What can be grown from purchased roses. Growing roses from a bouquet or giving cut flowers a new life. Taking cuttings: when and how to cut shoots correctly

What can be grown from purchased roses.  Growing roses from a bouquet or giving cut flowers a new life.  Taking cuttings: when and how to cut shoots correctly
What can be grown from purchased roses. Growing roses from a bouquet or giving cut flowers a new life. Taking cuttings: when and how to cut shoots correctly

Regardless of whether you are the owner of a magnificent rose garden or have never tried to grow flowers, when you are presented with an armful of buds of amazing beauty, an irresistible desire arises to prolong life and grow a rose from a bouquet. Sometimes you don’t even dare throw royal plants into the trash bin - some dry out the buds, while others leave the cuttings in water in the hope that they will take root and in the future will again delight you with the delicate beauty of their flowers.

Select suitable stems and cut cuttings

The whole secret is that not all purchased flowers are suitable for further rooting. The best chances are for buds grown in domestic greenhouses. In most cases, you cannot expect a good result from imported roses, because when sent from other countries, flowers are treated with various preparations, preserving them for a long time. As a result, the plants can no longer be called alive, and they are not capable of producing roots.

Video about growing roses from a bouquet

So, we found out that imported roses are not suitable for rooting. You don’t even have to waste time on Dutch specimens with long stems - it’s almost impossible to get roots from them. To increase your chances of a successful result, follow these rules:

  • It is better to root flowers from a fresh bouquet, since after standing for four days in a vase, the flowers may lose the ability to take root;
  • green flexible stems are just as undesirable as hard woody ones, best option– soft cuttings that begin lignification;
  • the stem of the cutting should have a bud at the top and bottom;
  • do not choose stems that are too thick or too thin for cuttings.

Ideally, it is better to decide as soon as you receive a bouquet as a gift whether you will admire it for several days or immediately take advantage of the chance to propagate it beautiful flowers, rooting the cuttings on the first day.

Not all purchased flowers are suitable for further rooting

If you decide in favor of the second option, carefully remove unopened buds and blooming flowers. You can put them in glass vase or in glasses of water so that the beauty of the bouquet is not wasted. Now it’s time to start cutting directly: cut the rose stems into cuttings 15-30 cm in length, so that there are at least two buds on each cutting. Cut the top leaves in half to reduce moisture evaporation from the plant; simply remove all other leaves and thorns.

There are no special differences in how to propagate at home garden roses cuttings, and how to plant a rose from a bouquet, no

The cutting is cut one centimeter above the top bud and the same amount below the bud located below. Cut off the lower end of the cutting acute angle with a well-sharpened knife, and cut the upper end strictly in a straight line and seal it with candle paraffin. The cuttings are ready - you can put them in water with potassium permanganate for a day, or in a solution that enhances the growth of the root system.

Preparing the soil for cuttings

The soil for planting cuttings should be light enough and have good breathability. Ordinary universal primer is quite suitable for these purposes; you can purchase it at any specialized store. Another option is to prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, take a garden turf land(two parts), well rotted leaf soil(one or two parts) and sand (one part). All this must be sifted to remove inclusions of lumps, pebbles and debris, and mixed thoroughly. Then the soil should be calcined in the oven to destroy pests, weed seeds and pathogens of various diseases. The container for planting cuttings should be about 20 centimeters high. A drainage layer is poured into it, then prepared soil, into which the cuttings are planted. It is advisable to pour a layer of clean calcined sand (about three centimeters) on top. This will allow good access of moisture and air to the base of the cutting.

We transplant the cuttings into the ground and grow roses from a bouquet

There are no particular differences in how to plant a rose from a bouquet at home and how to plant it. Cuttings are installed in the same way in pots or boxes with a drainage layer, river sand and soil, require the same careful care and can be transplanted into open ground when the first fresh leaves emerge from the buds.

Rose cuttings from a bouquet are placed in pots or boxes with a drainage layer in the same way.

The main thing is to ensure that when planting cuttings:

  • the second bud remained on the surface of the earth;
  • the soil in the pots with cuttings was constantly slightly damp;
  • plants at home were provided with a “greenhouse effect” using transparent film or plastic bottles.

Video about growing roses

In the first two years, all the buds of young bushes will have to be cut off so that the roots of the plant continue to develop successfully. When growing roses in an apartment, you will need to regularly spray the plants with water. room temperature. Watering should be done moderately in the mornings and evenings, avoiding overwatering. U indoor flowers you will need to form a bush by cutting off underdeveloped, mature and intertwining branches.

How to grow a rose from a bouquet in potatoes

Growing roses in potatoes is one of the simplest and at the same time effective methods for rooting cuttings from a bouquet.
Interesting fact. The secret is that the potato creates a constant moist environment for the cutting and at the same time provides it with nutrients. The same root vegetable protects young plant from hypothermia and other external factors.

