What does Jurassic mean? Yuri the meaning of the name is character and fate. Family and marriage

What does Jurassic mean?  Yuri the meaning of the name is character and fate.  Family and marriage
What does Jurassic mean? Yuri the meaning of the name is character and fate. Family and marriage

About 20 years ago, children were called by any name they liked, and they did not think about anything other than the harmonious sound of this name in combination with the surname, as well as the euphony of the patronymic of future heirs. Today, many have realized that our name carries not only a set of letters, but also a certain sacred meaning, and it is not worth choosing it just like that. What will the name Yuri give to a child, and what should a man who has this name written down in his birth certificate expect from fate?

There are three versions of the etymology.

  1. Greek. This is an abbreviation of the name (“farmer”, Greek). In this case, the “brother” of this name is considered to be and - a name also created from the name.
  2. Slavic. The “mother” of the name was the word “yurit” (in modern language - “fuss”, that is, “dodge”, “cunning”). In this case, this name stands for “cunning”, “dexterous”, “cunning”. Among the people, this name sounded like Yurets.
  3. Latin. In Latin there is a word “jura”, meaning “loyalty”, “oath”. This means, based on this version, the name can be deciphered as “true to his word.”

It is curious that in the Far East, namely in Korea and Japan, there is a name consonant with this - Yuri. It is feminine and translates as “lily”.

Friendly address: Yura, Yurchik, Yurets, Yurka, Yurik.

Surname: Yuryevich (Yurich), Yuryevna.

In other countries the name will sound differently: George (England), Georges (France), Jorge (Spain), Jiri (Czech Republic, Slovakia), Jorgen (Denmark), Jerzy (Poland).

What character does a typical Yura have?

Advantages: He loves communication. He is very curious and always open to learning, and these traits help the guy to constantly enrich himself internally. He is very purposeful and wants to take a strong position in life. He is not vindictive, so he either has no enemies at all, or has very few.

Flaws: This man (especially in his youth) can be very arrogant. He simply “explodes” if he finds out that someone got in his way or tried to take advantage of him. Sometimes he surprises even himself with some of his spontaneous decisions or actions. The guy is a pedant (although this is not always a negative character trait).

This man's fate

  • Childhood. This is a quiet, quiet baby, preferring solitary games when playing with friends. He can invent a game “world” for himself and exist very happily in it.
  • The period of character formation. The guy grows up thoughtful and serious. Before doing something, he will think ten times. He likes to relax alone - walking with the dog (Yura loves animals very much), sitting with a fishing rod, assembling a model airplane.
  • Mature years. This is a real “gray eminence” - he doesn’t like to stand out in a team, but his comrades themselves go to Yurka for advice, since he, firstly, is a master of informed decisions, and secondly, he has an “inner core” and charisma.

Talismans and astrology

  • The horoscope sign that suits Yurchik better than others: Sagittarius (birth time - from November 23 to December 21).
  • Patron planet: Jupiter.
  • Name color: blue.
  • A stone that will protect and add strength: emerald.
  • Totem animal: bull, and always white.
  • Plant name: lily of the valley and poplar.

Day Angel

  • April 23 for Catholics or May 6 for Orthodox. On this day, believers venerate the Holy Great Martyr Yuri (George) the Victorious, a Roman warrior who defended Christians.
  • November 26 for Catholics or December 9 for Christians. George of Chios, a new martyr who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, is commemorated, killed by the Turks.

In various life collisions, Yura will do this...

  • Love. Immediately after meeting, the girls feel comfortable with Yurchik. And later, when his pedantic character begins to manifest itself more clearly and the colors fade from the relationship, many become bored in the company of this guy. However, the guy does not feel the lack of attention from lovely ladies.
  • Family. He is a faithful husband and an excellent father. The only thing: the head of such a family, as a rule, becomes the wife. All important decisions that go beyond family life (buying a car, choosing a school for a child, going to a resort) are made by the spouse. Yura prefers to do small household chores.
  • Relationships with your spouse. Yuri believes that if he takes a girl to the registry office, then only the one he sincerely loves. Therefore, he can sign even with a girl who does not suit his family. He will live happily with his chosen one, and the family will finally accept their son’s choice... But Yurets is the case when gray hair gets into the beard, and the devil gets into the rib. After forty years, he may go “to the left.” And even if mom and dad beg him not to destroy their families, he (by tradition) will not listen to them.
  • Job. The more responsibility a profession involves, the more the bearer of a given name likes it. It is interesting that this socially quiet guy can choose a very public job (politics, music), and achieve heights in it. This person's strength is eloquence. And besides, Yura is often interested in the secrets hidden in the depths of our planet, so the guy may decide to become an archaeologist or geologist.

