Future profession take the test. What is your future profession?ツ

Future profession take the test.  What is your future profession?ツ
Future profession take the test. What is your future profession?ツ

Who to work with, what better profession choose what specialty to study, what university to choose? On our website there is an excellent test for career guidance: Who should I work with? Now is the time to enter universities and perhaps many students still haven’t decided where to send their documents? Where can they bring themselves as students and think about how to choose the right profession?

The other extreme is if you go, for example, to become an economist, marketer, or accountant. Or do you choose more science education: physics, chemistry, biology then you have more possibilities change profession. There are spontaneous desires, if you liked some subject at school: I want to study at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, or I want to be a physicist, I want to be an actor. You can choose solely based on your desires. And then what, you graduate from university and receive a diploma in physics, geographer or historian or philologist, or you become a psychologist. Imagine for a second: can I go to work in this specialty?

Good advice: just go to some job search site for your development and look at the vacancies that are close to you? I advise you to read the analytical reports on the most in-demand specialties on TV in Russia, the most in-demand specialties in Russia by salary. You can simply type Google in Yandex profession ratings. Every year the most highly paid professions. Maybe analyzing specific proposals will give you an idea about your profession.

When people say “I want to be a geographer”, “I want to be an archaeologist”, “I want to be a doctor”, or something else, they do not fully understand that they will have to work in this specialty. Just try to imagine yourself in the place of a graduate and imagine in which field you would like to go to work. If you want to work in an office and negotiate, for example. Or you like to travel more, then tourism and expedition work will suit you.

What else do you need to pass the career guidance test for who to work with? Imagine yourself in the future +5 years. Will you be comfortable working in your chosen profession? If you like computers, then perhaps you should become an IT specialist. Such professions will always be in demand. In IT you can choose different directions.

As for economists, there are now a lot of economists, but nevertheless these are highly paid positions. You should become an economist if you like to count and it makes you delighted. Related topics are economics and finance. Business analytics, there is money here, but it must be a choice of the soul.

There are financial professions that you just need to become good professional, good specialist and then you will succeed and be prosperous, but always choose a specialty you like.

Think about what your inclinations are, what kind of business you love. For example, I remember myself at school. I didn’t have a particular inclination towards anything in particular, but I liked humanities subjects, I liked science subjects. That's why I became a journalist. I also liked psychology and read various books. I even thought about enrolling as a psychologist. As a result, I am a journalist and a bit of a psychologist for my friends.

Where to work, you can take a career guidance test and receive specific recommendations and a list of professions.

Good luck! Faith.

    Creative profession

    Creative and that's the honest truth. Great test. I bet +3
    But I have one question NOT about this test.
    Tell me how to do your test???

    creative profession+3

    and I'm creative

    Creative profession

    You are a very passionate person. You don’t at all like living according to a schedule: getting up early, learning all sorts of lessons (including boring ones that no one needs), helping your parents around the house. After all, how great it would be to do everything just according to your mood! By the way, everything you do in high spirits turns out just fine. But when you don’t want to do something, nothing can force you to perform hated duties. Creative professions are suitable for you. Are you great at drawing? Or do you write poetry? It's great. Because your job will most likely “outgrow” your hobby. But in order to be considered a professional, you will have to learn to keep track of time and control your mood! After all, even writers, screenwriters, artists and music video directors must submit their work on time! Good luck in your creative field!
    Oh how did you guess? I'll be a clothing designer, and you're just great +3

    Creative profession. You guessed it +3
    I see you wanted to insert emoticons, but it turned out  next time put: i) = :)
    (just a tip)

    Creative profession

    fashionable profession

    Creative profession
    You are a very passionate person. You don’t at all like living according to a schedule: getting up early, learning all sorts of lessons (including boring ones that no one needs), helping your parents around the house. After all, how great it would be to do everything just according to your mood! By the way, everything you do in high spirits turns out just fine. But when you don’t want to do something, nothing can force you to perform hated duties. Creative professions are suitable for you. Are you great at drawing? Or do you write poetry? It's great. Because your job will most likely “outgrow” your hobby. But in order to be considered a professional, you will have to learn to keep track of time and control your mood! After all, even writers, screenwriters, artists and music video directors must submit their work on time! Good luck in your creative field!
    It's all true!

