Boric acid 1 5 grams than to measure. Proper use of boric acid for plants. Timely use of boric acid

Boric acid 1 5 grams than to measure.  Proper use of boric acid for plants.  Timely use of boric acid
Boric acid 1 5 grams than to measure. Proper use of boric acid for plants. Timely use of boric acid

How to properly use boric acid in a suburban area, whether it is possible to spray flowers with boric acid, as well as other useful information about this essential microelement, read our material.

The range of applications of boric acid is quite wide. In medicine, it acts as an antiseptic, in photography - as a component of the developer. Boric acid is used to get rid of cockroaches, produce glass, and use it in nuclear reactors and jewelry. But we are primarily interested in how boric acid is useful for plants and why it is needed in the country.

Signs of boron deficiency

Boron is an important trace element necessary for normal plant development. It has a positive effect on metabolism, promotes the production of chlorophyll, and helps roots “breathe.” The effects of boron starvation are easy to notice in dry weather. To identify boron deficiency, inspect the plant, paying special attention to young parts.

The plant urgently needs treatment with boric acid if the following “alarm signals” are detected:

  • chlorotic spots on young foliage, leaf veins turn yellow;
  • leaves become smaller, curl and fall off;
  • apical buds inhibit growth, lateral buds, on the contrary, enhance;
  • the plant blooms weakly, the fruits set poorly;
  • fruit deformation (ugly shape);
  • in pome crops, suberization of fruits is observed;
  • death of bark on shoots or entire tops.

Plant growth is suppressed, and if measures are not taken in time, you may lose the harvest. But you shouldn’t overuse fertilizer: with an excess of boron, although plant fruits ripen faster, they are stored worse, and the leaves run the risk of getting burned.

How to use boric acid?

Boric acid is used for seed treatment and plant nutrition. To speed up seed germination, boric acid is diluted in a proportion of 2 g per 10 liters of water, the seeds are placed in a fabric bag and immersed in the solution for a day.

Seeds of zucchini, cucumbers and cabbage are soaked in boron solution for 12 hours.

Depending on the extent to which a particular crop needs boron, plants are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Minor degree: herbs, legumes, strawberries, potatoes (we’ll talk about the last two crops separately).
  2. Average degree: most green and vegetable crops, stone fruit trees, berry bushes.
  3. High degree: cabbage, pome trees, beets.

Plants first group, as a rule, they are fed only in case of boron starvation (pre-sowing application of fertilizer to the soil is also appropriate).

Potatoes and garden strawberries (strawberries) are among the group of plants that have little need for boron, and yet a lack of the microelement can significantly affect these crops. At the slightest sign of boron starvation in potatoes, watering the plants with boric acid will help (6 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water, this amount of solution is enough to treat 10 sq.m.). Read about strawberries below.

For crops second group Foliar fertilizing with boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water) twice per season is suitable: the first time - at the stage of bud opening, and then 5-7 days later (the stage of ovary formation).

Third group plants need boron fertilizing more than others. In areas with fertile soil, crops are traditionally sprayed with a 0.01% solution, in areas with less fertile soil - 0.02%. For poor soils, the concentration should be increased to 0.05-0.1% (5-10 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water, consumption 1 liter per 1 sq.m). The application schedule for most crops is the same as for the second group.

Pome fruits are treated with boric acid three times: at the beginning of budding, at the beginning of flowering, and after the flowers fall off, when the fruits begin to fill.

Boric acid: instructions for use

Boron does not dissolve in cold water, so the water must be heated to prepare the solution. In order not to heat 10 liters of water (which, you see, is not very convenient), there is a little trick. A solution of boric acid is prepared as follows:

  1. the required amount of the substance is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water (70-80°);
  2. the resulting “mother” solution is cooled and water is added to it to 10 liters.

How many grams of boric acid are in a teaspoon?

Typically, a sachet contains 10 g of boric acid, and a standard teaspoon holds half of the entire serving - 5 g. Be careful when working with boron and, if possible, use a spoon that is not suitable for food (or wash the spoon thoroughly after measuring substance).

How much is 1 gram of boric acid?

As they say, we asked, we answer. To measure 1 g of suspension, lay a sheet of paper on the table and carefully pour 1 tsp onto it. boric acid. Then, using, for example, a knife or a flat stick, divide the powder into 5 equal parts. Leave one part (this is 1 g), put the rest in a bag.

How to feed plants with boric acid

In most cases, spraying with boric acid is used. "Three pillars" of foliar feeding:

  • evening time;
  • warm cloudy weather;
  • fine spray.

When spraying a plant, do not get carried away: “dew” on the leaves and branches is a sign to stop. Dripping should not be allowed.

Watering the soil with a solution of boric acid is acceptable for emergency assistance to the plant (this mainly applies to potatoes and strawberries). You need to water the plant from a watering can and strictly at the root, so that the drops do not fall on the plant itself.

Boron suspension in its pure form is not used in the garden - there is a risk of burning the plant or, conversely, “losing” the fertilizer in the soil.

