What can be made from glass blocks in a summer house. Helpful invisible or use of glass in arranging garden paths. Glass blocks for creating windows

What can be made from glass blocks in a summer house.  Helpful invisible or use of glass in arranging garden paths.  Glass blocks for creating windows
What can be made from glass blocks in a summer house. Helpful invisible or use of glass in arranging garden paths. Glass blocks for creating windows

Modern glass “bricks” are usually used indoors to bring lightness and airiness, shine and radiance to the interior. There are quite a few ways to use glass blocks in the interior. In addition to the traditional construction of walls from blocks, designers are ready to offer many other solutions, including very bold ones.

We can say that the good old glass blocks recently experienced a rebirth, which gave them the opportunity to express themselves in a new capacity. If previously glass blocks were used mainly as a building material, now they are the main role- decorative.
Fortunately, the material in its modern incarnation allows us not to limit the flight of imagination. Glass blocks today bear little resemblance to those cloudy, bottle-colored “bricks” that surrounded us everywhere in the recent past. Now they are made in almost any color scheme: red, blue, cyan, purple, pistachio, etc. However, colorless blocks of clear glass. True, the glass blocks themselves can be opaque due to the relief. In a word, there is plenty to choose from.

If you want something more interesting, you can purchase glass blocks with stained glass patterns or with internal inserts. Since the glass block is hollow inside, you can place any decorative objects in it: for example, sea shells and stars, dried plants or photographs. True, such decorative glass blocks used fragmentarily, in the form of inserts into a wall or other surfaces.

Diversity opens up broad horizons for us and encourages creativity. We bring to your attention the most popular options for using glass blocks in the interior. Perhaps the examples will inspire you to make your own decisions - daring and unique.

Glass blocks in the interior

When using glass blocks in interior design, they take advantage of the significant advantages of this material. Firstly, glass blocks allow light to pass through. Partitions made of glass blocks do not reduce the amount of light in home spaces, while solid partitions made of plasterboard and brick do not have this advantage.
While transmitting light, glass blocks refract it. Glass block surfaces in the interior look like large lampshades. This makes the room spectacular.
Secondly, unlike glass, blocks can be opaque. The light is transmitted, but the “picture” is not. Why should prying eyes see something they shouldn’t see? This advantage of glass blocks has made them a popular material for glazing windows in bathrooms.

Thirdly, the blocks are convenient for embedding into various surfaces. This is a wonderful decoration for walls, floors, partitions, furniture, etc.
Unlike glass sheets, blocks are safe and reliable.
Now let’s look at specific ways to use glass blocks in the interior.
Glass block walls

Today, many owners of apartments and houses prefer to remove non-load-bearing walls and build them anew, in a way that is convenient for them. This allows you to plan the space most rationally. This is where, before the construction of new walls, many people remember glass blocks. This is especially true for those walls that separate rooms with windows from dark halls and corridors. A wall made of glass blocks will let in a lot of sunlight, which means that the corridors, hallways and lobbies will have plenty of light during the day. At the same time, corrugated glass blocks will protect from prying eyes.

In addition, walls and partitions made of glass blocks do not look heavy, which visually lightens the entire space.

Originality matters too this decision, because not everyone has modern apartments glass blocks are present.

Glass has one drawback: it is cold and “soulless”. Glass blocks even look like ice cubes. Therefore, if you need to build big wall, glass blocks should be combined with other materials. For example, two-thirds of a wall might be made of plasterboard and one-third of glass block. Often fragments of blocks are erected in places where walls are curved or protrusions. These fragments become accents that make the interior not boring.
Glass block partitions

Glass blocks are good because they can be used to easily and quickly build a partition of any height and width. The top of the partition can be uniform or figured: stepped, in the shape of a pyramid, ziggurat, etc.

Most often, glass block partitions are built in bathrooms. In general, initially glass blocks were used mainly only in bathrooms, and there is an explanation for this.
Glass blocks in the bathroom interior are the most harmonious. They follow the rhythm of the tiles on the walls without conflicting with them. Glass is not afraid of moisture, and the blocks, on top of everything else, are not completely translucent, which means they allow you to create so-called “intimate zones.”
Today, glass blocks are actively used in the creation of shower enclosures, because this material is more reliable and safer than glass sheets.
Glass blocks zone the bathroom space, separating the washbasin, bathtub, shower and toilet areas. At the same time, zoning is also practically useful: when taking a shower, you won’t flood the countertop with water.

If several people use the bathroom, sometimes at once, such partitions are erected from embossed, low-transparent glass blocks. If a person lives alone or alone with a partner, you can use smooth transparent glass blocks. Such partitions look lighter and “airier”. Although this is a matter of taste, of course.

Lightweight glass block partitions can also be erected in residential premises, but this option is not suitable for all styles.

Glass blocks and styles.

