How to attach paper butterflies to the wall. Wall decor with "live" butterflies. Paper butterfly garland

How to attach paper butterflies to the wall.  Wall decor with
How to attach paper butterflies to the wall. Wall decor with "live" butterflies. Paper butterfly garland

The beauty of the apartment is the most important, as it is the small details that make it more attractive and comfortable. Not a bad option for decorating a living space would be a panel of butterflies with your own hands. It is butterflies that are considered the most fashionable trend of the last season, and regardless of the time of year, a panel of butterflies will look perfect.

Butterflies are called winged flowers and therefore they will be a great addition to any interior. A panel of butterflies on the wall adds airiness and lightness to the room, and also fills it with charm. And according to popular beliefs, moths, whether alive or artificial, can become a symbol of good luck, joy, love and luck. That is why it is far from surprising that on the walls of many houses one can observe panels with butterflies made of paper and not only.

Making a panel of butterflies with your own hands is far from being so difficult, you just have to start and it will immediately become clear that this is a simple and entertaining process.

For such work, you will not need professional skills or attending such a meeting as a master class, but just scissors, glue and the desire to create.

It is important to note that the manufacture of such a panel will help not only create a beautiful picture with your own hands, but also have a nice rest emotionally, as psychologists recommend just such a pastime to relieve stress.

The composition of butterflies is mainly made on plain walls. For example, you can place a family of butterflies on a plain decorated wall.

Flocks of butterflies can be located in different directions and groupings, and such butterfly paintings are considered especially chic, such as:

  • Vortex;
  • Heart;
  • Spirals;
  • Chaotic order.

If the background for placing butterflies is colored, then the butterflies themselves should be bright, but not in the same tone as the wallpaper, otherwise they will merge and will not be visible. Before work, you should definitely sketch out a sketch according to which it will be carried out, and to be more precise, on the wall itself, using chalk, you should make notes on the location of the butterflies so that after they are made you do not spend extra time on marking.

What material to choose for a panel with butterflies

Butterfly stencils on the wall can be made from cardboard or plain paper, and these can be the remains of boxes or simply unnecessary materials left over from previous work. Also not a bad option would be compacted stationery film and fabric.

Ideas for making paper butterflies are the most optimal and simple, as it is easy to handle, so there will be no problems with such a process as cutting templates, regardless of their shape and dimensions.

Also, paper stencils can be very simply symmetrical. Paper has one more great advantage, and this is the availability of this material, as it is sold in many stores and at the same time at a fairly reasonable price.

It is important to remember that making stencils from cardboard will allow you to use them much longer than from paper, as it is denser and stronger:

  1. The cardboard perfectly retains the shape given to it, but it will take a lot of effort to cut out the butterfly.
  2. The result of a long and laborious process will be a strong, durable stencil, on which you can cut a huge number of butterflies for room decor.

Quilling is the way to decorate a room that does not require stencils, because it is prepared immediately on the panel without preliminary preparations.

Thicker film can be stronger and more attractive than cardboard, which is simple and easy to work with. A variety of butterflies are cut out of the film, regardless of their type, and they are attached using ordinary glue, and even a glue stick can be used for this.

In order to create a beautiful original picture or, in other words, a panel of butterflies, you should use a combination of glossy and matte films, and if you place them under a certain slope, then a 3D effect is quite possible.

If you purchase already prepared stencils from the film, then small squares of adhesive web are attached to them at the factory, and to decorate the wall with them, you just need to remove the protective layer.

The system of moths is sometimes created as one fluttering wing, but it all depends on how the wings are bent, how the light falls on them, and even what shade they are. It would seem that such trifles, but they can become an important point when decorating a room with your own hands. Some budding designers set up butterflies to catch the draft in the room and bring them to life, which delights anyone who watches.

How to make a panel with paper butterflies (video)

How to attach butterfly panel ideas to walls

You can install ready-made stencils on the wall in various ways, as it all depends on the personal preferences of the decorator. In particular, the pannoquiling butterfly is attached with glue, and for other types of decor, pins and polystyrene can be used. Glue is considered the ideal way to create panels on the wall, but it is important not to overdo it with the dosage so as not to spoil the look with the remnants of the material peeking out from under the base of the butterflies.