Boric acid for tomatoes (tomatoes)

Typically, tomatoes are fed with boric acid solution three times. The first time - before flowering, when the buds have already formed (1 g of powder per 10 liters of water, consumption 1 liter per 1 sq.m.). Then boric acid for the ovary is applied during flowering (no less than 10 days after the first, the concentration is the same), and the final feeding occurs at the fruiting stage.

At the very beginning of the fruiting phase, tomatoes can be fed with a mixture that includes ash, iodine and boric acid. The feeding is prepared as follows:

  1. in 5 liters of boiling water, dilute 1.5-2 liters of wood ash and 10 g (1 sachet) of boric acid, mix thoroughly, cool, then add water to the solution to make 10 liters;
  2. pour 1 bottle of iodine into the solution and leave the mixture to infuse for a day;
  3. Before use, dilute 1 liter of infusion in 10 liters of water to obtain a working solution.

Application rate: 1 liter per bush. Such fertilizing will not only speed up fruiting, but also increase the resistance of tomatoes to late blight.

Boric acid for cucumbers

Cucumbers are fed according to the same scheme as tomatoes, the solution concentration is 0.05% (5 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water). Boron improves the taste of cucumbers, stimulates the formation of ovaries and the development of fruits. This microelement also improves frost and drought resistance of plants, and also helps strengthen the root system of cucumbers.

Fertilizing strawberries with boric acid

The first feeding is carried out in early spring: 1 g of boric acid is dissolved in 10 liters of water (previously filled with a small amount of hot water) and 1 g of potassium permanganate, and the strawberry beds are watered, using the solution for 30-40 bushes. The second feeding is carried out before flowering, at the stage of bud extension. Plants are sprayed with a mixture prepared according to this recipe:

  1. prepare an extract from wood ash (pour 1 glass of ash into 1 liter of boiling water, stir and leave for 24 hours, then strain the infusion);
  2. in 10 liters of water add 2 g of boric acid (previously dissolved in a small amount of hot water), ash extract and 2 g of potassium permanganate.

Consumption - 0.3-0.5 l per 1 bush. This solution is also used for obvious signs of boron deficiency in strawberries.

Boric acid for flowering

Boron is indispensable not only in the vegetable garden, but also in the flower garden. Ornamental plants are also fed with a solution of boric acid. The optimal concentration for spraying most types of flowers is 0.5 g per 10 liters of water. For root feeding, prepare a “stronger” solution: 1-2 g per 10 liters of water.

Boric acid for ants (against ants)

Boric acid will help control ants on the site. Here are a few bait recipes:

  1. Grind 0.5 tsp. boric acid and 2 egg yolks. Roll the mixture into small balls (no larger than a pea) and place along the ant trails.
  2. Grind 3 boiled potatoes (in their jackets) with 3 egg yolks. Add 1 tsp. sugar and 10 g of boric acid, mix. Roll balls and place them in ant habitats.
  3. Mix 2 tbsp. glycerin and 1 tbsp. water, add 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 1/3 tsp. boric acid and 1 tsp. honey Form into balls.
If you don't yet have boric acid in your arsenal, it's time to fix it. The cost of this product is small, but the benefits, as you can see, are enormous!*

Boric acid is a crystalline substance that is odorless and colorless and can be easily and quickly dissolved in warm water. The chemical type substance has become very widespread in the fertilizer of various plants.

And this is all due to the fact that boric acid can significantly improve the nutrition of seedlings, which has a positive effect on productivity. It increases the flow of sugar to the main organs of plants. Moreover, vegetables need much more boric acid than grains.

Useful properties of boric acid for tomatoes

The substance has a positive effect on soils in seedling containers in apartments, since there they, as a rule, cannot provide the plants with the required amount of nutrients. Therefore, it is often bought by those gardeners who have home seedlings. The importance of boric acid lies in the fact that it delivers absolutely all the substances that it needs from the ground to the plant.

For what purposes is boric acid used when processing tomatoes?

We can even say with confidence that the yield and quality of fruits largely directly depend on boric acid, because it can positively affect the entire process of ripening and fruiting of tomatoes:

  • Makes seedlings more powerful, resilient, and nourishes them.
  • Affects an increase in the number of sprouts.
  • Prevents fruits from rotting.
  • Prevents leaves from falling off.
  • It feeds the plant with sugar, which has a positive effect on the sugar content of the tomato.

How to determine if a plant has a boron deficiency

As a rule, this can be easily and quickly determined simply by examining the plant. If he lacks boron, then:

Moreover, if there is a lack of boron, the plant’s developing ovaries will begin to fall off.

How to prepare a solution for processing tomatoes

For everything to go “successfully”, you need to follow a number of rules when preparing the solution. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations indicated in the instructions on the packaging of the powder.

You need to take half a teaspoon of boron, pour it into a 200-gram glass of warm water, and wait until the mixture is completely dissolved. Then the substance must be added to a 10-liter bucket, mixed, and you can use it.

Rules for fertilizing

During the entire growing season of plant development, fertilizing with boric acid must be carried out several times. So, even before planting the planting material, it needs to be soaked in the solution for 24 hours.

