Biological features of cockroaches. Types of cockroaches (varieties) and exotic domestic cockroaches, photos, videos. External structure of a cockroach

Biological features of cockroaches. Types of cockroaches (varieties) and exotic domestic cockroaches, photos, videos. External structure of a cockroach

Cockroaches are different, but there are only two main types - black and red cockroaches. Despite the external differences, the structure of cockroaches is similar. The body length of the largest insects does not exceed 5 cm, and the smallest reach only 1 cm in length. Madagascar cockroaches can grow up to 10 cm in length.

All cockroaches have a flat body and a heart-shaped head, but some species have a triangular head.

There are two rather large eyes on the surface, but in some species of insects the visual organs are atrophied or completely absent. Males are mostly winged, while females lack wings. Females are significantly larger than males in size.

Features of cockroaches

These insects belong to the class insects, order cockroaches. Phylum arthropods, subphylum tracheal-breathing. The peculiarity of the black cockroach, which has wings, is its inability to perform independent directed flight. They can glide on their even well-developed wings, which in males cover the entire abdomen. But large females either have no wings or are practically undeveloped. Because of this, their abdomen remains open. They, like all polyphags, feed on a wide variety of foods, eating bread, vegetables, fruits, paper, and even soap. Black and red cockroaches can be attracted to foods that have a pleasant and rather strong odor. Cockroaches cannot survive without water and need warmth.

Another feature is to search for the most secluded, dark, damp corners where they can feel quite comfortable.

External structure of cockroaches Their heads are different types and have external differences. In most cases the head is large, oval or pear-shaped. The mouth has, directed backwards and downwards. It can be difficult to examine the head of a black cockroach, since it is covered by the pronotum. Some species have so-called simple eyes on the head, which are not always developed.

As for the specimens of full-winged animals, they have large compound eyes separated by an interocular space. Short-winged individuals have smaller eyes, often atrophied. Some individuals have no eyes at all. Cockroaches bite quite noticeably. Their mouth is classified as a gnawing mouth. The antennae of the cockroach deserve special attention. They are attached to the antennal fossae. The antennae are covered with bristles and are long.

Body parts

The chest of the black and red cockroach consists of three segments. The first one is much larger than the others - this is the pronotum. This segment has the shape of a convex hexagon. On the sides of it smooth surface there are depressions in which the elytra are placed. This segment is often lighter than the rest of the insect's body, and in some species it is even transparent. The pronotum has an external connection with a small triangular shield, and the thoracic sclerites are hidden under the coxae of the legs.

The legs of the black cockroach are five-jointed. The first four segments have pads, but the fifth has claws. There is a sucker between the claws.

They have two pairs of wings. Despite the fact that they are not developed in all individuals, most alates use membranous wings. The first pair of membranes does not have membranes, but it does have cilia. The first pair of wings are the elytra. They are dense, leathery, and have no hairs. The second pair are the wings themselves, which in some species are atrophied or completely absent. Only males are capable of flight.

The segmental external structure of the abdomen of the red cockroach is clearly visible even at the first glance at the insect. The abdomen is thickened, standing out against the general background. It is especially noticeable in females. The number of segments reaches 10 or 11, the last of which is the anal plate, which covers the anus.


An ootheca is nothing more than an egg cocoon. It has an oval shape, the ends of which are rounded, and in the females of some species they are chopped off. The ootheca is always noticeable due to its size. You can recognize the female red cockroach by it. The size of the ootheca depends on the size of the insect, but in any case it may not be much smaller than the abdomen. The surface of the ootheca is ribbed, and in the place where the eggs are collected, it is noticeably convex. This is a light capsule, at the ends of which there is a so-called pink or beige colour. It may have noticeable thickenings or be completely smooth.

Internal structure

The greatest interest in internal structure cause respiratory, circulatory and digestive organs. The excretory system of the insect is no less important and interesting. The dorsal blood vessel stretches along the entire body, forming expansions in each abdominal segment. Extensions with valves are the heart of the insect. The respiratory system consists of three pairs of tracheal trunks, from which branches extend throughout the insect’s body.

