What should a child be able to do at 1.5. What should a one and a half year old child be able to do? Communication with the baby is a necessary event

What should a child be able to do at 1.5.  What should a one and a half year old child be able to do?  Communication with the baby is a necessary event
What should a child be able to do at 1.5. What should a one and a half year old child be able to do? Communication with the baby is a necessary event

One and a half year old children explore with interest and joy a new world for them, consisting of different things. They are already learning to interact with other people and play something on their own.

Even if your child cannot speak yet, he can probably answer “yes” or “no” and point to objects. And this gives scope for different activities that can be used to entertain and even, with their help, teach the child something, either at home or on a trip.

Games at home

Even if you don’t have any special expensive educational toys yet, you can always find something at home. Do not forget that at this age any game is educational. So, what to do with a 1.5 year old child at home:

  1. Mosaic;

  • Buy one whose chips are easy to insert and remove;
  • If there is no mosaic, it can easily be replaced with available items: counting sticks, cotton swabs, coins of various denominations (be sure to wash them with soap before playing!), buttons, half beads, in general, the meaning of the selection is clear;
  • It is important that you can make some kind of picture from these objects. You can build houses from sticks, for example.

Attention! All this is given into the hands of little ones only under the tireless supervision of an adult!

  1. Designers;


  • You can’t even imagine how many species there are! For example, a wooden one made from sticks with grooves from which you can build houses. The principle is simple, show your one and a half year old baby how to do it, play with him, and he will be able to assemble something himself;
  • There are also blocks made of wood or plastic of different shapes, which open up very wide possibilities for play;
  • Velcro construction sets are also very popular. It is better not to give magnetic construction sets; a child may swallow the magnet, and this is dangerous.
  1. Puzzles;
  • They are also a kind of constructor. There are very simple ones, of two halves, for example, with images of fruits and vegetables;
  • Or for associations - chicken-chicken, dog-kennel and others;
  • There are also books for children over one year old, in which you need to insert several parts inside the picture.
  1. Sorter and other similar toys;

  • They teach the baby shapes, sizes, colors, so they must be purchased;
  • Knocker - use a hammer to knock out colored pegs or balls;
  • Mushrooms – should be arranged in descending order;
    Frames - in a wooden picture, some elements are removed, you need to insert them correctly into place;
  • Pyramid, matryoshka - known to everyone;
  • It’s also great to put large wooden beads on a cord.
  1. Game "Hippos";

Fun for any age, you might say. There are 4 hippos with levers on the field, and balls are poured out in the middle, which the hippos must “eat” - i.e. grab Children play this with incredible excitement!

  1. Game "Pirate in a Barrel";

There are many holes made in the toy barrel. into which you need to insert plastic swords. At some point, the mechanism works and the pirate flies out of the barrel.

  1. Cuisenaire technique;

Excellent educational activities can be organized independently, at home, with the help of sticks and paper aids from Cuisinaire. Games with sticks are very popular with children of any age, up to 1st grade.

  1. Games with water;

Child playing in a bathtub with water

They sell a lot of toys for playing in the bathtub - rubber fish that need to be caught by a shark, a mill that spins from water jets, pictures and numbers that stick to the tiles, pencils for drawing on the bathtub (then they are simply washed off).

  1. Search for treasure;
  • You need to buy some small toys, for example, let it be: a ball, a reflective bracelet, Kinder, soap bubbles;
  • You hide this item in the room, after showing it to the baby;
  • The first time you show how and where you can look for a hidden object;
  • After your child has learned to search, teach him to hide the toy from you. Now you act as the one who is looking.
  1. Stuffed Toys;

Girl playing with a doll

Any child will love to feel like an elder, an adult. Give me a toy bear, a doll, it doesn’t matter who. And the task is “put to bed”, “feed”, “change clothes”, etc.

  1. Cars;

Dad plays cars with son

They can be rolled not just like that, but along a “road” made of something - for example, a road made of books. Or make a slide out of a sofa cushion and roll the cars down.

