Tsar Dacha of the ex-governor of Kuzbass Tuleyev.

Tsar Dacha of the ex-governor of Kuzbass Tuleyev.
Tsar Dacha of the ex-governor of Kuzbass Tuleyev.

What carcinogens are present in food

Residence of the ex-governor of Kuzbass - 12 houses, a bathhouse and a pond, without ducks, but with a fountain

Still from FBK video

After the tragedy in the Winter Cherry shopping center, Aman Tuleyev, who moved from the seat of the governor of Kuzbass to the seat of the speaker of the Kemerovo Regional Council of Deputies, retained not only all the state property transferred to him by law and millions of payments, but also the territory that was not officially part of his residence. The evidence is in the FBK investigation.

People's money for the people's governor Let us recall that back in 2011, when the oldest head of the region in the country Aman Tuleyev began to experience serious health problems, Kemerovo deputies provided him with a “golden parachute.” The law on the “People's Governor” was developed and quickly adopted; an order of precious stones, a monthly payment of 50 thousand rubles

with the possibility of increasing the amount, an office with an assistant in the government building for public work and lifelong ownership of the governor's residence in the village of Mazurovo with its maintenance at the expense of the budget. In order for Tuleyev to receive various benefits and payments, officials came up with a perverted scheme, the head of the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) claims in his new investigation.. « Alexey Navalny Various cities and towns awarded him the titles of “people's governor” or “honorary citizen,” and he was paid money for this. Total runs 2.97 million rubles per year for literally nothing. And this is in eight times more than the average resident of this area receives"

, says Navalny. As FBK activists found out, the residence is hidden by approximately a million square meters of dense forest. On its territory there are three houses with a total area of ​​more than a thousand square meters. " Instead of one multi-story dacha, Tuleyev built many one-story ones. In total we counted 12 residential buildings. It's like your own village

"- notes Alexei Navalny. The video shows how a road of almost one kilometer runs through the entire residence. "“says the head of FBK, drawing attention to the high-quality asphalt of the roadway. Also, a special power supply network has been extended to the residence, a gas pipeline has been laid and its own cell phone tower has been installed.

Natural differences

On the state dacha site there are more than forty outbuildings - boiler rooms, laundries, cellars, a water tower, a warehouse and its own artesian well. On the territory of the residence there is also a pond with an area of ​​approximately 4 thousand m2 with a pier and a fountain in the center. Next to the pier is a house that looks like a bathhouse. The official area of ​​the land plot on which the governor's dacha is located is approx. 156 thousand m2, i.e. 15 hectares.

The clean air and water that surround Tuleyev are not available to every resident of the Kemerovo region, Navalny claims. He cites figures showing that in terms of pollution of water bodies with wastewater, the region ranks seventh place in Russia, and in terms of air pollution - third. Ecology in the Kemerovo region is a big problem and Tuleyev bears direct responsibility for this, since this is a consequence of his policy, says the head of FBK, noting that in terms of life expectancy Kuzbass is on the 75th place in the country.

Unofficial possessions

To the official 156 thousand m2 areas of the Tuleev residence were added and surrounded by a fence 70 thousand m2 forest land. Thus, the surrounding forest became an extension of the residence, says Alexei Navalny.

Still from FBK video

He recalls that the burned-out shopping center “Winter Cherry”, in which more than 60 people, although all regional and city officials passed by it for many years. " So this is the order of things there. If such an outright land grab can be done for the governor’s dacha, then for money the issue of permits and registrations will be easily resolved by these same officials“, - the head of FBK is sure.

Alexei Navalny calls, under pressure from the public, who immediately called the regional council of deputies, “ an additional insult to all of us and especially to the residents of the Kemerovo region" The oppositionist is perplexed why people should pay the former governor and maintain his dacha. " It is unlikely that there will be at least one person willing to give even a penny for Tuleyev“- Navalny is sure, accusing the authorities of unwillingness to listen to the opinions of citizens.

