Biological definition of mycorrhiza and its benefits to plants. The role of mycorrhiza in the life of tree species

Biological definition of mycorrhiza and its benefits to plants.  The role of mycorrhiza in the life of tree species
Biological definition of mycorrhiza and its benefits to plants. The role of mycorrhiza in the life of tree species

>> What is mycorrhiza

What is mycorrhiza?

Mycorrhiza, under this name, are known the connections of the mycelium of the fungus with the roots of a higher plant, and the latter more or less change the nature of their growth, branching and anatomical structure. Mycorrhizae are very widespread among the most various groups higher plants, both seed and archegonial, and are probably found in most species. Apparently, representatives of Cruciferae, Polygonaceae, Cyperaceae, and Equisetaceae are completely devoid of mycorrhizae. Among others, for some, the formation of mycorrhizae is obligatory (Orchidaceae, Ericaceae), and for most it is only optional, but still, among the latter, for some, like most of our forest trees and many mainly perennial herbs, mycorrhiza is especially common - in most cases. Dividing plants according to environmental conditions, it can be noted that mycorrhizae are always absent in aquatic plants and, conversely, are especially widespread among those that grow on soils rich in humus. Further, it can be pointed out that mycorrhizae are relatively rare in annual plants. herbaceous plants and are common in perennials.

Based on their structure, endotrophic and ectotrophic mycorrhizae are distinguished. In the first, the mycelium of the fungus is distributed mainly inside the tissues (in corovailarenchyma) and little or even in some cases does not come out at all. The roots bear normal root hairs. In the second, the mycelium entwines the root from the outside, forming around it like a cover of mushroom tissue with numerous free hyphae extending into the soil. The root does not develop its own root hairs. The transition between these two types is the so-called ecto-endotrophic mycorrhiza, observed, for example, in our birches and aspens. The fungal hyphae in it not only densely entwine the root from the outside, but also give off abundant branches that penetrate inside the bark parenchyma. The mycelium of both typical endotrophic and ecto-eidotrophic mycorrhiza is partly intercellular, partly intracellular. Both of them, in their intracellular parts, often form dense balls of hyphae or, in other cases, branches resembling haustoria. In this case, the root cells themselves usually remain alive, and in some of them, mainly the deeper-lying core cells, the death and dissolution of these mycelium tangles is observed. This phenomenon resembles intracellular digestion and is often compared to phagocytosis in animals (digestion of microbes within white blood cells).

Typical endotrophic mycorrhiza is characteristic, for example, of all orchids (with the only possible exception of Wullschlaegelia aphylla, which is completely devoid of mycorrhiza). The presence of the fungus here is obligatory, especially in the young stages, and seeds without infection, as a rule, do not germinate at all (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Seed germination and development of the Odontoglossum orchid: 1 - seed before germination; 2 - swelling of the seed; 3 - infection with the fungus Rhizoctonia; 4 - successive stages of development young plant, on the left are solid, on the right in section; The dots indicate the area occupied by the mushroom.

Endotrophic mycorrhiza is also obligatory in representatives of the family Ericaceae. In detail it differs somewhat from what is observed in orchids: it is concentrated here mainly in the outermost epidermal cells of the root, where tangles are also formed, but their digestion is not observed. For a number of forms (Galluna, Andromeda, Vaccinium, etc.) it is indicated that the fungus infects the seeds themselves already in the ovary. Thus, their germination does not require infection from the outside, which, on the contrary, is necessary for orchids. If Galluna vulgaris seeds are artificially freed from the fungus, then although they germinate, the seedlings do not develop beyond normal development (Rayner, 1915, 1929). However, Knudson (1929) managed to obtain normal development of Galluna vulgaris under sterile conditions.

