Liquid rubber waterproofing business. Rubber paint Consumption of liquid rubber per 1 m2 waterproofing

Liquid rubber waterproofing business.  Rubber paint Consumption of liquid rubber per 1 m2 waterproofing
Liquid rubber waterproofing business. Rubber paint Consumption of liquid rubber per 1 m2 waterproofing

Let's talk about the main question before painting a car with liquid rubber: how much plastidip is needed to paint a car? Or what is the consumption of liquid rubber per 1 m2?
Before the beginning of the epic, let's immediately dot the and, namely:

  1. The consumption of plastidip per square meter depends on the thickness of the final coating;
  2. The amount of rubber paint is directly proportional to the volume of future loads on the plasti dip during operation;

Plasti dip consumption per meter and when painting the whole car

In the Technical Data Sheet, the manufacturer indicates the consumption of liquid rubber for cars per square meter. For example, some older documents contain information that a can of 3.8 liter plasti dip can paint 3.7 square meters with a final layer thickness of 0.38 mm.
In other documentation for liquid rubber, the consumption will be 2.78 square meters with a layer of 0.49 mm.

As you can see above, the consumption of liquid rubber for cars is considered to be a certain thickness. And the thickness of the plastidip, in turn, will affect its strength, service life and reliability in operation. Because of this, it is not worth saving a couple of thousand on the consumption of liquid rubber for cars, when in the future you will have to remove all plasti dip painting for this reason.

Liquid rubber for Opel. What was the cost.

In continuation of today's topic about the calculation of liquid rubber for painting the entire car, I would like to show one work on painting a car with a stencil with plastidip. This is not a very complicated process, but extremely time consuming due to the presence of a large number of joints of liquid rubber with masking tape.

When you paint a car with liquid rubber and want to save on plastidip consumption, be sure to paste over all the headlights, windows and any elements that do not need to be covered. This will greatly reduce the consumption of liquid rubber on cars.

Good car preparation for plasti dip painting differs between a professional and a beginner. See what result you can get, what clear curved lines of the colored plastidip turned out on the machine.

Today, in the “do it yourself” section, we will look at how to independently repair a soft roof with our own hands - bituminous coatings, roofing felt, euroroofing material, PVC and EPDM membranes - using materials from the Alchimica trademark (Greece). We note right away that not every old waterproofing coating can be covered with liquid rubber.

Photo 1. Bad roof Photo 2. Good roof

In the photo, both roofs are leaking. But, in photo 1, the old waterproofing is subject to complete dismantling, followed by repair of the roofing pie. And in photo 2 - the old coating is a good basis for applying liquid rubber.

Do-it-yourself soft roof repair - Technology and stages of work

1. Surface cleaning

The surface must be clean - free of dirt and dust debris, for this you can use a broom, brush or industrial vacuum cleaner.

2. Surface repair

1) Cut out rotten and water-soaked areas (if any) ➔ seal with repair mortar flush with the old waterproofing.
2) Cut the places of roofing material swellings crosswise ➔ open the roofing material ➔ let the screed dry (if the screed needs repair, it must be done) ➔ apply a layer on the screed (consumption 0.6÷0.9 kg/m.kv) ➔ drown (glue) ruberoid.
3) Carefully inspect the seams and junctions of the old coating.
4) Reinforce repair areas, seams, junctions: apply Hyperdesmo AshAA to the repair area at a rate of 0.6 kg/m.sq.
5) For defective seams, and junctions, also perform reinforcement. Small cracks-slits can be sealed with sealant.

3. Applying waterproofing (1st layer)

Apply only to dry and clean surfaces. Hyperdesmo AshAA can be applied with a brush, brush, roller (short and medium bristles) or airless sprayers (operating pressure > 200 bar). The consumption of Hyperdesmo AshAA mastic should be 0.7 ÷ 1 kg / sq.m, for this you can conditionally divide the area into small sections, and roll out the bucket in sections.

4. Application of waterproofing (2nd layer)

The application of the second layer is possible as soon as the first layer can be walked on (6÷48 hours). Before applying the second layer, carry out a visual inspection (control) of the surface to see how the first layer lay down. If small cracks, crevices, “holes” are detected, seal them with Hypersil 25 LM sealant ➔ apply a second layer of Hyperdesmo AshAA liquid rubber with a flow rate of 0.7÷1 kg/sq.m.

