What if you fall into the sun. What will happen if the Sun goes out: apocalypse or new life? A foggy future for humans

What if you fall into the sun.  What will happen if the Sun goes out: apocalypse or new life?  A foggy future for humans
What if you fall into the sun. What will happen if the Sun goes out: apocalypse or new life? A foggy future for humans

The sun will die one day, but it will be in a hell of a lot of years. And even if we remain on this planet (which is unlikely), we will also be demolished by the force that destroyed our star in an instant. All homes, monuments, buildings, art and nature reserves will disappear. Therefore, it is pointless to try to describe the real fading of a star step by step, because we will no longer be around, and all forecasts are just theories, which, however, are as close as possible to reality. So let's fantasize. Imagine that the sun somehow magically disappeared. Just like that, in one moment, without any destruction, as if it was simply turned off, like you do with your table lamp. What will happen to the planet? BroDude has collected reliable information based on scientific sources and shares it with you.

1. Darkness

Only the stars will remain the source of light. The moon will disappear from the sky, although we will be able to observe such a dark round spot if we go out into an open field with a clear sky. We won't notice the temperature difference so quickly, because your tea doesn't cool down quickly either.

2. Temperature

It will gradually align with the general indicator. At the poles there will be the same degree as at the equator. It will take about 10 days for the Earth to approach zero, and after 20 days the ice will spread across the entire water surface of the planet. We may be able to warm the planet artificially, but with current technology this measure will be short-lived. By the end of the year, temperatures will reach minus 40 degrees Celsius, but even then, the oceans will not freeze completely for hundreds of thousands of years.

Over millions of years after this, the Earth will reach a stable temperature of minus 160°, at which the heat emanating from the planet's core will equal the heat it emits into space.

Caltech planetary science professor David Stevenson

3. Life

Man adapts to extreme conditions very quickly, so some pockets of civilization will probably be able to survive for quite a long time. For example, geothermal springs, volcanic heat that does not depend on the sun, can serve as an excellent solution. Take, for example, Iceland, where already about 87 percent of houses are heated with such energy. But most people will die, and those who remain will reverse all scientific progress, returning to primitive forms of organizing work and relationships. Most other living organisms will also die; they will settle as dead bodies across the entire surface of the planet, recalling that there was once full-fledged life here. Photosynthesis will stop, most plants will die in the first weeks, but large trees, thanks to their metabolism, will be able to live for several more decades.

4. Breakaway

The earth is no longer held on a gravitational leash. Therefore, most likely, it will go on a space journey with the moon, eventually leaving the solar system. It will be sad if the moon leaves her too. There will be such an eternal trip alone across the vast expanses of space.

5. Addition

The risk of solar flares will be reduced. The threat of solar flares and magnetic storms is very real. In 1859, one of these flares that struck the Earth knocked out telegraph equipment across almost the entire planet. No sun - no solar flares.

Satellite communications will improve. Solar energy weakens the radio signal, causing interruptions in satellite operation. Enough tolerating this!

Astronomy will develop. It’s logical here: observatories could work around the clock with all the ensuing consequences.

Trading will become easier. Time zones stress people out. It is difficult to interact with someone whose workday is different from yours. When the sun is gone, the need for them will disappear. The world economy will strengthen when there is universal time.

Hogweed will become safer. This insidious plant contains poison, which, if it gets on the skin, can cause serious chemical burns. But this poison is activated only when the affected area is exposed to sunlight. Therefore, no sun means no chemical burns from hogweed.

Today we will talk about such a dark topic: what will happen to our planet if there is no Sun... And will there be anything at all.

In order to understand what can happen with the death or elimination of the Sun as the main luminary on the planet, you must first evaluate the role of the Sun during its lifetime. Of course, this information cannot be contained in one article; people have been studying the brightest star for thousands of years and it still remains part of a mystery to them, but let’s try to briefly reflect the essence.

If the Sun goes out, the Earth will die in just 8 minutes 20 seconds


The sun is the most powerful natural nuclear reactor! The temperature inside the Sun is over 16 million degrees Celsius, outside it is over 5 thousand, the temperature is gradually increasing.

The Sun is now approximately 4.5 billion years old, this is at least half of its life, that is, in an ideal situation, it will still live no less than what it already has.

