What happened in a past life. Who was I in a past life? Free online test. If your parents are attentive to you, it is easier for you to create a healthy relationship

What happened in a past life.  Who was I in a past life?  Free online test.  If your parents are attentive to you, it is easier for you to create a healthy relationship
What happened in a past life. Who was I in a past life? Free online test. If your parents are attentive to you, it is easier for you to create a healthy relationship

Psychological traumas of childhood, such as lack of attention, lack of love given by parents to the child, as well as other problems small child in the family - are the main causes and roots of future psychological problems. If in the present a person wants to understand the reasons why this or that psychological problem exists in his life, he will have to turn to the past and remember his difficult childhood.

Few can claim that his childhood was cloudless and completely happy. As a rule, most of us at a young age were faced with lack of attention, given by adults, experienced a lack of love and rejection of the very fact of their existence. All this inevitably contributed to the emergence of certain psychological trauma in children, which subsequently resulted in specific psychological problems.

When a person is born, he needs the main things - unconditional self-love and boundless attention. Few people are born into exceptionally prosperous families. And few whose parents show unconditional love to their children. On the contrary, the prevailing part of families (judging by the experience of Russia, this is about ninety percent from total number according to unofficial statistics) - dysfunctional. The problems of a young child in such families are varied: these can be single-parent families, families with problems of alcoholism, despotic attitudes towards children, various kinds of conflicts, as well as those faced with the loss of one of their parents due to tragic events or addictions.

The relationship between psychological problems in the present and negative events of a person’s past, hidden, as a rule, in childhood, is enormous.. For example, self-dislike, expressed in a person’s appearance inferiority complex, uncertainty and suspiciousness; difficult relationships with parents; financial problems; various phobias, as well as problems in other areas of life. The roots of such problems are psychological, that is, the reasons for their occurrence were certain limiting beliefs of a person (about himself, money, his capabilities), imposed false beliefs, suppressed grievances, bitterness, unexpressed emotions as a result of events that happened in the past.

Any tragic events or harmful habits of adults, in fact, also lead to the abandonment of children; the complete indifference of adults to their fate leads to similar consequences.

Disharmony in relationships with the first closest people in a child's life - parents - will be expressed in disharmony in his worldview as an adult. It can be expressed not only in his subsequent dislike for himself, but also in the manifestation of aggression towards the world, towards the people around him. Also from the family, the child receives many limiting beliefs about money, love, and his own capabilities, which hinder him in the future.

If the child had difficult childhood, then his subconscious will retain all thoughts, beliefs, conclusions, attitudes, suppressed grievances and emotional blocks that occurred as a result of:

  • any kind of negative events that happened to the child,
  • all the facts of adults’ rude attitude towards him,
  • all the rude and offensive words thrown at him,
  • suppressed emotions, unexpressed tears, grievances,
  • specific examples lack of attention and lack of love experienced by the child.

Any event that happened in the past is stored in the subconscious of a person. The mental material accumulated in this way will be stored in the subconscious and will have a huge impact on the emotional balance, the character of the future adult, and the evaluative perception of the reality around him. And the problems of a small child, experienced in the family, and thus stored in the subconscious in the form of mental material, will relentlessly follow him through life, serving as the basis for his filters of perception of reality.

The good news is that this mental material can be found and processed through special tools, which will help, first of all, to remove the charge of this material. This is necessary in order to this material ceased to have such a significant influence on character, emotions, thoughts. The process of removing importance from the mental material of the subconscious is called deprogramming the subconscious.

Of course it will excellent result, if a person does not hold on to the negativity he experienced in childhood, wants complete and final freedom from his psychological traumas of childhood, who is ready to change and part with the glitches of his mind generated by all the negativity, deeply hidden tears and pain of the past.