Endotrophic mycorrhiza is also found in individual representatives of a wide variety of families of flowering plants (for example, Triticum, Zea, -Paris, Allium, Arum, Solanum, Nicotiana, Beta, Euphorbia and many others). Its presence is not mandatory here, and the structure differs significantly from those described above. Firstly, the fungal mycelium here, as a rule, is non-cellular, whereas in orchids and heathers it is multicellular, secondly, it goes in a larger part along the intercellular spaces, thirdly, its intracellular parts do not produce tangles, but tree-like branches in in the form of haustoria (the so-called arb at the cheekbones and - Fig. 2) or are often bubble-like swollen at the ends (the so-called sporangioles).

Rice. 2. Arbusculi in a Sequoia root cell.

As for, finally, ectotrophic (and ecto-endotrophic) mycorrhiza, it is represented very typically in most, if not all, tree species, although it is not absolutely obligatory here.

In this case, the fungus entwines the tips of the roots, as if with a cover, at the same time inducing them to enhanced coral-like branching (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. 1-3 - Pine mycorrhiza; freeing the growing root tip from the fungal sheath; 4 - alder mycorrhiza; 5 - birch mycorrhiza.

The outer hyphae of the indicated sheath spread freely in the soil, as if replacing the root hairs that are missing here (Fig. 3, 3, 4). Sometimes, when the root grows rapidly, it breaks the fungal cover at the top and then grows freely (Fig. 3, 2, 3).

An anatomical study of the mycorrhiza of our tree species shows its ecto-endotrophic nature. Fungal hyphae penetrate between the outer cells of the root, especially between the exodermal cells, which are significantly extended in the radial direction. The predominantly single-layer fungal plexus between these and deeper lying cells is called the “Hartig network” (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Part of a longitudinal section through the mycorrhiza of a birch.

In addition to intercellular spread, hyphae penetrate into the cells themselves. Moreover, some of them look like thick bags, apparently rich in nutritional materials, while others are thinner and branched. They form tubers and are often digested in deeper cells.

Rice. 5. Mycorrhizal: orchid fungus (Rhizoctonia repens) from pure culture.

Many fungi, mainly from Hymenomycetes, especially from the family Agariaceae, as well as the genera Boletus, Hydnum and some others, take part in the formation of ectotrophic (and ectoendotrophic) mycorrhiza of tree species.

Rice. 6. Pine seedling with mycorrhiza.

Rice. 7. Cross section of a pine root with mycorrhiza.

Mycorrhizae of tree species turn out to be much less specialized. For example, in beech mycorrhiza can be formed by 12 different hymenomycetes and, in addition, a gasteromycete, Scleroderma vulgare. Also with birch, hazel and many others. On the other hand, the same fungus can produce mycorrhiza with different trees eg Amanita muscaria - with many foliage and coniferous trees. Some species of Suillus show great specialization here, especially Suillus flavus, which is associated exclusively with larch. Also, the oiler (Suillus granulatus, Suillus luteus) - with pine, the common boletus (Leccinum scabrum) - mainly with birch, and some others, apparently have significant specialization. A lesser specialist appears to be the camelina (Lactarius deliciosus), associated with spruce, pine, fir and larch.

At one time, Stahl (1900) put forward a hypothesis about the connection between mycorrhiza formation and transpiration. Its essence is as follows: humus soils, where mycorrhizae are especially common, are also inhabited by a huge number of microorganisms, including fungi. Therefore, there is great competition between the roots of higher plants and soil fungi, primarily due to water and minerals. In these cases, ectotrophic mycorrhiza with a powerfully developed system of free hyphae extending from it increases the absorptive capacity of the root in those plants whose own root system which is not fully developed, and thereby makes it possible to withstand this competition. However, even under these conditions, the absorption capacity of such plants remains, apparently, reduced, as well as their transpiration. In this regard, mycorrhizal plants contain relatively little ash substances (on average about 5% according to Stahl). On the contrary, other plants growing on the same humus soils, but having a more powerful root system that reaches those horizons where soil microorganisms are no longer so abundant, develop normally without any mycorrhizae. Their absorption capacity and transpiration are more high level. The content of ash substances in them is also significantly higher (10% or more according to Stahl).

