How to cover the basement of a house. How to decorate the basement of a house: from exclusive to budget options with step-by-step instructions. Rolled adhesive waterproofing

How to cover the basement of a house.  How to decorate the basement of a house: from exclusive to budget options with step-by-step instructions.  Rolled adhesive waterproofing
How to cover the basement of a house. How to decorate the basement of a house: from exclusive to budget options with step-by-step instructions. Rolled adhesive waterproofing

Is the frame of the new house ready and it’s time to start decorating it?

But you haven’t fully thought through the options, or haven’t decided on the finish of the base? We are in a hurry to help you.

After all, only correctly selected materials and their combination will give the facades completeness and make them beautiful. Let's consider finishing options from various materials presented on the construction market.

The basement is a part of the outer wall that is located at the foot of the building and encloses the underground space of the house. In some houses it is an independent element erected above the foundation, in others it is a part of the foundation itself that protrudes above ground level (strip foundations). In both cases, he needs protection.

The base can be sunken, protruding, or located in the same plane as the walls of the house.

The most reliable is the one that sinks, it is easier to protect it from mechanical and atmospheric influences, there is no need to drain it. From an aesthetic point of view, a building with such a base is more attractive.

Projecting plinth They are installed in houses with thin walls, for example, frame or log walls, as well as if the house has a warm underground. With such a device, the installation of a drain is additionally required to remove precipitation.

It is not advisable to install the base at the same level as the wall. In this case, it is more difficult to perform waterproofing.

But whatever the base of your house, it should be well protected by a layer of waterproofing. From the point of view of economy in the further operation of the building, it is better to make it from reliable materials that do not require additional decorative finishing (monolithic concrete, baked brick, stone). It is enough to treat the base part of the monolith foundation with cement mortar and paint it.

How to decorate the basement of a house if you want its appearance to be more attractive? We suggest considering several options.

Finishing the foundation of a house with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster (as well as many facing materials) is applied to a previously prepared surface: cleaned and primed. Before applying some types of plaster, a mineral-based reinforcing mass is used.

If the base has significant irregularities and geometric deviations, as well as in cases where the layer of plaster exceeds 12 mm, before applying the decorative composition, a reinforcing mesh is attached to increase the strength of the plaster mortar and its better adhesion to the base. The mesh can be woven, welded, wicker.

If the thickness of the plaster layer is small, you can use a fiberglass mesh. Any reinforcing mesh used prevents cracking of the plaster during further use of the house.

The applied decorative layer can be smooth, rough, made with jointing or using imprints for various materials. For this purpose, special rollers and stamps are used. The finishing layer of the plastered surface is often various façade paints.

Decorative finishing of the base of the house with facing materials

A wide variety of materials are used for cladding: porcelain stoneware, clinker tiles, natural facing stone, siding, corrugated sheets. The main thing is that the selected material is in harmony with the facades and roofing material.

Porcelain tiles have increased strength, frost resistance and wear resistance, as well as decorative properties.

The plinth, lined with porcelain tiles, looks great in combination with the porch, which is finished with the same material. The foundation, lined with porcelain stoneware, is more discreet.

Clinker tiles are very decorative, creates the feeling of a plinth lined with clinker bricks. But since the brick itself is a fairly expensive building material, finishing with clinker panels will save money, and the lined element will not look cheap.

In addition, with the help of such tiles you can decorate not only the base, but also part of the walls or corners of the building. The natural shades of clinker tiles combine perfectly with natural tiles and many other roofing materials.

Clinker tiles (as well as porcelain tiles) can be glued to a frost-resistant adhesive composition or mounted on a special frame system (when installing a ventilated facade). The second method of constructing a plinth is more expensive than the first, but is the most reliable. In addition, insulation can be installed between the frame and the wall.

Gluing the tiles is carried out according to the principle of laying any other ceramics, the only difference is that the ground level is variable around the perimeter of the building. In this connection, we calculate the number of rows (based on the width of the tiles and the thickness of the proposed seams), measure the line of the second row from the bottom, draw a horizontal line, and for convenience, install a starting auxiliary strip.

After laying the tiles, it is necessary to seal the seams with a jointing solution special for outdoor work.

Natural and artificial facing stone- another decorative material for finishing the basement of a building.