For these purposes, take 0.2 grams of boron, which is diluted in a liter of hot water with a temperature no higher than 55 degrees. If the water is colder, the acid will not be able to dissolve; if it is warmer, it can harm the seeds.

The planting material is placed in the resulting mixture in a gauze bag. This is necessary so that the seeds do not float. This treatment increases the germination of seeds, strengthens them, and maximizes the supply of nutrients.

Subsequently, treatment in the form of spraying plants should be carried out three more times:

  1. As soon as the first buds appear;
  2. When will there be maximum flowering?
  3. At the beginning of the fruiting stage.

Important! Spraying is carried out only in the morning, evening, or in cloudy weather. The main thing is to avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, otherwise there is a risk that the plant will get burned and simply dry out in the future.

It is also important to take breaks of at least 10 days before each feeding. If the plant reacts positively to the first feeding, then the next two can be carried out. If not, it is better to replace boric acid with another substance.

Rules for processing

The consistency of the solution depends on the purpose for which you want to use it. So, you need to maintain the following proportions:

  • To prevent young branches from starting to die, you need to take 1 gram of boric acid and dissolve it in 1 liter of warm water. Then, using a sprayer, spray the plants;
  • If the plants are sick with late blight, then take 1 teaspoon of acid per 10 liters of warm water, and mechanically treat the leaf plates. To maximize the result, a week before the expected day of treatment, it is worth spraying the plants with a weak solution of manganese potassium, and after another 7 days - with a weak solution iodine solution.

Processing tomatoes using this method is one of the cheapest ways to protect your seedlings from diseases and also get a good harvest. The most important thing here is not to overdo it, and strictly observe the above ratios.

How many grams of boric acid are in a teaspoon, weight (g, g) of the serving. How many milliliters (ml) are in a teaspoon, serving size. A SMALL reference TABLE 1 WILL HELP YOU KNOW THE WEIGHT in grams and VOLUME in ml of the PRODUCT.

So, you want to find out how many grams of boric acid are in 1 (one) teaspoon, convert teaspoons to g, gr. We will help you measure a portion of the product in grams without scales using a teaspoon . You, dear visitor to our site, only need to select the degree of filling of the spoon. What options might there be? See photo. It turns out that not everything is so simple. After all, we do not use a teaspoon for its intended purpose, as a cutlery, but are trying to use it as a measuring device that allows us to measure a certain volume. This is where we run into some problems. Depending on your “courage”, you can scoop up a very different amount with a spoon. For example:

  1. Not quite complete- weight is indicated in TABLE: 4 ml
  2. No slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 5 ml
  3. Little slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 6 ml
  4. Middle slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 7 ml
  5. Big slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 9 ml
  6. o-o-very big slide, the maximum of reasonable ones- weight is indicated in TABLE: 10 - 11 ml
It is quite possible that having learned what volumes of product we can measure with a cutlery and comparing them with the amount you need for a portion according to the recipe, reasonable doubts will arise about the convenience of measuring this method. Moreover, as you yourself probably understand, the accuracy of this method of measuring the amount of any product other than liquids is disgustingly low (this is a frank opinion of a specialist). You cannot measure large portions this way, not only because it is time consuming and inconvenient, but the measurement error will be very large. Think, perhaps in your case it would be better to use a glass to measure the portion, or, in extreme cases, measure with a cup. Strange as it may seem, when measuring in glasses, the accuracy of determining portions in grams is much higher. If for some reason you are not sure which glass or cup is right for you measuring a portion of boric acid in grams without weighing on a scale , it is useful to remember that:
  1. A cut glass tumbler is smallest glass volume 200 ml(two hundred milliliters and two hundred cubic centimeters).
  2. A standard glass is large glass volume 250 ml(two hundred and fifty milliliters and two hundred and fifty cubic centimeters).
  3. A measuring cup is"neither this nor that", more than faceted, but less than standard glass, its volume is equal to 240 ml(two hundred and forty milliliters and two hundred and forty cubic centimeters).
By the way, not everyone has a good idea of ​​the “volumetric hierarchy of spoons.” They get confused in the “three pines”, sorry - in the “three spoons”. For order and confidence measuring food portions in grams without scales It is useful to remember that we are dealing with these volumes in milliliters:
  1. Teahouse is smallest volume 5 ml. But 5 milliliters are obtained only when NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
  2. The dining room is large volume 15 ml. But 15 milliliters are obtained only when NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
  3. Dessert is"neither this nor that", more than a tea room, but less than a dining room, volume 10 ml. However, as you already guessed, 10 milliliters will be obtained if NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
ANSWERS TO THE UNSAYED QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD HAVE. Why do all sites indicate DIFFERENT amounts of how many grams of boric acid (powder) in a teaspoon? ARE THEY LYING? The objective difficulties of measuring with a teaspoon in g, g, making this method extremely inconvenient and completely inaccurate for independent measurements of the amount of product at home.