The total consumption of Hyperdesmo AshAA for bituminous, ruberoid, roll coatings should be 2 kg / sq.m. If you applied waterproofing along the upper boundary (1 kg / sq.m), then you reach a total consumption of 2 kg / sq.m when performing work in 2 layers. If you walked along the lower border (0.7 kg / sq.m), then you still have to apply the third layer. We recommend the second option (three layers of 0.7 kg/m2). Yes, in this option, the time to complete the work increases, but at the same time, you have one more interlayer surface control.

Before waterproofing After waterproofing

Calculation of the cost of materials per 1 m²

Material Consumption
per m²
Price, UAH)
per unit ism
Price, UAH)
per m²
(kg) local *
2 170 340

Example 1 There is a foundation of a cottage under construction with a perimeter of 150 meters and a height of 3 meters.

The design is characterized by a complex perimeter geometry. Also, shells with a depth of more than 1 cm are noted on the foundation (they are formed during poor-quality formwork pouring of concrete). The total area of ​​the sinks is 10 m2. Also, the presence of four joints of the foundation slabs along the vertical and complete adjoining of the junction of the foundation walls to the foundation lens. The foundation also has 8 corners at 90 degrees (i.e. sharp corners).

Foundations of any type, especially of complex geometry (and there are now the majority of such foundations, because projects often include wine cellars, billiard rooms, swimming pools, etc.) - this is the work that can be done quickly and efficiently only with the help of seamless spraying technology waterproofing liquid rubber.

Scope of work for this object:

The total area of ​​the foundation is 450 m2, of which 150 m2 is at a depth of more than 2 meters;
The total area of ​​shells with an average depth of 1 cm is 10 m2;
The total area of ​​joints, corners and junctions is 4x3m (linear footage of joints of foundation slabs vertically) + 150m (linear footage of junctions at the junction of foundation walls to the foundation lens) + 8x3m (linear footage of 8 corners of the "type" 90 degrees) = 12 + 150 + 24 = 186 m2.

Applied equipment (prices as of autumn 2015):

RX-28/220V installation (the choice is due to the lack of 380V power supply on the site). Cost - 168,500 rubles;
Overalls, electric stirrer, working tools - according to the list of additional equipment and accessories for the RX-28/220V unit. The cost is about 11,500 rubles.

TOTAL equipment - 180,000 rubles.

Raw materials and consumption of materials (prices as of autumn 2015):

Two-component waterproofing system "Liquid Rubber for underground structures" - 300m2 x 3l/m2 (foundation waterproofing at a depth of up to 2 meters) + 150m2 x 4l/m2 (foundation waterproofing at a depth of more than 2 meters) + 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 (preliminary priming waterproofing surface) = 900l + 600l + 225l = 1775 liters. Cost 1775l x 125 rubles / l = 221875 rubles;
Calcium chloride, 2 bags of 25 kg (based on 1 bag per 1000 liters of "Liquid Rubber"). The cost of 2 bags x 1000 rubles / bag = 2000 rubles;
Geotextile substrate - 0.2m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186m2 (total area of ​​"dangerous" places) = 37.2m2. Cost 37.2m2 x 20 rubles / m2 = 744 rubles;

TOTAL for raw materials and materials - 224619 rubles.

Time required to apply liquid rubber:

Embedding and waterproofing sinks 10 m2 - 2 hours.
Preliminary priming of the waterproofed surface 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 = 225l - 30…45 minutes (taking into account possible stops).
Rolling of geotextiles in "dangerous" places of joints, corners and junctions: 0.2m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186m2 - 3 hours (slowly and efficiently).
Application of liquid rubber 1500 l. - 3.5 ... 4 hours.

TOTAL for the time spent: 9 ... 10 hours.

Economic evaluation of roof waterproofing with liquid rubber.

The reliability and durability of flat roofs is guaranteed by the use of modern building technologies and materials, such as liquid rubber. Such roofs are distinguished by: water resistance, incombustibility, ease of installation and maintenance, and long service life.

With regard to soft roofs, there are 2 types of work:

1. Overhaul of the roof - includes a complete removal of the old waterproofing (usually: ruberoid) coating, repair of the screed, laying a new roofing carpet.
2. Current repair of the roof - consists in replacing defective sections of the old roofing material, sealing holes and cracks and laying new material.

Example 2 Capital repairs of a flat roof.

Number of aerators 1-2 pcs. for 50-100 sq. m. The cost of one standard roof aerator is 700 rubles per piece. The cost of its installation is 350-400 rubles per piece.