Natural stone is very strong and environmentally friendly, durable and beautiful. This is perhaps the most ancient building material.

Granite, marble, sandstone, used in the exterior and interior decoration of the house, indicates the high status of the owner, as it is the most expensive material. Natural stone is laid on cement mortar.

Alternative - artificial finishing stone for those who do not see their facade with another material, and it is not possible to purchase a natural one.

Artificial stone is produced with imitation of various rocks and a rich color palette. Its weight is significantly lower than natural stone, which facilitates the installation process.

Plastic panels (PVC), imitating various materials (stone, brick, wood), have also become widely used in the finishing of basements and facades in general. But basement siding differs from façade siding in composition. It is more resistant to mechanical damage.

Modern siding panels for exterior decoration can withstand both very low (-50 o C) and very high (+60 o C) temperatures, therefore they are used with great success for finishing work.

The panels are installed along guides (vertical or horizontal); the panels are joined together using grooves and ridges. On sale you can find large and small-sized PVC cladding elements.

The exterior of the house’s foundation can be finished with galvanized or polymer-coated corrugated sheets. This type of finishing is economical and easy to install. The foundation will be reliably protected from external influences and will last for a long time.

All types of finishing are good, choose your option, but do not forget that the selected material should not stand out from the overall picture. Harmony can only be achieved if all materials - from the base to the roof - are combined with each other.

The base is the part of the foundation that rises above ground level. Consequently, the same requirements are imposed on its finishing as on the entire base. It consists of a whole range of measures - arrangement of the blind area, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the characteristics of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to decorate the base presentably? It is desirable that it is both beautiful and not too expensive and complicated. There are more than enough materials for finishing the base. But the price of some products is such that not everyone is able to “spend” that kind of money. In addition, the installation of some products requires experience and special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view, there are not so many options for inexpensive finishing.


This design is suitable for buildings built from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick, etc.), with the exception of wood, since it is unlikely that a plastered foundation will harmonize with it.



  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a short service life.
  • The need to frequently update the paintwork (in case of surface application of the composition).
  • Difficulty of care. It is quite problematic to wash off pieces of trapped dirt - basically, only “dry” cleaning. In terms of maintenance, decorative plaster mixtures are preferable, but they are quite expensive.

Finishing features

There is another opinion - to paint “on top”, since such a treatment will clog all the pores and prevent the penetration of moisture. But the question arises - what about vapor permeability? If there is a basement, and even one that is intensively used, this is an important question.

Siding panels

Naturally, this does not mean all those available for sale, but only those that are intended specifically for the base. By the way, they can also be used to decorate walls.


  • Durability and reliability of the cladding. It protects the base well.
  • Maintenance is not difficult - the panels are easy to clean.
  • Possibility of quickly replacing damaged products.


Finishing features

  1. The sheathing is pre-installed. Since the finishing of the base is done outside the building, it is advisable to use metal profiles as slats rather than wood - it is susceptible to rotting.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all joints, as well as to correctly calculate and maintain the necessary gaps (in case of temperature deformation of the products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective if you choose the right type of product (temperature of use, strength, and so on).


  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home -. This will slightly increase the time it takes to complete the work, but will significantly reduce its overall cost.
  • Variety of cladding options (appearance).
  • Durability, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Light weight and easy to install. The artificial stone can simply be glued onto the base.


Finishing features

Much depends on the material on which the imitation of natural stone is made. Practice shows that not everyone can do such work – finishing – on their own. Most likely, you will have to pay for someone’s services.

There is no point in comparing materials by price. They depend on so many factors that it is simply impossible to take everything into account. We must not forget the simple truth - it is not always possible to equate the concepts of “cheap” and “quality”.


Plastering the base is the most economical option, which does not require the involvement of professionals. But if financial capabilities allow, then it is better to focus on the 2nd or 3rd options.

  • If the house is built on a pile foundation, then a supporting frame is pre-installed, which is sheathed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When calculating the cost of work, you need to look not only at the price of the material, but also take into account how much it will cost to install it. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It makes more sense to buy a finishing product that is more expensive and durable than to regularly repair the plinth cladding and at the same time spend money again.

In this article we will try to answer the most common questions regarding the foundation of a house.

Basement insulation - how to insulate it?