Preparing potatoes

For planting roses, large or medium-sized potatoes are selected, preferably even, smooth, without diseases or rotten areas. Ideally, it is best to take young potatoes (if the season allows). The most important thing to do is to carefully cut out all the eyes from the potato to prevent it from sprouting. Otherwise, there is a chance to grow a spreading potato bush instead of a beautiful rose. After this, using an awl, a narrow knife or a long nail, a hole (not through) is made in the potato with a diameter slightly larger than the thickness of the cutting.

Preparing the cuttings

The cutting is prepared in the same way as with other germination methods. It’s a good idea to pre-soak it for a day in a solution of “Kornevin” or any other root formation stimulator. Another option is to dip the wet cutting into Kornevin powder.

Rooting cuttings in potatoes

A rose in a potato can be planted like in a pot. Same goes for open ground, depending on the season. On open ground prepare a hole about 2 centimeters deep. A layer of sand about five centimeters thick is poured into it for drainage.
The cutting is stuck into the hole in the potato so that the lower bud of the rose is inside the root crop. After this, the shoot along with the tuber is lowered into the prepared hole in the ground and filled up fertile soil two-thirds of the height.

Caring for planted cuttings

On permanent place cuttings are planted under cover regardless of the planting season. If you plant cuttings later than mid-summer, it is better to plant them in pots. However, they will need shelter at first and indoors. The easiest way to use glass jars or cut plastic bottles as shelter. The plastic will have to be slightly dug or pressed into the ground so that the bottles are not blown away by the wind. If you planted many cuttings at once, you can cover them with film.
From time to time, the jars need to be removed to ventilate the cuttings. The ventilation time gradually increases. Do not rush to remove the jar when the first young leaves appear. This does not mean that the plant is securely rooted. The shelter is completely removed only when the rose is actively growing. Most likely, this will happen next year. The earthen ball should not be allowed to dry out completely, however, excessive humidity will only damage the young plant and may contribute to its rotting. “Epin” can be added to water for irrigation and spraying. It is better to replant plants in open ground in the spring. Further care Caring for planted cuttings will not differ from caring for any young roses.

If you decide to do rooting, keep in mind that flowers given in winter take root the worst; in March the chances increase, and most of the summer bouquets take root. But no matter what time of year you receive a bouquet, try to use the chance to extend life beautiful roses– what if they take root and can decorate your garden or windowsill?

Article updated 01/29/2018

A novice gardener may be faced with the question of whether it is possible to grow roses from cuttings in the fall? As practice shows, reproduction at this time of year is more effective than what is carried out in the spring.

Propagation of roses by cuttings in autumn

The rose is usually called the queen of the garden. The flower decorates the garden and fills it with a stunning aroma. In order for them to actively bloom and not encounter certain ailments, they will need appropriate care.

The most common method of propagating roses involves growing them from cuttings. Breeding a flower better in autumn. Such work does not require significant time investment. How to do this? Let's figure it out.

Autumn cuttings of roses - advantages and timing

If we compare cuttings with grafting, the former has a larger list of advantages:

  • Flowers grown using this method do not form a wild root cavity, so they will need serious care.
  • Flowers from cuttings are characterized by increased resistance to winter weather conditions. If their upper part is destroyed by frost, the plant will recover from dormant buds.
  • To get planting material you just need to take a cutting from a flower from a gift bouquet.

Autumn cuttings of roses

Reproduction and pruning are carried out in the same period - at the end of October and beginning of November. If you are thinking about this method of plant propagation, you need to find out which varieties are suitable for this:

  • All varieties of polyanthus and miniature roses;
  • Almost all varieties of semi-climbing roses;
  • Climbing roses from the Rambler group;
  • Excelsa roses;
  • Large-flowered variety Flammentanz;
  • Iceberg and Rosalind from the floribunda group;
  • Hybrid tea (do not confuse with tea) roses take root in as soon as possible, but in the future their root system will not develop as actively. That is why it is recommended to vaccinate them.

Propagation and pruning are carried out at the same period

As for remontant and park varieties, propagating them by cuttings is a complex process that only an experienced gardener can master.

Read also:

The main reasons for the death of young roses

How to take rose cuttings

Reproduction is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Take ripened shoots without signs of disease. Their thickness should be 4-5 mm.
  2. Divide them into segments (each of them should have 3-5 developed buds).
  3. Make straight cuts at the top and diagonally at the bottom. This way you will know exactly which part to plant the cuttings in. For work, use a well-sharpened tool. Be sure to disinfect it by scalding with boiling water or treating with alcohol.
  4. Make the upper cut 2-3 cm above the upper bud, the lower one - under the one located below.

For work, use a well-sharpened tool

Important! If you do not plan to root the plant right away, do not pick off all the leaves; you will have to leave a few pieces so that it is provided with nutrition. Leaves growing from below need to be trimmed.