Stahl's theory dealt mainly with herbaceous plants and emphasized root absorptive capacity and transpiration. Melin's research sheds deeper light on the importance of ectotrophic mycorrhiza in woody plants. According to his data, the fungus is attracted here and stimulated to grow by some secretions of the root (Melin suggests phosphatides). They also promote the germination of spores of mycorrhizal fungi. From the root tissue, the mycelium receives mainly nitrogen-free organic substances. On the other hand, the fungus, with its densely branched mycelium in the soil, replacing the root hairs that are missing here, absorbs from the soil not only water and mineral salts, but also complex, mainly nitrogenous organic substances (from the lignin-protein complex of the soil). When hyphae are digested in root cells, these nitrogenous organic substances are used to nourish the plant. Thus, through the fungus, it can also use those organic substances in the soil that are directly inaccessible to it, and in addition, of course, water and inorganic salts.

As for endotrophic mycorrhiza, the physiological relationships are less clear. It has been established that the fungus here uses carbohydrates and other, mainly nitrogen-free, substances of the root; on the other hand, the presence of hyphal digestion indicates that the root must also receive something from the fungus.

It remains insufficiently clear what exactly the mycorrhizal fungus perceives specifically from environment. It was assumed that here, first of all, the assimilation of free nitrogen takes place. It turned out that this is not always the case, but in some cases it was established experimentally, for example, for mycorrhizal fungi Ericaceae, which, as was said, belong to the genus Phoma (Ternetz, 1906, Rayner, 1915). Their energy for nitrogen absorption in pure crops turned out to be significant, and the economic coefficient (the ratio of assimilated N to consumed sugar) is in some cases not inferior to such typical nitrogen collectors as Clostridium and Azotobacter (more than 1%). In this regard, Ericaceae grow in soils poor in easily digestible nitrogenous substances.

There are also indications of the assimilation of free nitrogen by orchid mycorrhiza-formers (Wulf, 1927, 1933). However, the increase in nitrogen obtained by the author in pure cultures was so insignificant that his data seem doubtful. Some (Knudson, Freisleben), however, also dispute Rayner’s data on the assimilation of free nitrogen in Ericaceae. However, here in the experiments a sufficient yield of nitrogen was obtained, which lay beyond the possible inaccuracies of the technique.

In addition to the possible absorption of elemental nitrogen in some cases, some other functions must also be attributed to endotrophic mycorrhiza.

Finally, recently a position has been put forward about the possible importance of mycorrhizal fungi (both endotrophic and ectotrophic) as suppliers of hormones or bios for those plants whose own production of these substances is weakened or completely absent. In support of this idea, one can cite especially the data of Burgeff (1934), who obtained the germination of orchid seeds without the participation of a living fungus, if he sowed them on his cultures killed by heating on gelatin. The same results were obtained by adding acetone or alcohol extracts from yeast to the seed culture. Burgeff directly points out that in these cases the matter comes down to the action of vitamins (or birs), since reduced orchid seeds do not contain these substances and lack the ability to produce them themselves. It is possible that the results of the experiments of Knudson (1924, 1929, 1933) should be explained in a similar way, who, in contrast to Rayner, obtained the germination of Calluna and orchid seeds and the further development of seedlings without fungus when cultured on agar with big amount organic material. Freisleben (1934) also points out that Vaccinium seeds germinate not only in the presence of their own mycorrhizal fungus, but also of other species, such as Penicilliuni, which does not form any mycorrhiza with them.

In conclusion, we should also mention the peritrophic mycorrhiza, the concept of which was recently introduced by Jahn (1934, 1935). He points out that in woody plants, in the immediate vicinity of the growing ends of their roots (in their so-called rhizosphere), there is a rather special flora of fungi, different for different types trees and for different soils. Although they are not anatomically related to the root, they are nevertheless important for its development, creating an appropriate environment around it. According to Ian, there is special meaning a change in the reaction in the rhizosphere, especially towards acidification, produced by fungi. Thanks to this, the absorption capacity of the root changes and soil substances are used that would otherwise be inaccessible to it. At the same time, peritrophic mycorrhiza is of interest as a possible first stage in the evolution of mycorrhiza formation, going further to ectotrophic, ecto-endotrophic and, finally, endotrophic mycorrhiza.