The gubernatorial career of Aman Tuleyev, which lasted for more than two decades, burned out in the flames of the Kemerovo fire. On April 1, he submitted his resignation, which was accepted by the head of state. Vice-Governor Sergei Tsivilev will temporarily act as regional leader until the elections on September 9.

Tuleyev called his decision “correct, conscious, the only correct one.”

“Because it is impossible to work as a governor with such a heavy load. It’s morally impossible” - said the governor.

He also said that he did everything he could for his fellow countrymen.

Here he perhaps got excited. Many were shocked by the governor's behavior during and immediately after the fire. He did not deign to come to the scene of the tragedy for some far-fetched reasons. He apologized for the deaths not to their orphaned relatives, but to the president.

In general, he behaved strangely, to say the least.

Especially for the people's governor.

This is not a figure of speech, but an honorary title that regional deputies awarded Tuleyev seven years ago. Formalized according to the relevant law. It spells out the rights and privileges of Tuleyev in the event of termination of his gubernatorial powers. Aman Tuleyev, for example, will retain his office in the regional administration building. Will receive free use of a residence in the village of Mazurovo. 50 thousand rubles will be transferred to his account monthly (the amount is subject to annual indexation taking into account the level of inflation). If Tuleyev wants to engage in social activities, he will be provided with an assistant.

In a word, Aman Gumirovich’s bitter pill will be sweetened in every possible way. Many are indignant: why are such “chocolate” conditions created for the retired governor at the expense of taxpayers?

There are also many evil tongues that claim that all these offices with assistants and increased pensions are mere trifles compared to the wealth that has stuck to Tuleyev’s hands during more than 20 years of his governorship.

As they say, be near the water, but not get drunk?..

Let's try to figure out what kind of golden parachute Tuleyev built for himself during the years of ruling Kuzbass. What does he and his family own now?

While in office, Aman Gumirovich and his wife, like all officials and their wives, filled out declarations of income and property. In 2016, the income of the governor of the Kemerovo region amounted to 5.42 million rubles. This amount includes salary - about 2.1 million rubles, state pension - 351 thousand rubles, as well as income from bank deposits. The income of his wife Elvira Fedorovna amounted to about 3.76 million rubles.

Together with his wife, Tuleyev owns two apartments with an area of ​​137.8 and 90.9 square meters. meters, as well as a parking garage with an area of ​​18.6 square meters. meters. They do not own any vehicles. The Tuleyev family owns a residential building of 281.5 square meters with a land plot of 1.78 thousand square meters. meters. All real estate is located in Russia.

TASS/Grigory Sysoev

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Anatoly Kvashnin, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev. 2006

For a person with such a position, income and property are more than modest. Especially when you consider that Tuleyev gave the lion’s share of his earnings to charity.

However, many of the ex-governor’s fellow countrymen, including those from his former entourage, are confident that Kuzbass-Bashi (as Tuleyev was often called) is directly related to the coal business.

For example, the Kompromat.ru website reports that Tuleyev allegedly can control 46% of the shares of the Yubileiny mine, which he could get at his disposal using his official powers.

Tuleyev’s participation in offshore coal trading schemes is also not excluded. They say that it was under him that the transfer of income from the production of millions of tons of Kuzbass coal to Cypriot assets began to be widely practiced.

If so, of course, the name of the head of the region (now former) did not appear in any papers - the law prohibits officials from engaging in business.

In the spring of the year before last, a major corruption scandal broke out. Journalist Konstantin Rubakhin published an investigation that reveals illegal and semi-legal schemes for transferring funds abroad by the leaders of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), who are associated with the Izmailovskaya organized crime group. The investigation contains information about testimony given abroad by a classmate of UMMC owner Iskander Makhmudov, Jalol Khaidarov, who once owned the Kachkanar mining and processing plant. Khaidarov said that the now deceased leader of the Izmailovskaya organized crime group Anton Malevsky and the “aluminum king” Mikhail Chernoy, who controlled the coal region, regularly “unfastened interest” to Tuleyev.

