What is water-based paint: composition and properties, application. Specifications of water-based paint Viscosity of water-based paint

What is water-based paint: composition and properties, application.  Specifications of water-based paint Viscosity of water-based paint
What is water-based paint: composition and properties, application. Specifications of water-based paint Viscosity of water-based paint

Today, a large number of materials can be used to perform interior finishing. Water-based paint is popular, which is distinguished by many positive characteristics that are not inherent in all types of coloring compositions.

This material demonstrates good adhesion, variety of types, fairly simple application. Care of the painted surface does not require special skills and equipment. But it is important to be able to choose the right paint for repairs.


Water-based paint contains fillers and polymers (sometimes latex) in water. In addition, an adhesive emulsion is added, due to which the adhesion of the composition becomes possible, and lastly, a pigment that gives the paint the main color sound.

Initially, the components of the paint do not dissolve in water, so its production is carried out in several stages:

  • adding pigments and polymers to water;
  • grinding (dispersing) the components of the composition;
  • the introduction of other additives using a special mixer (dissolver).

After that, the paint is considered ready, it is packaged and sent to stores. At the same time, the proportions of certain substances in the compositions of various manufacturers will differ.

It is thanks to the component features that the paint got its name. An emulsion is a dispersed system. Such a composition is characterized by the presence of a mixture of microscopic droplets of two insoluble liquids. As a rule, these are water and polymers.

Another name for paint is water-dispersion, since it is based on aqueous dispersions of polymers. They, in turn, contain suspensions of fillers and pigments, auxiliary additives (emulsifiers, stabilizers). Water-based paint does not contain organic solvents, which explains its environmental safety, non-toxicity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Water-based paint has a number of advantages, among which the most significant are:

  • Ecological composition. It is due to the absence of organic solvents. Therefore, the paint is suitable for application in institutions for children.
  • Non-toxic. Such paint does not smell during application and during drying.
  • Fire and explosion safety, which are explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the paint.
  • Weak abrasion.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments, including alkalis.

  • Moisture resistance allows such coatings to be subjected to wet cleaning.
  • Gas and vapor permeability guarantees the maintenance of a microclimate in the room, the absence of the effect of "steam room".
  • Compatible with most surfaces.
  • Price availability.
  • Ease of application.
  • Long shelf life - 24 months. However, only the paint for which the conditions prescribed by the manufacturer are created is stored for so long.

Like any material, water-dispersion-based paint has "cons":

  • Exposure to bacteria, fungus, mold, which actively multiply when applying paint in damp, insufficiently heated rooms. In this case, the preliminary cleaning of the wall from mold and fungus, its treatment with special compounds allows to solve the problem. When choosing water-based paint for such premises, preference should be given to compositions with antibacterial and antifungal effects.
  • This composition is not suitable for unheated premises and outdoor work, since at low temperatures the painted surface becomes covered with cracks.
  • The impossibility of applying the composition on surfaces coated with adhesive and varnish, as well as on metals. However, if necessary, cover metal areas with a “water emulsion”, the latter are primed in several layers. After that, the paint lays down perfectly and keeps on metals.

Types and characteristics

The composition of water-dispersion paint may differ in the presence of certain additives. This, in turn, affects the technical properties of the paint: its appearance, scope, application features.

There are the following types of interior "water emulsion":

  • Polyvinyl acetate. The basis of this composition is a polyvinyl acetate emulsion, which is a very white thick homogeneous substance. It is also the basis of PVA glue. It can be plasticized (it freezes at 0 degrees, it is afraid of frost) and non-plasticized (withstands up to 4 freezing cycles). Plasticizers and stabilizers are added to the polyvinyl acetate emulsion. As for coloring pigments, they may or may not be present. The content and ratio of the components of the composition, as well as production processes are regulated by GOST 28196 89. After application to the surface, water evaporates from the emulsion, and the remaining substances harden, acquiring hydrophobic characteristics. After drying, a porous semi-matt surface is formed. The hardening time at a temperature of +22 - 2-3 hours.

The popularity of this type of coating is due to good hiding power (a parameter of the decorative characteristics of the coating that affects the color properties and degree of gloss), the possibility of painting porous surfaces (brick, concrete, plaster, cardboard), obtaining a strong and attractive film, high drying speed.

You can get the right shade by purchasing the paint of the right color. or adding color to white paint. In the latter case, it is recommended to apply at least 2 layers of "water emulsion" to get a good result. Finally, it is worth noting the minimum price of polyvinyl acetate paint compared to other types of water-dispersion compositions.

At the same time, the paint is not suitable for rooms with high humidity. When applied to surfaces made of chalk, clay, limestone, metal, the paint begins to peel off, and when subjected to excessive mechanical stress, it cracks.

  • Acrylic. The main components of acrylic paint are a water-dispersion mixture and polyacrylates. It is the presence of the latter that provides increased moisture resistance of the paint, it is also called “washable” and is suitable for rooms with a high level of air humidity. At the same time, the painted layer is characterized by vapor permeability; mold and fungi do not form under it. Due to its good elasticity, the paint is suitable for application not only on walls, but also on the ceiling. At the same time, it demonstrates compatibility with almost all types of working bases, including metal ones. The latter types must be primed first. Due to UV and abrasion resistance, the painted surfaces retain their presentable appearance and brightness of the shade even when exposed to direct sunlight and with regular wet cleaning.

