What to choose: dry profiled timber or regular timber. Construction of a wooden house: which timber to choose Double lining of timber walls

What to choose: dry profiled timber or regular timber.  Construction of a wooden house: which timber to choose Double lining of timber walls
What to choose: dry profiled timber or regular timber. Construction of a wooden house: which timber to choose Double lining of timber walls

For the construction of private houses, timber, which is suitable material both for a dacha and a country house. Beams are logs made of wood with a square or rectangular cross-section. Wood for making logs – both coniferous and hardwoods trees (larch, pine, cedar, spruce, etc.) with all the characteristics of materials for the construction of residential premises.

The advantage of houses made of timber is that this lumber has a small mass, is environmentally friendly and safe for human health, and has an affordable price. In addition, wooden houses are built very quickly and provide a lot of options for interior solutions.

So which timber should you choose?

Our experts have compiled the characteristics of all types of lumber into a table, based on many years of construction experience.

These tables clearly represent the quality characteristics of timber in comparison with chopped logs, and allow an assessment of various building materials and wood.

Chopped log

Rounded log

timber natural humidity

Glued laminated timber


natural, 18-20%

natural, 18-20%

natural, 18-20%

Shrinkage period

up to 3 years

up to 3 years

Wall cladding

not required

not required

from 2 sides

not required

not required

Finishing work

Caring for the house after construction

After 5 years, re-caulk and paint/impregnate with compounds without fail. Further painting/impregnation with compounds is carried out every 5 years.

After 5 years, re-caulk and paint without fail. Further painting is carried out every 5 years.

The house needs to be sheathed on both sides, so nothing can be done if the sheathing is not wooden.

Every 5 years painting/impregnation with compounds.

Production time

2-4 weeks

Price per cube with work (more details on pricing here)

ecologically pure material, better air and moisture exchange, accumulates heat (cool in summer, warm in winter). Preservation of the protective layer of wood - sapwood.

environmentally friendly material, better air and moisture exchange, plus accumulates heat (cool in summer, warm in winter)

environmentally friendly material, better air and moisture exchange, plus it accumulates heat (cool in summer, warm in winter). Gives less shrinkage. A tighter fit of the timber does not require caulking. The shape of the profile prevents rainwater from penetrating between the beams. The depth and width of the cracks are much smaller than those of a cylindrical log.

Minimal shrinkage, laminated veneer lumber does not change its shape during operation. Manufacturing technology allows us to eliminate defective areas of wood. High quality front surfaces, absolutely no cracks, aesthetic appearance. Glued laminated timber has greater strength than conventional wood. It is possible to begin finishing work within 2 weeks after completion of construction. Elite material, very low cracking. Also, in pursuit of excess profits, the manufacturer may use low-quality and cheap wood in production, which will show itself only after a few years

Moderate cracking of logs, caulk required

Severe cracking due to removal of protective sapwood layer, caulk required

Severe cracking due to the removal of the protective layer of sapwood. Mandatory finishing is required (sometimes very expensive). Ventilation

Severe cracking

Contains glue (depending on the correctness of the chosen glue and the competence of the manufacturer)

Advantages at the first stage of building a house in terms of capital investment, i.e. how much will the log house itself cost, without finishing and everything else?

Our experts came to unanimous opinion, that the best in terms of quality characteristics are buildings made of laminated veneer lumber and profiled beams. Here are their visual characteristics:

Kiln-drying profiled timber (dry timber)

Glued laminated timber

Shrinkage period

Production time

2-4 weeks

Price per cube with work

Photos of houses made of timber: profiled and glued

As you can see, houses built from profiled and laminated timber have virtually no differences.

Logs from cylindrical timber

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of timber

1. Glued laminated timber.

It consists of several boards or beams small size, connected to each other with a special adhesive composition. Purchasing laminated veneer lumber in the form of a finished log house will be appropriate for the construction of a bathhouse, garage, cottage, house or outbuildings.

The advantages of this type of timber include:

  • Strength;
  • Minimal shrinkage even after many years of use;
  • Fire resistance due to special impregnation;
  • The material is prefabricated, which makes it possible to choose bars of different shapes and sizes;
  • Efficiency of construction of buildings.
  • Good thermal insulation of the house;
  • Virtually no interior finishing required.

