What is bo-le-zn? Multidimensional human model. Multidimensional man: a study of Reality, Soul and his Higher Self Peychev nikolay multidimensional model of man read online

What is bo-le-zn?  Multidimensional human model.  Multidimensional man: a study of Reality, Soul and his Higher Self Peychev nikolay multidimensional model of man read online
What is bo-le-zn? Multidimensional human model. Multidimensional man: a study of Reality, Soul and his Higher Self Peychev nikolay multidimensional model of man read online

it is read that the Left hemisphere of the brain and Consciousness of a person are called upon to serve the processes of our life, while the Right hemisphere of the brain and the Subconscious are part of the planetary mechanism. It is, as it were, the nerve cells of a planetary organism.

Since the time of Freud and Jung, modern man has become accustomed to the concepts of Consciousness and Subconsciousness, although, most likely, it will be difficult to explain what it is.
Esoteric science has conveyed to us a model of the energy-informational structure of a person - a personality or soul, which includes Consciousness and Subconsciousness.
At the same time, Consciousness is the work of the Mental Plan, the frequency of the Sahasrara Chakra. While the Subconscious is the work of the mental plane, the frequency of the Ajna Chakra.
To communicate with the physical body, Consciousness and Subconsciousness use the hemispheres of the brain. The Consciousness uses the Left Hemisphere and the Subconscious uses the Right Hemisphere.
Energy-Informational multidimensional structures, built in the space of the Mental body during human thinking, activate neurons in the cerebral cortex and thus the “transfer” of energy-information to the physical plane takes place. Then the hormonal and nervous systems are launched, and the “multi-stage” amplifier begins to work, which turns thought into action.

It is believed that the Left hemisphere of the brain and Consciousness of a person are called upon to serve the processes of our life, while the Right Hemisphere of the brain and the Subconscious are part of the planetary mechanism. It is, as it were, the nerve cells of a planetary organism.

It is customary to say that the Left Hemisphere is Logical, while the Right Hemisphere is Heuristic. With the left hemisphere, a person thinks logically and makes plans, and with the help of the right hemisphere, he looks into the future (Intuition) and receives direct knowledge (Insight).
This is in good agreement with the Esoteric model. Intuition (perception, reading of future events) and Insight (perception, reading of system information) are produced by the Right Hemisphere from the database of the planetary system (energy-information field of the planet).

Just as any of us makes plans for the near future and can say with a certain probability where he will be and what he will do in 10 minutes, in an hour or in a day, the consciousness of the planet also builds its future, of which we are a part. we are with you.
If you and I know how to make plans for the future and periodically return to them, then this only means that there is a memory cell in our Consciousness where this information is stored, and there is a way to encode and store this information. When modern science has studied all these mechanisms, it will not be difficult to read from the consciousness of any person all the information stored there, just like we easily read information from a computer disk today.

Psychics and Telepaths, able to tune in to the consciousness of another person, are able to read the information stored there.
The same happens with the planetary consciousness. All people are included in it with their Right hemisphere of the brain, and some of them are able to read planetary information. This is what we call Intuition and Insight.

Planetary information is stored and processed in the consciousness of the planet at a certain frequency. The tree of Sephiroth displays to us the scheme of planetary consciousness. According to this scheme, the "database" of the system operates at a frequency of 2 planetary Channel. Those individuals who are able to tune in their consciousness to the work of this Channel gain access to planetary information. We call them Genius (from the concept of the Genius of the Earth - planetary consciousness). Conscious inclusion in the 2nd planetary Channel requires a very high position of the Assemblage Point. However, sometimes there is an unauthorized inclusion in the Channel due to any life situations, and even freezing in it.
Everyone knows the images of brilliant people who in ordinary life were “worse than children” ... This is the result of “freezing” in the high-frequency Channel 2, and not the result of the development of consciousness. A personality with a developed consciousness will adequately behave in any situation, and at will tune in to the planetary database.

Our entire modern social life is built on the development and work of Consciousness and the Left, logical hemisphere of the brain. People with a developed right hemisphere, who have good intuition and, in a way that is incomprehensible to others, who know what and how to do, in modern society can have problems if they do not take a high position in time ... where their abilities will bring real benefits, without any any explanation - where did they get it from ...
At a certain stage of development, both Consciousness and Subconsciousness are activated in a person, and this is expressed in a more balanced work of both hemispheres of the brain
In the esoteric model, Consciousness is an energy-information structure that constantly develops throughout life, and becomes more complex as experience accumulates, which controls our conscious behavior.
When a person finds himself in a situation where there is no algorithm of behavior in his Consciousness, or in a situation of stress or fear, then the Consciousness turns to the Subconscious for help...
In addition, intuitive (read from the system, future) information about the danger constantly enters the Consciousness from the Subconscious. Many have encountered a situation where a person walking along the side of the road suddenly jumps to the side, and a car rushes past the place where he was walking earlier. Or, in the forest, we “instinctively” dodge a branch that is bent and let go of our face, walking in front of us ...

