What did you like about the fairy tale Grandfather Mazai and the hares? Literary reading lesson on the topic "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares." You might be interested

What did you like about the fairy tale Grandfather Mazai and the hares?  Literary reading lesson on the topic
What did you like about the fairy tale Grandfather Mazai and the hares? Literary reading lesson on the topic "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares." You might be interested

The work about how a good hunter helped the hares is not just a poem about a hunter with whom an interesting incident happened. In this work by N. N. Nekrasov, one can feel the call to the need to protect and respect nature. About showing respect for environment You can read the summary of "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares."

Features of Nekrasov’s creativity

Before reading the summary of “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares,” you need to consider the features of the famous poet’s work. How does his work differ from others? Nikolai Nekrasov took the difficulties of peasant life to heart. And his concern for the ordinary Russian people is felt in almost all of his creations.

Nekrasov's poems were devoted to describing the life of peasants: their way of life, problems, way of life. The poet actively used folk colloquial, making the heroes of his stories seem alive. Combining conversational style and phraseological units, Nekrasov significantly expanded the poetic framework.

The image of grandfather as a forest guard

In the summary of "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the main acting person. The old hunter Mazai is a kind, simple man who does not hunt for pleasure. He is upset that people have ceased to show due respect for nature and do not care about it. According to Mazay, you need to treat not only animals with love, but also the smallest blade of grass.

Grandfather Mazai loved the region in which he lived. He can be compared to the “guardian” of the forest and nature: for him, all forest inhabitants are his friends. Grandfather Mazai is shown as a kind and compassionate person. In the summary of “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares,” the main focus will be on the episode with the hares. If you decide to read the work in its entirety, you will read beautiful description nature.

The episode with the flood

The narrator comes to his friend Grandfather Mazai in the village every year. One evening they are overtaken by a heavy rain and they take refuge in a barn. The hunter tells stories and the narrator remembers an episode about saving hares. In the spring there was a flood, Mazai sailed on a boat to get firewood. On the way back, he sees that there are hares on an island surrounded by water. Grandfather decides to save them and takes them into his boat. Along the way, he helps other long-eared friends.

This is how they get to the shore. The villagers laugh at what the hunter did. Mazai asks him not to come across hares while hunting in winter, because at other times of the year he does not hunt them. He cured two bunnies and released them into the forest.

This was a summary of “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” by Nekrasov. With the help of this story, the poet wanted to encourage people to take care of nature.

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to an excerpt from N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”;
  • develop the ability to understand what you read, grasp the main idea of ​​a work
  • improve the ability to carefully observe the language of a work, understand figurative expressions used in it
  • improve the ability to parse words according to their composition
  • instill a love for the world around us, for nature, for animals.

Lesson format: workshop.

Number of hours: 2 hours.

Equipment: Native speech: Textbook: part 1\ Comp. M. V. Golovanova, V. G. Goretsky,

L. V. Klimanova. – M.: Education, 2004; portrait of N. A Nekrasov; tests; tokens; magnets; chalk; assessment sheet (2 pcs.); puzzles; colored paper for applique; glue; scissors; album sheets; colour pencils; markers.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

Today, guys, we opened the door to our workshop again.

Remember what a workshop is.

Who are the masters?

What are they doing in the workshop?

Have you guessed what we will do with you in the workshop based on the presence of objects on the tables?

We will work in groups. Our motto is: “ Everyone helps everyone, everyone helps everyone”.

(I give tasks in groups.)

On your tables there are riddles and puzzles. Among them there is an extra mystery - be careful. You need to guess them and make up the title of the work.

3). Grandfather + ear = singular noun, m.p.


Can you guess what work we are talking about?

Today we will read an excerpt from a poem by N. A. Nekrasov

(showing a portrait of the poet) “Grandfather Mazai and the hares.” Let's learn to understand the expressions used in it and observe the language of the work. We will also repeat the analysis of the word according to its composition.

3. Work on new material.

1).Preparatory work .

We read with you the first part of the poem, which is not in the textbook.

Who remembers whether what the poet writes about happened or is it fiction?

How did the poet and Mazai end up in the barn?

(N.A. Nekrasov and Mazai met while hunting. It started to rain and they, seeing a barn, hid in it.)

What was special about the village where Mazai lived?

(The houses in it are on high pillars, the water increases in the spring, as if in Venice.)

Who remembers Venice? (A city in which, instead of streets, water and people are transported on boats - gondolas, and the boats are driven by gondoliers.)

What have you learned about Mazai himself? (Grandfather Mazai was widowed, childless, has a grandson. Mazai is a hunter.)

What did the poet “laugh heartily” about? (The poet laughed at the stories about hunters.)

2). Speech warm-up.