Which woman (name) is he destined to be happy with?

Namesakes who made everyone respect Yur

  1. Yuri Dolgoruky (late 11th - early 12th century) - Prince of Suzdal, Rostov. He received his nickname due to the capture of other cities (in particular, the capital Kyiv, where he died, poisoned by local boyars).
  2. Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) - the world's first cosmonaut from the USSR.
  3. Yuri Nikulin (1921-1997) - actor, mainly comedic (“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Moonshiners”, “The Diamond Arm”).
  4. Yuri Yakovlev (1928-1913) - Soviet film actor. The most famous roles: Lieutenant Rzhevsky (“The Hussar Ballad”), the house manager/tsar (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”), Ippolit (“The Irony of Fate…”).
  5. Yuri Olesha (1899-1960) - Soviet writer. He is the author of the children's book "Three Fat Men".
  6. Yuri Shevchuk (1957) - rock musician, songwriter, leader of the DDT group.
  7. Yuri Khoy or Klinskikh (1964-2000) - Soviet rock musician and songwriter. Known for his band Gaza Strip.
  8. Yuri Shatunov (1973) - singer from the cult group “Tender May” in the USSR. Born in Bashkortostan.
  9. Yuri Loza (1954) - Soviet, Russian composer and singer.
  10. Yuri Antonov (1945) - Soviet and Russian composer, singer. Born in Uzbekistan.
  11. Yuri Nikolaev (1948) - Russian presenter, actor. Born in Moldova.
  12. Yuri Kuznetsov (1976) - actor who starred in the films “Island”, “Count Krestovsky”, “Antikiller”, and the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”.
  13. Yuri Borisov (1992) - actor of the Satyricon theater, starred in the films "Freud's Method", "Young Guard".
  14. Yuri Luzhkov (1936) - Russian politician, former mayor of the city of Moscow.

And in the end, we invite you to evaluate the song dedicated to this male name. Many female singers (Glukoza, “Not Angels”) perform songs dedicated to Yuri. But this composition is performed by a real man, presenter Yuri Nikolaev, and it is truly masculine. The song is called “Yuri Island”, and it’s for you!

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Full name: Yuri

Similar names: Jiri, George, Yrjo, Georges, Jorgen, Jorn, Jori

Church name: Yuri

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Georgios, derived from “georgos” - “farmer”, “cultivator of the land”

Patronymic: Yuryevich, Yuryevna

The meaning of the name Yuri: interpretation

Yuri is a Slavic interpretation of the name George and has Greek roots. The literal translation is “farmer.” Some historians put forward a different version, according to which the name appeared in the Promised Land, its meaning is “God is my light.” The energy cannot be called strong; it is difficult for men with this name to achieve heights in life; they are not distinguished by their “punchy” character.

Name Yuri in other languages

Astrology named after Yuri

Favorable day: Wednesday

Years later

Little Yura is a quiet and domestic child. Prefers to spend time with parents or reading books (drawing). Yura is a good student and is considered a diligent and diligent student. But teachers very rarely praise him and set him as an example; he is hampered by low self-esteem and a tendency to doubt himself.

From an early age, the boy gets used to being in the shadow of more successful and active children. If parents at this age do not make some effort, the child will become uninitiated and lazy.

Silent, reserved, constant in his views. The meaning of the name has a tenacious and flexible mind, intelligence, and ingenuity. Critical, receptive to everything new, easy-going, active. A boy named Yuri does not strive for leadership; punching power and assertiveness are not characteristic of him.

Young Yuri is very sociable, but independent and always defends his own opinion. He rarely falls under the influence of his elders and actively attends sports clubs. Some teenagers are interested in some form of art. Already as a teenager, Yura tries to flirt with older girls and early learns the mysteries of carnal love.

Despite this, he is very courteous with representatives of the opposite sex and does not allow himself anything that could offend or compromise the girl. He values ​​openness and honesty, although he can sometimes be disingenuous, especially with his parents. He knows how to speak ornately, has impeccable manners, and does not allow negative emotions to break through.

He is a bright, spiritually rich person, cheerful and sociable. The name Yuri works well in any profession and in any leadership position. He has a philosophical type of thinking, diverse interests, and rarely confines himself to the confines of his profession. The name Yuri is aristocratic, always stands out in the crowd and in any company. Monogamous A man named Yuri is not prone to surprises. In love, he is usually gentle with women, unable to refuse them.

An adult man does not lose his youthful spontaneity; he is cheerful and sociable. Since childhood, he has been accustomed to reasoning; with age, he develops a truly philosophical mind. He is interested in different things, so he changes professions quite often.