The intuitive capabilities of a person directly depend on the performance of his right hemisphere, the link between the Subconscious and the rest of the body systems.
The Subconsciousness itself is considered in the Esoteric model as a set of all the structures of consciousness that this person was in his past incarnations.
Thus, the structure of Consciousness developed during a particular incarnation does not disappear anywhere after death, but is added to similar structures developed during previous incarnations, and is constantly present in the Subconsciousness of a living person.

Each individual personality structure from our Subconscious is a “complete analogue” of a living personality. “Completed” in the sense that if the living personality continues to develop, then the personality in the Subconscious mind no longer develops and does not become more complicated.
Personalities in the Subconscious “stay” at the frequency of the Ajna Chakra, which is lower than the united Consciousness (“Super-I”), by which a person is included in the Egregore (and which he is not aware of until a certain stage of development) and working at the frequency of the Sahasrara Chakra, but more higher than the personal Consciousness "I", working at the frequency of the Vishuddha chakra.

Understanding these mechanisms, it is possible to tune in with the Consciousness to a specific person from the Subconsciousness (by reducing the frequency of the Sahasrara Chakra, through which the perception of the world comes and attuning it with the level of the Subconsciousness - the Consciousness of the "not-Self". At the same time, our personal Consciousness interacts not with the egregore, but with Subconscious) and pump energy into this personality. At the same time, the energy background is leveled between the currently living person and the person in the Subconscious, and energy begins to flow between them.
Sometimes it happens spontaneously...
The flow of energy is perceived (interpreted) by our Consciousness as a dialogue. We begin to hear voices, see images, experience sensations...

Depending on the energy-informational processes taking place between the Consciousness and the Personality from the Subconscious, called the “Ally”, as well as depending on the position of the Assemblage Point of a person, such relationships can take various forms.
A huge amount of allegedly "Divine" instructions and advice, heard, seen or otherwise perceived by people, is due to contact with one's own Ally.

In particular, a large number of clients of psychiatric clinics are there simply because of contact with their own Subconscious.

There are cases when, after any shocks, injuries, clinical death and other cataclysms, a person acquires new, sometimes unusual abilities.
People suddenly start speaking in ancient languages, drawing strange pictures and so on. All this happens due to the activation of the Ally and the establishment of contact - Consciousness - Ally.

If the "ancient" Ally, who lived in Ancient Rome, became more active, then he will speak Latin accordingly.

Some people who have experienced Clinical Death talk about how their whole life passed before their inner eye in an instant... This is the process of rewriting the current Consciousness into the Subconscious zone (the formation of another Ally). Usually, after such an experience, a person's personality changes, because he activates contact with the Subconscious, with his past incarnations.

Allies interact with completely different Channels of planetary consciousness than the Consciousness of a living person. Therefore, they have information inaccessible to human consciousness. In addition, being themselves dead personalities, they reside in the world of Spirits and freely contact with dead people in Limbo.
Staying at the frequency of the human Subconscious, the Allies can influence the Subconscious of other people.
And among other things, the Allies, who lived in interesting historical eras, or in ancient civilizations, carry the knowledge and technologies of these civilizations.

In view of all the above possibilities, work on the activation and active use of the Allies is considered in Esotericism as a high priority.

If you remember the dialogues of Plato and other ancient thinkers, then they conducted them with their Allies... who lived in even more distant times... perhaps in previous civilizations...

Esoteric knowledge about the structure of Consciousness and Subconsciousness allows us to understand and explain many of the phenomena that are inexplicable today.

As the Personality develops and the personal Consciousness "I" develops, its frequency rises and it engages with the higher-frequency Consciousness "not-I". This happens when the TS approaches the Vishuddha chakra. It is at this stage that the "penetration" of the personal Consciousness "I" into the systemic Consciousness "not-I" takes place, which leads to the appearance of Magical abilities in the Adept.

The process of the first Magical Initiation - the unification of two consciousnesses into a single egregorial Consciousness "Super-I", also occurs at this stage of development.

✓ Who created you and why?

✓ Who and why created this Universe?

✓ What laws bind you to the people around you and the world around you?

✓ Why are you sick?

✓ What is BO-LE-ZN?

✓ How to make sure that you never get sick at all?

✓ What is absolute health and how to achieve it in order to live a long and happy life?

These and many other questions worried me from early childhood. To say that I was often sick as a child would be an understatement. I literally lived in a hospital. Many times I was on the verge of life and death, when the temperature rose to forty degrees, and the blood began to clot. Doctors miraculously managed to save me, but the more drugs I took, the worse my health became.

But one day, my mother was recommended to go with me to one clairvoyant, folk healer. After several sessions with this woman, I simply stopped getting sick. The knowledge I received from her turned my life upside down.

At the age of ten, I read all the books that this healer had. But I did not stop there: magic, esotericism, religion, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, occult sciences, Eastern philosophy - I began to absorb all this into myself with great speed, feed my brain, develop my consciousness and my abilities.