Who wants to stop looking at the world through the eyes of an offended child and living with past grievances. Who wants to become a free person from all mental rubbish and look at the world around without filters and imposed models. One of the techniques that has in its arsenal effective tools for working with subconscious material is psychotechnics turbo gopher, which can deprogram the subconscious. This psychotechnics is intended For independent work With

“charged” by your thoughts, beliefs, all experiences, conclusions, emotions associated with the events of a difficult childhood, all the facts of lack of attention and lack of love. Removing the charge from episodes of the past stored in the subconscious, their mental assessments and emotional blocks, will eliminate the automaticity of reactions, remove the filters of perception that prevent one from assessing reality as it is, without far-fetched meanings, prejudices and apparent relationships and patterns. It is working with all the mental material of the subconscious that a person has accumulated over a lifetime that allows one to cope with the psychological traumas of childhood and make a real breakthrough on the path to freedom and a new, more open perception of reality. Eliminating the causes of problems will help eliminate the problems themselves. Complexes, uncertainty, problems with money, as well as many other problems, disappear, as a rule, when it is possible to discover and competently work through their psychological causes. And thus, psychological trauma received in childhood ceases to determine a person’s life in the present. Of course, such a breakthrough can be made by those who are ready to change, who want freedom from their past.

If there is no such determination, then there is no point in using this technique.

If you are ready for hard work and want to get complete freedom from everything that prevents you from understanding it, you are ready to part with your mental trash, then all you have to do is download the book. And you can start working right away without putting it off for a long time.

Resentment. How to forgive an offense

Much of what happens to a person during childhood has an impact on his future. There is no recipe for success and happiness, however, psychologists have identified several factors that provide a more successful life. Get to know them to find out which ones were present in your childhood.

If you don't follow the rules you will have high income

Researchers found that more high level Income is guaranteed not only by high intelligence, good socio-economic status of parents and level of education, but also by the desire to break rules and unwillingness to obey parents. Softer and more flexible children earn less because they do not always know how to stand up for themselves.

If your parents quarreled in front of you, you adapt better

Everything is good in moderation. Children from families with constant quarrels cope worse in life adult life. But children from families where conflicts took place with support for each other and the search for compromise are better able to establish relationships with others and do well in school. If children watch their parents resolve their conflicts, they are happier than those who do not see the quarrels at all. The first category of children understands that parents can cope with a lot. In addition, the child copies the behavior tactics of adults.

If your parents divorced during your childhood, you will have a bad relationship with them

If your parents separated when you were between three and five years old, you will not have a reliable connection with them, especially for fathers. However, this will not affect your personal life.

Your behavior in kindergarten determines how you study and look for work

Researchers assessed the behavior of more than seven hundred children and found that between kindergarten and communication skills in adulthood there is a connection. Those who already in childhood know how to cooperate and understand the feelings of others graduate well from university and find work by the age of twenty-five. Those who cannot find a friend are more likely to end up in prison, abuse alcohol and need welfare.

If you are a girl and your mother goes to work, you will earn more

If your mother was not a stay-at-home mom, this may have a positive effect on you. Daughters of working mothers study longer, are more likely to receive management positions and have higher incomes than their peers with stay-at-home mothers. The effect is also noticeable in boys - in adulthood they pay more attention to household chores and caring for children.

If you are a boy and your mom works, you will be a better father.

The division of roles in the home serves positive example for a child, and a boy from such a family will be more willing to help his wife take care of the child and household chores.

If you copied your parents, you are a more open person

If you imitated your parents without even understanding in detail what you were doing, you will be more open to new cultures as an adult.

If you were sexually abused, you will be overweight

Research has found a link between violence and eating disorders. Girls who experienced violence were 27% more likely to be overweight, and boys were even more likely to be overweight at 66%.

Being popular in school can lead to problems in adulthood

During your school years, did you want to be popular and did you smoke or drink alcohol? In adult life this can lead to serious problems. Those who try to be mature before true maturity can later become involved in crime.

If your parents have a high income, you get higher grades

According to research by Stanford University scientists, children of rich parents have higher academic performance. Socioeconomic status determines a lot in how a child strives for knowledge.

If you come from a poor family, you may have memory problems

Scientists have noticed that children from poor families often face memory problems in adulthood.

If you watch a lot of violent TV shows, you will be an aggressive person

Children who watch a lot of detective series with violent scenes grow up to be more aggressive and harsh.

If you started doing math early, it will be easier for you later

Math skills in early childhood help in school and make learning much easier later on. Interestingly, it even improves reading skills!

