What is the difference between tk and tu. About other food products. Which is better: GOST or TU

What is the difference between tk and tu.  About other food products.  Which is better: GOST or TU
What is the difference between tk and tu. About other food products. Which is better: GOST or TU

Release of any products on the territory Russian Federation carried out on the basis of regulations prescribed in GOSTs or TUs. Both standards are intended to create a certain framework within which the characteristics of the manufactured product are located. But at the same time, the standards establish different tools for achieving this framework.

What are the main differences between GOST and TU?

GOST is a regulatory document in accordance with the requirements of which standardization is carried out production processes and provision of services.

The GOST system was created during the times Soviet Union, and is a set of standards that establish standards for the production of products. It was envisaged that each product in the country would meet the requirements of a separate GOST, regulating its production. Compliance with the requirements specified in GOST was mandatory for all manufacturers. Later, since 1996, GOST became mandatory only after registration with the Ministry of Justice. If such registration is not carried out, manufacturers have the legal right to independently choose the regulations on the basis of which to release goods.

TU (Technical Conditions) is a document establishing technical requirements, which must be satisfied by a specific product, material, substance, etc. or a group of them.

In the 90s, in the context of the dynamic development of new technologies and the expansion of the product range, the inability to promptly update and create new GOSTs became evident. It was then that specifications appeared that were intended to regulate the production of goods for which GOST did not exist in the country. At the same time, specifications are not developed government agencies standardization, but by the manufacturers themselves. It is in the authorship of the development that one of the main differences lies, since technical specifications can be considered as the property of their development.

Our company is engaged in the development and registration technical specifications. You can find out more in the corresponding. However, if you have complex technical products that have no analogues, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with GOSTs and develop your own specifications.

Four Main Differences

  • Development and approval

The prerogative to develop GOSTs belongs exclusively to the state, and each of these standards is required to be registered with the Ministry of Justice. Specifications are developed by the manufacturer himself or a specialized commercial organization hired by him. There is no mandatory registration for technical conditions, but if desired, it can be carried out voluntarily in Gosstandart. At the same time, registration does not more than confirm the applicant’s ownership of the technical specifications.

  • Legislative support

GOST can be considered complete legislative act the field of regulatory regulation. Such a definition cannot be applied to technical specifications. The owner of GOST is only the state, while technical specifications are owned by commercial structures that have the ability to transfer rights to other companies and manufacturers, including selling.

In turn, TUs are recognized as a “lower” level standard, and its norms should not contradict existing GOSTs.

  • Guarantees of compliance with regulations

If we talk about the main differences between GOST and TU, then it lies in the rigidity of the established standards. It is clear that the GOST created by the state will be much stricter than the specifications developed by the manufacturer itself. GOST prioritizes product quality and safety. The basis of specifications is the economic efficiency of production, therefore large stock strength is not provided.

In addition, the GOST standard is mandatory for everyone, while practical use The technical specifications are simplified.

  • Regulation and detailing of regulations

In most cases, GOST is created for each specific product, establishing requirements not only for its production, but also for storage and labeling of products, when the entire path from raw materials to sale to the consumer is extremely detailed. The technical specifications pay much less attention to issues of labeling and sales. In addition, manufacturers can include “tricks” in the technical specifications from the field of marketing, aimed at increasing sales.

We can say that the above differences are the only ones. At the same time, GOST does not necessarily ensure the production of more quality products. In many industries there is serious competition, forcing developers to include very high characteristics in specifications.

How do products according to GOST differ from products according to TU?

Every year more and more appear on the market different products. Even the most picky consumers can find what they want. Products in stores come in a variety of types and shapes. It is worth noting that it also differs in cooking technology. When buying canned meat, it is important to know the differences between GOST and TU so that the purchased product does not come as a surprise - after all, the stew may differ in recipe. Thus, when buying canned meat without paying attention to the labels on the can, you may end up with a product that does not meet your expectations. Instead of the expected meat with spices and onions, canned food may contain soy, offal or something similar. The stew is produced according to two standards - GOST and TU. It is worth understanding in more detail how these two production standards differ.

Many people have noticed the abbreviations GOST and TU with a number on the packaging. These abbreviations are often, unfortunately, ignored. It is not for nothing that manufacturers indicate this information on the product.

So what is the difference between GOST and TU?

GOST is a state industry standard that was created for most food products. This standard was approved by the state and many institutions, experts and departments participated in its development. Products that comply with GOST are classics - they are made without changing the recipe. In addition, canned meat made in accordance with GOST always strictly stipulates the quality of the meat, the size of the pieces and additional ingredients, such as black pepper or onion.

