Candied grapefruit peel. Grapefruit peel - use, benefits and harms, recipes. Traditional medicine recipes

Candied grapefruit peel.  Grapefruit peel - use, benefits and harms, recipes.  Traditional medicine recipes
Candied grapefruit peel. Grapefruit peel - use, benefits and harms, recipes. Traditional medicine recipes

Many completely unexpected products and substances can bring great benefits to a person. So, for medicinal and recreational purposes, waste left over from fruits and vegetables - seeds and peels - is often used. Such components contain a lot of useful substances, and they are used by both traditional medicine specialists and culinary specialists. Citrus peels are especially useful. Today we will talk about what grapefruit peel is, we will discuss its useful properties and contraindications in a little more detail, and we will also give recipes with grapefruit peel.

Combine flour with baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt, mix. Mix sugar with butter and cream cheese separately. Beat well with a mixer at high speed so that the mass is homogeneous and lush. Add eggs to it, after each beat with a mixer. Pour vegetable oil into a container, add vanilla zest and beat well again. Add flour, baking powder and milk to bowl, alternating between each other. Mix well.

Lubricate the form with oil, put the dough into it and level it. Bake for one hour and ten minutes in an oven preheated to 160C. Cool the cake on a wire rack.

To prepare the icing, squeeze the grapefruit juice, boil it over high heat for three minutes and cool slightly. Mix together powdered sugar and a pinch of salt, mix. Pour juice into this mixture and mix well.

Candied grapefruit

This recipe is useful for those who want not to gain excess weight and get rid of the existing one. How exactly? The calorie content of sweets and cakes that overweight people consume is such that it is thanks to them that the weight is growing all the time. But I want to eat something ... Therefore, it is worth replacing high-calorie snacks with less high-calorie ones. Use candied fruit for this. It is for this that grapefruit zest for weight loss will come in handy. Candied grapefruit peels are no less tasty than sweets, and besides, they are much healthier in terms of vitamin composition and low in calories! How to cook them?

Prepare three grapefruits, one and a half glasses, one glass of water and one and a half teaspoons of salt. Cut grapefruit peels into long strips (no wider than a centimeter), send them to a bowl and cover with cold water. Leave overnight in the refrigerator, drain the water, and put the crusts in a colander. Rinse under running water and put it back in the refrigerator in water for a day. Change the water several times a day to help eliminate excess bitterness.

Send the prepared crusts to the pan, add salt, cover with water and heat to a boil. Boil for a minute, then drain the water and rinse the crusts. Re-fill the crusts with water and boil. Repeat boiling three times.

In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup: pour a glass of sugar into it, pour a glass of water and heat until the sugar dissolves. Pour the peels into the boiling syrup and wait for them to absorb it.

Roll finished candied fruits in powdered sugar or granulated sugar. Spread them on a flat surface and dry for a day at room temperature.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine experts claim that grapefruit peel can be used to treat many pathological conditions.

So if you are worried about toothache, inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes of the mouth or throat, just chew a piece of grapefruit peel. This measure will also wonderfully freshen your breath.

If you suffer from heartburn or stomach pain, healers advise drying grapefruit peel and crushing it to a powder. A teaspoon of such raw materials should be absorbed under the tongue.

A grapefruit-based drink can help improve health in diabetic patients. In this case, traditional medicine experts advise brewing a teaspoon of dried peel with a glass of boiling water. You need to take this drink twice or thrice a day.

To make a drink from fresh peel, brew a tablespoon of crushed raw materials with one glass of boiling water and heat until boiling. Cool this remedy and take a couple of tablespoons twice or thrice a day about a quarter of an hour before a meal.

In order to improve your mood and cheer up, you need to cut a fresh grapefruit peel and spread it over the battery. Such a measure will also help eliminate viruses and bacteria in the room.

Grapefruit peel baths also have a good tonic effect. To carry out such a procedure, brew a glass of fresh chopped peel with three liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and insist under the lid for an hour. Strain the finished infusion and squeeze out the plant material. Pour the prepared infusion into the bath. You can also add grapefruit essential oil to the prepared water by dropping it first into a spoon with table salt.

Grapefruits are amazingly healthy fruits, and their peel can also bring a lot of benefits to a person.

Dishes from nothing are not news anymore. Thrifty housewives have long learned to use cleaning of various vegetables, fruits and berries to prepare delicious dishes. An example of this is candied fruits from the peel of a banana, watermelon, oranges and grapefruits. It is about candied grapefruit that will be discussed today. In this article, you will find the best options for making candied grapefruit peels at home.

  • grapefruit peels - from 3 pieces of medium size;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • water - 2/3 cup;
  • table salt - 4 teaspoons.