  • latex paint- this is the common name for several types of "water emulsion", which contain latex. This additive may be present in acrylic, acrylic silicone, acrylic polyvinyl acetate and acrylic styrene butadiene paints. The main feature of compositions containing latex is the ability to form a special "crystalline" surface structure, which acquires the properties of increased moisture resistance and resistance to aggressive environments, including alkaline. The finished coating is characterized by a higher density than other types of "water emulsion".

Depending on the appearance of the painted surfaces, or rather the gloss / haze indicators, the latex "water emulsion" can be of the following types:

  • highly matte (CM 0-5);
  • semi-matte (MP 11-29);
  • matte (M 6-10);
  • highly glossy (SG 90-100);
  • glossy (G 60-89);
  • semi-glossy (PG 30-59).

To achieve one or another effect of a painted surface, it is important to pay attention to these characteristics of latex compositions. So, for example, when applying paint over wallpaper, a matte one will emphasize the texture of the latter, while a glossy one will blur it and distract it from the features of the texture. Latex paints have all the "pluses" of water-dispersion compositions, but at the same time they have greater strength and abrasion resistance. However, latex paint should only be used in heated rooms, otherwise its quality deteriorates.

  • silicate water-based paint consists of water dispersion, liquid glass and color pigments. It has all the qualities inherent in water-based paints (environmental friendliness, breathability, fire and explosion safety). In addition, the painted surfaces have increased moisture resistance and retain their properties for a long time. The service life of such paint is up to 20-25 years. The presence of special additives prevents contamination of painted substrates with mold and fungus.

  • A feature of the composition of silicone products is the presence of silicone resins in it. Due to this, the paint can be used on most surfaces. Among other advantages is the possibility of coating surfaces with small (up to 2 mm in width) cracks. After drying, all defects are hidden, a smooth smooth surface is formed. The paint can be used in rooms with high humidity and even applied to semi-moist substrates. Due to the high vapor permeability, it is possible to avoid the formation of mold on the painted surface and fungal formations. It is also important that the hiding power characteristics are also on top - to obtain an optimal staining result, one coat of paint is enough.

The painted surface does not attract dirt, so its cleaning is extremely rare. Naturally, such technical qualities cause a higher cost of the product.

  • The main components of mineral paint are cement and slaked lime, thanks to which the paint fits well on brick, cement and concrete surfaces. If a polyvinyl acetate emulsion is present in the composition of the mineral enamel, then the dried surface will be resistant to the effects of fats and oil products. A significant "minus" of mineral compositions is a short service life.

Colors and design

Among the advantages of water-based paint, color diversity is noted. However, more and more often on store shelves you can find white or transparent paint. To them, a small vial of color is purchased - a composition saturated with pigment, which, when added to the “water emulsion”, gives it the desired shade. The use of liquid colors allows you to get complex colors that are not commercially available. In addition, by changing the concentration of color in the paint, you can achieve a gradation effect when painting the surface. In other words, it will be possible to change the intensity of the color from more saturated to restrained.

Today, experts recommend abandoning ready-made solutions and use colors. This is due to the fact that during the production of colored paint a single shade is obtained, the equipment is not capable of outputting tones or halftones. As a result of staining with ready-made compositions, the degree of illumination of the working bases and their material are not taken into account. This is why dried surfaces can lose volume and the room itself can become dark and small.

But if it is necessary to use achromatic black, gray paints, it is better not to waste time on tinting, but to purchase a ready-made composition.

When tinting water-based paint, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The ratio of components should be selected exactly in the room where the staining will be done. In this case, a test batch is first prepared, with which a small area is painted. All proportions are recorded. After drying, the result is evaluated in daylight and electric light. If the result is satisfactory, proceed to the preparation of the paint and painting the entire surface.
  • When adding color to the paint, you can not pour the contents of the bottle immediately. It is better to do this in small portions, literally drop by drop, regularly mixing the composition. This will achieve the desired intensity of the finished product.
  • You should prepare the entire volume of paint at once, otherwise in the future (when tinting in small portions) you risk not picking up a similar shade. Of course, if the work surfaces are large and the whole process takes a long time (the paint begins to harden already in the bucket), then this recommendation is irrelevant. In this case, it is necessary to carefully record the proportions of paint and color used and monitor their observance in subsequent preparations of the composition.

Please note that only white paint can be tinted. If it contains yellowish and other pigments, the result of staining is unpredictable.

The decor of surfaces painted with “water emulsion” is in most cases achieved not through paint, but through the use of various materials and techniques for applying the composition. Quite popular is the application of paint on decorative plaster. In this case, the base color is applied to the dried plastered surface as the first layer. It is important that the coloring composition fills all the recesses and protrusions of the surface, painting with an airbrush usually helps to achieve this. The next layer (of a different or the same shade as the base, but more intense) is applied with a sponge or a bald roller.

A crumpled newspaper or a damp rag allows you to get relief or abstract stains. To do this, blot the painted and uncured surface with a piece of newspaper or rags, after rubbing them. The application of paint with a textured roller has an unusual effect. It has a certain pattern on its surface, which is transferred to the area being formed. When choosing this method, it should be borne in mind that paint consumption will increase.