Despite a number of positive characteristics, laminated lumber also has significant disadvantages:

  • Enough high price material.
  • The ability to purchase material is not enough good quality. At first glance, laminated veneer lumber seems to be of high quality, but only after a long period of time can you understand what it really is. Poor-quality timber begins to dry out, beams or walls become deformed, and boards begin to come apart. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully select lumber, focusing on its price. Since laminated veneer lumber itself is not cheap, the higher the price, the better the quality of the buildings.
  • Insufficient quality, that is, cheap lumber, does not have the necessary environmental characteristics. As a rule, it is treated with impregnations based on synthetic compounds. This prevents the circulation of air in the wood and leads to the release toxic substances. IN quality lumber There are no adhesive formaldehyde compounds, and it is impregnated only with natural impregnations.

2. Rounded timber

obtained by processing logs on special carpentry machines. The bars are obtained round shape, the same size and length, which is ideal for building a bathhouse or house.

Rounded beams can be selected various diameters and know that they have the following positive characteristics:

  • Aesthetic appearance of buildings;
  • The strength and durability of buildings is ensured by solid logs;
  • Efficiency of construction of buildings;
  • Good sound insulation of rooms;
  • Acceptable price for any budget;
  • Good thermal insulation and fast heating;
  • Does not require finishing of facades.

Despite a sufficient number of positive aspects, rounded timber also has negative sides:

  • Exposure to adverse weather conditions. Rounded logs may crack.
  • Houses made of rounded timber have a certain period of shrinkage - from 1 to 3 years, and at this time they are not suitable for living. At this time, you should not start arrangement; it is better to use the building as a summer house.

The quality of rounded beams is easily determined by the appearance of the lumber. The presence of mold, rot, chips, darkening, cracks and unevenness is a reason to refrain from purchasing. A high-quality log house must be made of logs of the same length and thickness, treated with impregnation to protect against mold.

However, our experts advise not to build houses from rounded timber, as it is susceptible to cracking.

3. Profiled timber

This lumber is convenient for construction work, since grooves on both sides provide strength and best connection designs. According to our experts, profiled timber is ideal for building a house or garage. The aesthetic appearance of the building is ensured by the flatness and smoothness of the external and internal sides and side connecting grooves.

The advantages of profiled timber include the following:

  • Ease of fastening beams during the construction of walls and partitions;
  • Solid wood is used for production;
  • Possibility of choice various shapes bars;
  • Tightly fitting beams do not require additional work and consumption of lumber for filling cracks;
  • Excellent thermal insulation of the room;
  • Long-term heat retention;
  • Does not require interior or exterior finishing work.

The disadvantages of the material include the following:

  • Poor quality treatment with antifungal impregnation, as a result of which the material begins to rot.
  • When making a material from low-quality wood, cracks may appear on it;
  • The unnatural moisture of the timber extends its shrinkage period to 3 years.

For the construction of various buildings, it is worth choosing wooden beams, focusing on its quality characteristics.

Wood is a noble and very valuable building material from which any building can be erected, ranging from small gazebo or bathhouses and ending with huge log mansions. To allow wood to better reveal itself and give all its benefits, you need to select it correctly for specific purposes, which will require some knowledge. In our article we will tell you which timber is best for building houses, and what you need to pay attention to when choosing and working with it.

Let's say right away that this lumber in most cases, after treatment it takes rectangular shape, while its dimensions can be completely different, and the cross-section can range from 50 to 400 mm. Currently, several types of it are actively used. Depending on the processing method, the timber can be:

  • whole;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

We invite you to take a closer look at all these types of popular lumber to know which one is better and what you should choose for building your home.

Solid timber

Externally, such a beam looks like an ordinary log, sawn on four sides, and its diameter exceeds 50 mm. Due to its versatility, this type of lumber is more often than other types suitable for construction. various designs, such as rafter system, wall partitions, interfloor ceilings Houses. Treatment solid timber It’s quite simple, which explains its affordable price. But you also need to know that this material requires additional processing protective equipment, otherwise it will not serve the required period.

The cross-section of such logs can range from 150 to 220 mm. Different types buildings require different diameters of wood: houses for year-round residence they need lumber with a cross-section of 200-250 mm, no matter what size of the building is planned. For smaller buildings, such as a bathhouse, a size of 150-200 mm will be sufficient. Installation of non-profiled timber is not difficult, and this is another reason for its high popularity in the construction industry.

