How to close a doorway instead of a door - ideas and photos. How to decorate a doorway without doors: how to do it simply and quickly How to block a doorway

How to close a doorway instead of a door - ideas and photos.  How to decorate a doorway without doors: how to do it simply and quickly How to block a doorway
How to close a doorway instead of a door - ideas and photos. How to decorate a doorway without doors: how to do it simply and quickly How to block a doorway

Although standard apartments provide for the arrangement of the internal space in accordance with the most rational possibilities and use of space, not every resident is satisfied with what is proposed engineers' solution.

In some cases, additional specialized redevelopment, which can significantly improve the layout and layout of a living space, increase air circulation and heating.

During a major overhaul, quite often it is necessary, among other things, to move interior doors. Of course, if you have a sufficient quantity and quality of tools, you can cut a new opening almost anywhere where engineering parameters do not prohibit it.

However, old openings can still be useful, and just leave them completely open not aesthetically pleasing.

It is also worth mentioning that small apartments and not very convenient projects and plans for their construction often require the presence of doorways where it is impossible to adequately install doors, because they will take up too much space in the hallway.

This also suggests the need for redevelopment. One of the most pressing issues is searching for an alternative for a kitchen that is not often equipped with default door designs.

Alternative designs and decorations

One of the most common and convenient is the use of the system shifting the structure.

Installation of runners and rollers will not require too much space, while closing the door will be quite convenient, practical and aesthetic.

Of course, this approach will require additional costs, but in some cases it is most effective.

It is also possible to resort to options decorative camouflage doorways. Few people are in a hurry to completely fill in existing doorways, since along with the additional time spent, there is also an increase in the cost of such operations.

To exclude the use of drywall or backfill with bricks, it is quite possible to use such types of camouflage as textile fabrics, jewelry, screens or blinds.

You can design the corresponding project according to the main leitmotif of the apartment design. Various types of solutions are becoming very popular within the framework of such solutions. vines, bamboo, beads or glass beads.

You can install strings or wooden sections. In combination with the expansion of the general opening, individual sections of the apartment can still be made visually enclosed while maintaining full visibility. This is achieved by using, for example bamboo elements, wooden sections and gratings, glass walls.

Great opportunities are also provided by the use of textile fabrics. Decorative curtains are even a budget option for finishing certain openings and rooms. The corresponding design or simply the frame on which the canvases will be stretched is not difficult.

This task can be handled with the help of home tools, as well as basic, common and inexpensive materials. It can be used as a completely transparent tulle, and quite dense, not transmitting light curtain. A regular cornice is perfect for installing the corresponding elements.

If the options are not suitable for some reason, you can always resort to using lambrequins. Creating an interior in a modern style is often impossible without this element.

Usage blinds instead of a door will significantly save space, while providing an extremely stylish and comfortable partition in the aisle. You can use both horizontal and vertical closing options. The latter have even more advantages.

If you have time, opportunity, and inspiration at the same time, then it is quite possible to resort to creating your own unique and completely unique element to close a doorway.

If, as a result of large-scale redevelopment, the main door from the room has moved to a completely different place, there is a need to select the most effective way use of interior door space.

The easiest way is to cover this opening with plasterboard and make it completely invisible within the framework of specific interior decoration.

Non-standard solutions include, for example, false door. For this purpose, the opening is blocked on one side, and the corresponding door remains on the other.

This approach will interest guests and visitors, however Of course, it won’t add functionality to the room. You can make a chalkboard out of it for children.

In addition, the wall is quite suitable for creating additional shelves or a closet. You can build a real one into such a doorway bookshelf.

Very often, when carrying out redevelopment, apartment owners move the interior door. In such cases, the question arises: how to close the old doorway?
In most cases, it is tightly laid with brick or plasterboard, and then plastered. Let's see if there are other, more interesting ideas for using it. old doorway.

1. False door

A simple yet fun way to decorate old doorway. We turn the working door into a “trick”. Save doorjamb, and the opening itself is bricked in some recess in the wall. Instead of plastering work, we simply tightly close the masonry with an old door.

