What to do if Decembrist has limp leaves. Why the Decembrist withers and how to save it. Why do the Decembrist's buds fall off?

What to do if Decembrist has limp leaves.  Why the Decembrist withers and how to save it.  Why do the Decembrist's buds fall off?
What to do if Decembrist has limp leaves. Why the Decembrist withers and how to save it. Why do the Decembrist's buds fall off?

At the moment when there are crackling people outside the window winter frosts, an unusual tropical cactus blooms on the windowsills. It has no needles, has dark green shoots and pleases the owner with the appearance of buds only once a year. Caring for a Decembrist flower at home is different from caring for other cacti, but there is no difficulty in it.

Decembrist is a forest cactus that wildlife grows on trunks tropical trees. Their root system little resistant to unfavorable factors, this can cause the death of the plant. Decembrist flowering begins in November and ends in February.

With proper care, the plant can live up to 20 years

During flowering, you should not turn or move the pot, as this may cause the buds to fall off. Decembrist does not like dry air, so spraying it with a spray bottle is acceptable. In order to prolong flowering, you can cover the trunk of the plant with snow or ice from the refrigerator.

How to properly care for a plant at home

Decembrist loves water, which is why it differs from other cacti. You need to water it with warm liquid, and you can also place the flower on a tray with wet pebbles. It is better to grow it on eastern windows. In summer, the flower can be taken out into the fresh air, and in winter, the temperature in the room can be maintained at least 10-11 degrees Celsius. Avoid exposing it directly sun rays and do not turn it only one side towards the light, otherwise the plant will be “one-sided”.

Decembrist is susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases, so it needs to be examined periodically. Possible flower damage spider mite, scale insects and mealybugs. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment with drugs.

Lighting, temperature

The Decembrist cannot be kept under the scorching rays of the sun; he will be much more comfortable in diffused lighting. It is best to place it on east or northeast windows. If you can place the zygocactus only on the south side, then the plant will need to be shaded to avoid sunburn.

To flower, Decembrist needs the days to become short; this period occurs in winter. During this time, the room temperature drops to 10-15 degrees. It often happens that only that part of the flower that was facing the cold window blooms. But you also can’t lower the temperature too much; the plant cannot tolerate frost and may die. In summer, Decembrist feels great at 18-24 degrees Celsius.

Soil requirements

First of all, you need to carefully consider the choice of soil for the pot. Decembrist loves light nutritious soil with good drainage. The soil should easily allow moisture and air to pass through. Often a mixture of peat is used for these purposes, leaf soil and sand. You can also add humus and turf to the soil. The best soil for Decembrist is slightly acidic. You can use ready-made soil mixture for succulents.

Before planting a flower, the ground must be disinfected. For these purposes, you can use crushed coal. To make the soil more airy, small pieces of tree bark and perlite are added to it.

Watering, fertilizing

The plant is watered all year round. Although a cactus can store a certain amount of water in its leaves, it is not enough to last. for a long time. Decembrists naturally grow in tropical rain forests and they need liquid. Drought will cause the roots to die and the plant to die.

Watering should be constant, but moderate. If overwatered for a long time, the roots of the plant may rot. Water the flower after the top one has dried earthen layer. You can place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles.

From the beginning of September, the Decembrist plant begins to be fed with potassium fertilizers and stops after the start of flowering. After the buds fall off, the plant takes a break from nutritional supplements. Starting from March-April, the tropical cactus is fed with complex fertilizer for potted flowers.

How to trim Decembrist?

June is the best time to circumcise the Decembrist. In order to form a beautiful crown, shoots that grow incorrectly are removed. After the procedure, the plants bloom more intensely and look better. It is better not to cut the shoots, but to unscrew them, as this will cause less damage to the flower.


The young Decembrist needs a transplant once a year, spring time. The pot chosen is not too large, as it is easy to over-moisten the plant. Adult Decembrists are transplanted every 3-5 years.

It is best to choose a low but wide pot. It is forbidden to replant the plant during flowering, as this will negatively affect its health. The container is filled one-third with drainage, the rest is occupied by the soil layer, which is pre-disinfected with crushed coal.