    Classic professions

    3 Great test!

    Fashionable profession +3

    Creative profession

    You are a very passionate person. You don’t at all like living according to a schedule: getting up early, learning all sorts of lessons (including boring ones that no one needs), helping your parents around the house. After all, how great it would be to do everything just according to your mood! By the way, everything you do in high spirits turns out just fine. But when you don’t want to do something, nothing can force you to perform hated duties. Creative professions are suitable for you. Are you great at drawing? Or do you write poetry? It's great. Because your job will most likely “outgrow” your hobby. But in order to be considered a professional, you will have to learn to keep track of time and control your mood! After all, even writers, screenwriters, artists and music video directors must submit their work on time! Good luck in your creative field!

    This is definitely about me! I really want to be a Fashion Designer!

    Girls, hello! I created a quiz called "If you were a donut, what kind of glaze would you use?" Please go through it!
    How to find a test.
    1. In the search bar on this site, type the name of the test.
    2. Find the test in the search results.
    3. Enjoy, rate and comment! Thank you!

    Creative profession

    You are a very passionate person. You don’t at all like living according to a schedule: getting up early, learning all sorts of lessons (including boring ones that no one needs), helping your parents around the house. After all, how great it would be to do everything just according to your mood! By the way, everything you do in high spirits turns out just fine. But when you don’t want to do something, nothing can force you to perform hated duties. Creative professions are suitable for you. Are you great at drawing? Or do you write poetry? It's great. Because your job will most likely “outgrow” your hobby. But in order to be considered a professional, you will have to learn to keep track of time and control your mood! After all, even writers, screenwriters, artists and music video directors must submit their work on time! Good luck in your creative field!

    The test is mind-blowing! Of course +3!

    Creative profession! This is the honest truth! +3

    Classic profession.
    super test +3)*

    Creative profession

    You are a very passionate person. You don’t at all like living according to a schedule: getting up early, learning all sorts of lessons (including boring ones that no one needs), helping your parents around the house. After all, how great it would be to do everything just according to your mood! By the way, everything you do in high spirits turns out just fine. But when you don’t want to do something, nothing can force you to perform hated duties. Creative professions are suitable for you. Are you great at drawing? Or do you write poetry? It's great. Because your job will most likely “outgrow” your hobby. But in order to be considered a professional, you will have to learn to keep track of time and control your mood! After all, even writers, screenwriters, artists and music video directors must submit their work on time! Good luck in your creative field!

    Hmmm... I don’t really agree with the result, but the test is cool again) +3 However, as usual

    Creative profession
    You are a very passionate person. You don’t at all like living according to a schedule: getting up early, learning all sorts of lessons (including boring ones that no one needs), helping your parents around the house. After all, how great it would be to do everything just according to your mood! By the way, everything you do in high spirits turns out just fine. But when you don’t want to do something, nothing can force you to perform hated duties. Creative professions are suitable for you. Are you great at drawing? Or do you write poetry? It's great. Because your job will most likely “outgrow” your hobby. But in order to be considered a professional, you will have to learn to keep track of time and control your mood! After all, even writers, screenwriters, artists and music video directors must submit their work on time! Good luck in your creative field!

    Classic professions

    Most likely, you already know exactly which area to connect your future with. Classic professions will suit you. You can equally well be general director, and chief accountant, and theater director. You are not afraid of beginnings and you understand that there are no victories without defeats. You are ready to work long and purposefully towards your goal. And you will definitely achieve it. Just don’t forget that in addition to studying, work, and a future career, there is a lot of interesting and educational things in the world. Despite the fact that lessons take up the lion's share of your time, try to find a minute to indulge in your hobby or simply your diversified development. After all good books, movies, interesting people have no less benefit for our development than school-lessons-training. Find golden mean and boldly towards the goal!