The best way to find out your weight or how to measure a portion of boric acid in grams than direct weighing on precise scales has not yet been invented. An irrefutable, fundamental, sad and concrete fact. However, in practice, weighing small portions, even if you have scales in your kitchen (this happens by accident, I saw it myself once), is such a “headache” that a normal person will agree to get involved with weighing only “on pain of death” (figurative expression, in fact, no one has died for this reason yet). Only a very pedantic and meticulous (what a word!) person can force himself to voluntarily and not force himself to mess with the scales in order to measure out a little of the product according to the recipe. A true enthusiast of his craft, a “fanatic” of accurately measuring portions in grams.

If we put aside a certain touch of humor, without which it would be completely depressing to communicate, then the problem, by the way, is far from being a “kitchen problem”. In production, when receiving, packaging, selling, processing, storing and transporting, professionals also try to avoid weighing on scales. This procedure objectively complicates the organizational structure and incredibly effectively extends the time of any technological process, turning it into a “headache”. As practice has shown, measuring volumes is much simpler, faster and easier than weighing the product on a scale.

That's why, not only in the kitchen measuring portions of boric acid in grams we try to "weave" without weights, but and with large quantities of product, technologists structure production operations in such a way as to “loop” weighing, bypassing it through the volume. This “loophole”, which allows us to measure the weight of a product without scales, is well known to us from physics. It’s not for nothing that smart people came up with bulk density and volumetric weight. These values, in fact, turn out to be a simple linear relationship between the volume and mass of the product. What this means in practice is that if we know the bulk density or volumetric weight of a product, then by measuring the volume we can easily calculate its mass. Let's measure the serving size with a tea, table or dessert spoon, why not? Not everyone can measure quantities in cubic meters, cubic meters, cubes and other nonsense such as buckets, barrels, cars or tanks.

In theory, everything is great, however, When using this method of measuring in practice, “sides” always arise. Volume weight turned out to be a value very sensitive to a large number of various factors. Even a slight change in the particle size of the product, storage duration, caking (read: density), not to mention a change in humidity (amount of water), immediately finds a serious reflection in the bulk density value. It turns out that the same volume can weigh more or less depending on the variety, quality or moisture content. If you think that this has little effect on how many grams of boric acid are in a teaspoon, then you are mistaken. It has a noticeable effect.

But even greater “discrepancies” in how many grams are introduced by our measuring instruments themselves. How much teaspoon of boron powder is NOT the same as how much scoop of product , although the volume is declared the same, equal to 5 ml. We just try to use them as measuring spoons and it turns out really bad. After all, the shape of a teaspoon (see photo) is very similar to a small spatula. It is almost impossible to fill it clearly without a slide (you have to try very hard). And the size of the slide or top is arbitrary for everyone, just look at the photo. The picture we get is that we are firmly confident that we are measuring 5 ml with a teaspoon, but in fact we are taking some completely different volume of a portion of the product. Which? I would call this volume “unpredictable” - this is the most accurate definition. Add to this the fact that cutlery is only approximately rated by the manufacturer in terms of capacity. In fact, any spoons can only conditionally, with great stretch, be considered standard utensils. Their volume varies greatly. Or are you suggesting that the Chinese “sleep and see” how they could more accurately observe the volume of dishes in milliliters? Yeah, they’re trying especially for us, only to make it clearer to us how many grams of boric acid are in a teaspoon.

Why then does everyone want to know? how many grams of boric acid are in a teaspoon and measure out the portion specifically to her if “everything is so bad”? Yes because:

  1. Firstly: comfortable.
  2. Secondly: fast.
  3. Third:"on the drum" accuracy, an error even twice does not change anything particularly, a couple of grams "here and there" does not play any role.
  4. Fourth: may not know that the method is extremely crude and inaccurate.
  5. Fifth: and this is the main reason - EVERYONE DOES THIS.
Reference table 1. How many grams (g, g) of boric acid are in 1 teaspoon.

A substance such as boron is necessary for plants in order to maximally supply the root system with oxygen. Its absence significantly reduces the level of calcium supply to plant organs.
In order to always have a blooming, beautiful garden, and a generous harvest in the garden, in the arsenal of any gardener and gardener there is one necessary product containing boron.

The use of boric acid in the garden.

Thanks to fertilizing, which contains boric acid, plants become more resistant not only to diseases, but also to adverse weather conditions.
Experts note that thanks to boric acid, the yield increases by an average of 20%, or even 25%.
Especially, such high rates are found in cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage.
The seeds are treated with boric acid before planting - they are soaked for 12-24 hours (0.2 g of boric acid is diluted in a liter of water).
Boric acid is applied directly to the soil before planting seedlings or seeds (2 g per 10 liters of water).
Boric acid is sprayed on the leaves (5 g per 10 liters).
In addition to pure boric acid, ready-made fertilizers such as boron superphosphate are also used: granular or double.
Immediately before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds for a while in a solution with boric acid.
By doing this you can speed up the germination process of your seeds. Typically, the seeds of vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, carrots or beets need to be soaked for 24 hours. But, for example, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage - you can do less, twelve hours will be enough for them.