GOSTs were created back in the Soviet Union, when only natural meat and spices were put into canned meat. Therefore, GOST was and is to this day a guarantee of quality. So the recipes for stewed meat have remained virtually unchanged for many years, despite the GOST revised in 2010. And this is not surprising. A high-quality product does not require improvements.. But in order to keep up with the times, GOSTs are still being revised.. So, due to the popularity and increased demand for and which were previously made according to specifications in 2010, GOST was developed. It is also worth paying close attention to the name of the canned food. On some packages you can find the following inscriptions: , or. According to GOST, only such formulations as: or are approved.

It is also worth reading GOST carefully. Beef stew, for example, is produced only in accordance with GOST R 54033-2010. GOST R 54033-2010 is updated version famous GOST 5284-84. - reported in official documents. According to this GOST, they are manufactured canned beef, pork,lamb, horse meat And venison. Pieces of meat must have a mass of at least 30 g, they should not contain large blood vessels, lymph nodes, or coarse connective tissue. The meat should retain its shape when removed from the can. The mass fraction of meat and fat in canned food is 58 g, and the mass fraction of protein is at least 15%.

Development of specifications is a complex process, since many specialists can work on the recipe, trying to make canned food as tasty as possible or improve their storage conditions.

Specifications are approved by the Research Institute of the Meat Industry, the Department of Expertise of Regulatory and technical documentation FBU. And only after approval, production of products begins in accordance with the specifications. Often specifications are developed when there is a need to make products for which GOST standards have not been developed. This allows you to diversify the range. Thanks to specifications, new types of canned meat appear on the market.

However, technical conditions imply variations and unscrupulous manufacturers often take advantage of this. They can add various components, such as offal or soy protein, to the stew made according to specifications.

Does this mean that products made according to GOST are always better than products made according to specifications? Not at all necessary. Even if it is written on canned food that they are made according to GOST, this is not always observed. Sometimes, having bought canned food with the GOST designation, you can get a product that does not comply with this standard.

Marking features

In addition to the standard according to which the stew is produced, you should remember the markings on the lid. It indicates the production date, batch number, product code and manufacturer's company number. Below are the product codes for stewed meat GOST R 54033-2010:

Beef stew-01

Pork stew -03

Lamb stew -02

Stewed venison - 675

Stewed horse meat - 488

A letter must be placed before the plant number. This means that the manufacturer specializes in the production of meat products.

Selecting manufacturers

But how do you choose stewed meat so as not to make a mistake and get a truly high-quality product? It is worth paying attention to the products of manufacturers who already have a good reputation and have been on the market for a long time and are trusted by consumers. Such manufacturers do not allow themselves to treat their products in this way, regardless of the standard by which they were produced.

Using the manufacturer’s website, you can also ask questions about the products, read the plant technologist’s answers to the most FAQ, by phone to consult on various questions regarding products.

Pipeline insulation

State standard

GOST - state standard - is being developed for products of inter-industry significance.

Unlike technical specifications, GOST requirements are developed not by the manufacturer, but by state industry structures, approved at the highest level by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

Each GOST undergoes serious tests and inspections in certified laboratories and is evaluated research assistants industry, undergoes interdepartmental approvals and only after that is allowed for publication.

Many institutes, enterprises, and experts are involved in the creation and approval of GOST. GOSTs are approved by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (abbreviated name in 2004-2010 - Rostekhregulirovanie; since June 2010 - Rosstandart) - federal body executive power, performing the functions of providing public services, state property management in the field of technical regulation and metrology. It is administered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. In other countries (CIS) - similarly.


GOST 17375-2001 “Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low-alloy steel. Steeply curved bends, type 3D (R ≈ 1.5 DN). Design"
GOST 30753-2001 “Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low-alloy steel. Steeply curved bends, type 2D (R = DN). Design"
GOST 24950-81 “Bent bends and curved inserts at turns of the linear part of steel main pipelines. Technical conditions".
GOST 17378-2001 “Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low-alloy steel. Transitions. Design"
GOST 22826-83 “Assembly units and parts of pipelines. Transitions to Ru St. 10 to 100 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm²). Design and dimensions"
GOST 17376-2001 “Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low-alloy steel. Tees. Design"
GOST 22822-83 “Assembly units and parts of pipelines. Transition tees to Ru St. 10 to 100 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm²). Design and dimensions"
GOST 17379-2001 “Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low-alloy steel. Elliptical plugs. Design".
GOST 6533-78 “Elliptical flanged steel bottoms for vessels, apparatus and boilers. Basic dimensions."


TU - technical specifications - developed by the manufacturing enterprise and is approved by the line ministry with minimal formalities. Therefore, specifications can be softer compared to GOST, or they can be more stringent when the standard is outdated and does not meet the requirements of a particular production, for example, in terms of manufacturing accuracy, the amount of impurities, etc. Businesses to avoid extra costs, often develop their own specifications to certify their products.