A). Read the proverb, changing the logical stress. Find the correct reading. (The proverb is written on the board.)

Time for business, time for fun.

b). Read the tongue twister, paying attention to the underlined letters. Concentration training. (The task is written on the board.)

Skillfully Zay mpenol ki jgshorp Boo swarm would about behind upvoice bo jroe le ldoaapr whether dlomis zu olenizh would concrete

How is a tongue twister similar to a poem? (The tongue twister talks about a hare and the poem talks about hares.)

3). Primary reading by students prepared in advance.

A). Checking understanding:

What interesting incident did Mazai tell the poet about?

When did this incident happen? (In spring.)

b). Vocabulary - lexical work.

There are a lot of words and expressions in the poem that you don’t understand.

On the desk: Hook– a pole, a long stick with a metal hook and a point;

To talk - to talk;

Flood - river flood;

Perish - perish;

Arshin is an old Russian measure of length equal to 71 cm;

Sazhen is an ancient Russian measure of length equal to three arshins;

Zipun is a peasant caftan made of coarse thick cloth. Cloth is fabric. Kaftan - clothing. (I show the picture.)

They gave a shot and ran away;

Wet - wet;

A snare is a small net.

4. Physical education minute.

You should understand all these words, as you will read the poem consciously, but for now, warm up.

4). Repeated reading of the text to yourself. Preparing to analyze the poem. Find answers to questions.

(Questions are given to each group before re-reading.)

5). Analysis of the work.

How does Mazai feel about his fellow villagers – hunters? (He condemns them.)

Why does he condemn? For what? (He condemns for catching animals with snares, for exterminating large quantities of game, since he himself is a kind person and loves nature. Grandfather Mazai, although he hunts, does it wisely.)

Is love for animals visible in Mazai’s speech?

What does he call hares? Selective reading.

(Poor animals, my hares, the oblique team, bunnies, bunnies, oblique rogues.)

What is the main idea N.A. Nekrasova in the poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”? (You need to treat nature with care, you need to love it.)

What methods of artistic representation does the poet use in the poem? (Uses tropes.)

What do you understand by the word trail? (Epithet, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole.)

Task for group 1: find epithets and hyperboles in the poem.

Task 2 to group: find metaphors and comparisons in the poem.

(Students are given time to prepare the task.)

How does the poet describe nature?

How do you feel about nature?

What would you do if you were Mazai?

Did you like the story? Why?

5. Analysis of words by composition.

In speech, we often use words with diminutive suffixes. For example, the suffix –ushk- in the word winter or the suffix –ishk- in the word children. There are also other diminutive and affectionate suffixes.

What role do you think words with diminutive suffixes play? (Words with diminutive suffixes emphasize the author’s sweet, kind attitude towards the heroes. They show how kind and polite the heroes were. They help determine the size of the heroes.)

Write down nouns with diminutive suffixes and analyze them according to their composition.

(Students work in groups.)

(The guys wrote down and sorted out the words according to their composition: island, island, grandfather, bunnies, column, bunny, children, animals.)

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

1).Answers to questions.

What thoughts and feelings did you experience today while reading the poem?

How did you imagine Mazai?

Is this poem sad or funny?

What could have happened to the bunnies?

Why did the poet write this poem? (So ​​that we take care of nature.)

What did you think about when you read the poem?

2). The game is a test.

To check how carefully you read the poem, let's play a little.

In our swampy, low-lying region
There would be five times more game,
If only they didn't catch her with nets,
If only rake she was not pressured;
The oblique team just sat down,
All little town disappeared under water...
“That's it! - I said. - Don't argue with me!
Listen, boys, grandfather Mazai!
Just started paddle work
Look, there's a scurrying around the bush rabbit...
They look, stand on their hind legs,
Oars they pump you, they don’t let you row...
We are outside the village in the bushes found ourselves.
This is where my bunnies really went crazy...

3). Creative work. (Students are invited to make an application or illustrate one of their favorite episodes of the poem.)

Giving grades on the “Grading Sheet”. Group leaders are invited to comment on the work of students in their group.

7. Homework.

The one who told this enough amazing story(let's call him a storyteller), loved to come to the village of Malye Vezhi. An old hunter, whose name was Mazay, was always waiting for him there. The narrator stayed with Mazai and went hunting with him. And then one day, while hunting, they got caught in the pouring rain, and they had to look for shelter.

“Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”: summary

They took refuge in some barn, where cheerful conversations immediately began. Grandfather Mazai was a great expert on various bikes and interesting stories. At first he talked about village hunters, among whom one broke the trigger of his gun and went hunting with a box of matches, another had constantly frozen hands and warmed himself with a pot of coals that he carried with him. And there was one very unique case with Mazai himself, and therefore the narrator decided to write it down with his own hand.