If your parents had addictions, you will be a serious person

If you've watched your parents abuse drugs or alcohol, chances are you've learned to be a parent to them. As a result, you lost your childhood and became an adult too quickly.

If your parents had high expectations, it's easier for you to get into university

Based on research data that analyzed the lives of more than six thousand people, scientists discovered that much of a child’s success is determined by the expectations of parents. If parents are confident from childhood that the child will receive higher education, the target gets closer.

If your parents didn't let you decide for yourself, you may be dealing with codependency.

If you haven't been allowed to choose your own clothes or food, you may find yourself in a codependent relationship. You will look for a partner who will completely control you.

If you watched a lot of TV as a child, you may have communication problems

TV interferes with communication between parents and children, which ultimately impairs communication skills in adulthood.

If you've been bullied, you find it difficult to control your emotions

Researchers have found that people with difficult childhoods have worst memory and are unable to control their emotions.

If you were a child with good self-control, you will be a more successful adult

Children who are able to control themselves early years, grow up to be healthy, financially secure people, unlike those who do not know how to behave.

If your mother took maternity leave, you will be more successful

If your mother gave you maximum attention in your early years, life will be easier for you. Scientists note a positive impact on both IQ and income.

If your parents are attentive to you, it is easier for you to create a healthy relationship

If the parents were attentive and took good care of the child, the child is more likely to have healthy relationships and be successful in education. A good relationship with parents from the first days influence a person’s entire life.

If you were mistreated as a child, you are susceptible to depression

According to British researchers, people who experienced bullying in childhood are more likely to face the problem of depressive disorder.

If you have problems, you will be more successful later.

According to research, people who are faced with hardships and problems in childhood learn not to give up and fight to the last. It is easier for such a person to finish what he starts.

If you did chores as a child, you're better at collaborating

If a child doesn't wash his own dishes, someone will do it for him. It is important that the child has his own responsibility, so that he understands how important it is to work and contribute to the common cause. Then, as an adult, he knows how to cooperate with colleagues, understands their feelings and can act independently.

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Is it possible today through joint efforts to create a “world archive of human wisdom” and what is needed for this? The initiators of a movement called StoryCorps believe that the easiest way is to record interviews with older family members and send them to the website storycorps.me. Over time, a gigantic collection of such records should appear on the site - a kind of repository of human experience and wisdom.

The idea of ​​this project belongs to radio journalist Dave Isay. During his life he recorded hundreds of interviews with the most ordinary people and became convinced how much it means to a person when someone listens to him attentively and kindly. Once Dave showed one resident of the shelter a book where an interview with him was printed. He froze, stunned. And then he ran down the corridor, shouting at the top of his lungs: “I exist!”

This incident gave Dave the idea to create StoryCorps. Let a huge number of people have a chance to be heard - first by their children and grandchildren, who will record this conversation. And someday their great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and even much more distant descendants will be able to hear this recording. This is a wonderful, exciting opportunity to be remembered by your family.

Now more than 100,000 Americans have recorded such interviews with their loved ones. But Dave dreams that people from all over the world will join the project. It is quite possible that interviews with Russians will soon appear in the virtual storage. But even if the idea of ​​participating in this project does not appeal to you, there is still deep meaning is to sit down one day and have such a confidential conversation with your elders, recording it on a smartphone or voice recorder.
This is the conversation algorithm Dave Isay suggests.

Wars, camps, emigration - events that deprive a person of his loved ones, a place in society, and forever change the usual life. Each of us carries within us the memory of this unresolved pain. “If we can bury the past, mourn for it... we can resume our own life rather than repeating traumatic events over multiple generations.”

1. Tell me what your childhood was like?

This is the most best question to get your interlocutor talking. Almost all people willingly talk about their childhood. “Even centenarians remember their parents first,” says Isei. “These relationships are our fundamental foundation, they remain important throughout our lives.” This question may seem unnecessary to some of you if you have already heard some stories from your elders from their childhood. But the fact of the matter is that the answer to a direct question can reveal a lot of unexpected things to you. “You may think you know very well about his past, but still there is a chance to hear something new. In any case, the essence of man is very clearly revealed in these stories.” Isei himself very much regrets that he did not have time to ask this question to his grandparents, and therefore advises not to postpone such a conversation until later.