From which side should the basement of the house be insulated?
How to decorate the basement of a house?

Options for finishing the basement of the house:

  • finishing the base with decorative plaster;
  • facing the base of the house with “marble chips”;
  • finishing the base with clinker tiles;
  • finishing the base with fiber cement panels;
  • finishing of the base with natural decorative stone;
  • facing the base with artificial stone;
  • siding on the base of the house;

Sooner or later, every private homeowner decides to majorly renovate their home. It is difficult to identify the main and secondary tasks when carrying out repair work.

Everything is very necessary and everything is very important.

Having completed the finishing work inside the building, I would like to bring the façade of the house into a corresponding appearance. And the issue of cladding the entire facade of the house is not always acute; sometimes it is only the basement of the house that needs to be put in order, protected from destruction, and at the same time decorated.

This is where the questions arise: how to decorate the basement of the house? Does it need to be insulated?

Basement insulation - how to insulate it

Every house, even a country house, stands on a foundation, which bears the entire weight of the structure and serves as a kind of transition from the foundation to the main walls of the building. Its main task is to serve as a kind of barrier and prevent moisture from penetrating inside the house.

In a house without a basement, the walls absorb not only dampness from the ground, but also precipitation.

In addition to protection from moisture, the foundation of the house decorates the entire structure, and houses with high foundations look much more attractive, unlike buildings in which there is no base at all.

During the process of building a house, many people have a question - how to keep heat in the house? Is it necessary to insulate the basement of a house if there is no need to insulate the entire building or if the façade of the house is already insulated? After all, insulating the basement of a house is considered an optional procedure when carrying out major home renovations.

The cold penetrates into the house through the foundation, which does not warm up due to the fact that it is dug into the ground; if the base is not insulated, then the floors in the house will always be cold in the cold season, and in wet weather it will also be damp, since there is moisture in the basement At home there just isn’t enough time to evaporate. In order for the floor to be warm and dry, it will have to be dried or heated all the time, which is not always convenient but most often expensive.

This is why you need basement insulation. After all, only by insulating it can you forget about dampness and cold forever.

Which side to insulate the basement of a house on?

The insulation must be located on the outside of the house! After all, if you perform insulation from the inside, from the basement, for example, there will be no point. On the outside of the house, the base will continue to deteriorate, and the base will be damp.

Of course, you can carry out internal insulation, and you can even get some advantages from this. For example, in the basement of the house or in the basement the atmosphere will be normalized, the foundation will be protected from melt water, and due to the absence of condensation, the walls in the basement will be protected from destruction.

And if you insulate the base of the house from the outside, the house will look much more aesthetically pleasing, all building materials that will be hidden behind a layer of thermal insulation and reliably protected from moisture, their service life will increase significantly.

Answering the question of whether it is necessary to insulate the basement of the house - the answer is unequivocal, you need to insulate the basement of the house, but it’s up to you to decide inside or outside!

How to decorate the basement of a house?

Many owners of their own home see the finishing of the basement as only a “design touch” in the overall design of the facade. Many people strive to make their home as beautiful as possible, which is understandable. Do not forget that such decorativeness, although important when decorating the facade, is all a secondary reason. The main purpose of decorating the base is still different.

  • The lady base needs protection from environmental influences. Its finishing allows minimizing environmental impacts on the plinth materials.
  • The walls of the house are subject to greater contamination at the base level, and the “liquid dirt” falling on it contains a large amount of aggressive chemicals, which in turn cause the process of destruction of monolithic concrete.
  • The basement of the house must be protected from mold, etc.
  • Despite the seemingly paradox, why insulate the basement if the house is located higher, this opinion is wrong; insulation of the basement is still worth considering.

The base array itself is a large cold accumulator, which forms an entire “mainline” for cold penetration, instead of a “bridge”, and even a high-quality insulated floor will not always save the situation.

The materials from which the foundation is made freeze through under the influence of negative temperatures, activating the erosion process which reduces its strength.

The conclusion suggests itself - the base of the house needs finishing, both for decoration reasons and for its protection!

Everything, of course, depends only on the owners of the house, their preferences and financial capabilities.

Plastering the base followed by painting

The easiest way to finish the base is to apply a layer of durable plaster. This type of finish is highly vapor permeable and creates a good protective layer.