The same Khaidarov spoke about the corrupt connections of Aman Tuleyev with some large businessmen. The kickbacks allegedly amounted to many millions of dollars.

Businessman Mikhail Zhivilo, who fled out of fear for his life in the United States, gave similar testimony. He publicly stated that Tuleyev received $3 million in bribes from the owners of UMMC. Experts note that the testimony of Jalol Khaidarov and Mikhail Zhivilo regarding the $3 million bribe received (according to them) by Aman Tuleyev coincides. This means that the information is most likely reliable.

Evil tongues accuse Tuleyev of always defending the interests of big business in any conflict.

In particular, he is credited with providing protection for the Kuzbassrazrezugol company, which is controlled by the UMMC and Evrazholding corporations close to Tuleyev. This was obviously not done disinterestedly.

If the Tuleyev family has any assets hidden from prying eyes, they are in good hands.

Aman Gumirovich’s eldest son, 50-year-old Dmitry, a major businessman, manages billions (the youngest son, Andrei, born in 1972, died in a car accident at the age of 26).

TASS/Alexander Kolbasov

Dmitry Amanovich's main interests are road construction. Truly a goldmine! Dmitry heads the State Institution “Federal Administration of Highways “Siberia”, distributes road budgets.

The younger Tuleyev is also involved in the banking business. According to the Telegram channel “Cello Case”, together with Yuri Glazychev, convicted of fraud, Dmitry Tuleyev created the company “Sibir-Finance-Service” - a “financial intermediary” issuing consumer loans to Siberians. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Dmitry Tuleyev has been one of the founders of Sibir-Finance-Service since April 2004.

Aman Tuleyev has two grandchildren, a granddaughter and two great-great-grandchildren. The eldest grandson, 26-year-old Stanislav, is Andrei’s illegitimate son. Nothing is known about his business interests. Together with his wife Christina and two children, they live happily with their grandparents. Christina used to work as a realtor, but after getting married and having children, she gave up that job. They say he makes money from handicrafts, making beaded brooches to order.

Dmitry Tuleyev's son Andrey, born in 1999, and daughter Tatyana, born in 2005, are still too young to contribute to the family piggy bank.

However, they say that it won’t fit in a ceramic cat or, say, a pig anyway. According to some reports, shares in operating mines and coal mines, land plots for rent, and a number of Moscow assets bring the Tuleyev clan from $100 thousand to $300 thousand a day.

What will ex-governor Tuleyev do? Hardly a business. There is a son, Dmitry, for this. If he decides to shake things up again, he will most likely get a senator's seat. Here he is honored and has a calm routine. And the most important thing is integrity. Who knows what winds will blow. What if someone gets the idea of ​​delving into the past of the ex-governor?

Presidential Representative in the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo said that all privileges for Aman Tuleyev remain

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“The law conferring the honorary title “People’s Governor” on Aman Tuleyev is still in effect,” said Sergei Menyailo.

According to the law, the former head of the Kemerovo region also retains his residence and office premises, an assistant and a monthly payment.

The law conferring the honorary title “People’s Governor” on Tuleyev was adopted by deputies of the Kemerovo region in December 2011 “as a sign of many years of dedicated service to people and popular recognition of exceptional services to the Kemerovo region.” According to the text of the law, the former head of the region is given a monthly payment of 50 thousand rubles excluding personal income tax and is annually indexed taking into account the level of inflation.

The governor who has terminated his powers is provided with an assistant to carry out public activities, and in the building of the executive body of the Kemerovo region is provided with a separate office space with furniture, office equipment and a computer connected to the network and to all available legal frameworks and state information systems.

In addition, the former head of the region and his wife are given a guarded residential property in the village of Mazurovo, owned by the Kemerovo Region, for free use for life.

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, resigned on April 1. He turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a statement of resignation of his own free will, the press service of the regional administration reported.

