"Boldenone": reviews, side effects. Gain lean mass without side effects: What is the best combination with Boldenone?

"Boldenone": reviews, side effects. Gain lean mass without side effects: What is the best combination with Boldenone?

This drug is very popular among beginners and experienced athletes, which is why many are interested in how to take Boldenone or Boldever. On numerous websites selling sports pharmacology, it is not always possible to find a detailed description of taking this steroid. After all, the bulk of buyers consist of entry-level athletes and it is not at all necessary to recommend individual courses of famous bodybuilders. If you are a beginner, or are just thinking about buying this anabolic steroid, then look for the right courses for beginners, and do not follow the pros, whose daily doses are simply crazy.

Boldenone, or Boldover, has a dosage of 200 and 250 mg. substances per 1 ml. Most often we can find 10 ml bottles on sale. This is a smart way to save money, because the ampoules contain 1 ml. The course will always be much more expensive, but the drug will still be the same. Attention: You shouldn’t look for Boldenone with a high dosage of 300 mg or more, because in fact, you can’t always find 200 mg in its composition. This is a commercial move by the manufacturer itself, which is designed to attract customers at the old price. In most cases, the manufacturing plant does not deviate from generally accepted standards; this is done by underground manufacturers, and the quality of the products is not always at a high level.

Course of taking Boldenone, Boldever

Initially, it should be noted that the solo course technique is not used often. The reason is in the drug itself, because its effect on the body is smooth and mild, so average dosages do not suit everyone. In frequent cases, many consider Stanozolol + Boldenone course , which will be effective in terms of muscle growth and results obtained. Combining an oral and injectable steroid is considered effective and safe. Also, more experienced athletes often choose for themselves Turinabol and Boldenone course , which is considered to be an order of magnitude more effective and stronger. Muscle gains are expected to be more pronounced and last longer.

Boldenone and Boldever are taken solo in the same way; there is absolutely no difference between these drugs. A beginner whose body weight is around 70 kg can use the minimum dosages on a solo course. If your weight is higher, then try to stick to the average daily dose. The minimum dosage is 400 mg. Boldenone per week. It turns out that you need to inject 1 cube of the drug on Monday and one cube on Thursday, this will be the minimum. You will get 2 cubes per week. In this case, it is better to buy one bottle Boldenone for 10 ml. and it will last exactly 5 weeks. After the course you can take Clomid for quick recovery of the body after taking steroids.

Average dosages of Boldenone, or Boldever, based on total body weight from 75 kg. will not be much higher and more efficient. It’s worth buying 2 bottles per course Boldevera 10 ml each, which will last for almost 7 weeks. We give injections intramuscularly three times a week, 1 cube, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The result in the growth of high-quality muscles will be more intense, and side effects will not bother you throughout the entire duration of taking the drug. For quick recovery, Clomid is recommended after the course.

More experienced athletes try to take Boldenone in high dosages and in combination with two or even three more steroids. The weekly dosage is about 1000 mg. with the calculation of 4 injections over one week. Average athletes try to maintain safe and average daily doses, and when it comes time to move up to a higher level, they add an oral steroid. This option has been tested by many and does not cause side effects, and the increase in strength and muscle mass is much more interesting.

If you still have questions that you would like to receive more detailed answers to, then call us at the numbers listed on the main page of the site and we will try to help you.

In this article we will talk about Boldenone, one of the most little-known drugs in the circles of domestic jocks.

For two reasons, boldenone is almost uncommon among our athletes: 1) few people know about the existence of this wonderful anabolic, and even if they heard something, this tiny knowledge instantly perishes under the “huge” information about the “explosive” giants of the steroid world (methane , deke and dough); 2) boldenone has become overgrown with a bunch of myths, rumors and fables that negatively influence the fragile minds of bodybuilders. With all this, boldenone undecylenate is very popular in the West and is used there not only by amateur athletes, but also by professional athletes. Foreign jocks 10-15 years ago organically joined the ranks of those God's creatures (cows, horses, bulls, chickens, cats and dogs) who appreciated the uniqueness of this pharmaceutical.

Boldenone was created exclusively for veterinary needs and was originally intended to increase the weight of horse carcasses, to improve the appetite and general condition of our smaller brothers. Many years of successful veterinary practice of using equipoise in livestock farming eventually attracted the attention of professional bodybuilders, who appreciated the miraculous effect of this drug on their bodies.