And that’s why the plot of the work “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” (summary) is very interesting.

The old hunter began to talk about how if during spring floods in low-lying areas the men did not kill game, then there would be much more of it in these places.

Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”: summary

So, one day in the spring, during one of these severe floods, grandfather Mazai went out into the forest to get firewood.

This is how the story called “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” begins. Summary- Further. While sailing on a boat, the grandfather discovered a small island in the water, on which hares were crowded to escape the flood. The old hunter took them into his boat. And then he noticed a hare on a stump and also saved her from certain death. Having sailed a little further, he saw a log on which several more hares were sitting. Then he hooked the log with the hook and dragged it behind him. Grandfather took all the animals to safe place and released them - they rushed in all directions. Two pairs of hares became very weak and could not run. Mazai put them in a bag and brought them home, warmed them up and released them in the morning.

This is how the work “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” ended. The summary can be concluded with the fact that after this incident the whole village laughed at grandfather Mazai. And since then he has not shot hares either in spring or summer, only exclusively in winter. In the summer he hunted ducks, picked berries and mushrooms, gossiped with hunters, and often walked to Kostroma.

“Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” Nekrasov

« Grandfather Mazai and the hares » analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

History of creation

The poem “Grandfather” was written by Nekrasov in 1870. It describes the arrival of an old Decembrist to his son’s estate. The beginning of the poem dates back to 1856, when a manifesto was published returning the Decembrists from exile.

The image of the grandfather is collective. The prototype is considered to be Sergei Volkonsky, who returned as a 68-year-old man, still handsome and stately. The demoted General Volkonsky loved to talk with the peasants, and the peasant children called him grandfather. The temperamental Mikhail Bestuzhev, with whom Nekrasov communicated in 1869, is also considered a prototype.

The poem is dedicated to Z-n-ch-e (Zinochka), that is, Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova, Nekrasov’s common-law wife.

Literary direction, genre

"Grandfather" is a realistic poem. For censorship reasons, Nekrasov does not say directly that his grandfather is a Decembrist. The hero dreams of freedom and wealth of the people, promising peasants and soldiers that life will soon be easier for them (a hint at the reforms of Alexander II).

The image of the main character

The reader sees the grandfather through the eyes of his grandson. First, Sasha notices a portrait of a young general (obviously from the war of 1812). Then he learns from his parents that his grandfather is surrounded by some sad secret. Then mother reveals to Sasha that grandfather is kind, brave and unhappy. Having arrived from afar, grandfather announces that he has come to terms with everything. But subsequent events suggest that this is not the case. Grandfather lives with the thought of revenge, calls on Sasha to value honor and take revenge for insults. He is like a biblical hero who suffered for the people: his son falls at his feet, Sasha’s mother combs her gray curls, Sasha asks about the wounds on his arm and leg.

The portrait is described using epithets: “Ancient for years, but still vigorous and beautiful.” Grandfather has intact teeth, firm gait and posture, white curls, a silver beard, a holy smile.

The biblical nature of the image of the grandfather is emphasized by the hero’s repetitions of biblical phrases: “He who has ears, let him hear, and he who has eyes, let him see.”

At home, the grandfather walks with his grandson, admires nature, comparing it with the deaf, dull, deserted nature of the place of exile, “strokes the peasant children,” talks with the peasants. He cannot sit without work: he plows, digs ridges, weaves, weaves.

The song brings grandfather closer to the people. He sings about the Decembrists, about their exile. Nekrasov also sang “about Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya”: his poem “Grandfather” opened a cycle of poems about the Decembrists.

Nekrasov entrusted his innermost thoughts to his grandfather: a successful country is one in which the population is characterized not by dull obedience, but by strength, unanimity and reason. Nekrasov, in the words of his grandfather, appeals to the reader: “Woe to the devastated country, woe to the backward country.”

Negative images of the poem

Officials and gentlemen squeeze the juice out of the people (metaphor), vile clerks (epithet), go on a campaign against the army, treasury and people (metaphor), a greedy flock of predators (metaphor and epithet) prepares the death of the fatherland, “muffling out the groans of slaves with flattery and the whistling of whips "(metaphor). The military commander commits atrocities, hammers his soul into his heels, so that his teeth rain down like hail, and does not even allow him to breathe in the ranks (hyperbole).

Theme, main idea and composition

The theme of the poem is the transfer to new generations of true, from the author’s point of view, values ​​(freedom and happiness of the people, prosperity of the country).

The main idea: the cause of the Decembrists did not die. It will be continued by the next, properly educated generations.

The poem consists of 22 chapters, many of which end with the refrain: “When you grow up, Sasha, you will know...”. Others asked rhetorical questions: “Who, who has a soul, could bear this? Who?"