Kursanov L.I. Mycology. 2nd ed. M., 1940. - 100-108 p.

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On the one hand, all gymnosperms and some flowering plants participate in the formation of mycorrhiza, and on the other hand, such groups of fungi as basidiomycetes, zygomycetes, ascomycetes, etc. Thanks to fungi, the absorption surface of the root system increases, and mineral compounds also enter the root in an easily digestible form. form. The fungus, in turn, feeds on carbohydrates, phytohormones, and amino acids obtained from the root of a higher plant.

There are three types of mycorrhiza: endotrophic, ectotrophic, ectoendotrophic. During the formation of ectotrophic (external) mycorrhiza, the mycelium of the fungus envelops the ends of young roots, forming a kind of sheath, and penetrates into the intercellular spaces without destroying the cells. In this case, there are no root hairs, and the root cap is transformed into one or two layers of cells. The root turns out to be divided into sections by fungal hyphae. This network of hyphae is called Hartig's network. It is possible to form hyphal balls in the cells of the peripheral layers of the root system and phagocytosis in the internal ones during eumycete ptyophagic ectomycorrhiza. Ectotrophic mycorrhiza is observed in many trees (spruce, oak, birch), shrubs (willow), and occasionally in grasses (viviparous buckwheat). This type of mycorrhiza is formed in most cases by hymenomycetes fungi, sometimes by gasteromycetes. One or several types of fungi can form mycorrhiza on the root system of one plant. But more often, a certain species of higher plant in plant communities corresponds to a certain symbiont fungus.

Endotrophic mycorrhiza is characterized by the fact that the shape of the roots remains constant, root hairs are preserved, and there is no Hartig network or fungal sheath. The hyphae of the fungus directly penetrate the cells of the root parenchyma. Mycorrhiza is practically invisible on the surface of the plant root due to the fact that a significant part of the fungus penetrates into the cells of the root system. Fungal hyphae accumulate in the root cells in the form of balls and branched threads. This type of mycorrhiza is formed in lingonberry, orchid, cexaceae, heather, wintergreen, etc. plants. The most common mycorrhiza-forming fungi in many herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees of various species are phycomycetes (genus Endogone, Pythium), in some cases basidiomycetes and imperfect fungi. Hyphae of phycomycetes, penetrating the cells of the root epidermis, are concentrated in the intercellular spaces and cells of the middle layers of the root parenchyma.

With the ectoendotrophic type of mycorrhiza, the properties of ecto- and endomycorrhiza are combined. The predominance of the ectotrophic or endotrophic type is possible. Such mycorrhiza is observed in herbaceous plants and shrubs, for example, arcticus, grandiflora wintergreen. In this case, the fungal hyphae penetrate both the root cells and the intercellular spaces.

Thus, the importance of mycorrhiza in the life activity of both fungi and higher plants is extremely great. The plant absorbs mineral salts and water well, thanks to the mycelium of the fungus. In turn, the fungus receives ready-made organic substances from the root of a higher plant, which it is not able to synthesize on its own due to the lack of chlorophyll. Microelements that are extremely important for plants (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium) are contained in the soil in the form of compounds that are not available for absorption by plants. Fungi in mycorrhiza convert these compounds and deliver them to the root system of plants. In arid regions, mycorrhiza performs the function of providing moisture to woody plants. It should be noted that the fungi involved in mycorrhiza protect plants from pathogenic organisms, in particular from damage by other harmful fungi.

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Every year the human population on Earth is increasing. If the growth dynamics do not undergo any changes, then the milestone of 8 billion inhabitants of the planet will be overcome in 2024, and scientists from the UN claim that by 2100 the planet's population will already be 11 billion (!) people. Therefore, the problem of food security is already extremely acute for humanity today.