I realized, as a child, that the only thing that is valuable in this world is knowledge, practical knowledge that turns a person into a magician. When everything you want comes fast.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you get true practical knowledge, then you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live according to them, stop violating the "rules of the road", and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing - this is what I was drawn to since childhood, but since I had no practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences to perfection and develop psychic abilities.

The goal was very clear and specific - to find a practical system for a quick and complete recovery of health, having learned which, a person should never get sick at all.

I traveled a lot, studied with the best esoteric practitioners, clairvoyants, traditional healers. He lived in India, studied Ayurveda, Eastern philosophy, practiced mystical yoga. Then I returned to my homeland and began to conduct a reception, conduct seminars, classes.

To date, my healing system has been tested on a large number of people. It allows a person to very quickly get rid of almost all diseases, including those incurable by modern medicine. At the same time, the speed of recovery of patients is simply amazing, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by their excellent health, but also by the conclusions of various doctors.


This book is a practical guide for helping yourself and those around you. Here are collected only practical developments in the field of energy-information therapy, having familiarized yourself with which, you will take a fresh look at the causes of various diseases and will be able to solve your health problems in a short time, as well as help your loved ones.

The book is based on expanding the understanding of the world around us, studying the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases, research activities in the study of human biofield structures, philosophical understanding of the world, as well as my practical experience in the field of energy-information diagnostics and therapy.

This book has a powerful healing effect. in contact with the human body, with water, as well as with other objects. This amazing property was revealed in the course of research on various diagnostic devices: the Kirlian apparatus, various bioresonance diagnostics, hemoscanning, etc.

It is enough to attach the book to the body for a few minutes, and immediately the human biofield begins to rapidly increase in size, energy centers and channels open, strength and flexibility appear in the body, and the process of restoring the body starts.

If you put a glass of water on a book for 1-2 minutes, and then let the patient drink this water, then after 10-15 minutes his blood becomes liquid, saturated with oxygen, blood cells, red blood cells, unstick and begin to flow freely, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all body cells.

The unique properties of the book are explained simply - this book has a very powerful biofield. Take a pendulum or frame and use radiesthesia to check for yourself.

Every object in space carries information and also radiates energy. Reading any book, you are in contact with the author at the informational level, energy-information exchange begins. Just by reading this book, you are already starting to recover and get a huge boost of energy.

If you are not too lazy and conduct a complete examination of your health before and after reading this book, you will be very surprised at how much your health indicators have improved.

But the most important thing is to put the contents of this book in your head, accept the information at the level of consciousness, and not just constantly carry this book in the inner pocket of your jacket.

Problems of modern medicine or why doctors live 15–20 years less?

Dealing with issues of restoring human health and searching for the causes of diseases, I am always looking for the causes of their occurrence.

In order for the mechanism not to fail, it is necessary, at least, to know its structure and operating rules. Well, in the event of a breakdown, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will quickly fix it, explain the reasons for the breakdown and instruct how to avoid such situations in the future.

In our case, the mechanism is our body, and the specialist is a doctor who must have the skills to save a person from all his “malfunctions” in a short time and explain to the patient the rules for operating the mechanism, called the human body.

But the deeper medicine and science penetrate into the human body, the more diagnoses and drugs appear, which not only do not relieve a person of his illness, but also cause new, so-called “drug diseases”.

All over the world, doctors live 15-20 years less than those they treat - the population of the planet, leading, in their opinion, an unhealthy lifestyle.

With their advice, they lead to horror, fear, torment and suffering, from which they themselves die prematurely.

The people whom the government has entrusted to protect the health of citizens, by the way, is called their main governing body - the Ministry of Health - in fact, they cannot do anything, first of all, for themselves. But get the right and license to treat other people.

Here, for example, is an excerpt from a medical journal: “Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of oncological diseases per capita. According to some data, there are more than 2.5 million cancer patients in the country. A third of cancer patients could be saved from death by identifying the disease at an early stage. But for the majority of Russians, high-tech diagnostic methods are not yet available.” Further, the article talks about modern diagnostic equipment, its parameters and cost. Nothing about cancer prevention.

We see that scientific medicine looks at any cause of aging as a way to make money, no matter what words it hides behind.

If a person has been on insulin for a long time, and the dosages are large, then it will not work right away. But I have not yet had a single person who, after a complete correction, would not reduce the dose of insulin by at least half, moreover, within a few days.

A person, if he is friends with his head, then after a complete correction he becomes absolutely healthy at the energy-informational level, all energy centers, channels, meridians open in him, the integrity of the field shell is restored, in a word - perfect health on the subtle plane.

But if destructive processes have been going on for many years at the level of tissues and cells, then it is necessary to take into account the inertia of the dense body, so it is simply necessary to wait until healthy cells are regenerated and tissues are restored.

By the way, I teach some of my patients how to use psychic abilities and mental programming to speed up the process of tissue regeneration for a quick recovery.