Planting a rose from a cutting

After you take the cuttings, you will need to identify the plant in a permanent location. This way it will not be stressed. Autumn rooting is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Trim the cuttings and apply a rooting agent to them.
  2. Dig a hole 30 cm deep, fill it 2/3 with grass, and lay a layer of compost on top of it.
  3. Plant shoots at an angle of 45 degrees. Leave 1/3 of the cutting or 1-2 buds above ground level above the surface.
  4. Water the plantings.

Planting a rose from a cutting

Not every gardener is aware of how to properly cover cuttings at the end of autumn so that they can survive after wintering. For shelter, you can use plastic or glass bottles. Make holes in them for air access or raise them above ground level. Cover the bottle with leaves and place them on top non-woven fabric. Drive pegs into the places where the plantings are located. For insulation is suitable straw shelter.

Roses from cuttings at home

Those who grow roses at home or in the country can resort to this method of propagation. Its principle is as follows:

  1. In early November, after the first frost arrives, prepare cuttings with 2-3 buds. Their length should be within 20 cm. Please note that the buds may bloom at an inappropriate time. To prevent this from happening, dip the top of the cuttings into melted wax and then into cold water.
  2. Place a layer of expanded clay (5-6 cm) and flower soil combined with perlite or vermiculite in a plastic bucket.
  3. Water the ground, dip bottom part cuttings into water. Then treat them with Kornevin and stick them into the hole. A container with a diameter of 30-40 cm can hold about 30 petioles.
  4. Cover the bucket with cellophane or a bag and wrap it with rope. Secure the top of the bag with clothespins. You can also cover the plantings with glass jars (never leave them in the sun).
  5. Wrap the bucket in a blanket and place it on glazed loggia. If the balcony has a cement floor, you need to place boards or foam plastic under the container.

Preparation of cuttings

Important! If serious frosts are coming at night, remove the pots indoors.

How to save rose cuttings in winter

If you decide to postpone the propagation of roses until spring, make sure that they can survive the winter. Proceed as follows:

  1. Dig a hole 15 cm deep in the garden. Place covering material at the bottom. Cotton fabric is ideal for the latter. Place the cuttings on top of it.
  2. To make it easier for you in the spring to find shoots that were hidden for storage until spring, drive wooden pegs along the edges of the hole.
  3. Remove the leaves and place the cuttings at an equal distance from each other.
  4. Cover with a cloth and place a small layer of soil on top of them.
  5. After the snow melts in the spring, dig up the cuttings and inspect them. The fact that they have taken root will be indicated by the appearance of callus - a growth with roots. After removal, they must be immediately planted in a cuttings or in a permanent place.

Preserving rose cuttings for the winter

Advice. If it is not possible to plant immediately, place the cuttings in a container of water to which a few drops of a plant growth regulator (for example, Epin) have been added.

How to root a rose from a bouquet

How you want to extend the life of a gifted bouquet of fresh flowers. This is impossible to do, but if you try, you can grow a rose from them in your flowerbed. Cut flower stems into cuttings. You can root them at any time. For this you can use flower pots or plastic bags filled with moss or fibrous peat. For watering earth will do aloe liquid. For 9 tsp. 1 tsp of water will be required. juice of this plant. Inflate the bags a little and hang them from window frame. Soon a greenhouse effect will arise in this environment, and roots will appear on the cuttings.

Do not forget to pay attention to watering the soil in pots

Don't forget to pay attention to watering the soil in pots. Cut fresh sprouts and leaves by half. This way the plant will be able to retain its strength until it is planted in an open area.

Did they give you flowers? What about roses? These queens want to prolong their lives, they are so beautiful. So, if you are ready, we will learn how to plant roses from a bouquet using cuttings at home. Everything is simpler than you think.

You liked the rose and want to plant it at home. Start with inspection, because not all flowers are equally suitable for planting. Conditions:

  • fresh rose;
  • the stem is succulent and green;
  • there should be buds on the cuttings;
  • the buds are ripe and not dark.

The flower is not suitable if:

  • the flower lasts a long time;
  • the stem immersed in water is dark;
  • there are cracks on the stem;
  • V selected places the skin peeled off.

Don’t delay rooting, bring it home and plant it right away.

Only local regional varieties are suitable for propagation. It is unlikely that it will be possible to engraft a Dutch rose, since it is fed with hormones and chemicals, without which the plant cannot cope later. I.

Stages and rules for preparing cuttings:

  1. Cut the appropriate part at an angle of 45 degrees - the cuttings are the most mature in the lower part.
  2. Cut off unsuitable buds.
  3. Cut so that 1 cm remains from viable buds to the cut.
  4. Choose a section where the leaves will be. It’s better with them - there are more chances of rooting.

Put it in the water

An easy way to get roots is to put the cutting in water. This is generally suitable for plants, but not always for roses. Be prepared for the cutting to die. If you are trying it for the first time and are not going to stop, then plant the cutting, changing the water daily. Signs of success - roots after 3 weeks.