Pins can be used in cases where the canvas on which the panel is attached is made of soft material, since the mace will need to be stuck into the wall so deep that the wind currents do not tear them out and scatter them around the room, which can be far from safe.

Not many people know that you can decorate a wall with butterflies through the use of foam.

Fixing occurs by gluing pieces of foam to the moth, after which its reverse side is smeared and applied to the wall. Thus, it is possible to make the panel more voluminous than to fix it simply on the wallpaper. It is important to know that only lightweight structures can be fixed with foam.

How to make a panel of butterflies in stages

Before you start cutting out butterflies, you should choose a specific pattern, which will be an important component of the application. To select, you need to carefully examine the wall on which the panel will be located, as well as assess the scale of its location. Naturally, if the wall is wide, then you can make the most voluminous drawing, but in small rooms you should not overdo it with such decor, as it will put pressure on the psyche and is unlikely to help you relax.

After that, it is worth moving on to the development of butterfly decor, to the choice of color and material.

It is worth remembering that this panel should become the brightest and most memorable spot on the wall, but it should not violate the overall harmony and atmosphere.

It all depends on the space, on the adjacent interior items, and also on how large the composition will be.

Creating a panel of butterflies (video)

The very creation of templates or, in other words, cutting out moths, must be done with the help of a clerical knife. The shapes of the moths must be kept symmetrical for the picture to be truly chic. The last step is to attach the moths to the wall using the previously described methods.

Examples of panels from butterflies (photo)

Often, many people have the idea to change the look of their apartment, or at least refresh it, without making a lot of effort. Usually this means at least cosmetic repairs.

However, in order to give the room an updated look, while not carrying out exhausting, costly repairs, this issue should be approached creatively.

It would be nice to remember one wonderful way of decor - this is the creation of a decorative panel. And in this case, a simple option for decorating walls with butterflies can come to the rescue, for which templates or stencils are used.

If you put a little effort and effort, then, undoubtedly, ordinary walls will have a stunning look and the room will take on a completely different, fabulous look.

To do this, you need to learn the basic ways of decorating walls. What is so amazing about decoration? This is an application, or rather, a do-it-yourself panel of butterflies on the wall. To accomplish this, a variety of materials are used. In the future, it is mounted on the walls in elegant compositions.

How to make a butterfly stencil with your own hands? For the manufacture of small moths on the walls, there are different options for using materials for cutting butterflies of different sizes, and based on these parameters, the final look of the decoration will depend. To make do-it-yourself templates of paper butterflies for decorating the interior is within the power of everyone.

The more you try, the more effectively you will impress everyone who sees such an application. That's why choose the right decor, and then fix the butterflies on the wall. Imagine that on the wall, for example, many openwork butterflies fly from the center. All of them are of various sizes and colors, spin in a round dance and vibrate their wings.

Undoubtedly, this will attract attention and delight, although the butterflies will not be dried, but made from improvised materials.

Important! Butterflies should be highlighted against the background of the wall, and for this it is better to make them bright. So they will not merge with the interior.

To decorate the wall, butterflies of various sizes, shapes and colors, cut out of paper along the contour - the most suitable material, are suitable. The realization of such an enchanting spectacle will depend on many factors, the main of which is sketch quality and accuracy.

The pattern of openwork butterflies for cutting out of paper must be cut out very carefully.

Butterflies on the wall with their own hands, photo

What to look for when creating butterflies

Firstly, form must be determined. If there are no own ideas on this issue, then you can look for suggestions on the Internet. There are sure to be templates and stencils for cutting, examples of finished work. You can also watch the creation of such a panel on the video:

Secondly, you need choose color future butterflies. After all, the design of any apartment is individual, so it is so important to take the time to select the appropriate color option for the future decor of the butterfly on the wall. Use the most successful color combinations, then the decor will best fit into the room and will be in harmony with all the elements.

The form deserves special attention. To date, ready-made multi-colored butterflies in the form of stickers are offered. They can be ordered at any store. They are of the most varied colors, as well as simple and intricate shapes. But we are considering decorations that are made independently, so for beginners, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations.