Technologies used in agriculture Currently, the emphasis is mainly on the use of highly effective varieties and the use of produced chemically fertilizers and growth stimulants. However, soon, as most scientists predict, the maximum limit of their effectiveness will be reached, so farmers around the world today are faced with the search for new and non-standard solutions Problems.

One of these solutions is based on the direct use of the capabilities of the earth's ecosystem, including living microorganisms, organic substances and minerals. Microscopic organisms and fungi are literally right under our feet, and they have enormous potential to bring real benefits and economic benefits to agriculture.

The fact is that all higher plants and fungi are closely interconnected, being elements of one natural system, thus creating a kind of symbiosis that plays a significant role in the life of most cultures.

What is mycorrhiza?

Mycorrhiza or fungal root is a symbiotic association of fungal mycelium with the roots of higher plants. This term was first introduced by Albert Bernhard Frank back in 1885.

As it turned out, about 90% of all plant varieties existing on earth contain mycorrhiza on their roots, which plays a significant role for their full growth and development.

Currently, agronomists are putting forward a scientifically based theory about the content of a special substance glomalin in the soil, which is a type of plant protein. As it turned out, this substance accumulates in the soil precisely due to mycorrhizal fungi. Moreover, without this substance the existence of plants is generally impossible.

Thanks to mycorrhizae, the absorbing surface of the roots of most plants increases up to 1000 (!) times. At the same time, these mushrooms contribute to a significant improvement of the soil, increase the porosity of the fertile soil layer and improve the process of its aeration.

The fact is that the root system of plants secretes glucose, which attracts symbionts or fungi that form mycorrhizae. Sensitively detecting sugar secretions, the fungi begin to entangle plant roots with their hyphae, creating a mycelium, and even have the ability to penetrate deeply into the crop. The point of this penetration is to be able to transfer nutrients to each other.

By multiplying on the roots of plants, fungi create a mass of thin absorbent threads, which have the ability to penetrate into the smallest pores of minerals in the ground, thereby increasing absorption nutrients and moisture. Surprisingly, one cubic centimeter can contain mycorrhiza with a total length of threads of up to 40 meters (!).

These threads, destroying minerals, extract from the soil the most valuable macro and microelements (for example, phosphorus), which are then supplied to plants.

At the same time, crops infected with the fungus better resist various pathogenic infections, since mycorrhizae stimulate their protective functions.

Varieties of mycorrhiza

There are several varieties of mycorrhiza, but there are two main types:

· Internal (endomycorrhiza). With internal mycorrhiza, fungi are formed directly in the root system of plants, therefore the use of endomycorrhiza is more effective and is already used in agriculture.

More often this type mycorrhizae is found on cultivated garden fruit trees (apple trees, pears, and so on), it can also be found on berries and grain crops, on some types of legumes and vegetables (in particular, tomatoes and eggplants). Endomycorrhiza is also typical for most ornamental crops and flowers.

· External or external (ectomycorrhiza). With external mycorrhiza, the fungus entwines the root from the outside, without penetrating inside it, but forming around the roots some formations like a sheath (hyphal mantle).

This type of symbiosis is less effective for use in agriculture, since the exchange of nutrients is mainly one-way, in which the fungus consumes sugars (glucose) synthesized by the plant. Thanks to the influence of special hormones secreted by the fungus, young plant roots begin to branch profusely and thicken.

However, external ectomycorrhiza also provides plants with tangible benefits, helping them to safely survive harsh conditions. winter time, because along with sugars, the fungus also takes excess moisture from the plant.

Most often, external ectomycorrhiza can be found in forests (in oak forests, birch groves, willows, poplars, maples, etc., but it is especially characteristic of coniferous species plants), where fungi create dense mycelium around the root system of trees.