For the main application of microfertilizer to the soil, before planting seedlings or sprouted seeds of flowers, fruits or berries, dilute two grams of boric acid in ten liters of water and water the soil generously in the following manner: diluted composition per ten square meters.
The use of boric acid for flowers had a very good effect.
It needs to be added to soil with a large amount of peat, because it is too poor in boron content. Flowers such as violets need this.
Boron helps speed up the absorption of calcium and abundant formation of buds. For foliar feeding, use a 0.1% solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 l). When foliar feeding with boron together with other microfertilizers, the concentration of boric acid is reduced by 2 times (0.5 g per 1 l). The solution is sprayed on plants in the budding and flowering phase.

Roses. Spring spraying with a solution of boric acid in a proportion of 10 g per 10 liters gives very good results. To prevent fungal diseases, rose cuttings are immersed for 2-3 minutes. into a solution of boric acid (20 g per 10 liters of water).

Gladioli. A solution of boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water) is used to feed gladioli in the phase of 3-4 leaves and during the flowering period to obtain larger corms.

Dahlias. Spraying with boric acid mixed with potassium permanganate (5 g + 2 g per 10 liters of water) has a beneficial effect on the development and flowering of plants. Fertilizing is done 2-3 times before mass flowering in the evening with an interval of 15-20 days.

It was also noticed that boric acid had a very good effect on roses, and their resistance to fungal diseases increased. Boric acid in the garden is practically one of the best remedies today.

Root feeding.
Boric acid solution: 0.1-0.2 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. It is used only in cases of severe starvation or a clearly known lack of boron in the soil. Plants are pre-watered with plain water to avoid chemical burns to the roots. Usually used on seedlings of flowering plants growing on soddy-podzolic soils or in a mixture of peat and sand.

Good to know

Boric acid dissolves easily only in hot water! Always first dilute the sample (bag) in 1 liter of hot water, then bring it to the required volume with water at room temperature.

Strawberries: signs of boron deficiency:
curvature of leaves and necrosis of the edges. Fertilizing with boric acid significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of the berries. In early spring, plantings are watered with a solution of boric acid with the addition of potassium permanganate (1 g potassium permanganate, 1 g boric acid per 10 liters of water), consumption - approximately 10 liters per 30-40 bushes. It is useful to carry out foliar feeding with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 10 liters of water).

Before flowering, when the plants have put out their buds, apply foliar feeding with a solution (2 g of boric acid, 2 g of manganese, 1 cup of sifted ash per 10 liters of water). Make an extract from the ash in advance: pour a glass of ash with a liter of boiling water and leave, stirring occasionally, for a day, then strain through cheesecloth - and the infusion is ready.

Tomatoes: signs of boron deficiency
Blackening and death of the growth point of the stem, rapid growth of new shoots from the root, while the petioles of young leaves become very brittle. Brown spots of dead tissue form on the fruits, usually in the tip area. As a preventive measure, soaking seeds in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water) for a day or in a solution of microfertilizers containing boron helps well.

Before planting seedlings, add boric acid or boron-containing fertilizers to the soil (not necessary on cultivated soils). Do not forget about foliar feeding before flowering (10 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water). You can use foliar feeding of the same concentration in the green fruit phase to accelerate the ripening and accumulation of sugars in the fruits.

Signs of boron deficiency: the appearance of chlorotic spots between the veins of leaf blades, which gradually grow, the absence of normal ovaries on the racemes (hummocking). A new seedling dies within a year or 1-2 years after planting in a permanent place. Even a single treatment during the budding period increases the yield by more than 20% due to the preservation of flowers and less shedding of ovaries. Taking into account the characteristics of the grapes, add zinc salts to boric acid (10 liters of water, 5 g of boric acid, 5 g of zinc sulfate).

If the fruits of zucchini or zucchini rot, if the tomatoes in the greenhouse are stressed from the heat, if the fruits of peppers and eggplants do not set, if there are few ovaries on cucumbers, make a solution of boric acid and spray the plants.

Jul 9, 2018 Olga

For good growth and development of plants, fertilizers and fertilizing are necessary. The modern range of mineral fertilizers allows you to select a product for each crop at any stage of development. Among them there is a simple remedy proven by more than one generation of gardeners - boric acid. Why do plants need boric acid and how much of it is needed to help and not harm plants, we will learn from the article.

Boric acid: description

Under natural conditions, unbound boric acid is mined in some volcanic areas of Tuscany, the Lopar Islands and Nevada.

In addition, it is sometimes found as a constituent of most of the following minerals: borax, colemanite, boracite. And also this element of the periodic table is present in sea water and is a component of all plant cells without exception.

Boric (orthoboric) acid belongs to inorganic acids. Usually it appears as milky crystals, slightly soluble in cold water. They lose moisture when heated, turning into metaboric acid, then into tetraboric acid, finally producing boron oxide.

All described combinations are transformed into boric acid upon contact with water.

The boric acid compound is often used:

  • in medicine as an antiseptic;
  • in gardening and horticulture;
  • industry.

Boric acid is a convenient microfertilizer, is often used in agronomy when there is a lack of boron in the soil. The substance in the powder contains the microelement boron, required by the flora during the formation of ovaries.