False door or simple door imitation

From the outside, the door looks like a real one, but in reality it is just another imitation and an intriguing riddle for your friends. The outer wall of the door can be turned into a small blackboard and various useful “reminders” can be written on it with crayons.

Another design option for an unnecessary doorway is to imitate additional space “behind the door.” Photo wallpapers are perfect here.

Keeping the door jamb and the door itself intact, we block the old opening even further into the depths of the wall. It turns out to be a small closed niche-closet. This design could be very useful as a mini-warehouse for some kitchen supplies or utensils.

Hidden closet in the doorway. The second picture shows the option with a sliding door

Disadvantages of this option:
a) the depth of the closet will depend on the radius of the door opening, b) enough space is grabbed from the adjacent room behind the wall.

The same as in the previous version, but instead of a solid door we use a glazed door. As a result, where there was a doorway, we get a shallow and elegant built-in one for dishes or books.

Built-in wardrobe in the doorway

4. Design of the doorway: niche with shelves

The most common design option for a doorway. Here the door jamb and doors are completely dismantled. The doorway is laid out and decorated in the same style as the surrounding walls. In the resulting space, for greater functionality, we install the necessary shelves and possibly even lighting.

5. Secret door

And finally, the most exotic way to hide an old doorway is camouflage. The doorway is not transferred anywhere, but it changes its appearance beyond recognition. Try making a sliding, shallow cabinet instead of a door.

In the photo: an example of a camouflaged doorway

When closed, no one would even think what it is doorway– just a “regular” built-in wardrobe. To achieve such a disguise, you will need to tightly fit all the overlay elements of the door jamb to the design of the movable cabinet.

Of course, the need for such secrecy is doubtful, but it is quite possible to consider the idea as a creative option :)

Be that as it may, do not rush to hastily fill up old doorways. Perhaps in the very near future you will have new ideas for using this space.

Good luck with your ideas in decorating doorways!

During the renovation process, it may be necessary to remodel the home, and in this case, you need to determine what is better to close the doorway instead of the door. For this purpose, materials of various types and properties can be used. In this case, you can completely eliminate the opening and level it with the wall or make a decorative design.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to seal a doorway

Necessity of work

First, you need to determine for what purpose it is necessary to close the doorway; the list of works and the choice of materials that will be used instead of the door will largely depend on this. Several options are possible:

  • redevelopment - involves the complete elimination of the opening, the entrance will be located in another place, and this area will become a simple wall;
  • creating a niche is an alternative to the previous option, in this case you can create a convenient place to store things;
  • decorative replacement of a door - the opening essentially remains untouched, but instead of a door it will be closed by other devices, leaving the passage free.

If you want to avoid wall deformation, use materials similar to those from which the primary structure was built.


The most radical measure is to completely get rid of the opening; in this case, you need to decide what is the best way to fill the doorway. For this purpose, in most cases, brickwork is the best option. You can also use foam blocks if the walls are thick enough. This masonry option is best suited for load-bearing structures.

For load-bearing walls, the best solution would be brickwork

How to block a doorway with ordinary bricks:

  1. Prepare the base. To do this, you need to remove the floor covering to the concrete level.
  2. Start laying the brick on the sand-cement mortar. Make rows offset by half a brick.
  3. Use large nails to secure new and old masonry. One side of the nail is driven into the end of the opening, the other part is hidden in the seams.
  4. Work your way from the bottom up, applying the solution in a not too thick layer. Compact the rows with the back of the trowel. Be sure to check the level and lubricate the sides.


There is nothing easier than covering a doorway with sheets of drywall. This method is great for both straight walls and for building niches. It is much more convenient to work with it, and it will require much less money.

Installation of a partition with plasterboard is carried out by attaching it to the frame. As materials for it, you can use special metal profiles or durable wooden beams. It is much more convenient to work with the first type, since you can build a structure of any shape.