In addition to using special tools and improvised means, you can choose special acrylic paints that provide the desired decorative effect. To get texture, it is better to purchase acrylic, silicone, silicate or mineral versions of water-dispersion paints. The paint may contain quartz chips or other natural filler. The result of staining will be unusual visual effects, a sense of volume, imitation of various surfaces. The painted surface is uneven, embossed, reminiscent of rock. Marseille wax is used to simulate the surface of wood or cork. After drying, the surface is covered with a special wax.

For rooms with high humidity and surfaces that require frequent wet cleaning, it is recommended to use a glossy water-based paint. In addition, it allows you to achieve shiny smooth surfaces, while a more “calm” matte paint has a porous structure that attracts dirt. Painting ceilings with a glossy composition allows you to visually “lift” them, increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. But if the room has a ceiling height of about 3 m, the glossy finish is lost and looks inexpressive. Glossy paint gives a strong mirror effect.

An interesting result can be obtained using a mother-of-pearl composition. Its peculiarity is that with different light incidence, the surface shows many shades within the same color palette. In other words, volume, versatility of color is achieved. Refraction of color is possible due to the introduction of the smallest pearlescent color scheme into the paint.

Scope of application

With many advantages, interior water-based paint loses them when applied to exterior surfaces. That is why such compositions are suitable exclusively for interior work. "Vodoemulsionki" are suitable for decorating walls and ceilings not only in residential, but also in office and industrial premises. At the same time, it is better to choose a special paint for the ceiling, it will have a thicker consistency that is convenient for distribution.

Due to its environmental friendliness and non-toxicity, "water emulsion" is actively used for surface decoration in children's and medical institutions. Most water-dispersion compositions demonstrate good adhesion with the main types of work surfaces. When applied to some of them (for example, metals), their preliminary primer is required. The most versatile in terms of compatibility with working substrates is an acrylic product. When applied to porous surfaces, the gloss / mattness of the paint is also important. For porous surfaces, it is better to use glossy and semi-gloss options.

Surfaces that are subject to frequent wet cleaning (in public places or in the kitchen) are recommended to be painted with latex compounds. Even after several years of active use, they retain vapor permeability, resistance to moisture and an attractive appearance. In rooms characterized by high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms, washing and swimming pools, houses of old buildings), it is better to paint walls and ceilings with silicate compounds, and if it becomes necessary to protect surfaces from mold and fungus, silicone.

The ideal paint for wallpaper is latex. When applying other types, it is possible to soak the wallpaper, disturbing their texture. And latex paint strengthens them, making wet cleaning of surfaces possible. To a greater extent, it is suitable for non-woven than for paper wallpaper. Moreover, the latter should be intended for painting.

If you need to paint a tree, then you should choose a "water emulsion" with a special mark on the package. Such compositions not only fit perfectly on wooden surfaces, preserving their original texture, but also protect them from rotting, mold and mildew. For wood, only matte versions are used, as the gloss "eats" the natural beauty of the material.

Often there is a need to paint not walls or ceilings, but small elements rooms, for example, radiators. At the same time, the coloring composition applied to the battery must withstand high temperatures and protect the surface from corrosion. For these purposes, acrylic matte paint is optimal (gloss will draw attention to irregularities and defects in the coating). Do not forget that the paint should be intended for application to batteries, and it is better to paint outside the heating season.


The production of water-based paint is carried out both abroad and in Russia. Leading brands are:

  • Dulux is a British manufacturer specializing in the production of building materials. Paint and varnish products are of the highest quality, and therefore a considerable price. You can buy Dulux paint in containers with a volume of 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 liters. The price for a container with a volume of 10 liters starts in the range of 4500-5000 rubles. At the same time, the paint consumption, according to the manufacturer, is 13-17 l / m2. The advantage is a wide range of products designed for different areas of use. There are many compositions for interior work with universal use (Dulux Trade Diamond Matt, Dulux Trade Ecosure Matt, Dulux Trade Diamond Eggshell), for rooms with high humidity (Dulux Trade Supermatt) and for kitchens (Dulux Reallife Kitchen Matt), as well as for surfaces, frequently washed (Dulux Trade Vinyl Silk).

Of the brand's unique compositions, it should be noted Dulux Trade Vinyl Soft Sheen (applied to wallpaper for painting), Dulux Light & Space Matt (reflective material), Dulux Magic White (has a color indicator).

  • Caparol- the paint of a German manufacturer, which is another leader in the world market. For a composition for walls and ceilings with a volume of 5 liters, you will have to pay about 750 rubles. Moreover, the cost of paint is affected by its moisture resistance. The higher the last characteristic, the higher the price of the composition. Consumption averages 90-150 gr/m2. There are also varieties of the product that differ in scope. Interior paint can be universal (Caparol Alpina Matllatex, Caparol Malerit), for mold-prone surfaces (Caparol Fungitex-W), washable (Caparol Samtex 3 E. L. F.). For batteries and radiators, the manufacturer offers the composition Caparol Alpina Heizkorperlack.

At all times, paint has been used as a universal means for interior decoration. However, when working with oil formulations, the coating dries for a long time, and the mixture itself emits an unpleasant odor. What can not be said about water-based solutions. In this article we will describe what water-based paint is (technical characteristics, advantages and method of producing the composition).

Method for the production of water-based paint

The whole process can be conditionally divided into several stages. The first is the combination of a solution of an aqueous polymer dispersion with a pigment and a filler. The second - the resulting mixture undergoes dispersion (grinding of solid and liquid bodies). The third is the addition of additives that are necessary in accordance with the specifications. The fourth is the packaging of the finished material in cans.

