What does the name Vladik mean for a boy? The meaning of the male name Vladislav. Origin and meaning of the name Vladislav

What does the name Vladik mean for a boy?  The meaning of the male name Vladislav.  Origin and meaning of the name Vladislav
What does the name Vladik mean for a boy? The meaning of the male name Vladislav. Origin and meaning of the name Vladislav

Are Vlad, Vladik and Vladislav different forms of the same name or different names? The article will be useful to those who decide to understand this issue.

The name Vladislav is associated with reliability, confidence and strength. The shortened form of the name, Vlad, seems to be the same. It sounds somewhat softer and kinder: “Vladik.” However, calling the boy Vladislav or Vlad, some parents deny that the child’s name can have other forms. In their opinion, Vlad, Vladik and Vladislav are completely different names. Is it so?

Vlad, Vladik and Vladislav: different names or not?

Vladislav– an ancient Slavic name, which was composed of two bases: -Vlad and -Slav. The literal translation is to own the glory. The name has Old Germanic (Waldemar), Polish (Władysław) , Ukrainian (Volodislav) , Spanish (Ladislao), Greek (Βλάντισλαβ, Λαδίσλαος) and Czech (Vladislav) analogues. The meaning of the name: “possessing glory” or “good ruler.”

What to name the boy: Vlad, Vladik or Vladislav?

Vlad and Vladik - shortened versions of the full name Vladislav. Sometimes the Vladislavs themselves oppose such cuts and do not allow themselves to be addressed in such a form. However, you should understand that the full name is quite difficult to pronounce, and it is difficult for others to pronounce such a long word every time.

The names Vladislav are similar in phonosemantic profile and perception to the names Demyan, Stanislav and Daniyar.

Can Vladislav be called Vlad?

There are quite a lot of fans of only the first or only the second variant of the name. It even gets to the point that when registering a newborn, parents ask to register him as Vlad, and not Vladislav, while little Vladislav’s mom and dad forbid others to call their son Vlad.

In fact Vlad – derived from the name Vladislav. Also, Vladislav’s mothers should not be surprised if they hear diminutives addressed to their son: Vladik, Vladya (Ladya), Vladulya, Vladyukha, Vladis, Vladislavka, Vladyusha (Dyusha), Vladenka, Vladka, Vladislavushka.

But Vadik, Vadya, Slava, Slavik are names that have absolutely nothing in common with the name Vladislav.

It’s another matter if the child was named and registered Vlad. In this case, as a rule, the boy is not addressed with the name Vladislav.

Interesting: No one calls the popular Ukrainian dancer and choreographer Vladislav Yamu by his full name. The artist is known throughout the country as Vlad Yama.

Vlad Yama - dancer and choreographer

Vlad and Vladislav: how to correctly say their full name?

Full name – Vladislav. Vlad, like Vladik, are shortened versions of this name. However, you can name and register a child either Vlad or Vladislav. Here everything depends on the wishes of the parents and the euphony of the combination of the child’s first name, patronymic and last name.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that the more complex a person’s middle name, the simpler and shorter his name should be. And vice versa: the shorter and simpler the middle name, the longer and more unusual the name. So, a boy with the patronymic Ivanovich can be called Vladislav, and with the patronymic Vsevolodovich - Vlad.

So, Vlad, Vladik and Vladislav can be called the same person, depending on the situation. But if the name Vladislav can be shortened to Vlad, then calling Vlad Vladislav would be inappropriate.

Video: The meaning of the name Vladislav

Slavic origin, from the words “vlad” (to own) and “slav” (glory) - owner of glory. The Old Russian form of the name is Volodislav. A boy with this name is drawn to fire; lighting matches is one of his favorite pastimes.

Moreover, he is so impressionable that a suddenly burning newspaper gives him the impression of a strong fire, and instead of immediately pouring water on it, he will most likely run to call his neighbors. It’s good if they end up at home... He loves to read and talk with his mother. If she is upset about something, she will begin to console her, citing simple-minded “adult” consolations that she once heard from her grandmother. Since childhood, he has been tactful with girls and maintains a caring attitude towards women throughout his life. The object of worship is usually the most beautiful girl in the class.