Drywall is attached with self-tapping screws to a metal profile frame

How to seal a doorway using drywall:

  1. Using self-tapping screws and a drill, secure the metal frame around the perimeter of the opening.
  2. Cut the profile into transverse strips. They are installed in increments of 20 to 40 cm to strengthen the wall structure with plasterboard in the opening.
  3. Measure the size for the plasterboard sheet and cut out suitable pieces.
  4. Secure them to the profiles with self-tapping screws.
  5. If you decide to make a niche in the opening, first build a frame according to its shape and then cover it with plasterboard sheets.
  6. All joints between drywall are glued using a sickle mesh.
  7. After this, you need to putty the joints and completely level the surface.

Decorative solutions

It is not always necessary to completely eliminate the doorway; it can be closed with something else. The most popular solutions are:

  • decorative curtains;
  • textile;
  • blinds.

Decorative options for closing a doorway

Decorative curtains are small fragments connected to each other: bamboo, wicker, beads, threads, which form a partition to close the doorway. The variety of available options allows you to choose exactly what fits perfectly into your interior.

The second way to close the opening is to use fabric. This is a kind of imitation of window curtains. The material can be used as translucent tulle, spider web, or thick curtains. To hang them in the opening, use a cornice. You can simply hang a piece of fabric or create a complex composition from several elements of different colors and textures.

For a classic interior, an excellent solution is to add lambrequins, but they can also be used in modern rooms if you create an unusual hard lambrequin.

Less popular, but one of the most convenient, is the option of using blinds. They allow, if necessary, to completely block the passage into the room. There are two types of blinds:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

For doors you can use both. Vertical blinds are still the most convenient; they do not restrict the passage as much as horizontal ones. Also a variation are Roman blinds or roller shutters; they can be made of fabric, bamboo or other materials.

Depending on your needs, use one or another approach to solving the problem regarding closing the doorway. Each of them has its own merits.

The design of an opening without a door involves several features. Not all materials are suitable for this type of finishing, and the selected options will have to be handled quite carefully. Some structures can be created with your own hands, but the construction of others is best left to a professional.


The logical conclusion would be that a doorway without a door is made entirely without a door frame. All decoration includes only the lining of the opening itself, which is done using a variety of materials.

The design of a doorless opening allows you to choose from a variety of shapes, including classic and interesting fantasy options.

Not every room will have an opening without a door that will look appropriate. There are some rooms that must have a door, and these include not only the toilet and bathroom. The bedroom, kitchen, office must be equipped with a full door Since these rooms are larger than others, there is a need for privacy and intimacy.

However, every rule can be circumvented. For additional decoration of such openings, curtains, muslin, and screens are used. They allow you to create the illusion of dividing the room without completely replacing the door.

Decorating an open doorway implies relying on the integrity of the entire home. As a rule, identical doorless openings are made in an apartment or house. This applies to both shape and finish. They act as a connecting element, uniting all rooms into a single ensemble.

Speaking about the advantages that open openings have compared to classic doorways, we cannot fail to mention saving space. Each door occupies at least a square meter of usable space. When creating a doorless structure, this problem disappears. From an aesthetic point of view, an opening allows you to visually expand the space or expand the functional area of ​​the room by combining it with a utility room. A good example is the recent frequent combination of a balcony and a living room.

In some cases, a doorless space looks much more attractive than a door, especially when it is beautifully decorated. For example, shelves are often placed along the contour of such an opening. The figurines or other little things placed on them beautifully frame the skylight, creating a unique atmosphere that cannot be repeated. Thus, sometimes an open doorway looks even more intimate than a thick oak door.

Finally, another important advantage is creating sufficient ventilation in the apartment. Air circulates better through open space, and for small apartments, for example, like in houses built by Khrushchev, this factor is important - it allows you to combat stuffiness.

Creating several openings can completely change the original layout of the apartment, but in reality it turns out to be much cheaper than a full-fledged redevelopment.

In addition, it is often possible to create an opening even in a load-bearing wall, so there are many more options for a new apartment plan.


There are many different configurations of doorways without a door, which differ from each other not only in their shape, but also in the material with which they are created. Along with traditional raw materials, the latest developments in the field of design are also used.

The simplest in design is ordinary rectangular span. Creating a rectangular opening is very simple: the door frame is completely dismantled, then the surface of the walls is leveled along the contour. In the future, the resulting gap is simply painted or lined with a suitable material. There are a great variety of finishing methods, starting with the simple installation of wooden extensions and ending with the creation of pompous stucco columns.