In places of swelling, a cross-shaped incision should be made (opening with an “envelope”), the panel should be bent, the base should be thoroughly cleaned, dried with a gas burner flame and mastic should be applied both to the base and to the carpet panel. Then the bent edges of the carpet are returned to their place and pressed. For this operation, it is advisable to use ready-made cold mastics.

The cost of one-component mastic is 250 rubles / kg, consumption is 1.5-2.0 kg / sq. m.

Places where the roll material is completely rotted must be cut out. Thoroughly clean the resulting recess, fill with cement-sand mortar.

The more accurate the cutting will be, the less it will be necessary to repair the screed. To repair a cement-sand screed, a solution of a grade of at least 150 is used. After 8-10 days after laying, the screed is primed. Bituminous polymer mastic (liquid rubber, without hardener) is used as a primer.
Consumption 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m, the price is 125 rubles / kg.

Reinforcement increases the strength, but reduces the elasticity of the mastic coating, so it is necessary to understand what is preferable for a given roof. Reinforcement can be performed only in individual nodes (usually adjunctions and mates).

Reinforcement is done as follows. A thin layer of liquid rubber is applied by spraying (without hardener), with a consumption of 0.3-0.5 kg geotextile is laid and rolled to ensure a snug fit to the base over the entire surface, then a thin layer of liquid rubber is applied on top - consumption of 0.5 kg / sq m for impregnation of geotextiles, exposure to complete drying 2-5 hours.

After carrying out all the above works, the installation of the main waterproofing coating (liquid rubber) is carried out.

Bitumen-polymer mastic is applied by spraying, for this work, equipment of the RX series for liquid rubber is used.

The consumption of bitumen-polymer mastic is 3.0 kg per 1 sq.m to provide a waterproofing layer of at least 2 mm.

The cost of 1 kg is 155 rubles.

Example 3 Repair of a flat crawl of an industrial building 20x30 m.

The total coverage area is 600 sq. m.
Old roofing material. There are swellings on the roof with a total area of ​​100 sq m.
When removing (cutting out) swellings, depressions 30 mm deep were formed.

Approximate cost estimate for materials:

Name of materials

Unit measurements



Material consumption

Total, rub.

sand cement

Bag (50 kg)

250 rub/mesh

1.2 mesh/sq m (screed thickness 30 mm)


20 rub/sq m


1 piece/100 sqm

Primer and impregnation of geotextiles (Daklar)
Basic waterproofing layer (Daklar)

For roofing carpet and underground waterproofing, bitumen-polymer mastics SLAVYANKA are used. The physical and mechanical properties of these mastics are shown in the following table.






liquid rubber one-component

two-component liquid rubber

Adhesion strength, MPa
with concrete
with metal





Flexibility on the beam R=5 mm, °С

Heat resistance, °С

Elongation at break, %

Water absorption in 24 hours,%

Water resistance at a pressure of 0.01 MPa for 24 hours

Thickness of one layer, mm

Consumption per layer, kg/m2

Drying time of one layer, h, at +20°C and 60% humidity

Application temperature, °С

-10 to +50

-10 to +50

from +5 to +50

from +5 to +50

Humidity of the base by weight, no more than, %



  • installation of mastic roofs (with fiberglass or polyester reinforcement);
  • repair of all types of roofs (treatment of cracks, elimination of bubbles, etc.);
  • sealing of junctions and interfaces of vertical and horizontal surfaces and fittings on roofs;
  • waterproofing of horizontal surfaces of building structures.

Roofing mastic SLAVYANKA must not be used inside residential premises.

Execution of works

Roofing SLAVYANKA mastic is applied manually with a brush, roller or spatula or mechanically using devices for airless (when the mastic is diluted with organic solvents no more than 20% by weight) and air application. It is possible to apply mastic by pouring, followed by leveling with a special tool (mop, etc.).

Works with SLAVYANKA roofing mastic are carried out at the temperature of the treated surface and ambient air from -10°С to +50°С. The working temperature of the mastic must be at least +15°C. At low temperatures, keep the mastic at room temperature for at least a day before use.

Consumption per 1 m2

Consumption of mastic to create a coating with a thickness of 2 mm - 2.8-3.2 kg / m2


Roofing mastic SLAVYANKA (22 kg) - 150.45 rubles / kg

Roofing mastic SLAVYANKA (22 kg) - 3310.00 rubles / bucket

Compound: is a ready-to-use material consisting of a mixture of bitumen, polymer, fillers, additives and an organic solvent.

