“The letter b is a designation for the softness of consonants. "Entertaining ABC." Didactic material for studying the letter soft sign b What does the letter b sign look like

“The letter b is a designation for the softness of consonants.
“The letter b is a designation for the softness of consonants. "Entertaining ABC." Didactic material for studying the letter soft sign b What does the letter b sign look like

>>Russian language 2nd grade >>Russian language: Separating soft sign (ь)

Separating soft character(s)

The role and meaning of the soft sign in Russian

Today in the Russian language lesson we will study a special letter, which is called a soft sign. Such a letter, as a soft sign, does not have or indicate any sound, but its role is to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in the letter.

For example: bathhouse, stranded, coal, seal, laziness, pity, horse.

But, in addition to the fact that the soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds, it can also be dividing.

And so, now we can sum up the results and conclude that such a letter as a soft sign is used in the Russian language:

To soften the preceding consonant;
As a separator;
To indicate certain grammatical forms.

We have already determined when it is necessary to write a soft sign in words to soften consonants. Now let's try to understand the separating soft sign and find out why a soft sign is also called a separating sign, in which cases a soft sign is a separating sign, and how words with a separating soft sign are written.

In order to better understand this topic and understand the difference between a soft sign, which serves to soften consonant sounds, and a dividing soft sign, let’s try to consider this issue with an example.

For example: Seed and family

Read these words carefully. Now pay attention to how the last syllable sounds in the first word - seed. In this word “seed” the sound [m"] has a soft sound, since the letter I gives it softness, and in this syllable the vowel and consonant are pronounced together.

Now let's look at the next word. The word “family” is [sem "ya]. In this case, we see that the consonant and the vowel following it are pronounced separately. Such a separate pronunciation between a vowel and a consonant in writing is indicated using a soft sign, which is called a separating soft sign.

For example: Kolya - stakes, salt - salt, flight - pouring.

Therefore, we can already conclude that the separating soft sign indicates that the consonant and vowel sounds are pronounced separately.

Rules for writing a soft separating character

The separating ь (soft sign) is written:

Firstly, in the middle of the word before the vowels: e, e, yu, i. For example: blizzard, terrier, monkey, health, linen, leaves.

Secondly, in words of foreign origin before the letter O. For example: champignons, postman, broth.

Thirdly, the separating soft sign is written at the roots of words, after consonants. For example: December, barley, sparrows, steppe, night.

Also, you need to remember that the separating soft sign is never written:

First, the words come first;
Secondly, after the consoles.

Now let's carefully look at the picture and try to compare the difference between the soft sign, which serves to soften the consonant and the dividing soft sign:


1. Read carefully the words with a soft sign and first write down only those in which the soft sign is an indicator of softness, and then - words with a separating soft sign.

Moth, dress, family, skates, day, chairs, wool, streams, stakes, ice hole, laziness, despondency, housing, friends, bathhouse, health, jelly, coat, autumn, letter, downpour, computer, corduroy, Daria, happiness, fun, sadness.

2. Choose antonyms for these words and say what role does the soft sign play in them?

Cleanliness, boredom, work, harm, light, enemies, sugar.

3. Write down the words in the plural:

Friend, leaf, wing, branch, log, tree.

4. When writing a separator, what sound do you hear in the words?
5. Solve the crossword puzzle.

Questions for the crossword:

1. What else can you call a snowstorm?
2. Where do bees live?
3. Dad, mom, I are friendly….
4. An animal that loves to climb trees.
5. Carlson’s favorite treat.

Purpose of the lesson: we study the soft sign, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter b and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter b in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Elk Lioness and lion Goose Bear

Repeat: L. Write: L.
Repeat: R. Write: R.

Repeat: Rb. How to write "Рь"? If we write only the letter P, it will turn out to be “r”, but what we need is “r”.
To write “рь”, you need to write the following letter b after the letter P. This letter is called a soft sign.
Write this letter after the letter R. The letter is a soft sign indicating that you should read not “r”, but “r”.