  1. Rolling a ball down a slide;

There is a team game in which they assemble slides with tunnels, and then roll small balls down them and see who gets to the finish line first!

  1. Application;

This wonderful technique is also suitable for children 1-2 years old, because there are options without scissors. For example, applications made from cotton pads, cereals, and napkins do not require cutting.

Games while traveling

When you and your child go somewhere together, you need to keep him busy so that he doesn’t get bored or capricious. But you can’t take any special toys with you into the car or plane. On the other hand, there are more options on the train. In any case, take note of travel games - they are good to play anywhere.

What to do with a 1.5 year old child on the train:

  • Lotto and dominoes;

In the children's versions of these games, instead of numbers and dots, animals, insects, fish, cartoon characters and other pictures are drawn. Children one and a half to two years old are quite capable of figuring it out with the help of adults.

It takes up little space, so it can easily fit in a child’s backpack. By the way, there is also a game of tic-tac-toe, in which you don’t have to draw, there are cells and figures are placed in them.

  • Creation;

Girl draws

No one has canceled paints - for the age of 1.5 years, finger paints are better, modeling masses, which are easily replaced with salt dough, felt-tip pens and pencils. All this is very exciting for children.

And also water coloring books, where the picture appears with a small amount of water, they help you learn how to hold a brush and work with it.

There are also special coloring books for finger paints - in them you need to make dots with fingerprints, many, many, which fill the contours of the picture.

Girl playing with plasticine

You can not only sculpt figures from plasticine, but also make different images. Draw something simple: a ball, a mushroom, a Christmas tree. Let the baby fill out the drawing with plasticine. Under the supervision of an adult, you can give dry peas and beans, patterned pasta and press them into the smeared plasticine.

And also, for plasticine like Playdoh, they sell different sets with molds and even different devices like “candy factory”, “garlic press” and others. Maybe you won’t take plasticine on the train, but pencils with a notebook or coloring book are easy.

What to do with a 1.5 year old child on a plane:

  1. Teaching colors, shapes, names;
  • You will need simple, solid-colored objects - these could be cubes or even silicone spatulas for the kitchen, some toys;
  • You show them one at a time and say not only the name, but also the color;
  • Repeat several times;
  • Now check it out. Ask where a certain color is, the child should point with his hand, but even if he does not do so, follow his gaze;
  • You can also ask where some other things are located: a clock, a window, a light bulb, a carpet. The baby will turn his head in the right direction;
  • This way you will understand what the baby doesn’t know yet, so you can work with it, and he himself will just be interested.
  1. Hide and seek;

Of course, the little one won’t be able to hide well yet. No need! These hide and seek are different. You hide a certain object, but so that it is almost in sight, and the child is looking for it. In this case, you can say “hot” and “cold”.

What to do with a 1.5 year old child in the car:

  • Colorful, bright books with thick pages are ideal for traveling in the car;
  • Toy musical steering wheel - let the child “steer” with dad, you just tell him this and the game is guaranteed almost the entire way;
  • Look out the window. Not just look, of course, but give the task to find something: a green car, a tall tree, a house, a tractor, a field;
  • Audio tale. Just load fairy tales onto a flash drive, let there be interesting stories on the road instead of music!

And know that the main thing on any trip is to remain calm and distract the baby from unnecessary actions and whims.

The world of emotions of a little person is open to us, we can observe all the movements of his soul. A small child is in a constant stream of new impressions, everything surprises and amazes him, and his emotional life is unusually rich. He moves from one thing to another without trying to understand what is happening to him, and acts solely under the influence of emotions. The whole world is new to him, brand new, and he is open to stunning diversity and vivid impressions.