Stages of endomycorrhiza germination

First, fungal spores form special attachments to the root system of plants in the form of growths (suckers), which are called appressoria. Gradually, from these formations, a hypha (a special process coming from the mycelium) begins to penetrate into the root. The hyphae is able to pierce the outer epidermis, thus entering the internal tissues of the root system, where it begins to branch, forming fungal mycelium. The hyphae then penetrate into plant cells, where arbuscules are created in the form of complex branches, in which intensive exchange of nutrients occurs.

Arbuscules can exist for several days, and then dissolve, and new arbuscules begin to form instead of old hyphae. This process programmed, controlled by a special set of genes, and represents a hereditary system model responsible for the reconstruction of mycorrhizae.

Mycorrhizae in the service of humans

Due to the fact that mycorrhizae have a positive effect on plants, promoting their rapid growth and development, these fungi are increasingly used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

Alas, scientists have not yet learned to control the process of mycorrhizal behavior, so they are not yet amenable to change and are poorly controlled. However, even today mycorrhizae are actively used by some farms to support the growth and development of plants (especially young ones).

Mycorrhizal fungi are also used on highly depleted soils and in regions experiencing regular problems with irrigation water. In addition, they are effectively used in regions where man-made disasters, since mushrooms successfully resist various pollutants, including extremely toxic ones (for example, mycorrhizae excellently neutralize the negative effects of heavy metals).

Among other things, this type of mushroom perfectly fixes nitrogen and solubilizes phosphorus, transforming it into a more accessible form that is easily absorbed by plants. Of course, this fact affects crop yields, and without the use of expensive fertilizers.

It has been noticed that plants treated with mycorrhiza produce more vigorous shoots, their root system develops better, and the consumer qualities and size of the fruits improve. Moreover, all products are exclusively environmentally friendly and natural.

In addition, plants treated with mycorrhiza demonstrate resistance to pathogenic organisms.

Currently, there are a lot of drugs that are used to treat plant seeds that demonstrate a positive effect.

Endomycorrhizal fungi are excellent for improving the nutrition of vegetables, ornamental plants and fruit trees.

The experience of gardeners from the United States, who chose land completely devoid of fertility for planting fruit trees, is especially valuable. The use of mycorrhizal preparations allowed scientists, even under such unfavorable conditions, to create a blooming garden in this place over time.

Beneficial features mycorrhizae

Saves moisture (up to 50%)

· Accumulates useful macro and microelements, thereby improving the growth and development of plants

· Increases the resistance of plants to unfavorable climatic and weather conditions, and also resists salts and heavy metals, leveling out severe soil contamination with toxins

Increases productivity, improves the presentation and taste of fruits

· Helps resist various pathogens and harmful organisms(for example, the fungus is effective against nematodes). Some varieties of mushrooms can suppress up to 60 varieties of pathogens that cause rot, scab, late blight, fusarium and other diseases

· Increases plant immunity

Helps speed up the flowering process

Accelerates the process of crop survival and has a positive effect on the growth of green mass

In fact, mycorrhizae have existed in nature for 450 million years and are still working effectively to help diversify modern views crops

Mycorrhiza works on the principle of a pump, absorbing water from the soil and extracting useful substances from the soil, and in return, receiving vital carbohydrates. Its spores can spread tens of meters, covering a much larger area than conventional crops can afford. Therefore, thanks to such close cooperation, plants bear fruit better, show resistance to various diseases, and tolerate unfavorable conditions well. weather and poor soils.

Is mycorrhiza the future? Time will show.

Mushrooms - amazing plants eating differently from everything flora and using other methods of reproduction. Fungi have a wide spectrum of action - from provoking diseases to fighting them (like penicillin). Some mushrooms can be a wonderful find for a mushroom picker, while others, at first glance, are completely invisible to humans.


It is generally accepted that mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb everything negative impacts environment. That is why it is important to collect them for food from ecologically clean areas or use grown artificially. But not all mushrooms grow on the ground. Often in nature you can find such a phenomenon as mushroom inhabitants of trees. And if the ordinary oyster mushroom is a tasty product, then many other tree companions are unsuitable for food and have a different purpose.

