Drawings of a miracle shovel digger. A drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for its manufacture. Making a miracle shovel with your own hands

Drawings of a miracle shovel digger.  A drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for its manufacture.  Making a miracle shovel with your own hands
Drawings of a miracle shovel digger. A drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for its manufacture. Making a miracle shovel with your own hands

Here's how to dig up a garden and not overwork at the same time? So that your back does not hurt and your hands do not shake after work? Is there a shovel for the lazy? Yes, such a miracle shovel has long been designed and is working with might and main in the dachas of craftsmen. Of course, at the behest of the pike, she will not turn the earth over, she will still have to apply the force, but on a much smaller scale. So that the reader can build this marvelous inventory with his own hands, we offer photos, videos and drawings.

The device and principle of operation of the miracle shovel

The design is based on a support frame, to which two rippers are attached: the main and the auxiliary. The main ripper looks like a pitchfork, it is hinged to the frame with steel lugs. The rods of the auxiliary, or counter-ripper, are mounted rigidly on the frame and at such a distance that they enter exactly in the middle of the gap between the fork teeth. At the rear of the device there is a stop that allows you to transfer part of the effort to lift the soil onto the soil itself.

The miracle shovel is a support frame on which two rippers are fixed

When working, the support frame is placed on the ground and the stop is fixed with the foot so that the miracle shovel does not move to the side. The forks are thrust into the ground and, pressing on the handle, raise them. The soil breaks into large clods and breaks against the teeth of the auxiliary ripper. Then a step is taken back, the frame is pulled closer, and the operation is repeated.

The pitchfork plunges into the ground and, pressing on the handle, raises them

Why you should use a miracle shovel

This simple device allows you to process a large area by the standards of private gardening quickly, efficiently and without fatigue. Here is a partial list of Miracle Inventory achievements:

  • a person does not have to bend, as when working with a conventional shovel, which is very useful for those suffering from diseases of the spine;
  • it is not required to lift heavy wet earth on the bayonet of a shovel, so the hands do not get tired either;
  • the width of the processed strip is up to 40 cm, which means that the beds will be dug up 2 times faster;
  • if there are a lot of malicious weeds on the site, then the fight against them will become more effective due to the fact that the teeth do not cut the rhizomes, but take them to the surface;
  • if the humus layer is small, then it will not be embedded in depth, and the whole will remain on the surface.

Attention! Do not try to dig up heavy soil with a miracle shovel during a drought. The tool will be broken and the earth will remain unloosened.

The ingenuity of folk inventors knows no bounds, so it is possible that this list will be replenished in the near future.

How to make a miracle shovel for your garden

In the store, the miracle shovel costs several times more than its bayonet sister, so if you have a little bit of experience with welding equipment, you can make this advanced tool yourself.

For work you will need:

  • saw and drill for metal;
  • welding machine;
  • measuring tool (square, tape measure, ruler);
  • steel corner or pipe for the support frame;
  • fittings for teeth;
  • a shank from a entrenching tool, preferably metal.

  1. We bend the corner or pipe for the support frame with the letter "P". The length of the legs is 80 cm, the length of the crossbar is 35-40 cm.
  2. We make a cross bar. To do this, we drill holes in it every 50 mm, into which we insert pieces of reinforcement of 200 mm each. We weld. When using a corner instead of a pipe, we weld without drilling. Then we weld a cross member and a T-shaped stop to the frame.
  3. We cut off a piece of pipe 50 mm shorter than the crossbar and similarly weld the teeth of the main ripper to it.
  4. From a piece of pipe and steel ears we make a swivel joint.
  5. We insert the cutting into this segment and fix it.

Advice. To make the shovel perform even better, sharpen the rods for the main ripper before welding.

When is a miracle shovel useful?

In order for your new tool to please with its performance, you should remember that it is not omnipotent, and give it only such work that it can really do. The miracle shovel is not capable of digging a hole. You should not entrust her with figured digging around flower beds or other curvilinear elements of summer cottage arrangement. Since you need to press down on the handle with your weight to lift the fork, such a shovel is not suitable for a fragile teenager.

But if we are talking about a quick, “with a twinkle”, digging 10-20 acres for potatoes, then here the miracle shovel has no equal. And most importantly, the gardener will not even remember his lower back.