Yuri is a real aristocrat, he has excellent manners and knows everything about the rules of etiquette. He does not like surprises and always tries to live “by the rules.”

Throughout his life, a man’s financial situation is not stable. Often Yuri's wife earns more than her husband and holds leadership positions, but this does not bother him. Why? He is a philosopher who is focused on his inner life. Yuri never remains without the attention of those around him - girls, friends, girlfriends or just acquaintances. Despite being social, they sometimes lack privacy and time to put their thoughts into place.

ry is calm, noble, restrained, reasonable - he has amazing self-control! However, at the same time, his manners are artistic - he is generally an actor by nature, life for him is a stage, people are an audience. The name Yuri is a philosopher and warrior rolled into one, very persistent, courageous, capable of achieving a lot in life. He has been unlucky in love for a long time, he treats women condescendingly and distrustfully, however, having met his only one, he will not give up on her.

Yuri's character

Yuri strives to communicate with interesting people, tries to gain life experience and knowledge from them. He is unforgiving and able to forgive offense. Yuri are purposeful individuals who always try to achieve their goals. The more complex it is, the more interesting it is. However, they will never go over their heads and are not capable of betrayal.

Communication skills help you make the right contacts, and the desire for new things helps you stay afloat in any situation. Yuri does not like to attract the attention of others, but people themselves are drawn to him, since the owner of this name is not devoid of charisma. People feel in him a strong, strong-willed personality.

Inflated self-esteem and a constant desire to hear compliments addressed to you. Men named by their parents by this name are capable of very rash actions and are quick-tempered. Yuri does not like to attract the attention of others, but people themselves are drawn to him, since the owner of this name is not devoid of charisma. People feel in him a strong, strong-willed personality.

Despite the fact that they are not capable of betraying, flaring up and telling their interlocutor everything that they think about them (especially in an argument) - quite in Yuri’s style. It is difficult for them to accept criticism addressed to them, since their self-esteem is somewhat inflated, and Yuri does not consider his mistakes to be serious.

Yuri's fate

Yuri loves society and feels great in a big company. But he doesn't have many close friends. Men to whom their parents gave this name are distinguished by their ardent temperament, but constantly try to restrain their emotions. Even in his youth, Yuri tries to stand out from the crowd; with age, this desire becomes stronger. This explains his desire to occupy a leadership position or become a famous person.

The bosses value men with this name for their diligence and pedantry, family and friends - for their desire to always come to the rescue. Yuri always chooses as his wife a woman who will be “crazy” about him, forgiving flirting and infidelity. Therefore, everything is going well in his family life. Yuri can move up the career ladder, but does not set such a goal for himself. If this works out, the man will be satisfied; if not, he will be completely satisfied with this situation. For him, only finances are important, so he always chooses a profession that could generate income. But there are few oligarchs and millionaires among those with this name; money is not their goal.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Yuri does not seek to “pluck stars from heaven.” He likes a quiet, prosperous life, so the man chooses exclusively well-paid professions. Owners of this male name become accountants, middle managers, and so on.

Yuri is not a careerist, he does not strive to advance in his career, and can hold one position throughout his life. This does not bother him; Yuri is happy with what he has. But the financial situation remains unstable all my life.

Marriage and family

He always marries for love, in defiance of his relatives, but there can be several marriages. Yuri has been dreaming of a big family since his youth; he will do anything for the sake of his loved ones. His requirements for a life partner are small.

She must love him selflessly, be thrifty and tidy. After marriage, a man completely hands over to his wife the “reins of power” of the family (and finances). The only important thing is that she does not prevent him from engaging in self-contemplation and from time to time starting intrigues “on the side.”

Sex and love

Yuri literally “bathes” in female attention. But a lady who decides to be intimate with this man must be prepared for his infidelities. He is in love, and does not try to hide it, but Yura himself does not care about attracting anyone’s attention to himself.

During intimacy, a man tries to please a woman, and this attracts them to him. Successful relationships with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Nina, Svetlana. Difficult relationships with the name can develop with Ada, Anna, Larisa, Margarita, Marina, Raisa.


He has good immunity, but he is always in danger of some kind. He is prone to injuries and often suffers from colds in childhood. Despite good immunity to various types of infections, the risk of getting a fracture or dislocation remains high throughout life. Traumatic sports are not recommended: boxing, wrestling, hockey, etc.

Yuri is very sociable, loves a big, cheerful company, but he rarely has the only spiritual friend. Yuri is temperamental, but restrained in his emotions. He is very persistent in achieving his goal and will not turn away from his chosen path. “Autumn” is even cunning and calculating; it is he who may have problems with the nervous system, which needs to be actively monitored.