Planting in the ground

What you will need:

  • a pot with several holes;
  • soil with fertilizers;
  • Kornevin.

Planting a rose in a pot is safer. Buy good soil - special for roses. If you don’t find one like this, take it for violets, it’s also suitable.

If possible, add moss to the soil. It has a bactericidal effect, which means the plant will not rot; and allows air to pass through well, which has a beneficial effect on rooting.

When the land is purchased, look for pots with several holes; one will not be enough. If there are no other options, then make the holes yourself. The soil should not become acidic, otherwise the cuttings will rot.

Planting stages:

  1. We compact the soil into the pot.
  2. We dip the cuttings in Kornevin (any other preparation that protects against rot in the soil).
  3. We immerse the cuttings in the ground.
  4. We moisten the soil with water.
  5. Sprinkle on wet soil thin layer dry soil so that a crust does not form.
  6. Find a plastic bottle with a lid to “cover” the cutting. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and place the top with a lid on the handle. If there is any other protection, use it, but the good thing about a bottle with a cap is that during further ventilation you will not need to remove the entire bottle, but only unscrew the cap.

A rose has sprouted in a vase: how to plant?

If you were given roses, and they stood safely in your vase, and then sprouted, then you have a chance to plant a flower, although risks are not excluded.

As we indicated earlier, if the flower is imported, it will not take root - it will not be able to survive the winter.

If the flower stands for a long time (too long - from a month), it is processed chemical preparation and also will not take root without its initial feeding.

In other cases, it's worth trying:

  1. We cut the cuttings at the bottom at an angle for greater water absorption.
  2. Cut the top part horizontally and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  3. We dip the finished cuttings for 8 hours in a stimulating preparation (buy at a gardening store).
  4. Preparing a pot of quality soil. You can make your own by mixing peat, sand and soil (1:1:2).
  5. There should be 3 - 4 holes at the bottom of the pot.
  6. Pour soil into the pot, tamp it down a little, and moisten it.
  7. We make a hole and plant the cutting.
  8. We make a mini-greenhouse from a plastic bottle.
  9. Place the pot in the light in a warm place.
  10. Spray the soil 7 times daily. After a week, spray 5 times a day.
  11. Open the greenhouse for 5 minutes every day. After a week, open the greenhouse for 8 minutes.

Cuttings take root after 30 days. Plant roses in the garden when the weather warms up.

To ensure that the plant does not die, replant the plant in the garden in its second year. For the first year, it is better for the rose to remain potted.

To make the flower take root, use potatoes. This is one of the planting options, and it is effective. How to plant a rose from a bouquet in potatoes?

What you will need:

  • ready cuttings;
  • medium sized potatoes;
  • priming.

It is assumed that you already have cuttings. Read above on how to prepare them.

Let's move on to potatoes. Remove its eyes and make a hole in the middle with a knife. We will insert the cutting into it.

Planting a rose from a bouquet, even if it is of local origin, is difficult, because flowers for sale are grown in greenhouses and, when propagated, they hardly survive the winter.

When young gardeners ask about how to plant a rose cutting in a potato, they do not always assume that the rose will take root with potatoes both outside and in the house. In the first case, it should already be warm; in the second case, it is good to grow the flower in winter or autumn.

  1. In the garden, we dig a trench at the planting site. We choose a place where there will always be sun, but not a lot of wind. If we are talking about planting in a pot, then add a little soil to the bottom, then a layer of sand.
  2. Insert the stalk into the potato.
  3. Place the potatoes in the dug trench.
  4. We bury the potatoes so that they are not visible on the ground.
  5. Place a cap made of a plastic bottle with a lid on the cutting. Planting with potatoes involves ventilating the plant every day for 5 minutes.
  6. Monitor the soil moisture, do not overwater the cuttings, but moisten them.

How to properly plant roses bought in a store

How to plant a rose seedling bought in a store? Do you intend to decorate the garden with white, blue, pink roses or any others. Flowers are sold in stores in two versions:

  • with open roots;
  • in containers.

How to Plant Bare Root Roses

Flowers with bare roots have both disadvantages and advantages. Choose them if:

  • you want to be sure to get a healthy bush;
  • Do you plan to plant flowers right away?
  • Are you interested in annual flowers?
  • you don't want to seriously spend money.

What to look for when choosing:

  • the plant must have shoots (at least 2) - woody and long as a pencil;
  • when choosing climbing rose there should be no flowers or fruits;
  • the roots are branched and strong.

Choosing a landing site:

  • sunny in the morning;
  • windless (near a house or fence);
  • elevated or flat;
  • without standing water.

The best place for roses is where these flowers have not grown before: there are still enough nutrients in the soil and there are no typical pathogens of rose diseases.