Do-it-yourself miracle shovel - video

Do-it-yourself miracle shovel - drawings

Miracle Shovel is a real invention and assistants for the gardener. Recently, gardeners and gardeners have often begun to use miracle shovel for digging the earth. Now, almost every household plot has such a tool. Moreover, some models of such tools have become quite popular among summer residents. Working with such a device significantly reduces physical stress. At the same time, with its help, the processing of a land plot is carried out almost 3 times faster.

Pros and cons of miracle shovels

A miracle shovel can be called a universal garden tool. However, it has not only positive properties, but also negative ones. The device has many advantages:

  • Thanks to such a shovel, a person works in the garden or in the garden with reduced physical activity;
  • The wide scope of the pitchfork makes it possible to significantly speed up the process of processing a land plot of any size;
  • It is easy and simple to work with the device;
  • With the help of a miracle shovel, even heavy types of soil can be processed;
  • High reliability and durability of the tool.

It is worth paying attention to the cons of the miracle of the shovel:

  • For the maximum result of work with the help of this device, the weight of the worker must be at least 80 kilograms;
  • If the shovel breaks, there may be problems with the repair;
  • With this tool it is impossible to do curly digging;
  • It is impossible to dig holes.

However, this garden tool can be used to cultivate any type of land. Miracle shovels can be used for loosening and digging the earth for the subsequent planting of vegetables. So, devices with pitchforks that can dig the soil to a depth of 15 to 25 centimeters can be used to prepare the soil for planting some vegetables:

  • corn;
  • and other cultures.

More tender plants (,) are planted not with seeds, but with seedlings. In this case, the holes should be dug with a regular garden shovel. It is worth noting that it is impossible to work a miracle with a shovel in the garden. With its help, you can’t dig trees, you can’t dig a hole, so work should be done with a classic shovel.

Important! This device can be effective if the land plot has an area of ​​0.5 acres or more. With a small area, it is better to work the soil with a bayonet shovel.

The main structural elements of the miracle shovel

The miracle shovel performs not only its direct functions - digging the earth, it also loosens and breaks clods of earth. The design consists of two strips with pins. They are movably connected to each other. Sometimes the device may consist of one such bar.

Some manufacturers produce models that have a back stop. Such a shovel is designed to facilitate work when digging dense heavy soil. So the miracle shovel is more like a double pitchfork.

If you look at the picture, you can understand that this tool is nothing like a shovel. It also has other differences from the usual bayonet shovel. So, the handle of the model is much higher and should be at shoulder level. Some models have a crossbar at the top, which makes it possible to work with two hands.

The main advantages of a miracle shovel include the fact that it is capable of performing several functions:

  • Loosen the soil;
  • Breaks large clods of earth;
  • Pulls out the roots of any weeds without leaving them in the ground;
  • Easily digs potatoes, beets and other root crops.

The principle of operation of this device is not complicated. If you describe it in general terms, it will look like this: ordinary forks mounted on the back stop loosen the ground by means of the force that a person transfers manually to the tool, pressing on the handle.

At this time, the second fork teeth, located opposite and included in the lock, break up large lumps of soil in the process of loosening. As a result, the earth is well dug up and loosened.

The ripper is equipped with a front stop, which provides good stability to the entire mechanism. Looking at the work of the miracle of a shovel, it can be compared with scissors that cut and crush earthen piles. At the same time, there is no need to cultivate the land with a garden rake.

The miracle shovel is an indispensable tool for gardeners and gardeners. It is especially good to use it when digging large areas, since with the help of this tool the work process can be accelerated several times.

With proper operation of this device, you can independently dig about 20 acres of land. And if you use several of these shovels, you can qualitatively process a whole hectare of land.

Watch the video! Miracle shovel, which one to choose

Varieties of universal rippers

To date, there are a large number of miracle shovels on sale, which represent various designs. Some types of products can change the depth of digging the soil, others are equipped with additional functions. In addition, along with a manufactured product, on the shelves you can also see devices made by yourself according to special drawings.

Among industrial devices, several of the most popular models can be distinguished.

