in country style inside

Country style is perhaps the first style direction that comes to mind for anyone who thinks about designing a house made of timber. If you also make a choice in favor of country style, then you will need to purchase a minimum of finishing materials. The timber itself, like the wooden beams, can be left as is. After all, in country music, natural wood is welcome.

So, in the design of a house made of timber today, a wide variety of stylistic, coloristic and decorative solutions. One of the main advantages wooden buildings- in their environmental friendliness, which professional designers They will always find an opportunity to further strengthen and ennoble.

For creating stylish interior In a house made of timber, the special atmosphere of this building material should be taken into account. In this article we will tell you how to decorate rooms inside the house, properly organize lighting and furniture, and not forget about a calm and warm atmosphere for a comfortable stay.

Design Features

A number of main specific properties:

  • The advantage of laminated veneer lumber is that houses made from this building material are practically not subject to shrinkage.
  • Over time, the timber does not crack or change, as it is processed using special compounds.
  • Timber walls are even, smooth and do not require additional cladding. In addition, they retain heat well and have sound insulation properties.
  • Houses made of timber are very strong, reliable, durable and can have any architectural shape.

Photo inside the house

Several interior design options.

Kitchen and dining room interior

For design, choose furniture from materials that maximally emphasize functional purpose designs. Products do not always have wooden facades, in manufacturing it is also appropriate to use modern plastic, marble, stone, granite or malachite.

The kitchen table is usually chosen rectangular or round shape. Interesting solution can become a real fireplace or stove. The most popular decorative elements are:

  • mosaic panel,
  • Cuckoo-clock,
  • trays or saucers with painting.

The photo shows the design of a kitchen-living room in a country house made of laminated veneer lumber.

Quite often the kitchen is part of the guest room. To divide the space use a bar counter, sliding screens or construct a difference in height of the ceiling or floor plane. The spacious dining room accommodates a large dinner table, chairs and other additional furniture in the form of a wardrobe, chest of drawers or buffet.

Examples of living room decoration

An excellent floor covering for the living room is parquet or regular laminate with a pattern close to natural wood. The ceiling in the hall can be finished with clapboard or MDF panels. The main area around which the rest of the furnishings are built is considered to be a fireplace or a resting place in the form of a soft corner. In the living-dining room, the central object is the dining group.

The photo shows the interior of a living room in a house made of laminated veneer lumber on the Karelian Isthmus.

Bedroom in the house

Thanks to natural materials, it is possible to maintain a natural atmosphere in the bedroom. A spacious oak bed with soft floor rugs on the sides will give the room special warmth and immediate comfort. IN this room An intimate and cozy atmosphere should reign, conducive to sleep and relaxation. Basically, the interior is dominated by calm and light shades combined with several color accents.

Hallway interior

For a corridor with enough space, installing deep cabinets, a small sofa or banquette is suitable. With a minimum footage, the hallway can be supplemented with clothes hangers, shoe shelves and cabinets. The decor will be favorably emphasized by small accents in the form of wall compositions, vases, mirrors or clocks. Walls are sometimes decorated with washable vinyl wallpaper, clapboard or MDF panels.

Children's room

The design of a nursery should not only be beautiful, but also safe. Carefully processed high-quality, durable, aesthetic and environmentally friendly laminated veneer lumber allows you to maintain a clean air balance in the room. For furniture and accessories, preference is given to white or beige flowers, which create a harmonious combination with wood trim, thereby creating a comfortable design. In such an interior, patchwork and knitted textiles will look interesting.

The photo shows a children's room for a girl in the interior of a country house built from laminated veneer lumber.


The optimal solution in arranging a classic office is the presence of only the most necessary practical and high-quality things. First of all, choose a table and chair made of durable wood of a dark shade. Work area placed near the window, which provides decent lighting. You can dilute the atmosphere and at the same time give it mystery with the help of wooden ceiling beams, massive columns, collections of paintings or an aquarium.