GOST establishes technical requirements for products, safety requirements, methods of analysis, scope and methods of application. GOST requirements are mandatory for compliance by all government bodies and entities economic activity. If GOST is at the very top of the pyramid of standards, then TU is at the very bottom: technical conditions are for the most part developed by manufacturers independently, based on their own ideas about how this or that product should be made and what properties it should have.


TU 1469-001-34929762-2004 " Connecting parts pipelines. Technical conditions".
TU 1469-013-13799654-2008 “Connecting parts for field and process gas and oil pipelines on operating pressure up to 31.4 MPa (320 kgf/cm²). Technical conditions".
TU 3647-001-37941826-2012 “Welded steel connecting parts of steel grades 20 and 09G2S for use on pipelines at nominal pressure up to 100 MPa. Technical conditions".
TU 3647-095-00148139-2000 “Connection parts for pipelines. Technical conditions".
TU 1469-006-00153229-2009 “Connection parts for main pipelines for operating pressure up to 11.8 MPa and field pipelines for operating pressure up to 16 MPa.”

Industry standard

OST - industry standard - is developed for products of industry significance.

Industry standard (OST) - established for those types of products, norms, rules, requirements, concepts and designations, the regulation of which is necessary to ensure the quality of products in a given industry.

Objects of industry standardization in particular can be individual species products of limited use, technological equipment and tools intended for use in this area, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products for intra-industry use, certain types of consumer goods. Objects can also be technical standards and standard technological processes specific to this industry, norms, requirements and methods in the field of design organization; production and operation of industrial products and consumer goods.

Industry standards are approved by the ministry (department), which is the head (leading) in the production of this type of product. The degree of mandatory compliance with the requirements of an industry standard is determined by the enterprise that applies it, or by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. Implementation control mandatory requirements organized by the agency that has adopted this standard.

Designation industry standard in accordance with GOST R 1.5-92 " State system standardization of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards” contains the OST index; symbol the ministry (department) that issued the standard; registration number assigned in the manner established by the ministry (department) in agreement with the State Standard of Russia; and also with an en dash after registration number two (for OST adopted before 2000) or four (for OST adopted after 2000) the last digits of the year of adoption of the standard. OST 34-10-764-97 “Parts and assembly units of thermal power plant pipelines for Рrab up to 2.2 MPa, t 425 °C. Transitional tees."
OST 36-24-77 “Parts of pipelines DN 500-1400 mm, welded from carbon steel to Ru up to 2.45 MPa. Welded tees."
GTU - general technical conditions - establish requirements for a group of homogeneous products.
SNiP - building codes and rules

It can be difficult for the average consumer to understand the abbreviations and markings on packaging. Olga Kostyleva, an expert from Rosstandart, Deputy Head of the Department of Technical Regulation and Standardization, answered the portal site about what signs to look for on packaging and what quality standards are in force in Russia today.

Which is better: GOST or TU?

In Russia for a long time product standards were mandatory. Most of the population are accustomed to the taste of those products that were manufactured in accordance with GOST. Therefore, such products enjoy great confidence among buyers.

If the manufacturer fulfills all the requirements of GOST, then the product is consistently obtained High Quality. However, it is incorrect to assume that products manufactured in accordance with GOST are higher in quality than those manufactured in accordance with technical specifications. Specifications are developed if there is no GOST for the product. Some manufacturers, trying to improve the quality of their products new level, develop their own specifications, the requirements of which are higher than GOST. But, unfortunately, in most cases, the manufacturer switches to working according to specifications due to the fact that he is unable to meet the requirements of GOST.

How to “read” a label correctly?

The text of a specific standard, which is indicated on the label, can be found on the website of Rosstandart and the EEC. If this GOST goes under the national technical regulations(TR), for example, TR for milk, fat and oil products, juices, then all these GOSTs can be found in the public domain on the Rosstandart website.
Standards for technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU) are also publicly available on the EEC website. GOST texts published on unofficial sites should not be trusted; they may contain errors.
To ensure that the product complies with national technical regulations, pay attention to the packaging. The label must contain a sign of compliance with technical regulations.

Or the EAC icon - for technical regulations of the Customs Union.

This year several new technical regulations of the Customs Union will be adopted at once. What will happen to Russian TR in this regard?

Established for TR on food safety transition period. If the manufacturer confirmed the compliance of its products before July 1 of this year, then it can work according to national legislation until February 15, 2015. If he applied for registration of the declaration later, after July 1, then he must now confirm compliance with the requirements of the new technical regulations of the Customs Union.

Until February 15, 2015, both national legislation and the legislation of the Customs Union will apply. And after this date, a unified CU legislation will be created. After this, national regulations will not apply.

How will technical regulations help consumers?