The main advantage of this finish is the availability of materials, relatively cheap material. This type of finishing of the base can be done independently, and there is no “shortage” of specialists in applying the plaster mixture. There are also quite a few options for decorating such a base.

A high-quality plastered, painted base will give the house a neat appearance.

After carrying out work on insulating the base or plastering work, depending on what you have chosen, you can proceed to the final stage - decorating the base.

There are plenty of options here too

  • The plastered base can simply be painted. To paint the base, use only façade paint. The color range is not limited; today there are huge assortments of colors and shades on the market.
  • To finish the base you can use decorative plasters:

Finishing the base with decorative plaster "bark beetle"

"Bark beetle" - When finishing the facades and interiors of a wide variety of buildings, bark beetle plaster is successfully used: the technology of applying plaster allows you to obtain a surface texture reminiscent of wood damaged by a wood-boring beetle. Actually, this plaster received the name “Bark Beetle” for the appearance of plastered walls.

Along with its unusual appearance, decorative plaster “Bark beetle” has good performance characteristics: it is resistant to precipitation and low temperatures, the plaster painted in the paste does not fade in the sun

Finishing the base with decorative plaster "fur coat"

"Fur coat" - is a high-quality building material that allows you to create decorative coatings on the surface of walls. It is made on the basis of acrylic polymers and is used both for finishing the facades of buildings and structures, and for interior work.

It has excellent water-repellent qualities, elastic structure, and excellent adhesive properties. It is a plaster mixture with the addition of granules, especially recommended for finishing building facades, halls and corridors, bathrooms and toilets, walls and ceilings.

Finishing the base with decorative plaster "marble chips"

Plaster based on natural marble chips is flawless finishing coating based on marble chips - decorative plaster for interior and exterior work.

Which forms a coating that is resistant to moisture penetration, chemical corrosion, sulfur fumes, atmospheric influences, and pollution.

Covering the base with clinker tiles

Clinker tiles- looks like clinker brick, although much thinner and cheaper, and does not create a large load on the house.

When purchasing clinker tiles, you need to remember about the corner elements, which will greatly simplify the installation process.

Clinker tiles are laid using elastic, frost-resistant adhesive mixtures.

The seams must be filled with specialized clinker grout.

Finishing the plinth with porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware slabs– which are mounted either on a frame system according to the principle of a ventilated facade or glued to frost-resistant adhesive mixtures.

Finishing the base with porcelain stoneware slabs is more expensive financially but has a small advantage - a layer of insulation can be laid into the system.

Gluing porcelain tiles is no different from laying any other ceramics. After gluing the slabs, the seams must be sealed with a specialized solution for external use.

Finishing the base with natural stone

A natural stone– you need to use the correct shape to create the “illusion” of real masonry.

For cladding the base, it is not the stone itself that is used, but its imitation, made from natural materials such as granite, sandstone, marble or limestone. Natural stone can be selected according to your wishes, both small and large sizes, which will completely cover the width of the base.

The surface of the stone can be matte, rough or grainy. The surface of a stone made of sandstone or limestone must be treated with a water-repellent solution.

This stone is durable and environmentally friendly.

Facing the base with artificial decorative stone

Fake diamond- made of concrete, although it looks like natural stone. Quite durable, frost-resistant finishing material.

The main difference from natural stone is its cost, it is much cheaper.

The quality of artificial tiles can sometimes differ significantly, so you shouldn’t rush to make a choice and turn to trusted manufacturers.

To preserve the appearance of artificial stone with imitation of river stone, the finished base should be treated with a water repellent, which will help keep the appearance unchanged for several years.

Finishing the base with fiber cement panels

Fiber cement panels– they are created using a hot press from a mixture of cement and wood fibers, the outer part of the panels is covered with a protective layer or laminated.

Its appearance imitates wood, stone, brick, decorative plaster.

Fiber cement panels are self-cleaning, moisture and frost resistant.

Strong fastening locks create a high tightness of the outer layer.

The panels are installed using a frame system, with which the base can be insulated. Fiber cement panels have a huge range of colors and textures.