In interiors like these modern styles, like loft, hi-tech, urban, partitions and walls made of glass blocks look harmonious. IN classic interiors Glass block walls can look ridiculous. The same applies to rustic, natural styles.
Interiors in which decorativeness comes to the fore (baroque, neo-baroque, art deco styles) can be decorated with glass blocks, especially colored ones.
Stained glass blocks fit wonderfully into Art Nouveau interiors. They will be appropriate in both modern classic interiors and oriental stylizations.
A wall made of glass blocks can be used to separate zones in a room: for example, in the kitchen to separate work area from the dining room, and in the living room - a bedroom from the living room.

To prevent the partition from being boring, you can use color blocks, combining colors to create a mosaic effect. The partition will also be decorated with inserts made of transparent glass blocks with decorative objects inside.

Partitions in both bathrooms and living rooms may consist entirely of glass blocks or be a combination of several materials.

Both options are attractive in their own way, but the second one looks more interesting.

Glass blocks for creating windows

Internal windows can be constructed from blocks. It's about about windows between rooms. Solid walls do not add light - interior window made of glass blocks solves this problem. At the same time, glass blocks decorate empty wall surfaces, as they look like luxurious glass panels.

For example, a window made of glass blocks can be “cut through” a wall separating a corridor and a living room, a bathroom and a toilet, a kitchen and a living room, a bathtub and a shower room in a large bathroom, a bedroom and a storage room.

Of course, glass blocks are also used to glaze real windows facing the street. Typically, glass blocks are used for glazing windows in bathrooms, which is quite logical. There are also disadvantages to this solution: you can’t admire it from the window luxurious view, and it may not be possible to ventilate the room, since glass block windows are often made blank. Although they are currently making plastic windows with glass block packages.

By the way, interesting experiments are possible with a blind window. The window can be given an unusual shape.

Glass blocks refract light, and the complex-shaped window shimmers like a diamond. Such a window becomes one of the main decorations of the house.

Glass blocks for wall decoration

Glass blocks are also used “spot-wise” as wall inserts. Often these blocks are not through, but “recessed” into the wall structure. Yes, in this case they do not transmit light, but they still “shine”.

There should be few point glass blocks: sometimes one per glass block is enough. square meter walls. Colored glass blocks with internal compositions are used as inserts.

Stationary furniture made of glass blocks

Glass “bricks” are a very convenient material. Glass blocks can be used to build the most different designs. For example, build a stationary island in the kitchen or a bar counter. In the bathroom, a console under the washbasin can be built from glass blocks. Furniture made from glass blocks looks amazingly impressive and festive. One drawback is that you can’t rearrange such furniture, but is it necessary?

Other uses

You can build a screen for a bathtub from glass blocks. It can be made of glass blocks or just decorated with them. Glass blocks are inserted into the risers of stairs and podiums, they decorate the space around doorways. Kitchen apron can also be glass block. You can also make a false fireplace from this material. In a word, there is room for the designer’s soul to roam.

Glass is a durable and environmentally friendly material. Its unique ability is to transmit light, and if it is painted, then to give color to the light. Thanks to the use of glass blocks, walls and other house structures can have these qualities. Glass blocks are transparent bricks filled with air inside. They are designed for laying walls, partitions and other structures that divide space.

The use of glass blocks allows you to illuminate an isolated space or a separate area in the room directly through the wall, without using light openings for this. Moreover, by treating the surface of the bricks in such a way that the rays are refracted or scattered, the visibility of the separated room is eliminated.

By providing good insolation, glass blocks help save energy. Glass is not afraid of moisture and frost, and this allows it to be used in damp rooms and outdoor structures. The ability to use materials with different textures and colors makes glass blocks one of the original design tools.

Features of the material

The material has high mechanical strength and stability in various environments. Thick glass can withstand accidental impacts just as well as an M150 brick, but it will crack if hit by a heavy object, such as a stone. But there are especially durable bulletproof products.

In case of fire, glass blocks do not burn and prevent the spread of fire and thermal radiation for 1-2 hours. They do not react to temperatures from -40 to +50 °C, are inert to the effects of acid rain and other aggressive substances, are not afraid of moisture, and do not absorb odors. For tens of years, glass blocks do not change their properties and appearance. At the same time, they do not require finishing and are easy to clean.

There are, however, a number of restrictions when using glass blocks:
- it is impossible to lay inside the erected structure network engineering(electrics, water supply and sewerage pipes), as well as ventilation ducts;
- products cannot be cut; whole blocks are always used;
- it is strictly forbidden to hang cabinets, shelves, etc. on a wall made of glass blocks;
- a wall made of glass blocks cannot be load-bearing; they cannot be used to build a structure on which rafters or ceilings rest;
- colored products painted on the inside are not recommended for external use due to paint fading.

Glass block - heavy material. Its weight is from 2.5 to 4.3 kg, depending on the thickness of the glass and the product. A wall made of glass blocks will weigh from 180 kg/m2, that is, it is heavier than a half-brick partition (130-150 kg/m2).