Men with this name have a well-developed sense of beauty; with proper upbringing, they become good musicians or artists, and they are not devoid of literary abilities. Vladislav will also find his calling in a profession that requires a sympathetic and kind soul (doctor, teacher, educator). They are hardworking, they have a highly developed sense of responsibility and decency. They perceive any injustice painfully, but they cannot always defend the truth. Vladislav does not like women who are harsh, rude, and have masculine behavior. He is attracted to sensitive and gentle weak natures - those who cannot stand up for themselves, protect themselves from the vicissitudes of everyday life. Alcohol and a woman, smoking and a woman - all this is extremely unpleasant for Vladislav, and only natural tact restrains him from the desire to express the feelings overwhelming him.

The Vladislavs give birth to mostly girls, whom he loves very much. A homebody by nature, a non-drinker, he prefers the peace of home to parties. Helps his wife. More often monogamous. Remaining faithful in marriage does not require much effort from him.

Vladislav will be happy with Galina, Aurora, Inga, Claudia, Irina, Lyubov, Sofia, Marina, Olga, Julia, Tamara. Unlucky in an alliance with Agnia, Ada, Juliet, Angela, Zinaida, Bogdana, Valeria, Margarita, Vera, Veronica, Vladislav Gelena, Diana, Eva, Maya, Natalya, Tatyana, Rimma, Christina.

Meaning of the name Vladislav option 2

Vladislav - “to own glory” (slav.)

As a child, he is most often drawn to fire; lighting matches is one of his favorite pastimes. Moreover, he is so impressionable that a suddenly burning newspaper can give him the impression of a strong fire, and instead of immediately pouring water on it, he will most likely run to call his neighbors. It’s good if they are at home at this time...

He loves to read and talk with his mother. If she is upset about something, she will begin to calm her down, citing simple-minded “adult” consolations that he once heard from his grandmother. Since childhood, he has been tactful with girls and maintains a caring attitude towards women throughout his life. The object of Vladik's worship is usually the most beautiful girl in the class.

Vladik has a well-developed sense of beauty; with the right upbringing, he can become a good musician or artist; the development of his literary abilities gives positive results. He will also find his calling in a profession that requires a sympathetic and kind soul (doctor, teacher, educator). He is hardworking and has a strong sense of responsibility. This is a very decent person. He perceives injustice painfully, but he cannot always defend the truth.

He doesn’t like women who are harsh, rude, or have masculine behavior. He is attracted to sensitive and gentle natures, those who cannot stand up for themselves or protect themselves from the vicissitudes of everyday life. Alcohol and women, smoking and women - all this is extremely unpleasant for him, and only natural tactfulness restrains him from expressing his overwhelming feelings.

Vladislav gives birth to mostly girls whom he loves very much. A homebody by nature, a non-drinker, he prefers the peace of home to parties. Helps his wife. More often monogamous. Remaining faithful in marriage does not require much effort from him.

He usually has a weak stomach and an unstable nervous system.

“Winter” Vladislav is tactful, attentive, and simple-minded.

The “autumn” one has a highly developed sense of self-esteem and knows his own worth. Can work as a doctor, teacher, lawyer. The name matches patronymics: Mikhailovich, Alekseevich, Petrovich, Semenovich, Fedorovich, Vitalievich, Andreevich.

“Summer” is a kind, sympathetic, selfless person.

“Spring” Vladislav is gallant, pedantic, amorous. Can become a writer, musician, artist. The name matches patronymics: Andrianovich, Emmanuilovich, Nazarovich, Stanislavovich, Adamovich, Yuryevich, Rudolfovich.

Meaning of the name Vladislav option 3

Vladislav - from. Serbian possessor of glory.

Derivatives: Vladislavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Vladya, Ladya, Vadya.

Folk signs.

If the birch tree leaves have not fallen before Vladislav, the snow will fall late.