  • Classic miracle shovel. Often made by gardeners on their own. This device, consisting of the main forks and the back gauge, significantly reduces the load on the body. This increases the speed of work. The disadvantage of this design is that it does not break earthen clods, so you have to additionally use a rake. Also, the tool can only be used for digging black soil, which is processed regularly;
  • Plowman. For better productivity, manufacturers are constantly trying to improve the design. So, many rippers were created, including the Plowman. A feature of this device is the length of the bayonet, which can reach 15 cm. Thus, the shovel provides loosening of any type of soil;
  • Mole available with a fork length of about 25 centimeters. It was created specifically to be able to make a deeper dig. In this case, plants should be planted immediately after tillage. It is worth noting that it is not easy to dig the soil with such a unit. It is especially difficult to work hard-packed earth or alumina;
  • There are universal miracle shovels. With their help, you can dig the soil up to 20 centimeters deep, but only if the soil is black earth, and it freezes only up to 10 cm. Under more severe conditions, this shovel is not suitable for cultivating garden crops. But for decorative digging, it is suitable.

Watch the video! Digging a plot for potatoes with a miracle shovel

Making a miracle shovel with your own hands

Sometimes gardeners or gardeners cannot find the right ripper model for certain reasons. In addition, production devices may not be affordable for everyone. Therefore, many undertake to make a miracle shovel on their own. Moreover, such a miracle shovel, made by hand according to the drawings and exact dimensions, turns out no worse than the factory one.


To understand how to make a miracle shovel, you need to understand the drawings. After that, you should prepare the material for creating a garden fixture. Also, to assemble the product, you need to prepare special tools in advance:

  • metal fittings and square pipe;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder.

It is important that the design meets all the specified parameters, the main of which will be the depth and width. These dimensions will depend on how deep the ground freezes in the region, as well as for what purpose this structure is being assembled. So, the device can be used for digging the soil or for loosening it. If the device is made only for loosening, then a depth of 10 centimeters is enough.

If a tool is created to loosen the earth in which it is necessary to immediately plant green spaces, then when assembling it, it must be taken into account that the depth of the pothole should be 5 centimeters deeper than the freezing of the earth. It is worth noting that in each region this mark will be different.

When choosing the width of the fork, you should take into account not only your wishes, but also physical strength. It is important that the width of the fork does not exceed 50 centimeters. If a strong person works, who can dig up huge piles of earth, then you can make a miracle shovel according to individual parameters. To do this, you need to find on special sites the necessary drawings and videos on how to properly make a structure with your own hands.

Stages of making a miracle shovel with your own hands (drawings)

  1. Before you start assembling the device, you need to prepare all the details. First, we take pre-prepared steel rods and cut them to length. From them we make bayonets, and then we sharpen their ends.
  2. cut the carrier bar from a square pipe.
  3. A metal pipe will be needed to make the base of the handle.
  4. A thrust bar is also made from the pipe. It must be given an arcuate shape and attached to the carrier bar. All parts of the product are assembled by welding.

You can additionally mount a ripper to it, with which you can break up large clods of earth. The scheme for creating a ripper is the same as for the main pitchfork. Two devices are attached to the movable mechanism. In this case, the miracle shovel will be able to dig the soil in areas with a slope. In addition, it will be able to qualitatively crush even small lumps of soil.

At the end of creating an amazing device, you need to choose a suitable cutting. If the product turned out to be too bulky, then the handle can be replaced with two metal pipes that are welded to the tool, they are connected on top with a transverse one that forms two handles, which will greatly facilitate the work with such a miracle shovel.

Watch the video! Do-it-yourself miracle shovel (drawings). Testing the miracle shovel in practice

For centuries, a bayonet shovel has accompanied a person, but it is painfully hard to work with it. Perhaps that is why a person always wants to modify or improve it. So various magic diggers appear, like the "Tornado", designed to make the work of the tiller easier. Almost 10 years ago, a miracle shovel was invented by the monk father Gennady, which he called the "Vyatka plowman".

It has become a real gift to all diggers and plowmen. After all, any summer gardener knows that the most difficult physical labor is associated with digging up the earth. For planting potatoes, we all pay with pain in the back, arms and legs. The Orthodox monk made his own version of the traditional bayonet shovel, he claims that it is a pleasure to dig with it, it even helps to plant potatoes.

In the process of digging the garden, you have to bend over each time, pressing the shovel into the ground with force, and then, straining all your muscles, lift not only the heavy shovel, but also the earth on it. Of course, this kind of work hurts your back. The shovel "Vyatka plowman" allows you to work without stress. This is its main advantage, which is why it is called the “shovel for the lazy”, although it would be more accurate to say for the weak, because any pensioner with it can become a digger.