In general, we know of many cases where veterinary pharmaceuticals migrated from the sphere of animal husbandry to the sphere of “treatment” of humans (trenbolone, for example). There are also examples of reverse “requalification” of drugs - nandrolone has been used for a very long time to “humanize” artiodactyls.

Over the past ten years, a lot of theoretical and practical information has accumulated on the use of boldenone and the peculiarities of its effect on the athlete’s body. In my article I will try to systematize and summarize everything that has been written about this anabolic in numerous foreign publications.


This is what William Llewellyn writes in his excellent treatise “Anabolics 2006”:
Equipoise is a strong anabolic steroid with moderate androgenic properties. Undecylenate ester quite significantly lengthens the period of residence of the drug in the blood (undecylenate is longer than decanoate by one carbon atom). Androgenic index of boldenone – 50; anabolic index – 100; estrogenic activity – low; progestogenic activity is low.

As you know, everything is learned by comparison, so for “clarification” and in order to better understand the mechanism of boldenone, we need to compare its action with the pharmacokinetics of other androgens and anabolics. Here is what foreign sources write about the similarity of bold and methane:

Even at the first glance, even if not very closely, at the molecules of methandrostenolone and boldenone undecylenate, you can see that they are not just similar. If we discard the methyl group in the 17th position in the first case and the ether chain in the same position in the second, then these molecules will become absolutely identical. I admit, this identity has long confused many experts, who considered boldenone an injectable analogue of “methane”. In fact, this is very, very far from the truth.

The methyl group at position 17 greatly changes the spatial structure of the methandrostenolone molecule and just as strongly, one might say dramatically, changes the properties of the drug. In addition, we must take into account that methane loses this very methyl group with great difficulty - in two or even three passes through the liver. That is, despite the fact that boldenone should, in theory, aromatize better, its aromatization “rating” is much lower than the same “rating” of methane - this is the first difference between the drugs. Second, no less important, is the almost complete inability of methandrostenolone to stabilize (activate) the androgen receptor. The culprit here, again, is the notorious methyl group. Boldenone stabilizes the androgen receptor not only well - here it comes close to nandrolone. The only thing, in fact, that indicates the close relationship of boldenone with methandrostenolone is its ability to stimulate appetite. By the way, this makes boldenone a desirable “participant” in mass-gaining cycles, although the use of its cheaper “brother” is much preferable here.

Boldenone is also similar to testosterone, the only difference between their molecules is the presence of an additional double bond between positions 1 and 2 (ring A). But this difference is what makes this drug universal - thanks to the above-mentioned double bond, boldenone is practically not affected by the enzyme 5-β-reductase. Let me remind you that 5-β-reductase helps convert testosterone into the much more powerful dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is not only better at stabilizing the androgen receptor, it is to some extent different from testosterone in its properties.
So we can say that 5-β-reductase changes the properties of the original substance. So, the properties of boldenone remain constant and unchanged, regardless of who takes the drug - this is what makes it universal.
Boldenone can be considered a “softer” version of testosterone. Indeed, their behavior in humans, to a certain extent, seems to be both good at stabilizing the androgen receptor, both have non-genomic activity, although it is much more pronounced in testosterone. Another difference is that the ability to increase the synthesis of IGF-1 by muscle fibers under the influence of even high doses of boldenone was not observed..

The comparison of nandrolone and equipoise turned out to be very interesting:

But boldenone, oddly enough, turned out to be closest in its properties to nandrolone. Despite the dissimilarity in the structure of the molecules of these two drugs, both boldenone and nandrolone have approximately the same tendency to aromatize (with the difference, of course, that the conversion of nandrolone to estradiol occurs without the participation of the aromatase enzyme). Moreover, the time for stabilization of the androgen receptor for these drugs is approximately the same. Many experts recommend nandrolone and boldenone as interchangeable and consider their simultaneous use not entirely appropriate. In my opinion, this is not entirely justified and here's why.
5-β-reductase converts nandrolone into dihydronandrolone, a much weaker substance with regard to the activation of androgen receptors. That is, boldenone, which is not subject to transformation with the help of 5-β-reductase, can a priori be considered a more powerful drug than nandrolone. In addition, boldenone has expressed, although not as clearly as its “sibling” methandrostenolone, non-genomic activity, which nandrolone does not have at all. That is, another plus for the “brainchild of the veterinary industry.”