The resulting coatings are elastic, waterproof, have high adhesion to treated surfaces and increased resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences.


  • external waterproofing of buried structures (foundations, basements, piles, tanks, etc.);
  • waterproofing of elements of bridge structures;
  • pipeline waterproofing.

Mastic can be applied to vertical surfaces. SLAVYANKA coating waterproofing must not be used inside residential premises.

Execution of works

Mastic SLAVYANKA coating waterproofing is applied manually using a roller or spatula or mechanically using devices for airless (when the mastic is diluted with organic solvents no more than 20% by weight) and air application. On a horizontal surface, it is possible to apply mastic by pouring, followed by leveling with a special tool (mop, spatula, etc.).

Works with mastic SLAVYANKA coating waterproofing are carried out at ambient temperature from -10°С to +50°С. At negative temperatures, it is necessary to warm up the surface, the temperature of the treated surface must be above 0°C. The working temperature of the mastic must be at least +15°C. At low temperatures, keep the mastic at room temperature for at least a day before use.

Consumption per 1 m2

Consumption of mastic to create a coating with a thickness of 2 mm - 2.5-3.0 kg / m2


Mastic SLAVYANKA coating waterproofing (22 kg) - 153.18 rubles / kg

Mastic SLAVYANKA coating waterproofing (22 kg) - 3370.00 rubles / bucket

Compound: is a ready-to-use material consisting of a high-viscosity bitumen-latex emulsion (water-based bitumen-polymer mastic).

The covering quickly polymerizes (45-60 min.). Environmentally safe (does not contain harmful volatile organic compounds, can be used in residential areas). Forms a seamless, highly elastic rubber-like waterproofing coating.


Execution of works

Mastic SLAVYANKA liquid rubber one-component is applied manually with a spatula.

Works with mastic SLAVYANKA liquid rubber are carried out at a temperature of the treated surface and ambient air not lower than +5°C. The working temperature of the mastic must be at least +20°C. At low temperatures, the mastic must be warmed up to operating temperature before use.

Consumption per 1 m2

Consumption of mastic to create a coating with a thickness of 2 mm - 3.2 kg / m2


Mastic SLAVYANKA liquid rubber one-component (20 kg) - 247.25 rubles / kg

Mastic SLAVYANKA liquid rubber one-component (20 kg) - 4945.00 rubles / bucket

Component A: bitumen-latex emulsion (stable homogeneous liquid of dark brown color).

Component B: hardener (crystalline powder or white granules). Before use, component B is dissolved in pure water in a ratio of 1 to 19 (5% of component B in 95% of water).

The composition is applied mechanically using special two-channel equipment that ensures the mixing of the components at the time of spraying onto the surface.

Instantly polymerizes (5-20 seconds) upon contact with the base. Environmentally safe (does not contain harmful volatile organic compounds, can be used in residential areas). Forms a seamless, highly elastic rubber-like waterproofing coating.


  • waterproofing and corrosion protection of building structures (foundations, roofs, pipelines, etc.).

Mastic is intended for drawing on horizontal, vertical and ceiling surfaces. SLAVYANKA liquid rubber one-component can be used inside living quarters.

Execution of works

Application of mastic SLAVYANKA two-component liquid rubber is carried out only in a mechanized way using specialized two-channel equipment for spraying liquid rubber. The ratio of component A to the solution of component B during spraying should be 8 to 1.

During the period of work, the temperature of the ambient air and the treated surface should not be lower than +5°C. The operating temperature of the SLAVYANKA mastic liquid rubber (component A) must not be lower than +5°C.

Consumption per 1 m2

Consumption of mastic to create a coating with a thickness of 3 mm - 4.8 kg / m2


Mastic SLAVYANKA two-component liquid rubber (60 kg) - 218.50 rubles / kg

Mastic SLAVYANKA two-component liquid rubber (60 kg) – RUB 13110.00/drum

Foreword. Bitumen-polymer mastic Slavyanka is a completely ready-to-use coating waterproofing. It is a mixture of a homogeneous black mass, liquid rubber is characterized by the formation of an elastic coating after drying. Consider in the article the technical characteristics of Slavyanka mastic, the technology for applying liquid two-component rubber and the consumption of Slavyanka waterproofing per 1 square meter.