Interests and hobbies

Yuri is passionate about mysteries, he simply loves everything related to mysticism. In his free time, he reads classics and science fiction. Some men have more “prosaic” hobbies - hunting and fishing. Yura is an “avid” tourist, but does not like to travel in a large group. Prefers hiking along mountain paths and visiting hard-to-reach places.

He is very stubborn, brave, and becomes independent early. In business, Yuri knows how to show firmness and the ability to concentrate on one goal. He is an excellent worker, ambitious, and can achieve great success in his career, although he is not a leader. Yuri becomes a specialist in various fields - technology, medicine, literary criticism, engineer, plasterer, electrician, trainer. Yuri is receptive to everything new, sometimes he does business and earns good money, but he does not become a millionaire.

Yuri: the meaning of the name, character and destiny - it is very important to find out all this before choosing this name for your child. Firstly, it speaks of a changeable nature. And secondly, Yura is very gentle and sensitive to all his feelings and emotions, while he simply doesn’t care about the feelings of the people around him. He can calmly relate to the problems or joys of any person, but only until the moment they touch him. Exactly at this very second, Yura will become an unrestrained and restless person before our eyes.

The meaning of the name Yuri shows all the contradictory character of the person to whom it belongs. The character will be greatly influenced by the environment, the environment in which the boy was born and raised, as well as the time of year.


Every person who comes across this name in their environment, or their parents, is very interested in what the name Yuri means. The character traits and behavior of a person as a whole depend on this. In ancient Greek it meant farmer or cultivator. Some sources claim that the meaning of the name Yuri from ancient Russian is frisky or agile. It became a Slavic form from George, which was very rarely used in secular life. Usually it was used for rituals. Over time, the name Yuri began to quickly spread and be used independently.


The meaning of the name Yuri for a boy characterizes him as a calm and serious child. He knows how to reason well and correctly, and also tries to overcome all the injustice in the world. Yura is always determined to defend his own opinion. He quickly gains authority among his peers, they respect him and listen to his advice. But at the same time, they don’t really want to invite you to join the company.

Little Yura does not like large and noisy yard gatherings and games. He prefers to spend time alone and rarely lets anyone into his world.

For parents, the child will not cause problems. He is overly responsible and independent, but at the same time he does not like it when adults begin to treat him like a little boy. You need to talk to Yura as equals, while respecting and taking into account his point of view. The child knows how to empathize with people. The meaning of the name Yuri says that he is a kind and sympathetic boy, in whose character traits one cannot see selfishness and arrogance.

At school he will choose 3 favorite subjects. Yura will show all his zeal and perseverance exclusively on them. The boy is philosophical about the rest of the school curriculum, believing that these subjects are unlikely to ever be useful to him in life. Yura regularly and regularly only goes to physical education. The meaning of the name Yuri for a boy characterizes him as an average student.

Personal life

The matured Yura will never be left without female attention. But for him this does not matter much, since by nature he is monogamous. Therefore, he is often unlucky in the love field. The name Yuri, by origin and meaning, speaks of the modesty and sometimes even shyness of its owner. Very often the girl who is next to him cannot fully understand Yura’s feelings and attitude. He will never shout about his love at every step. Yura is not a romantic by nature. Only for a woman whom a man really loves will he be ready to open his heart. She will immediately feel it, everything in the young man’s behavior will indicate a new and strong feeling that has appeared in his soul. First of all, Yura’s attention is drawn to women, who need to be constantly conquered.

A man enters into marriage only out of love. But sometimes he simply does not fully understand that for a strong and harmonious married couple this feeling will not be enough. Therefore, a marriage that does not last long may fall apart. Moreover, after a divorce, the former spouses necessarily remain enemies, since Yura simply does not understand and does not accept such a thing as friendship between a man and a woman.

The meaning of the name Yuri emphasizes that if a man does not learn to trust his companion, then he will never be able to create a strong family. He is especially terrible in jealousy, which leads to daily scandals and quarrels. Therefore, it often turns out that after the first divorce, Yura has a very difficult time coming to his senses, and his desire to start a family disappears for a long time.

It is best for a man to choose a patient, caring and gentle companion as his wife. For the sake of such a woman, he will become a better husband and father. Therefore, before getting married, a woman should definitely know what the name Yuri means for family and love.

In order not to meet old age alone, but, on the contrary, with his family, a man must reconsider his attitude towards his wild lifestyle in his youth. Since in most cases this is the main reason for divorce.