Dispersion of ingredients is carried out in special dispersers (mills). These devices have several chambers, and they have a shaft with disks. It is with the help of it that grinding occurs. The resulting mixture is placed in the capacity of the dissolver (mixer). Thorough mixing takes place there, components are added according to specifications.

The timing of mixing all ingredients depends on the properties of each component, the total volume of the mixture, as well as the technical capacity of the dissolver and dispersant. As a rule, 30 minutes are enough for each operation. In this case, all work must be carried out at a temperature of +5 °C.

At the last stage, containers and strainers are prepared. It is through them that the finished paint will flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of water-based paint

Water-based paint for walls and ceilings has several advantages over oil-based paints. First, she dries faster. Sometimes, just a couple of hours is enough for the coating to dry. Secondly, absolutely safe and harmless to humans and the environment. This means that during painting work there is no need to urgently leave the premises.

Thirdly, the paint does not have a strong odor, which usually lasts for several weeks after completion of work. Fourth, the coloring composition can be given almost any shade, while adding special pigments. For this, a special colorless composition is even sold. In hardware stores, as a rule, a catalog of colors and pigments suitable for them is offered.

Fifth, the process of applying paint is quite simple, and all tools are easily cleaned with plain water. You don't need to use any solvents. Of the shortcomings, only a few can be distinguished: work can only be done at a temperature of +5 ° C, the material is not cheap. For outdoor work, you need to choose the most expensive paint, because the conditions on the street are significantly different from those indoors.

Water-based paint: technical specifications

Water-based paint for ceilings and walls has the appropriate technical specifications. These include: composition, consumption, specific gravity, viscosity, storage conditions and shelf life. The composition of water-based paint: latex, thickener, fillers, antiseptic. Consumption on one layer about 150-200 ml/m 2 . The number of layers depends on the absorbency of the substrate.

Viscosity water-based paint is determined by a viscometer and should be equal to an average of 40-45 s (when applied with a brush), 20-25 (when using a paint sprayer). In fact, viscosity is an indicator that determines the degree of dilution of the paint with water. That is, water is added to the composition to a certain level, and then they are measured with a viscometer.

Specific gravity water-based paint is about 1.35 kg / l. Adhesion the average is 2.0 MPa. Drying time is from 2 to 24 hours. It all depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. The desired temperature is about + 20 ° C, and humidity - 65%. Keep the paint in a dark place (away from sunlight).

Water-based paint: technical characteristics and production method
Water-based paint, specifications - how do they affect the work process? What material parameters are important to know? About this in the video tutorial.

High-quality coloring is not only the result of the correct use of the coloring composition, but also a combination of certain material characteristics that determine solutions in this direction. When painting and varnishing, the key to success is the selection of such an indicator as the viscosity of the paint in DIN. The table of optimal values ​​presented in this article will help in this matter.

What depends on viscosity?

The very concept of viscosity hardly requires further explanation. But, here are some other characteristics that conditional viscosity itself can influence:

  • If the dye is too viscous, it is difficult to evenly distribute it over the entire surface. Excessive layer thickness will lead to the fact that it will take too long to dry. The final strength of the coating, on the contrary, decreases.

A solution that is thick in consistency will not fill the irregularities on the surface. This means that the adhesion deteriorates.

  • A large layer thickness is the reason for the formation of smudges and other similar defects.
  • An inexpensive spray gun, finally, simply cannot cope with materials that have too high a viscosity. The main principle of operation for pneumatic sprayers is low pressure in the air stream, suction of paint from the tank. They help those who are interested in how to determine the viscosity of the paint.

If the pressure drop is not enough, then the fixtures will have to be disassembled and then thoroughly washed. Harmful and paint, diluted with additional effort. The number of layers required for high-quality processing increases. The time costs for this or that work are growing, including those in which the spray gun is involved.

Measurement Features

In what units?

For domestic manufacturers, it is typical to indicate this parameter in seconds. But imported materials suggest the use of a different designation - DIN. What is the meaning behind these combinations? And how is the characteristic measured?

They are only needed to indicate the time (in seconds) after which the composition passes through holes of a certain diameter, previously known. If the paint is more liquid, then it leaves the container faster. In the case of a thick composition, this takes longer. This does not affect how the viscometer is used.

About methods and tools

A viscometer is a special tool used when measuring liquid, a small funnel that strictly has a capacity of 100 milliliters. There is also a hole with a diameter of up to 4 millimeters. Devices with sufficient accuracy for effective use in everyday life cost from 200 to 500 rubles. They are used for the normal measurement of viscosity. Devices used in laboratories are much more expensive. Sometimes the cost reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Instructions for using this device are as simple as possible:

  1. First you need to fill the funnel by plugging the inlet with your finger.
  2. The stopwatch starts as soon as the hole opens.
  3. It remains only to record the time elapsed until the tank is completely empty. Individual drops are not taken into account for the ink viscosity in DIN, the table confirms this.

The temperature of both the paint itself and the surrounding air should not exceed 18-22 degrees. Any formulations will thicken at lower temperatures. And at elevated rates, on the contrary, it decreases. Because of this, the experiment about the viscosity for the paint will not be as effective.

What values ​​are considered optimal?

The manufacturer usually writes on the packaging about which indicator is considered optimal in certain conditions. But information is easy to find on the official website, including for viscous liquids.