The heat transfer resistance of a glass block structure is about 0.40 m2 x C/W (which corresponds to a wall with one brick or a single-chamber double-glazed window), the sound insulation index is -40-45 dB (the norm for interior partitions- 46 dB). They also produce materials filled with argon and equipped with additional internal partition. They are distinguished by higher heat and sound insulation properties, such as those filled with inert gas or double-glazed windows. But these characteristics are still lower than those of traditional wall materials, and if high thermal and sound insulation is important for the room, it is better not to use glass blocks.

Forms and parameters

A glass block is produced by welding two half-blocks together at a temperature of about 1500 °C. Inside finished product a sealed cavity filled with rarefied air is formed. The wall thickness is 6-10 mm, the thickness of the glass block itself can be 75-160 mm (the most common are 80 and 100 mm). Its ends are slightly concave (based on filling with mortar during installation).

The traditional shape is square with standard dimensions of 190 x 190 x 80, 190 x 190 x 160 and 240 x 240 x 80 mm. They also produce rectangular half-blocks measuring 190 x 90 x 80 or 240 x 115 x 80 mm and special products - triangular, corner, round and with rounded edges, intended for the construction of columns, arches, and the aesthetic completion of built structures and elements. There are colorless and colored glass blocks. The glass in the product can be painted in the mass or from the inside.

Scope of use

Common uses for glass blocks are as follows:

1. As translucent partitions. They separate the living room, hallway, and kitchen from each other, and through them illuminate the corridor and staircase hall, located in the depths of the house, with a second light. In these cases, it is advisable to use glass blocks that are colorless or colored in dim tones, allowing a lot of light to pass through.

2. For fencing and at the same time lighting small utility rooms. For example, glass blocks can be used to separate a dressing room in the hall, a pantry in the kitchen or hall, a bathroom and a dressing room in the bedroom, etc. When entering such rooms, it will be possible not to turn on the light. Colorless glass blocks with a corrugated or matte surface are suitable.

3. To separate zones in the bathroom. This solution is effective due to the waterproof and hygienic nature of glass blocks, as well as the ability to provide visibility when exposed to light. Their main function in the bathroom is separating, not transmitting light, so you can use glass blocks bright colors, dark tones, grooved and matte.

4. In the external walls of houses. Glass walls are convenient for illuminating places where good insolation is needed, but for some reason visibility is undesirable, for example in the dressing room and laundry room. They are also used in rooms where there is not enough space for large window, for example in narrow hallway, where the main light front is occupied by the door. It is better to use colorless blocks so as not to distort sunlight.

5. As enclosing structures winter garden. Here their use is effective due to their high moisture resistance. Taking into account the needs of plants, they should be colorless.

6. In the fencing of terraces, verandas, gazebos. By maintaining good lighting, you can protect the space from prying eyes, for example from neighbors or the street. It is possible to use any types of products (except those painted on the inside) depending on the situation. So, if the space is sufficiently illuminated from other sides or it is necessary to shade it from bright sun, it is better to use colored blocks.

7. As decorative elements, small inserts into the walls. Exclusive glass blocks of expressive colors and textures with various effects are suitable.

8. In the form of luminous elements (thanks to lamps installed inside the structure) - columns, fences landings. It is better to use products with low transparency but rich colors.

9. It is also possible to construct the floor or steps of the stairs from glass blocks. Such solutions look impressive, especially with the use of lighting. However, using them is risky due to the fragility of the glass and the risk of scratches. The material thickness of 60-80 mm also causes inconvenience, since the floor will be higher than in other rooms. For horizontal planes it is better to use triplex (three-layer strained glass), and if they are glass blocks, then they are of increased strength.

Due to their fragility, glass blocks are contraindicated for loading. In a supporting structure, they can only serve as a filler between columns, crossbars, beams and other parts of walls built from durable material. However, in unloaded (self-supporting) elements, these products are reliable for both indoor and outdoor use.

The glass block structure must be stable. Even small deformations, which for a brick wall will cause only barely noticeable cracks and will not affect its integrity, can be critical for glass blocks - they will crack and crumble, since glass does not have the slightest elasticity. For free-standing structures made of glass blocks, it is important to provide a reliable foundation, like for a brick wall.

When using this material, it is beneficial to combine functionality with aesthetics. Glass blocks look spectacular when they refract bright Sun rays or when there is an artificial light source behind them.

Design Possibilities

An ordinary partition only zones the space, but one made of glass blocks gives it expressiveness. Therefore, their use is often determined by design needs. Glass blocks are distinguished by:

A large selection of colors and shades - 8-16 from each manufacturer, and each of them has its own characteristic range. Colored glass blocks are used in cases where it is necessary to create a certain mood and color in a room;

A wide range of textures and the ability to choose light transmittance. Completely transparent glass blocks with smooth front walls transmit 80% of light. Matte products scatter light; the corrugated surface can not only diffuse, but also direct light rays. Textured and matte blocks transmit 50% of light;

Availability of products with unusual effects. For example, they produce glass blocks that imitate the texture natural stones, kits with a pattern that allow you to create panels. There are exclusive glass blocks, inside of which are sealed various items made of glass or not afraid high temperatures materials (shells, animal figurines, etc.) Such products are used as a highlight of home design and are often equipped with lighting.