2. What were your family traditions? How did they appear?

When Isei asked his mother this question, she began to talk about the lullaby that she once sang to him. “It had to do with our family history,” he says. “I learned interesting details about her grandparents and more distant ancestors, and it became clearer to me who we are and where we come from.” When you consider family tradition in this context, its meaning becomes clearer. And after that you already feel that you have to continue it. “In 50 years, the next generations will pick it up, your grandchildren will listen to the story of why the family sings this lullaby or reads a prayer before eating.”

3. What do you remember most from your school life?

This question may bring back memories of a school in a single room, or a school in another country. By learning more about what schools were like in the past, the young man will once again think about his present and future. “The other day I was present at one such conversation,” says Isay. “The father, a policeman, told his daughter about how he had to fight at school.” And it became clear to the girl that both bullying and the cult of success had existed before. “Stories like this help young people move beyond their personal experience and see the world through the eyes of another. This is very important for those who are just getting ready for adult life.”

4. How did you meet her (him)?

This question also helps you better understand what family you come from. “What love stories can be revealed! - Isei exclaims. “But until you ask a direct question, your family may feel awkward talking about these topics themselves.” Isay remembers asking his great-uncle Sandy. “He was talking about his first date with Aunt Birdie. Usually so quiet, he suddenly got so excited! Sandy recalled that he made an appointment with her somewhere on 14th Street in New York. But when he saw her from afar, he suddenly panicked and began to break into some door to hide. Luckily, the door was locked. Sandy said, “If it had been open, I would have ruined my life!” Listening to these stories, you are once again convinced of how much alchemy there is in romantic feelings, how many amazing coincidences, how much anxiety and at the same time joy these relationships are colored - at any time.

5. What would you like to say to future generations?

This may be the most important of all these questions, Isay believes. “We kind of give a person the opportunity to turn to the future, to his distant descendants, and convey to them what he understood about life.” Even if it's a simple thought like "Be kind" or "Be honest," the person asking the question will still get a lot out of the conversation. “Some people share regrets about not spending enough time with people they care about, not telling them what they wanted,” says Dave Isay. - When you hear something like that from loved one, it resonates deeply with you. Sometimes people are shocked when they hear some advice.”

For more information, visit ideas.ted.com

Several decades ago, American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan said that “there are three concepts in parapsychology that deserve serious study,” one of them related to the fact that “young children sometimes tell details of their “past lives that, when tested, turn out to be accurate and which They most likely didn’t know.”

Many researchers have become interested in studying this intriguing and unexplained phenomenon, as a result of which a number of amazing discoveries were made. The study of reincarnation belongs to the non-material sciences; this area deserves great attention.

University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is perhaps the leading researcher on the phenomenon of reincarnation today. In 2008, he published an article in which he talked about cases suggestive of reincarnation.

Tucker describes typical cases of reincarnation. Interesting fact- 100 percent of those who report past life- these are kids. Average age children talking about their past lives are 1.5 years old, and their descriptions are often extensive and surprisingly detailed. The author notes that these children are very emotional when they talk about the events of the past, some cry and ask to be taken in by their “past families.”

According to Tucker: “Children usually stop talking about a past life by the age of 6-7 years, for most of them these memories are simply erased. At this age, children begin to go to school, they have more events in their lives, and, accordingly, they begin to lose their early memories.”

Sam Taylor

Sam Taylor is one of the children whose behavior Tucker studied. The boy was born 1.5 years after the death of his paternal grandfather. Sam was a little over a year old when he first mentioned his past life. Tucker writes: “One day, 1.5-year-old Sam said to his father while he was changing his diaper: “When I was your age, I used to change your diapers.” From that moment on, the boy began to tell many facts from his grandfather’s life; it is noteworthy that he spoke about what he could not know and understand at all. For example, that his grandfather’s sister was killed, that his grandmother made him milkshakes every day until his grandfather’s death. Amazing, isn't it?