On the other hand, nandrolone has a pronounced progestogenic activity, which already allows it to overtake boldenone in terms of weight gain, although not so significantly. To enhance the “mass-gaining component” of boldenone, in veterinary practice it is customary to combine it “within one drug” with a substance such as methandriol dipropionate.

Application and combination

This “feed” drug can be included both in mass-gaining courses and in “drying” courses. There are a great many options for using boldenone; we will focus on the main ones and, in our opinion, the most effective.

Typically, novice chemists need to inject 300 mg - 600 mg of the drug per week; for experienced athletes, the working dosage is from 600 mg to 1 g per week.

Since boldenone almost does not aromatize and does not have progestogenic activity, and also has a very long half-life, it is ideal to combine it with long esters and composite testosterone preparations (enanthate, cypionate, omnadren, sustanon) for gaining meat. Here, equipoise’s ability to increase appetite will come in handy. To optimize such a course, in parallel with the test, you can use methandienone (dosage 30 mg - 50 mg per day), turinabol (dosage 40 mg - 60 mg per day), anadrol (dosage 50 mg - 150 mg per day, this is an option for advanced chemists).
Here is one option for a mass-gaining course: Boldenone 600 mg per week; Enanthate 500 mg per week; Methandienone 40 mg per day; Course duration: 8 weeks.

Quite often, boldenone is used in mass-gaining courses as a replacement for nandrolone, because it does not suppress endogenous testosterone production as strongly as nandrolone... and, unlike the latter, it is not a progestin.

Some thematic publications mention another interesting property of boldenone:

it stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys, which ultimately leads to an increase in the number of red blood cells. This property is important for representatives of those sports where the athlete’s endurance is at the forefront. However, for bodybuilders this property is not so insignificant, if we remember that one of the mechanisms of muscle growth is based on an increase in the number of capillaries in the muscle. And increasing vascularity, especially on the eve of competitions, is an important thing.

Now it’s worth talking about the main purpose of boldenone - “drying and shaping” the swollen and obese bodies of bodybuilders. Although it is worth making a reservation here - boldenone is not suitable for pre-competition drying of athletes, since when using it it is not possible to avoid the accumulation of water in the body, albeit minimal, because The drug is still subject to slight aromatization. Therefore, equipoise is ideal for decorating meat for the beach season, when you want to show off your six-pack abs and show off good vascularity in your muscle mass.

A course for building muscle mass, the basis of which is boldenone, may also include trenbolone, Winstrol (injected or tablet), propionate, turinabol, Masteron, oxandrolone and, in some cases, Primobolan.

To make it easier for the reader to imagine what such courses are like, we present two options.

1. Boldenone 800 mg per week + Sustanon 500 mg per week, all this for 10 weeks. You can also consume Turinabol 40 mg per day for the first 6-8 weeks. After a ten-week “load” of bold and dough, we switch to a four-week “exit” on short-term propionate at a weekly dosage of 500 mg.

2. Boldenone 600 mg per week + Testosterone enanthate 400-500 g per week - this is the first part of the course for a period of 8-10 weeks; During this period, you can supplement the course with methane intake in the amount of 40-50 mg per day. Then the standard "exit" on propionate.

Side effects

You can read the following about the side effects of this wonderful anabolic in the specialized literature:
The double bond between carbons 1 and 2 is responsible for many of the properties of Equipoise. First of all, it inhibits the process of aromatization (conversion into estrogens) of the drug. Compared to testosterone, the conversion rate of boldenone is two times lower. Athletes almost never notice the side effects of boldenone associated with estrogen (gynecomastia, edema, increased blood pressure), even if the dose of the drug reaches 1 g per week. This means that during the course of Equipoise there is no need to take antiestrogens.

The same double bond provides Equipoise resistance to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme converts trace amounts of boldenone into dihydroboldenone, which is a powerful anabolic steroid. Therefore, the drug practically does not cause such androgenic side effects as baldness, acne, prostate hypertrophy, etc., and also suppresses testosterone production in the body to a lesser extent.

Low androgenic activity allows equipoise to be used by women. Virilization phenomena occur quite rarely compared to other drugs. Boldenone is one of the few injectable drugs that can be used in female bodybuilding with the least risk of developing side effects. V.


1.Despite the unpopularity of boldenone in Russia, Western athletes have been eagerly using this “veterinary marvel” for many years, thanks to which they have accumulated some experience in its use in bodybuilding and other sports disciplines.