Responsive, kind, deeply feels beauty. He is hardworking, responsible, decent, tactful. He is painfully aware of any injustice, but he does not always manage to defend the truth, because this sometimes requires showing harshness and rudeness, which are not inherent in him. It is difficult for Vladislav to find a girlfriend “on his own”, although he knows how and is ready to look after women very beautifully.

Meaning of the name Vladislav option 4

VLADISLAV - lord of glory (old glory).

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Blue color.
  • Auspicious tree - linden.
  • The treasured plant is the clove.
  • The patron of the name is the hare.
  • The talisman stone is topaz.


Vladislav has a sympathetic, kind soul and a very developed sense of beauty. He is hardworking, responsible, decent, tactful. He painfully perceives any injustice, but he cannot always defend the truth. Both in friendship and in love, due to the philosophical, psychoanalytic nature of his nature, Vladislav is able to understand and forgive a lot.

Meaning of the name Vladislav option 5

Vladislav is talented. A musically gifted person, he draws well. Later, he also showed literary abilities. Parents should pay attention to Vladislav’s talents and develop them. Otherwise, everything will come down to just entertainment or a hobby.

He will choose the profession of an engineer or builder, a ski instructor - and will be able to prove himself well in any field of activity. However, true talent will remain unclaimed. He is very hardworking, efficient and decent, which endears him to others. I am sincere in friendship. His house is always full of friends, and the wives of his comrades come to him with their problems.

Vladislav, like no one else, knows how to listen and sympathize, give practical advice, and help. However, there is little practicality in Vladislav’s advice, but he gives it with all his heart. Treats parents with great warmth. He starts a family late; most often the births are girls.

Short form of the name Vladislav. Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Vladulya, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Slava, Slavik.
Synonyms for the name Vladislav. Ladislaus, Laszlo.
Origin of the name Vladislav. The name Vladislav is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Vladislav is of Slavic origin. It means "possessing glory." There is another version of the origin of the name Vladislav - from Polish the name is translated as “good ruler”. Paired female name - Vladislava.

The diminutive Lada has become an independent female name. And the address Vladya (in some languages ​​it sounds like Vlada) is also an independent name.

Vladislav is a smart and attentive boy. He may try diligently and for a long time to solve any problem without asking for help. But if he understands that help is simply necessary, he will come up and ask for help, not considering it shameful.

To many, Vladislav seems to be a simple person. But in reality it is not as simple as it seems. You will not be able to impose your opinion on him, even by putting pressure on him. At the same time, Vladislav will not defend his point of view with foam at the mouth, or enter into various polemics and debates, but this does not mean that he gives up his opinion. Vladislav is a strong-willed, strong and firm person. If he decides to do something, he will make every effort to carry out his plans.

Vladislav can behave differently with his family and in the company of friends. He can only share his problems with someone he trusts, and then this person can count on Vladik’s complete openness and frankness. It is impossible to become Vladislav's friend if you praise him and constantly flatter him. He is not afraid of the truth and is always ready to listen to it. His self-esteem does not allow him to fall in anyone's eyes, especially in his own.

The Vladislavs are successful people. They have developed leadership qualities. The main ones are determination, thoughtfulness, the ability to see the big picture and the ability to make decisions. Vladislavs strive to be important people. The most common areas of work are energy and politics. Vladislav could become a scientist, but he wants to have results in the accessible, not the distant future.

Vladislav is a very attentive man. Before giving a gift to his beloved, he will try to find out from everyone around her, secretly from her, what she would like to receive as a gift. But he doesn’t stand on ceremony with his brothers and sisters. If he doesn’t know something, he’ll ask them directly about a gift or some event. Vladislav loves children, is very patient and can sometimes look like a nanny. But it won’t last long; at the first convenient opportunity, he will shift these responsibilities to someone else and run off to do something more interesting to him.

Sound. Vladislav is a rather long name, consisting of three syllables. Beauty is the main characteristic that stands out in him. Almost always they also note the strength (92%), masculinity (91%) and majesty (91%) of the sound of the name. Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Daniyar, Stanislav and Demyan.