Ryan is a boy from the Midwest

Ryan's story begins at the age of 4, when he began to suffer from frequent nightmares. At the age of five, he told his mother: “I’m used to being someone else.” Ryan often talked about returning home to Hollywood and asked his mother to take him there. He talked about meeting such stars as Rita Hayworth, about participating in productions on Broadway and about working in an agency where people often change their names. He even remembered the name of the street where he lived “in a past life.”

Cindy, Ryan's mother, said that "his stories were incredibly detailed and so filled with events that a child could not simply make them up."

Cindy decided to study the books about Hollywood in her home library, hoping to find something that captured her son's attention. And she found a photo of the person Ryan thought he was in a past life.

The woman decided to turn to Tucker for help. The psychiatrist decided to get down to business and began his research. After 2 weeks, Tucker revealed who the man in the photo was. The photo is a still from a movie called Night After Night, and the man is Marty Martin, who was an extra and later became a powerful Hollywood agent until his death in 1964. Martin actually performed on Broadway, worked at an agency where clients were given pseudonyms, and lived at 825 North Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills. Ryan knew all these facts. For example, that the address contains the word “rocks”. The boy could also tell how many children Martin had and how many times he was married. Even more amazingly, he knew about Martin's sisters, although he knew nothing about Martin's daughter. Ryan also “remembered” the African-American housekeeper. Martin and his wife had several. In total, the boy cited 55 facts from the life of this man. But as Ryan grew older, he gradually began to forget everything.

Shanai Shumalaiwong

Shanai is a Thai boy who, at the age of 3, began saying that he was a teacher named Bua Kai who was shot while riding his bike to school. He begged and begged to be taken to Bua Kaya's parents, whom he felt were his parents. He knew the name of the village where they lived and eventually convinced his mother to take him there. According to Tucker: “His grandmother said that after getting off the bus, Shanai led her to the house where an elderly couple lived. Shanai recognized them, they were indeed the parents of Bua Kaya, a teacher who was killed on the way to school 5 years before the boy was born.

It's amazing that Kai and Shanai had something in common. Kai was shot from the back: on the back of his head there was a small round entry wound from a bullet wound, and on his forehead there was a larger one with an uneven shape. Shanai was born with two birthmarks, a small round mole on the back of his head and a larger, unevenly outlined one in front.

The case of P.M.

The boy's half-brother, let's call him P.M., died of a malignant tumor - neuroblastoma - 12 years before his birth. The tumor was discovered after the brother began limping and then repeatedly broke his left tibia. He had a biopsy taken from a nodule on his head just above his right ear and was receiving chemotherapy through a catheter placed in the external jugular vein. The child died at the age of 2 years, already blind in his left eye.

P.M. was born with 3 birthmarks, which seemed to remind him of the problems of his half-brother. One of them was in the form of a tumor 1 cm in size above the right ear, the other was a black almond-shaped mark on the lower part of the front surface of the neck, i.e. in the place where his brother's catheter was placed. He also had what was known as a “corneal thorn,” which left him effectively blind in his left eye. When P.M. began to walk, he did it with a limp on his left leg. And when he was 4.5 years old, the boy began to ask his mother to return to their old house, which he described with incredible accuracy.

Kendra Carter

At age 4, Kendra began taking swimming lessons and instantly became emotionally attached to the coach. Soon after the start of classes, the girl began to say that the coach’s child had died, that the coach was ill, and she had a miscarriage. Kendra's mother was always present at the classes, and when she asked her daughter how she knew all this, the girl replied that she was the child from the coach's belly. The girl's mother soon learned that the coach had actually suffered a miscarriage 9 years before Kendra was born.

The girl became happy and cheerful when she was in class, and, on the contrary, withdrawn the rest of the time. The mother began to allow her daughter to spend more and more time with the coach, even staying overnight 3 times a week.

Subsequently, the coach quarreled with Kendra's mother and stopped all contact with the family. After which the girl became depressed and did not speak to anyone for 4.5 months. The coach resumed the relationship, but more limited, and Kendra slowly began to talk and take part in competitions.