I will not describe this technique in detail in this book, but in short, it is necessary to replace the diseased part of the body with a healthy matrix and set the command for rapid tissue regeneration to an absolutely healthy level. For people who have extrasensory vision and great mental strength, this is not difficult.

Diabetes and celiac disease are not diseases of the body. Changing the diet, the use of herbal and chemical preparations do not give a complete cure, but as a rule, only a temporary effect.

Complete energy-information correction, getting rid of all destructive programs, there is a 100% guarantee of getting rid of these diseases, which has been repeatedly confirmed by the results in practice, as well as by the conclusions of medical workers.


  1. Double blockage of the energy center leads to a rupture of the field shell into two or more parts, and this is a 100% guarantee of oncology, and one of the main reasons.
  2. Astral settlement of an alien entity(always when there is a tumor) when the “settler” is removed, the tumor immediately disappears.
  3. Using magical and esoteric knowledge to harm others(witchcraft, divination, love spells, curses, inducing damage, summoning the spirits of the dead, etc.)
  4. Excessive consumption of yeast bread and the flesh of slaughtered animals is not a direct cause of oncology, but accelerates the process of cancer cell division.

Let's look at each reason in turn:

  1. Double blocking of the energy center:

In the figure, we see how the human biofield was divided into three parts, as a result of a double block of the 5th and 2nd energy centers.

Chakra is an energy center that has 2 cones, front and back. Front is present, back is past. If something does not suit a person in the present (resentment, discontent, fear, etc.), then the chakra is blocked in front. If in the past - behind. With a double block, a person is not satisfied with both the present and the past.

Which aspect of the personality is affected - that chakra is closed. The emotional aspect of each chakra has been discussed in detail in previous chapters.

If you briefly and generally describe the most common chakra programs, they look something like this:

  • hatred and contempt for the opposite sex (all men are bastards, all women are bad guys) - a double block of the 2nd center and oncology of the genitourinary system.
  • Hatred for people, for work, for life in general - a double block of manipura and cancer of the stomach.
  • Killing the feelings of love in oneself, a ban on love, as a result of suffering - a double block of anahata and lung cancer, AIDS, autoimmune diseases. (The biggest crime is the murder of love in oneself, then a person turns into a cancerous tumor on the body of the Earth, and oncology is sent to him to realize his mistakes.)
  • If hatred and aggression is manifested at the verbal level, a person curses everyone, constantly condemns, “washes the bones of everyone”, then vishuddha is blocked on both sides of him, and thyroid cancer, throat cancer, goiter, etc.
  • In a word - any dissatisfaction with something causes serious diseases. The stronger the emotions, the faster the disease develops.

After a person realizes his mistakes, negative programs, attitudes, and eliminates these destructive programs at the mental and astral levels, he recovers very quickly, not only at the level of information and energy, but also on the physical plane.

In my practice, a huge number of people got rid of oncology, having worked out their mental plan, clearing their information fields, their fate from all destructive informational negativity.

The next cause of oncology- the use of magical and esoteric knowledge to the detriment of others. It is necessary to understand that if a person in this life did not have time to pay for his mistakes, sins, crimes, then in the next incarnation he will still have to answer for everything.

If a child was born already sick, fell ill with oncology or an incurable disease, then do not rush to curse fate and God for allowing such injustice. You don't know who he was in his last incarnation and how many people he caused suffering.

For example, all politicians-exploiters, tyrants, leaders, criminals, maniacs, rapists, killers (not only of people, but also of animals), sorcerers, witches - will surely pay off in their next incarnations with oncology, ugliness, incurable diseases and other troubles of fate.

Any tumor formation necessarily has an astral-mental plane. Therefore, we must ask for forgiveness for all fortune-telling, summoning spirits and other magical rituals.

The oncology program is a programmed living entity. This destructive essence is introduced into the field shell of a person and begins to "devour" the human essence. At the sensory level, it is usually perceived as a cold funnel that draws in the energy-informational potential of the patient.

Gradually, the patient's energy centers stop working normally. Communication with the Earth is broken. Having ceased participation in the normal energy-information exchange, the person affected by the oncology program becomes an energy vampire. His impending death involuntarily provokes others to sympathy and empathy, which in turn leads to the replication of the program for all sympathizers.

Doctors prefer to keep silent about cases of spontaneous recovery of cancer patients, even at the last stage. And there are many such cases. The patient is discharged home to die, but he refuses painkillers, lies at home and remembers his whole life. Remembers and realizes the mistakes made, realizes and repents.

At this time, the information fields are being restored, everyone who has ever suffered from this person is normalized. This is the most optimal way to work off karma, as the sum of mistakes.


There is no need to prove to anyone that water has a memory. Many books, scientific articles and films have been made on this topic. But what can I say, if Epiphany water costs a year or two, and does not deteriorate, and even has healing properties. This phenomenon can be explained only by recognizing the fact that water can record information on itself.

Even in ancient times, people knew that water carries information: "Do not sit down to have tea with an evil person."

Water is a kind of magnetic film that writes on itself all the information it comes into contact with.