More popular building arched structures. To do this, it is not necessary to expand the existing opening in the wall; in recent years, the idea of ​​​​creating false arches has been actively used. In this case, corner elements made of polyurethane or plasterboard with rounded sides are installed in the rectangular span, and the result is a full-fledged arch with much less cost and labor. However, this method is not suitable for all homes: it is necessary that the opening be of sufficient height.

There are several types of arches:

  • Rounded arch. It is a classic interpretation and can be used in absolutely any room, regardless of the parameters, but there is one unspoken rule. The lower the ceiling, the wider the arched span should be.
  • Trapezoidal span. It is created from straight lines and can only be called an arch conditionally. Designers do not recommend using this form because of its strong association with a funeral accessory - a coffin.
  • Triangular arch. There are a huge number of subtypes of triangular arches: keeled, pointed horseshoe, Tudor. Similar elements came into modern design from the Middle Ages, and they are used preferably in tall, spacious rooms.

More and more often, people are abandoning the creation of ordinary classical openings in favor of fancy asymmetrical ones.

They can only be made in plasterboard partition walls. Asymmetrical openings can have any shape you like, and can also be supplemented with all kinds of auxiliary details: shelves, niches, lighting. This design acts as a bright element and sets the tone for the entire appearance of the room. Catching your gaze, an asymmetrical opening helps to hide possible flaws when renovating a room.


It is possible to balance the proportions of rooms in an apartment using doorways without doors. Depending on whether the opening is wide or narrow, high or low, the impression made varies.

For rooms with low ceilings, it is strictly not recommended to install narrow spans. Visually they will make the room tiny and uncomfortable. It is better to choose a wide option that will visually expand the area of ​​the room, add air and light to it. This applies not only to arched openings, but also to rectangular ones.

The optimal height also depends on the original proportions of the room. If you want to use a skylight to combine two rooms, it is recommended to make it almost as high as the ceiling. An ordinary span, serving only as an alternative to a door, should be made significantly lower, but its height should not be lower than 2 m. In the case of arches, this figure increases by at least 30 cm. This is due not so much to aesthetic rules as to safety requirements: people may hit the upper narrow part of the arch hard in the dark.

When constructing asymmetrical structures, the following rule should be followed: the more intricate the shape, the wider the opening should be. Too much concentration of monograms and other elements in a small space will overload the look, making the design unnecessarily pretentious and cumbersome. As a result, instead of a spectacular accent, you will get a tasteless option that you will soon get tired of.

Thus, the size of the doorway is largely determined by the characteristics of the room itself, and not by the chosen shape.

Remember that very wide doorways are best decorated using some kind of texture, for example, relief moldings. If you use ordinary smooth cladding, the light will be “lost” against the general background of the room and, from an aesthetic point of view, will not look particularly harmonious.

In various rooms

In the vast majority of cases, the advisability of installing a doorless opening is obvious, however, sometimes refusing a door is extremely undesirable. Some of the rooms where it is best to leave a door include the kitchen. This is especially true in small apartments, where a strong kitchen smell will be especially annoying. It's not always pleasant when scents are felt in the living room or bedroom.

The old boring interior of the living room can be changed beyond recognition, at the same time intelligently expanding the usable area. If you abandon the separate balcony block and the door to the balcony, you will be able to make the living room brighter. The balcony will certainly need to be furnished in a style similar to the living room, since the rooms, united by a doorless skylight, should be perceived as a single whole.

You can often encounter cases where the door is refused between the corridor and the dressing room. Since both of these spaces are quite small and cramped, this move helps hide this fact, allowing people to feel more free.

In small apartments, doors between the hallway and the living room are abandoned, especially if the apartment is one-room. This way the entire area is perceived as a single whole, making the home seem larger.

In cases where such a small apartment has low ceilings, it is better not to choose an arched shape as an opening. It is much more logical to focus on the classic rectangular span.