James Leininger

James was a 4-year-old boy from Louisiana. He believed he was once a pilot who was shot down over Iwo Jima during World War II. The boy’s parents first learned about this when he began to have nightmares, James stood up and shouted: “The plane crashed! The plane is on fire! He knew the features of the aircraft, which was impossible for his age. For example, he once corrected his mother in a conversation; she called an outboard fuel tank a bomb. James and his parents watched documentary, where the author called the Japanese plane Zero, and the boy claimed that it was Tony. In both cases, the boy was right.

James also mentioned a ship called Natoma Bay. As the Leiningers later learned, during the First World War it was an American aircraft carrier.

You ask where from a little boy from Louisiana remember being a WWII pilot?

The main skeptic in this story was the boy's father, who claimed that he was very skeptical about this situation, but the information that James gave out was so amazing and unusual.

Reincarnation in numbers:

Tucker's research revealed interesting patterns in cases of children reporting having past life memories:

The average age at the time of death of a person “moved into a new body” is 28 years
Most children reporting past life memories are between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
60% of children reporting past life memories are boys.
Approximately 70% of these children claim to have died a violent or unnatural death.
90% of children who report past life memories say they were the same gender in a past life.
The average time between their reported date of death and a new birth is 16 months.
20% of these children report having memories of the period between death and rebirth.

A few months ago I came across one of the information portals to an article that collected some rather unusual sayings from children. It was also interesting to read the readers’ reaction to these statements. In short, the reaction can be divided into two types.

  1. Those who believe in reincarnation and past lives. Such users reacted quite calmly to these children’s statements, realizing that all this was connected with past lives.
  2. Those who don't believe in reincarnation. From such readers one could hear something like: “That’s a good children’s fantasy.”

Let's talk a little about this. And I’ll start with an excerpt from the AllatRa book, where all this is written very well.

« What is a human being? During life, a human being is a multidimensional spatial object, which is built around the Soul and has its own intelligent Personality. Visible to the eye the usual form and structure of the physical body, together with its physical and chemical processes and control system (including the material brain), is just part general design person, which refers to the three-dimensional dimension. That is, a person consists of the Soul together with its information shells, Personality and structure, let’s say, consisting of various fields of other dimensions (including the physical body located in the three-dimensional dimension).

What is a reasonable Person? IN new design, in a new body, a new Personality is also formed - this is who any person feels like during life, the one who makes a choice between the Spiritual and Animal principles, analyzes, draws conclusions, accumulates personal baggage of sensory-emotional dominants. If during the course of life a person develops spiritually so much that his Personality merges with the Soul, then a qualitatively new, mature Being is formed, different from the human one, which goes into spiritual world. This is, in fact, what is called “liberation of the Soul from captivity material world", "going to Nirvana", "achieving holiness" and so on. If such a merger did not occur during human life, then after the death of the physical body and the destruction of the energy structure, this rational Personality leaves together with the Soul for rebirth (reincarnation), turning, let’s say conditionally, for understanding the essence, into a subpersonality. When the physical body dies, the human being continues to exist. In the transition state, it has a spherical appearance with spiral structures. This formation contains the Soul along with its information shells - subpersonalities from previous incarnations, including the Personality from a recent life.

In the photograph of the Soul, the marginal shell is clearly visible. It consists (as it goes deeper towards the ball) of red color (the remainder vital energy- prana), as well as yellow and white-yellow flowers other energies. The spherical shape itself is sky blue with shades of light green; has a characteristic spiral structure, twisted towards the center, with rainbow shades and white inclusions.

The information shells located around the Soul are sensory-emotional clots, or more precisely, a reasonable information structure, which can be associatively compared to a kind of nebula. Simply put, these are former Personalities from past incarnations. There can be many such subpersonalities near the Soul, depending on how many reincarnations a person has had.

Anastasia: It turns out that a subpersonality is a Personality, like you, that was active in past incarnations of your Soul.

Rigden: Yes. In other words, this is a former Personality from a past life with all the baggage of sensory-emotional dominants (positive or negative) that she accumulated during her life, that is, with the result of her lifetime choice.

Personality, as a rule, does not have a direct connection with subpersonalities, so a person does not remember past lives and, accordingly, the experience and acquired knowledge of these subpersonalities. But in rare cases, when certain circumstances are imposed, there may be a vague feeling of déjà vu, or short-term spontaneous manifestations activity of the last (preceding the current incarnation) subpersonality. This is especially true for people in early childhood.