    Let there be 3

    Oh, I forgot, 3

    Classic professions

    Most likely, you already know exactly which area to connect your future with. Classic professions will suit you. You can be a general director, a chief accountant, and a theater director with equal success. You are not afraid of beginnings and you understand that there are no victories without defeats. You are ready to work long and purposefully towards your goal. And you will definitely achieve it. Just don’t forget that in addition to studying, work, and a future career, there is a lot of interesting and educational things in the world. Despite the fact that lessons take up the lion's share of your time, try to find a minute to indulge in your hobby or simply your diversified development. After all, good books, films, interesting people are no less beneficial for our development than school-lessons-training. Find a middle ground and go boldly towards your goal!

    Pass test, bro:DD

To choose the optimal profession for yourself or your child, you first need to decide on the field to which you or your child is closer. After passing a simple test, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of school, college or technical school. Our test [Choosing a future profession] will give your child or you the right independent choice future profession, will help you better realize your abilities in life. Answer all questions with the utmost sincerity, making sure to believe in your strengths and that you or your child will be able to handle any job. Testing for children is best done between the ages of 12 and 13. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of the area of ​​activity that is most relevant to you or your child. Our online test: [Choosing a future profession] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

The test contains 20 questions!

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Test “Who will I become in the future?”

For each point, choose one of the two statements that is closer to you:

1. a) I like to visit different places, travel.
b) I don’t like to go to different places and travel.

2. a) I like to walk in the rain.
b) When it rains outside, I prefer to stay at home.

3. a) I like to play with animals.
b) I don't like playing with animals.

4. a) I would like to become a participant in an interesting adventure.
b) The very possibility of any adventure scares me.

5. a) I would like everyone’s wishes to come true.
b) I understand that all people’s wishes cannot be fulfilled.

6. a) I don't like driving fast.
b) I like to drive fast.

7. a) When I grow up, I wouldn’t want to become a boss.
b) When I grow up, I dream of becoming a boss.

8. a) I don't like arguing with others.
b) I'm not afraid to argue, because it can be very interesting.

9. a) Sometimes I don’t understand adults.
b) I always understand adults.

10. a) I wouldn’t like to get into a fairy tale.
b) I would like to get into a fairy tale.

11. a) I would like my life to be fun.
b) I would like my life to be calm.

12. a) I slowly enter cold water when I swim in the sea or river.
b) I try to jump into cold water as quickly as possible.

13. a) I don't really like music.
b) I really love music.

14. a) I think that being ill-mannered and rude is bad.
b) I think it’s bad to be a boring and boring person.

15. a) I love cheerful people.
b) I like calm people.

16. a) I would be scared to fly on a hang glider or jump with a parachute.
b) I would love to try hang gliding or skydiving.

Points for answers:




















Calculate your points and see the answers:

11 – 16 points – You strive for new experiences, so a monotonous, monotonous life does not attract you. Therefore, you should not choose a profession that involves monotonous work. Your strengths are the ability to perceive everything new, quickly change depending on circumstances, and take risks. Creative professions that involve changing impressions and a variety of activities are suitable for you.

6 – 10 points – Despite the fact that you are no stranger to new experiences, you have excellent control over yourself and are not prone to risk. Your advantages are restraint and prudence. You feel good in those areas of activity that require thoughtfulness and calmness. Even if you take a risk, you will think it through carefully. Many professions are suitable for you; you will cope equally well with work associated with ordered activities and with changes in impressions. Choose those professional areas, what is your soul for!

0 -5 points – You are very careful, prudent, novelty frightens you. Therefore, choose those professions that involve orderly, even monotonous work. Your advantages are perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to focus on the process, and thoroughness in doing the work.

Who has never in their life asked the questions: “What to become in the future? What profession to choose?” We used to think it was so easy. Some claimed that they would be designers, others - doctors, others - builders, etc. However, there is a category of people who from the very beginning did not know what they wanted and wanted in the future.

Before deciding what to become, you should decide what you want to get from your profession, think about what brings you joy and pleasure. In addition, other criteria should be taken into account, such as the desired salary image that would satisfy you. But first of all, it is important to consider your abilities. If you can't handle complex math problems, even though you spend a lot of time understanding them, then you don't have to be an engineer, programmer, or scientist.