It is quite rare for people to refuse a door to the bedroom, but they do not dare to completely leave the entrance “defenseless”. They come to the rescue thick curtains or screens, which perfectly protect the intimacy of the room. If necessary, they can be easily and quickly dismantled. An interesting solution is to use curtains with tiebacks: they can be completely closed at night, and during the day they will serve as a beautiful frame for the opening.

How to apply correctly?

The opening is cashed with different materials and using different techniques. You can decorate the interior space with your own hands, or you can turn to professionals who will create a complex and unique decor.

A good idea is to decorate the doorway with curtains.

A decorative curtain plays the same role as a door psychologically, but it takes up much less space. If desired, the curtains can be removed completely without any problems or replaced with others, and the appearance of the opening structure will not be affected (for example, if you simply remove the door leaf, hinges will remain on the span, which do not look very attractive).

Another option for decorating a doorway without a door is to use additional design elements - various stucco panels. With their help, it will be possible to improve any opening, regardless of how smooth the walls are and what colors the opening is made of. Finishing is extremely simple and is often done completely independently.

With the help of stucco it is possible to decorate openings in various styles. For example, you can make a classic arch with columns and heavy shaped elements. If you add gilding, you will be able to completely recreate the spirit of baroque or classic. For modern interiors, it is more appropriate to use simple relief moldings with geometric patterns, for example, embossed lines and grooves. If in the first case it was appropriate to choose pilasters and capitals, then in the second they should be avoided.

Stucco molding can be found quite rarely; it has practically gone out of use recently. This is due to the relatively small dimensions of modern apartments, because intricate designs look ridiculous in small spaces. You shouldn’t completely abandon stucco elements: some of them can help expand the room.

Also, to design door openings without doors, artificial stone masonry, clinker tiles or plasterboard are often used.


Cladding a doorway without a door can be done using a variety of materials. The simplest solution is to paint the gap or cover it with the same wallpaper as the walls. However, there is one “but”: only perfectly smooth walls are suitable for this, otherwise the whole structure will look insufficiently neat and as if made hastily.

Another option is to make a box from the extensions and place it in the gap or cover it with MDF panels. In both cases, you will get a wooden aperture that looks stylish and can be harmoniously integrated into almost any interior.

It is best to frame the opening with valuable wood or its imitation, since these are the solutions that look the best.

It is also possible to cover the gap with plasterboard. Drywall is a truly unique material. With its help, you can form a structure of almost any configuration, supplementing it with elements from other lightweight materials, for example, polyurethane.

You can easily make a simple plasterboard opening yourself, and it will not take much time, and the effect will please you.

Often the gaps are lined with imitation stone or clinker tiles. Clinker tiles imitate brick, but they weigh several times less. They produce tiles in different shapes: there are classic elements, as well as special corner ones. There is a wide variety of sizes on the market, but medium-sized tiles are the most popular. The seams between the tiles are usually rubbed with a composition that exactly imitates the main covering of the walls.

Artificial stone looks more interesting than clinker tiles. There are imitations of various materials: limestone, marble, malachite and many others. This material has many advantages: such cladding looks expensive, harmonizes perfectly with other finishing materials, has a long service life and wear resistance, and is also very easy to maintain. Laying such material can be carried out either in a geometrically thought-out order, or chaotically - both options look equally successful.

Both tiles and stone are attached either with tile adhesive (when the walls under them are not well aligned) or with liquid nails (if the walls have a perfectly flat surface).

To learn how to make a decorative arch yourself, lined with gypsum stone and bas-reliefs, see the following video.

Options in the interior

A fairly simple opening with a slightly curved edge adds pomp and grandeur to the room. Its unusual structure is made in fairly restrained proportions: straight lines are used, and there is no complex decor. The almost even square shape helps to visually maintain the proportions of the room without creating any visual illusions.

The use of natural materials is encouraged when creating the design of a doorless opening. Wood and raw stone harmonize well with each other, despite the fact that the wood was selected from a valuable species, and the stone was the most ordinary one. The play on contrasts deserves special attention: firstly, wood and stone of contrasting colors are used, and secondly, the smooth edge of the wooden frame is adjacent to the torn edges of the masonry.