Not all land is suitable for planting. If necessary, dig up the soil, adding humus and loamy soil. Add a mixture of clay and humus to the bottom of the trench.

The time for planting is spring or autumn.

Before planting seedlings, cut off their weak ground shoots, leaving 3 good shoots with already developed buds. Inspect the roots - remove any weak, damaged or long ones.

Roses are planted only with wet roots, so immerse root system in water for 10 hours in spring and 2 hours in autumn. After soaking, dip the roots in a clay-manure mixture (1:0.5) to provide nutrition to the plant.

The soil for planting must also be ready - nourished for 3 months with peat, humus, and organic fertilizers.

Disembarkation process:

  1. We make a hole in the trench.
  2. We immerse the seedling in the soil 2 cm to the grafting site.

How to plant roses from a box

  • do not buy a plant with long and light green shoots - the seedling was stored incorrectly;
  • at the grafting site there will be callus tissue without peeling or delamination;
  • The seedling should not have diseases (plaques, spots) or obvious pests (midges).

The time for planting is spring, autumn and summer.

Otherwise, the planting process does not differ from the option with an open root system. Read about this above.

When planning to plant roses in the spring, you can buy them in advance. To preserve plants until planting time, keep the seedlings in dark place– in the basement (on the veranda or even in the refrigerator) at a temperature of +5.

When storing, do not unwrap the roots, except to moisten them if they are dry.

Inspecting the seedling, preparing it, fertilizing the soil before planting - all this is typical, so read above. When planting, the seedling is placed in a hole so that the grafting site faces south.

The seedling is covered with earth, watered with water, and topped up with the remaining soil. Near the plant, gently press the soil with your hands so that voids do not form.

At 20 cm you need to hill up the plant and cover the top with a lattice box.

There is no universal planting date; it depends on the region, variety and preparedness. Make sure that the soil has already warmed up and thawed. It is optimal to plant roses in early May.

When in doubt, plant your rose earlier. Cold soil will not allow the roots to work, but the flower will not disappear in it. In dry and hot weather, you will already miss the moment.

Now you know how to plant roses from a bouquet using cuttings at home, with a plant from a store, and what are the features spring planting. Good luck and beautiful roses in the garden.

After the bouquet loses its petals, many people wonder how to grow a rose from a cutting at home. Indeed, if you have a plot of land near your house, the temptation to get a whole bush of magnificent roses is great. The beauty of this propagation method is that from this small piece of stem, if the outcome is favorable, the exact same flower that was recently displayed in the vase will grow.

Is it possible to plant a rose from a bouquet into the ground?

Before deciding on the possibility of germinating a bush from the available material and choosing the appropriate method, you need to evaluate the cuttings.

Which stems are suitable for propagating roses?

For planting, only those stems are selected from the bouquet on which there are living leaves and buds, but no traces of lignification. The skin color should only be green and the shoot should not be too thin.

It only takes a few days for roses to stand in a vase with stagnant water to lose their viability. This is enough for harmful microorganisms to multiply on the cuttings. Ideal for cuttings are flowers that were given just recently: on this day or yesterday. If you cannot start cuttings right away, then place the bouquet in cool water, after cutting off the ends of the stems at an angle of 45° by 1-1.5 cm.

Stems suitable for propagating roses

For propagation, a rose grown in local nursery. Imported samples are not adapted to the Russian climate, and use them to propagate new variety, pointless. In addition, during long transportation, the flowers are subjected to chemical treatment, which will not allow the cuttings to take root.

Note! Practice shows that among bouquets, rooting is most successful with pink and red flowers. The most difficult to breed in this way are orange and yellow varieties. In relation to whites, it is better not to waste time and effort at all.

Planting in the ground with potatoes

If you don’t have time to grow a cutting in a pot or greenhouse for a long time, then you should use this method. It is suitable for directly planting cuttings in open ground. Just choose optimal time, when the frosts are far behind and a long warm summer is ahead.

Potato tubers are carefully selected, giving preference to healthy ones without traces of disease or fungus. Each tuber is washed, all eyes are cut out sharp knife, and then disinfected in a weak solution of manganese. Potatoes dried after this can be used to germinate rose cuttings.

A deep, but not through hole is cut in the tuber, into which the cutting is inserted with the lower end. To speed up the engraftment process, the tip is first dipped into the root. Then you can plant, but first you will need to prepare a seat.

For a rose garden, an area in the sun, but protected from strong winds. A trench is dug 15 cm deep. A sand cushion 5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. Potato tubers with cuttings are immersed in it. Next, the trench is covered with fertile soil so that the top bud is above the surface of the bed. The planting is thoroughly watered, and then each cutting is covered with a separate glass jar or transparent plastic bottle with the neck cut off to ensure greenhouse conditions. The cover is removed when the emerging sprouts are at least 2 weeks old.

A trench is dug 15 cm deep

How to properly root a rose from a bouquet

In general, regardless of the chosen method, the step-by-step work on rooting cuttings consists of standard steps.