There are cases recorded in works on psychiatry when children who do not have any deviations, with healthy parents, exhibit short-term unnatural behavior akin to borderline personality disorder. Let me give you one example. To a girl four years I began to have the same dream: against the backdrop of light, a boy who calls her to him, but does not let her into the light. She began to complain to her parents about this depressing dream, and in the evenings she began to show unpredictable behavior that was unusual for her before. aggressive behavior And unusual strength. A four-year-old girl angrily overturned tables, chairs, a heavy cabinet, did not recognize her mother, threw a hysterical attack on her in an accusatory form, that “you are not my mother,” “you will die anyway,” and so on. That is, the girl’s words and behavior were unnatural for her, but very characteristic of a subpersonality that had experienced reincarnation and was in a state of “hell,” experiencing torment and animal pain. And the next day the child became normal again and behaved as usual. This is a typical case of a short-term manifestation of the negativism of the previous subpersonality. The best thing that can be done in this case is to actively develop the child’s intellect, expand his horizons of knowledge of the world and wait for the initial surge to occur and a new Personality to be formed.

The primary surge occurs, as a rule, by the age of 5–7 years of a person’s life. The fact is that in early childhood, before the primary surge, a similar short-term activation of the previous Personality (subpersonality) can occur. The latter, while a new Personality is being formed, is trying to break through to consciousness and seize power over a person.

But much more often there are other cases of manifestation of subpersonality. This is when children aged 3–5 years (at a time when the new Personality has not yet been formed) begin to reason from the position of an adult, experienced person. In rare cases, these may be detailed details of their previous adult life, which, in fact, are impossible to know at that age. And more often than not, it happens that a child unexpectedly speaks wisely on some issue, expressing clearly not childish thoughts, and this sometimes mystically frightens adults. Parents should not be afraid of such manifestations, but should simply understand their nature. When the child’s Personality is formed, they will pass.

So, each subpersonality retains the individuality of its past consciousness in the form of desires and aspirations that dominated during its active life. Personality, as I already said, does not have a direct connection with subpersonalities, that is, a person does not consciously remember his past lives. However, at the subconscious level, such a connection between the Personality and subpersonalities remains. Indirectly, the latter can influence the Personality and “push” it to certain actions, inclining it to make certain decisions. This happens on an unconscious level. In addition, subpersonalities, figuratively speaking, are like “foggy light filters”, due to which the direct connection between the Soul and the new Personality, so to speak, between the source of Light and those who need it, is significantly difficult.” (pp. 83-89)

Well, now, I will give examples of interesting children's sayings, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

I don’t give the full story because it’s long, but in short, Maxim’s mother had an older brother, 14 years older than her. He loved and cared for his sister very much; their dad died early. Brother was a pilot civil aviation and died in a car accident returning home from a flight. The story ends with the words of little Maxim: “Do you remember, I promised to take you on a plane? So, when I grow up, I will definitely become a pilot and fulfill my promise, mom!”

“In a Druze community on the border of Syria and Israel, a boy was born with a long red mark on his head.

When the child was 3 years old, he told his parents that he had been killed in a past life. He also remembered that his death was caused by a blow to the head with an ax.

When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to say his name in his past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

The boy remembered not only his home, but also named his killer.

The man seemed scared when meeting the child, but never confessed to the crime. Then the boy pointed out the place where the murder took place.

And to the surprise of everyone, a human skeleton and an ax were found in this very place, which turned out to be the murder weapon.

The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and exactly the same there was a mark on the child’s head too

“At the age of three, the boy amazed his parents by declaring that he was not their son, and that his name used to be Chen Mingdao!

The boy described in detail the place where he lived before, and even named the names of his parents.

He also remembered that he died during the revolutionary actions from saber strikes and shots. Moreover, there were actually birthmarks similar to saber marks.

It turned out that Tang Jiangshan's previous birthplace was not that far away. And when the boy turned 6 years old, he and his parents went to his former home village.