General installation rules

Glass blocks should always be installed strictly according to the rules, otherwise structural damage may occur. There are three installation methods - traditional, using modular systems and using the BlocLock system. The first is universal, suitable for interior and exterior work, allows the construction of structures of any size and shape, but the use cement mortar, glue for ceramic tiles and glass requires skill. The other two methods are based on the use of special modular systems for installing blocks or guides to which they are glued. These technologies make it possible to assemble glass block elements without having any experience or knowledge in construction.

Inside the premises, glass blocks are laid at the finishing stage, after screeding the floor and plastering the walls, but before completing finishing coatings. When used outside, for example in a wall, glass blocks are laid when the supporting structure is completed, and if a separate element is created, then after the foundation has hardened (after 28 days).

With the first method of laying, it will be necessary to accurately calculate the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the glass block structure so that each row can fit a whole number of products and leave 10 mm for seams between them. With other methods, the accuracy of the masonry is ensured by the structural elements on which the blocks are installed.

The surface prepared for installation must always be absolutely flat and horizontal. Every third or fourth horizontal and vertical rows are reinforced with steel rods with a diameter of 4-8 mm (from of stainless steel or with anti-corrosion coating). The reinforcement must be located in the thickness of the solution and not come into contact with the glass.

A wall made of glass blocks must be completely independent of the supporting structures adjacent to it. In the first installation method, the connection of the transparent section with the load-bearing main wall is made only through sliding spacers, the anchors are secured freely. The connection of the partition made of glass blocks to the ceiling and floor must be done using elastic gaskets.

Modular systems are rigidly fixed. The seams between glass blocks are made no more than 10 mm. When laying on the mortar, special mounting crosses made of plastic are used, which help to correctly align each element. Without crosses, if the mortar dries unevenly, the wall may become distorted.

Materials and tools (per 1 m2 of construction)

MATERIALS (seam -10 mm)
Glass blocks 190 x 190 x 80 mm - 25 pcs.
Glass blocks 190 x 90 x 80 - 50 pcs. Glass blocks 240 x 240 x 80 mm - 16 pcs.
Glue (for glass blocks or ceramic tiles) - 25 kg.
Mounting crosses - 36 pcs.
Stainless steel fittings with a diameter of 6-8 mm - 6-8 m.
Joint expansion joints (cork, felt, bitumen or PVC tape) - 1-4 m, depending on the presence of abutment to structures.

Trowel (for applying the solution).
Level and plumb line (to check the horizontality and verticality of the structures being built and adjacent to it).
Wooden slats (for setting the boundaries of the partition on the base). Rubber hammer(to align blocks).
Knife, grout, sponge (for cutting off protruding parts of crosses, making seams, cleaning the surface).

Laying blocks on mortar

1. Check the horizontality of the wall
2. Since the blocks cannot be cut, the size of the opening is adjusted using a metal insert

3. Mix the masonry mortar
4. Place a cross in the corner and lay the first block, applying the solution to its two sides and to the wall

5. Place the following crosses as evenly as possible
6. Mount the second block on the solution

7. Check the evenness of the first row
8. Place the reinforcement on the layer of glue and attach it to the wall

9. Clean the blocks from residual solution

Installation methods


The surface of the base is cleaned of dust and grease and two wooden slats to fix the direction of laying blocks. An elastic compensation material is placed between the slats on the base. On the support (to which the glass blocks are attached) holes are made for the reinforcement. A layer of mortar or glue about 30 mm thick is applied along the entire length of the base.

Installation of blocks begins from the wall (or other adjacent element), moving horizontally. On the first block in the bottom row, the mortar is applied to the side facing the wall and laid, leaving a 10 mm thick seam. When installing the second block, the mixture is applied to the side facing the previous one.

A mounting cross is inserted between the blocks at the top. Laying continues until the end of the row, the second row is mounted in the same way. If the solution gets on the front side, it is removed immediately (when chipping dried cement, you can scratch the block). The third row of masonry is reinforced with reinforcement. Two rods are placed directly on the mounting crosses, inserted into the holes in the adjacent wall, and secured with mortar (if there is no wall, the reinforcement will end flush with the outer blocks).

After every third row, check the verticality of the masonry with a plumb line and stop the installation for 1 hour when working with glue and for 1 day when working with cement-sand mortar. This is necessary for the composition to set (on glass it dries slowly).