Harvesting cuttings

There is no need to rush here, because the quality preparatory work The chances of success directly depend. Cuttings are prepared with a sharp knife or pruning shears. It is important not to cause unnecessary injury to the stems. Myself cutting tool It is advisable not only to sharpen it first, but also to disinfect it in order to prevent foreign microflora from entering the cut.

Important! Roses should be cut without flowers. This means that you need to remove both the fully blossomed heads and the remaining unopened buds. From the remaining part of the stem, a piece 15-30 cm long is left. If we're talking about about long Dutch, you can even get 2 cuttings from one rose.

The segment itself is made like this: an oblique cut is made under the lower bud, moving down 1 cm from it. Above the uppermost bud, the cut is made straight. Optimal quantity buds per cutting - 3. Less is undesirable, as it reduces the chances of breeding this particular flower. Large quantity will weaken the stalk. You should stop at the golden mean. If all the conditions for germinating the cuttings are ideal and the quality of the flowers is high, then you can take a chance and use cuttings with only 1 bud.

Lower leaves Be sure to remove them entirely, the upper ones are shortened with scissors, leaving half of the leaf blade with a petiole or even one third. This technique will allow the cutting to continue to breathe, but will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. It is not recommended to remove all the leaves entirely, as this will slow down the flow of sap in the stem. The spines are removed last.

Rooting in water

This method is good because it can be used all year round. It is enough to create cuttings optimal conditions for growth, then you can wait until summer and plant the seedlings in open ground. To begin with, you will need a transparent container with water in which the stems will stand indoors. Use filtered water, and place tablets at the bottom of the container activated carbon specifically for disinfection. The cuttings are immersed only with the lower end, not reaching the bud.

Rooting roses in water

Every 2 days the water is changed to clean. Total term germination takes 2-3 weeks. After 20 days, whitish growths should appear on the cut, from which roots will appear. This is the optimal moment to plant the cuttings in the soil. You shouldn’t rush either; it’s better to give the cuttings time to grow roots, so it will be easier for it to take root in a new place.

Important! Main disadvantage method - lack of sufficient oxygen in the water. For this reason, the effectiveness of this method is lower than that of others.

How to root a rose from a bouquet in a pot

Germination in pots allows you to obtain strong rose seedlings that are perfectly prepared for transplanting into open ground. It is important to provide each of the cuttings with a separate pot, but you can also use plastic containers size of at least 0.5 liters. If you use a large planting box, then there should be a gap of at least 8 cm between individual plants.

Each planting container is first thoroughly disinfected, for example, washed with a manganese solution. After this, the universal soil heated in the oven is poured into it, into which a little clean sand must be mixed for better aeration, as well as any organic fertilizer: humus, compost, humate. The result should be a fertile, but loose and light soil mixture.

For drainage, small stones, brick fragments, crumbs from dried soil are placed at the bottom of the planting containers. eggshells. The stem is carefully inserted into the center of the pot. Immerse so that 1 upper bud remains on top. Over time, a green shoot with leaves will appear from it. Next, everything is watered at once and a glass cap is put on top.

For your information! Optimal mode germination 25°C during the day, and at night 18°C. Place pots on sunny place or draft is not allowed. Ideally, light shading and no drafts are suitable. Watering is needed when the soil dries well. In the morning it is useful to remove the jar and spray the cuttings warm water from a fine spray bottle.

If everything was done correctly, then after a maximum of 30 days a green leaf should sprout from the bud. This indicates that rooting was successful. One leaf is not enough for transplanting into a flowerbed. You need a strong green sprout.

How to plant a rose with cuttings from a bouquet in the ground

Early spring is the ideal time to transplant rooted cuttings into open ground. If you started growing a seedling in winter, then by this time there may already be a lot of green shoots. In this case, they are shortened, leaving only 4 buds. This will reduce the risk of the rose dying.

As soon as the cutting is planted in the flowerbed, the ground around it is thoroughly watered and then mulched with peat or sawdust. It’s good to have something nearby that creates shade during the hottest time of the day. Acclimatization usually takes 2 weeks. After the active growth of green shoots, when they reach a length of 12-15 cm, you need to carry out the first feeding. Complex ones are suitable mineral fertilizers, as well as organic.

Important! In the first year, seedlings are not allowed to bloom so that the plant directs all its efforts to building a strong root system. The buds are carefully cut off. Before the first frost, the bushes are covered. Not only film or burlap are suitable, but also carton boxes. They are pressed down by a load from the wind.

When and how to grow a rose from a bouquet at home

The optimal time to propagate roses is from May to September. The maximum survival rate was observed in those cuttings that were taken from the bushes in June. In July and August vitality Roses are already on the decline, so there is no point in cutting cuttings at the end of summer.