The photo shows the design of an office in a private house made of laminated veneer lumber.


For harmonious interior in a bathroom in a cottage made of laminated veneer lumber, it is appropriate to use special finishing materials that are resistant to high humidity. Wood blends organically with tiles or masonry, which is used to decorate the wall next to the shower stall or washbasin.


The presence of a balcony in a house made of laminated veneer lumber requires additional free space and sets the environment a certain architectural style. To design the railings, materials are selected in the form forged metal, carved wood, tempered glass, monolithic polycarbonate, bamboo and other things. The balcony space is decorated with light fabric curtains and equipped with cozy armchairs with warm blankets and placing flowers and other plants.

Photos in various styles

A house made of laminated timber does not always imply Russian motifs. Its interior can combine rough and charming chalets, unusual forms of modern style, organic trends of European designs and much more.

Modern style in the interior

Modern minimalism is practical and functional. The furnishings consist of simple lines, chromed metal or glass surfaces and do not contain unnecessary accessories.

Enough a good decision the wooden house will become a loft style, combining old and new elements. This design most often has huge panoramic windows, antique furniture and lighting in the form of hanging retro lamps with external wiring.

The photo shows a country house made of laminated veneer lumber with a living room designed in high-tech style.

Scandinavian style

Wood is the most popular material in Scandi interior decoration. The main tone of finishing materials is white or any light shades of wood. Natural textiles are chosen as additional cladding; less often, metal or stone finishing elements are preferred.

The photo shows the interior of the living-dining room with white walls in timber house in Scandinavian style.

Provence in the interior

A distinctive feature of Provence is the presence of scuffs on furniture and decorative accessories. This style prefers pastel faded colors, light textiles with floral prints or checks.

The photo shows a spacious living room with second light, decorated in Provence style in a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

The predominance of neutral and natural shades is appropriate in the cladding. The walls and ceiling are decorated in light color scheme, and the furniture is selected in a brighter design. The room is decorated with fresh flowers, bouquets of lavender, compositions of dried plants or branches.

Chalet style house

A key interior element can be a fireplace located along the wall or in the center of the room. The hearth is mainly lined natural stone, harmoniously combined with the timber. To finish the floor, matte or semi-matte boards with an aging effect are used.

An excellent addition to the chalet would be decor in the form of carpets made from skins or hunting weapons. The Alpine house is equipped with massive furniture upholstered in natural leather or high-quality leatherette.

Russian style in the interior

This style requires minimal finishing. A stove with tiles or elegant paintings will complement the overall composition. The surface of the walls can be roughly hewn, sanded and varnished. Russian style furniture has simple shapes. The interior contains such ethnic trends as Gzhel or Khokhloma.

The photo shows the interior of a Russian-style house made of large timber.

European style house

Design in European style characterized by high technology, lack of clutter and the presence of laconic, environmentally friendly and comfortable details. In the design of the ceiling they use decorative beams, the floor is being laid out parquet board and decorated with knitted and high-pile carpets.

The individuality of the style can be emphasized through photo frames, vases with flowers, indoor potted plants, books, wooden or porcelain figurines.

Interior decoration

When cladding a house made of laminated veneer lumber, textures and shades that contradict naturalness and naturalness are not used. For example, gray, mustard, sand or cream finishes are best for light wood. Honey or warm golden colored timber will be complemented by materials in terracotta, green or chocolate tones.

The photo shows a bedroom in a log house with a floor trimmed with dark parquet boards.

Rough cladding with an untreated surface would be appropriate here, giving the atmosphere ease and natural rustic simplicity. The most popular use of plaster is natural stone or brick. Quite often, finishing is not used for walls and ceilings in order to emphasize the naturalness and beauty of the interior.

In the photo at the head of the bed there are shelves made of brickwork in combination with white timber walls in a bedroom in a country house.