It’s not for nothing that even the Earth is one of the planets in the solar system. The sun “controls” everything in our Universe; satellites, planets, asteroids, and meteorites revolve around the brightest and most important star. The sun, depending on the distance and approach of the Earth, warms our planet, and it begins winter or summer, autumn, spring, and when the Earth turns around its axis with its reverse side, we have night, then day. In summer there is a short night cycle, since the Earth is close to the Sun at that moment, so it illuminates the planet better than in the winter season.

Few of us even imagine the situation that the Sun will not warm forever and may go out one day. This is perhaps the last thing a person thinks about when walking on this mortal coil, being filled with thoughts.

But in vain... The sun is actually not eternal.

So, we’ll look at the scientific versions later, but for now, what will happen if the Sun goes out according to naive earthlings.

“It will immediately become cold, dark and all living things will die, perhaps within a few seconds, or perhaps days.

- On the first day everything will be as usual, but so the word night has come, on the 9th day the temperature throughout the Earth will become the same minus, on the 20th day the water bodies will freeze, in two months the temperature will drop below 60 degrees Celsius, in 6 years the Earth will be in the orbit of Pluto, in 10 years the temperature will be minus 150 degrees.

— For the first minutes, we won’t even understand that the Sun has gone out, then a state similar to night will set in, gradually the Earth will begin to cool down, and then the temperature will reach minus.

- Before it goes out, the Sun will increase in size and engulf the Earth, but if you imagine that it simply “turns off”, then the Earth will become dark, cold on the outside, but inside it will still be full of hot lava.

— Gravity, by which we “fly” around the Sun, will disappear, and we will fly out the window at a speed of more than 1000 km per hour into the distant unknown, and our planet, having left orbit, will collide with some meteorite.

- A small part of people on the whole Earth will survive - a few thousand, they will settle in a bunker, produce energy using autonomous nuclear power plants, but in 30 years all reserves of uranium and plutonium will run out and all people will die.

But most importantly, the versions of why the Sun can suddenly go out:

— His life cycle, the length of which no mortal knows, will end abruptly and unexpectedly,

“The sun will incinerate itself, that is, the thermonuclear reaction on its surface will reach maximum values, after which it will explode,”

- Man, through his harmful actions towards nature and the atmosphere, will somehow affect the life of the Sun and it will go out, first causing disruptions in its work.

What summary and conclusion can be drawn from what was reported? According to people, the “death” of the Sun can come unexpectedly, without cause, all that awaits humanity after the exit of the Sun is death.

Now let's talk from a scientific, a little philosophical and religious point of view.

Where did the Sun come from? God created it:

“1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light. And there was light.

4 And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.

13 And there was evening, and there was morning: the third day.

14 And God said: Let there be lights in the expanse of the heaven [to illuminate the earth and] to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years;

15 And let them be lights in the expanse of the heaven to give light on the earth. And so it became.

16 And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars;" ("Being")

Another option:

“The solar system arose from one large cloud of gas and dust. This cloud began to shrink under the influence of gravity, as a result, the bulk of the substance contained in it gathered into a central clump, from which the SUN subsequently emerged. However, since this cloud was not initially stationary, but rotated slightly, not the entire mass of the cloud turned out to be concentrated in the central clump.”

It is even possible that both of these options are not mutually exclusive.

Why can the Sun go out from a scientific point of view?

In fact - no matter how much we are told today about the surprise and danger of an explosion on the brightest star, about the reality of its sudden disappearance - do not believe it! Even according to the most conservative estimates, the Sun will live for another 1 to 4.5 billion years. But we don’t know, of course, what awaits us tomorrow, and if we proceed from the fact that the world was created (by God, by chance or in another way), then we can also come to the conclusion that the world can disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared, in including the Sun. In connection with this hypothetical possibility, a number of scientists predicted what would happen to the planet after the death of the Sun, in particular Einstein, specialists from NASA, Harvard, etc.

We were predicted the end of the world in the form of a “blackout” of the Sun in 2012, and several times before that, but the planet is alive. We are told about solar flares, about its anomalous activity, about the greenhouse effect, about the harmfulness of the now-hot shell and radiation. However, according to peaceful forecasts, before the death of the star, there is still half of its life.

Scientists have found that stars of the same type and mass as the Sun live for about 10 billion years, and it already lives for half of it, gradually it consumes its hydrogen fuel, and the temperature will rise, in a billion years it will enter the red giant stage, no earlier than in 3 billion years, the Sun will shine twice as brightly, water will evaporate, all forms of life on Earth will be impossible. By the period of 10 billion years from the birth of the Sun, it will enter a period of dying, the process of burning of the shell will begin, the Earth will be absorbed by the Sun, or will be dried out and deprived of the atmosphere.