But the emotional palette of a 1-2 year old child is limited: if he is unhappy or tired, he begins to scream and cry. If he is happy, he likes the game - he laughs loudly. The baby is completely absorbed in the present moment and immediately reacts to what is happening. Sometimes emotions “jump” one at another, creating mental chaos, often turning into noise and screams. By calming, comforting or distracting your child, you not only help him cope with the storm of feelings, but also participate in the process during which the child gradually learns to manage his emotions. By moving from laughter to tears, the child encourages parents to react, set limits and, of course, explain what is happening to him. We are often upset that our adored baby, who was smiling just a minute ago, is now screaming and stomping his feet.

Tip 1
In those moments when you are upset or angry, do something for yourself that will give you pleasure and help you calm down. Try to anticipate possible troubles that could upset you and cause anger.
For example, you should not let your child play with things that you value. Try to learn to recognize the warning signs of your own emotional breakdown and find a way to cope with it that works for you.

In another projection

A typical mistake adults make in such a situation is that they project their own feelings onto the child. Don't try to put yourself in his place. At his age, dissatisfaction and tears in most cases do not mean pain and suffering. This is simply an accessible way for the baby to express annoyance, disappointment or anger, because he still cannot explain all this in words. Up to 1.5-2 years, it is quite easy to cope with such emotional storms; you just need to distract him and switch his attention to something else. True, you shouldn’t immediately rush to entertain your child at the slightest sign of dissatisfaction. This way you let him know that his “bad” feelings have no right to exist. The child may feel that you are confused by manifestations of anger or resentment, and, accordingly, they cannot be expressed freely, but must be hidden and even suppressed. When reacting emotionally to any situation, a small child counts on your response. Only your attitude, behavior, words will help him navigate what is happening to him. You set boundaries for him within which he can freely express his emotions without fear of their destructive power. As your child grows up, the boundaries you set that he sometimes resisted will become part of his beliefs and serve as the basis for constructing the boundaries of his personality. There is no reason to think that a child will learn to control himself on his own, just as it is a mistake to try at all costs to follow the baby’s lead, to follow his emotional impulses.

If you:
You are under stress and are easily thrown off balance.
Try to put off playing together with your child for a while. In moments of irritation, do not pick him up: children are easily “infected” by the emotional state of their parents.
It's better to tell your child about this. “I’m very upset right now, please play by yourself. I need to calm down.” Children tend to take a lot of things personally; it is important for a child to hear that you are not angry because of him. In order for your baby to learn to better understand you, and therefore himself, it is important to tell him directly about your feelings, desires and needs.

Storm of emotions

Until one and a half to two years of age, a child needs very few words to be understood. He babbles or points at the desired object. If his mother does not understand him or does not consider it possible to give him what he wants, he begins to cry, stomp his feet, and express aggression. Some children, having not achieved what they want, are able to quickly switch to something else. Others find themselves so caught up in their emotions that they can’t stop and calm down. This is a difficult test for parents who themselves find themselves in the grip of conflicting feelings. Anger at the raging child is mixed with pity for the little “sufferer.” And you are torn between the desire to give in to him and firmly stand your ground.

New Horizons

At the age of 1.5-2 years, the child’s behavior changes noticeably. He is entering a period when he wants to be independent. This is the period when a baby can suddenly snatch a hand from your hand on the street and run forward with an independent look. He becomes capricious and demanding and violently protests against prohibitions and restrictions. And at the same time, as if frightened by his own courage, he shows his dependence on you more strongly. More than ever, he needs to know that you love him. Now you need not only to react in one way or another to the child’s emotional manifestations, but also to explain to him the rules of behavior in society: “You can’t climb with your feet on the table”... You must set the necessary restrictions and explain their reasons: “I see that you I don’t like it, but I can’t let you put your hands in the bowl of porridge. It’s very ugly and you’ll get dirty.”

Parents should not change their rules depending on the child’s mood, even if he makes a scene for them in public, otherwise the ultimatums will be repeated again and again. Many parents think that their child is suffering when they demand something with tears. Some capitulate, tired of it, others are afraid that the child will stop loving them... And yet, you should not find yourself in a situation where a child, with your consent, manipulates you. It is necessary to make him feel the boundaries that he must not cross.