Autumn and winter are the worst times to obtain seedlings. Of course, if available great experience You can achieve success in this case, but more effort will be expended. After all, you will need to artificially create optimal humidity, temperature and light for a long time until spring.

Those wishing to try their hand at growing roses from bouquets should take note of the following recommendations from experienced gardeners:

Germinating roses from a bouquet is a very real undertaking, but it will require quite a lot of effort. Experienced flower growers do this, wanting to get a seedling of flowers of a rare shade.

There are several ways to propagate roses: by seeds, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush, purchasing new seedlings. It will be easier and faster to decorate your plot if you buy high-quality seedlings, but they are so expensive that we can only talk about one or two, and if you want to plant a lot at once, then it’s worth considering other options. Least expensive and sufficient in a simple way Roses will be planted from cuttings. Rose cuttings can be taken from growing bushes (your own or a neighbor's), which will increase the possibility of their good survival on the site. Or you can take it from cut roses given in a bouquet; this method contains less confidence in a positive outcome, but is more motivating - after all, the flower is certainly beautiful.

Preparation of cuttings and soil

There is nothing complicated about how to plant a rose from a cutting; you need to prepare the cutting, root it, plant it in a permanent place of growth and carefully care for it. The one who passes all these stages will receive a prize - own root roses durable, unpretentious, do not produce wild growth, which would have to be constantly fought, that is, they do not degenerate into rose hips. Reproduction of roses by cuttings allows you to preserve all the characteristics of the variety of the mother plant, with the exception of hybrids, which may be cut flowers. Almost all types of roses can be taken from cuttings, but remontant and park roses are the worst to propagate in this way.

You can take and root cuttings within growing season, or rather, from the moment the flower forms until the petals completely fall off. This is the time of greatest activity of all growth processes. But many gardeners prefer to take cuttings in the fall, when the bushes are pruned before sheltering for the winter. The point is not only the abundance of material, but by autumn the shoots have accumulated the largest amount of nutrients that they will need for rooting and growth of new shoots.

Cuttings are small sections of fairly mature semi-lignified shoots with 3 – 4 fully formed buds. Young or completely lignified shoots should not be taken, as well as the tops of suitable branches.

It is better to take cuttings from the middles of adult shoots, 8–10 mm thick. They should be cut this way - the upper cut is made even 0.5 - 0.8 mm above the bud, and the lower cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 degrees, immediately below the bud. As a tool, you need to use a knife or pruning shears with a very sharp blade, which will not crush the twig, but will cut quickly with least losses. Before use, it should be disinfected with alcohol and boiling water to prevent contamination of our planting material by pathogenic bacteria.

Many people recommend treating the upper cut of the cutting with wax or paraffin, and immersing the lower cut in water with aloe juice or a purchased product to stimulate root growth. The lower leaves and thorns should be removed, and the upper leaves should be reduced by half to reduce the area of ​​​​moisture evaporation. Rooting of cuttings can occur in water, soil or even potatoes. The soil must be loose and not necessarily nutritious, root growth occurs due to the forces of the plant itself, concentrated in the cutting and its buds, young roots must first grow, and only then learn to absorb from environment nutrients.

If rooting will take place at home, then in a pot or any other container you need to make a drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay, place soil on it, and on top a layer of about 2 cm of clean river sand. You can buy soil for roses in a store or make it yourself from turf soil, peat, and sand.

Video “Planting by cuttings”

From the video you will learn how to prepare cuttings and how to root them.


How to plant a cutting correctly depends on whether we want to root it in water, a pot, or directly in the ground outside. If you choose water, you should take well water, if possible, or at least one that has been standing for several hours. There is an opinion that the water in the dishes cannot be changed, you can only add it as it evaporates, even if it becomes green and ugly, but roots are more likely to form in it than in something that is clean and always fresh. Many gardeners advise, based on their experience, to cover the upper part of the shoots that rise from the dishes with a bag or transparent film to create a kind of greenhouse, and place this entire structure in a room with a temperature of +22 - +25 degrees, in the light. If there is not enough sun, a fluorescent lamp will do.

After 2 - 3 weeks, callus forms at the lower ends of the branches - a light thickening, from which new roots will soon grow. Simultaneously with the formation of roots, new shoots may grow from the upper buds; at first they will be red, then gradually acquire a normal green color. Some people cut off these new shoots and root them, but this will delay the process of forming a new bush, which is more likely to happen if you plant a rooted cutting in the ground.

When rooting in a pot, the cutting is placed on the border of sand and soil with a lower oblique cut. The sand will prevent the stem from rotting when the humidity rises, and the newly formed roots will be able to go deeper and take nutrients from the soil. Rooting conditions for all methods are almost the same - temperature approximately +22 - +25, periodic spraying, light and shelter from above to create a greenhouse effect.