The digestive system begins with the oral cavity, then the subpharyngeal gland and the salivary glands. The cockroach wets its food with saliva before swallowing it. From a small pharynx, food enters the esophagus, from there into the crop and then into the muscular stomach. All foods that a cockroach eats are partially digested, ending up in the crop, and final processing pass in the stomach.

Food ground in the muscular stomach enters the midgut, and from there into the hindgut and excretory system. The central nervous system consists of ganglia (supraglottic and subpharyngeal) and the ventral nerve cord.

Insects require warmth, darkness and humidity to thrive and live. They constantly eat and reproduce. These insects move in search of cozy places and the most suitable habitat, using a wide variety of passages and crevices. Most individuals feel great at a temperature of 20 - 30 ° C, which is why they are so comfortable in a person’s home.

Greetings dear readers of my blog. In today's article we will look at the structure of a cockroach and the physiological characteristics of this insect. Just imagine - on globe There are more than 7,000 species of cockroaches, and the most common in our latitudes are the red and black cockroaches. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

External structure of a cockroach

Despite the huge number of species, all insects of the cockroach order have a similar structure. The main differences are usually the size and color of the insect, but the internal anatomy is almost the same between black and red cockroaches.

Nature has given these creatures excellent help in order to crawl into the crack under the densest plinth - an elongated and flat body. It is divided into the abdomen, thorax (which consists of prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax) and head. In addition, each insect has a pair of wings. Did you know that cockroaches can fly? Below I will tell you how the wings of this creature are structured, what importance the wings have for the reproduction of offspring, and why only males can fly.


I propose to start studying cockroach anatomy from the head, which in most individuals is quite large and has the shape of an oval or rounded triangle. From above it is covered by a shield-shaped anterior segment of the chest, from under which only the back of the head is visible, and the rest of the head is turned downwards.


On the sides of the head there are paired compound eyes, and on top there are two simple eyes, which are poorly developed in most species. By the way, thanks to the structural features of their eyes, cockroaches see the world like a mosaic assembled from thousands of small multi-colored pieces. And although such vision does not allow one to distinguish the details of an object, the so-called perception of light flickers in a cockroach is 5 times higher than that of a human.

This is why it is so difficult to overtake an insect with a slipper or newspaper - even the most fast man For cockroaches it’s like a fly stuck in jam. In short, if you've ever asked yourself why these creatures almost always manage to escape punishment, now you know the answer.


In children's horror stories, the cockroach is always depicted as a mustachioed monster, and it is not for nothing that so much attention is given to the mustache. It is the antennae that are the organ of thermal sensitivity, touch and smell. They are also used as a means of communication between individuals: by touching their whiskers, cockroaches exchange information. The whiskers are of considerable length and covered with bristles, the number of which increases with each moult and reaches 80 by the age of maturity.


Despite small size, red and black cockroach bites can be noticeable and even painful. The fact is that the oral apparatus of these creatures is of the gnawing type and has sufficient complex structure, and each part has its own special purpose:

  • labrum, or upper lip - articulated with the head in a movable manner, covered from the inside with receptors that analyze the composition of food;
  • mandibles, or lower jaw - curved, fairly massive plates, covered with sharp teeth, their purpose is to hold a piece of food;
  • maxillae, or upper jaws - located above the lower jaws, necessary for grinding food and chewing;
  • labium, or lower lip - surrounds the oral apparatus from below, prevents food from falling.

Reading on the topic: Who is the black cockroach and where did it come from in your home?

On the outside of the lower lip there are special receptors (tactile and taste), which are necessary for searching, detecting and analyzing food.

In addition to the complex jaw, the insect’s mouth contains a salivary gland and a tongue-like organ that helps absorb liquid. As you can see, the mouthparts of a cockroach are an ideal tool for searching for and destroying bread crumbs even on the most clean kitchen. No wonder this type insects are considered the most tenacious.