Butterfly stencil on the wall - scheme, photo

At the initial stage, you should create a sketch of butterflies for cutting. This can be helped by using a program that draws or edits images. In the future, based on the sketch, butterflies are made stencils for cutting different sizes from the appropriate material. Templates can be made without even using a computer.

You just need to take a pencil in your hands and create sketches on ordinary paper or tracing paper - the outlines of butterflies and then cut them out.

Advice! The best option is not to use strict symmetry. And for this you should try not to mirror the wings. It is best to depict them slightly different in size - literally just a little bit.

Thanks to this, decorative butterflies on the wall will be more voluminous and dynamic. BUT the application will look great, regardless of how it is attached to the surface. But you should not bend too much, because the wings should differ from each other in moderation.

Stencils of simple butterflies for wall decor, photo

Once the butterfly pattern for cutting is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

It is necessary to decide on the format of the future decor element, the number of butterflies, as well as how to fix them. Then you can modify the image and make it in several sizes, and then print it. You can also completely draw everything by hand if you do not have a printer, and cut it out.

After that, we make a butterfly stencil for cutting. It will not be so difficult to do this if you put the printout on a sheet of cardboard - and the outline of the butterfly for cutting is ready.

The printed silhouette of the butterfly is first cut along the outer edge, only then you can proceed to the inner holes and cut them out, where necessary, with thin nail scissors or a special knife.

Butterfly stencils on a paper wall - photo of the cutting process

To decorate the walls with butterfly decor, you can also use such an option as origami. You will not need to expend energy on drawing the silhouette of a butterfly for cutting out of paper, but you will only have to learn the ability to assemble origami.

Important! You should not achieve the grace of a butterfly by increasing the number of folds or frills on the wings: openwork butterflies look more airy.

Further cutting with scissors or a paper cutter will be meticulous and a lot of details will quickly tire you out.

In fact, the creation of such elements is not very difficult. There are quite a lot of ready-made training videos on the Internet on how to make butterflies on the wall, as well as lessons on making origami. Here is one of them:

Features of fastening elements

When you have already cut out the moths according to the stencil, you can start creating a drawing on the planned surface. It is worth initially looking at various options on the Internet if your imagination has exhausted itself.

Most often, if a person decides to create such an element of room decor, he already has his own assumptions about the location of the pattern itself on the plane. The most popular are images of a vortex, a growing stream, the arrangement of blanks in a chaotic manner, in the form of creating a decorative pattern, and so on.

Important! By attaching butterflies to the wall, you can highlight the boundaries between certain areas in the room.

The main thing is to observe the correct placement of the moths and do everything possible so that they do not fall on the wallpaper pattern.

Original decor - butterflies on the wall, photo

For colored wallpapers (with an ornament and a repeating pronounced pattern), it is preferable to make the butterflies monochromatic (black or snow-white color is ideal), for a monochromatic palette, you can expand and cut out the silhouettes of butterflies from bright juicy colors.

When the blanks are cut and prepared, you can begin to mount it. Before you start doing this, you should recreate your idea on paper in order to understand how good it will look after implementation. Next, you need to mark with a pencil already on the wall the places where the butterflies will be.

All marks should not be bold, so that in the future you can remove the butterflies without leaving marks on the walls.

To attach these elements to the wall, you can use glue, pins, or hang them on a strong thread.

DIY wall decor with butterflies, photo


Decorating the interior with hand-made butterflies, you can choose various bases for this:

  • cardboard;
  • the cloth;
  • vinyl film;
  • paper.

You should choose any of them, based on the complexity of the picture that you have in mind. Paper is the most affordable base of all of the above, plus it is the easiest to cut blanks from it. White sheets can be colored and create multi-colored butterflies.

However The disadvantage of this material is that it is fragile. It can be selected if you want to attach butterflies for a short time.

Cardboard is a stronger base. You can choose double-sided and create solid blanks. Butterflies made of vinyl films look beautiful. Such a decoration will delight the eye with bright colors and its glossy surface.

To create a more "warm" look, it is worth giving preference to fabric, but, except for the glue, they cannot hold on to anything.

If you prefer the vinyl version, you should fix the butterflies in the middle of the body, so that at the slightest air flow they begin to move their wings. Then the spectacle will be simply amazing.