Talisman stone

The name Yuri, the meaning of the name and fate largely depend on the amulets stones. They are:

  1. Green. Calms and relieves signs of depression. It will help you realize your deepest desires and dreams.
  2. Black. Fills you with strength and courage.
  3. Blue. It will remove any damage and protect against conspiracies. It will help you gain the necessary strength before making a responsible decision.
  4. Brown or grey. It will remove too strong emotional background and experiences. Thanks to a stone of this color, Yura will be able to soberly assess the current situation.
  5. Orange or pink. Favorably influences making the right decision.
  6. Red. It will calm down the anger inside and relieve tension.
  7. White. Will quickly calm and balance Yura.
  8. Yellow. It will help a man understand the desires of his other half faster and easier.
  • Chrysoprase. The meaning of the name Yuri with this stone represents luck, success, joy, wealth, health. The stone removes all negativity and negative energy, making room for kindness, reliability, and loyalty. If a person has bad intentions, then chrysoprase will begin to darken. In general, this stone is unique. For creative people it will give inspiration, and for pragmatists it will help in business. To enhance its effect, it is best to choose a frame made of silver.

Business and career

The secret of the name Yuri speaks of him as the owner of a flexible mind. A man is naturally very inquisitive and has a good memory. For him, even the most difficult and confusing situation will not cause fear. He will brilliantly come out of it as a winner due to his ingenuity.

To choose a suitable profession, you need to know what the name Yuri means for work. He works well, and the main thing is that he likes it. A man named Yuri feels confident in any industry and in any position. That is, he can easily cope with a leadership position or a simple working specialty. The meaning of the name Yura suggests that he will be appreciated by management, for which he always receives bonuses and incentives. He approaches his work creatively and devotes himself completely to it. But this person will never be an altruist. At a minimum, Yura expects decent material rewards for his work. If this is not the case, then he will change his job without hesitation.


A lot depends on the time of year in which the child was born. His habits and character in the future will depend on this. Therefore, it is very important to know what the name Yuri means for each season.

  • Winter. Yura has such qualities as an extraordinary mind, ingenuity, and emancipation. He is not a warrior in life, but likes to enjoy his vacation. A man can easily leave all troubles in the past. Moreover, he still tries to squeeze something good out of every negative situation and problem. Winter Yura lacks stability in life. This will especially have a bad effect on his attempt to create a strong family.
  • Spring. The meaning of the name Yuri shows his emotions and temperament. This man loves big companies and is always attracted and attracted by a carefree life in which there are no boundaries or obligations. Therefore, a quiet family haven, which over time will turn into a routine, simply irritates him. Very often, spring Yuras remain solitary until old age. If he changes his attitude towards wild life. He has all the qualities for a family. Namely, intelligence, ingenuity, desire to work. A wife must be patient and devoted, able to guide her husband. Then the house will become a full cup.
  • Summer. Yura, born at this time, fears most of all being left alone. Therefore, marriage may be too early for him. He will devote himself entirely to his family, his wife and that’s it. Otherwise, he will contact similar loners, which will ultimately lead to prolonged drinking sprees. But if he meets his love, he will be ready to return the mountains for her sake. Yura will quickly say goodbye to his group of wild friends in the name of love and a strong family.
  • Autumn. The meaning of the name Yura indicates his strong-willed, hardworking and purposeful character. He can achieve anything in life on his own if he really wants to. From the outside, you might think that Yuri is a stern and ascetic man. But with close communication, it turns out that he is kind, sympathetic and always afraid of offending a person. Therefore, he is very afraid of making mistakes in people and does not trust them. It is very easy for Yuri to break his heart and leave a wound on it that will take a long time to heal. The woman who marries him will be surrounded by happiness, harmony, understanding and care.


For a happy marriage, it is important to know not only what the name Yuri means, but also what female names are suitable for this. Love and harmony will reign in union with Aza, Alevtina, Angela, Antonina, Galina, Daria, Zinaida, Larisa, Lydia, Lily, Lyubov, Natalya, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia, Tamara.

It is better to stay away from Ada, Alla, Veronica, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inga, Tatyana.

If the question arose about choosing a name for your unborn child or you were interested in the mystery of the name Yuri, then you have found the right article. Here the most basic traits of Yuri's character and behavior in childhood and adulthood will be revealed.

The influence of the name Yuri on fate and character

Since ancient times, people began to notice that a person’s name and his fate are inextricably linked. The type of character and temperament, behavior patterns and talents depended on how the child was named. After many centuries, based on all the observations and their careful analysis, a science was created about the meaning of names from all over the globe. The number of names is still growing and their interpretation is expanding. What is the country of origin and what does the name Yuri mean, we will consider in the next subheading.

Interpretation of the name

This name is ancient, it was first used to call boys on the territory of modern Greece, and it sounded like George, comes from the Greek words “ge”, which means “earth”, and “ergon”, which means “work”. The Slavs began to name their male children the name Yuri - this is a derived form from George. This name can be interpreted as “farmer”, or, according to the Slavic version, “creator”.