On the chest of cockroaches there are wings, elytra and three pairs of legs. The chest consists of three segments, the largest of which is the first - the so-called pronotum. On the sides of this convex hexagonal segment there are depressions where the elytra are placed. Most often the pronotum has more light color compared to the rest of the body, and in some species this part is even transparent.


As for the insect’s legs, they are located on different segments of the thorax, consist of five parts and are called “pentamerous.” On the four upper segments of the legs there are pads, and on the lower one there are claws, between which there is also a suction cup.

This structure of the paws helps the insect to easily move on any surface - both horizontal and vertical. Moreover, on the paws of this creature there are tiny hairs that catch even the slightest vibrations in the air, thanks to which the cockroach reacts with lightning speed to a moving object.

Strong legs allow you to develop high for such small size speed - a cockroach is capable of running at a speed of 3-4 km/h. If this figure is not surprising, imagine this: if a cockroach were the size of a cheetah, it could easily catch up with a member of the cat family.

In addition, the peculiarity of the legs determines the high maneuverability of the insect: cockroaches are able to change their movement pattern with lightning speed. Depending on their location, each pair of legs has its own special purpose:
  • the prothoracic tarsi are shorter than all the others; they serve as a kind of brake when high speed cockroach;
  • the mid-thoracic legs are responsible for high maneuverability, as they are able to move in different directions;
  • The metathoracic tarsi are longer than the other two pairs, move the cockroach’s body forward and are the main walking limbs.


Two pairs of wings are attached to the cockroach's chest. On top there are hard elytra, designed to cover the abdomen and thinner wings. Interestingly, the length of the male's wings is significantly greater than the length of the female's wings. Cockroaches use their wings to accelerate while moving and also to slow down their fall.

Reading on the topic: White cockroaches or a scary mutant

Fortunately, only one species of cockroaches can fly, but for all the others, their wings are useful for mating games. This is why the male’s wings are longer: during mating, the spread wings form a convenient platform for the larger female.


The abdomen of a cockroach has 11 so-called tergites (segments), but only 8-9 can be distinguished. The tenth segment forms a plate that covers the anus. In females, the abdomen continues with the ootheca - eggs (about 12-16) are stored in this segment. This part of the body has the shape of an oval, and due to its impressive size it is always noticeable and is an obvious difference between a female and a male. It is noteworthy that with sufficient nutrition, the female is capable of producing ootheca every two to three days.

Internal structure of a cockroach

You've probably heard that cockroaches can live without a head for a whole week, or even a month. But you hardly know what physiological features make this possible. Below I will talk about how these work amazing insects from the inside, and why cockroaches feel great even after they have been decapitated.

Digestive system

We already know how the jaws of the black and red cockroach are structured, but what happens to the food next? As I said, the mouth contains salivary glands that secrete saliva to soften and moisten food before swallowing. It is noteworthy that what is eaten will be partially digested in the insect’s crop, and the stomach will do the rest.

Thanks to its muscular structure, it seems to “grind” food, sending it then to the midgut, then to the hindgut and to the excretory system. The intestines of cockroaches are populated by bacteria and fungi, thanks to which the insect is able to digest even inorganic compounds.

Interestingly, the cockroach does not need to chew its food too thoroughly - in the part of the foregut located immediately behind the mouth, there is a row of teeth that will certainly thoroughly crush what it swallows in a hurry.
Cockroaches do not have a urethra, so both feces and urine are excreted through the anus.

Circulatory system

The circulatory system of cockroaches belongs to open type, and the blood of these creatures has White color and is called "hemolymph". Blood circulates freely inside the body, washing everything internal organs. The movement of hemolymph is due to the work of the heart, and the speed of blood circulation is very slow, making the cockroach very sensitive to environmental temperature.