When replanting, loosen the soil around the edges of the pot and remove the plant along with the soil. Lightly clean the root system of soil residues and bury the Decembrist in new soil. After transplanting, water the flower generously.

Care after flowering

After flowering, the Decembrist is moved to a cool place and watering is slightly limited. The room should be protected from direct sunlight; it is better if there is partial shade. At the end of March, the flower is moved back and the moisture supply is increased. They also begin to apply mineral fertilizers.

Decembrist flower propagation

Decembrist flowers are propagated by short cuttings, 2-3 links each. Pieces of stems are carefully broken off from the plant and left to dry for 2-7 days. For faster rooting, the procedure is carried out in the spring and summer, when the night is shorter than the day. The best temperature for Decembrist breeding is 25 degrees Celsius.

Before planting, treat the lower tip with Kornevin and deepen the cutting into the substrate. The best soil There will be a mixture of equal parts of peat and perlite. Water the plant thoroughly. Periodically spray the flower with a spray bottle, this will promote faster rooting.

There is no need to create a greenhouse effect by covering the shoot glass jar or a bottle. With free access of air and favorable temperature conditions The plants take root well. Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Keep the flower in the shade and avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

Many gardeners combine propagation of the Decembrist with its pruning, because in the process it forms a large number of Cherenkov. Since the plant is pruned in June, this is justified, because the summer months are favorable for obtaining new zygocacti.

Pests and possible plant diseases

Decembrist is quite resistant to pests and other diseases if properly cared for.

Insects dangerous to the plant:

  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • scale insect

Schlumbergera (zygocactus, Christmas tree) is a genus of epiphytic cacti, a branched shrub with zygomorphic white, pink or purple flowers, native to the tropical forests of Brazil. The popular name of the plant is Decembrist, which is due to the flowering period - in the middle of winter.

Fighting pests of the Decembrist flower

Proper care of the Decembrist will help prevent the appearance or overcome pests.

The pest belongs to the class of arachnids; its small round body is covered with sparse bristles and has a red or yellow color.

It settles on the underside of plant leaves; light dots on the surface of the leaf indicate its appearance. If you are wondering why Decembrist leaves fall, it is often the spider mite that causes this process. Soon he moves to the upper side. They can be controlled using sulfur and phosphorus chemicals. Spraying with the preparations "Vertimek", "Fitoverm" and "Actofit" is effective. The tick does not develop resistance to them.

A sucking insect with an oval pink body covered with a white coating, with transverse stripes on the back.

Length mealybug from 3 to 7 mm. The pest produces white sticky mucus and seems to sprinkle the Decembrist with flour. Decembrist buds suffer greatly from mealybugs; they wither and fall off.

To prevent scale insects, the plant should be watered regularly and dried leaves should be removed. If infection has already occurred, insecticides "Aktara", "Confidor", or folk remedies: horsetail tincture, oil spray.

Did you know? Feng Shui says that the Decembrist transforms the energy in the house, kills the desire to quarrel and hurt another person.

Although the size of the scale insect does not exceed 5 mm, it can suck all the juices out of the Decembrist. Decembrist's leaves turn yellow and dry out, and the plant may even die.

You can get rid of the insect using mechanical cleaning: carry out treatment with cotton swabs soaked in a solution of "Karbofos" or "Tanrek". Also high humidity air can provoke the proliferation of scale insects, while bright sunlight

slows down their development.

Possible problems when growing zygocactus

Gardeners may face many problems when growing the plant, as zygocactus is besieged by pests and diseases. You should remember how to deal with them.

Incorrect lighting and infertile soil are most often the reason why zygocactus does not bloom.

There is no need to keep the plant on a north window; if necessary, shade it from direct sunlight. You need to know how to care for the Decembrist so that it blooms. When buds appear, the plant should not be moved, as the Christmas tree may drop them.

Why does the Decembrist wither Christmas tree reacts poorly to the flow of dry hot air from heating batteries : lethargic, wrinkled leaves Decembrist will report this problem. Insufficient or excessive watering has a negative impact on the plant, it begins to wither.