Tip 2
Rules once established should not be changed under any circumstances. They must be observed by all family members: only then will the baby understand that it is useless to manipulate you.

Only peace

Don't expect parenting strategies to work right away. In order for changes to occur in the emotional sphere of a child, a certain time is necessary. But the moment will come when his mental life will become more orderly and harmonious.

At this “transitional” age, “small tragedies” happen literally every day. Often, parents do not know how to respond to emotional outbursts, or are not sure that they are doing the right thing. Many adults prefer to ignore raging children, believing that attention will only worsen the situation. Of course, hysteria is not easy to withstand, but you should not leave the child alone at a time when he cannot cope with himself, with his own feelings. Ignoring is not the best way to express dissatisfaction with a child’s behavior, and children are also good at adopting parental methods. Many parents are probably familiar with the situation when a child “does not hear” parental requests and appeals, expressing his dissatisfaction in precisely the way known to him. If the baby has not yet become seriously wound up, you can try to distract him by offering him some exciting activity that will help him immediately forget about what upset him. If it is no longer possible to switch his attention, try picking him up and holding him tightly until he calms down. Or just stay nearby, letting him know that you are available. When he calms down, briefly and simply explain to him what you think is causing this reaction. You can express your dissatisfaction with his behavior, but be sure to show him that you understand what is happening to him.

It is also important how much parents know how to control themselves and manage their own anger. This largely determines whether the child will learn to express his feelings adequately to the situation. If you tend to respond to your child’s violent behavior with an angry outburst, then there is a high probability that the child will learn this form of behavior and will subsequently use it outside the family, in communication with children and adults.


I don’t know what to do with my anger, help? For my child 1.4, it happens that the child starts to get hysterical and I can’t calm him down, he twists out of his hands, doesn’t let me take him, screams wildly, sometimes he even hits his head against the wall, floor, cabinet. When I can’t calm him down, I start to lose my temper, start yelling and can spank the child, then he starts to become even more hysterical and then I start to get hysterical. When he calms down and I realize the situation, I begin to feel wild remorse because I did the wrong thing with the child, I yelled and hit him, that I was a bad mother and I really wanted to be the best mother in the world. Every time I promise myself that this won’t happen, that I will control myself, but I break down and then I really regret it. Tell me, help, I really want to change the situation!

children's tantrums are mainly due to the fact that the mother somewhere made mistakes in raising and caring for her baby. Here you need to understand that a child’s full-fledged emotional intelligence is formed already in the first year of a little person’s life. Therefore, it is important to educate yourself, I constantly read articles about how a child develops up to one year old and how to correctly form children’s emotional reactions.

behind a lot of words, two really useful tips: 1. once a rule is established, it must be followed by everyone and always
2. The response to a child’s negative emotions should not be aggression or ignorance.
So why so many words?

06.09.2007 15:40:24, masya

Xoroshaya statya, very pouchitelnaya!

04/22/2007 01:42:25, Ella

what to do? 2 year old child gets angry and hits his mother

04/08/2007 16:24:29, indri07

Confusing article, sometimes about children's tantrums, sometimes immediately, without transition, about mother's stress. But in places there are practical thoughts and useful techniques

Comment on the article "Emotional child: let's try to adjust it"

Has the crisis existed for 5 years? Children's age crises. Child psychology. Emotional child: let's try to adjust. Home > Children > Child from 1 to 3 years old > Psychology and education.

Emotional developmental delay. Upbringing. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children, interaction with guardianship, training at school for adoptive parents.

Emotional child: let's try to adjust. Until one and a half to two years of age, a child needs very few words to be understood. At the age of 1.5-2 years, the child’s behavior changes noticeably.

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Child development psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, hysterics. The child repeats unpleasant actions.. Whims, hysterics. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household...

emotionally labile disorder. Diseases. Other children. We are adopting a girl from an orphanage, and she is diagnosed with an emotionally labile disorder and is registered as disabled. Emotional child: let's try to adjust.