When choosing a hard cardboard for making butterflies, if you try very hard, you can give them various shapes. In addition, such applications will delight the eye for a long time and not lose their unusual 3D volumetric shape.

Anyone who wants to make voluminous paper butterflies with their own hands will be satisfied with the result. Although this way of changing the interior is not easy and takes a lot of time, the emotions that you get after the completion of the work will be truly unforgettable.

Read about how you can make it with your own hands: no less original decor, which can be successfully supplemented with paper butterflies.

The process of creating such an application is very exciting and is guaranteed to make your room original without repair work.

See a selection of photos of interiors decorated with artificial butterflies - an incredibly beautiful sight.


You can update the bedroom, give it romance or refresh the nursery, decorate it for the holiday with the help of butterflies on the wall. Decoration with butterflies gives the room coziness, a sense of celebration and does not require large expenses. There are a lot of options to decorate the walls, and in this article we will consider the most popular and original ones.

Paper butterflies-beauties

The easiest and most economical option is to make paper butterflies on the wall using any paper that comes to hand. We will need:

  • colored paper or self-adhesive film;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape or glue;
  • pen or pencil.

We will apply a stencil to the cardboard, you can create several different ones in style and size.

Now, using a stencil, transfer the outlines to colored paper or cling film. You can glue beauties from plain paper with adhesive tape, glue or attach with needles. Distribute them in a chaotic manner or use them to form a heart or the same butterfly.

Butterflies on the wall in the photo in the form of a heart:

By the way, to make the wall panel look the most original, cut out not symmetrical, but slightly uneven marigolds, that is, nothing bad will happen if the wings on both sides are slightly different, in general, if there is some asymmetry.

In general, for applications in the form of these wonderful insects, you can use anything that comes to hand: printing paper, wallpaper trimmings, fabric, plastic bottles, tin cans, colored cardboard and even vinyl records.

Decorative butterflies from plates

Surely there were old records lying around in the house, which you certainly won’t listen to or those that you can no longer listen to because of their old age. So they make excellent wall moths.

To do this, you will again need butterfly stencils on the wall, plates, chalk, sharp scissors, and an oven.

Using the template, transfer the contours of the moth to the plate, touching its center.

The plate must be laid on the foil, it on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven on the top rack. Very quickly, the plate will become pliable, then you need to get it out and try to quickly cut the workpiece.

Now the wings need to be slightly bent, and now the blank for the wall decor is ready. Make such beauties as many as possible, in various sizes and distribute them around the room.

Retro wall in butterflies

Paper fluttering from old books and newspapers will elegantly fit into the retro interior. What will be required:

  • old books and newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • White paint;
  • frames for photos of different shapes.

From old issues and books, you need to cut blanks of different shapes and different sizes. Then several blanks of different shapes need to be glued together with little bodies to get the following composition:

Prepared frames need to be painted white and placed on the wall. And put a moth in the frames. Looks very comfortable and stylish.

Nylon tights to help you

What just does not go into the course in folk art. So the butterflies in the interior can also be made of multi-colored tights. What is needed for this:

  • wire;
  • tights;
  • thin nose pliers;
  • beads for decoration.

As you may have guessed, you need to create a frame for the future swallowtail from wire. Now this frame needs to be covered with a piece of tights. Make sure that the frame does not fall apart, tighten the material more tightly. When the base is ready, you can stick beads on it or decorate it with fabric paints.

For a composition, such machaons need to be made at least 15, or even 20. You can take children's nylon tights and any other transparent fabric suitable for this, as long as it is easy to fit.

Butterflies made of clay or plaster

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands can be made from ordinary polymer clay, which is sold in a craft store. Gypsum is also suitable.

Take the clay, roll it out a little, not too thin, but not thick, so that the moths look elegant. Now, using a baking mold, mold the blanks. You also need to make a hole in them so that you can hang them later. We send the blanks to the oven to languish.

When all the beauties are ready, they need to be threaded with a decorative ribbon or any suitable rope and placed in the interior. For these purposes, pushpins are also suitable.

Glowing butterflies

How to decorate a room with glowing fireflies? Prepare the following materials:

  • special phosphor paint;
  • stencils for butterflies on the wall;
  • sponge;
  • brush.