To avoid this, you should regularly spray the Christmas tree and periodically change the soil in the pot.Important! Experts advise that before the Christmas tree begins to set buds, leave it in dark place

for at least 14 hours. Otherwise, the risk of segments withering increases.

Why do Decembrist segments and buds fall off? Excess moisture can cause buds and leaves to fall off. Even if it seems to you that the Decembrist is drying out, it is important not to overdo it in watering. It is easier for Decembrist to withstand dry soil than an excess of liquid.

If the zygocactus is left for some time without watering and then removed from the pot along with the earthen ball, you may find that the roots of the plant have rotted. In this case, you will need to plant Christmas tree cuttings or change the soil and not water it for about a week.

Why do the shoots of the Decembrist turn red? It happens that the Decembrist appears red leaves , which indicates the growth of new segments of the cactus, excessive watering

or improper feeding.

To avoid this, you should regularly spray the Christmas tree and periodically change the soil in the pot.In addition, it is possible to get a burn if there is an abundance of sunlight.

Temperature changes should not be allowed for the plant. The Christmas tree should be kept in a cool room, away from drafts at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Why does the Decembrist not grow? Schlumbergera may not grow due to several factors: insufficient feeding with mineral complexes or drying out of the substrate. During the growth period - from late March to August - you should fertilize with nitrogen and phosphorus, provide access to

fresh air , cover from direct sunlight and do not forget about constant watering, spraying and washing with soft warm water. If the Decembrist dries out, the first thing to do is take cuttings and root again. is that the owner thinks this: since the plant is undemanding, it means it is not necessary to care for it. And the plant lives on its own from watering to watering.

No flowering indicates that the maintenance regime has been violated: the plant is standing somewhere in a dark corner, where natural light does not reach at all, there are some missing nutrients or tormented by pests. It may not be watered often enough or it may not have been replanted for many years.

Falling off of segments and buds. The main reasons for the shedding of segments is infection with red spider mites. Therefore, if segments fall off profusely, they must be carefully examined. If the base is yellowish, with small rusty spots, it means the mite has damaged it. It can be seen through a magnifying glass. When the infestation is severe, there are many of these tiny pests on the surface of the plant.

If neither a tick nor any traces of its activity are found, check How firmly does the plant stay in the ground?. If it sways, it means something is wrong with the roots. Root death may occur. The best decision- perform an emergency transplant. The fibrous root system of the Schlumberger, like that of most other epiphytic cacti, is weak, easily rots or dies due to any disturbances: hypothermia or overheating, drying out, waterlogging, acidification of the substrate, burns with a concentrated fertilizer solution, pest damage. If during transplantation it is clear that the roots are unhealthy, the root system must be cleared of soil and dead roots. Rinse hot water(40-55 degrees Celsius), dry and replant the bush in new soil and in new or disinfected old flowerpot. The first time after this, the plant is watered carefully, often sprayed and kept in a humid atmosphere (in a greenhouse or under a plastic cap). If the roots are healthy, then a regular transplant will also be beneficial.

It is often incorrectly believed that segments and buds fall off due to lack of moisture, and they begin to water such a plant abundantly. It is unacceptable! Even with frequent lack of watering, the plant is more likely to wilt than begin to shed segments.

The falling off of segments and buds can be explained by stress caused by a sudden change in living conditions. For example, if a plant that has been standing in the shade for a long time is immediately exposed to the open sun. Disturbances associated with a lack of any nutrients in the soil can also lead to the dropping of segments and buds.

Finally, diseases caused by microorganisms are rare among Decembrists. They manifest themselves in various spots or drying out of young shoots, the affected segments also fall off. It should be borne in mind that a small number of segments fall off in healthy people, it is normal developing plants- Consequently natural formation crowns

The falling off of some buds can also be a normal phenomenon in the case when there are too many buds and the plant is simply unable to cope and be able to feed so many flowers. When during the flowering period is too low temperature, insufficient watering, or the plant is rearranged - this can also lead to the dropping of some buds, including large and fully colored ones. Buds on Decembrist (usually on hybrids with Schlumbergera truncata) may appear again in the spring. The fall of such untimely buds is normal. (Consulted by Natalya Glushakova.)