Would like to note main advantages of this type of timber:

  • constant availability, thanks to which timber is the leader in demand in the construction industry, while all its sizes are popular. This lumber can be bought in any city in every construction market, because the well-established procurement mechanism allows us to supply retail chains wood without interruption;
  • affordable cost, allows you to choose natural materials and build a house from environmentally friendly clean timber. Natural humidity is maintained here constantly, the procurement process is simplified to the maximum, hence the price, which suits most developers;
  • quick and easy installation. No matter how large-scale the construction is, it is possible to build a house using solid timber without additional specialized equipment. The installation process can be easily completed by a team of several carpenters who can build a building of 36 sq.m. in just 5 - 6 days.

Unfortunately, In addition to the advantages, solid timber also has disadvantages:

  • mandatory finishing works or planing. The currently popular block house or lining copes best with the finishing task. Also here you will have to trim the jute after the house shrinks and shrinks;
  • frequent non-compliance of non-profiled lumber with GOST, namely, uneven cut or custom size cross section timber. Due to such shortcomings, differences between the crowns can be significant, and the seams themselves can sometimes be at different levels. In order not to encounter such troubles, it is better to purchase timber, the size of which is the same for each unit, and this is already a product High Quality, but here the price will be almost the same as for profiled lumber;
  • susceptibility to fungal attack. This happens due to the fact that during harvesting the logs are not dried in special chambers, which greatly increases the risk of them becoming infected with fungal infections. Now we can say with confidence that every 7-8th log on the construction market has such a defect. What is the way out of the situation? There is a solution to this problem, and it lies in careful wood processing. antiseptics, ensuring the destruction of harmful microorganisms and preventing relapse. Let us note that antiseptics are not cheap, which means that the construction estimate will be increased;
  • unpresentable appearance, which is why untreated timber is significantly inferior to its profiled counterpart. If the walls are planed, seams may appear and open insulation material, laid between the crowns;
  • susceptibility to cracking. After the house shrinks and shrinks, the walls may become covered with cracks, but the size and weight of the building do not matter. Such a damaged appearance of the facade can be corrected in only one way - external cladding decorative materials. What kind of cladding will be chosen by each individual individually.
  • ventilation of the seams between the crowns. The absence of tongue-and-groove fastenings results in the house having poor thermal insulation properties.

Profiled timber

This type The timber has strictly specified dimensions accurate to the millimeter, and thanks to calibration it is better to work with it, and its positive properties are significantly increased in comparison with the previous version.

For strength and ease of installation, the lumber is equipped with landing cups with spikes, which are fixed into grooves. The presence of vertical cuts simplifies the construction process. The construction of such logs is obtained without gaps, which will not allow moisture and drafts to penetrate into the home. For the same reason, wood rotting does not occur here. A building made from profiled timber has excellent thermal insulation properties , which leads to savings. As for the decorative properties, here they are at their best, and the smooth walls do not require additional finishing. To prevent the building from collapsing in the future, the profiled material must be well dried, and its humidity should not exceed 10%. Since for this process special boxes and equipment are required, this inevitably affects final cost goods.

The advantages of profiled wood include:

  • beautiful decorative properties, thanks to which there is no need to carry out external cladding facade;
  • all connections (grooves and tenons) are cut out on special equipment, therefore their dimensions match perfectly, giving the structure special strength and stability, and the
  • the house shrinks evenly during operation without distortions or subsidence;
  • joints between corner elements and crowns are reinforced with stronger connections, which eliminates the building from being blown through. There is no need to trim the jute, and there is no need to caulk the structure, and an exception can be made only at the end and corner fastenings.

Unfortunately, no matter what types of timber you choose, none of them are without drawbacks. Profiled timber is no exception, because it requires a break in the installation process for drying, and time is always in short supply. After assembly, the house must stand for about a year, and only then can finishing be started. Since the profiled material is a processed, but still solid log, it will not be possible to avoid cracks on its surface, and this is also a minus.

Glued laminated timber

Practically perfect option for building a house. This type timber is made from coniferous species tree. During the production process, the logs are sawn into boards, which are thoroughly dried. Next, each board must be treated with fire retardants and antiseptics to protect the wood from insects and give it fire-fighting properties. The processed lamellas are the same size, this is very important, since at the next stage they are glued together. One glued beam can accommodate up to 7 boards, and its shrinkage is no more than 1%.

The advantages of such lumber are quite significant:

  • laminated veneer lumber does not crack like previous types;
  • the facade does not need finishing;
  • there is practically no shrinkage, which means that the house will not move over time;
  • processed lumber does not rot and is not affected by insects;
  • Due to the high strength of the timber, it can be used to build structures with complex architectural solutions.

A significant disadvantage of this building product is its high cost, several times higher than the price of its non-profiled analogue.