Why do you need boric acid in your dacha?

Boric acid is a very necessary element for all fruits, vegetables, crops and flowers.

It has a number of useful properties:

  • getting rid of pathogens;
  • increase in yield;
  • influence on the taste of vegetables and fruits.

In addition, plants treated with boric acid become much more tolerant of unfavorable conditions. Acid is used in the form of solutions for irrigation or as additional soil enrichment.

In addition, boric acid is used as a wasp repellent:

  1. Place boric acid powder in places where insects are found.
  2. Pour 5 grams of boric acid into half a glass of boiled water., place, add a spoonful of honey and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, mix and pour onto a wide plate, place near the ant paths.
  3. Mix two boiled eggs with half a teaspoon of boron. Make small balls and place them in insect areas.

Plant need for boron

Boron for vegetation - a “present” substance - is required throughout the growing season.

However, the excessive presence of boron in the soil poses a threat to flora.

Negative consequences of exceeding the compound in the soil:

  • burn of lower shoots;
  • drying of leaf borders.

It is necessary to take into account the differentiation of the substance needs of each plant.

According to their boron needs, plants are divided into groups:

  1. High need: fruit trees (pear,), beets, rutabaga.
  2. Average need: , lettuce leaves, berry bushes.
  3. Low need: herbs, legumes, and strawberries. Although potatoes belong to the low-boron group, the deficiency of the element is much more pronounced.

Signs of excessive boron content:

  • convex shape of leaves;
  • turning inside their borders;
  • yellowing of the leaf as a whole.

The mature leaves begin to yellow. Exceeding the concentration of boron in feed plants provokes chronic diseases in animals.

General signs of boron deficiency in plants

There are simply no alternatives to boric acid for use in the garden.

The deficiency of this substance in plants is manifested:

  • the leaves at the top of the trunk are noticeably yellower;
  • young leaf shoots of irregular shape, weak, wither very quickly;
  • Only the buds on the sides ripen fully; they are simply not present on the tops;
  • areas of dying appear on trunks and fruits;
  • the upper sections of the shoots die; flowers fall off;
  • Scab appears on root crops;
  • Cabbage leaves become rotten.

Types of soils based on boric acid content

Boron is one of the main microelements for the existence of the flora of our planet, providing:

  • the required volume of synthesis of nitrogenous compounds;
  • optimizes plant metabolic processes;
  • has a positive effect on the growth of the presence of chlorophyll in plant cells.

The soil in which the boron content is equal to the norm is considered positive. This is reflected in plants in the form of increased productivity, fruit quality, and tolerance of negative conditions and diseases.

Boric acid (H3BO3) - the most acceptable and democratic
a way to get a good harvest and is therefore common among gardeners.

Boron is colorless and odorless, a crystalline compound that is easily dissolved in water, and has insignificant acidic characteristics.

It is used on podzolic-turf, gray and brown forest soils, but can also be useful in chernozem regions on light soils.

Vegetable gardens need such fertilizer:

  • with soil with a high presence of carbonates;
  • in dark-colored or peaty soils;
  • in acidic soils.

Using the connection contributes to:

  • quantitative growth of inflorescences on fruit trees and shrubs;
  • the emergence of a greater number of growth points of branches and roots;
  • regulates the concentration of sugars and the taste characteristics of fruits.

Boric acid - instructions for use

This compound is used for agronomic purposes in the following forms:

  1. powdery;
  2. liquid concentrated solutions.

For irrigation, fertilizer, and fertilizing, different proportions of the substance are used in relation to the solvent - water. The ratio depends on the condition of the plant and the goals of the procedure. Can be used in combination with other elements: zinc, manganese.

Foliar feeding

Spraying the above-ground part of the plant with a solution of boric acid is an effective measure. The ratio of the product is 1 liter: 0.1 mg of powdered substance.

Feeding is carried out in three phases:

  • initial processing performed at the stage of peduncle development;
  • second– at the stage of flower opening;
  • third- at the stage of fetal emergence.

In some circumstances, boron solution is mixed with other agents. For such spraying, a small dosage of the element is required (5-6 g per 10 liters of water).

Foliar treatment with boric acid is carried out completely excluding direct sunlight (burns), optimally on a cloudy day or in the evening. If the procedure is carried out on a hot day, then the tree or shrub must first be doused with water.

Root feeding

Fertilizing with boric acid at the root is done as infrequently as possible. It is important to make sure there is a deficiency of this substance.

Root enrichment with boron is used for:

  • planting decorative flower flora;
  • under conditions of germination on admixtures of peat and sand;
  • on podzolic, turfy soils.

Preparation of the mixture in the following ratio: 0.1-0.2 g of powdered product is diluted in 1 liter of water. However, before using the mixture for spraying, each plant is doused with water in large quantities to prevent chemical exposure to the leaves.

Boric acid for different crops

For fruit trees

Manifestation of boron deficiency in apple and pear trees:

  • leaf plates become thicker;
  • suberization occurs, a change in the color of the veins;
  • when the deficiency is critical, the leaves fall off.