Vladislav's name day

Famous people named Vladislav

  • Vladislav Volkov (pilot-cosmonaut)
  • Vladislav Strzhelchik (Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vladislav Listyev (TV presenter and TV journalist, first general director of ORT)
  • Vladislav Tretyak (hockey player, goalkeeper, world and Olympic champion)
  • Vladislav Starkov (journalist, editor-in-chief of the weekly AiF)
  • Vladislav Jagiello (Lithuanian prince, Polish king (c.1350–1434))
  • Vladislav Starevich (outstanding Russian and French director with Polish roots, creator of the world's first story films shot using the puppet animation technique)
  • Vlad III Basarab ((1431-1476) Prince of Wallachia, known for his cruelty, therefore became the prototype of the literary hero - Count Dracula. In the family the prince had a family nickname - Vlad Dracula (i.e. “dragon”), after his death among his people also nicknamed Vlad the Impaler, noting his cruelty: he impaled people.)
  • Vladislav Galkin (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2009))
  • Vladislav Illich-Svitych (Soviet comparative linguist)
  • Vladislav Dukhin (paratrooper, junior sergeant, Hero of the Russian Federation)
  • Vladislav Surkov (real name - Aslambek Dudayev; Russian statesman, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia)
  • Vladislav Dolonin (soldier, Hero of Russia)
  • Vladislav Piavko (Soviet and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Wladyslaw Szpilman (Polish pianist and composer)
  • Vladislav Zaremba ((1833 - 1902) Ukrainian composer)
  • Vladislav Syrokormlya (pseudonym of the Polish poet Ludwik Kondratovich)
  • Vladislav Vančura (Czech writer, director, screenwriter)
  • Vladislav Khodasevich (Russian poet and critic)
  • Vladislav Radimov (Russian football player, midfielder, former Russian national team player (1994-2006), Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008))

Linguists classify the male name Vladislav as dibasic, that is, consisting of two equivalent roots, each of which carries a specific meaning. And since both components are of Slavic origin, it is easy to understand that this name means “possessing glory” or “famous.”

The German Waldemar has a similar meaning, also consisting of two parts “waltan” - “to reign” and “mari” - “glorious”. Historians do not rule out that both names are identical and are a tracing paper (literal translation) of each other.

History of the name Vladislav

In the Russian language, the name Vladislav is not one of the most common. But the people of Poland rightfully consider it royal. Indeed, in the history of this state there were several monarchs who bore this name.

In 1320, the Krakow prince Wladyslaw from the Piast dynasty was crowned. It is noteworthy that for his short stature, only 1m 40 cm, this ruler received the nickname Lokotok. His most important achievement was the unification of the scattered Polish lands into a strong state.

From 1386 to 1434, the king of Poland was Wladyslaw Jagiello, the founder of the Jagiellon dynasty. And his grandson Wladislav II Jagiellon turned out to be simultaneously the king of two powers. In 1471 he ascended the throne in the Czech Republic, and in 1490 inherited the Hungarian throne under the name Ulaslo II.

Another Polish monarch, Władysław IV Vasa, was a contender for the Russian throne in 1610 and even took the oath. But fate decreed differently: the coronation did not take place, because as a result of a palace coup, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty, came to power.

The name Vladislav in Orthodoxy

According to the church calendar, the owner of the name Vladislav celebrates his name day only once a year. This happens on September 24 (October 7, old style).

It is interesting that the saint, whose name is revered by the Orthodox Church, is also a person of royal blood. This is the Serbian monarch Stefan Vladislav Nemanjic, who reigned from 1234 to 1243.

The future ruler was the middle son of King Stefan the First-Crown and inherited the title only after his older brother Radoslav. His uncle was Saint Sava of Serbia, who served as archbishop. Thus, all state and church power was concentrated in the hands of one dynasty.

Long before his coronation, Vladislav ordered the construction of a large monastery on the Milesevce River as the place of his future burial. This monastery exists to this day and is one of the monuments of medieval culture of world significance.

In 1234, King Vladislav ordered the transfer of the relics of St. Sava, who suddenly died on the way to the Holy Land, to the Mileshevetsky Monastery. For this, as well as for numerous deeds to help the poor and suffering, Vladislav Serbian was canonized and canonized by the church.