Prepare some stencils. Let each have their own pattern.

Now the stencil with glue needs to be attached to the wall. And then with the help of a sponge you need to apply paint.

You can apply several colors at once to get a certain 3D effect.

Arrange natural beauties randomly, as if it were a flock of fireflies that had just taken off. This decor will wonderfully fit into the children's room, especially for the smallest children, who will look at everything around with joy and interest.

Openwork butterflies

Openwork, perforated paper moths look gorgeous. And they are pretty easy to make.

To make the workpiece neat and elegant, it is better to print the stencil in advance.

Now prepare the basis for the future openwork - both photo paper and colored double-sided paper or bright leaves from glossy magazines will do.

A sheet of paper must be folded in half and placed on some kind of stand, you can on plywood. It is better to attach it with tape so that it does not fidget.

Now you need to attach your template and carefully, using a pencil, transfer the contours to paper.

Then, using a clerical knife, carefully cut out the openwork wings. Then, with the help of nail scissors, cut out the lace itself.

The more blanks of different sizes you cut out, the more amazing and impressive the panel will look in the interior. In addition, you can decorate the wall with butterflies both plain and multi-colored, bright, cheerful.

Volumetric panel of butterflies on the wall

Another reception of 3d butterflies on the wall. For work, we need a familiar set: glossy multi-colored paper, old magazines, scissors, a stencil, glue or double-sided tape, foam rubber will do.

First you need to cut the magazine sheets into strips. The strips should be as wide as the future insects.

Let the strips be of different widths so that the patterns do not turn out the same.

Now, using a stencil, draw the outlines of butterflies to cut them out of the prepared paper.

In order for the composition to really create a 3D effect, you can stick a piece of foam rubber on the blank, on the reverse side.

Now you can safely glue your bright insects on the wallpaper or you can make a composition in a frame.

It is believed that butterflies should be literally in every house and in every room, because they bring positive energy and set in a positive way. But, as in everything, the main thing is not to overdo it, try to compose various compositions in advance so that they look harmonious and spectacular. For example, a tree with butterflies:

Or passing from one wall to another and to the ceiling:

By the way, with the help of this technique, they make a conditional division of the room into different zones: it comes out very original and inexpensive.

Don't forget about origami

A good way to decorate the interior with butterflies can be origami, you should not dismiss this art. The main thing is to master the technique of creation and that's all, consider yourself a beautiful and original wall you already have. We offer the following butterfly patterns:

Such charmers can be immediately glued to the wall with adhesive tape, or you can make a hole in each, thread a thread and make a floating composition. Place the charmers at different levels and distances, then the composition will seem more voluminous.

By the way, a similar composition can be created from lace. You already know how to make them. There is nothing difficult in this, connect the butterflies as if you are decorating curtains from threads. You can also use a wooden ring, to which you need to tie strings with pre-planted decorations, you get a kind of chandelier.

When decorating the interior, do not focus only on the wall, because the decor can be placed on the ceiling, on furniture, along the stairs, on mirrors, curtains, windows and even on the floor.

Remember the combination of colors in interior design: if the room is made in pastel colors, then butterflies can play the role of a bright spot, but if the interior is saturated, “active”, then plain, perhaps even muted tones of the blank will do. The cabbages of the same color look very stylish in combination with some of the elements of decor or furniture.

They also look great in a children's room, and it doesn't matter if it's a girl's or a boy's room. Believe me, everyone loves butterflies. It will be especially nice if you involve the children themselves in the creation of the decor. It's an amazing pastime.

Mobile from tin butterflies

A kind of mobile made of cabbages made from tin cans will look spectacular.

So, with the help of a stencil or by eye, if you have stuffed your hand, try to evenly cut out the beauties from the cans. Then each blank must be attached to a wire, which, in turn, must be fixed to the wall. The effect will be amazing when, from a light breeze, the butterflies will flutter as if alive. A word of advice, instead of a tin can, you can use foil or you can combine these two materials.

And this is what the whole panel looks like - decorating the walls with butterflies:

For a more illustrative example, we suggest you watch a video tutorial on creating these charms and an equally charming application on the wall from blanks:

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room or renovate your homefor the holiday to becozier and prettier.