Definition of paint viscosity in DIN and table of recommended values
The viscosity of the coating material in DIN, shown in the table, is a key parameter when carrying out repairs. What values ​​are considered optimal?

Water-based paints are currently a very popular, high-quality, affordable and promising repair material. They are easy to apply on cleaned surfaces (concrete, gypsum concrete, wood and pre-plastered), are environmentally friendly and very practical. And in combination with the color scheme, you can always choose the color scheme necessary for the interior.

Advantages of water-based paint

Water-based paint is in demand due to the following characteristics:

  • no peeling for a long period of operation,
  • no cracks and bad smell,
  • ease of application,
  • fast drying process
  • acceptable cost.

Besides, water-based paint allows you to get almost any shade by adding special pigments. Often, hardware stores provide a catalog of colors and corresponding pigments that match them.

The main disadvantages of water-based paints

Such paints have practically no flaws. At the same time, it should be noted that it is extremely undesirable to apply them on metal and glossy surfaces, due to the presence of a large volume of water in the paint composition.

Today, obvious fakes of “water emulsion” are increasingly appearing on the market, which disappoint consumers. They fit very poorly on the surface to be painted, are overused, get dirty during the drying process and are washed off in case of water ingress.

Technical characteristics of water-based paint

Water-based paint has the following composition: latex, thickener, various fillers and antiseptic. The average consumption of water-based paint is 250 grams per square meter. The number of layers applied will directly depend on the absorbency of the surface to be painted. The viscosity of the paint is determined by a special device - a viscometer. This indicator should be within 45 s. (when using a brush), and 25 s. (using paint sprayer). By definition, viscosity is an indicator that characterizes the degree of dilution of the paint with water. The specific gravity of the paint is approximately 1.35 kg/l. Adhesion is 2.0 MPa, the final drying time is from 2 to 20 hours (depending on temperature conditions). It is necessary to store the paint in a dark and cool place (away from sunlight).

The main types of paints

Depending on the polymer present in the paint, there are four main types of water-based ( water-dispersion, latex or emulsion) colors:

Even among such a small variety, a potential consumer involuntarily raises a question: "So which water-based paint is better?". Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each of them.

Acrylic water-based paints - quality first

This type of paint is most popular among both professional craftsmen and ordinary consumers who are trying to master the repair on their own.

Based on the name, it becomes clear that acrylic resins are in the composition of the paint as the main component. Such paints are applied to surfaces made of brick, wood, glass, concrete and plaster. The most common representative is veak 1180 water-based paint.

The main disadvantage of such paints is the expensive cost. Therefore, analogue paints with acrylic copolymers have become widespread. Their price is much cheaper than real acrylic, and the quality is not much inferior to the original. Sometimes, to increase the elasticity of the acrylic coating, latex is added to the paint, which effectively resists moisture.

Painted coatings can be safely washed with water without fear of spoiling the applied paint. Manufacturers in the technical characteristics of water-based paint indicate that it is able to withstand up to 5,000 washing cycles with water. When applying a double layer of acrylic-latex paint, cracks on the surface (up to 1 mm thick) can be masked. And they dry at room temperature in just a few hours.

Silicone water-based paints - ideal for rooms with high humidity

In silicone paints, silicone resins predominate in the composition. They are a universal coloring and masking agent for all surfaces, hiding two-millimeter gaps from prying eyes. Silicone paint is also expensive, but it has a vapor barrier property, ideal for damp areas of the house that tend to form moisture. Thus, the paint will also actively fight the fungus that has appeared, preventing its reappearance.

Silicate water-based paint - an indicator of durability

Silicate water-based paint is a mixture of liquid glass, water with the possible addition of colored pigments. It is characterized by weather resistance and long service life (up to 20 years). But for excessively wet surfaces, it is better to use a different type of paint.

Mineral water-based paints

In the process of making mineral water-based paints, slaked lime or cement is added to their composition. They are used for any surfaces in the process of painting walls and ceilings. Their main purpose is painting work with brick and concrete surfaces, which are subject to significant hydraulic loads. A distinctive feature of mineral paints is a short service life, so they gradually cease to be in demand.

Types of water-based paints: advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of water-based paint. The main disadvantages of water-based paints. The main types of colors Technical characteristics of water-based paint

Such a coloring matter is very quickly applied to the surface, only if enamel paint has not been previously applied to the surface. In addition, absolutely any paint can be applied to this type of composition. The composition of water-based paint implies that it is not recommended to apply it to a metal surface, since water can provoke the onset of the corrosion process.

Characteristics of VD paint.

Before purchasing such a paint, you should pay attention to its characteristics: specific gravity, viscosity, composition, shelf life, storage conditions and drying time. As part of water-based paint, you can find latex, filler, antiseptic and thickener.

Viscosity is an indicator that indicates the degree of dilution of the coloring matter with water. The viscosity of such paint is from 40 to 45 seconds, in the case of using a brush when applying it, and from 20 to 25 seconds. When using a spray gun.

Depending on the manufacturer, the composition of water-based paint may vary. The smallest particles of polymers that are present in the composition of this substance are suspended in the aquatic environment. Manufacturers add various substances to these particles, which determine the brand of the coloring composition.

Depending on the state of the components added to the composition of the paint, its purpose may vary. To obtain a white saturated color, a white pigment is added to the dye. In the case of inexpensive compositions, chalk is used to obtain this color. For these purposes, different manufacturers can also use other fillers: mica, calcite, talc, and so on.