Emotional child: let's try to adjust. When reacting emotionally to any situation, a small child counts on you. It is better to tell the child about it. “I’m very upset now, please play by yourself.

Conference "Child Psychology" "Child Psychology". How to wean a child 1.5 years old from pulling out his tongue. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, additional activities. Pulls at ears. Whims. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development.

Affectionate child. Problem?. Relationships with children. Child psychology. And I imagined that in 10-15 years I would want to hug her and kiss her, but she wouldn’t want to. And now I’ll be just as upset. In general, I then apologized to her.

Child development psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, hysterics. A 2 year old child CONSTANTLY keeps his hands in his mouth. I don’t know what to do, and this has only been happening for the last 3-4 months, before that everything was fine.

What does a 2 year old child understand? Experience in adoption/guardianship/foster care. Adoption. Discussion of issues of adoption, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children, interaction with guardianship, schooling. Norms for the development of speech of a child from 1 to 7 years.

A child runs away while out for a walk. Non-standard (?) situation. Child psychology. I remembered: the day before yesterday there were very few cars, it was quiet in our alley, IN THE MIDDLE of the road, a child who looked to be one and a half years old was talking to a cat.

Child development psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, hysterics. The child repeats unpleasant actions.. Whims, hysterics. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness (Play and play and so many times)...

Emotional development of the baby. * * * You should be proud of your child. Children definitely feel the tension. Emotional child: let's try to adjust. Psycho-emotional state of mother and child.

About children's emotions. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and About children's emotions. I read an article in a magazine about the aggressiveness of a 2-3 year old child. It was said that at this age children do not...

Child development psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, hysterics. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and The child farts, so much so that she wakes up from it, and before these...

Child development psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, hysterics. How to raise two children so that they are not just friends, but family in the true sense of the word? Parental experience. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one year to...

Emotional child: let's try to adjust. But the emotional palette of a 1-2 year old child is limited: if he is unhappy or tired, he begins to scream and cry. To the content.

We're halfway through the second year of your baby's life, and this is a major milestone. At one and a half years old, parents notice how their baby has changed: now he walks well and even runs, strives for independence in his actions, but most importantly, it is at the age of one and a half years that a leap in speech development often occurs.

Physical development of a one and a half year old child

Height and weight of a child at 1 year 6 months according to the standards of domestic pediatricians:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

Height and weight of a child 1 year 6 months old according to WHO:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

Many mothers at one and a half years old no longer worry about teething, since most of them have already appeared in the baby. And for those who are concerned about how many teeth a child should have at 1.5 years old, we will answer: the approximate number of teeth at this age according to dentists’ standards is 14. However, depending on the individual characteristics and the time of appearance of the first tooth, the presence of from 4 to 18 teeth in babies is also normal.

Day, sleep and nutrition regimen of a 1.5 year old child

At 1.5 years old, almost all children switch to one daytime nap, lasting 2-3 hours. But if your baby continues to sleep twice during the day, do not force things - you will definitely notice if the baby is ready for change. The transition to a new regime should be smooth and comfortable for the child. The duration of night sleep is still 10-11 hours. The period during which the child is awake extends to 5.5 hours at this age.

At one and a half years old, the baby eats 4 times a day, at intervals of 3.5 to 4.5 hours. Moreover, during the waking period the interval is no more than 3.5 hours. Breakfast should take place no later than 1.5 hours after waking up, and dinner no later than an hour before going to bed for the night.

Psychology and mental development of a child 1 year 6 months

One and a half year old baby is calm and businesslike . He already understands a lot and is not afraid, for example, of an unexpected sound, as he was in infancy. Now he knows: it was the washing machine that made a noise, there is no danger. At the same time, unfamiliar people and unusual situations can still cause him anxiety, and he will try to stay close to his mother.