Scope of coating waterproofing Slavyanka

A photo. Coating waterproofing Slavyanka

Slavyanka® mastic is used to protect metal, concrete or reinforced concrete materials and other building structures from moisture. It is also used for processing residential premises with high humidity from the inside - waterproofing basement walls, inspection pits, bathrooms, etc. Liquid two-component rubber Slavyanka is also suitable for waterproofing pipelines, septic tanks and other containers for various purposes.

The application technology assumes a temperature regime from -10C to +50C, the temperature of the material should exceed +15C. For convenience, the mastic can be diluted with an organic solvent to the desired consistency, but not more than 20% of the total weight of the mixture. Since when diluting liquid rubber produced by Rastro over 20%, the technical characteristics of the resulting waterproofing film on the treated surface deteriorate.

Description of bitumen-polymer waterproofing Slavyanka

Mastic Slavyanka® coating waterproofing, manufactured by Rastro, is a one-component, ready-to-use bitumen-polymer composition. Technologists of the production company "Rastro" are constantly improving the company's products, improving their characteristics and performance, expanding the scope of Slavyanka waterproofing, in a word, they are doing everything to ensure the best price-quality ratio.

Mastic Slavyanka® coating waterproofing is a bituminous-polymer composition with a pasty consistency of black color. After drying, liquid waterproofing creates a thin layer of a rubber-like membrane. During storage, sedimentation is possible, which does not affect the performance of the composition. Before use, the mastic should be mixed and, if necessary, diluted with a solvent to the desired consistency.

Advantages of waterproofing Slavyanka:

- the possibility of using mastic at low temperatures;
— good adhesive properties to any materials and high elasticity;
- chemical resistance in aggressive environments and the strength of the resulting layer;
— high viscosity allows to apply liquid rubber on vertical surfaces.

Limitations and disadvantages of Slavyanka mastic:

- it is forbidden to use bitumen-polymer mastic inside residential premises;
- it is forbidden to use in liquid organic media: oil, oil products;
- do not use as an adhesive for expanded polystyrene and materials based on it;
- Do not apply to a surface that is not cleaned of dirt, dust and grease stains.

We have considered all the pros and cons of Slavyanka waterproofing, it remains only to add that the manufacturer reserves the right to change the technical characteristics of Slavyanka liquid rubber and the technology of its application without prior notice, in order to improve product performance. The manufacturer is not responsible for defects resulting from violation of the instructions.

Waterproofing Slavyanka: technical specifications

- heat resistance up to 140 degrees Celsius;
— material viscosity from 140 mm to 180 mm;
— material elongation at break up to 1000%;
— tensile strength reaches 1.5 MPa;
— temperature of use from -10 to +50C.

Table. Specifications waterproofing Slavyanka

Work should be carried out in well-ventilated areas, away from sources of fire or in the open air, since the composition of the mastic includes flammable substances. If the mastic gets on the skin, it is necessary to remove the composition with a cloth, then the coating waterproofing Slavyanka should be washed off with soap and water. Application technology prohibits the use of bituminous mastic inside living rooms.

Waterproofing Slavyanka: application technology

It is more convenient to apply mastic on a vertical surface with a roller, brush or spray method. On a horizontal surface, for example, when waterproofing flat roofs, it is possible to pour the mixture with subsequent leveling over the surface with a mop or spatula. Foundations that require backfilling with soil can be backfilled after the mastic has completely dried to prevent damage to the layer.

Preparing the surface for applying mastic

As in the case of independent use of TechnoNIKOL coating waterproofing, the surface to be treated should be cleaned of dirt, rust, grease stains and similar contaminants. If necessary, repairs are carried out, all chips and cracks on the concrete surface are sealed before applying the mastic. Then the surface is dried and liquid rubber is applied to it with a brush or by spraying.

If necessary, another layer of insulation is applied to the dried first layer. The thickness of the finished layer should be no more than 2 millimeters. In hot weather, the mastic is applied in 4-5 passes, in layers of no more than 0.5 mm. One hour after application, the coating resists rain, but the final cure time of liquid rubber depends on the material of the treated substrate, weather conditions and the thickness of the waterproofing layer.

Waterproofing Slavyanka: consumption per m2

Average consumption of Slavyanka® mastic per 1 sq.m. when creating a layer with a thickness of 1 mm, it is about 1.39 kg / m² (1.39 kilograms of the finished mixture per 1 square meter of the treated surface). To accurately calculate the required amount of material, use the online waterproofing cost calculator on our website. Next, watch the video, applying liquid two-component rubber to a flat roof.

Video. Material Slavyanka two-component liquid rubber

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