The composition of the HP paint.

The composition of water-based paint, as well as in, includes a thickener, which is necessary to create the desired consistency. Depending on the brand of the coloring matter, the proportions of some of the components that make up its composition change.

But ideally, the overall picture will look like this:

  • Plasticizers - from 5 to 10 percent;
  • Film former - from 40 to 60 percent;
  • Fillers and pigments - from 30 to 40 percent;
  • Other additives - from 5 to 10 percent.
As for the properties of water-based paint, the following can be said about them:
  • This coloring matter is characterized by good permeability to moisture and steam, in connection with this it can be used both for external and internal works, for application to a plastered and non-plastered surface;
  • The composition of water-based paint does not allow it to peel off. This is an environmentally friendly and non-hazardous type of paint;
  • Very often, latex can be seen in the composition of this type of substance, which gives the painted surface a strong water-repellent effect. And at the same time, the fact that this effect does not interfere with vapor permeability is important;
  • Water-based compositions have a rich color range. To get the desired color, you can easily use a special .
And in conclusion, I would like to note that the type of coloring matter considered in this article has a high percentage of wear resistance, it is not combustible, resistant to atmospheric phenomena and ultraviolet radiation. In addition, such a substance has the ability to repaint cracks up to one mm wide.

Water-based paint is probably one of the "youngest" paint products, but in the shortest possible time it has gained popularity among consumers. This is due to a number of positive properties that are actively used by professionals and home craftsmen who carry out interior decoration after repair. This is a wonderful material for interior work, in particular, for painting walls. When purchasing such a product, you should definitely pay attention to the properties and consumer qualities of the product.

Water-based paint is probably one of the "youngest" paint products

Characteristics of water-based wall paints

The main technical characteristics of water-based paint are:

  • composition, where, in addition to the main component, there are various fillers, thickeners, antiseptics;
  • material consumption per sq. surface meter;
  • viscosity, which determines the degree of ratio of paint and water in the mixture;
  • specific gravity of 1.35kg/l;
  • storage conditions;
  • best before date.

An amazing substance, where the main solvent is water, has several types that are successfully used to paint indoor ceilings and walls. In a large family of water-based emulsions, the properties of which are directly related to the characteristics of the polymer included in their composition, the most commonly used are the following.

An amazing substance where the main solvent is water
Types of water-based paintMain ComponentsFeatures, properties
AcrylicAcrylic resin with latex additiveIncreased moisture resistance

Used to coat wood, metal, glass surfaces, brick and concrete

Siliconesilicone resinThe best - for interior work

Has antiseptic properties: prevents the formation of mold and fungi

MineralCement and slaked limeAccepts well the addition of color

Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry walls


silicateLiquid glass and color pigmentsHigh air and vapor permeability


Polyvinyl acetate Easy to clean from dirt and grease

Resistant to non-aggressive chemicals


In addition, the product has several degrees of brightness:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-matt;
  • semi-gloss.

Water-based paint is quite in demand for several other indicators. It is non-toxic and does not contain components harmful to health, that is, it is an environmentally friendly product. It dries on the surface from two to three hours to a day (maximum) and does not have a specific unpleasant odor.

The paint is non-toxic and does not contain components harmful to health.

With such a wide range of advantages of the material for painting walls with water-based paint, it is impossible to remain silent about the few disadvantages that have been identified when using it:

  • painting works can be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5°С;
  • relatively short service life.

Decorative properties of paint coatings

On the market, this paint and varnish product is presented both in a basic white version and in various color options. You can also get the desired color or shade by adding the necessary color to the base paint. This provides ample opportunities for a variety of design solutions.

Especially interesting is the use of water emulsion in the design:

  • children's and playrooms;
  • premises of preschool and educational institutions;
  • children's hospitals and clinics.

Painting the walls with water-based paint allows you to give a special flavor to these objects and make various drawings directly on the walls, making the room bright, cheerful, interesting for children and adults. Funny images cheer up, relieve feelings of fear and tension, distract from unpleasant thoughts.

Its use here is justified by the fact that the coating is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic substances into the air, and is easy to maintain.

Painting walls with water-based paint allows you to give a special flavor to these objects.

What water emulsion to choose for walls

The choice of paint depends on the place of its application. It is used for painting walls and ceilings, and you need to choose it, taking into account the technical characteristics and parameters that are characteristic of a particular type of product.

When purchasing it, you need to consider which room will be painted.

  1. If the room is small and dark, it is better to use light warm colors that will visually enlarge the space:
  • yellow,
  • cream;
  • apricot;
  • pale pink;
  • coffee;
  • light green and others.
  1. In large rooms with very high ceilings, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of comfort, or at least a more pleasant environment that visually reduces this huge non-residential space. In this case, more muted tones in shades will be most appropriate:
  • blue
  • green;
  • purple.

Blue color will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room.
  • red is a strong irritant;
  • brown and bright purple contribute to the occurrence of depressive states.

It is worth noting that the seemingly pleasant bright blue color will also be distracting and irritating to the nervous system.

  1. In children's and playrooms for painting walls with water-based paint, you must choose pastel colors for the main background. On this surface, you can then decorate fabulous and cartoon paintings, images of their heroes. At the same time, it should be taken into account that they should not be made with glossy paints, which give glare in bright sun or artificial light, and can have a negative impact on the condition of children's vision.