In a video message, he spoke about the tragedy in Kemerovo. "I did everything I could. Once again I offer my condolences. But we have to move on with our lives,” he said. He noted that in his work he was always guided by the interests of the country, and called the decision to resign conscious, the only correct one.

On March 26, the day after a fire broke out in the Winter Cherry shopping center, killing 64 people, Kemerovo Region Governor Aman Tuleyev thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Of course, the role of the head of state is great. It would seem that with such an inhuman workload, he personally called, determined the measures and said that tell and bow to all the families of the victims. Personally. For this, of course, special gratitude,” said Tuleyev. He announced the payment of compensation to the families of the victims, but did not make an appeal to the residents of Kuzbass.

On March 27, Tuleyev took part in a meeting that Putin convened after arriving in Kemerovo. The governor turned to the president: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, you called me personally. Thank you very much again." Then Tuleyev asked Putin for forgiveness and talked about how “the entire opposition force” came to Kemerovo, trying to “solve some of their problems.” “These are the ones who are constantly causing trouble,” the governor said.

While officials were holding a meeting, a spontaneous rally continued on Soviet Square in Kemerovo, among the participants were relatives of those killed in the fire. Tuleyev, like Putin, did not come to the square.

On March 28, Tuleyev recorded a 10-minute video message. He said that “certain forces are deliberately trying to pit people against each other” and are “simply shaking up the situation in a terrible way.”

On March 29, Tuleyev transferred his salary for one day to an account opened to help relatives of fire victims.

The Kemerovo residence of the governor, the Pritomye provincial recreation center, is used as a hotel with 79 rooms for especially important guests of the region. In 2004, ceremonial events dedicated to the birthday of the Kuzbass governor Aman Tuleyev took place there.

The governor prefers to live in the village of Mazurovo, located 30 km from Kemerovo along the Topkinskaya highway. Social networks indicate that the site of Tuleyev’s dacha is approximately equal in size to the entire village of Mazurovo.

Aman Tuleyev is 73 years old and entered politics in the late 1980s. He headed the Kemerovo region in 1997, and was re-elected four times as head of the region with a result of 93.5-96.69% of the votes. His powers for the next gubernatorial term expired in 2020, writes RIA Novosti.

A terrible fire in the Kemerovo shopping center "Winter Cherry" claimed 64 lives, including 41 children. The governor of Kuzbass, Aman Tuleyev, never came to the scene of the tragedy, and called the protesting townspeople “troublers.” At the same time, the 73-year-old official treats his children and grandchildren with reverence.

Aman Tuleyev has served as governor for more than 20 years. Apparently, during this time he more than provided his relatives with a comfortable life.


The official's son heads the Siberia Federal Highway Administration. In 2016, it was reported that Dmitry is a member of two consumer credit cooperatives, while his father passed a law banning collection activities, Life.ru reports.

Dmitry does not hide his luxurious lifestyle. The same can be said about his 18-year-old son, who plays tennis. As you know, representatives of the golden youth are especially talented in this sport. The guy travels a lot and does not deny himself anything, having fun with friends.

At one of his birthdays, singer Vera Brezhneva congratulated the young man. The artist expressed the hope that when Andrei grows up, he will definitely meet her daughter. The father of the eligible groom exclaimed: “Take the phone, Andryukha!”

Tuleyev also has a grandson, who from a poor orphan turned into a golden boy in the shortest possible time. Apparently, on the instructions of his grandfather, Stanislav does not maintain social networks, which cannot be said about his wife.

Christina posts photos almost daily. In one photo she is having a meal in an expensive restaurant, in another she is relaxing with her husband in Italy, in a third she is showing off things from premium brands. Apparently, the girl has ambitions to become a popular blogger.

It is noteworthy that in rare frames Stanislav’s face is either covered or poorly visible. “My husband just doesn’t like social networks,” Christina once explained.

Before marriage, she worked as a realtor and made deals for celebrities. Now the happy mommy spends her time doing needlework, making custom beaded jewelry.