The action of the poem takes several years. It begins with little Sasha's question about his grandfather's portrait. The grandfather tells his grandson about the tyranny of the landowners of the past (obviously, before the Decembrist uprising), summarizing it: “The spectacle of the people’s disasters is unbearable, my friend.” The poem ends with Sasha’s readiness to find out the sad truth. He has enough knowledge and heartfelt disposition: “He hates the stupid and the wicked, he wishes good to the poor.” The poem has an open ending.

In inserted episodes, grandfather tells Sasha a story about a utopian settlement that he met in Siberia, in Tarbagatai. The Raskolnikovs were exiled to a deserted place, and a year later there was a village there, and half a century later a whole village grew up: “The will and labor of man creates wondrous wonders.”

Meter and rhyme

The poem is written in dactyl trimeter. The rhyme is cross, female rhyme alternates with male rhyme.

Mazai is an experienced hunter who permanently lives in the village. Sailing on his boat to gather firewood. He sees dying hares and saves them as much as he can. But he notices that there will be no mercy on winter days. The fairy tale is based on the stories of Grandfather Mazai: about hunters, about hares, and the author’s friendly conversations with him. Traditions and features are partially transferred peasant life. A long-liver in peace and harmony with nature, honors and respects its laws.

The hero's soul aches for motherland, he understands that it is necessary to protect, preserve and increase natural treasures. We must be merciful and help in difficult situations living beings. The author traditionally visits a friend every year.

Read the summary of Nekrasov Ded Mazai and the hares

The author came to the village in the summer (in the month of August), called “Little Vezhi”. With a friend (named Mazai), they hunted white-tailed snipes (great snipes). The sun went behind a cloud and it began to rain heavily. The author compares streams of rain with rods piercing the bowels of the earth. The wet friends ran into the old barn.

Nekrasov wants to talk about how he comes to visit his beloved friend Mozai and stays with him for a whole week. This seven-day event is repeated every year.

The village has many green gardens, residential buildings on high wooden logs. Since ancient times, a plant – hops – has been growing in it.

With the coming early spring, the snow melts and the water rises, so that everything floats. The author compares this event with Venice. Mazai, who lives in this region, cannot live without him, and loves him very much. His wife died, there are no children of his own, there is only a grandson. He doesn't take the easy way out. And he is not afraid to walk through the forests to Kostroma. He is not afraid of wild animals or living birds, and does not believe in Leshy. Once I wanted to look at them, tried to call them, but didn’t see anyone. A lot grows in those parts: mushrooms, ripe raspberries, he loves to pick and eat lingonberries right away. I like the singing of the warbler, and the hoopoe bird sings songs like in an empty wooden barrel. Grandfather notices every blade of grass, every butterfly and flower.

At night the owl flies and hoots. He has large eyes that glow in the dark, and his horns stand neatly.

The author admits that sometimes he felt fear at night, when everything around him was very quiet. Compares the creaking of a pine tree with the grumbling of an old woman in her sleep. He believes that if his friend had not hunted, he would have lived calmly and carefree. With age, his vision deteriorated, and the old man sometimes shot wide. During the hunt, if the grandfather missed and the bunny left, he did not lose heart and shook his finger at the oblique one.

He told the author many stories about hunters: Kuzya broke the trigger, lured the black grouse, and fired shots with the help of matches. Another hunter-trapper takes a pot of coals on the road. Uses a gun to shoot a standing victim after warming his hands over the coal. Such features among hunters make the old man laugh. The author emphasizes that peasant jokes are no worse than noble funny stories!

The soul of the old man aches for the place where he was born and continues to live: they catch fish with nets, crush game with snares, drown and catch hares that die in the spring.

The writer tells an episode about the rescue of poor hares during a flood, heard from the old man Mazai in the barn. He calls his homeland: “a swampy, low-lying region.” During this period, the old man swam to get firewood. I saw a small island and slanting hares sitting on it. There was more and more water, the island was slowly going under water. And grandfather commands the gray long-eared animal to jump into the boat.

After they got into the boat, the island went under water. The old man talks to them like children, swimming further, he saves another little hare, calling him a wretched one. Continues to swim further, the pregnant hare drowns. Saves her too, the stupid lady. A log floated past with a dozen bunnies on it. They didn’t fit in the boat, so I saved them too and tied them to the edge. Everyone laughed at the old man's trick.

Feeling the ground, the hares began to move and stand on their hind legs. Stop the savior from rowing his oars. He brought them to the shore and released the animals, but warned them not to be seen in winter, there would be no mercy, hunting is hunting. He put the weakened pair in a bag and took it home, dried it, warmed it up, let it sleep and let it out of the bag. And he also said in winter not to get caught. In summer and spring he does not hunt; at this time the animal has a bad skin, as it sheds.

Picture or drawing of Grandfather Mazai and the hares

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