2. We can say that boldenone is an “ideal” anabolic steroid, which has a wide range of possible uses in sports practice and does not have the side effects that other “heavy” anabolic steroids (deca, for example) have.

3. Boldenone undecylenate is almost not susceptible to aromatization, which allows us to classify it as a “soft” drug (Primobolan, Oxandrolone, Masteron, Winstrol fall into the same category of “safe” AS) and allows us to recommend its use in “formulation” courses. In this case, we are not talking about pre-competition “drying”, because boldenone, although minimally, still retains water; here we can only talk about “improving” muscle mass.

4. Boldenone has the ability to stabilize (activate) the androgen receptor, which makes it similar to nandrolones. It also has another interesting feature - the “talent” of stimulating appetite, in this it is very similar to testosterone and dianabol. These two characteristics make boldenone a good assistant in the fight for muscle mass, i.e. it is possible for him to participate in “mass-gaining” courses.

5. Boldenone is a steroid for “cautious” chemists who care about their health, and for beginners. If you already have a dozen courses behind you, which included “heavy” AS, then you will hardly feel the effect of using the bold, but novice “chemists” will truly be able to appreciate all the benefits of this “mild” drug.

6. The working dosage for beginners is from 300 mg to 600 mg per week, for “chemists” with experience – from 600 mg to 1000 mg. I recommend that experienced pharma users not use less than 1g per week - it’s pointless.

7. Boldenone is almost non-toxic to the liver.

8. The drug practically does not cause androgenic side effects such as baldness, acne, prostate hypertrophy, etc.

9.Boldenone stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys, which ultimately leads to an increase in the number of red blood cells. This property is important for representatives of those sports where the athlete’s endurance is at the forefront, i.e. Not only bodybuilders, but also track and field athletes can use the bold.

10. Synonyms of boldenone - Equipoise, Ganabol, Boldesten, Boldabol.

There are several negative aspects when using this drug:

1) Blood rheology worsens, hematocrit increases due to increased production of red blood cells under the influence of boldenone. Perhaps during the course with bold you will have to drain the blood + drink pentoxifylline, which prevents the aggregation of red blood cells.
2) In many consumers, boldenone acts as an aromatase inhibitor in the body, due to which the conversion of Testosterone into Estrogens decreases, therefore it is necessary to monitor the level of estradiol during the course so that this hormone does not go to zero.
3) Bolda has a very long half-life, so it takes a very long time to “dissipate” from the body after withdrawal. Accordingly, a situation may arise when you have to wait more than a month after the last injection to start PCT.

A steroid that was originally developed for use in veterinary medicine, but in recent years it has been increasingly used by athletes in sports. The drug is similar in composition to testosterone, but has a different effect on the human body. Its main distinguishing feature from other steroids is its positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, especially on the synthesis of proteins in muscle mass, which actually attracts athletes.

Article structure:

Positive effects

The main effects of the drug include:

  • a course of Boldenone allows you to slowly but surely build high-quality muscle mass;
  • increases appetite, which is important for an athlete; this is also the main reason for its use in animal husbandry;
  • improves strength and endurance of athletes;
  • increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, thereby improving the access of oxygen to muscle tissue;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • improves protein synthesis in muscles.

Side effects.

One of the least toxic anabolic steroids. Boldenone has virtually no effect on liver function. The androgenic effects of the drug are moderate, due to which manifestations such as baldness, acne and prostate hypertrophy are diagnosed extremely rarely. This factor also allows women to use the steroid, which is considered a rare occurrence, since most anabolic steroids have high androgenic activity and, because of this, are not recommended for use by the fair half.

On the part of estrogenic activity, manifestations in the form of swelling or growth of the mammary glands according to the female type are practically not detected, even with a fairly impressive dose of the drug.

The drug has an effect on the cardiovascular system, primarily as a result of increasing cholesterol levels, but this effect is extremely insignificant when taking Boldenone. During the period of taking any anabolic steroid, it is recommended to take four grams of fish oil per day. In addition, you should minimize your intake of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats.

If we consider the steroid profile, then Boldenone, in comparison with testosterone, has 50% androgenic manifestations, their anabolic properties are the same, the level of estrogenic and progestogenic activity of the drug is low, and there is no effect on the liver. This component of the medication is what makes it popular among bodybuilders.

Boldenone course.