And, despite such disadvantages, and having also considered all types of timber, we can say with confidence that it is not better to find laminated timber for the construction of private houses. We hope that after reading the article, you will be able to firmly decide which of the proposed options to choose for your future home.

The building materials market offers big choice wooden beam different assortment and price range. How to navigate this diversity if you are not a woodworking professional?

  • – When choosing timber, first of all pay attention to its evenness. It is better to select each beam separately and place it on flat surface alternately with all faces. Make sure the wood is not bowed or showing signs of twisting.
  • – The distances between the annual rings at the end of the beam should be approximately the same. The denser they are, the better. If the rings have a strongly deformed shape, narrow or widen on one side, this is a sign that after some time the beam will “lead” and it will bend.
  • – The wood must be uniform in color. If there are areas with significant darkening, this may be a sign of improper storage and the tendency of such timber to form mold.
  • Minimal amount cracks They may be present, but should not be cross-cutting.

It may be a little more difficult to determine the moisture content of the timber. If you purchase lumber that has not been dried, its moisture content may reach 40-50%, and you may need to dry it yourself, reaching a value of 20% or lower. If you buy dry timber (dried in special dryers), its humidity should be less than 20%. Of course, it is quite difficult for a non-specialist to determine the moisture content of a timber by eye.

For these purposes, you can purchase an electronic moisture meter (prices in online stores at the time of writing start from 1,300 rubles). You can use this device not only when choosing timber, but also to control the moisture content of wood during the construction of a house.


There is a generally accepted opinion that wood harvested in winter is stronger than summer wood, has fewer cracks, is better resistant to mold and pests, and also has a short shrinkage period. But such a tree, firstly, is sold out from harvesters in the spring, and it is almost impossible to get it at other times of the year. Secondly, even if you can find winter timber in the summer or autumn, by this time it may have lost some of its positive properties– for example due to rain or improper storage. Therefore, at many sawmills, in order to receive guaranteed winter timber, you need to sign up for a queue, and winter-cut timber is sold out immediately after harvesting.

In any case, if you want to check what kind of wood is being offered to you, you can pay attention to the following signs:

  • – Light color of the ends of the timber. A tree cut down in winter does not yet have time to gain enough moisture to darken. On the other hand, winter wood may also darken if it has suffered frequent spring rains and dampness.
  • – Winter wood usually does not have traces of dirt, clay, or soil residues, since it is cut and stored in snowy conditions.
  • – Winter wood is drier and lighter than summer wood. It has fewer cracks. But to determine this, you need to compare the tree with some reference sample, which a layman is unlikely to have.
  • – If you purchase timber with natural humidity, you can take a moisture meter with you: the humidity of a good winter timber will be 25-30%, and summer timber can reach up to 50%. But these observations are true only in the winter-spring period.
  • – And finally, one of the most the right ways identifying winter wood- This is to drop a little iodine onto the cut. Winter wood contains much more starch, so a small drop of iodine that falls on a cut of winter timber will turn an intense blue color.

Heating: ◄

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Determining the moisture content of wood, choosing timber for building a house

Wooden buildings have come back into fashion due to the fact that they are made from natural materials and even good for health. Houses, cottages, bathhouses and gazebos are built from timber. Every builder who has had experience working with wood knows how important it is to use timber of a certain moisture content. Thanks to wood species such as pine or spruce, cheap houses made of profiled timber with natural moisture. Profiled timber allows you to build houses with smooth walls. It has grooves or a profile that makes it easy construction works and makes the structure stronger. The amount of moisture in the timber will affect many indicators; let’s consider the main ones.

  • If wood is too wet, harmful bacteria and mold grow, and rotting processes begin.
  • Wooden structure high humidity Over time, it shrinks, so its main structural elements can become deformed.
  • Rapid drying of wood in the heat and sun leads to cracks, which can further increase in size in the future.

It cannot be said that to build a house you need completely dry wood, because it will still absorb moisture from environment. The optimal and most inexpensive option is timber with a natural humidity of about 25 percent. In order to achieve suitable humidity levels, winter timber folded in a special way until May. So, it undergoes natural drying, but the edges must be lubricated with drying oil so that the process is gradual. Supplementing the material, we would like to note that you can order a log house on the website http://srubstroy53.ru/, look at what the experts offer and how much their solutions cost.

Types of wood depending on moisture content:

  • wet and freshly cut wood can contain up to 80% moisture;
  • wood with natural humidity - 18-25%;
  • dry - 10-12%.