After the masonry is completely completed and the solution has dried, the outer plates of the mounting crosses are removed and the protective film is removed from the glass blocks. Then the grout mixture is applied to the seams, after it has set, the surface is leveled and the blocks are cleaned. Cement and glue stains are removed using hydrochloric or acetic acid (alkalis, solvents, and hydrofluoric acid cannot be used). To give waterproof qualities to the seams, they are treated with a water repellent.


This assembly method is only for interior work. The module is a lattice made of wood, plastic or MDF with cells calculated according to the size of the glass block. Typically, a module contains no more than 10 cells vertically and 2-4 horizontally. For a longer wall, several modules are purchased. Maximum permissible dimensions designs based modular system-4 x 4 m, at larger size Metal profiles are mounted between its parts.

The system is attached to the floor, walls and ceiling using screws. Then the cells are filled with glass blocks, fixing them with rubber inserts (which make it easy to remove and replace the blocks) or sealant (it is used if it is necessary to improve the soundproofing qualities of the structure). The frame frame takes on all the loads, protecting the glass block from them, allows you to increase the speed of construction, and make the structure level and vertical.


This installation method is also intended for interior work. It is based on the use of plastic guides, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the side wall of the block. The guides have different sizes: long ones correspond to the length of the structure, short ones - to the side of the block. The system uses special glass blocks - with a profile that matches the profile of the guides and is designed for a joining seam 2-5 mm wide.

When starting installation, the first, long guide is glued to a horizontal base. Then glass blocks are glued onto it, joining them together in a row through short guides and fixing them with glue. Having laid out the entire row, glue the next long guide on top of it and assemble it further in the same way. This method allows you to create a smooth, strictly vertical, neat wall. Reinforcement is not provided, and the height of the structure should not exceed 2 m.

The kit, including glue for connecting the system elements, is purchased in the store, choosing the number of blocks and guides required for the intended design.

Special cases

You can lay out a curved structure from glass blocks. When laying from whole blocks, the minimum radius of curvature is 5 m; with a smaller radius, it is better to use half glass blocks. WITH inside The seam width is left 10 mm; on the outside it will be larger. A template (for example, made of foam plastic or thick cardboard) is fixed to the base, fixing the direction in which the wall is laid out. The reinforcement is bent, also using a template. It is permissible to use rods with minimum diameter(this will not affect the strength of the masonry, since curved structures are more stable than straight ones).

Sometimes it is necessary to make a door in a glass block wall. Its box is attached to a U-shaped metal frame with a U-shaped profile, firmly attached to load-bearing structures. Glass blocks are laid around the frame, using a shock-absorbing pad with a thickness of at least 10 mm at the junction points. In a similar way, a window is built into such a wall.

Glass block construction can be used door frame width, a multiple of 20 cm - 60,80,100,120 cm. Do not hang a door that is too heavy (for example, metal), it is necessary to avoid sharp impacts when slamming by installing a braking device for door leaf. However, given the complexity of installing and operating a door surrounded by glass, if possible, it is better to make it in a regular wall.

Modern construction and decorative material in the form of glass blocks provides ample opportunities for interior decoration. Using these glass “bricks”, you can realize the most unexpected decisions room decoration. Such designs are very convenient to use - they transmit light perfectly and are characterized by high thermal and sound insulation. To mount a wall or partition from glass blocks, you will need to take into account some features of working with this material.

Many remember fragments of walls and blank windows industrial buildings and public spaces made of glass blocks. Then this material was undeservedly forgotten for some time. Currently, glass blocks are experiencing a rebirth - using these products of a new format, you can create unexpected and original solutions not only for exterior finishing private houses, but also to create original and unique interiors of various premises.

Glass blocks are products made from two glass plates of thick glass (frosted, transparent, painted in the mass or with a pattern), connected together in a hermetically sealed manner. closed design. The air gap gives this building material excellent sound and thermal insulation characteristics. Glass blocks are made with a smooth or corrugated surface. Depending on the relief, they can be transparent, scattering or directing light. Glass blocks of rectangular and square shape, as well as triangular, angular and even round products, with a thickness of 7.5 to 10 cm, weighing about 2.5-4.3 kg. Standard sizes glass blocks are 19x19x8 or 24x24x12. There are samples of Euro glass blocks on sale, in which the ends are coated with paint - thanks to this, the mortar seams in the masonry do not show through.

This material has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • natural composition;
  • high wear resistance and durability - walls made of glass blocks are resistant to abrasion, mechanical damage, exposure to moisture, as well as temperature changes;
  • thanks to the presence air gap, glass blocks retain heat well and provide excellent sound insulation, approaching in this indicator the characteristics of a brick wall or modern plastic double-glazed windows;
  • a wall made of glass blocks can withstand even a mild earthquake. In addition, glass blocks are not flammable; in the event of a fire, they do not melt or crack for a long time;
  • ease of assembly and ease of use - glass blocks are a unique building material that does not require subsequent finishing in the form of cladding or painting, since they themselves have pronounced decorative properties;
  • moisture resistance, thanks to which glass blocks can be used for the construction of interior partitions and walls, as well as glazing windows in rooms with high humidity (in swimming pools, bathrooms, toilets).