It is not symmetrical, you can work with it with only one foot - the left one, but this is not a problem, you can make a tool for the right foot. In the upper part, the inventor installed a bicycle handlebar, so that you can hold the shovel with both hands at chest level. The most important thing: the earth does not need to be raised, it turns over evenly as a result of the rotary movement of the hands.

With such a shovel, you can increase labor productivity several times. It is successfully used for digging a garden and planting potatoes, but you can also dig a ditch.

Principle of operation

The job is to press the bucket (cloth) of the shovel into the ground and turn over the layer of earth, turning the handles to the right. The earth in a neatly cut layer turns over and lies on the right. The back remains straight, there is no need to bend, a bayonet is stuck into the ground, thanks to which the blade of the shovel enters the soil under the weight of the leg. On light soil, you can work with one hand. The spine performs only a rotational movement, without the use of force, with the help of a lever, work is done to cut off, take out and turn over the earth layer.

You can plant potatoes with this “magic digger” like with a plow. It is necessary to dig one furrow (stepping back), lay potatoes in it, and when digging a second furrow, an even and accurate burying occurs. Moreover, fertilizer can be placed in the second furrow and buried, passing the next furrow. With a bucket width of 30 cm, you will get a very even planting of potatoes, where there will be 60 cm between the bushes.

Video “All about the tool”


The indisputable advantage of the "Vyatsky plowman" is high labor productivity and no load on the spine when digging a garden. With it, a digger can dig a trench, and a summer resident can easily and quickly dig a garden. This miracle digger can cope with digging virgin soil. It is especially good to use it in light sandy soil, then you don’t even have to loosen it.

It is interesting that this miracle shovel can be made by hand. Drawings are posted on the Internet, they were made by a resident of the Dnepropetrovsk region to help everyone. It can be made almost from scrap metal. You will need such simple materials:

  • stainless steel pipe;
  • stainless steel shovel blade (preferably cold-rolled);
  • pin;
  • bicycle wheel.

With the help of these drawings, a do-it-yourself shovel for the lazy can be made taking into account the height of a person. The horizontal handle should be located at chest level so that you do not have to raise or lower your arms. Although today you can buy a ready-made kopalochka for any leg to choose from. It is in demand, which means that manufacturing can be entrusted to professionals, and you don’t have to understand the drawings!


The miracle shovel of an Orthodox monk is an excellent tool that really facilitates the work of summer residents and diggers. But it is not suitable for any soil, on clay lands and on black soil, the inverted layer must be immediately broken, otherwise it will dry to a stone state, then it will be difficult to work with it. They say that it is suitable for re-digging the site, but digging virgin soil is very disturbed by weed roots. It rotates the cut layer of earth by a maximum of 180 degrees, and when digging up a plot with grass or after cereals, the earth must be completely turned over so that the roots are at the top.

They tried to dig up potatoes with a shovel, but it is not as convenient as planting potatoes with it. She picks up the bush well, but the turn is not enough for all the potatoes to be at the top.

It would be nice to have various modifications of shovels and other tools on the farm that make the life of a gardener-digger easier. As a ripper, it is great to use the Tornado manual cultivator. Some craftsmen adapt the auger for loosening the earth, and a shovel with an auger has become indispensable for manual snow removal. "Tornado" also facilitates physical labor in the cultivation of the land. Its telescopic handle is adjusted so that the person does not bend his back, and a straight back gets tired less. "Tornado" is a great helper when removing weeds.

It is placed above the bush, then pressed into the ground, turned and pulled out, the teeth scroll around the plant and snatch it from the soil along with the root. "Tornado" flight, loosens, removes garbage from the garden. What else he can do is dig holes for planting, remove large weeds - all the things for which, without the Tornado cultivator, he would have to bend over or squat. "Tornado" can even be adapted for transplanting strawberries, its teeth may well capture the bush, turn it out of the ground without damaging the roots. A person is always trying to improve his tools, the Tornado cultivator and the miracle shovel are excellent examples of this.

Video “Miracle shovel according to the drawing of monk Gennady”

In the video you can see what application this device has in practice. This video will dispel all doubts about whether it is worth switching to this type of shovel.

Digging up a plot of several acres is not an easy task, buying a walk-behind tractor justifies itself if there is a plot of land of at least half a hectare, and miracle shovel, do it yourself made of metal or plastic, for many it becomes the best solution.

What is this miracle shovel, the drawing of which is so popular?