Wood cut in winter has a moisture content of about 20-30 percent, and wood harvested in summer has a moisture content of about 70-80. To make the wood dry, a special chamber drying is used. According to GOST requirements, wood with a moisture content of no more than 20-22 percent can be supplied to trade. During operation, cheap houses made of timber can gradually gain up to 30 percent benefit when it rains, or lose it in the summer during drought. In particularly humid areas it is recommended to use additional funds protecting wood from moisture and mold.

Moisture meter

A moisture meter is used to measure the moisture content of wood. It determines the amount of moisture per mass of dry wood. A moisture meter will not only help with purchasing wood of the required moisture content, it will also be useful in the process of building with wood. It can be contact or non-contact. A contact moisture meter has needles that are stuck into the wood for analysis. The device should be able to set the type of wood and other parameters for analysis.

Which timber is better to build a house from?

The choice depends on the amount of finance, the professionalism of the builders and the amount of available time. If a house is built from timber with natural moisture, then experts advise waiting up to a year until the timber goes through a drying period. In addition, there is glued or profiled timber, which can also have different indicators humidity.

A house made of profiled timber does not need to be caulked; it absorbs less moisture, but the wood drying period is the same as for ordinary timber. Many are building country houses made from laminated veneer lumber, such wood is much stronger, thanks to several layers glued together. Glued laminated timber is more expensive than regular timber; most often it is also profiled. It is best to buy wood that is cut in northern regions and is prepared in winter.

The question arises: how much timber should be purchased for a log house? How to choose? How to arrange delivery? How and where to store on site?

How to choose?

If you are building yourself, it is better to choose pine. It is much easier to process (and in weight) than larch. Modern impregnations will allow pine timber to be almost equal to larch timber in terms of moisture resistance. And in terms of price, pine is much more profitable than larch, and even more so cedar. But if you have the means to hire a team, then you can think about more moisture-resistant larch. And it’s physically difficult to build from larch alone.

We did not consider glued and profiled timber due to its high cost. We chose regular pine timber. You must, of course, choose it yourself, directly on the basis of building materials.

  • Blue and gray wood indicates the presence of mold processes. Don't take this kind of timber. Although at the base they will convince you otherwise.
  • It's better to buy wood winter harvesting, it “drives” less and is drier. Many bases also provide timber storage services until spring. Well, if you weren’t able to buy “winter” timber, then try to fold the frame as quickly as possible, since every day it will “become” more and more, that is, acquire a stable bend along the longitudinal axis.
  • A beam curved in one plane is called a “rocker arm,” and one curved in two planes at once is called a “propeller.” If the “rocker arm” can somehow be corrected during installation, then the situation with “propellers” is bad, such beams are very difficult to install. When selecting timber, do not take “propellers” under any circumstances! You can check the beam for bending by standing at its end and, squinting, look at its other end.
  • Of course, it is better to purchase timber from bases where there is a roof over the material stored there. It would be ideal if you also use the services of drying the wood in a special drying chamber.
  • You should not buy third-grade timber, better than the first or second. Savings in price will then affect the quality of the log house, and interior decoration will get more expensive.
  • It is better to buy timber that has been loosened band sawmill, than on a regular one, since I sawed cleaner on a tape one. Then it will be easier to process such timber with a plane.
  • If there is an opportunity to carefully select the forest at the base (for example, if with the owner of the base a good relationship), then you can also be guided by the principle: take the beam whose “rings” are located more densely, that is, the northern part of the tree. This side is then placed on the outside. This is how our great-grandfathers built. And if they allow you to choose one with a minimum of knots and wane (remnants of bark), then that’s absolutely wonderful.

How much timber do you need to buy for a log house?