In children's rooms it is better to use bed tones.

How much will you spend on material?

To understand what the actual paint costs will be, you will have to make some calculations, where to take into account:

  • the area of ​​the painted room;
  • planning;
  • features of the staining procedure;
  • quality and proportions of the solution;
  • volumes of containers in which paint is sold;
  • the need to purchase tools and additional materials.

It is also important to determine how many coats of paint are to be applied to the surface of the walls, whether a primer will be used, and how it will be applied.

It is worth considering that the results of the work and the amount of money spent will also depend on the quality of the work being done: if the primer or paint is applied unevenly, additional layers will have to be applied, which will increase the consumption of materials and lead to additional financial costs.

But even if the calculations are carried out correctly, it is worth having a small supply of materials in case it is necessary to correct the detected defects.

It is worth considering that the results of the work and the amount of funds spent will also depend on the quality of the work carried out.

Preparing walls for painting

To get a quality wall painting result that will last for several years, it is necessary to properly prepare the wall. For this:

  • remove traces of the old coating;
  • if necessary, plaster, level the surface, putty cracks, scratches, eliminate chips, wash the walls;
  • primer.

In order for the coating to be of high quality and sufficiently durable, it is necessary that the surface be absolutely dry before applying the paint.

So that the paint does not crack and last for a long time, it is worth carefully preparing the wall

Ways to remove old paint

Preparation for painting is directly related to the release of the surface from the old paintwork. It can be removed in different ways, depending on the thickness of the coating and the strength of its connection to the wall.

  1. It will be easiest to remove the PVA-based polyvinyl acetate water-based emulsion. Taking into account the fact that the main component of water-based paint is water, the removal of the old coating is possible using a sponge and a soapy solution.
  2. Acrylic paint, which is more resistant to water and detergent solutions, can be removed using tools: it is scraped off with a spatula or grinder.
  3. Masters also speak positively about a rather original way of removing old paint using newspapers. They are placed on the area to be cleaned with glue, which is prepared from starch of the consistency of thick sour cream, or you can use ready-made glue. After complete drying, the newspapers will be removed with a spatula along with the old paint.
  4. The used coating can be removed with a chisel. True, this process is quite lengthy and tedious, after which you may have to plaster and prime the entire surface of the wall.
  5. Another way to remove old paint is to anneal it with a building hair dryer, after which you can free up area by area with a spatula. It is most suitable for removing acrylic emulsion.
  6. You can clean the surface of the wall for painting with a ready-made chemical wash. It contributes to the destruction of the structure of the old paintwork.

There are several ways to clean and prepare the wall for painting.

How to mix color with paint?

If it is decided to give the paint a certain color, it is not difficult to do this, but haste and inattention are inappropriate here. To get the right color and evenly distribute the pigment throughout the volume of the mixture, you need to take several steps:

  • carefully read the instructions for using the paint and the procedure for forming the desired color;
  • first dilute the mixture in small volumes, mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and paint over a small area of ​​cardboard, allow to dry well.

Such a simple manipulation will help to understand whether the desired shade is chosen correctly.

Attention! It should be noted that after drying, the color will be somewhat darker.

If it is decided to give the paint a certain color, it is not difficult to do this, but haste and inattention are inappropriate here.

Technology for painting walls with water-based paint

The rules for applying a water-based coating on a prepared surface are not complicated; it is important to observe them and do the procedure without haste. The procedure for painting walls with water-based paint is as follows:

  • a primer is applied to the prepared leveled surface of the wall in one or two layers;
  • allow the coating to dry completely;
  • apply the first layer of water-based paint ready or diluted with a color scheme of the required shade;
  • allow to dry and determine if a second and subsequent coats are necessary.

The final result can be seen only after the paint has completely dried.

The final color of the wall will be clear after the paint has completely dried. It is worth remembering that each subsequent layer enhances the saturation of the color and its depth.

Advice. To obtain a high-quality result of painting the wall and the desired color, it is necessary to create natural conditions for the drying of the coating. Do not turn on the fan, arrange drafts in order to achieve a speedy drying. This is not necessary, given that even without "violence from the outside" this paint dries pretty quickly. In addition, "artificial wind" can bring particles of dust or dirt onto a freshly painted surface, and the work will be spoiled.

To obtain a high-quality result of painting the wall and the desired color, it is necessary to create natural conditions for the drying of the coating.

painting tool

To cover the walls with water-based paint, traditional tools are used, which are well known not only to professional painters, but also to home craftsmen. To carry out the work you will need:

  • paint brushes of different sizes;
  • sponges;
  • paint rollers.

It’s great if someone can get a spray gun or a professional spray gun at the time of painting: they will not only speed up and facilitate the work, but also allow you to get a smooth surface with the same degree of paint. However, it is worth noting that such a result is possible only if you have experience with this equipment, which is not at all difficult to master. To do this, you need to be patient and be extremely careful, however, as with any other work.

The spray gun is also convenient if it is necessary to paint large areas of walls - it allows you to cope with the work with less significant effort.

The spray gun is also convenient if you need to paint large areas of the walls.

Brushes will be needed to apply paint in the corners and in places where it is impossible to “walk” with a roller, and where the spray gun jet cannot reach. In addition, experts recommend painting the perimeter of the wall first, and this should be done with a brush. If you wish or do not have other tools for painting, you can completely complete the work with a wide brush, the size of which is from ten to twelve and a half millimeters.