Read more about what mycorrhiza is

There are different types of mushrooms that live on trees. They have their own names and distinctive features. They influence representatives to varying degrees upper class who have chosen their place of residence. Plant mycorrhiza is not a type of mushroom and not the mushrooms themselves. It's more of a process.

Effect of symbiosis on plants

Mutual benefit

They, in turn, provide the plant that is their home, useful substances. It happens like this: the roots, dotted with mycelium, become more loose, as a result of which they are able to absorb more moisture, as well as other nutrients, including nitrogen, mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins.

Types of mushroom roots

Depending on the conditions of symbiosis, types of mycorrhiza are distinguished:

  • Ectotrophic or external. It is characterized by entwining the surface bark of plants.
  • Endotrophic (internal). It is the penetration of fungal mycelium into the internal tissues of the roots.
  • Phycomycete type. Characterized by complete penetration of rhizomes by fungi.
  • In the euectotrophic type, symbiosis can cause the death of rhizome hairs.
  • The ectoendotrophic type indicates the introduction of the fungus into the cortex cells themselves.
  • The ericoid type involves the subsequent digestion by the plant of the balls formed by the fungus.

Each type is characteristic of certain types of plants. Trees and shrubs are susceptible predominantly to one variant of mycorrhiza. But they can also be carriers of several types of fungi at the same time.

Since all mushrooms adapt to life in different ways, they all have their own type of existence. Their habitat is determined by the need to eat. That is why you will never see a single mushroom on bare soil without vegetation.

Not all mycorrhizal fungi grow on tree roots, although they can often be found under trees.

Mycorrhiza forms many of the fungi we are familiar with. These are everyone’s favorite and delicious ones - porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, boletuses, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms and others. Poisonous mushrooms are also mycorrhizal and feed plants.

Almost all conifers are mycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhiza of the root is also inherent in birch, which at the same time enters into an alliance with boletus. Similar coexistence can be observed between pine and buttercup, aspen and boletus, beech and chanterelles, hornbeam and porcini mushroom. The fly agaric prefers birch and spruce. Podubovik can grow both under trees and, like oyster mushrooms, on their trunks. Entoloma garden can be found not only under fruit trees such as plum, apricot, but also under forest shrubs rosehip and hawthorn. Birch trees and conifers are preferred for most mushrooms. Therefore, near these trees you can find various inhabitants of the named family.

Mycorrhizal fungi cannot exist without the roots of trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants. When the mycelium acts on the roots of higher plants, a transformation of the rhizome occurs, but such deformations are completely harmless to the plant. This symbiosis has existed for thousands of years, as evidenced by fossilized rocks of ancient plants. Based on these findings, it becomes obvious that this is another one of nature's perfect plans. And everything is calculated in such a way that the coexistence of fungi and plants only benefits both representatives.

Artificially created mycorrhiza

Forest mushrooms provide full nutrition wild vegetation. Helping higher plants To eat, more actively saturated with organic substances from the soil, mushrooms bring them invaluable benefits. And therefore, remembering that such mycorrhiza has an effect on all plant representatives, people themselves sometimes try to provide plants with such a symbiosis. After all, on garden plots Plants do not have the ability to interact with fungi.

In addition, there are some plants and even flowers whose nutrition comes precisely from mycorrhiza, and therefore their existence is impossible without the necessary fungi.

If you want to help your plants, you can add a useful roommate to them for symbiosis. In this case, mycelium or fungal spores are used. It is not always possible to provide plants with the necessary nutrition. But the use of mycorrhiza can become good option to supply your favorite plants with all the necessary substances.

Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis between a plant and fungal mycelium living in the soil. Certain types of fungi cooperate with specific types plants. In natural conditions, allies are found on their own. In the garden we must help them with this by using appropriate “vaccines” applied to the soil.