Question: How to root Decembrist cuttings?

Anyanya: You take it, tear off a branch (at least 3 segments) and put it in a glass of water, wait for it to take root, and then, like all plants, you need to plant it.

Helen: Everything is correct, only they took root for me even with two segments, either in water or in the ground.

Alyusha: Breeds in April - May. Dry the cut cuttings for 2-3 days until a glassy film forms on the cut surface. Then root in special soil.

Caring for Schlumbergera - in the section of the Encyclopedia of indoor plants.

Veta: I deal with cuttings - or rather with those that accidentally fall off from a large one - very simply, as with all cacti and succulents: they lie there for a couple of days, dry in the air, and then immediately into the ground. Because forest cacti are not desert cacti, so I give them soil that is more nutritious than for other cacti.

Helenn: I dry them for at least two days to a week. And then immediately into universal soil, but in a very small pot. I tried to plant without drying - they rot.

How to make Decembrist bloom

Question: Can you tell me how to make Decembrist bloom? Mine is already two years old, but it is only growing leaves. I have it hanging in a flowerpot on the east window - it’s just falling into leaves. The window is not far from it. And my mother has it hanging there the same way, but it blooms every winter, although it’s not a cool place at all.

Kleo: To stimulate flowering, the Decembrist needs a cool place, then it produces buds. To flower, you need to stop watering for a while at the end of summer and place the plant in a cool room with a temperature of 15°C. And these plants grow and bloom well in partial shade.

Veta: I think mine is blooming, because, firstly, it stood on the windowsill, closer to the light - after all, it’s on the 16th floor; secondly, it was cold in the apartment; in the kitchen where he was, it was about 13-14°C all winter. He spent the summer on my loggia, standing in such a way that he didn’t get much sun - so, in the morning there was a little, but it was still light, he fed it regularly along with all the other fertilizers “Power of Life”. Now it’s cooler on the loggia, I moved it to a brighter place. So he’s picking up buds more quickly.

Melnikov Vladimir:

  • First, they should be planted in containers as small as possible (depending on their volume). You need to replant into a container such that the old bowl fits freely into the new one (i.e., about 1-2 cm larger per year). The frequency of replanting determines the abundance of flowering and growth itself. They all have a very poorly developed root system and do not require a large volume of soil. If you give more volume than they need, it is the roots that begin to develop, to the detriment of everything else. Do not forget that these are still epiphytic plants. And they grow like orchids.
  • Second: all of them winter-flowering plants. And in order for them to bloom profusely, you need to give rest (15 degrees, with watering once every 1.5-2 weeks) from the beginning of October to mid-late November (depending on our unpredictable autumns, i.e. maintain the temperature, if it is higher, then you need to water!)
  • And third: for flowering you need the most a bright place in your apartment, air humidity (I already said that such plants are not suitable for the kitchen) and starting in the fall - do not twist, do not drag (i.e. rearrange) this plant anywhere. Next - if you have a cutting from an adult, flowering plant, then if these conditions are met, it will definitely bloom in your second year at most.

Gardeners may face many problems when growing the plant, as zygocactus is besieged by pests and diseases. You should remember how to deal with them.

Question: My Schlumbergera has been growing for several years, I try to care for it correctly, but why doesn’t the Decembrist bloom?

ITALIA: In one of the books about cacti, I read advice that I have been using for many years. Schlumbergera (Decembrist) - plant short day. The formation of flower buds depends on both the length of daylight and temperature. If kept too warm in winter (above 23°C), strong vegetative growth and a complete absence of flower buds are observed. Lower temperatures (17-20°C) promote the formation of flower buds, but only under short days. At even lower temperatures (10-15°C), the formation of flower buds occurs regardless of the length of daylight hours. Contents below 10°C prevent the formation of buds. Wherein main role night temperatures play. So, above 23°C - Schlumbergera will not bloom. 17-20°C - Schlumbergera will bloom if the day is short 10-15°C - it will bloom regardless of day length. Below 10°C - Schlumbergera will not bloom.