Glass blocks effectively scatter the sun's rays without preventing their penetration into the room, giving the lighting softness and comfort. At the same time, transparent products provide the effect of a panoramic view, and corrugated ones close the room from prying eyes.

Application of glass blocks

Decorative glass blocks in the interior of premises various styles look very impressive. They are convenient to embed into various surfaces to decorate walls, windows, and partitions.

This material is used in construction for the following purposes:

  • when remodeling housing to erect walls in a new convenient option, since glass blocks allow you to build walls without weighing down the space. Please note that this material cannot be used for the construction load-bearing walls, since a similar load may appear for a given building material excessive. It is worth considering that a wall made of glass blocks, separating the room from the hall or corridor, lets in sunlight and will add illumination to the room, and embossed glass blocks will protect the room from prying eyes;
  • a partition made of glass blocks with a flat or stepped top can be erected quickly and without special costs labor and time. This design is especially relevant in bathrooms and toilets. Since this material has water-repellent properties, it can be used to create bathing areas. Glass blocks in the bathroom allow you to zone different zones, protecting you from prying eyes when bathing and protecting the room from splashing water. Such glass block partitions look very harmonious in a room with high humidity. Glass block showers are more high security in operation compared to glass analogues.

How to install glass blocks with your own hands

To install glass blocks with your own hands, you will need to take into account a number of nuances of working with this construction and decorative material. It is important to note that glass blocks can only form a built-in structure, which requires support in the form of a wall or an end post.

There are several methods for laying glass blocks:

  • classic method - using a wooden guide frame or a module made of metal profile, which is attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. Cement mortar is used to secure the masonry; in addition, tile adhesive can be used as an adhesive for glass blocks. Tile adhesive is more viscous and elastic, while it dries quickly and fixes glass blocks efficiently;
  • frame method - conveniently mount glass blocks on a base in the form of a special frame, and they must be fixed using a compact structure. To secure the masonry to the frame, you can use silicone sealant, liquid nails, etc.

The classic method of installing glass blocks

Before installation, the surface to be treated should be cleared of debris, dust and remnants of old finishing. Then you need to apply markings to the base base. To determine the size of the wooden module (frame) for fixing the masonry, you need to lay out a row of glass blocks and insert plastic dividers between them. After this, you should measure its length and height and calculate the required dimensions of the frame, which will be installed in place of the future laying of glass blocks. After drilling holes in the frame, it must be attached to the wall structure using 50 mm dowels and screws. To level the frame module, you can use wood chips placed between the wall and its supporting surface.

After preparation base surface You will need to prepare an adhesive mixture. To lay glass blocks, you can use tile adhesive or prepare a cement-sand mortar in a 1:3 ratio. In order to increase the plasticity of the mixture, it is recommended to add PVA glue to it (at the rate of 200 g of glue per five buckets of solution). For laying transparent glass blocks, it is preferable to use adhesives white– in this case, the seams of the structure will look more aesthetically pleasing. Please note that you should not cook right away. a large number of adhesive solution, as it tends to harden quickly.

Before installation, it is necessary to check the integrity of the glass blocks, since manufacturers provide a guarantee for this material before installation work begins. Protective film Blocks should not be removed until work is completed to prevent damage to the glass plates. If such a film is not available, you can use any polyethylene film, securing it to the surface of the blocks using paper tape.

When installing glass blocks, reinforcement should be used by laying rods made of galvanized or stainless steel wire vertically and horizontally in the joints of the masonry - so that they form metal mesh, fixing structure. To do this, reinforcing rods must be secured in the wall structure, fixing them in pre-prepared holes. Metal rods are laid on plastic mounting crosses, and contact with the glass should be avoided. At the end of the work, the crosses remain inside the masonry and are rubbed down.

To lay glass blocks, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

  • first you will need to install vertical reinforcing rods into the holes on the bottom of the frame;
  • Next, apply an adhesive solution up to 1 cm thick to the horizontal surface of the frame at the bottom;
  • Having laid the mortar on the side surface of the frame to fix the first glass block, you should install the first glass “brick” and fix it by pressing it into the layer of mortar;
  • according to this principle, it is necessary to lay out the bottom row, leveling it with a mallet, and then install mounting crosses between the glass blocks, apply a layer of adhesive mixture on top and install a reinforcing horizontal rod, fixing it in a previously prepared hole;
  • Next, you will need to sequentially lay glass blocks in rows according to the method described above, interspersing them with reinforcing rods.

To avoid subsidence and curvature of the constructed wall, it is recommended to carry out installation gradually - 3-5 rows at a time, leaving time for further drying of the seams for at least 12 hours. After fixing the glass blocks, remove excess adhesive mixture with a sponge.