Natural wood does not accept artificial textiles. In the design of windows there are simple curtains from fabrics such as cotton or jacquard. Against the background of laminated veneer lumber, a plain material looks much more advantageous.

The photo shows the interior of a bedroom in a house made of laminated veneer lumber with a window decorated with translucent tulle with curtains.

The sofa and bed are complemented by decorative quilted throws and pillows made of tapestry or wool with thematic patterns. Woven carpets in the form of panels are hung on the walls, colorful rugs are used for armchairs, and the table is covered with an embroidered tablecloth.


Rooms in a house made of laminated veneer lumber should not have abundant lighting. As the main light, choose a massive chandelier with low-power lamps that softly illuminate the room.

The photo shows the design ceiling lighting in the living room in a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

A large number of additional light sources are installed here, for example in the form of floor lamps, wall sconces, table lamps and backlighting. These devices may have a specific location to illuminate a specific area in the room.

The photo shows a small living room in a timber house, decorated ceiling chandeliers and wall sconces.

Furniture and decor

For the warm atmosphere emitted by wood, appropriate furniture is selected. The living room can be decorated with a spacious sofa covered with fabric; for the dining room, choose a simple table with elegant chairs, and equip the bedroom with a bed with a wooden or textile headboard. You should not overload the space with a large number of furniture items.

The photo shows a wooden bed with soft back in the design of a country house made of laminated veneer lumber.

It is interesting to decorate a room with the help of decorative candlesticks, still life or landscape paintings, vases with flowers and ceramics painted like Khokhloma or Gzhel.

Design ideas for houses made of timber

Interesting design examples for a private home.

Stairs to the second floor

The traditional and most popular material for making staircases is wood. Most often, this raw material is used to construct a marching, straight and rotating structure with two spans or a spiral staircase with a metal frame. Such models look very elegant and take up minimal space. The rises made of artificial or natural stone are truly impressive.

In the photo there is a two-story timber house with a marching wooden staircase.

Houses with an attic

The building with an attic floor has a presentable and stylish appearance. The attic not only has aesthetic functions and, due to the sloping roof, adds zest to the atmosphere, but also has practical properties. For example, an attic space can significantly increase living space.

In the photo there is a bedroom on attic floor in a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

Photos of houses with a veranda or terrace

It's hard to imagine a cottage without a comfortable place to relax. And for relaxation on fresh air A terrace would be suitable. It can be supplemented with wicker or any natural furniture, flowerpots with flowers and all sorts of pleasant trinkets. A closed type of veranda is considered more practical. Subject to the main nuances and proper insulation, it can turn into a universal spacious room.

The photo shows the design of an open attic in a house made of light laminated veneer lumber.

Examples of one-story houses

The interior of a one-story country house should not look overloaded. For wall decoration, materials in light colors, such as bleached oak, are better suited. Most rational use area can be achieved using Scandinavian style, in which the surrounding environment will not look boring and dark.

Interior with panoramic windows

Thanks to panoramic window openings the room is endowed with sophistication, originality and acquires an exclusive and non-standard look. Due to such windows, the surrounding interior is perceived completely differently and is characterized by increased illumination.

The photo shows the interior of the kitchen-living room with large windows in a private timber house.

House with bay window

The bay window becomes interesting design idea for the kitchen or living room. Like architectural element fills the space with natural light and increases its size. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber can have a rectangular, pentagonal or trapezoidal bay window, located on the first or second floor.

With a second light

Housing equipped with a second light in the form large quantity windows, it looks spacious and airy. This technology emphasizes the naturalness of the structure and fills it with maximum lighting.

Fireplace ideas

The fireplace is the symbol and soul of the home and therefore it requires careful decoration that will make it stand out from the surrounding design. Most practical cladding is the use of porcelain stoneware, natural stone or painted tiles.

Photo gallery

The laminated timber structure is a comfortable home with an original and interesting furnishings. Eco-friendly and safe natural wood fills the space with pleasant forest aroma and creates a comfortable and cozy design.