Usually when it comes to decoration, this implies high costs. The same can be said about the dwelling, the renovation of which takes a lot of time and money.

But if you approach this issue creatively, then you can decorate any room without big expenses.

You can decorate the walls with paintings or panels, handmade, or you can decorate one or more walls with simple paper butterflies.

On our website you will also find:

  • 10 simple works that can decorate any wall
  • Beautiful and inexpensive crafts on the wall with your own hands

Having created such a decoration, you will be amazed at how beautiful it looks.wall decoration, which gives the impression that someone is sitting on your wall to restmany bright, rare butterflies.

You can also create a whirlwind of butterflies, which as if floating in the air, flapping wings in synchronized dance.

Such crafts will undoubtedly please the eye. Moreover, butterflies can be not only paper - you can draw them on the wall, which will also look very attractive, especially if you use luminous paints.

Paper butterflies on the wall. Option 1.

You will need:

Colored paper or self-adhesive film

Bright magazine pages

safety pins

Scotch tape or PVA glue


Pen or marker

1. Prepare one or more cardboard templates.

2. Using templates, start making butterflies - circle the stencil on colored paper or self-adhesive film (which will be easy to stick to the wall).

* The number and size of butterflies you choose yourself.

3. If you are using self-adhesive film, then you are almost done - you just need to peel off the paper layer so that the body of the butterfly becomes sticky. Now just stick the butterflies on the wall as you like.

If you used colored paper, then you can attachbutterflies to the wall with pins, glue, or regular or double-sided tape.

Wall decor with butterflies. Option 2.

You will need:

Colored paper (preferably two-sided)



Double-sided tape

1. Draw an image of a butterfly on colored paper and cut it out. Use this blank as a template for other butterflies. You can also make several templates of different sizes.

2. Attach templates to colored paper, circle them and cut out new butterflies. To cut out several butterflies at once, simply stack several sheets of paper, fold them in half, draw a half of a butterfly and cut it out - when unfolded, you will have several butterflies at once.

3. When you have prepared the required number of butterflies, lay them out on the floor first to figure out how they will be located on the wall.

4. Start sticking double-sided tape to each butterfly, and then start gluing the butterflies according to the pattern that you came up with in advance.

* Butterflies can be glued close to the wall, or you can slightly bend the wings to create the effect of butterflies fluttering.

DIY paper butterflies on the wall. Option 3.

You will need:

Colored or origami paper



Double-sided tape.

1. Fold several sheets of colored paper into one pile and fold them in half, and in half again to make a lot of butterflies when you cut out.

2. Draw a butterfly on a sheet of cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use the cardboard butterfly to draw a butterfly on the top sheet of the stack, tracing around the cardboard template.

4. To stick paper butterflies to the wall, use double-sided tape.

Glowing butterflies on the wall using stencils

For such a butterfly, you need a light wall and a bright light nearby - a table lamp, for example.

You will need:

Butterfly stencils

Phosphor paint (in this example, 3 colors are used - yellow, green and blue)


Sponges and brushes or sponge brushes (one for each paint)


glue spray

1. Make some butterfly stencils. It is desirable that each paint has its own stencil (or several stencils).

2. Use spray adhesive to stick the stencils to the wall in the desired order.

3. Prepare a sponge, cut it into several pieces and attach each piece to the handles of the brushes. You can buy sponge brushes and then you skip this point.

Read also:

The end of the repair is marked by pleasant chores for decorating the room. Sometimes the desire to refresh the environment arises spontaneously. A budget option for the original design of the room will be paper butterflies on the wall. Butterfly patterns, a large number of which are presented in this publication, will help to make an individual decoration with your own hands.

Preparatory work

The tradition of using paper butterflies as a decor on the wall originated relatively recently. Multi-colored moths can quickly transform the interior of a room, filling the atmosphere with romanticism and pleasant dreams of relaxation. To achieve the desired result, the preparatory stage will help:

  • It is better for paper butterflies to take a wall that is as free from foreign objects as possible. A good view enhances the aesthetic pleasure of a handmade creation.
  • Determine the area and shape of the image on the wall. It can occupy a compact area or dissipate as much as possible over the surface.
  • It is easiest to make butterflies from colored paper, but there are still a lot of interesting ideas for decorating a wall with original moths. The material of manufacture and its compatibility with the interior of the room are thought out in advance.
  • The wall with butterflies of different sizes looks spectacular. Pre-prepared stencils for cutting will help you quickly cope with the task.