Traditional healers speak water, and this water heals a person. Witches and sorcerers read their evil conspiracies over the water, and then pour it on their neighbors under the threshold. A neighbor comes out, stands on the threshold, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, his legs start to hurt or fail, but no one can help.

Why do people say that damage is brought (on water), taken out, i.e. the root of the word is water.

Yes, and every housewife knows that if you cook food in a bad mood, that is, it will be impossible. And if you cook food with love, then you can’t pull a person off the plate and by the ears.

And a person, in fact, is 70-80% water. They scold us, shout, curse, and we feel bad. They will say words of love to us, praise us, thank us, and we immediately blossom.

If you put a glass of water in front of the TV, then all the negative that is shown there will be recorded on the water.

The water that we drink remembers everything it has come into contact with: all the slop poured into the reservoir from which the fence comes, the rusty pipes through which it flows, the mats of the loaders who unloaded it at the store, the emotions of the seller who released this water to us , i.e. water is a living being in a certain sense of the word.

The water memory effect has long been a part of medical practice. Homeopathy is now an officially recognized method of treatment. Homeopaths dissolve the medicine in such minute concentrations that literally a few molecules of the medicine remain on a bucket of water.

Masaru Emoto, the famous Japanese scientist, clearly proved during his experiments that water is able to absorb, store and transmit human thoughts and emotions. The shape of ice crystals formed when water freezes not only depends on its purity, but also changes depending on what kind of music is played over this water, what images are shown to it and words are spoken, and even on how people think about it, or pay no attention to her.


Positive and negative qualities of energy centers.

1st center- fearlessness, understanding of one's cosmic origin, complete peace and tranquility regarding all life issues and problems.

It is the center of the body's basic needs: food, shelter, self-protection.

2nd center- sexual purity, respect for women and men, lack of lust, lust, while the full presence of sexuality, tenderness, charm, attractiveness, charm; ecstasy, pleasure, bliss.

This is the center of all material enjoyment.

3rd center- determination, purposefulness, perseverance, lack of anger, taking full responsibility for your life on yourself, leadership qualities, complete satisfaction with everything that you have at the moment.

This is the center of power, fortitude.

4th center- love, the ability to experience this feeling, mercy - effective help to those in need, instead of inactive compassion - joint suffering. Forgiveness, lack of material attachments and complete spiritual freedom. Voluntary service to the object of love, while experiencing complete bliss.

This is the seat of the soul in the body.

5th center- creative flights, awakening of talents, deep emotions, feelings, experiences. The positive qualities of this center are truthfulness, pleasant speech, absence of violence in words, thoughts and deeds.

This is the center of communication, creativity, emotions, feelings, talents.

6th center- stamina, awakening of the mind, seeing the cause-and-effect relationships of karma, insight into the essence of things, mastery of the mind and feelings, intuition, clairvoyance, the gift of prophecy, telepathy, and all phenomenal abilities.

This is the center of the mind, which gives a person spiritual vision, intuition.

7th center- the development of spiritual consciousness, the complete spiritualization of one's mind, mind, feelings and even body. Feeling the energy of the highest frequency - Spiritual, Divine, Holy Spirit.

Internal connection with the Higher Mind, the Creator. Seeing the spiritual equality of all living beings. Conscious exit to any dimensions, parallel worlds, control of downward energy flows. Acquisition of spiritual strength, clear consciousness, transmission of the light of spiritual knowledge to others.

It is the center of communication with God through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual energy.

Negative qualities of energy centers

1st center- fears, worries, worries, anxiety, greed, a tendency to excessive accumulation, sticking to the earth, misunderstanding of one's eternal spiritual nature.

2nd center- claims to the opposite sex, sexual promiscuity, strong lust in the mind and feelings, lust, fornication, depravity; lack of softness, tenderness, sexuality, and instead of this, complete frigidity and complete suppression of one's sexual nature.

3rd center- the desire to control others, the thirst for power, constant dissatisfaction, feeling humiliated, flawed, inferior; the role of a victim who wants to become a tyrant.

4th center- suppression of spiritual qualities in oneself: love, mercy, service, care. Awakening of the qualities of egoism - I am God, I am in the center of this Universe, and everyone should serve me. Rudeness, callousness of the heart, refusal to love oneself, people, God.

5th center- slander, slander, lies, deceit, gossip, criticism, condemnation, scandals. Suppression of creativity, talents.

6th center- linear, material mind, filled with dirty, base desires. Lack of spiritual vision, intuition. And also: manipulation of another's consciousness, suggestion of one's will to others, suppression of another's will, zombification, mental pressure on others.

7th center- pride, atheism, materialism, godlessness, denial of the existence of a subtle, spiritual world and spiritual energy, blind faith with a material attitude towards God, to satisfy material desires.

Spiritual blindness, the exchange of internal spiritual qualities for external attributes of the material world in order to take the place of God, instead of joint cooperation with him.