Despite his childhood, Tang Jiangshan was able to find his home without difficulty. To the surprise of everyone, the boy spoke fluently the dialect of the place where they had arrived.

Entering the house, he recognized his former father and introduced himself as Chen Mingdao. Sande, the boy's former father, could hardly believe the child's story, but the details that the boy told about his past life forced him to recognize his son.

Since then, Tang Jiangshan had another family. His past life father and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mingdao.”

(eng. IanPretymanStevenson) (October 31, 1918 - February 8, 2007) - Canadian-American biochemist and psychiatrist. The object of his study was the presence in children of information about the lives of people who lived before them (which, according to Stevenson, proved reincarnation, or reincarnation).

Over the course of 40 years, Stevenson examined over 3,000 cases of children making claims about past events. Each time, the researcher documented the child's stories and compared them with actual events.

Stevenson tried to find explanations for the phenomenon not only from the point of view of the possibility of transmigration of souls, he tried to exclude deliberate deception and cases when children could accidentally obtain information in the usual way or if there is a high likelihood of false memories of both the subject and members of his current or presumed past family. Stevenson rejected several cases. Stevenson did not claim that his research proved the existence of reincarnation, cautiously calling these facts "supposed reincarnation", and considered reincarnation not the only, but still the best explanation for most of the cases he studied.

After spending many years researching reincarnation, Stevenson wrote:

“The orthodox theory in psychiatry and psychology presents the human personality as a product genetic material of any person (inherited from ancestors through parents), changing under the influence of the environment in the prenatal and postnatal periods. But I have discovered that there are cases that we cannot satisfactorily explain by genetics, the influence environment or a combination of both" (Family Circle, June 14, 1978)

Stevenson had his own system of study, his own set of techniques. In his work, the doctor was based on the following principles:

  • families in which there was a child who had information about the lives of already deceased people were never paid a monetary reward,
  • The studies were carried out mainly with children aged two to four years,
  • A proven case was considered only one for which it was possible to obtain documentary evidence of the recalled events.

Ian loved working with children. They usually remember “their” previous life and begin to talk about it from the age of two or three. The most typical age is from two to four years, less often memories of a past life appear in older children. Often a child begins to talk about his former life as soon as he learns to speak. Sometimes he has to use gestures to complement what he cannot yet clearly express in words (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 637.)

By age five or six (and almost certainly by age eight), these memories fade and disappear. This is the same age at which a child’s social circle expands, he begins to go to school, etc. Presumably this new experience is superimposed in the child’s memory on those layers that contain memories of a previous life, and over time the latter become inaccessible.

(Stevenson. Explanatory Value of the Idea of ​​Reincarnation. - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, May 1977, p. 317.)

In many cases, the first words spoken by children are the names of places where they have lived or the names of people they have known before, which completely disconcerts their parents.

When talking about a past life, a child may behave somewhat strangely. His behavior may seem unusual to members of his family, but is consistent with what he says about his previous life (and in most cases it is found to be completely consistent with the description given by the relatives of the deceased person)... Another feature: the child often shows " mature” attitude towards the world and behaves seriously, wisely, and sometimes with patronizing condescension towards other children beyond his years. This is typical in cases where the subject is convinced that he is still an adult and not a child.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, pp. 637-38.)

Subjects often talk about the strangeness of their sensations in physical bodies. They express dissatisfaction with the fact that they were small children.

(Stevenson. The Possible Nature of Post-Mortem States. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, October 1980, p. 417.)

The events that children remember best involve the death of their former self and the circumstances leading up to it. If a person says that in a previous life he did not die a natural death, then traces in the form of moles, birthmarks, scars, and scars may remain on the body. About 35% of children who spoke about their past lives had birthmarks or birth defects, the location of which corresponds to wounds (usually fatal) on the body of the person whose life the child remembers.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 654.)

The information from Stevenson's research, which I briefly presented in small passages, in my opinion, correlates very well with what is written in AllatRa. At what age do unusual children’s statements begin and end, what is their character and the child’s behavior.

Well, there is one more point that I will leave without comment. In some cases, children talk about how they seemed to choose their parents themselves. Let me give you a few examples of such statements. I cannot judge how true these statements are.