Cette in French. Possessive adjectives and demonstrative adjectives in French. Forms of possessive adjectives in French. French lessons

Cette in French. Possessive adjectives and demonstrative adjectives in French. Forms of possessive adjectives in French. French lessons

Specific objects and objects in speech can be indicated not only by the definite article, but also by demonstrative adjectives. There are only four in French. Demonstrative adjectives are placed before nouns and agree with them in gender and number.

Rules for using demonstrative adjectives

There are only four demonstrative adjectives in French, namely:

Let's look at a few examples. Please note that the gender of nouns in French and Russian do not match:
Ce livre (m.)- this book
Cet arbre (m.)- this is a tree
Cette maison (female)- this house
Ces femmes (pl. m.)- these women
Ces hommes (pl. f.)- these men

Do not confuse! Before a masculine singular noun that begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u, h), used CET.

Recall that h There are two types: mute and aspirated, and aspirated also may not be pronounced, but is still considered a consonant. words with mute h you need to remember, the aspirate in dictionaries is indicated by the icon *.

Another commonly used construction is "c'est". It consists of just "ce", which is reduced to one letter, and the verb "etre". This construction is translated into Russian as "this is" or not translated at all. used "c'est" to refer to a person or thing, for example: C'est mon ami.- This is my friend.

Used to refer to multiple objects or people. "ce sont": Ce sont mes parents.- These are my parents.

As you can see, the difference in the use of a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative construction "c'est" consists in the order of words and the structure of the sentences themselves: after the demonstrative adjective, a noun follows, without articles. Design "c'est" consists of a subject and a predicate, and only then comes a noun, before which either the article or another indicator will be used. For example:

Tasks for the lesson

Exercise 1. Write the correct demonstrative adjective.
1. … histoire 2. … garçon 3. … tableaux 4. … journaux 5. … nuit 6. … appartement 7. … magasin 8. … escaliers 9. … costume 10. … chapeau

Exercise 2. Translate into French.
1. This is your brother. 2. These are my students. 3. This girl is very beautiful. 4. This is his teacher. 5. This bread is stale. 6. These are your keys. 7. This is his girlfriend. 8. This is my bag.

Answer 1.
1. cette 2. ce 3. cette 4. ces 5. cette 6. cet 7. ce 8. ces 9. ce 10. cette

Answer 2.
1. C'est ton frere. 2. C'est mes étudiants. 3. Cette fille est tres belle. 4. C'est son maître. 5. Ce pain est rassis. 6. Ce sont vos clefs. 7. C'est son amie. 8. C'est mon sac.

This expression consists of two words - the demonstrative pronoun ce - "this", which in this case is reduced to one letter c', and the linking verb être (est) - "is", which is usually not translated into Russian.

This expression is translated into Russian with the word " this is”, followed by an indication of the person / object. The noun that this person / thing stands for is usually used with . The expression has a plural form (before referring to several persons / objects) - ce sont ..., however, in the spoken language it is allowed to use the singular form in this case:

C'est une table. - It is a table.

Ce sont (c'est) des tables. - These are tables.

C'est mon ami. - This is my friend.

Ce, cet, cette, ces - this, this, this, these

These words are demonstrative adjectives. They must be immediately followed by a noun.. They change in gender and number according to the word they refer to. They are translated into Russian with the words "this, this, this, these." To understand the peculiarities of choosing between the demonstrative adjectives themselves, follow the link:

Cette table est en bois. This table is made of wood.

Cette jeune fille est ma copine. This girl is my friend.


Thus, the Russian word "this" can be translated into French in two ways: either by the expression c'est, or by a demonstrative adjective. The difference in sentence structures should help you make your choice.

Adj. dem. f. Sing. V. ce. ⇒CE2, CET, CETTE, CES, adj. dem. )