Programs that open energy centers

7th center - connection with the Heavenly Father. I am aware of the existence of a Higher Mind, Higher Spiritual Energy and make a conscious decision to constantly be in the flow of this Energy. (Imagine a column of light of Spiritual, Divine energy above you, imagine how it fills your body, while you need to completely relax and remove all worries). I remove all external and internal blockages of communication with the Creator and go directly to the Absolute. No one can prevent me from being constantly in the flow of Cosmic, Spiritual Energy.

6th center - intuition. I make a conscious decision constantly being in an intuitive channel. I open my “third eye” (imagine how your center opens in the area between the eyebrows, a dazzlingly bright light begins to come from between the eyebrows), I go out into the information field of the Earth, I decide to feel the world around us more than to analyze it with the help of logic.

5th center - communication, emotions, creativity. I free my memory from all negative emotions, scandals, criticism. I separate information from its incorrect carrier. I accept only useful information, and I do not let the negative emotions with which this information is transmitted into my memory archive. I will turn the incorrect behavior of a person into useful information about this person. Now I know what this person is like and how, based on this, I can build further relationships with him. " Everything a person says about others is all he says.aboutrit about himself.

4th center - love, mercy. I thank all the people who took part in my life for the lessons they taught me. " I don't have any friends, no enemies, all my teachers. Imagine that you have a backpack with stones hanging behind you, these stones are all your spiritual wounds, insults and suffering. Mentally throw it off your shoulders and no longer collect insults, emotional wounds in your memory, but perceive all situations in life as lessons to develop your ability to love. Feel how love comes from you to the world around you to all living beings.

3rd center - power, position in society. I let go of the desire to control the world and people, instead, I will control myself so that looking at me, the person himself wants to change for the better. I am completely satisfied with my position in society, my place in the sun, my work, my income, my friends. I take full responsibility for my life. I am the cause of everything that happens to me. I flock at the start of my life, my opportunities. Everything is just beginning, everything is ahead of me. Feel great enthusiasm, desire to live, act, create, awaken the qualities of a leader in yourself: responsibility, purposefulness, determination, enthusiasm.

2nd center - sexuality, sexual instinct. I am aware of the dependence of my health on the constant work of the sexual center. I open myself to the flow of sexual energy and make a conscious decision to be constantly in this flow. I realize that a constantly open sexual center does not mean a constant readiness to have sexual contact at any opportunity.

I am aware that all my experiences with the opposite sex have been positive.

I thank all men and women for the lessons that I have received from them.

I launch into neutralization all programs of subconscious aggression towards men and women who were in my family.

I love myself and I love others. I accept traumatic situations involving the opposite sex as lessons in gaining wisdom. I accept all men and women as they are.

1st center - survival instinct. I realize that man is a cosmic being, endowed by the Creator with a huge number of abilities and possibilities. The universe and everything in it is a product of the Divine will, where love and harmony reign, which means that I have nothing to fear. The true believer knows no fear, everything is the will of God.

I live in an abundant universe that gives me as much as I need for my existence. I own nothing, I have nothing to lose, so why should I be afraid?

I am aware that anxiety and fear are destructive programs that I neutralize and replace with peace and trust in the world in which I live.

I apologize to all the people affected by my fears.

I am not afraid of death, I realize that a person does not die, but only passes into another dimension.

I realize the meaning of life, my purpose, set a lofty goal that gives me the energy to move forward. The 1st energy center opens in the coccyx area, the energy channels in the knees are cleared.

What are power and spiritual channels?

The universe is permeated with streams of descending energies, which are divided into power channels and spiritual channels.

Power channels endow a person with dark power and the ability to subdue others, to one degree or another, but at the same time, energy leaves the soul, and the soul becomes cold. But the worst thing is that communicating with such a person, you are also filled with cold.

If a person is cold in soul, he will sow the seeds of coldness in other souls.

If his soul is warm, he will warm everyone around.

Cold soul = power flows of dark energies.

Warm soul = streams of God the Father, channels of love and soulful warmth.

If your soul is cold, you experience suffering - disconnect from all dark channels and switch to the streams of the Heavenly Father, the Creator of your soul.

For every power there is a greater power. The one who controls is himself controlled.

Refusing, renouncing control and power qualities that cause suffering to others, a person becomes free and gets out of control of power egregors. His soul begins to receive the streams of the spiritual worlds and is filled with warm energies. Renouncing the material brute force, a person acquires a spiritual force, which is thousands of times stronger in all respects.

How to conduct the practice of renunciation and switching from power channels to spiritual ones, I will write a little lower.

Practice disconnecting from power channels and switching to spiritual ones.

We subconsciously feel each person, on what energies, channels he works. When we get into the space of a holy person, soft and kind, who does not want to control anyone and subordinate to his will, we understand that spiritual energies are present in this person. We can believe in God, we can not believe, but people differ from each other in terms of energy.

Engaging in black magic, initiation into schools where you are taught to become a “powerful God”, work in law enforcement agencies, taking the ability to influence other people with your mind, manipulation, harshness, rudeness, hatred, desire for revenge, these and many other qualities and abilities, not originally inherent in the Divine particle of God - the soul.