In the Orthodox faith, there are two days of remembrance - the third and eleventh of January.

Yuri in his childhood

The secret of the name Yuri for a child is that a boy with this adverb is very inquisitive in childhood and has an inquisitive mind. It is difficult for Yuri to build relationships with his peers due to his emotional stinginess. He becomes independent and responsible beyond his years earlier than many of his peers, and he loves solitude, and sometimes even strives for it himself.

Little Yura studies with average grades and does not cause much trouble for either teachers or parents. The boy does not like to be the center of attention, he is a little withdrawn, which should not alarm his parents, since this character trait is common to all Yuri. You need to have conversations with him as equals, getting as close as possible to an adult manner of communication. Responsibility in Yuri grows from childhood and depends on the degree of his independence.

During the so-called “transition period”, this teenager’s character, which was formed in childhood, is practically impossible to change. Therefore, from an early age the boy’s parents should take into account his negative character traits, such as pride, envy, boasting, arrogance and intemperance.

Yuri. Meaning of the name. Character

The external phlegmatism of a man named Yuri is very deceptive; an erroneous opinion about this person’s temperament is created due to his great calm, self-absorption and restraint. Such men are prone to philosophical discussions about life and their place in this world. The secret of the name Yuri is that its owners are artistic and love art in its various forms.

Yuri's appearance

The appearance does not completely correspond to the character of its owner. For all their softness and subtlety of spiritual structure, these men usually look impressive, have a strong physique and tall stature. Artistry can often be seen in behavior, gestures and facial expressions. Such a man always attracts attention, without even seeking it.

Yuri and women

Thanks to his attractive appearance and representative appearance, Yuri does not go unnoticed by women; they are very partial to him. The secret of the name Yuri in his personal life is that this man behaves with women attentively and respectfully. In most cases, he is trouble-free, but does not show much initiative. This is interpreted by women in different ways, some themselves begin to take active steps towards winning Yuri’s heart, but the only one who managed to do this will become his chosen one for many years.

Yuri in the family

Yuri is monogamous and constant in his affections. For this man, family always comes first; he is a good owner, a worthy spouse and a caring father. He loves children very much, takes an active part in their upbringing, for which he spares no expense. She tries to give her children a good education and often tries to instill a love of art, including music and choreography.

As for the material part of family life, here too he shows himself positively, this person always has money, he knows how to earn it and spend it rationally. If he notices that his wife is mismanaging the family budget, she will take it upon herself.

This person is the soul of his company, in which he is simple-minded and cheerful, he loves to throw parties, holidays and picnics. He has a couple of signature dishes that he likes to treat his friends to when they gather on his territory.

Yuri in sex

The secret of the name Yuri in sex is that its owner is inventive, hardy and relaxed in bed, loves to enjoy his partner to the fullest. He is affectionate, and his capabilities in sex surprise and delight women. This man gets special pleasure in sex when he is completely immersed in the process and enjoys the woman to the fullest.

People named Yuri are indifferent to easily accessible females who do not require long courtship.

For this man, it is important to win a woman who knows her worth, who will be his equal in the social and personal sphere.

Interpretation of the name Yuri by letter

The mystery of the name Yuri and its meaning are also interpreted by the individual letters of which it is composed.

Yu - this letter gives its owner boredom and dullness, fixation on the same type of emotions.

R - gives the bearer of this letter professionalism.

And - it is believed that it gives an inclination to love art.

Y - is responsible for the impulsiveness and temperament of its owner.

Numerology of the name

Numerology is a science that assigns numerical meaning to letters. The secret of the name Yuri and its meaning is also perfectly described using numbers. Each of the letters of the name has its corresponding number.

From the point of view of numerology, the fate of the name Yuri lies in the number 8, which was obtained by summing up all the above numbers.

Eight gives Yuri an originality, he is not like other men, he is unusually smart and frank, but sometimes he is harsh and thereby makes enemies for himself.

People-eights hate human limitations and narrow-mindedness, they can drive Yuri to rage, which he is not going to hide. Also, this person does not like bores and fools, but he has a great attitude towards well-mannered, intelligent and capable people.

Compatibility with female names

What is the secret of the name Yuri in this regard? What female names is it compatible with? Many couples, before tying the knot, prefer to find out the meaning of their partner's name, as well as how compatible their names are.

It is important that the names of the spouses suit each other, since the name carries energy on which character and destiny depend.