Here, for example, is a brief description of the “death” of the Sun based on observations of the death of another star after its transformation into a bego dwarf:

“American researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, as a result of observing the behavior of the star WD 1145+017, simultaneously detected a white dwarf, the remains of another planet and space debris within the same system, Sci-News reports.

Andrew Vanderburg, astrophysicist, head of the research team: “We caught a white dwarf at the moment when it destroys its planet and scatters the remains on the surface of the star.”

The scientist explained that once a star turns into a red giant, it destabilizes the orbits of the planets around it and absorbs them. It was this moment that the NASA telescope recorded. According to Vanderburg, the same fate awaits the Earth. Scientists predict that the Sun will engulf our planet in about 5–7 billion years.”.

But the transformation into a white dwarf will not be immediate, as you understand, this is again a long period, multi-millions, multi-billions is possible, and even, having become a white dwarf, the star will be able to emit light, but heat is unlikely... Like a car without fuel, by inertia it will roll, but will no longer show the strength and previous activity. Now the star is 30% brighter than at birth, and it is increasing in brightness and volume. In a few million years, the temperature of the Earth will rise by 40 degrees, water from the oceans will begin to evaporate, the entire population will have to hide during the day in shelters and bunkers, and only come to the surface at night.

Even if, for unknown mystical reasons, the Sun suddenly goes out, then, as Einstein established during his research, people will not notice anything special for another 8 minutes, after which either inevitable death will occur, or - “Then irreversible consequences will begin, photosynthesis will become impossible, all plants will die, energy sources will dry up. However, besides those who say that after the death of the sun, our planet will face the same fate, there are also those who claim that it will be possible to heat homes with volcanic ash and life will be possible, only the warmest weather on Earth will be minus 17 degrees Celsius and will disappear trees, etc.”

It will be possible to live in bunkers, switch to an autonomous mode of maintenance and life support; it will be quite possible to exist for several decades according to the scientists’ model. If during this time a person does not learn to develop resources from the remaining capabilities, then he faces inevitable death, but he faces death in any case; people will not last long on the cold and dark Earth. It will be unlucky for new people to be born at this time; they literally will not see the white light... The only way to somehow survive is to use reserves of uranium and plutonium to create and operate nuclear power plants.

Another option for the “death” of the Sun is not its death in the literal sense, but the exit of the planet from under the habitable zone of the star.

According to any, even the most dangerous forecasts, the Sun will definitely live for at least another billion, of course, if nothing supernatural happens like we mentioned. Therefore, we should not be too afraid that our star will go out.

Based on the available research, it is impossible to establish with accuracy what will happen to the Earth if the Sun goes out and whether the Sun can go out unexpectedly. There are only assumptions described in the article, including those of great scientists. However, it is clear that even if the death of the Sun does not lead to the immediate death of all life on the planet, it will lead to the gradual death of all life. The sun means too much to us, even though we don't notice it. Life on Earth, even without research, it is clear, will be impossible in a full-fledged format without the brightest star.

But questions still remain, especially after delving into the religious essence of the creation of the Sun. In the article above I cited quotes from the Bible about the creation of luminaries, planets... The question arises - if light was created before the luminaries, the Moon and the Sun, if man was created before the Moon and the Sun, like bodies of water and all living things - maybe life on Earth is then possible without the Sun? And is the LIGHT OF DAY possible without the light of a star?

Where did the light come from if not from the Sun? In general, everything is complicated...

However, as Christians say, just for the fact that the Sun has risen above us today we need to thank a higher power. After all, it does not belong to us at all, and warms both the evil and the good.

We are accustomed to living under the Sun and take it for granted, and few people think about the fact that many things on this Earth are not in our control, including the Sun.

It’s also amazing: the Sun, if it lives for 4.5 billion years, and people live for a maximum of 80-100, then it’s funny how smartly they make predictions about the life of celestial bodies and planets…. How do they know what will happen tomorrow and in how many billions of years the Sun will die??

And in general: scientists are discussing the topic of the Sun, looking for ways out of negative radiation, all somehow from an economically, pragmatically advantageous position. But the Sun is such a romantic thing, one might say - one look at it sometimes makes you remember eternity... It’s not for nothing that so many songs are dedicated to it, it’s not for nothing that it worries us all.