Read what you have written:

  • If you write a soft sign after the letter L, you get “l” (Write “l”). Write: l.
  • If you write a soft sign after the letter M, you get “m” (Write “m”). Write: m.

Write: з; no.

What letter does the soft sign look like?

Assignment: printed letter b for preschoolers

Consider the soft sign. Sew the letter b in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,
But the sun will start to warm up a little.
On the road for honey and raspberries
Sending... (bear).

They look very strange:
Dad has wavy curls,
And my mother has her hair cut.
Why is she offended?
No wonder he often gets angry
Everyone's mother... (lioness).

A tale about the letter b

Father and mother

It was spring. Two small birds were sitting on a branch in the forest. He and she.
- Sing?! Sing?! - he asks.
- Sing! Sing! - she answers.
- Sweet?! Swing?! - He’s already talking about the nest.
- Swing! Swing!
After some time, they had chicks.
- Five! Five! - the father sings joyfully.
- Exactly! Exactly! - He’s talking about how the chicks look like him.
And the children are already squealing:
- Drink! Drink! Eat! Eat!
The worm's father brought it. Asks his mother:
- Give? Give?
And the children in chorus:
- Give!!. Give!!. Give!!.- and well, tear the worm into pieces.
“It’s creepy,” says the father.
The chicks grew up and flew out of the nest.
- Return? - asks the father.
“Let it, let it…” the mother answered quietly.

Riddles for children starting with the letter b

Who's coming?
Who is leaving -
Everyone leads her by the hand.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily.
Horns spread wide.

Sleeping or bathing
Everything doesn't take off:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.

Funny poems about the letter b for children

The letter R is upside down
- She turned around with a soft sign.
(V. Stepanov)

Let's draw a soft sign
Gently drop like this:
A droplet will soften the letter
- The word will sound soft.
(A. Shibaev)

The squirrel bent its tail
The stump had a rest.
She fluffed her tail, yes -
Became like a soft sign!
(E. Tarlapan)

The soft sign lives carelessly,
He goes around without a cap forever.
(L. Shibaev)

Our shadow is getting shorter and shorter,
This means the day is coming soon.
The shadow grows, moves away,
This means it will be night soon.
(V. Lunin)

The blizzard whips this way and that,
It hits you in the face with loose grain,
Very tough and prickly,
Despite the soft sign.
(Ya. Akim)

Hovering nearby
Little river,
Less than a trickle:
Not to swim
Nor dive,
Legs only
Dip in a little!

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

Natalia Filimonova
Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Introduction to the letter b”

Target: introduce children to the letter b and its purpose. Improve sound-syllable analysis of words. Practice typing words from dictation. Continue learning to form possessive adjectives and improve coherent speech.

Material for the lesson: picture “Savanna”, pictures of animation of the letter b, what the letter b looks like, magnetic letters, notebooks, signals for sound analysis of words.

1. Org. moment: Game “Who is the invitation from?” The children have individual cards with the image of an animal and a cub. (I was invited by a mother elephant with her baby elephant, me by a giraffe and her baby giraffe....)

2. Fine motor skills: “Elephant, crocodile” (according to Tsvyntarny)

3. Animals from hot countries gathered to write a letter to wild animals to find out how they live in the forest. They argued for a long time about who exactly to write to? The hare is cowardly, the fox is cunning, the wolf is angry, the bear and the hedgehog sleep in winter, the squirrel is a busybody, she is always busy. We decided to write to the wise deer. The animals knew the letters, but not all of them.

They took familiar letters and wrote the word OLEN (the speech therapist lays it out on a magnetic board). The elephant said: “That’s not right. In the word deer the sound N is soft, but in ours it is hard. The animals began to think and decided to turn to letters for help.

“I know how to denote the softness of consonants,” said the letter I, positioning itself at the end of the word. The animals began to read - DEER.

Again, that’s not right,” the monkey was indignant, “that’s when there are a lot of deer!”

“I will become better,” said the letter Y. They began to read “DEER.” I tried to help the letter E, but it turned out to be DEER. The animals were upset, and then an unfamiliar letter came out to them, which could not say anything, but only softened the consonants. The name of the letter is a soft sign. The animals called the letter b to them. The soft sign happily agreed to help and quickly became the end of the word. DEER - the elephant read loudly. “It worked!” the monkey jumped for joy. And all the animals went to write a letter to the wise deer.