After the media drew attention to the luxurious life of the governor’s family, Tuleyev’s grandson closed his Instagram. However website We managed to take screenshots.

A fire in the four-story Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo occurred on March 25. 64 people died in the fire, 41 of them were children. At the same time, the behavior of the governor of Kuzbass at the height of the tragedy in Kemerovo raises a lot of questions

The head of the region did not come to the scene of the fire and did not want to meet with the relatives of the victims until March 28. When a spontaneous rally took place in the city, Tuleyev did not come out to its participants, calling them a bunch of “troublemakers.” We decided to take a closer look at the biography of the Kemerovo governor and paid attention to how he cares for those who are truly dear to him...

73-year-old Aman Tuleyev has held his post since July 1, 1997. Thus, he has served as governor for more than 20 years, during which he has more than provided for his relatives and their comfortable future.

Daddy's boy

There are many rumors about Tuleyev’s son Dmitry, who heads the Siberia Federal Highway Administration. For example, in 2016, the media learned that a man was a member of two consumer credit cooperatives, while his father was passing a law banning collection activities. In his defense, Dmitry stated that he had nothing to do with it and was included there in secret.

Photo © Instagram/ANDREY TULEEV / Dmitry Tuleev (left) celebrates his son’s birthday in an expensive yacht club

The conspiracy theory still remains unsolved, but Dmitry did not suffer much from this... from the word at all. The man does not hide his luxurious lifestyle at all, which also applies to his 18-year-old son. Andrey plays tennis (a sport in which representatives of the golden youth are especially talented), travels a lot and does not deny himself anything, having fun with friends.

Photo © Instagram/ANDREY TULEEV / Andrey’s caption under the photo: “What’s the danger?”

Photo © Instagram/ANDREY TULEEV / Tuleyev’s grandson Andrey graduated from 11th grade in Novosibirsk

Photo © Instagram/ANDREY TULEEV / Stas (right) and Andrey riding a helicopter

In particular, at one of the boy’s birthdays, Vera Brezhneva congratulated him. The singer expressed the hope that when Andrei grows up, he will definitely meet her daughter. To which dad shouted: “Take the phone!”

Photo © Instagram/ANDREY TULEEV / Andrey celebrates his birthday in the company of Vera Brezhneva

Illegitimate grandson and his wife's show-off on Instagram

The politician's family had two sons, the youngest, Andrei, died in a car accident in 1998. A few years later, Tuleyev found his illegitimate son and his grandson, Stanislav. Until the age of 12, the boy lived with his mother, after which his grandfather took him to his place in Kemerovo.

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Stas’s family, followed by only 3 thousand subscribers of his wife :)

From a poor orphan, Stanislav overnight turned into a golden boy. Now he is 26 years old, together with his wife Christina he is raising two children. And if a man, apparently on the advice of his grandfather, does not maintain social networks, then his wife fully compensates for this gap...

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Here is the “happy mother of two children”

The girl posts photos almost every day. Here she ate at an expensive restaurant, here she and her husband went on vacation to Italy, and in the next photo Christina shows off new things from luxury brands.

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Christina’s new glasses, the cost of which is about 30 thousand rubles

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / The next trip is planned to Bali…

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Christina and her secret husband

Apparently, Christina has too much free time, despite raising two children, and now she strives to become a popular blogger. However, the girl practically doesn’t post photos with her husband, and on rare exceptions, Stas’s face is either covered or hard to see. Christina explained this by saying that her husband simply does not like social networks...

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Stas, apparently, is already tired of his wife’s photo mania

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / The only photo with Stas’s open but dissatisfied face

Before her marriage, the “happy mother of two children” worked as a realtor and made deals, including for celebrities. Now the girl makes money from handicrafts, making a variety of beaded brooches to order. A talented person is talented in everything...

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Businesswoman Christina sells handmade brooches

Photo © Instagram/Christina Tuleeva / Hard everyday life of a mother of two children

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