The drug can be used either alone or in combination with other steroids. For individual use, the recommended dose is one injection per week in the amount of 400-800 mg. A smaller dose is considered ineffective, and a larger dose significantly increases the risk of side effects, despite greater effectiveness. The course itself lasts 8-10 weeks. At the end of the course, it is recommended to take medications that help minimize side effects after steroids, PCT (post-cycle therapy). To get the best results, you should combine a course of taking Boldenone with training and sports nutrition.

If you plan to resort to a combined course, for example, Boldenone and testosterone enanthate, the duration of administration should be reduced to six weeks.

There are several combined schemes

The first is to use Boldenone and testosterone enanthan , Tamoxifen and Proviron can also be added to the course. This combination is considered the best for beginning bodybuilders, since Boldenone suppresses the estrogenic and androgenic manifestations of testosterone, while enhancing anabolic activity. This course is designed for a long period; from the first to the eighth week, injections of testosterone enanthan in the amount of 500 mg and Boldenone 800 mg are given (this is a weekly dose). Proviron is added from the tenth week, Tamoxifen from the eleventh.

The high quality of muscle mass gained is noted when using the following course. Winstrol + Boldenone + Testosterone propionate . The proportions of Winstrol are 50 mg. starting from the sixth week of the course. Boldenone 200 mg. and testosterone 100 mg. from the first to the tenth week. Lean muscle mass can be achieved by adding Winstrol to the cycle.

For women, there are other dosages of the drug. They are significantly lower than for men and are about 50-75 mg. per week. Despite the fact that this is one of the few drugs that can be taken by women, it should be used with caution. The medication has a delayed effect, which makes it difficult to control the level of hormones in the blood, and signs of masculinization may still appear over time.

Boldenone is often used to replace Nandrolone in the second cycle of the course, especially in those sports where athletes require endurance, since the unique property of the drug is the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys, which entails an increase in red blood cell mass . The steroid is also ideal during the drying period, since it does not cause the accumulation of water in muscle tissue; it is less effective for gaining weight, but the effect is simply slower than, for example, more aggressive anabolic steroids.

Reviews of Boldenone are positive, on all points (severity of effect, quality of muscle mass, frequency of side effects, rollback phenomenon, etc.) the drug received more than 80% positive opinion from athletes who used it.

From the history of drug discovery

As an anabolic steroid, Boldenone was first developed in 1949 by the pharmaceutical company Ciba. In the 50-60s, a drug agent called Parenabol was released, its main focus was the treatment of osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But Boldenone did not remain on the human drug market for long; since the 1970s it was banned and was used only in veterinary medicine, mainly for horses.

Similarities and differences with other steroids.

Boldenone has been compared to various more familiar anabolic steroids such as Testosterone, Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone. But is there any similarity with these drugs or does Boldenone have different qualities?

Boldenone and Methandrostenolone

The molecular composition of both steroids is almost identical, except for the methyl group at position 17. But it is precisely this difference that changes the structure of the molecule. The methyl group in Methandrostenolone significantly increases the level of side effects, especially in the negative effect on the liver. Also, Methandrostenolone is not able to activate the androgen receptor, which makes it significantly inferior to Boldenone. These facts make Methandrostenolone much more harmful than Boldenone. The identical effect is to increase appetite, which makes both of these drugs desirable in bodybuilding.

Boldenone and Testosterone

In fact, Boldenone is considered a milder version of Testosterone, since the drug in question lacks the 5-a-reductase enzyme, which is the main difference. Both medications stabilize the androgen receptor well and have non-genomic activity.

Boldenone and Nandrolone

Despite the dissimilarity of the molecular structure of the medications, they turned out to be the closest in their properties. In some cases, they are prescribed as interchangeable steroids. The difference between them is non-genomic activity, which is more pronounced in Boldenone and the better progestogenic effect of Nandrolone, which allows it to build muscle mass faster.

Preventive measures against side effects

Despite the fact that the drug is gentle and has the least negative effect on the body, it still remains a steroid and requires certain rules to be followed to avoid side effects. Here are the main ones, which, however, relate to the use of other anabolic steroids:

  • regulate the dosage of the drug, do not exceed the recommended amount;
  • the duration of the course should not exceed 12-16 weeks;
  • systematically donate blood for biochemical analysis and hormonal levels;
  • take antiestrogens to control your own testosterone production and prevent the development of gynecomastia (breast growth).