After installation, you should wait until the structure dries completely - this will take several days. Next, you will need to carefully chop off the parts of the plastic crosses protruding from the masonry, if any. In addition, you should pay attention to the seams - in order for them to look quite aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to apply a grouting composition of a suitable shade. To seal the seams you will need to use silicone sealant.

After completing the above work, you should thoroughly wipe the glass blocks with a clean cloth. If necessary, the remaining adhesive mixture can be removed from the surface of the glass using an anti-scale agent or solution of hydrochloric acid– in this case, you will need to make sure that this liquid does not penetrate the seams.

For installation of structures round shape glass blocks use the same classical installation method. The only difference is that when laying arches it is necessary to bend the horizontal reinforcement, giving it the required form, To obtain rounded wall. In this case, mounting crosses to adjust the thickness of laying seams must be used only on the inside of the structure. To lay the rounded part of the wall, it is recommended to use halves of glass blocks, since in this case a denser reinforcing mesh will be used, strengthening the structure. In addition, by using smaller bricks, it is easy to minimize the discrepancy between the external and internal seams, as a result of which the wall will look neater.

Frame method of installing glass blocks

To install glass blocks, you can use an easy-to-implement, but more expensive method of laying without cement mortar. This design is lighter and looks more aesthetically pleasing compared to the classic installation method.

To do this, you will need to use a specially made frame system in the form of a metal module or a wooden one (made from dry sanded boards) - with cells of a suitable size into which glass blocks are inserted. In this case, it is necessary that the cell size matches the size of the glass blocks with an accuracy of 2 mm. This design will need to be painted suitable color and securely attach it to the walls, floor and ceiling - for this you should use dowels or anchors. It is important to carefully align this module vertically and horizontally.

Next, you will need to place glass blocks into the cells of the prepared frame and fix them at the joints using silicone sealant, resembling colorless rubber after hardening. It will take up to 10 hours for the joints to dry, after which frame construction will be ready for use.

Application of glass blocks - photo

Installation of glass blocks - video

The history of glass began six thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt and, apparently, will continue indefinitely. Glass is used everywhere - it is in every home, every car, it is used in the manufacture of electronic devices, in laboratories, offices, shops. And, of course, a person with poor eyesight forced to look at the world through glasses all the time. In other words, you can’t do without glass. But if you go beyond necessity, then the use of this unique material can even be found in the arrangement garden paths. Here we can distinguish two fundamentally different approaches to the issue.

The concept of a “skillful summer resident”

This approach implies, first of all, savings. That is, the path at the dacha is most likely made with your own hands from scrap materials. Added to this is dacha ingenuity and own design. The only glass material suitable for laying the path in this case is a bottle. More precisely, a lot of bottles. Where to get them is a task for that very dacha ingenuity, but let’s see how to make the path itself or lay out an original pattern.

First of all, you need to mark the future path or figure. Then, in its place, select soil to a depth approximately corresponding to the height of the bottle. We place the bottles bottom to top, close together, filling the openings between them with earth. Having installed a couple of rows, you need to pour water into the cracks so that the earth settles, and add more. After a few good rains, the ground will sink even more, and then you can add sand on top. Certainly, heavy objects It’s better not to drop it on such a path.

The concept of a “style connoisseur”

This option implies the primacy of aesthetics. The financial side of the issue plays a secondary role. By far the easiest way to create a beautiful glass walkway– cover it with special glass crushed stone. Is not broken glass, but a material produced in industrial conditions, the granules of which do not have sharp edges or chips, that is, you can safely walk on such a path barefoot.

The cost of glass crushed stone is from $1 to $25 per kg. To fill a path 10 m long and 0.7 m wide, you will need more than 200 kg of this material, there is no room for saving. But the effect can be amazing! When done correctly organized lighting on the site, a shining path will become the main decoration of the yard and garden.

A path is made from crushed glass quickly and easily, just like from crushed stone or other similar material. First, markings are carried out and the soil is removed to a depth of 10-15 cm. It is convenient to use geotextiles for the bottom layer. It will prevent subsidence of crushed stone, erosion of the path, and will not allow weeds to sprout. Glass crushed stone is poured on top of the geotextile in a layer of about 2.5 cm. And the glass path is ready! The border for such a design can be a series of small stones of arbitrary shape, which will harmonize with the surface and give it a complete look.

Larger glass crushed stone is most often used for decorative design garden and in combination with other materials.

In addition to these two ways to arrange a glass walkway, there are others. If you have a good financial opportunity, some design bureaus may offer you other options, including custom manufacturing. individual order special glass tiles for laying the path.


In Soviet times, glass blocks were not often used to decorate premises and facades of buildings. And the choice was small - often the glass block was a structure made of uneven and cloudy glass. But today on the market there are a lot of glass wall blocks and glass block windows of various shapes and all the colors of the rainbow.

In our article you will learn what decorative glass blocks are and why glass blocks in the interior are a good design solution.