What is mycorrhiza?

Mycorrhiza, (from Greek mikos (μύκης) - mushroom and rhiza (ρίζα) - root) is a phenomenon of mutually beneficial coexistence between living plant cells and non-pathogenic (non-disease-causing) fungi that colonize the soil. The definition of mycorrhiza literally means “ mushroom root«.

Mycorrhiza is a partnership between plants and fungi leading to mutual benefit. Fungi use the products of plant photosynthesis to produce plant sugars that they cannot produce themselves. Plants, in turn, receive much more benefits thanks to mycorrhiza.

Mycelial hyphae penetrate into the cells of the root cortex ( Endomycorrhiza) or remain on the surface of the root, entwining it with a dense network ( Ectomycorrhiza), thereby increasing the ability to absorb moisture and mineral salts from the soil. Plants begin to grow stronger and produce more flowers and fruits. They also become significantly more resistant to unfavorable conditions– drought, frost, inappropriate pH or excessive salinity of the soil. Mycorrhiza protects plants from diseases (,).

Where is mycorrhiza found?

Mycorrhizae have existed in nature for millions of years.– more than 80% of all plants remain in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. On personal plots, unfortunately, rarely occurs, as it was destroyed as a result of intensive cultivation and the use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products.

It is not possible to check with the naked eye (without a microscope) whether there is mycorrhiza in the garden soil. Mycorrhizal fungi very often die during the construction of a house. Deep pits, soil left on the surface, remains of crushed stone and lime are the main reasons for the absence of mycorrhiza in the garden.

Noticeable effect of mycorrhiza

The most popular and most noticeable results of mycorrhiza are Forest mushrooms. These are the fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Even a beginner in mushroom picking will notice after the first mushroom picking that specific mushrooms only grow in close proximity to specific trees.

Chanterelles grow under both deciduous and coniferous trees, saffron milk caps grow under pines, spruces and firs. Porcini mushrooms can be found in not too dense forests, mainly under oaks, beeches, as well as pine and spruce trees. It is better to look for moss mushrooms under spruce and pine trees, as well as in deciduous forests, under oaks and beeches. In birch groves and under spruce trees, boletus grows, and boletus grows under birch, hornbeam and oak trees.

Mycorrhizal preparations – vaccines

Mycorrhizal vaccines contain live fungal hyphae or fungal spores. For various plants specific, adapted mixtures of mycorrhiza are intended (they also include edible varieties, however, in garden plots they rarely form fruiting bodies).

You can buy mycorrhizal preparations for indoor plants(the most popular is mycorrhiza) and balcony plants. Much larger selection of vaccines for garden plants- for and deciduous plants, vegetables, for heather, roses, and even for.

The roots of old trees go very deep, and the tree itself has only skeletal roots that are not suitable for mycorrhization. It should be remembered that in plants, both young and adult, the youngest roots are located relatively shallow underground, within 10-40 cm. In the case of planting trees dug directly from the ground, with an open root system, the vaccine should be added to several of the youngest, living roots before planting.

5 rules for using mycorrhiza vaccine

  1. Preparations in powder form are added to the substrate at flower pot and then watered. Vaccines in the form of a suspension are introduced into pots or into the soil (directly onto the roots) using a syringe or a special applicator.
  2. It is enough to plant the roots of plants once to connect with it and be useful throughout life.
  3. There is no universal mycorrhiza suitable for all types of plants! Each plant (or group of plants - for example, heathers) remains in mycorrhiza only with certain types of fungi.
  4. Much better are those containing mycelium hyphae. Vaccines containing fungal spores can be unreliable because the spores often do not have suitable conditions for germination. Mycorrhiza of living mycelium, unlike dry preparations, after watering, is ready for an immediate reaction with the plant.
  5. In the form of a gel suspension, it is stable even for several years, at a temperature of about 0⁰C, and loses its vitality when dried.

After introducing live mycelium, you should not fertilize the plants for 2 months. Also, do not use any fungicides.