Finishing the base with plastic panels

Plastic panels with the texture of brick, wood, stone - in recent years it has become increasingly popular and is widely used both for finishing the entire facade of the house and only for decorating the basement. Such panels are resistant to mechanical damage. The panels are installed using a frame system and are joined using tongues and grooves. There is a wide range of colors and sizes available in the markets. A layer of insulation can be laid into the frame system. Such panels do not require maintenance; all they need is occasional washing.

Important! If the basement part protrudes beyond the main wall, forming a kind of step, you need to take care of the drainage belt. Otherwise, all your efforts will simply not be effective!

So, there are many options for how to decorate the basement of a house and how to decorate it!

You should focus on the feasibility, performance qualities of the selected facing materials and your financial capabilities.

Finishing the basement of a private building not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the lower part of the building from environmental influences. The base is a part of the foundation that rises above the surface of the earth, protecting it from moisture and cold. Therefore, it must be lined with durable and resistant, but at the same time beautiful material.

Types of finishing

Today, the building materials market offers a variety of foundation finishing options. The average consumer is often concerned with the question of what material is ideal for cladding the basement of a private house.

There are many options for finishing the base, the main thing is to choose the most suitable one for your home

Options for the most popular finishing materials:

  • natural or artificial stone;
  • decorative plaster;
  • facing brick;
  • siding;
  • clinker tiles;
  • sandwich panels.

Finishing the base with natural stone

This type of finishing is the most expensive option. In addition, this is a very long-term undertaking. But natural stone has better characteristics than many materials; it is resistant to the effects of the natural environment and is extremely durable. If you cover the facade of a wooden house with it, it will give the building an expensive and solid look.

Most often it is made of limestone, sandstone, marble, granite or onyx. Natural stone does not require additional care. Tiles are available in different sizes - from brick to slabs and textures (smooth or grainy).

Cladding the structure with natural stone

Installation of stone tiles:

  1. Using an adhesive for working with stone, the tiles are glued one at a time to the base. To avoid peeling and cracking, use only this glue.
  2. To achieve the effect of integrity, the distance between small tiles should be no more than 6 mm, and between large ones - 2-3 mm or 1-2 cm, with visible separation.
  3. The joints are filled with a frost-resistant mortar, and sandstones and limestones are treated with a water-repellent agent.

Finishing the base with artificial stone

Existing options for artificial stone, as well as a large selection of colors, allow you to choose a material to suit every taste. It must be durable, resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Artificial material is visually almost indistinguishable from natural material, but has a lower cost.

Finishing the product with artificial stone

Installation of artificial tiles.

Stone tiles are glued to elastic or simple mortar. It would be better to treat the lined base with a water-repellent agent; this measure will increase the service life by more than 3-4 years.

Finishing the base with siding

Covering the base with siding is an economical and quick type of finishing. The material is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and moisture, which makes it possible to use it in any conditions.

The cost of siding panels is significantly lower than stone ones, and finishing work is faster and easier. In addition, this material is quite beautiful and also looks solid.

The process of installing a plinth with siding

Plastering the plinth

This is a relatively inexpensive but effective way to insulate and protect the foundation from environmental influences. In the past, the base was simply plastered; now it is mandatory to insulate the foundation with all kinds of heat-insulating materials, followed by the application of plaster.

Coating with decorative plaster

Insulation prevents the penetration of cold to the foundation of the building, while the mesh creates a solid base for applying the mortar and strength of the structure. To protect against moisture and improve the appearance, the surface of the foundation is then painted.

You can line the finished base with stone or siding.

Decorative finishing of the foundation

This type of finishing consists of decorating the foundation using painting, creating effects, and siding. You can also use a rasp to create a semblance of brick or stone masonry, mark the seams with contrasting paint, or line them with stone.

Finishing the basement of the house with mineral plaster

This type of material contains small fractions from 0.8 to 3 mm in diameter. The resin contained in the plaster base gives it water-repellent properties. At the same time, the material is resistant to cold and mechanical damage. It is vapor permeable.

The material can be applied to concrete, gypsum, and mineral plasters. Mosaic plaster cannot be applied over non-natural bases.