The following female names are ideal for the name Yuri: Emma, ​​Ada, Frida, Anastasia, Tamila, Bronislava, Galina, Stella, Varvara, Mirra, Dina, Maria, Marianna, Dora, Lyudmila, Clara, Iya, Lyudmila, Larisa.

A little less, but Yuri and will also get along well: Edita, Bella, Gloria, Tatyana, Alexandra, Tatyana, Diana, Zoya, Tamara, Isabella, Sofia, Isolde, Lydia, Praskovya, Zinaida, Lolita, Sarah, Nadezhda, Olga, Nana , Lyubov, Polina, Sofia.

Unlucky name compatibility: Yuri will not be happy with Agnia, Alisa, Valeria, Vladislava, Inna, Ksenia, Nika, Svetlana, Serafima and Stanislava.

The influence of the patronymic on the name Yuri

The meaning of a name and fate are greatly complemented by a person’s patronymic. For example, Yuri with such patronymics as Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Vasilyevich, Valentinovich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Yuryevich, Fedorovich and Sergeevich, will differ from the rest of his namesakes in his discretion and caution when choosing friends and even wariness towards new acquaintances. Such Yuri are charming and sociable, and have a good sense of humor. This person is full of energy and vitality, he is balanced and constant.

In his youth, Yuri, who has one of the above patronymics, is naive and idealizes his girls too much, so very often such guys get married early, but unsuccessfully.

If Yuri’s marriage took place after twenty-seven years, then he must be happy, but in any case, Yuri is a caring father and a faithful husband.

The next group of patronymics that distinguish Yuri from others is: Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Arkadyevich, Vadimovich, Kirillovich, Nikitovich, Maksimovich, Grigorievich, Matveevich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Yakovlevich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich.

Such Yuri are nervous, even unbalanced, overly sensitive. In relationships with women they are especially temperamental and seductive, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex. They can have several mistresses and have good trusting relationships with each of them. But for marriage they most often choose a woman who is intelligent, strong-willed and strong. Such Yuriev has a well-developed intuitive sense; he is a good owner, loving children and respecting his wife.

Yuri with the following patronymics stand out for their waywardness, stubbornness and authority: Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Gennadievich, Vyacheslavovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Yanovich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yaroslavovich. These people are also diplomatic, cunning and witty. Such Yuri are great connoisseurs of art and spirituality. They have a small one because the majority does not understand them, they are mainly interested only in themselves, are aimed at self-development and self-knowledge, and are distinguished by their individuality.

Such men do not conquer women; often it is the weaker sex who has to show persistence and perseverance, proving the seriousness of their intentions.

Yuri with the patronymics Antonovich, Valerievich, Arturovich, Germanovich, Denisovich, Glebovich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Leonidovich, Mironovich, Ruslanovich, Olegovich, Filippovich, Semenovich and Emmanuilovich has a special appeal.

He tends to overestimate his capabilities, is impatient, independent and temperamental, very hot-tempered, but the ability to restrain his emotions helps him avoid conflicts.

Only a very patient woman can become the wife of such Yuri, who will subsequently be happily married to him. Yuri, with one of the above patronymics, is a craftsman, a hard worker, and a wonderful family man.

Another group of Yurievs, who have patronymics Alanovich, Veniaminovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Dmitrievich, Rostislavovich, Stepanovich, Nikolaevich or Feliksovich, have a subtle mind and a keen sense of humor.

In a woman, he values ​​mental abilities above all else. In marriage, he is the head of the family, which he will care for greatly.

Famous people named Yuri

In our history there are many outstanding personalities named Yuri, but let’s remember the most significant ones.

(90s of the 11th century - 1157) - Grand Duke of Kiev and Prince of Suzdal, Prince of Rostov-Suzdal, direct descendant of Vladimir Monomakh. This man had strong energy and directed his rule mainly towards the construction and strengthening of cities and churches.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934-1968) - Soviet cosmonaut who was the first to fly into space. Everyone knows his catchphrase “Let's go!” when he launched on a rocket on April 12, 1961.

Yuri Nikulin - comedian, circus performer (1921-1997).

Yuri Shatunov is the lead singer of the group “Tender May,” popular in Soviet times.

But in the end, no matter what you name your little son, the main thing is that he feels the love and care of his parents.

The deeper you study the meaning of the name Yuri, the more you will be convinced that not only its sound is attractive, but also its character traits. For most, a man's name is associated with specific people, their behavior, and manner of communication. Given its popularity over several decades, it was possible to determine the exact meaning of the name Yuri for a boy.

In childhood, parents do not have problems with quietness; the child independently finds something to do and often immerses himself in his own world, without being distracted by others.

Hobbies are an integral part of life: growing indoor flowers, fishing, pets, various collections. Often the result of a child's hobby is a rich collection that can be passed on by inheritance.