At 1.5 years old, the baby knows his family members and favorably perceives relatives who rarely come to visit. However He still desperately needs his mother’s presence next to him , especially in the first minutes of the meeting. At this age, you can gradually begin to expand the child’s social circle, for example, by attending some developmental classes, but hospitalization separately from the mother at one and a half years will be extremely traumatic. For a one-and-a-half-year-old baby, mom still remains the center of the universe.

Close adults are the main role models for children – tone of speech, emotional reaction to the situation, actions with objects and toys. He still requires constant attention from an adult, but he can already get carried away with independent play for some time. What was previously primarily a repetition of an adult’s behavior (feeding a doll) now turns into games of “own composition.” The implementation of the ideas he has come up with brings immense joy to the baby, and if something does not work out, he looks sincerely upset and abandons the idea.

Other children arouse the baby's interest , but not yet as comrades with whom you can play together. Looking closely at his peers, the baby is still convinced that he is the most important here, and does not tolerate the violation of boundaries. For example, he will never give his toy to another child to play with, but at the same time he will try to take someone else’s (he feels like the center of the Universe, remember?). Fighting “greed” at this age is useless and pointless.

One and a half years is the age when a child begins to clearly show negative emotions . The baby's vocabulary is not yet large, so he can express anger by lying on the floor, screaming and waving his arms and legs. It is important for parents to understand: these are not whims; strict educational measures are inappropriate at this age. The child just wants to convey to you: I am unhappy, hear me and help. Spanking, scolding, ignoring and similar methods will cause the hysteria to worsen. Only affection, attention and love shown by parents can help a child get out of a state that is unpleasant for everyone. In addition, at 1.5 years old children quickly calm down and switch.

Skills and abilities of a child at 1 year 6 months

A child of one and a half years old can do a lot, and this concerns, firstly, his physical skills . At 1 year 6 months your baby:

  • Walks well straight, in circles, around objects. He stumbles less because he looks at his feet, noticing obstacles. Starts to run;
  • He climbs onto the children's stairs with a side step and tries to go down from it (although this is already difficult for him);
  • Throws the ball forward, up and down;
  • Squats down;
  • Knows how to open the door to a room.

Intellectual development a child is characterized by a sharp jump occurring at one and a half years. This age marks the time when the baby literally absorbs new knowledge and impressions. But even at 1.5 years old the child has already achieved a lot:

  • He finds an object similar to the one shown, including the one depicted in the book. Distinguishes a ball from a cube, a cube from a brick;
  • Can choose the right geometric shape for the sorter holes;
  • Is oriented in terms of shape and size, finds identical ones at the request of an adult or selects the one indicated;
  • Collects a pyramid of several rings after the show;
  • Draws strokes, straight lines, zigzags and ovals on paper with a pencil/felt-tip pen.

The game became more difficult at 1.5 years old, and now child's play activities characterized by the following features:

  • Imitating an adult, the baby “reads” a book and reproduces frequently observed actions in play;
  • Repeats some of the actions of peers seen;
  • Able to pull a rolling toy behind him, roll a small stroller in front of him;
  • Uses substitute items in the game (replaces real ones with them);
  • Shows intelligence, for example, uses one object to get another.

Household skills A 1.5-year-old baby also cannot but delight parents:

  • He drinks from the cup, barely spilling;
  • He prefers to eat himself with a spoon, although he can only do this accurately with liquid and semi-liquid food;
  • Expresses dissatisfaction with the violation of his own neatness;
  • Starts to ask to go potty.

Speech of a child at 1 year 6 months

1.5 years is a certain speech milestone, since most parents at this age notice significant progress not only in understanding spoken speech, but also in the emergence of new words and even phrases.

A one and a half year old child knows and, upon request, shows parts of the body, understands the meaning of many sentences and follows simple instructions (“open the box”, “take the apple out of the bag” and even more complex speech structures). In addition, the baby can identify similar objects from a group, without taking into account their size and color.