Technical regulations are primarily responsible for safety. There is no clear answer regarding quality. For example, technically the milk regulations contain a fairly wide list of indicators that allow the identification of dairy products. In particular, this TR contains requirements for quality indicators of fermented milk products.

With grain, on the contrary, no quality indicators have been established that can determine the variety or belonging of the grain to a particular class.
Compliance with technical regulations for food products in Russia is controlled by two organizations: Rospotrebnadzor (food products and food raw materials) and Rosselkhoznadzor (products of animal origin).

The adoption of new technical regulations, according to the expert, will not become an obstacle to counterfeit products. The main requirements that are established in the TR are requirements for product safety. A counterfeit may well be safe, but not live up to its name. To combat counterfeit products, other measures are needed. It is necessary to strengthen government control over compliance with the information that the manufacturer puts on the label.

If commercial network buys products that are packaged in the sales area, then all information must be applied to the packaging in which the consumer will buy these packaged products.

How to choose the right quality product?

When choosing products, you should not focus only on low price or brand awareness. Please note the information contained on the product packaging:

  • A product produced according to specifications may be in no way inferior in quality to GOST.
  • Look for signs of compliance with regulations on the packaging.
  • Remember that regulations and standards only guarantee that a product is safe. The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the product.

The quality of your diet and, ultimately, your health depend on choosing a safe product. Therefore, be careful about the products you buy during your next trip to the store.

Recently, due to the huge variety, it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose a truly high-quality product. Often, when making purchases, people are guided only by the inscription “Manufactured according to GOST” on the packaging, arguing that products manufactured according to the state standard cannot be of poor quality. But is this really so?

Is there a difference between products manufactured according to GOST and those produced according to technical specifications?

I turned to a department specialist with these and other questions. strategic development, technologist Uzlovsky dairy plant Kaponova Margarita.

— To begin with, I propose to outline what general requirements exist for the documentation of food products?

— The release of any food product is regulated by a number of documents, based on which the product must: firstly, comply with the requirements of technical regulations, and secondly, satisfy the requirements of the document according to which it is produced. Of course, the indicated documents should not contradict each other.

— How does the abbreviation GOST stand for?

— GOST is a state standard that establishes necessary requirements to the quality of a particular product.

— How long ago were GOST standards developed?

— The system of state standards was introduced in the USSR back in 1925, it was then that the State Committee on standardization, whose functions included the development of documentation and quality categories for basic food products. It follows from this that the rights to the State Standard belong to the state.

Production of Greek yogurt TM "Lukomorye"

— Are state standards updated?

— Over the past 20 years in Food Industry Many changes have occurred: new equipment has appeared, the list of food additives has expanded, and consumer tastes and preferences have changed. Most Soviet GOSTs have lost their relevance, and therefore were rewritten anew, taking into account modern realities. Therefore, the common opinion that when purchasing a product manufactured in accordance with GOST, we get a product “as in childhood,” with the same taste and aroma, without all kinds of dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and other things, is not true. And even during the Soviet Union, GOST was far from ideal, since it was created not for consumer purposes, but for the benefit of the state.

— What does the placement of the GOST inscription on the packaging guarantee to the buyer?

— The indication of any of the GOST standards on the product packaging only means that the manufactured product fully satisfies the quality parameters that are documented and prescribed for this product. Established standards operate throughout the country, and their compliance is monitored by special departments.

— The situation has become clearer with GOST standards, but how do they differ from technical specifications? Are there any special features?

— Technical specifications represent a group of standards that are developed directly by the manufacturer or purchased from professional developers, and in no way contradict the Technical Regulations. Based on the foregoing, technical specifications are the property of the company to which they are registered. To understand the technical conditions, it is important to know what certain specifications mean. You can easily find this information in the public domain, including on the manufacturer’s website.

— The question is brewing: why should a manufacturer spend time and money on developing or purchasing specifications if there is a ready-made approved document (GOST)?

- This is necessary, first of all, to maintain high level manufacturer's competitiveness. What kind of competition can we talk about if the product is released according to the same document? And the development of technical specifications allows us to produce more a wide range of products, while providing the necessary variety. Many manufacturers are implementing modern devices and equipment in technological process, optimize it, engage in development and

Stage of production of Greek yogurt TM "Lukomorya" according to specifications

research, thereby ensuring the release of a higher quality product. But due to the fact that not all of these technologies or ingredients are provided for by state control, there is a need to develop Technical Specifications.

Of course, there are also unscrupulous businessmen who develop their own specifications for the production of low-grade goods. On the other hand, these same manufacturers may also write “GOST” on the label of a product that does not comply with this GOST.

— Do not draw conclusions about the quality of the purchased product based only on its labeling; the quality of the product is reflected in many ways various factors: raw materials used for its manufacture, use modern materials packaging, compliance with specified storage conditions, logistics and much more.