Plastering process:

  1. Mineral plaster is applied manually. Before applying mosaic plaster, the base should be lightly coated with plaster mortar to enhance adhesion to the foundation.
  2. Mosaic plaster is laid in a layer corresponding to the diameter of the fractions. Smooth it with a stainless steel grater before it dries. The direction of movement of the grater does not change. Work is carried out on a wet surface to avoid visible joints.
  3. In the very first days, the finished base is treated with a hydrophobic compound.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are glued to the base like regular tiles. Foam glue or polystyrene foam glue is applied to their ends. The panels are glued and the seams are rubbed. The grout paste should be the same color as thermal panels or white. For optimal shrinkage, it includes marble chips.

Insulation of the corners of a wooden house is carried out using a corner thermal panel, made manually using a construction knife.

Finishing the structure with thermal panels

  1. It does not need processing or painting.
  2. Does not get dirty, there is a self-cleaning effect.
  3. Easy installation and replacement of damaged thermal panels.
  4. The outer layer of the panel is protected from moisture and is vapor permeable.
  5. It is insensitive to ultraviolet radiation and reflects rays well.
  6. Thermal panels are characterized by elasticity, strength, and durability.
  7. It is resistant to temperature changes.
  8. It has heat-insulating as well as sound-proofing properties.
  9. The panel is not susceptible to mold.

Covering the base with thermal panels with clinker tiles

Such thermal panels can not only improve the appearance of the base of a private wooden house, but also insulate the foundation.

Thermal panel design with clinker tiles

Clinker tiles imitate brick, but at a much lower price. It is made by firing, like natural clinker bricks.

Thermal panels are slabs of extruded polystyrene foam, trimmed with appropriate decorative elements. They are easy and quick to install, provide insulation, as well as protection from moisture.

Clinker tiles

A foundation covered with such tiles looks like a wall made of clinker bricks, only much lighter and thinner. The tiles are glued to plaster, concrete and thermal insulation. It can bend and stick even on curved surfaces.

Facing the house with clinker tiles

Finishing the base with your own hands:

  1. First, the line from which the tiles begin to be glued is determined (the height of the plinth divided by the width of the tiles, plus the width of the seam).
  2. Glue is applied to the tile and base with an area of ​​1 square meter.
  3. Starting from the corner, stick the first 4 tiles.
  4. After 2-3 days, the tile joints can be filled with cold-resistant jointing mortar. This is not necessary, because the fugu can be replaced by glue protruding from the seams.
  5. Such tiles do not require water-repellent impregnations, since they do not absorb moisture.

PVC paneling

This material will be a good choice for owners of a private house who decide to do without wet work. The panels can be easily installed by yourself. In appearance, they may resemble mosaic plaster or the surface of a brick wall. They are granulates made of natural material, recessed into the plane of the panels.

Facing the building with PVC panels

  1. The level is set and the starting profile is installed at the bottom of the foundation.
  2. Using grooves and ridges, adjacent elements are connected.
  3. The upper part of the base is covered with an overhead profile.
  4. The corners are covered with corner elements.
  5. The base sheathed in this way does not need to be treated with a water-repellent agent.

The foundation can be finished with small (0.4 by 0.18 m) or large (0.6 by 0.18 m and 1.2 by 0.18 m) panels in 40 color combinations.

Covering the base of a wooden house with sandwich panels

The panels are made of two layers of material (mostly metal), connected by insulation using a hot pressing method. Due to their layered structure, the panels provide excellent insulation, durability and strength. In addition, they look presentable and are easy to install, without unnecessary load on the base.

Method of mounting the panel to the plinth

The surface can be smooth, decorated or profiled.

The above materials for cladding the base are the most popular among consumers due to their decorative, heat-insulating and water-repellent qualities. Insulation of the base of a wooden house can be done using any of them.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

If you are building a reliable and at the same time presentable house, take care of finishing the basement. Using various types of materials, you can not only strengthen and insulate the upper part of the building’s foundation, but also decorate it, giving the building a representative appearance.

Finishing the basement of a house with your own hands

When decorating the basement of a private house, it is worth remembering that it serves not only to decorate the building, but also protects the foundation and walls from adverse natural factors. To correctly select the cladding material option, you should know that the building base comes in three types:

  1. Built on the same level as the foundation and façade of the building. With this option, give preference to thin products, such as siding, panels or tiles.
  2. Protruding beyond the perimeter of the building walls. When choosing a finish, remember that a rough basement part of the house can visually burden the perception. The budget solution in this case is cement-sand plaster. You can line it with decorative bricks installed on the edge.
  3. Sinking inward. This option allows you to apply any type of external insulation and decorate the building without disturbing the visual balance.