It should be immersed in paint by no more than a third, otherwise the loss of paint material will be increased: the paint will flow down the surface of the brush, drip onto the floor. You need to paint in short movements, starting to apply paint from the top of the wall, gradually lowering it down.

Video: Painting walls with water-based paint

Video: What is water-based paint

Water-based paint is a finishing material that is made on the basis of water. The composition has become widespread among domestic buyers due to the relatively low cost and good performance. But before giving preference to this material, you need to learn about the main technical characteristics of water-based paint.

Each manufacturer manufactures these finishing materials using their own technologies, so the composition of water-based paints may vary slightly. The basis is water, in the medium of which there are the smallest polymer particles. The components are suspended in all layers of water. This mixture is the basis to which various components are added: antifreeze, antibacterial agent, dispersant, defoamer, density regulator, plasticizer and other ingredients that increase the performance properties of the material.

To form a durable film after the paint has dried on the surface, its composition includes polyvinyl acetate, butadiene-styrene, various acrylates and versatate. Also, white in the form of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide is introduced into water-based compositions. These substances provide a snow-white color, which is then convenient to tint. Minerals can also be used as an additional component: chalk, slaked lime or cement. Due to this, materials are a little cheaper, sacrificing quality. Rarely enough, other types of mineral fillers are used: talc, calcite, mica, barite. Some manufacturers mix these ingredients in one product.

Manufacturers keep the exact proportions of the ingredients in the formulations a secret, so you need to focus on the brand.

Another component of the material is a thickener. With the help of this substance, the density of the paint is regulated. For these purposes, CMC glue is usually used. The solvent in this case is purified water. As mentioned above, the exact composition of water-based paints depends on the production technology, but the general picture is approximately as follows:

  • a mixture of water and polymers - 40–70% (at the same time, film formers in the dispersion contain about 40%);
  • filler and dye - 30-40%;
  • plasticizer - up to 10%;
  • additional substances - up to 10%.

The general composition in all water-based paints is similar, but the quality is most affected by the types of additives

Types of water-based paint

There are 5 main types depending on the filler used in the production:

  1. Acrylic. This version uses acrylic resins. The material can be used for finishing wooden, glass, concrete, brick, plastered, as well as metal surfaces that have been pre-treated with impregnation. Withstands up to 5 thousand washes.
  2. Silicone. The most expensive and durable type. The composition contains silicone resins. They pass air well and retain their original appearance for a long time.
  3. silicate. Consist of liquid glass and dyes. They serve up to 20 years, but are exposed to water.
  4. Mineral. As part of this type of coatings there are stone fillers. They are inexpensive and well suited for processing “bare” concrete walls. The disadvantage is that they serve no more than 5 years.
  5. Polyvinyl acetate. They dry quickly, do not emit harmful substances, are not affected by water, ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environments.

When choosing a paint, you should look not only at the price, but also at the performance characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the positive aspects of this finishing material, then the following stand out:

  • High setting speed. With good ventilation, it will take about two hours for the material to dry on the surface to be treated.
  • Security. The material does not contain harmful volatile substances, so personal protective equipment is not required during work.
  • No unpleasant odor. This feature increases the comfort of working with the material. In addition, you do not need to ventilate the room for a long time after painting.
  • Wide range of colors. The modern market offers a huge number of color solutions, it is possible to independently create the desired shade. To do this, you should purchase white paint and a color scheme of a certain color. If the master does not have experience in mixing compositions, then it is better to ask to mix the paint in the store, otherwise the result may be disappointing.
  • Ease of application. This process does not require rich experience or a professional tool. The material is easily washed off, which also makes it easier to work with it.

All types of water-based paints are absolutely safe, therefore they are approved for use even in preschool institutions

The main disadvantage is the limited temperature range. At too low temperatures, the water in the composition freezes, which leads to damage to the paint. In addition, when using water-based paints, it is important to remember that they can lead to corrosion on untreated metal coatings. Also, do not paint them without pre-finishing hydrophilic materials such as gypsum or concrete.

Material Features

Before buying, you need to study some of the main indicators of this composition:

Specifications according to GOST

GOST 28196-89 regulates the indicators for the following 4 paints:

Paint VEAK 1180

This material is considered one of the most common for finishing work. Its specifications are as follows:

Among all types of water-based compositions, acrylic paints are considered the highest quality.
  1. The filler is acrylic resins.
  2. White colour.
  3. Purpose - interior decoration.
  4. Consumption under optimal conditions is 150 grams per square meter.
  5. The solvent is purified water.
  6. Drying time at a temperature of 20 degrees - 1 hour.

Polyvinyl acetate paint

Water-based paint of this type is used not only for interior, but also for exterior decoration. In addition, the material can be used for processing wooden surfaces, cardboard, plywood and so on. This material is fireproof, prolonged exposure to water can damage the coating. Drying time at optimum temperature and humidity is 2 hours. The hiding power of the material is high, but to cover spots and darker tones, you will have to apply 2-3 layers. Material consumption is 200 ml per 1 m2. Due to the relatively high consumption, this material is one of the most expensive in the water-based class.

Polyvinyl acetate paints have the best value for money

When choosing a material, it is important to remember that all the above technical characteristics are inherent only in compositions that are made using the right technologies. They have nothing to do with handicraft materials.