Glass block design

Glass blocks in room design

Interior experts, not without reason, believe that modern transparent glass blocks and colored glass blocks often give visual lightness and airiness to the room where they are installed.

If you like experiments, you can purchase an LED glass block with internal inserts or with stained glass pictures. Since the glass block itself is hollow, you can place various decorative things in it, for example, stars, seashells, dried flowers, and just photographs. Although it is more appropriate to use such decorative glass blocks only as an insertion structure into a wall or ceiling.

Decorative glass blocks

By using glass blocks for design, you get a lot of advantages:

1. A window made of glass blocks transmits and refracts light, unlike plasterboard and brick partitions. Thus, glass blocks in the interior look like large lampshades, which makes the room spectacular.

Glass block window

2. There are transparent glass blocks that allow daylight to pass through, but there is no “photo image”. This is logical, why should strangers see what they are not allowed to see? This advantage of glass blocks made it possible to use them to decorate windows in bathrooms. 3. Glass blocks in the interior are convenient because they can be built into absolutely any surface. For example, backlit glass blocks can be used as a great decoration for partitions, walls, windows, floors and even furniture.

What can be made from glass blocks?

You can make walls, partitions from glass blocks, or use transparent glass blocks to create window designs. In addition, you can use colored glass blocks to decorate walls or create stationary furniture from glass blocks and much more. But first things first.

Backlit glass blocks for creating walls

Glass blocks are a decoration for the wall

A wall made of glass blocks will allow sufficient sunlight to pass through. Moreover, corrugated glass wall blocks will protect you from intrusive glances. And also, such wall blocks do not look heavy, which visually simplifies the entire space.

It is no secret that glass is cold and looks “soulless”, which is why glass blocks resemble ice cubes. Designers advise: if you decide to build a huge wall, then it is better to combine glass blocks with some other material. For example, let one third of the wall be made of clear or colored glass blocks, and two thirds of plasterboard sheets.

A wall made of glass blocks with lighting can separate zones in an apartment, for example, a bedroom from a living room or in a kitchen a dining room from a work area.

Glass wall blocks for creating partitions

Glass block partition in the bathroom

Glass blocks are good because thanks to them you can quickly and beautifully erect a partition of any width and height. In this case, the top of the partition can be figured, for example, stepped, pyramidal, or uniform.

Typically, glass blocks are used to create partitions in the bathroom, where they are most harmonious. After all, glass is not afraid of humidity, and the blocks are not completely translucent, which allows you to create the so-called. "intimate zone".

Designers advise, just like walls, to build partitions only in certain styles, for example, urban, loft, hi-tech, but they will look ridiculous in a classic decor.

Decorative glass blocks to create a window

Bathroom with glass block wall

An internal window is made of glass blocks, i.e. it is a window structure between rooms that brings additional light and also decorates empty wall surfaces.

To create windows, LED glass blocks are used, which will fit perfectly into rooms that separate each other, such as a bathroom and a toilet or a shower in a large bathroom, a living room and a corridor, or a kitchen, a bedroom and a storage room.

Of course, glass blocks are also used for glazing window structures facing outside. However, from such a window you will not be able to admire the beautiful view and you will not be able to ventilate the room with its help, since such structures are usually made blind.

Decorated wall made of glass blocks - photos attached!

Glass blocks as inserts in the wall in the shower

Glass blocks are also used as wall inserts. Often these blocks are “recessed” into the wall structure, rather than through. In another way, they are also called dot glass blocks, which are used in fragments. But there should be few such glass blocks: one “brick” per square meter. m. walls.

Colored glass blocks are used as an insert into wall structures and with internal photographic images, which give the premises brightness and originality.

Glass blocks for creating stationary furniture

Glass block kitchen island

Glass blocks in the interior (photo) are very convenient thing. A wide variety of structures can be built from them. For example, a fixed island in the kitchen, a bar counter, or in the bathroom - a beam under the washbasin.

Any furniture made of glass blocks looks impressive and solemn. There is only one drawback here - you cannot rearrange furniture made of glass blocks; but is it necessary?

Other options for using glass blocks - photo

Glass block bath screen

From glass blocks you can create a screen (space) for the bath. This can be done in two ways: lay it out of glass blocks or just decorate it with them.

The following styles of using glass blocks are appropriate: modern and minimalism.

In addition, glass blocks are placed under the steps of podiums and stairs, and also used to decorate empty place near doorways. And sometimes in the kitchen the work apron is covered with glass blocks, or in the living room they make a false fireplace out of them. In short, there is room for the designer’s soul to expand!

Glass blocks in the interior: their prices vary, but are affordable even for people with modest incomes. Read more about this in the article on our website “Glass blocks in an apartment - sizes and prices.”

Gallery of photos of interiors with walls and partitions made of glass blocks

Glass blocks make a stunning wall decoration Glass block wall in the bathroom Glass blocks create an "intimate zone" in the bathroom