The plinth is the lower part of the walls of the building, encircling it along the entire perimeter

A separate topic in construction is the cladding of the base of a frame cottage installed on a pile-screw or columnar base. Such a structure falls into the category of a terraced building that does not have direct contact with the ground surface. The house is blown by winds from all sides, and also does not have a thermal insulation pad with soil. The result is a cool and damp indoor microclimate.

Therefore, finishing the basement part of the pile foundation is designed to perform a number of tasks and includes:

  • carrying out waterproofing of foundation piping (grillage), made of wooden beams or metal profiles;
  • arrangement of a suspended or stationary (on an auxiliary strip base) structure;
  • installation of insulation around the perimeter with careful sealing of installation seams;
  • cladding the outer surface with decorative elements;
  • arrangement of a concrete or stone blind area that protects the building from excess moisture.

Important! Installation of heat-saving panels ensures maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room.

It is the finishing of the basement of a private house that not only performs the above functions, but also prevents its destruction and is an excellent design solution in decorating the building

You can do the thermal insulation of the basement of a country house with your own hands using:

  • penoplex;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • asbestos-cement slabs;
  • slate sheets with an insulating layer.

Self-installation, without involving outside labor, will cost you little, save financial resources and nerves.

Base finishing options

Depending on the tasks, cladding the basement of a private house performs the following functions:

  • decorative, providing a neat appearance. External cladding allows you to maintain in order surfaces exposed to rain, ultraviolet radiation and other natural factors;
  • thermal insulation, providing a comfortable thermal regime in the room. Insulating the base reduces the influence of temperature fluctuations.

Regardless of the type, installation of cladding is carried out in two main ways:

  • Directly to the outer surface. It is advisable to smooth out any unevenness first to avoid deformations when laying elements of different sizes. The most convenient surface for installation is the surface of a brick plinth, which has increased flatness.

The surface of the base without finishing is subject to constant contamination, resulting in its destruction

  • On the auxiliary sheathing. A frame made of wooden beams or a metal profile will avoid distortion during installation. This option is relevant when facing tile-type products.

Attention! It is advisable to finish the basement surface of houses built on pile-screw foundations on metal frames that guarantee increased strength characteristics.

How to finish the base

Having decided on the method of installing the cladding on the outside of the basement surface of the house, you can begin to select the option of materials that suits your taste and financial capabilities. The construction market offers an expanded range of materials that can satisfy the most demanding needs. How to sheathe the protruding part of the foundation? Most used options:

  • natural or artificial stone - beautiful, presentable, but expensive;
  • panels are quickly installed and do not require professional training;
  • tiles are a mid-price option, easy to clean, but have low thermal insulation characteristics;
  • profile sheet - modern, affordable, but requires an auxiliary frame for installation;
  • plastering or painting - convenient, fast, inexpensive.

Decorating a home using a variety of finishing materials that serve as a decorative element in the design

Important! When choosing the best way to cover the basement surface of a building, give preference to products from trusted manufacturers. If you decide to save money, you may end up with unexpected results in the form of swollen paint, cracked coating or tiles.

Finishing the base with stone

It is increasingly used for decoration. This is understandable, since the textured mineral is not only beautiful, but also has increased strength characteristics. Most often, the basement surface of a building is faced with the following types of stone:

  • Natural river or sea stone. The structure of the stone allows you to completely protect the house from moisture penetration into the room.
  • Sandstone. From it, through industrial processing, flat tiled elements or volumetric ones of any bizarre shape are created. The disadvantage of stone is the need for additional coating with water-repellent compounds.
  • Granite. The surface, covered with polished granite slabs, looks solemn and, a little, pretentious. Therefore, this mineral is most often used in the design of public and administrative buildings.
  • Porcelain tiles. Cladding the base with an artificial material - porcelain stoneware, compared to natural minerals, can significantly reduce financial costs. But it should be noted that porcelain stoneware, obtained from a mixture of crushed rocks and clay, is not inferior in strength and decorative characteristics to natural analogues.

Natural stone is a heavy material that significantly weighs down the strength frame of the house

  • Marble or marble chips. Due to its frost resistance and moisture resistance, marble chips are used to decorate the interior and exterior surfaces of buildings. The ability to create unique patterns with its help is actively used in design.