Kroky: To stimulate the future abundant flowering It is advised to pinch off the plates - segments at the ends of shoots that have already faded.

Why do the Decembrist's buds fall off?

Question: Why do the buds and flowers of the Decembrist suddenly fall off?

Rose: When it blooms, just like gardenia, it does not like rearrangements, much less being left without bright lighting.

Irish: I rushed around with my Schlumbergers like crazy bags, twisted and turned, rearranged them - they bloomed twice during the winter. I water them only after the surface has completely dried.

That. she has sunshine all summer long, potassium-phosphorus supplements, by winter - lack of additional lighting and a cool place (if the room is too hot) - they should bloom. I fertilize with half a dose of Ideal every 3-4 waterings. The main thing is to ensure that there is not a large dose of nitrogen - the bush will grow. Or you can switch to potassium-phosphorus by mid-summer, and before that water with fertilizers with a higher dose of nitrogen.

But Schlumbergeras bloom even without fertilizers. Schlumberger lived in the lung coniferous land with sand - it practically did not grow, it only produced flowers. I transplanted it into soil for succulents and began to grow greenery.

Anilorak: For the Decembrist, it's all about coolness. Those. it produces buds when it is cool around it. I had Decembrists standing on my balcony until the tenth of October, and when it got really cold, I took them into the room, all of them in buds, and now one is already blooming. No transfer or new place bothered them, thank God.

Pansy: Here is what is written on our website on this issue: The plant sheds buds or parts of segments on the leaves - if the temperature is too low, insufficient watering, moved to a new place, excess fertilizer, damaged by pests or diseases, it is also necessary to check the roots.

Why do the Decembrist's buds grow slowly?

Question: Why do the buds that appear grow so slowly?

Veta: The buds are usually in no hurry to grow. Maybe this is due to the lack of light in winter? Now my first buds have just begun to open - the first tier of petals has unfurled. But I gradually feed my animal with complex fertilizer. By the way, the buds can still fall off if the plant does not have enough nutrition.

Colleague: I would like to refute one statement about Schlumberger that its buds fall off due to movement. I was moving now, transporting a blooming Schlumbergera with buds. I put it on the cool balcony, it’s +17. Not a single bud fell off and new ones were born! So in a cool environment they don’t fall off?

Decembrist's aerial roots

Question: Please tell me that Decembrist has a large number of aerial roots - is this a “symptom” or a species feature? If “symptom”, then what?

Marusa: My Decembrist also has a lot of aerial roots - they grow from each segment. This is normal when the humidity is higher and there are more aerial roots.

Decembrist changed color

Question: I heard that you can’t put two different-flowering Decembrists next to each other, the white one will eventually turn pink.” Has anyone encountered a similar phenomenon?

Buttercup: My friend had three types of Decembrist growing in one pot, the white one actually turned slightly pink, but the reason was the change mineral composition land (compared to the store). I have a red and a white living in one. There were three periods of flowering, and now the white one has bloomed for the fourth time and the color has not changed. But it’s so beautiful when they bloom at the same time!

Irish: Decembrists can change color compared to how they bloomed in the store. I bought pure yellow, but repeated flowering peach color. And I bought one from the girls from the forum that had already bloomed at home - the color was still white. Decembrists do not change color from living together!

Veta: It seems to me that Schlumbergera flowers can change color depending on living conditions or age. When mine bloomed, the flowers on neighboring branches were different - on one they were intensely pink, and on the other they were white in the middle, and pink towards the edge. The lighting could have had an effect - the bicolor ones were closer to the sun.

Melnikov Vladimir: In the Moscow cactus club, ours have been growing such colorful bouquets for many years. And so far not a single bush has taken on the color of another. I specially went to visit and was stunned by such lush flowering. Now I want it too. The members were given something different from each one. Feel free to plant! A similar question arises about Saintpaulia - I asked the question to the Moscow Saintpaulists, they answered that it could not be that bushes grew nearby and one took on the color of the flower from the other. Even academicians Pavlov and Michurin did not dream of this!

Re-blooming of Decembrists

Question: And I read somewhere that Decembrist can bloom in December and after a rest, bloom again in the spring. Is it true?