Remove the peels from the grapefruit and, without crushing, pour cold water over it. The volume of liquid should be approximately 1.5 - 2 liters. Add a teaspoon of salt to the water and boil the contents of the pan for 10 minutes. After that, the water is drained, and the crusts are washed under running water. The procedure of boiling in salt and washing in water is repeated 4 times. The salt solution helps remove the bitterness from the zest. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of it, but it is quite possible to slightly soften the bitter aftertaste.

The pieces boiled and washed for the last time are lightly scraped from the inside with a teaspoon, removing about 1 millimeter of pulp. Then the peels are cut into strips 10 millimeters wide.

Water and sugar are combined in a small saucepan, and syrup is boiled. After the crystals disperse, grapefruit peels are lowered into it and boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. During this time, the syrup will thicken and the peel will become transparent in color. At the very end of cooking, citric acid is added to the syrup.

Hot candied fruits are dipped in sugar or left without sprinkling.

Dry candied fruits at room temperature or in an oven at a minimum temperature and with the door ajar. Candied grapefruit peels can also be brought to readiness in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits.

Candied peels cooked in apple juice with cinnamon

The procedure for preparing such candied fruits differs from the previous recipe in that instead of water, apple juice is used to prepare the syrup and cinnamon is added as a flavoring to taste.

Candied peels from soaked grapefruit peels

  • grapefruit peel - from 2 - 3 medium citrus fruits;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 250 milliliters.

The collected fresh peels are placed in an enameled bowl and poured with cold water. The container is sent to the main compartment of the refrigerator for 3 days. Every 12 hours the water is drained and replaced with fresh running water.

After the specified time, to get rid of most of the bitterness, the peel is poured with water and brought to a boil. After that, the water is replaced with fresh water and boiled again. This procedure is done 4 - 5 times.

The crusts are dried on a sieve and cut into wide strips. The cut is transferred to a bowl of boiling syrup and boiled until the liquid is almost completely boiled away. At the same time, the crusts become translucent, and the liquid is viscous, like honey.

Ready candied fruits are rolled on all sides in sugar or powdered sugar and sent for drying.

Quick Candied Fruit Recipe

  • grapefruit - 2 pieces;
  • powdered sugar - 800 grams;
  • water - 1 liter.

Grapefruit cut into pieces and peeled. The crusts are immediately cut into small pieces and placed in boiling water. After the liquid with fruit boils again, take out the peels and boil fresh water again. This manipulation is carried out 4 times.

Dissolve 600 grams of powdered sugar in a liter of water. Slices of grapefruit peels are added to the boiling syrup, and they are boiled over medium heat for 30 minutes.

After that, the pieces are taken out with a slotted spoon, and thoroughly rolled in the remaining 200 grams of powdered sugar.

Watch the video recipe from the "Cooking Video Recipes" channel about a simple way to make candied fruits from grapefruit peels

Colored candied fruits

  • grapefruit - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 60 grams;
  • water - 70 milliliters;
  • food coloring.

Grapefruit peels are cut into wide strips and placed in boiling water. Boil crusts for 20 minutes. After that, the water is changed, and the same amount of time is boiled again. This procedure must be carried out 4 times.

A dye of any shade is dissolved in a small volume of water and candied fruits are placed there. Boil crusts over low heat for 15 minutes.

After that, the coloring liquid is drained, and sugar and 70 milliliters of water are added to the cut. Boil the contents of the pan until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Ready candied fruits are dipped in sugar and dried.

Food coloring can be replaced with natural beetroot juice or turmeric.


peel from one large, preferably pink, grapefruit.

glass of sugar


cut the skins into strips. such a thick and long straw. sticks, in fact.

pour chopped skins with water, put in the refrigerator and remember about them once a day to change the water. let stand for 2-3 days. firstly, bitterness will come out of them, though there will still be a little left (although I personally don’t see anything wrong with it), and secondly, they somehow cook faster after such soaking.

how tired of bumping into this bowl of crusts in the refrigerator, we take it out, drain the water, fill it with a glass of sugar, pour it generously with water. it is not forbidden to first dissolve the sugar, and then pour the peels there.

bring to a boil, stir for a few minutes, make sure that the sugar does not fall off in a pile at the bottom, reduce the heat and let it boil for about an hour until the crusts become transparent.

if the water has boiled away, and the product has not been brought to mind, add water and cook further.

as soon as it is cooked, we take it out and put it on a baking sheet lightly greased with oil (this is so that it does not dry out to death. I recently began to do this, I peeped in one book = D). on the way, shake off the candied fruit as much as possible from the syrup. we are not lazy and take out the boiled sticks-crusts one at a time. We put them on a baking sheet not in heaps, but separately.

let dry. dry depending on the amount of sugar in the syrup, the cooking time, the size of the crusts and other conditions already unknown to me.