In any case, if you decide to take a course of Boldenone, even despite its minimal effect on the body, you should take a responsible approach to drawing up a dosage regimen. For these purposes, the ideal option would be to contact a specialist who will write an individual program that is best suited for you.

  • Testosterone enanthate (SP Enanthate) – 2 bottles, manufacturer SP Laboratories
  • Trenbolone enanthate (FarmaTREN 200) – 1 bottle, manufacturer Farmacom Labs
  • Boldenone (Equipoise) - 2 bottles, manufacturer SP Laboratories
  • Testosterone propionate (SP Propionate) – 1 bottle, manufacturer SP Laboratories
  • Clomiphene citrate (Klomed) - 40 tablets, manufacturer SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL

Additionally you can purchase:

  • Cabergoline - you will need in this course - 7 tablets, manufacturer Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
  • Anastrozole - you will need in this course - 15 tablets, manufacturer SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL

A detailed dosage regimen can be downloaded -


This course is designed for men with significant experience in the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). A professional course with medium dosages is suitable for strong-willed people who want to get a sculpted and toned physique. This course is not for beginners and is suitable as a 4th and beyond course. The course consists of three active drugs: Testosterone, Trenbolone, Boldenone. After such a course, the result will be impressive even for the user himself.

The course is meat-building, but using Trenbolone with Boldenone will allow you to get a great physique.

  • Testosterone will provide an even androgenic background. The hormone is necessary for the normal functioning of the body during the use of any steroids. The drug in this course is used in an amount of 625 mg per week, i.e. will exhibit its androgenic properties. At the end of the course, a short Testosterone ester - propionate is used to prevent the occurrence of hormonal pitfalls. Boldenone and Trenbolone will work for at least another 3 weeks after the last injection.
  • Trenbolone is the most powerful anabolic-androgenic steroid, 4-5 times stronger than Testosterone and 4 times stronger than Nandrolone. It is a universal steroid. With its help, you can achieve the growth of high-quality meat and get breathtaking relief, it all depends on nutrition. Can significantly increase strength, reduce Cortisol levels, and promote fat burning.
  • Boldenone (Equipoise) is a universal drug suitable for gaining courses, as well as for relief courses. The drug is similar in action to Nandrolone Decanoate. It is approximately 20% weaker than Deca, but the drug is much easier to tolerate and has a number of advantages (read the description of the drug). Good for preparing the body for summer.

Attention!!! Anastrozole and Cabergoline are not included in the price of the course; the need for use is determined by the buyer.

  • Anastrozole - in this course, the weekly dosage of Testosterone is 625 mg, which will lead to an increase in Estradiol above the reference values. In this case, the use of the drug will be necessary. An accurate and correct method for determining the dosage of Anastrozole is to take a blood test for Estradiol 18-20 days after the first injection of Testosterone. This will allow you to accurately adjust the dosage of Anastrozole! Dosage is ½ tablet, which is 0.5 mg - the average value obtained empirically! It is necessary to strive to maintain the hormone value in the middle of the reference values. The use of Anastrozole will prevent possible side effects: gynecomastia, increased blood pressure. The use of Anastrozole will increase the relief and effectiveness of the course.
  • Cabergoline - the use of this drug in a course will be necessary if there is a significant increase in the level of Prolactin (hormone) in the blood. 18-20 days after starting to use Trenbolone enanthate, you should take a Prolactin test and, based on the analysis data, decide to adjust the dosage of the drug. The drug is sold on our website and can also be purchased in pharmacies. You should take 0.25 mg, i.e. 0.5 tablets every 4 days - this dosage regimen is an average value obtained empirically! The drug also has a beneficial effect on the level of free testosterone in the blood, and also significantly reduces recovery time after sexual intercourse. High levels of Prolactin can lead to undesirable consequences - decreased libido.

Post-cycle therapy (PCT)

  • Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) - will increase the production of your own (endogenous) testosterone after suppression on the course of AAS and will prevent the appearance of side effects after stopping the course. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is mandatory. Failure to undergo PCT may affect future quality of life. Therapy should begin 3-5 days after the last injection of Testosterone propionate. Read more about post-cycle therapy .

How to take medications?