If you decide to use natural stone for construction, then remember that working with this material requires professional skills. Without sufficient experience, you should not try to do the work yourself. The material cannot be called flexible, so it is difficult to correct mistakes made during installation.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


It’s better to use the services of specialists who will help you end up with a building that has a number of advantages:

  • durability. Natural stones are undoubted leaders by this criterion;
  • environmental friendliness. Natural minerals do not contain chemical elements harmful to health;
  • frost resistance. If the work technology is followed, the masonry can withstand an increased number of freezing cycles without compromising the integrity of the massif;
  • resistance to chemical and mechanical damage;
  • decorativeness. Using stones, original, textured surfaces are created;
  • ease of care. The cleanliness of the stones is maintained using simple detergents and a brush.

Maintainability is very limited: it is very difficult to remove the damaged fragment(s) without disturbing the cladding over a sufficiently large area

Using panels to finish the base

New materials are constantly appearing on the construction market, making it possible to significantly facilitate and speed up the construction and finishing of buildings. Artificial composites intended for cladding external surfaces also include plastic facade panels that imitate the appearance of various cladding materials. Plastic panels have some advantages compared to other types of facing materials:

  1. PVC panels are installed on a wooden or metal frame, resulting in a gap that provides ventilation to the walls.
  2. The frame design allows you to easily install additional thermal panels that increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the building.
  3. Decorating surfaces with plastic panels reduces material costs due to the relatively low price.
  4. The installation speed is quite high. You can install the panels yourself, having a basic set of tools at hand.
  5. Maintenance does not require special chemicals; the panels are treated with common detergents.
  6. Enterprises produce panels of various geometric sizes, which makes it easier to adjust to existing parameters.
  7. The color scheme and texture allow you to realize the most sophisticated fantasies.

Plastic panels are very popular in finishing not only the basement, but also the entire house

Attention! When installing panels, use special connecting elements to avoid the formation of gaps.

Increasingly, during the construction of a building, the basement floor is clad. This artificial composite, based on lightweight concrete with the addition of synthetic fiber, has properties that set it apart from the general list of similar products. Main characteristics:

  • increased strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • small mass of elements;
  • original design;
  • a special coating that protects the panels from soot and dirt.

Tiling the base

Facing the basement floor with façade tiles is widespread. This is explained by the affordable price of the building material and the fairly good decorative and strength characteristics of the tiles. The best option for facing tiles for the foundation are varieties of clinker tiles. If you choose this option, keep in mind that clinker tiles are formed in two ways:

  • manual;
  • machine

The plinth is finished with either clinker (terracotta) or porcelain tiles

Important! When pressed by machine, the tiles have an increased density. Therefore, when choosing, you should give preference to this option.

Financially economical options include facing with ceramic or paving slabs. But there are disadvantages that should not be forgotten:

  • low thermal conductivity. You will need to take additional insulation measures to achieve comfortable temperature conditions;
  • poor frost resistance. At low temperatures and high humidity, ceramic tiles become covered with cracks, and the top layer of paving slabs swells.

The ideal tile option is stone. Made from natural stone, it has many positive properties:

  • increased resistance to abrasion;
  • durability;
  • decorativeness;
  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • variety of shapes, sizes, front side finishes.

Finishing the base with corrugated sheets

One of the most economical options for finishing the basement floor can be called metal profile cladding. Thanks to a wide range of colors, it can organically fit into the existing complex of buildings. Installing profiled sheets is not labor-intensive; you can do it yourself. A prerequisite for installation is the installation of a waterproofing layer.

Finishing the base with panels is somewhat more complicated and more expensive than siding, but without its disadvantages

When installing a metal profile, one of the types of waterproofing is used:

  1. Coating. As a base, bitumen mastic is used, applied in several layers.
  2. Using adhesive materials. The roll coating is preheated and placed on the surface to be treated.
  3. Membrane. Available in the form of roll film or plates with projections. Easy to install, has improved waterproofing properties.

Finishing the base with plaster and other materials

Finishing the base with flagstone or decorative plaster is not far behind the refined options in popularity. Not inferior in quality to natural sea or river stones, flagstone is much easier to install, and its price is not shocking.