Veta: My Decembrist bloomed twice last season. The first time - in January, and the second time - in April, and spring bloom was much more plentiful. Now it’s all in buds again, although they’re still quite small. But there are many of them. It all depends on whether the Decembrist has time to rest in a cool place, without drying out or overflowing, and whether he has enough light.

The Decembrist is withering, what to do

Question: My Decembrist is withering, what should I do? At first it grew well, then the leaves became crumpled and lost turgor. Transplanted it into a larger pot. At first the flower came to life, but then the same story repeated itself. Now the leaves are soft as a sponge.

Irish: You fill it up! The soil must dry out before watering.

Helenn: Yes, I also observed this this year and asked in the forum. Everyone said - the bay. Then I didn’t water it at all for a week and now I literally only use a teaspoon. But she has already recovered, although she has dropped some of the buds.

Natali: Decembrist's leaves wither due to extreme heat (for example, on a sunny western window in summer) and overdrying, when the earth dries up into dust, or from flooding. You yourself understand that it’s easy to determine dryness and flooding - touch the soil in the depths of the pot, loosen it and you’ll understand how it feels. If it’s humid inside, and several days have passed since watering, it’s time to resuscitate the Decembrist.

How to reanimate the Decembrist

Nataly D: I revived my flooded Decembrist myself; then, unfortunately, I didn’t know about our forum. I pulled it out of the pot and dried the roots for 3 days, changing newspapers (I wrapped them several times a day). Then I deleted it yellow leaves that's all. I was lucky, it turned out to be tenacious, I sprayed it with Epin and under the bag, it stood in the bag for 5 days with airing twice a day for 20 minutes.

Natali: if the leaves of the Decembrist are limp, but do not hang like rags, then you can save them - remove them from the pot, dry the roots on newspapers or, blotting them with paper napkins, plant them in a fresh dry substrate and place the pot in a shaded place (temperature 24-25°C) on a tray with water. Those. increase the humidity, but do not water for at least two days. Then resume watering, in such a mode that it has time to dry out.

Pot for the Decembrist

Question: What kind of pot does a Decembrist need? More spacious? I want to prepare in advance.

ITALIA: Every spring I replant the Decembrist plant into a pot 2-4 cm wider than the previous one. Within a year, the Decembrist masters the bowl, by winter the roots completely entwine the earthen ball, and in December-January it blooms. In general, in my opinion, plants like to bloom in rather narrow pots. But this is just my purely personal opinion. Well, if you want the Decembrist to gain leaf mass, then you should transplant it into a large pot.

Devi: The main thing is that the pot is stable. If you tend to overwater your plants, take one for Decembrist clay pot and don't forget about drainage. A clay pot is also useful for those who leave flowers on the balcony until late autumn, well, or in another cool place, as well as for those who have wooden frames on the windows and cold windowsill. Otherwise there is no difference in materials. Can be placed in plastic hanging planter. It is also important not to take a pot with a large supply - the Decembrist does not like this, it will not bloom for a long time.

How to feed the Decembrist

Question: How to feed the Decembrist?

Buttercup: I fertilize with Fertikoy-Lux (formerly called Kemira), the dose is 1/3 less than for all flowers, everything is fine.

ITALIA: In the spring and first half of summer I feed with fertilizer for cacti, and in the second half of summer early autumn(i.e. before the dormant period) I switch to fertilizer for flowering plants.

Natali: better fertilizer for cacti, which contains a set of microelements (boron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, etc.), a little nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium. But some fertilizers for cacti contain calcium, and the Decembrist doesn’t really need it (it doesn’t have spines). Fertika-lux is also suitable, the dosage is 2 times less.

Difference between Schlumbergera (Decembrist) and Ripsalidopsis

Question: What is the difference between Decembrist and ripsalidopsis? Mine is blooming pink flowers in spring (March, April).

Colleague: The flowers are different. Schlumbergeras have two tiers, as if from two flowers grown from each other. Rhipsalidopsis blooms with a simple flower

Vladimir: That's right, that's different types. It is incorrect to identify Schlumbergera (Decembrist) by its teeth or lack thereof, since there are two main varieties: buclea - without teeth - the leaf shape is very similar to ripsalidopsis and truncata - with teeth.