when dry, carefully transfer to the other side and to another baking sheet (it no longer needs to be lubricated). let it dry further. you can flip it over again. days may dry, and may be more or less. if you plop more sugar and cook longer, then they dry faster. but you can inadvertently digest and will be hard stone.

the process is not fast. one joy is that you can move on to a new step when you get a minute. even to pulling the crusts out of the syrup. they pulled out half, set it aside, put the children to bed, fed the husbands, washed the floors, whitewashed the walls, warmed up the candied fruits frozen in a saucepan and continue to pull out and lay out. meditative activity.

put the dried candied fruits in some container and store in the refrigerator (otherwise the sugar will melt and stick together). You can then cut small squares from the straws and add to baking. or so, with a seagull.


1) and from pink because their peel is thicker. but here I do not vouch. I didn't spend much time on this issue. it’s just that all the thin-skinned grapefruits I’ve met had a bitter yellowish flesh, and the thick-skinned ones were pink and delicious. the thickness of the skin (without picking) can be learned to determine by meticulously feeling the grapefruit from all sides.
2) and straws because it is more convenient to dry them later. I peeped this form from the author of the original recipe, to be honest. only it is necessary to cut thicker, about 5 mm. if you immediately cut into squares, then you will turn over when drying.
3) grapefruit for candied fruits is just perfect. a lot is obtained and quickly (hmm ...).
4) you can, of course, save crusts, and then immediately cook 10 pieces ... but think about where you will dry. I have this one unfortunate baking sheet that prevents the whole family from living, but what if there are 5-10 of them?
5) in the photo I have different candied fruits. those that are darker are boiled in sugar with the addition of syrup left over from previous candied fruits (I often do this, I don’t see anything wrong). those that are candied - sugar plopped a lot, but dried up in a couple of hours (just in case I’ll say that they are soft inside). those that are not dark and not candied, cooked according to the above recipe - I like it the most.

Of course, the taste and color ... But, I have never eaten marmalade tastier than this one in my life! Amber, sunny color, amazing taste, with a slight spicy bitterness, it can even brighten a cloudy day. And what a bonus ... Come in, help yourself!

Grapefruit Peel Marmalade Ingredients:

Nutritional and energy value:

Grapefruit Peel Marmalade Recipe:

To begin with, carefully cutting into four to six parts, remove the zest from the grapefruit. It will be much easier and more convenient to work with neat and large slices of zest.

On a fine grater, remove the glossy part from the zest. You can leave a little on the edges, within 3-5 mm. It will not add much bitterness, but it will allow the zest to be more resistant to further mechanical stress.
(It is this stage that will give us the opportunity to get rid of bitterness as much as possible later. Plus, removing the gloss, the structure of candied fruits becomes almost uniform, without a hard skin. As a result, candied fruits turn out to be very similar to marmalade)

Pour water into a saucepan, approx. 2 liters, add half a teaspoon of salt, put the zest and put on the stove. Bring to a boil. Let simmer for ten minutes over low heat. (I usually cook candied fruits in slightly larger proportions.)

Drain the boiling water through a colander. Rinse the zest with cold water (you can pour and cool). Squeeze it lightly. Pour cold water over the pan again, add salt, and boil the zest a second time.

We repeat this procedure with boiling, washing, light squeezing a total of three - a maximum of four times. All this we do to remove bitterness.

We cut off the now unnecessary gloss on the sides, and cut the zest into strips. I usually cut about half a centimeter.

Pour 1 cup of apple juice into a small saucepan, pour 2 cups of sugar and put on the stove.

Bring to a boil, remove the foam (if it appears) and lay out the chopped zest. No need to try to fit as much zest as possible. It should be sufficiently freely placed in the syrup until the moment of boiling. Usually, for this amount of syrup, it is quite possible to limit yourself to the zest from one and a half, or even one grapefruit. From this, the quality of marmalade will only benefit.
Ten minutes after boiling, add citric acid and cinnamon to taste.
Cook, like jam, until the syrup thickens and characteristic bubbles appear.

As soon as the syrup reaches the desired density (you will feel that it will be the consistency of honey when it cools down), turn off the stove. (Taste the candied fruits first, make sure they are no longer watery inside). With the help of a slotted spoon, or in another way, we take out the candied fruits and spread them on baking paper to dry. (Try to get the candied fruits out so that the syrup has a chance to drain from them back into the saucepan). The remaining syrup, almost grapefruit-apple honey, is poured still hot into a jar. This is our bonus! No less amazing taste and color than candied marmalade themselves.
Let the marmalade dry for a while, or try it right away. I can't call them candied fruits. This is very, very tasty, original, with a very light spicy bitterness, marmalade!
You can store candied fruits dried in a cool place, in a glass jar, covering it with parchment.