Career Guidance Tests

Recently, schools have begun to practice a career guidance program, conducting tests to find out what abilities a student has more and what he should become in the future. Special tests combine various statements. You can agree with some of them, but not with some. As a rule, testing contains questions on history, language, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. It is also worth saying that passing a career guidance test allows you to assess interests and character traits, and even the level of intelligence, and determine a person’s best future.

Today, tests to determine aptitude for a particular profession are available in most well-known collections psychological tests, so you can take them at home. It is not necessary to seek help from a specialist (psychologist). A correctly created list of questions allows you to draw the right conclusions based on the results obtained, which will make it easier to find yourself in this life.

Popular professions

In addition, it would be useful to delve into the topic of which specialties are in greatest demand these days, and where there is a greater likelihood of getting a good position. It is also worth looking a little ahead - asking what professions will be in demand in the future. For example, there are people who, as schoolchildren, are already convinced that the future belongs to programmers. They do not waste time, begin to study foreign computer literature and know exactly where and After time, they become successful IT specialists who begin to build a career in our country, and later work in the USA and other developed countries in better conditions and they don’t regret anything. Therefore, do not ignore the forecasts of sociologists; start thinking now where to start in order to become what you dream of.

Motives to rely on when choosing a profession

First of all, you need to divide the reasons that motivate you to choose one or another profession into internal and external. The latter are in close connection with the outside world. This is the opinion of close people, peers, the desire to achieve external success, the fear of causing condemnation. The person himself bears full responsibility for internal reasons; they determine talents, abilities, habits, and character. What do young people rely on today when choosing one profession or another?

The question of what to become in life is asked by many, and some of them very often start from the prestige of the specialty. It is difficult to say that this is exactly what you should focus your future path on. There are some unpleasant moments here. Thus, a little earlier it was believed that it was fashionable and prestigious to be a lawyer and economist. But now there is another trend: there is an oversupply of accountants, lawyers, especially those who have higher education. Many students, after graduating from college, cannot find a job in their specialty. Therefore, if you choose a profession based on its prestige in the labor market, then you should carefully weigh everything. Maybe it's not main criterion when determining the path of life.

The importance of salary

Almost everyone wants to earn good money, so when choosing a specialty, they are guided by this motive. It doesn’t matter to such people where and how they work, the result is important to them. Today it is very difficult to get good money right away. Some people don’t have the patience to study and gain experience for a long time, so sometimes girls get jobs as waitresses and get good tips, and boys go abroad to earn money and work as laborers. But is it so important to focus on a high salary when determining your life path?

Largely growth wages Depends on experience and skill development. Professions where it is initially good are not provided for in most cases. For example, after 5 years, the income of a saleswoman and a novice engineer will be at the same level, and after another 5 years, the engineer’s salary will leave the saleswoman’s wages far behind.

Interest in choosing a profession

According to statistics, when choosing a profession, interest in the content itself is not the main criterion; today it is in 3rd place. However, most successful people have realized that work is fun and good results when she is loved. Therefore, if you choose a specialty you like, the question of what to become in the future disappears by itself. It is important to constantly learn and improve. Many people do not like monotonous and monotonous work, so you should not immediately limit yourself to it, but rather look for opportunities to find yourself in a more interesting occupation. For example, a programmer who is passionate about his work can after some time become a successful owner of his own software development company.

Working conditions at the workplace also play a significant role in choosing a profession. However, you can change your place and get a new working environment; certain specialties may allow this. For example, a chemist can change a hazardous job to a safer one: quit a factory laboratory and get a job as a teacher at an institute or school.

It is important not to be lazy and always look for yourself

In any case, we would like to advise you not to treat the profession as something unchangeable that determines the fate and future of a person. It’s worth looking for yourself, starting to do something - if it goes well, perhaps this is what you need. You shouldn't make excuses for inaction or excuses for not trying it because it's difficult or not what you want. In most cases, choosing the right path and answering the question of who is better to become is prevented by laziness and excuses, so first of all you need to fight them, learn and improve in any chosen life activity.