February 22nd, 2018

These topics have already been repeatedly covered in the “alternative” communities, but now they are increasingly leaking into the open media. The tone of the articles is clearly whipping up hysteria, so, as usual, we take what is ours, leave what is alien and draw our own conclusions. Oh at the beginning of the month. Now the time of the Sun has come.

In the Canadian city of Spondin, which is located in the province of Alberta, local residents saw that the Sun had taken the form of a drop.

It is very difficult to explain what happened. Some believe that the photo shows an unusual UFO or a clot of energy that has materialized. Ufologists do not deny this turn of events. Eyewitnesses believe that these are the first signs of the coming Apocalypse. Ufologists are confident that everything that is happening is the work of aliens, who will soon begin an invasion.

A video has appeared on the Internet in which you can see how the Sun disappeared for a moment.

According to scientists, many unknown objects hovered around the celestial body, but then the Sun simply evaporated into outer space.

Oddly enough, outer space has remained the same: stars and other objects are visible, but astronomers have not seen the most important star of our solar system for a long time.

People did not feel any changes, since everything lasted less than a second. The anomaly was captured by the solar observatory's observation instrument. Consequently, the Sun is a kind of portal or even a hologram.

The scientific world has presented evidence of the existence of a second Sun - footage

At last year's conference, famous astronomer Paul Cox said that there is a second Sun to the right of the celestial body. Similar anomalies were noticed during Mercury's approach to the Sun.

Two suns video was taken on the 13th of January at 8:48am. 2018 in London.

At the time, Paul's words were taken as a mockery of conspiracy theorists and scientists who are diligently searching for Nibiru. However, this year the astronomer said in all seriousness that the second Sun exists and NASA knows about it, but the organization is in no hurry to tell the world anything.

Scientists are currently debating this issue. It should be noted that the second star can be found in medieval engravings, they to some extent prove the words of Paul Cox.

TWO SUNS February 5, 2018 7:23am

End 2017:

Here you can see the walls of the dome and the luminary from the neighboring sphere of reality peering through it. Filmed 01/01/18.

A rare natural phenomenon. Two suns.

Officially it is called parhelium.

If hydrogen produces water, then what does helium vapor produce? The official version reads:

Parhelium (from ancient Greek παρα- and ἥλιος “sun” - false sun) is one of the types of halo, looks like a light rainbow spot at the level of the Sun. It occurs due to the refraction of sunlight in anisotropically oriented ice crystals floating in the atmosphere. A similar phenomenon occurs near the moon (Parselen).
The parhelic circle is a white, light (sometimes rainbow-colored) circle that goes around the entire sky parallel to the horizon at the height of the sun. The name is due to the fact that all parhelia are located on this circle. Vicky

There are plenty of oddities with these parhelia . For example, it is clearly visible here that inside the sphere of reality the light is much darker than on the sides, i.e. bypasses it:

The structures of the spheres are multi-layered, at the same time based on the principles of matryoshka, foam and flower of life:

Believe it or not...

In milder weather conditions, the number of spheres or their walls that appear determines the number of visible rainbows:

Spheres are not always partially submerged underground, so rainbows can also be spherical (they are spherical, we just usually don’t see it):

Usually parhelia are taken at right angles to the observer and therefore are “easily explained” by an optical effect, but here it is clearly clear that they can be taken from a turn, and there may be more than one parhelium window:

From early

Even if you don't know much about science or have a poor understanding of events in outer space, most of us know that the big yellow object in the sky called the Sun is very important to our existence.

Most of us understand that without the Sun, it would be very cold and terribly dark here on Earth. However, we are curious to know what might happen if our giant source of heat and light suddenly disappeared from the sky.

What happens if the Sun disappears?

If the Sun were to suddenly disappear, the entire life of our home system would be caught up in the short time frame of global change. Within a very short period of time, extremely catastrophic changes will occur.

For example, within eight minutes after the disappearance of the Sun, all planets will leave their usual orbits around the Sun. The planets will begin to move in a straight line through space because they will no longer be dependent on the gravitational pull of the Sun.

Imagine, freed from the Sun, the planets should generally become wandering objects of space, like the same one. What will happen on the surface of the Earth? Well, a real apocalypse, and much worse than the biblical one.

If the Sun suddenly disappears, then within 8 minutes - the time required for the sun's rays to reach the Earth - terrible changes will begin! As already mentioned, all planets will live an independent life.

Life on Earth without the Sun.