The leaves are revealed to be rosette - the small leaves of the upper parts of the shoots do not open. The upper parts of unkempt apple, pear or other trees dry out.

A lack of boron in apple trees provokes a disease called “internal suberization of apples”:

  1. Lighter fragments with a circumference of up to 1 cm appear inside the apple.
  2. Over time, they darken and the contents become a porous, tasteless mass.
  3. Swollen, irregularly shaped, crust-like and pockmarked growths form on the outer surface of the apple.

Foliar spraying of the solution (10-20 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water) significantly increases fruit formation. The procedure is performed after the sun's activity subsides in the evenings or during cloudy skies to avoid burns.

Treat the crown equally on each side twice:

  • at the beginning of flower opening;
  • after 5-7 days after the first time.

This measure has a positive effect on reducing the fall of ovaries, the yield increases significantly. It also improves immunity to diseases, endurance and keeping quality of fruits.

On hot days, the trees are doused with plenty of water before spraying the solution.

After flowering, spray the crowns of apricots, peaches and cherries with a mixture of microelements per 10 liters of water:

  • 60 g soda ash;
  • 20 g of copper sulfate;
  • 10 g boron powder;
  • 1 g potassium permanganate;
  • 10 drops of medical iodine.

For vegetables

The positive effects of boric acid on plants are varied; the substance promotes:

  • increase in the number of inflorescences;
  • general development;
  • affects the taste and size of fruits and vegetables.

However, excessive presence of boron is harmful to plants.

Each crop requires the presence of boron in different proportions:

  1. Great need of this substance in fruits, all types of cabbage and beets.
  2. Less need for boron: carrots, tomatoes, lettuce and all stone fruits.
  3. I have little need for substances t: potatoes, legumes and strawberries.

The use of the solution strengthens the seedlings and prevents the death and shedding of inflorescences at the time of flowering.

For tomatoes

Low boron content in the soil of tomatoes has the following symptoms:

  • overwhelming black spots;
  • fragile young trunks;
  • dark spots on tomatoes.

Foliar enrichment with boric acid 10 g: 10 l is carried out during the formation of inflorescences and during the growth phase of green tomatoes in order to optimize taste properties and stimulate a rapid increase in volume.

Boron is applied at the stage of full germination of the fourth leaf.

Add the following substances to 10 liters of water:

  • 0.5 g boron;
  • 10 g superphosphate;
  • 8 g potassium chloride.

This volume of solution is sufficient for approximately 200 plants.

To protect tomatoes from late blight, treat tomatoes with a composition of powdered boron and iodine from the second half of June:

  1. dried leaves are treated with unsaturated potassium permanganate;
  2. after a week, spray a boron solution (1 g per 10 liters of water);
  3. then, after a seven-day period - with an unsaturated 1% iodine composition.

Spraying boron solution on tomatoes in greenhouse conditions for prevention is carried out once every 30 days: 2 g of boron powder is required for a 10-liter bucket. When there is a lack of boron, fertilize with a saturated composition: 10 g of boron per 10 liters of water.

Learn more about the use of boric acid for tomatoes in the video:

For cucumbers

  • leaf borders;
  • vertical yellowing on ripe cucumbers;
  • growth arrest;
  • death of inflorescences.

The supply of boric acid to the above-ground parts of the plant is carried out three times during the growing season using means in accordance with the instructions:

  • Kelkat Bora;
  • Bor-Mag;
  • Green Belt.

Spraying a mixture of 5 g of boron and 2 g of manganese sulfate in the garden at two-week intervals will help prevent the death of inflorescences and obtain a significant harvest. In greenhouse conditions, manipulation is carried out 2 times a month.

In order to obtain a larger yield and prolonged fruiting at the stage of flowering, it is good to irrigate with the following composition:

  • 0.5% potassium chloride;
  • 5% superphosphate;
  • 0.1% magnesium sulfate;
  • 0.03% boron in equal quantities.

For peppers and cabbage

The low amount of boron content in the soil of pepper is determined by:

  • has small, irregularly shaped leaves;
  • stopping the growth of branches and shoots;
  • death of inflorescences and ovaries.

An insufficient amount of the element for cabbage is found in the form of a hollow head.

Tsvetnaya reacts to boron deficiency:

  • glassy transparency of the ovaries;
  • irregular shapes;
  • peduncles with rusty tints;
  • bitterness.

Cabbage is treated with boric acid and manganese sulfate mixed with water three times in a ratio of 10:1:1:

  • during the period of bud formation;
  • during inflorescences (when 5 full leaves have grown);
  • during the fruiting period.

Boron gives cabbage density and productivity. Providing cauliflower with this element and molybdenum in the ratio of 2.5 g: 2.5 g: 1 l of water is carried out at the 4-leaf stage in order to increase growth rates by 7 days.

For beets

The deficiency of the element in sugar beets manifests itself as sores on the tops or rotting of the core. The stern one has a damaged internal part with a smoldering smell.

Treatment of beets with a boron solution of 1:10 is carried out after 14 days, immediately after the initial enrichment of the soil at the stage of formation of full 5 leaves.