Particularly attractive is the meaning of the name Yuri for a child of parents who consider it necessary to develop logical thinking, excluding the adoption of spontaneous decisions. The interpretation of the name is pleasantly pleasing in that a modest young man attracts people to himself like a magnet, without making the slightest effort.

An indisputable advantage is neatness in everything; for example, his workplace is of great importance, everything is in its place, this allows him to concentrate on a specific task.

Studying comes quite easily to him, especially the exact sciences, and he is often interested in history and philosophy. Parents should make sure that the boy can additionally study foreign languages; he has an excellent memory.

A silent person easily finds a common language with teachers, but does not become a favorite. In the fight for justice, I am ready to reincarnate and confidently defend my point of view, without being embarrassed by others.


Restraint has its advantages; with age, facial expressions and gestures associated with aristocracy are developed. This manner attracts the fair sex; in most cases, the young man does not make the slightest effort for this.

Getting his attention is not easy at all. This means that a woman must take the initiative into her own hands, otherwise she may not receive his attention. Feelings are of great importance, without love a man cannot live in marriage, calculations are excluded.

He closes his eyes to the obvious shortcomings of his chosen one, gives himself completely to her, and expects a similar attitude towards himself. Having learned about the betrayal, he will not forgive, he will withdraw into himself, and it is almost impossible to return his affection. Sincerity is of paramount importance to him in relationships.

He cannot be interested in an available woman; this is contrary to his life principles. Accustomed to winning the favor of his chosen one, intelligence and the ability to accurately plan his actions allow him to leave wealthier rivals in the shadow.


Marries solely for love, shows strength of character even if the mother is categorically against marriage. The result of determination and confidence is a strong, happy family; over time, parents will recognize and even love their daughter-in-law, and harmony will reign. At the age of forty, he begins a fundamentally new life, attaches importance to his own appearance, and often gets carried away.

A wife must have patience. This means that she will have to establish contact with her mother-in-law, who is an authority for her son, although he went against her will.

He becomes a caring father and is interested in the personal lives of his growing children. Tries to spend as much time as possible with his family.

For him, his wife’s appearance matters; he does housework so that she can visit the beauty salon and shops. He needs a cozy home environment. Guests feel truly comfortable, this is facilitated by a measured lifestyle that excludes aggression.

Female beauty is very important to him throughout his life; he cannot indifferently pass by an attractive representative of the fair sex. As a rule, he is limited to compliments; betrayals do not correspond to his inner world.

She does not ignore her elderly parents, treats her mother touchingly, and helps whenever possible.

Business and career

A diversified personality is in search all his life, which means he is not limited to one type of activity. His ability for science allows him to realize himself in various fields. Knowledgeable in technology and humanities. Of particular importance is medicine, which attracts a boy from an early age and can become a sought-after specialist. A philosophical attitude to life allows you to easily endure failures and defeats, thanks to which you become stronger.

Courage, perseverance, laconicism are qualities that allow you to achieve success in business. He can work as an engineer and trainer, in any case his work will be adequately paid. The ability to make the right decisions is inherent in nature.

An analytical mind will allow you to organize your own company.
Becomes a good leader and easily finds a common language with representatives of different generations. Education matters at all times. They really trust him, but he is extremely careful in choosing partners.

Origin of the name Yuri

The Slavic origin of the name Yuri allows you to confidently name your child; there will be no problems with baptism. Etymology provides precise information as to where it came from: the Greek name George. History shows that the peak of popularity occurred in the last century, covering the entire territory of Europe. In different countries there are many bright personalities whose name is worthy of emulation; the secret of the name will allow you to decide on the choice of a talisman.

Characteristics of the name Yuri

An unpredictable personality demonstrates pros and cons throughout life; external calm is accompanied by internal protest. A strong character does not allow him to impose an opinion that contradicts his life principles. From childhood, the characteristics of the name Yuri testify to his kindness. A romantic often dreams while looking at the clouds. In the company of close friends he feels comfortable, it is easy to communicate with him: he knows how to listen, and does not allow rude behavior. Prefers stability in work and family life.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: Emerald.
  • Name days: February 17, August 13.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name: Sagittarius.

Famous people

  • Yuri Antonov - singer.
  • Yuri Gagarin - cosmonaut.

Different languages

The most common translation of the name Yuri is derived from the Greek George - farmer, land worker.

  • in Chinese 尤里 yóulǐ.
  • in Japanese やり手 – Yarite

Name forms

  • Full name: Yuri.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yuranya, Yurasya, Yura, Yurik, Yurakha, Yurasha.
  • Declension of the name - Yuri, Yuria.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is George.