His ashes rest in the Mileshevetsky monastery. There, among the half-erased wall frescoes, you can see a portrait of this man. Every year thousands of pilgrims come to the monastery to honor the memory of St. Vladislav and pray at his tomb.

Variety of name forms

Vladislav is often called by the short name Slava, but this is not entirely correct. In fact, the name Vladislav is abbreviated as Vlad or Vladik. For a boy, the diminutive forms Vladichek, Vladunya, Vladislavchik, Vladya, Vladulya, Vladushka, Vladushek, Vladka are used.

The name Vladislav in various interpretations is found not only among all Slavic peoples, but also in the countries of the Romano-Germanic group. You can find out about the different variations of the name Vladislav from the table.

The patronymics Vladislavovich and Vladislavovna are formed from the given name. There is also a female analogue - Vladislava, with abbreviated forms Vlada, Lada and Vladya.

Famous namesakes

In addition to royalty, the name Vladislav was glorified by other, no less revered personalities. Let's name the most popular of them:

  1. Vladislav Felitsianovich Khodasevich (1886-1939) - Russian poet, literary critic, memoirist.
  2. Vladislav Mikhailovich Blazhevich (1881-1942) - Russian Soviet trombonist musician, conductor, composer, professor at the Moscow Conservatory.
  3. Vladislav Ivanovich Zaremba (1833-1902) - Ukrainian pianist, composer and teacher.
  4. Vladislav Ignatievich Strzhelchik (1921-1995) - Russian and Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  5. Vladislav Nikolaevich Volkov (1935-1971) - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, who died when the spacecraft depressurized.
  6. Vladislav Vatslavovich Dvorzhetsky (1939-1978) - Soviet theater and film artist, known for the films “Sannikov Land”, “Captain Nemo” and others.
  7. Vladislav Nikolaevich Listyev (1956-1995) - Soviet and Russian television journalist, director and presenter of the programs “Vzglyad”, “Rush Hour”, “Field of Miracles” and others.
  8. Vladislav Ivanovich Piavko (born 1941) - Soviet and Russian opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR.
  9. Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretyak (born 1952) is an outstanding Soviet hockey athlete, legendary goalkeeper of the USSR national team.
  10. Vladislav Borisovich Galkin (1971-2010) - Russian theater and film artist.

It is noteworthy that many football athletes bear the name Vladislav. These are Vashchuk, Radimov, Lemish, Kadyrov, Duyun, Velikodny and others.

The fate and character of Vladislav

The owner of this name has a subtle and sensitive nature. He cannot stand injustice in any form, but often prefers the role of an outside observer to the laurels of a fighter for the rights of the offended, since he does not find enough strength in himself. Vladislav would rather not punish even his offender, but rather forgive him, although he would harbor a grudge in the depths of his soul.


From early childhood the boy is too impressionable. His parents try to protect him from stressful situations, do not read fairy tales with monsters, and do not allow him to watch adult films. Almost until school, Vladya is afraid to fall asleep alone in a dark room, so his mother always has to stay close. In general, a boy is more drawn to the female half of the family, for which he is often teased as a “girl.”

The child has great creative potential. He has an ear for music and easily learns to play the piano. Vladik sings and dances well. Often a boy shows an ability to draw or sculpt. It is important for parents to pay attention to their child’s inclinations in time and enroll in the appropriate club or studio.

Studying at school does not cause any difficulties for the boy. On the contrary, he tries to complete not only daily tasks, but also study additional literature. Teachers know that this child will only ever be able to answer “five.”

Vladik, a teenager, has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. He will never stoop to flattery or fawning, trying to win someone's favor. He is very careful in choosing friends, trying to prevent a dishonest or insincere person from penetrating into the depths of his soul.

In his youth, a heightened sense of justice appears in Vlad’s character. However, due to the maximalism characteristic of most teenagers, the guy cuts the truth, regardless of the age or position of his interlocutors. Moreover, feeling some embarrassment, he tries to veil it with irony, often bordering on outright rudeness. This trait will smooth out a little over the years, but will still appear from time to time in the adult Vladislav.