It has long been known that loosening the soil has a much more favorable effect on its condition than digging it. In addition, work with a spade requires great endurance, and often time and strength. Each movement during the cultivation of the earth is associated with a load - stick the plane of the shovel bayonet into the ground, press the special footboard with your foot, press the handle like a lever, lift a large clod of earth and throw it aside. Has nothing been forgotten from the sequence of stages of a simple technique? Even if something is missing, the essence is conveyed correctly. However, for working with hard ground, special digging forks made of hardened steel have long been used. It is this garden tool that has become part of the miracle shovel today.

It is not known for certain who invented this tool, it is believed that it was first developed in Yekaterinburg, but it is rather difficult to verify the accuracy of the information. Therefore, we simply consider the design of devices manufactured by the industry. As already mentioned, the pitchfork was taken as the basis for the idea, but not the usual two- or three-pronged ones, but much wider ones, from 35 centimeters. With a step between the working rods of about 5 centimeters, this amounts to as many as 7 teeth, the length of which is a quarter of a meter. But, of course, this is not the whole miracle shovel, the drawing is usually represented by a diagram that is more complex than just a pitchfork.

The main components of the ripper

Let's go in order. In most models, the forks are movably fixed on a horizontally oriented frame extended forward with a transverse stop in the rear (sometimes the frame is replaced by a sled slightly curved upwards). Oppositely directed rods, somewhat shorter, are missed between the teeth, a sort of analogue of a rake. The tool may have two handles, but most often it is an ordinary handle, like a shovel or the same pitchfork. At the same time, it is far from always convenient to use a wooden handle, since such a lever can break if the teeth catch on the roots. As a handle, you can use a metal pipe, for example, made of aluminum.

If a wooden handle breaks in the garden tool nest at the base, it is quite difficult to remove the broken piece, and it is best to try to drill it out with a drill.

There are also simplified models. They consist only of a frame, which is also an emphasis along the way, since it is located behind the working part. The teeth are fixed directly to the front bar, at the ends of which there are fasteners for two handles. It is this type of miracle shovel that is most often made in home workshops in suburban areas by zealous owners. As a material, an ordinary pipe with a diameter of 20 centimeters, metal or plastic can be used.. The latter option is somewhat less durable, but easier to manufacture.

Finding out how the miracle shovel works, without video

Above, we described the process of working with a conventional spade, now it's time to shed light on how exactly the ripper in question should be controlled. So, the standard factory version with a frame is installed on the ground at the edge of the area to be processed. Slightly raise the tool by the handle and direct the forks into the ground. Next, press the foot on the frame (an action that does not require much effort). The teeth easily penetrate the soil to the full length, now it only remains to press the handles so that the rods of the working part cut the soil, loosening it and lifting individual layers. This is where counter teeth are needed. The purpose of this part is to break up the clods of earth lifted by the pitchfork.

You can figure out how the miracle shovel of your own production works without a video, since everything is simpler here. Firstly, due to the closer arrangement of the teeth on the frame, the working part does not lift large lumps of soil, breaking them in the process of movement. Secondly, in factory models, the hinge of the moving part is sometimes clogged with earth, which makes it worse to turn, and the wooden handles inserted into special sockets often break. In a home-made device, the parts are rigidly connected, and therefore breakdowns and jamming are excluded. There is a possibility of deformation of welding or soldering seams, as well as breakage of plastic parts, if any, but this can only happen after a solid tool life.

Instructions on how to make a miracle shovel with your own hands

At home, it is better to make a simplified model that differs from the factory one in the complete absence of moving parts. If you have a welding machine, it is best, of course, to make metal inventory, otherwise the best solution would be a design made of plastic pipes. It is undesirable to assemble a ripper on bolts, since such connections will loosen during operation, and the nuts will have to be tightened all the time. Regardless of whether the fixture will be made of plastic pipes or metal, you still have to weld them, so we’ll just step by step consider the process of how to make a miracle shovel with your own hands, without focusing on the tools.

How to make a miracle shovel with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Preparing the Parts

We will need two pieces of a metal pipe of 60 centimeters and the same number of 25. We will also need a pair of corners (namely triangular plates) and 6, 7 or 8 teeth from the fork, or just high-carbon steel rods. If you intend to make a plastic frame, then in addition to pipes, you need 2 corners and 8 or 9 tees, depending on whether the ripper is six or seven teeth. Also, for the PVC variation, adapters for connecting to metal pipes may be needed. In any case, it is advisable to make the handles of steel, adjusting them according to your height.