Comment! When choosing a template, it is worth remembering the complexity of cutting out intricate shapes.

Characteristics of individual materials for butterflies

You can make graceful moths on the wall with your own hands from various materials. Only paper models have several solutions:

  • classic colored paper or double-sided colored sheet;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • newspapers and glossy magazines.

In addition to paper decor, other options for original butterflies are also used in the interior of the room:

  • from vinyl records;
  • a contour painted on the wall with phosphor paints, applied using a stencil;
  • from nylon tights, which are covered with a wire frame;
  • from cans or plastic bottles.

Advice! In the absence of experience, it is recommended to make several copies of various materials, then attach to the wall and choose the appropriate option.


The easiest and cheapest thing to do with your own hands is moths from ordinary colored paper. There are several design techniques. If you plan to stick the butterfly completely on the wall, then paper painted on one side will do. When creating a three-dimensional composition, when only the body of a moth is fixed, it is preferable to take double-sided colored paper for work, so the appearance of decorative elements will only benefit.

In addition to classic colored paper, specimens made of corrugated material look original on the wall. The butterfly turns out to be more airy and light, it is easier to add volume to the figure.

Moths look extraordinary on the wall, in the manufacture of which glossy magazines, postcards, newspapers or wallpapers are involved. In addition to simply cutting butterflies out of paper, they can be additionally colored, combined with other shades of a similar material, or made multi-layered. There are practically no boundaries for the flight of creative imagination.


For cutting butterflies on the wall, cardboard is selected with a low density. Otherwise, the process will cause a lot of trouble.

Comment! Cardboard is considered the most suitable material for decorating the wall with volumetric moth decor. It keeps its shape well.

Naturally, in this case it will not be possible to make a corrugated copy of the butterfly. Rigid material cannot be folded into small folds.

Cardboard is optimally suited for cutting openwork moths. For registration, you will need a sharp clerical knife and a margin of patience. A high-quality result of decor on the wall is possible only if there is perseverance and the ability to carefully work with small details.

Butterfly stencil for subsequent cutting of numerous copies is also better prepared from cardboard. Original templates for cutting paper butterflies are presented below:


In order for the decor on the paper wall to take on a complete look, it is sometimes supplemented with similar elements on the lampshade of the lighting fixture. But paper moths are not suitable here, so they turn to fabric counterparts. Butterflies made of matter are not difficult:

  • using a cardboard stencil, the contour of the figure is applied to the fabric;
  • the detail is cut out;
  • the workpiece is given rigidity;
  • if necessary, the moth is additionally decorated (wire antennae on the body or beads on the wings);
  • the butterfly is attached to a suitable surface.

Advice! Experienced needlewomen can try using a thread with a needle to imitate veins on the wings.

A bit of exotic

Extravagant ladies will like the idea of ​​​​creating a decor on the wall, which is based on vinyl records. Key process steps:

  • Initially, a butterfly contour is applied to the vinyl with chalk.
  • In the initial state, the material is hard enough to cut a figure out of it, the plate needs to be softened. An oven with a baking sheet covered with foil or a microwave will help to fulfill your plan.
  • When the vinyl becomes plastic, it is taken out and the figure is quickly cut out. If the butterfly has not acquired the desired shape before cooling, the heating process is repeated.
  • At the final stage, the moth is given the desired volume.

Attaching a vinyl butterfly to the wall is more difficult than a paper copy. It will not be possible to remove it in the future without damaging the surface.

The material for making a moth can be a sheet of tin or a beer can, which is pre-washed and straightened. The contours of the selected stencil are transferred to the material with a marker or an awl, the workpiece is cut out. Decorate the figure with nail polish or colored markers.

Attention! The edges of the butterflies are very sharp, so you need to work very carefully so as not to cut yourself.

Tin decor can be hung on a thread. It will be appropriate in the interior of a loft; for a classic design, paper moths will still be the best solution.