A child’s active vocabulary includes up to 40 words. Moreover, individually simplified words (cat - “meow”, car - “bi-bi”) begin to gradually be replaced by their correct forms. During this period, it is important for parents themselves to restructure themselves and encourage in every possible way the use of “normal” and not babbling words. A one and a half year old baby is characterized by imitation of phrases and individual words of adults.

Despite the fact that not all children (more often girls) develop phrasal speech at this age, many children strive to connect words into simple structures. It should be borne in mind that gestures, facial expressions and gaze can also express something specific, thereby complementing the child’s word into a phrase. And this can already be called the first phrase.

At the age of 1.5 years, the baby begins to generalize objects not only in speech addressed to him, but also in his own. Mistakes are still very common, but this is not scary - the child is still learning. After one and a half years, children's active vocabulary begins to increase much faster than before. Talk to your baby, read, constantly explain to him what he doesn’t understand, and progress in speech development will not take long to happen!

In this section you will read about how a one and a half year old baby develops. The first 1.5 years are a significant period, an interesting time, but also a very difficult one. Until this age, the child’s behavior was more or less predictable: he ate, slept, sometimes cried, sucked a pacifier, babbled, learned to sit first and then crawl. At 1.5 years old, he already understands a lot and wants even more, but is not always able to adequately express his desire or protest. How do I progress my skills at 1.5 years? What should a child be able to do at this age? Should he already hold a spoon while eating, drink from a cup, or ask to use the potty? What requests can he already fulfill? What gaming skills should I master? Is it possible to play ball with a one and a half year old baby? Build a pyramid?

Read in the section:

The time from a year to a year and a half is exactly when the child takes his first step. How to prepare for this event? Walk around the house in sandals or barefoot? How to choose the right first shoes? Is it possible to put a child in a walker? How to encourage a child to walk if he is afraid? Is it possible to teach a child to fall? What exercises should you do to develop walking skills? Qualified pediatricians and orthopedists will answer these questions.

Falling asleep on your own is another problem that parents of a child often face after a year. It is especially close to families in which the child and parents practiced co-sleeping. Continue to stay with the baby in the nursery (and in the bed) until he falls asleep? Or walk out the door, ignoring the tears and protests? But there are situations when you can’t leave your baby alone in the room at night! Which? You will learn about this, as well as how to properly, without tears and hysterics, teach a child to fall asleep (and sleep!) on their own from the materials in the section “Child 1.5 years old.”

Of course, health issues are not the only ones that interest modern parents. After all, as soon as the baby begins to walk confidently and speak willingly, many of them think about his development. Is it possible to teach a 1.5 year old child to draw? Will he be interested in this process? Where to start lessons with the future Picasso? When do you need to learn to read, and what to prefer - Zaitsev's cubes or Glen Doman's teaching aids? When and how to prepare a child's hand for writing? Should you force your baby to learn poems and songs by heart? Or is it better to develop children's memory with other exercises? What are the consequences for a child of too early development and is it necessary to rush? You can also find answers to these questions in this section.

Issues of child psychology are also covered in detail in the section “Child 1.5 years old”. What to do when a one and a half year old baby is jealous of mom and dad? What to do in a situation where a child constantly takes off his clothes? How to deal with children's stubbornness? What to do when the baby doesn’t let his mother leave his side and doesn’t even want to stay with his grandmother? All difficulties of the age of 1.5 years are considered in our articles by professional teachers and psychologists.

Recently, neoprene children's swimsuits in Russia have become an alternative to the usual swimming trunks and swimsuits.

“You can’t, it’s dirty! Don’t touch, you’ll get hurt!” But no matter how much you forbid it, curious babies still grab everything that is within their reach. While children master the surrounding space, adults will have to be patient.

The baby seems to absolutely love climbing over the side of his crib. You like it much less, because you are worried about his safety. It's time to think about how to wean the baby from these outings.