The same conditions must be created when rooting outdoors. A small semblance of a greenhouse is built in the garden bed, installing wire arcs and covering them with polyethylene. Or you can just cover it glass jars or cut plastic bottles. Sometimes plants need to be ventilated. On the street they will have to be shaded from the sun so as not to burn them and create too much high temperature under cover.

Potatoes are used for rooting cuttings because they create ideal conditions– humidity and nutrition. You just need to take absolutely healthy specimens without the slightest signs of rotting, cut out all the eyes, make shallow (up to 2 cm) holes, insert the lower edges of the cuttings into them. Two-thirds of the potatoes are covered with soil, and it is advisable to arrange a sandy substrate 5 cm thick under them. On top you also need to make a greenhouse shelter from polyethylene film or cut plastic bottles. If cuttings in potatoes are rooted outside, then a narrow trench is specially dug for them along the width of the potato plus another 5 cm, a layer of sand no thinner than 5 cm is poured down, all this is covered with soil that is light and permeable to water. And the top is covered with polyethylene, shaded from too bright sun.

There is another way to obtain the roots, it is called a "burrito" because the cuttings are wrapped in several layers of wet newspaper, like the filling of a tortilla in this Mexican dish.

The newspaper must be absolutely wet so that it can be wrung out like a rag; the cuttings are folded into a pile and wrapped in an envelope so that nothing sticks out beyond the newspaper. Then the entire package is placed in a bag. It periodically needs to be unrolled, the newspaper moistened, and the condition of the cuttings checked. If rot appears on any of them, it must be removed. The appearance of roots can be indicated by new shoots breaking through the newspaper. As soon as the roots grow, the cuttings can be planted in the ground.

Planting in the ground and care

A young rose planted in a flowerbed in spring will grow like anything else. healthy plant. Transfer it from room conditions better late spring, when the soil and air have warmed up enough and there will definitely be no frosts. At first, she will need to be covered from the sun, gradually accustoming her to it. After all, the place should be open, sunny, protected from the cold north wind, long distance from buildings and trees. It will need to be watered more often and more sparingly than an adult bush, since the roots are still poorly developed and are close to the surface; in rooted plants, even in adulthood, they prefer to grow more to the sides than in depth. There should be no accumulation of melted or rainwater, it is easier for a rose to tolerate drought than waterlogging.

Until mid-summer, the young plant can be watered several times with a solution of slurry using cow dung or bird droppings though best results shows application horse manure. You can apply fertilizers specially selected for roses. Towards the end of summer and autumn, it is advisable to focus on potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and exclude nitrogen fertilizers. There is no need to allow the young bush to bloom; the buds should be plucked off as soon as they appear. Such care will help the plant grow stronger during the first year of life and easily endure the dormant period in winter.

To plant rooted cuttings at the end of May or beginning of July, you need to cut cuttings from a bouquet given on March 8, or root those that were cut in the fall. Brave and experienced flower growers Rooted cuttings are planted before winter. They are planted, like any seedlings, a month before frost, so that they have time to get used to the new place and grow several thin roots in the new soil. Then they are well covered for the winter; it is better to build an air-dry shelter over them using a frame, lutrasil, and cover them inside with hay or dry leaves. If the young plant survives its first winter, it will grow well next year and then turn into a healthy, unpretentious plant. rose bush, adapted to climatic conditions your locality.

If the cuttings are cut in the fall, you can try to plant them directly in the ground in a permanent place of growth, try to root them before frost, and then cover them well for the winter. Many gardeners do this. But this may not always work out, and even if the roots manage to germinate, they risk freezing. They can be planted in a bucket or box, placed in a cellar for the winter, where they will be perfectly preserved, and then transplanted into a garden bed in the spring for rooting. Can in early spring raise them to warm room and start the rooting process by providing warmth, light and moisture.

This method gives good results. Plastic bucket being filled suitable soil, not forgetting to organize a drainage layer below, no thinner than 5 cm, made of pebbles or expanded clay. Sprinkle everything on top with clean, disinfected (calcined) sand. Clean wooden stick make indentations for the cuttings, lower the cuttings into them (before this, it is advisable to dip them in a root growth stimulator), press the sand around each with your fingers. The bucket is wrapped with film to form a kind of pipe - at the bottom it is firmly attached to the bucket (with an elastic band, rope or with glue, a stapler), and at the top it is closed, fastened with an ordinary clothespin. This bucket is placed in an unheated bright room, like a loggia, they also cover during cold weather warm materials(you can just wrap it in a blanket) so that the temperature inside does not drop below +1 degree. In such conditions, the cuttings will be preserved well until spring and will slowly take root.

Rooted cuttings can be planted in spring, early summer or autumn, the main thing is to create suitable conditions for them and surround them with the necessary care, to help them survive their first winter outside. This will definitely give good results, they will grow up, to the delight of their owners, healthy, strong, beautiful flowering bushes roses

Video “Pros and cons of propagation by cuttings”

From the video you will learn the pros and cons of propagating bushes in this way.