Making contour butterflies

Let's start with the simplest option, how to make contour butterflies. The main stages of the creative process:

  • Butterfly stencils on the wall are best cut out of medium-density cardboard. A suitable material would be a package of cereals or tea.
  • The original moth can be selected and printed from the templates below.
  • The silhouette you like is applied to cardboard and cut out. The wall on which butterflies of various shapes are fixed looks more colorful.

Some useful tips for decorating paper butterflies:

  • For cutting, the entire figure is used completely; if you want to achieve perfect symmetry, the workpiece is folded in half.
  • On the wall, specimens with slight asymmetric deviations look more natural.
  • If there is a need to get moths of different sizes, the template is converted through a graphics editor.

Making openwork specimens

Openwork paper butterflies are best obtained on the basis of cardboard. To work, you will need a sharp knife, a blade and a printed template with lines for cutting. Obtaining high-quality decor on the wall is possible subject to painstaking work. The algorithm of actions is only slightly different from cutting contour butterflies. First, a template is selected and printed. The required number of elements is cut out on it.

The use of a blade and a sharp knife in work can damage the surface of the table, so it is recommended to protect the table top with a sheet of plastic, plywood or chipboard. Openwork paper butterflies on the wall are usually given volume. A little trick can make the process easier. The product is slightly moistened and rounded, the resulting bend is fixed. After evaporation of moisture, the workpiece will retain the desired shape.

Volumetric paper decor options

Volumetric figures of moths made of paper look spectacular on the wall. There are several options for creating butterflies of complex configurations:

  • layered instances are created;
  • use corrugated paper;
  • figures are formed by folding a sheet into several layers;
  • the art of origami enjoys well-deserved popularity.


Settling multilayer moths on the wall is quite simple:

  • several blanks of the same shape are cut out of paper;
  • color and size of parts may vary;
  • the elements are superimposed one on top of the other, the bodies are glued together, and the wings are bent in different directions.

Multilayer butterflies look spectacular not only from contour blanks, but also from openwork details. This will require paper in contrasting colors or similar shades. For the upper part, an openwork blank is taken, the lower one remains contoured. The following photo will help evaluate the result:

There is an interesting technique when you can make a multilayer butterfly on the wall from one sheet of paper by folding it in a special way. The photo below shows a simple manufacturing process:

Corrugated paper

It is easy enough to work with butterflies on a corrugated paper wall. The algorithm of actions includes the following steps:

  • Choose the right paper colors.
  • Rectangles are cut out with an approximate size of 7x10 cm.
  • The blanks in the center are stitched with large stitches, after which they are assembled with an accordion and fixed with a thread in several turns.
  • The resulting paper bow is folded in half, the future butterfly wings straighten out.
  • Then the desired configuration is cut along the edges.
  • Flagella for antennae are formed from narrow strips, which are glued to the body.

An entertaining process clearly demonstrates the photo:

Ideas for beginners and professionals

It is very easy to prepare for decorating a wall of butterflies from double-sided colored paper:

  • First, a rhombus or square is cut out.
  • The figure is folded into a small accordion.
  • Two blanks are connected together and fixed in the middle with a thread.
  • Antennae are formed from wire.

A photo will help to follow the main stages of making butterflies on the wall:

The origami process, which is so interesting to children, differs in some complexity. One option for making a paper moth is presented below:

Mounting options

You can securely fix paper butterflies on the wall in various ways:

  • If the issue of the safety of the wall surface is not relevant, PVA glue or wallpaper solution will help to fix the paper figures.

    Comment! Regardless of the chosen template, whether it will be a contour or an openwork butterfly, voluminous paper figures look more impressive on the wall. A light breeze can set the wings in motion, making them flutter like real ones.

  • Small pieces of foam plastic will also come in handy in the process, which are initially glued to the body of the butterfly, and then to the wall.
  • Similarly, double-sided tape is used instead of foam.
  • When the task is to maintain the integrity of the wallpaper after removing paper moths from the wall, they are fixed with safety pins.

There are many options for creating decorative images on the wall using paper butterflies. A huge heart or a whirlwind receding into the distance, separately distributed specimens or a flock nestled comfortably on flowers - there are no limits to creative imagination.