To protect leaves from diseases, the following solution is sprayed:

  • 15 g of potassium chloride;
  • 5 g boron;
  • 1 tbsp. l urea.

For potatoes

Boron deficiency in potatoes results in the appearance of scab. The first sprouts form at a slow pace, yellowness appears on the leaves, the main trunks and stems are brittle. Experts discover a certain consistency: a good potato tuber = boron + optimal soil composition.

The need for boron is observed in the following types of soil:

  • in podzolic-turf;
  • near-forest;
  • peat.

Areas with an increased presence of limestone, potassium, carbonates, and nitrogen have the same need for boron. Equipping the soil with phosphorus compounds can minimize the soil's need for this element.

At the initial signs of scab, it is important to spray the potato plot in time with a mixture of 6 grams of acid and 10 liters of water, this volume is enough for 10 square meters. m. To prevent the disease, the seeds are treated at the stage of preparation for planting or sprayed on the initial seedlings.

For the bow

Soaking onion seeds in 0.2:1 liter boron liquid before planting will ensure health and disease resistance. Watering with the addition of boron 5g:10 l enriches the roots of plants with oxygen.

Spraying water containing boric acid (5 g) increases the amount of onions harvested in the fall by 23%.

The effect of boron fertilizers in dry and hot summers is higher than in cool and cloudy summers with frequent precipitation.

For eggplant

It is useful to soak eggplant seeds in boron liquid: 0.2 g per liter of water, for 10-12 hours. Treatment of plants by dissolving 2 grams of boron in 10 liters of water is used for rotting of eggplants that are gaining weight.

Watering with boron-containing water during flowering will increase the number of vegetables per plant.

For strawberries

To obtain the richly sugary and fleshy fruits of strawberries and wild strawberries, the berry bushes are periodically sprayed. If such events are not carried out, boron deficiency will manifest itself as drying and curling of leaves.

Processing is first carried out before opening and when the fruit reaches certain dimensions.

In other cases, experts recommend immediately after the snow melts, water the area with strawberry plants with boric acid according to the instructions for using the substance in summer cottages. In addition, up to 5 drops of manganese are added to the solution. Ten liters of solution is enough for 50 bushes. And also at the moment of formation of the ovaries, it is useful to spray a solution of 5 grams of powdered boron and 10 liters of water.

During the period of fruit ripening, add an auxiliary mixture in the form of:

  • 200 ml water;
  • boric acid;
  • manganese ash, in a ratio of 2:2:1.

Find out more about fertilizing strawberries with boric acid from the video:

For grapes

When there is a lack of boron, including the best varieties, it bears fruit in small clusters. The first warning sign of boron deficiency is white fragments on the leaves. To get rid of chloride areas and small berries, as well as measures to prevent this, includes the use of boric acid.

For this purpose, the vines are sprayed at the first sign of plant malaise. Often a one-time measure is enough. Treated during the beginning of flowering, with this care the flowers will stop falling off, which will affect the yield.

Productivity will increase if, at the stage of preparing the solution (5 g of powdered boron per 10 liters of water), add 5 g of zinc. It doesn’t hurt to duplicate during fruit ripening.

For indoor plants

For spraying indoor flowers and generally ornamental plants the drug "Pokon" is effective(boron-inclusive liquid in a green vial).

Boric acid is suitable for the growth and flowering of orchids - the flower is treated during the growth period of the arrow and then during flowering to form a new one.

Before planting, rose cuttings are placed in an unsaturated boron solution. and after 5 minutes they are planted in the ground. For indoor citrus fruits, boron is no less important, since during the flowering period it strengthens the plant, preventing diseases and negative factors from affecting fruiting.

Preparations with boric acid

In special retail outlets you can find a large selection of all kinds of fertilizers, including boron-containing ones. “Mag-Bor” is suitable for processing tomatoes, cucumbers, and other crops of the third group.(Dilute a 20-gram sachet with water in 10 liters, the solution is applied to 3 sq. m).

You can also prepare a solution for frequent use from saturated boric acid distributed in a 10-gram package or boron-magnesium fertilizer with a 13% concentration of boric acid and 14% magnesium oxide. Agrotechnical chemistry specialists advise using boric superphosphate and borax (sodium salt of boric acid) as the main fertilizer.

Effects of boric acid on humans and domestic animals

Boric acid is used in the treatment of lichen. In this case, use a three percent alcohol solution.

Recipe against fungal infection:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of boric acid into the prepared (enamel) bowl, then pour in 100 ml of water.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat until the crystals dissolve completely.
  • Remove from heat, cover with a thick cloth, and let cool.

Every day you need to wipe the stains and areas of the surface of the skin around the lichen with the solution. After wiping the rash, do not dry it, but wait until it dries on its own. In this case, small particles of matter appear. Areas should not be washed.

This substance helps in getting rid of fleas in pets.. It affects cockroaches and fleas in the same way as any acid - it destroys the chitinous membrane, without which the fleas die. Poison from mini-crystals of boric acid powder easily sticks to flea protection, but then there is no hope of survival.

The advantage of this cheap drug is that it not dangerous for cats or dogs.