The difference between Schlumbergera buclea and Ripsalidops: if you look at the leaves, Ripsalidopsis should have pubescence, and Schlumbergera should have bare leaves. But, in general, it is necessary to determine, as a colleague correctly noted, only if there are flowers. Yes, even this will not always be possible with accuracy - there are too many hybrids among the orchid cacti on our window sills.

Therefore, the time of flowering for many of them is as God puts on their souls, their loved ones. By the way, there are also options with leaves similar to Schlumbergera boucleia, only very rare ones - hatiora or epiphyllum. Don't be surprised, even with such segments.

With its rich exotic flowering, this plant has won the hearts of many gardeners. Contrary to its harsh name, Decembrist is not a particularly capricious flower. Let's look at why it doesn't bloom and the leaves may be limp.

He just needs a little more care than other cacti. Despite this, many lovers wait from year to year “well, when will it bloom.” Flower guaranteed all year round good watering and lighting, but the plant stubbornly refuses to bloom.

The first thing you need to know about your pet: its natural environment is montane rain forests tropical climate zone. But the Decembrist can develop normally in our homes if it is given due attention.

Literate home care gives the pet the opportunity to bloom

In this article we will look at all the tricks in detail. proper care for the Decembrist so that he pleases you beautiful bouquet Every year.

Schlumberger comes from tropical forests Brazil. IN natural environment she blooms in summer season. Once on our windowsills, the flower continues to live according to their biological rhythms.

Therefore, the flowering period indoor Decembrist V middle lane Northern Hemisphere falls during winter time.

Schlumbergera flowering periods throughout the year: how long does it bloom

The plant pleases with its picturesque flowers for about two months. It begins to bloom buds at the end of November - December (hence the “winter” ones) popular names) and ends at the end of January.

The pet blooms for a long time. Decembrist flowering period: November – January.

Schlumbergera development phases:

Home care basics

Home care is important for plants.

Too much light is harmful to the flower

Feeding before and after flowering

The Christmas tree begins to prepare for flowering from September to October. During these two months, buds form on the zygocactus. During this period, do not under any circumstances stuff it with fertilizers - provide the flower with complete rest.

Stop fertilizing a month before buds appear.

In early November, when the buds are already formed, start fertilizing - before flowering, the Decembrist needs more nutrients. Until the end of December, it will be enough to apply fertilizer once a month.


  • Any complex fertilizer for flowers. Apply half the amount of the drug as described in the instructions;
  • a mixture of potassium and phosphorus dissolved in water;
  • universal liquid fertilizers for cacti or for flowering plants;
  • wood ash with a weak solution of potassium and phosphorus;
  • weak solution of mullein;
  • yeast solution.

If the buds fall off, the plant lacks phosphorus and potassium. In this case, it needs additional feeding. But no more than once every two weeks.

While the Christmas cactus was delighting you with vigorous flowering, it was severely depleted. To restore his strength, he needs bait. Feed it with nitrogen fertilizers once a month.

Rest and watering for flowering

As for any movements, closer to the flowering period the Decembrist is very capricious in this matter. When the first buds appear on the branches, provide the cactus with complete rest.

Under no circumstances should a pot with a flower be rotated, moved, much less moved from place to place. Such changes are real stress for a plant. It may lose all its buds and you may not see a beautiful flower arrangement until next year.

How to water

For flowering Schlumbergera one of the most important roles in care plays proper watering . In order for the plant to be fully ready to bloom flowers at the desired stage of development, we advise you to follow desired mode watering the Decembrist throughout the year.

Correct watering depends on seasonality

When watering a forest cactus, stick to the golden mean. On appearance Both underwatering and overfilling can have a bad effect on a flower.

Try to water often, but little by little. During breaks between irrigations the soil must have time to dry out.

Watering by season

Summer, spring: most frequent period watering - when the soil is dry

Autumn: once a week, once the buds appear - once a day.

During the active growth phase, you can spray the flower a little from time to time. warm water and wipe off the dust on the leaves with a clean cloth. Bathing gently in the shower is allowed. In this case, the ground must be covered with film.