Step 2: Frame Assembly

It is not difficult to assemble the desired workpiece of the future design from metal, it is enough to make 4 seams with a welding machine. Another thing is if you do not know how to work with this unit and have never picked up a holder with an electrode. Then the most affordable option is PVC, fortunately, the blanks listed above are not difficult to get. First, using 4 corners of pipe sections of the above length and two tees, we assemble the back of the frame. To do this, we weld equally oriented corners on the sides to a sixty-centimeter piece of a round profile, from which the sidewalls will stretch 25 centimeters each. Next, we fix the tees on them with the forks up, and then with the help of short segments 2 more corners, with which we close the frame contour. Now the front part. We also weld tees to the last corners with small pieces of the pipe and so on until we connect them all. The side outlets of the tees should look down.

Step 3: Fixing the teeth

We weld the rods onto the metal frame so that they bend forward, so it will be easier to move the working part in the ground. We position it on the plastic one in exactly the same way, however, if the teeth are thinner than 13 millimeters at the base, they will not only have to be melted, but also the void in the tees should be filled with epoxy glue or automotive putty based on it. But it is best, of course, to weld thin rods onto thicker bases and fuse them into PVC.

Step 4: Attaching the Handlebars

We weld the handles to the metal frame in the front part at the corners, additionally fixing them with triangular plates (as a result, we get 3 joints, two end and one circular seam). It is also better to attach steel handles to the plastic structure, but only after pre-cutting threads on their lower ends. To the tees, the side outlets of which look up, with the help of short segments we weld adapters from plastic to metal, and screw a pipe with a diameter of 20 centimeters into them. The Miracle Shovel is ready to go.

The miracle shovel for digging the earth has recently become a familiar tool in a personal or summer cottage. At the same time, some devices have quite noticeably replaced the usual spades in households.

This popularity is due to the fact that the miracle shovel allows, with a significant reduction in the load on the gardener or gardener in the process of cultivating the land, at the same time speed up this process by 2-3 times.

Basic structural elements

From a technical point of view, these devices combine a ripper and a fork. Most of the designs at the same time include the following elements:

  • forks for digging and loosening;
  • stops (front and rear);
  • fastening the handle;
  • skids;
  • cutting

If we describe the principle of operation of this mechanism, then in general terms it will be as follows: classic forks mounted on the back stop with the help of manual force transmitted from a person to the forks through the handle loosen the ground. At the same time, the second teeth of the pitchfork, placed opposite and entering the lock with them, break the clods of earth into small pieces in the process of loosening. As a result, it not only digs, but also loosens.

A front stop is mounted on the ripper, which provides stability to the entire mechanism. From the side, the miracle shovel in work looks like scissors, cutting and crushing piles of earth, and at the same time turning them into almost imperceptible lumps, which on light soils do not even need to be leveled with a garden rake.

Such a tool greatly facilitates the process of digging large areas of land, while this process is accelerated several times. Having mastered the tool, you will be able to use it to independently process up to 20 acres of land. In the same case, when several miracle shovels are used on the site, it is quite possible to master a whole hectare.

Pros and cons of miracle shovels

The universal garden ripper, also known as the miracle shovel, has both positive and negative qualities. All of them must be carefully studied before you go to the store for a purchase. So, for example, the advantages of this device include:

  • the ability to work on a land plot with a sharply reduced physical load;
  • a significant increase in the speed of digging the earth due to the use of wide pitchforks;
  • ease of operation;
  • the ability to dig all types of soil;
  • high reliability of the ripper and its durability.

The disadvantages of the miracle shovels include:

  • a very solid weight of 80 kg necessary for efficient work;
  • difficulties with repairs;
  • impossibility to make figured digging;
  • lack of physical ability to dig holes.

Despite the presence of the described shortcomings, this garden tool is excellent for arable work in all types of areas. At the same time, miracle shovels can be used both for loosening the earth and for digging it before planting vegetables. For example, devices with pitchforks digging the soil 15-25 cm can be used to prepare the soil for planting:

  • corn;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage and other garden crops.

Plants such as peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are planted in the ground with seedlings, not seeds, for which holes are made manually using a conventional shovel. But in the garden, the miracle shovel is practically useless, since it does not allow you to dig bushes and trees, dig a hole, or prepare holes for planting. In this case, all work will have to be done with a classic balance shovel.