Have you ever seen a child who, from birth, before he was “taught to live”, has strength qualities? No, it all depends on the environment in which he is brought up.

Because of the fear of survival in this world, we may consciously or unconsciously take abilities and channels from darkness. I describe this mechanism in more detail in the new book “Secrets of the Soul - Rapid Healing of the Body”, and in this book I only want to give one practice of renouncing the dark channels and switching to the channels of the Heavenly Father, to the channels of spiritual light and love.

But a person is only required to choose what I want to be: strong, controlling and subordinating everything to my will, or - soft, gentle and vibrating with warm love, not wanting to keep anyone around him by force of will, but let everyone be free and happy, loving and loved.

As you understand, love and violence are freedom and control, incompatible qualities. The soul is not forceful by nature, but the mind is forceful. Those. You will have to choose who will be the master in the house: the mind or the soul?

If your choice fell in the direction of freedom of yourself and everyone around you, if you want to become a vibration of love and tenderness, if you want to live only on the spiritual channels of Divine grace, then the next practice is for you.

The practice of renunciation of power channels.

It is recommended to repeat all thought forms aloud! Why exactly such words and images are described in another book “Secrets of the Soul”, and I suggest that you do not try to understand with your head, but try to feel for yourself what will happen. When you feel lightness in your body and grace in your soul, and your illnesses begin to disappear before your eyes, then you have already dropped several power channels from yourself. When you reset everything, then all diseases will pass forever!

Thought forms repeated aloud with closed eyes:

I call you dark forces to the ritual of renunciation of your dark gifts, abilities and channels that I once unknowingly took from you.

I thank you dark forces for your gifts, knowledge and abilities, but I no longer need them and return them back to you - the dark forces.

In return, I ask you to return to me that piece of my soul that I gave to you in exchange for these power qualities.

Heavenly Father, help me get rid of all power qualities and channels, and unite my soul with You.

Then you imagine how a dark creature appears to your left and holds out a hand to you, in this hand you put the quality that you want to get rid of (pride, magical abilities, fear, anger, greed, closed heart, distrust, arrogance, laziness, mental manipulation, lust, “pushing through people”, thirst for power and control, dishonesty, cunning, profit, thirst for revenge, lust, etc.)

In a word, you ask your soul: “What power quality in me at the moment hinders my soul the most?”

And the quality that you felt in yourself, not connected with your purest soul, you get rid of it, and having got rid of this quality, the program, and the dark channel will turn off from you.

VERY IMPORTANT: just imagine your quality, for example, touchiness, in the form of an image, for example, a dark ball that you yourself put in the hand of a dark creature, and this creature itself begins to draw out of you what belongs to it. When the darkness itself pulls from you, the effect is much better.than when you make only your efforts and try to pull this program out of the body yourself.

You will even feel in physics that some kind of heavy energy comes out of your body, and the body becomes light, heat appears.

You invest in yourself this quality and make a choice in favor of it. From now on, you will no longer change the Divine energy and quality for some kind of touchiness.

After that, you say: “Thank you Heavenly Father for this spiritual channel, I want to switch completely to spiritual qualities, energies and vibrations.”

Then just sit for 5-10 minutes in complete peace with your eyes closed and feel how a channel of tender love is being built above your head.

After that, many people want to go to sleep, this is natural, because a person loses brute strength from darkness and switches to spiritual energies.

If you notice, then this practice is similar to the process of repentance, when a person renounces negative qualities and asks God to put in him the spiritual qualities of a holy person.

But only we take dark qualities not from God, but from darkness, and therefore we return to the “criminal groups” what was taken from them. You can not serve God and mammon. You cannot simultaneously be rude, tough, crave power and profit, deceive people and yourself, live without conscience, not have a soft and tender heart and declare that I am a believer, spiritual and Divine.

First surrender all weapons, and then enter the world of love.

Thought forms to help the family:

Nikolay Peichev

Multidimensional human model. Energy-informational causes of diseases

Who are you, man?

✓ Who created you and why?

✓ Who and why created this Universe?

✓ What laws bind you to the people around you and the world around you?

✓ Why are you sick?

✓ What is BO-LE-ZN?

✓ How to make sure that you never get sick at all?

✓ What is absolute health and how to achieve it in order to live a long and happy life?

These and many other questions worried me from early childhood. To say that I was often sick as a child would be an understatement. I literally lived in a hospital. Many times I was on the verge of life and death, when the temperature rose to forty degrees, and the blood began to clot. Doctors miraculously managed to save me, but the more drugs I took, the worse my health became.

But one day, my mother was recommended to go with me to one clairvoyant, folk healer. After several sessions with this woman, I simply stopped getting sick. The knowledge I received from her turned my life upside down.

At the age of ten, I read all the books that this healer had. But I did not stop there: magic, esotericism, religion, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, occult sciences, Eastern philosophy - I began to absorb all this into myself with great speed, feed my brain, develop my consciousness and my abilities.