Having a versatile intellect, our hero can easily demonstrate his abilities both in the exact sciences, becoming an engineer or programmer, and in law, journalism or medicine. Having decided to make a career in the creative field, Vlad will become a good musician, artist or performer. The owner of this name can handle almost any profession.


Such important qualities as hard work, determination and perseverance help our hero achieve prosperity in life. Vladislav moves up the career ladder quite quickly, often even skipping one or two steps. Usually, by the age of 30, he becomes a middle or senior manager and a fairly wealthy person.

Success will accompany Vladislav even if he decides to start his own business. Thanks to the ability to establish contacts with the right people, as well as well-developed intuition, he can turn into a successful entrepreneur in a few years. The only thing that Vladislav does not accept is partnership, since his inherent envy and resentment will not allow him to share his luck and income with anyone.

By the way, a man named Vladislav has all the necessary qualities to become a successful athlete. But here he chooses only team sports - football, hockey, basketball, because he does not dare to be left alone with the enemy.

Love and family

Our hero learns the joys of intimate relationships quite early. At first, they captivate Vlad so much that he literally jumps from one bed to another and often starts affairs with several young ladies at the same time.

But as he gets a little older, he behaves more selectively, paying attention not only to a woman’s appearance, but also to her mind, intelligence and other character traits. Disgusting by nature, a man will avoid dating women who smoke, drink, or are vulgar-looking, preferring those who are not too bright, but well-mannered and modest.

Nevertheless, Vladislav can marry not only for love, but also for convenience, choosing as his wife the daughter of his boss or the sister of the general director. True, the woman most likely will not feel this, since Vlad will look after her very beautifully and will never let his wife know that he does not have ardent feelings for her.

As a family man, a man named Vladislav is simply ideal. He likes to spend all his free time with his wife and children, without running off with friends to go fishing or to the garage. Much of the house was made with his hands, since the creative nature of our hero requires application. For example, Vlad will do the interior design himself and will do it, as usual, brilliantly.

Reserving the role of leader, the man will nevertheless not openly command. He will tactfully be able to lead his household to his decision, and they will definitely recognize it as the only correct one. Even with children, Vladislav will behave more like a friend than will arouse their great affection and love.

Name compatibility

Women who are planning to marry our hero should first check the compatibility of their name and the name Vladislav. This will help protect yourself in advance from short-term relationships and save you from a painful divorce.

A man named Vlad most often marries once in his entire life. He does not cheat on his wife, considering this dishonest and unworthy of a real man. The only thing that can cause a crack in the family boat is the scandalous nature of the wife, who will be offended at the slightest reason and not speak for several days. Our hero will not tolerate this and will definitely file for divorce.

Health and hobbies

As a child, the boy is a little sickly, but this is more likely a consequence of his delicate nature and excessive impressionability than of serious health problems. In the future, by going in for sports, he will be able to overcome his complexes and strengthen not only the nervous system, but also the entire body.

In his mature years, Vladislav may be troubled by problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, he is advised not to abuse heavy and fatty foods and to arrange fasting days.

Vlad's hobbies are varied, but, as a rule, related to his talents. Thus, a male athlete will collect medals and cups, an artist will collect paintings, an artist will collect theatrical costumes and posters, etc.

In addition, Vladislav loves to travel and always spends his holidays traveling around any country, most often in his own car. He loves to meet different people and finds a taste for meaningful conversations, arguments or debates on various topics.

The main character traits of Vladislav

The owner of the name Vladislav is secretive by nature. Even family members are not always able to find out what is in the soul of a sociable and cheerful man. And, of course, Vlad, like any other person, has not only positive, but also negative sides.

In general, a man named Vladislav has a complex and very contradictory character. He seems to be playing a double game, hiding his trembling and vulnerable soul behind the mask of an ambitious and assertive person. But it is precisely thanks to this feature that our hero skillfully adapts to situations and always finds the best solution for any life problems.

Names: origin and forms

Vladislav- (from Serbian) possessing glory.