  • Days 1 – 46: Testosterone enanthate 500 mg/time every 5 days
  • Days 1 – 46: Trenbolone enanthate 200 mg/time every 5 days
  • Days 1 – 46: Boldenone 400 mg/time every 5 days
  • 53 – 71 days: Testosterone propionate 100 mg / every 2 days
  • Days 14 - 66: Cabergoline 0.5 tablets/time every 4 days (not included in the course price, purchased separately)
  • Days 14 - 72: Anastrazole 0.5 tablet/every 2 days (not included in the course price, purchased separately)
  • PCT: Clomid 3 days 150 mg per day / 4 days 100 mg per day / 7 days 50 mg per day / 8 days 25 mg per day

At the request of the user (the cost of the course is not included!!!):

  • From the 2nd week of PCT we add Tribulus - 750 - 1000 mg per day, Vitamin E and zinc preparations (pharmacy Zincteral) 4-6 tablets. per day.

Strength sports athletes (lifters or weightlifters) tend to take steroids only to improve performance. They are no longer concerned about the growth of muscle mass, and as you know, there is nothing better than equipoise. The course of boldenone + testosterone propionate is simply created for a powerful power explosion. At the same time, muscle mass grows slowly but surely.

Course duration and dosage

Any course should be based on a 12-week cycle, especially boldenone + propionate. A special feature of boldenone (equipoise) is its long acceleration period. The half-life of this substance is 14 days, which means that the drug is only gaining momentum in the first month. Therefore, there can be no talk of 4-8 weeks.

The dosages that we will use are optimal and minimal. These doses are quite enough to achieve good results. It is easy to get boldenone on the market with a concentration of 200 mg/ml, and propionate with a concentration of 100 mg/ml.

Reception scheme

  • Propionate – 25 mg per day or 50 mg every other day;
  • Boldenone – 200 mg once every two weeks.

About 175 mg of testosterone and 100 mg of equipoise are released per week. This is quite sufficient given the indicators of anabolic and androgenic activity that the drugs have.


You won’t be able to see a strong effect on muscle growth, but strength indicators jump up very well. In practice, an 80 kg athlete was able to grow to 87.9 kg, and strength indicators increased by 20% in 3 months.

To achieve similar results or try to surpass this result, you need to adhere to a given training plan, which includes training, nutrition, sleep, additional supplements (vitamin complexes) and lifestyle.

  • Training should be at least 3 times a week and include basic multi-joint movements;
  • Balanced meals at least 5 times (1.5 g of protein, 2.5 g of carbohydrates, and 1 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight);
  • Sleep 8-10 hours a day;
  • Additional vitamin complexes will allow the body to function better, because even a balanced diet cannot provide the required amount of vitamins;
  • A healthy lifestyle will allow you to focus all your energy on growth and achieving your goals.


At this point, many people “fall out”; it is very difficult for them to think through post-course therapy, but it is easier than it seems. Any anabolic steroid affects the production of your own testosterone, which needs to be restored.

In order for the level to be normal, or rather the level of production, you need to stimulate it during the course and after the course, this is the only way to avoid a deep drawdown. Those who were not in the red after the course are unlikely to understand, but believe me, it is better not to experience long-term stagnation, low libido and apathy.

During and after the course we will use gonadotropin 500 units. During therapy, it is started 45 days after the start, 1 ampoule every other day. After therapy, you should also just start with the last injection of boldenone.

It is strictly forbidden to place the gonad in the same place with propionate and boldenone. Most anabolic drugs are dissolved in an oil base, while the gonad is water-based; if water gets into the oil, it can lead to the formation of abscesses.

Side effects

Side effects are divided into frequent and not very common. Common ones include acne, water retention and headaches. All this is normal when using steroids and especially long esters. To avoid headaches and water retention, you should take anastrozole ¼ tablet every other day for two weeks.

Side effects such as gynecomastia, testicular atrophy and other significant effects are achieved through overdoses when using harsher substances; this does not threaten the course of boldenone and testosterone propionate.

Course price

The cost of the entire course depends on its duration, the supplier and the chosen manufacturer.

For the course we will need:

  • Boldenone = 12 * 100 = 1200/200 = 6 ml (1 bottle of 10 ml is enough);
  • Propionate = 90 * 25 = 2250 (2 bottles of 10 ml and 3 ampoules of 1 ml).

The price for the entire course is 4820 rubles + 500 rubles. delivery.

  • Equipoise = 1 * 1800 = 1800
  • Propic = 2 * 690 + 3 * 80 = 1620
  • Gonadotropin = 2 * 700 = 1400

This concludes the introductory course, if you still have questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely answer them.