One of the tricks of a competent watering regime for zygocactus is restriction of watering in September. Together with a little coolness, the lack of moisture stimulates the flower to release buds in the future.

Why doesn't it bloom

If the epiphyllum blooms weakly or does not bloom at all, this is a clear sign that you missed something in the growing conditions. To decide what to do, consider the main problems:

Lack of flowering is a problem that can be caused by improper care

How to care for the Decembrist to bloom

The most important rule to follow when caring for the Decembrist is to remember the rules of care during the first period of rest. It lasts about two months - from September to November.

The first thing to do is place flower to a cool place(about +14° C). But: protect it from drafts.


Remember that this cactus is our tropical guest. Therefore, if you want it to bloom as beautifully in your apartment as in natural environment, – learn what fertilizers he needs at different times of the year.


Poor summer watering will affect the development of the plant and it will not be able to develop buds. And too much will destroy the flower. Let the soil dry out, but do not allow it to become too dry.


As in watering, in natural light The Decembrist loves moderation. Therefore, in spring and summer, shade the plant a little from direct sunlight. And in autumn and winter, place it close to the window.


No transplant for more than five years There are no necessary nutrients left in the soil. The quality of recharge greatly affects the appearance of this flower.

Pot size

Place the Christmas tree in a medium pot. The small one will be cramped for him. In a large one, the flower will try to occupy the entire pot with its roots. As a result, it will spend energy in the wrong place and it won’t reach the flowers.

Unnecessary rearrangements

Lack of flowering may be caused by unnecessary permutations at the time when the buds appear. During this phase, the flower cannot be moved.

Violation of the root system

Errors in care, pests in the soil or incorrect dosage of fertilizers are also reasons for the lack of flowering of the Decembrist. Problems with the roots will give off a wrinkled appearance. In this case, we recommend replanting the Christmas tree.

Of course it is may disrupt flowering schedule, but it will help keep the flower healthy and beautiful.

How to water correctly during flowering

Watering should be done with settled and lukewarm water. It will be useful to occasionally spray the leaves with warm water. At the same time, try not to get on flowers and buds.

During flowering, make sure that the soil in the pot is always moist. But in moderation - so that prevent root rotting.

How to feed a flower

It is not without reason that the Christmas tree does not look at all like its relatives - cacti. IN room conditions it needs careful and competent stem and root feeding.

Consider your pet's developmental stage before feeding

Forest cactus requires feeding only in certain phases of development:

Fertilizer at different times of the year

  • Spring. Fertilizing the epiphyllum soil should begin in March. In spring, apply fertilizer once a month.

In summer, the plant needs more nutrients - the stem is actively growing. Feed him twice a month.

  • Autumn (September-October). This season, Decembrist does not need additional fertilizers.

Why does it drop its limp leaves?

If the plant withers, sheds leaves- this may be due not only to your shortcomings. In this column we will talk about diseases and pests of the Decembrist.

Diseases and pests


If you find brown spots on fallen leaves, it has been attacked by a scale insect. They can also be seen on growing leaves along the veins. They resemble rusty spots about 4 mm in size.

Be prepared for the fact that these insects are difficult to get rid of - they are protected by a shell.

Wipe the stem with a soft brush, then wash the plant in the shower with warm water. When the leaves are dry, treat them with a special preparation.

If the Decembrist has become lethargic and its leaves are falling off, it may be affected by a fungal disease. The Christmas bush can get sick from late blight, fuarose and phytium. The fungus infects the flower through leaf wounds or a fresh cut of the root.

Treat the plant with a special antifungal drug.

Spider mite

Disinfect greens with any mite medicine intended for plants.


If you want to enjoy the wild flowering of the Decembrist every year, remember one rule. You should always take care of this plant, and not just when it is already blooming.

For the sake of your pet's flowering, it makes sense to comply with all the requirements for caring for it.

Miss one detail - the Decembrist will not have enough strength to bloom in all its glory. But you already realized that the rules of care are simple. And the gorgeous flowering in winter holidays will far exceed your efforts.