4. Let's take a closer look at this letter. Examination of animated pictures with the image b. How many elements does a letter consist of? Design it.

5. What does the letter b look like?

Let's draw a soft sign

Gently, a little bit like this:

A droplet will soften the letter -

The word will sound soft.

The squirrel bent its tail

The stump had a rest.

She fluffed her tail, yes -

Became like a soft sign.

Soft sign, soft sign,

Ladle, ladle and ladle.

6. Typing letters and words(deer, day, shadow, dust) in notebooks.

7. Physical exercise: “The giraffe has spots” model T. Borovik.

8. Sound-syllable analysis of the word deer

9. The animals wrote a letter to the deer and decided to include a photo. Everyone wanted to be in the foreground. The animals kept moving and changing places. The parrot photographer didn't know what to do. Finally, I took pictures of the animals and this is what happened - the speech therapist puts up a picture. What do you see? (giraffe neck, monkey tail....)

10. Summary. Memorizing quatrains.

Soft sign, soft sign.

Doesn't sound like anything at all

But there is a simple rule,

We can easily understand it -

If the sign to the consonant appears,

The letter will immediately become soft.

Download -

The presentation includes videos about letters, poems, slides with writing letters, and coloring pages.

On slide 2 there is a video about a hard sign. We draw the child’s attention to the fact that b does not mean any sound. It is placed after the consonant letter, before the vowels e, e, yu, i.

On slide 3 there is a poem about what a letter looks like. Let the child come up with his own version. Write the letter in the album, draw it to the image.

On slide 4 there is a riddle poem. The child completes the missing words and finds words with a solid sign in the riddle.

On slide 5 there is a short poem that you can repeat from memory and find words with b. Print out the coloring book and shade the letter.

On slide 7 there is a video about a soft sign. Please pay attention to the child that b does not mean any sound. Make a sound analysis of the words “shadow” and “day”. These words have three sounds, but 4 letters. We put b at the end to show that the consonant is soft.

What does the letter b look like? On slide 8 is one of the options. Come up with your own options. Write the letter in the album, draw it to the image.

Read the poem on slide 9. Find words with b. Match with the pictures.

Read the poem on slide 9. How many times does b appear? Pay attention to the word “pouring”. In this word, b has a different role - it separates the vowel from the consonant. The soft separating sign is written after a consonant, before the vowels e, ё, yu, ya, i.

The letters “ъ” and “ь” do not indicate any sound. “b” shows that the consonant before it is soft (for example, in the words horse, day, skates, days). Also, “ъ” and “ь” can separate a consonant and a vowel (for example, in the words eat, entrance, family, pours).

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Alenkina Olga Arnoldovna, Volzhsky, Volgograd region

Letter b

    Name the letter, circle written and printed letters


    Phonetic exercise

What letter must be added to turn the corner into coal?

(Soft sign – ь)

    What does the letter look like? b ? Read the poems, color the pictures

Let's draw a soft sign

Gently with a drop

Like this:

A droplet will soften the letter -

The word will sound soft.

The soft sign lives carefree.

He goes around without a cap forever.

The squirrel bent its tail

The stump had a rest.

She let her tail loose, and so -

Became similar

to the soft Sign!

    Find the letter b and circle

    T T B Y O M A C H J R S H X B T

    B S U J A N G R Y O L D Y A C H Y U E

    A B O L A B Y U CH T B B Y B C SH R C H

    Type the letter b

b b

b b

b b

    Cross out the "odd four"

    7 b 2

The ship was carrying caramel,

The ship ran aground.

And the sailors for three weeks

Caramel ate broke.

    Draw according to the sample b




































    Guess what it says here. Complete the letters. Orally make sentences with these words

    Type and write the letter:



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    Electronic media Viki. rdf. ru

Illustrations by Abutkina N.Yu., Alenkina O.A., Alenkina O.M.