I realized, as a child, that the only thing that is valuable in this world is knowledge, practical knowledge that turns a person into a magician. When everything you want comes fast.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you get true practical knowledge, then you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live according to them, stop violating the "rules of the road", and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing - this is what I was drawn to since childhood, but since I had no practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences to perfection and develop psychic abilities.

The goal was very clear and specific - to find a practical system for a quick and complete recovery of health, having learned which, a person should never get sick at all.

I traveled a lot, studied with the best esoteric practitioners, clairvoyants, traditional healers. He lived in India, studied Ayurveda, Eastern philosophy, practiced mystical yoga. Then I returned to my homeland and began to conduct a reception, conduct seminars, classes.

To date, my healing system has been tested on a large number of people. It allows a person to very quickly get rid of almost all diseases, including those incurable by modern medicine. At the same time, the speed of recovery of patients is simply amazing, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by their excellent health, but also by the conclusions of various doctors.


This book is a practical guide for helping yourself and those around you. Here are collected only practical developments in the field of energy-information therapy, having familiarized yourself with which, you will take a fresh look at the causes of various diseases and will be able to solve your health problems in a short time, as well as help your loved ones.

The book is based on expanding the understanding of the world around us, studying the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases, research activities in the study of human biofield structures, philosophical understanding of the world, as well as my practical experience in the field of energy-information diagnostics and therapy.

This book has a powerful healing effect. in contact with the human body, with water, as well as with other objects. This amazing property was revealed in the course of research on various diagnostic devices: the Kirlian apparatus, various bioresonance diagnostics, hemoscanning, etc.

It is enough to attach the book to the body for a few minutes, and immediately the human biofield begins to rapidly increase in size, energy centers and channels open, strength and flexibility appear in the body, and the process of restoring the body starts.

If you put a glass of water on a book for 1-2 minutes, and then let the patient drink this water, then after 10-15 minutes his blood becomes liquid, saturated with oxygen, blood cells, red blood cells, unstick and begin to flow freely, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all body cells.

The unique properties of the book are explained simply - this book has a very powerful biofield. Take a pendulum or frame and use radiesthesia to check for yourself.

Every object in space carries information and also radiates energy. Reading any book, you are in contact with the author at the informational level, energy-information exchange begins. Just by reading this book, you are already starting to recover and get a huge boost of energy.

If you are not too lazy and conduct a complete examination of your health before and after reading this book, you will be very surprised at how much your health indicators have improved.

But the most important thing is to put the contents of this book in your head, accept the information at the level of consciousness, and not just constantly carry this book in the inner pocket of your jacket.

Problems of modern medicine or why doctors live 15–20 years less?

Dealing with issues of restoring human health and searching for the causes of diseases, I am always looking for the causes of their occurrence.

In order for the mechanism not to fail, it is necessary, at least, to know its structure and operating rules. Well, in the event of a breakdown, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will quickly fix it, explain the reasons for the breakdown and instruct how to avoid such situations in the future.

In our case, the mechanism is our body, and the specialist is a doctor who must have the skills to save a person from all his “malfunctions” in a short time and explain to the patient the rules for operating the mechanism, called the human body.

But the deeper medicine and science penetrate into the human body, the more diagnoses and drugs appear, which not only do not relieve a person of his illness, but also cause new, so-called “drug diseases”.

Multidimensional human model. Energy-informational causes of diseases Peychev Nikolay

Multidimensional human model

Multidimensional human model

Man is also a multidimensional entity that reflects the principle of the multidimensional pyramid of the Universe and consists of seven bodies of different vibration frequencies.

Our physical body is the base of the pyramid.

The etheric body or the etheric double of a person repeats the shape of the physical body. This is the densest energy shell.

The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond.

The main task of the etheric body is to be a conductor of vital (bio) energy for the physical body.

People who have developed subtle inner vision see it protruding several centimeters beyond the limits of the physical body.

Each person can try to see the etheric body. To do this, in a state of relaxation, without fixing your eyes, look at your hands and after a certain time you will see, as it were, a haze around your fingers.

In the same body, there are various energy flows, including those very “wonderful meridians” that are affected during acupuncture and acupressure.

The next, the astral body (or body of emotions), consists of more subtle matter than the etheric.

The astral body is the body of desires, feelings, experiences. It has the shape of an egg, penetrating through the physical and etheric bodies, surrounding a person with a light cloud.

When a person falls asleep, the astral body leaves him and returns in the morning. Under the influence of anesthesia, the astral body is separated from the physical, and the person does not feel pain.

During sleep, the astral body moves about in the astral world and is sometimes capable of receiving impressions, visions, and prophetic dreams.

Under the influence of passions and desires, the astral body changes.

The third human body is called the mental. It is the body of man's thoughts and knowledge.

It consists of even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane.

There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms.

The following bodies of a person belong to his immortal component and pass from life to life of a person during his reincarnations.

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