Derivatives: Vladislavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Vladya, Ladya, Vadya.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Vladislav- possessing glory (Old Church Slavonic).
The name has always been rare.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: topaz.
Auspicious plant: linden, cloves.
Patron name: hare.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: pride, responsibility.


Vladislav, Saint, October 7 (September 24). He suffered for the Orthodox faith in the 15th century.


If the birch tree leaves have not fallen before Vladislav, the snow will fall late.
On this day, the barn keeper is honored: he sits in the barn and keeps order so that a fire does not start. You can appease him with pies and a black rooster buried under the threshold of the barn.


As a child, Vladik is a very impressionable boy, loves to communicate with his mother, is polite with girls, and his caring, tactful attitude towards women will remain with him throughout his life. During his school years, he was secretly in love with the most beautiful girl in the class. As a child, his natural talent manifests itself in various fields of art - music, drawing, literature. Parents must take time to take care of the development of natural abilities, otherwise they will all remain just entertainment. But in any case, Vladislav will have an innate sense of beauty.

The adult Vladislav is a very decent person, hardworking and responsible. He does not accept injustice, but he cannot always defend the truth. In addition to the artistic profession, he can be successful in business, politics, and leadership.

Outwardly, Vladislav is charm itself, but behind his external attractiveness sometimes hidden not very attractive traits: he can show some cruelty towards animals, has a tendency to count on others, and if he is lucky, take all the laurels for himself. Vladislav has a highly developed sense of self-esteem, but he himself is not averse to irony, even making fun of someone.

Vladislav is attracted to sensitive and gentle women, and has a sharply negative attitude towards drinkers and smokers. Vladislav helps his wife, loves his children, prefers to receive guests at home rather than run to parties. Vladislav is often monogamous; maintaining fidelity in marriage does not require much effort from him. Vladislav will be happy with Aurora, Galina, Claudia, Irina, Lyubov, Sofia, Marina, Olga, Julia, Tamara.

Surname: Vladislavovich, Vladislavich, Vladislavovna, Vladislavna.


Vladislav Jagiello, or, in Polish, Jagiello (1350-1434) - Grand Duke of Lithuania, since 1386 - King of Poland.

The son of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, he began his reign in 1377 by cunningly luring his uncle Keistut to a meeting and imprisoning him in Krevsky Castle, where he committed suicide, or, according to other sources, was strangled. His uncle's son, Vitovt, fled to Prussia to the master of the Teutonic Order and began, in alliance with the German knights, the fight against Jagiello.

In 1382, King Louis of Hungary died in Poland, leaving no son heirs, but only his daughter Jadwiga. The Polish lords who ruled the state were looking for a spouse for her who could protect the country from enemy attacks. Of all the princes neighboring Poland, Jagiello was not stronger. He was chosen as the husband of the Polish princess, but with the condition that he, a pagan, accepted the Christian Catholic faith. Jagiello was baptized under the name of Vladislav and baptized his people. He did this very quickly: he formed entire regiments of Lithuanians into ranks and forced them to read the Holy Scriptures. At this time, the priests sprinkled them with holy water and gave them Christian names, without thinking for a long time - in one regiment they called all the people Peters, in another - Pauls, in the third - Ivans, etc. Having become a zealous Catholic, Jagiello began to oppress Russian Orthodox Christians Christians of the Galician and Volyn principalities, which were at that time under the rule of Lithuania and Poland.

Having settled in Poland, Vladislav Jagiello began to govern Lithuania through governors, considering it part of his new state. This attitude of Lithuania towards Poland also resulted from the terms of the treaty that Jagiello concluded with the Poles, which caused great displeasure in Lithuania. Vytautas took advantage of this, having achieved that he was recognized as the Grand Duke of Lithuania, but under the supreme authority of Jagiello. The union (agreement) of Lithuania with Poland was of enormous importance: thanks to it, the united forces of Poland and Lithuania could begin joint decisive actions against the Teutonic Order and destroy it.

On July 15, 1410, in one of the largest battles in the history of medieval Europe - at Grunwald - Vladislav Jagiello commanded the combined Polish-Lithuanian, Russian and Czech troops against the Teutonic knights and dealt a crushing blow to the order.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.