First, you need to understand what kind of timber you will use. Section 15x15 (or more) - for country houses and cottages. We built an ordinary country house, so our choice fell on the most common section 10x15 (15 in height). And, of course, you need to know all three dimensions of a house - length, width, height, number and parameters of partitions, windows, doors. You need to know how many ceiling beams and floor joists there will be - for this you can use the table for calculating the sections of wooden single-span beams and joists.
There are two ways to calculate the amount of timber. The first method allows you to determine quite simply and quickly how many cubes you will need, but it is inaccurate. In this method, for ease of calculation, we do not take into account windows and doors. For example, for a 6x6 house with a height of 2.5 m (from the foundation to the top ceiling beams) with one partition along the entire length of the house you will need: 6 m * 2.5 m height * 0.1 m (width of the timber) * 5 walls = 7.5 cubic meters. Plus for ceiling beams and floor joists: according to the cross-section calculation table, let’s say, 10 10x15 6-meter beams per floor and the same number per ceiling = 6m (length)*0.1m (width)*0.15m (height)*10 pieces *2 = 1.8 cubic meters. Total 9.3 cubic meters. We take a small margin of 6-7% based on waste, a total of 10 cubic meters. Piece by piece this will be: 10 cubes: (volume of one beam 6m*0.1m*0.15m) = 10 cubes: 0.09cube = approximately 111 beams.
The second method allows you to make a more accurate calculation, since both windows and doors are taken into account. We start in exactly the same way, but we will need to subtract the window and door openings. For example, in the above house there will be two doors - the entrance and in the partition, this is minus two doors in volume occupying 2 m (door height) * 0.9 m (door width) * 0.1 m (opening thickness) = 0.18 cubic meters each. We also minus the windows: 5 windows * 1.2 m (window height) * 1.2 m (window width) * 0.1 m (opening thickness) = 5 * 0.144 = 0.72 cubes for all windows. Together with two doors, this is 0.72 cubic meters + 2 * 0.18 cubic meters = 1.08 cubic meters. But here we must take into account that in order to tie the frame of the log house, it is necessary to make jumpers both on the windows - one piece, and on the doors - two pieces each. That is, it will be 5 windows * 1.2 m * 0.1 m * 0.15 m + 2 doors * 2 lintels * 0.9 m * 0.1 m * 0.15 m = 0.144 cubic meters. This correction must be subtracted from 1.08 cubic meters, you get 0.936 cubic meters. We divide this by the volume of one beam (0.09 cubic meters), and we get that we would buy about 10 unnecessary beams. Thus, according to the second method of calculation - a more complex one, we need to buy 101 beams.

How to arrange delivery?

Firstly, you need to understand whether the country road will support a car with the entire volume of forest at one time. Our road can only handle about 6 tons, we remember this from the concrete mixer, so we divided the entire volume into two deliveries. The weight of one cube of pine of standard humidity is from 460 kg to 620 kg, larch from 650 kg to 800 kg. On the first day we brought 5 tons, on the second day 4.5 tons. Of course, you need to choose dry days for delivery, unless, of course, you have rolled asphalt all the way to your house.

It’s better to order a self-loader, since unloading the same 100 beams weighing 72 kg each yourself is still a pleasure.

Fig. 1 It is better to ask the driver of the self-loader to use tarpaulin belts when unloading, rather than chains - rather large chips are torn out of the timber with chains

Don’t be afraid to order from a base located in a neighboring area of ​​the city. At wholesale depots the price of timber is always cheaper than in construction stores located on the way to the dacha. Yes, delivery will cost a little more, but the selection of timber at wholesale centers is wider. And usually self-loaders are taken for at least three hours of work, so this is not worth the candle.

How and where to store on site?

When the self-loader brings you the timber, it will most likely just throw everything on the ground in one heap. So you need to immediately lay out the timber, even if you are sure that the construction will be completed in a week.
It is better to store it in the shade. The surface must be flat. Try to avoid any slopes or bumps, check everything carefully building level. For example, lay down the knocked down panels remaining from the formwork to protect the bottom row of timber from dew. There are bricks under the shields to make it higher. Ideally, if the height from the ground is 30 centimeters. Or you can use not knocked down shields, but put old sleepers or logs, or other old, but durable and thick material every meter and a half on the ground. Also check the level.

Fig. 2 Our forest lay on shields

We place bars of equal thickness on the boards, then the first row of bars, about 10 in a row, maintain a distance of about 1 cm between adjacent bars. Don’t make our mistake, don’t put bars from an old painted fence, although this is convenient - the whole bar is the same thickness, but the paint will remain on the bar. Then stack each row through the bars. The distance between the bars is about 70cm. And one more thing - stack the beams so that the narrower side lies horizontally, and the tall side lies vertically. That is, a 10x15 beam should be laid with a 15-centimeter edge vertically, and a 10-centimeter edge horizontally. It is necessary.

Fig. 3 Don’t forget that the block must be the same thickness for each row, otherwise the block will move in literally a day!

At the end of the installation, be sure to arrange a canopy over the stack or cover it with slate sheets

Fig.4 Press the slate sheets with bricks, since when strong wind the slate will easily be demolished

And finally, remember that when buying wood with natural moisture, you need to put it into use as soon as possible. It’s better to start building from the very next day, because even with the right organized storage when drying in natural conditions Cracks form in the timber, and material defects after a month or two can amount to up to 10%.