It is also worth noting one more circumstance regarding the efficiency of the described ripper. The fact is that it makes sense to perform work only if the area of ​​the cultivated area is at least 0.5 acres. If it is smaller, it is better to dig up the earth with an ordinary shovel, as you will do it faster.

Varieties of universal rippers

As described above, miracle shovels have a very simple design, therefore, today manufacturers offer consumers a huge number of their varieties for sale, which allow you to change the depth of loosening and have additional functional elements in their design. In addition, many manufacturers of these devices do not prevent the dissemination of information on how to make a miracle shovel with your own hands, so you can also find home-made devices on sale.

As for industrially produced rippers, today the most common of them are the following types of these miracle structures:

  • ordinary classic;
  • "Plowman";
  • "Mole".

The classic ripper is usually homemade and includes a backgauge and main forks. This design allows you to dramatically reduce the load on the body, and increase speed and productivity. However, at the same time, the clods of earth do not break, and this has to be done with the help of a garden rake. At the same time, this type of tool can only be used for digging black soil, which is regularly processed.

Since such a design was far from perfect, the inventors constantly improved it, as a result of which the Plowman and Mole rippers were born. So, the miracle shovel "Plowman" has a bayonet 10-15 cm long, which makes it easy to loosen soil of any type. At the same time, its distinctive feature is effective work with an employee weighing more than 60 kg. Recall that the classic miracle shovel can work with an employee weighing 80 kg.

As for the Krot ripper, its forks are 25 cm long and are designed for deep digging. At the same time, garden crops should be planted in this case immediately after digging the site. It is also worth noting that it is quite difficult to dig the earth with this miracle shovel, especially if it is compressed or is alumina.

Manufacturers also produce universal shovels without a name. They are intended for digging the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm, in the event that the depth of soil freezing in the region does not exceed 5-10 cm, and it itself is black soil. If the conditions for the cultivation of garden plants in the region are more severe, such devices can only be used for decorative digging.

Self-made miracle shovel

Sometimes factory-made rippers are not suitable for gardeners for some reason, in addition, they have a rather serious price. In this regard, many homeowners prefer to make them on their own. So, if you need a miracle shovel made by yourself, you can easily find its drawings, dimensions, as well as a video of the manufacturing process itself on the Internet.

Having figured out how to make a miracle shovel with your own hands, and having found its drawings, you can begin to select the tools and materials necessary to perform this type of work. Typically, assembling a universal ripper requires:

  • portable welding machine;
  • metal square pipe;
  • metal fittings;
  • grinder.

Before you start making a product such as a miracle shovel with your own hands, you should study the drawings and dimensions of this device. The main parameters in this case will be the depth and width, which depend directly on the depth of freezing of the soil at the location of the site, as well as the purpose of using the miracle shovel. So, such a ripper is used either for digging or for loosening the soil. If you are going to only loosen the soil, a depth of 10 cm will be enough for you.

When you need a pothole in which vegetables will be planted immediately, it will be necessary to assemble the cultivator in such a way that it can provide a digging depth of 5 cm more than the freezing depth of the soil. If the miracle shovel is assembled with your own hands, its drawings should reflect the named circumstance.

As for such a parameter as the width of the forks, it completely depends on your preferences and physical capabilities. At the same time, a width of up to 50 cm is considered optimal. If you have the opportunity to lift large masses of earth, you can easily make a ripper for yourself, using materials for this, by finding drawings and videos of making a miracle shovel with your own hands on specialized sites dedicated to making tools with your own hands.

Tool making steps

As for the assembly scheme of the miracle shovel, it is as follows:

  • pre-prepared metal rods are cut to length and bayonets are made from them, which are then sharpened;
  • cut off the carrier bar from a square pipe;
  • the base of the cutting is made from a metal pipe;
  • a thrust bar is made from the same pipe, it is bent in an arc and attached to the carrier bar;
  • all components of the miracle shovel are welded together.

This is a classic version of the miracle shovel. In order for it to also break up clods of earth, it will be necessary to additionally mount a ripper. It is welded in the same way as the main forks and is attached to a movable mechanism in order to be able to dig up sloped areas, as well as to better break up small clods of earth.

The process of making a miracle shovel is completed by painting it, as well as selecting a handle suitable for it. At the same time, sometimes, when the device turns out to be too overall, instead of a handle, 2 metal pipes are welded onto it, which are connected by a crossbar that forms 2 handles to facilitate working with this tool.