In the second year of life, the baby fully masters the skills of walking and masters speech, and these two skills give rise to other achievements. Thanks to movement, the baby’s horizons expand, and speech allows him to communicate with people in a new way. The ability to perform actions develops into interaction

“I can’t be left alone for a second - he cries and protests!”; “Feed, put down and put on the potty. Everything is a scandal"; “Why does she do everything to spite me?!” All these are revelations from mothers whose children are between the ages of one and a half to three years. Everything was going well. And suddenly it changed literally in an instant

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For young children, play is a way of learning about the world, so new knowledge presented in a playful form is best absorbed. At the same time, the baby cannot hold his attention on one thing for a long time. One game should not last more than 15 minutes.

Toys for children aged 1.5 years should be without small parts. Be careful to avoid getting small objects in your mouth, nose or ear.

Let's see what you can play with a one and a half year old baby.

Modeling for child development

A pleasant and simple pastime is modeling. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. This is useful for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which in turn develops the child’s speech apparatus.

Usually children really like to knead plasticine or dough, sculpt balls, sausages, some kind of lumps, and smear them on the surface. Later, the baby will be happy to sculpt figures. Just make sure nothing gets into the kids' mouths.

Drawing with a baby

You can start with pencils, felt-tip pens, and finger paints. Children really like finger paints, because you can put your finger in a jar and then smear it on the paper for a long time. In the warm season, you can remove the T-shirt so that the baby remains only in panties/shorts. And in cold weather, for this activity it is better to select that blouse that you don’t mind.

You can also prepare figurines of animals, fruits, etc. in advance. according to the type of decorations (can be printed on a printer), spread with glue and sprinkle with cereal on top. It will be useful for the child to first touch the cereal, and then sprinkle it on the figure coated with glue.

Oversleeping and transfusion

Using the Montessori method, you can also practice various useful activities at home. For example, pour cereal from one container to another. You can pour water, you can look at smaller and larger pupae to study the concepts of larger and smaller, etc.

Reading poetry and fairy tales with your child

Children love pictures, poems, and fairy tales. Children's literature today is so colorful and toddlers like it so much. Show your child pictures, tell him who is depicted, and then ask him to show, for example, where the cat is, etc. And even though the baby may not be able to do this now, but later he will definitely show you the object or animal you named. Usually children at 1.5 years old do not sit still to listen to a fairy tale to the end, but over time they will be able to do this.
In any case, pay special attention to books, they are very important for the development of a child.


The cubes are an undoubted hit with children and parents. The child will be interested in placing one cube on top of another, building a tower, castles. At first the baby will destroy what you have built. Then he will be able to build the tower himself, and then serious construction will begin.
You can learn with the help of cubes - there are cubes with numbers and letters. And there is a whole program for teaching reading - Zaitsev's cubes.

Game balls for children aged 1.5 years

We would like to highlight as a separate point how to teach to kick. Active games are very useful for a child, and the baby will be happy to join this game.

Various interesting things

Children will also be interested in nesting dolls (this is both extremely exciting and useful, since the child gets acquainted with the concept of more and less, and also develops his hands), puzzles (it turns out that a picture can be put together from pieces), mosaics for the little ones (with its help you can learn colors), insert frames, dolls and cars (it's time to master role-playing games). Taking apart boxes, handbags, and cosmetic bags can also be a great game. To do this, take, for example, a cosmetic bag with a zipper, put in beads, some empty jars, etc. and give it to the baby. It’s so interesting to open it and see what’s inside, take it all out one by one and twist it.

Hide and seek, dancing

Children love to hide, so don’t deny your baby the pleasure of hiding and being found. A one and a half year old child will almost always hide in the same place, but you still play along and be happy when you find him. But later the baby will be able to surprise you by appearing in a wide variety of places, so you won’t be bored.
You can also dance, spin, and dance with your children.

So, here is an approximate list of the most popular educational games for a 1.5 year old child. Dear parents, tell us what your one and a half year old baby likes to do? Leave your comments below the article. Thank you!