The surface of Earth's oceans will freeze within a few months. Without seeing the sun's rays, the blue and warm planet will turn into ice. As the Sun's gravitational pull disappears, the Earth will leave its orbit in an unpredictable direction. Perhaps, someday in the future, the Earth will “park” with some star. But until that time...

- It will become unbearably dark on Earth, no sunlight. The moon - if it is not lost - will also not be able to give the planet even a handful of light; the satellite will have nothing to reflect.

Over the course of a terrifying few days, temperatures will drop to 120 degrees Celsius. Humanity will be forced to seek shelter from the cold underground. On the surface, meanwhile, the eternal process of photosynthesis will stop. Plants will die without receiving light and heat. Without plants, herbivores will die, then carnivores will die.

People who escaped in underground shelters will still live, burrowing deeper under the surface of the dying planet. Microorganisms that find a source of food for energy production deep in the ocean, near thermal zones, will endure the cataclysm more calmly.

Over the next couple of months, the surface of the ocean will begin to freeze, even in places that have never known cold before this frightening event. The cold will achieve the destruction of most representatives of aquatic flora and fauna that managed to survive near the surface.

On land, centuries-old trees can probably survive for some time without photosynthesis. The trees must still be standing for about a dozen years with the help of stored energy reserves... although in the end they will inevitably die.

It will take about 1000 years, and the Earth's water basins will completely freeze. During this time, even the deepest regions closest to the earth's heat sources will turn to ice.

Along with the freezing of the oceans, the Earth's temperature will plummet to minus 240 degrees Celsius - a terrible, life-deadly figure! What will happen next? The Earth's atmosphere will collapse, or rather, it will cease to exist.

Our planet will become absolutely defenseless against the dead cold and harsh radiation of space. The Earth - humanity's cozy home in space - will begin to drift through space, moving towards Orion or perhaps Cassiopeia.

Obviously, if the Sun disappears, there will be an end to life on Earth as we know it today. Agree, it’s very great that the Sun is next to us and will not disappear anywhere.

Many people cannot even imagine what would happen if the Sun suddenly disappeared. However, this question is not as stupid as it seems.

At least Albert Einstein himself was puzzled by this thought experiment. Based on his calculations, we will try to tell you what will actually happen to the Earth if the Sun goes out.


Before Einstein asked the question, scientists believed that gravity changes instantly. The disappearance of the Sun would instantly scatter all eight planets into the dark depths of the galaxy. But Einstein proved that the speed of light and the speed of gravity travel simultaneously - which means we will still be enjoying ordinary life for eight more minutes before we realize the disappearance of the Sun. Our planet will leave orbit and, most likely, will begin to be attracted to some other planet of greater mass, for example, to Jupiter.

Eternal night

The sun may simply go out. In this case, humanity will not remain in complete darkness. The stars will still shine, the factories will work in the conditions of the polar night - in constant darkness. There will be no moonlight either, since the Moon only reflects the light of the Sun. Most plants will die within a few days - but this is not what should worry us most. The Earth's average temperature will drop to -17 degrees Celsius in just a week. By the end of the first year, a new ice age will begin. Gradually, the air will turn into a liquid nitrogen ocean, all the water will freeze, and the land will ice over.

Remains of life

Of course, most of life on Earth will cease to exist. In less than a month, almost all plants will die. Large trees will be able to survive for several more years, since they have large reserves of nutritious sucrose. However, it will be difficult for them to do this in conditions of global temperature decline. It is possible that some deep-sea plants and animals, as well as microorganisms, will be able to live for quite a long time - so, formally, life on Earth will continue.

What happens to the person? Perhaps we will be able to use volcanic heat to heat homes and for industrial purposes, like, for example, the inhabitants of Iceland. Homes there are already heated using geothermal energy. However, it is very difficult to imagine life without oxygen produced during plant photosynthesis. Life will also be difficult without plant food, and soon without animal food. Without sunlight, the human psyche will seriously suffer, and without ultraviolet radiation, the human body will suffer.

Endless journey

If the Sun not only goes out, but also disappears, then the Earth will leave its orbit. Unfortunately, this will not end well for us: the slightest collision with another object will cause huge destruction. In the best case, if we miraculously manage to avoid collisions, the Earth may well find itself a new star and enter a new orbit. However, this will happen after a huge amount of time and humanity is unlikely to witness this unlikely event.

This is only a small part of the possible development of events in the event of the disappearance of the Sun, but even this is enough to begin truly appreciate our star and be grateful to her for everything she gives us!