Respiratory system

The cockroach breathes using spiracles - these are 10 pairs of small holes that are located on the sides of the abdomen. The spiracles continue with tracheoles - tubes that form a system and connect into six large tracheal trunks. This structure of the respiratory system allows oxygen to be diffusely supplied to all internal organs.

A colony of arthropods burrowing in the substrate is a typical picture of modern tropical forests. Insects cockroaches are the oldest representatives of neoptera with incomplete transformation. Over the years of evolution, they have not undergone major changes. Arthropods have become true cosmopolitans, spreading across all continents except Antarctica. Cockroaches are hardy and agile, shy and omnivorous. Some species have become synanthropic insects.


The order Cockroaches (Blattopera) belongs to the class insects, phylum arthropods. Termites are included in a large group of 7,570 species. Cockroaches are members of the superorder Cockroaches (Dictyoptera). It includes new-winged insects with incomplete metamorphosis. 4640 species of cockroaches have been found and studied in the world. There is a constant debate among scientists regarding taxonomy. The authors divide cockroaches into different numbers of families and subfamilies, classify them together and separately with termites.

According to the latest data, 8 families have been identified: Nocticolidae, Corydiidae, Blaberidae, Ectobiidae, Cryptocercidae, Tryonicidae, lamproblattidae, Blattidae. The greatest diversity of species is found in the tropics. Insects found an abundance of food and shelter in warm and humid forests. There are 55 species of cockroaches living in the CIS. Some of them are synanthropic, living next to humans.

Information. Is a cockroach an insect or an animal? In everyday reference, animals are four-legged vertebrates, but in scientific classification they include many organisms. Insects are arthropod invertebrate animals.

Structure of a cockroach

Despite the species diversity of the order, the body structure of its representatives is largely similar. The morphology of the imago (adult individuals) is typical. Differences appear in size and color.

External structure of a cockroach

The body of insects is flattened and oval in shape. This structure allows you to crawl into narrow cracks and holes. The length of the imago ranges from 9 to 95 mm. The color of the cover is often dark - brown, black, brown. Reddish and coffee colors are less common. Nocturnal lifestyle, secrecy and the need for camouflage do not require the presence of bright colors.

Interesting fact. Most close-up view The Madagascar hissing cockroach is considered to be its length up to 100 mm. For comparison, the size of Prussians is 9-10 mm. They will tell you more popular information.

Body parts of a cockroach

Insects consist of three main sections: head, thorax, and abdomen. Dividing the body promotes mobility. Functional significance of each department:

The head is triangular or heart-shaped, movable, covered from above by a pronotal shield. The organs of vision and touch are located on it. Antennae are movable appendages consisting of segments. The type is bristle-like. The functions of the antennae of a cockroach are touch and smell. With the help of appendages, they determine the taste of food, find sexual partners, and communicate between individuals. The mouthparts are directed downwards.

Information. The number of segments in the antennae increases with changing ages of the larvae. They are added after molting.

Thorax - the middle section consists of three segments, divided into tergites and sternites. The upper half rings form the back, the lower half rings form the chest. The largest segment is the pronotum; it can be flat or convex. Elytra and wings are attached to it. Each part of the chest belongs to one pair of limbs.

The abdomen is the largest section and consists of 10 segments. At its end there are paired segmented appendages of the cerci. The abdomen houses the respiratory and digestive systems, and in females the ovipositor. The anal plate is located on the 10th tergite.

Features of the structure of cockroaches

Each of the main parts of the body contains organs that provide vital functions for insects.

What kind of eyes does a cockroach have?

The main organ of vision in cockroaches is compound or compound eyes. They are located on the sides of the head. Have various sizes(large in winged forms) and kidney-shaped. The interocular space is well defined. Additional organs of vision, simple eyes, help assess the intensity of light. They are small and located at the top of the head. How many eyes does a cockroach have? Insects have 2 main eyes and 2 simple ocelli, which individual species atrophied.

You will learn about the phenomenal endurance of insects in the article.

Type of cockroach mouthparts

Insects that eat solid food have developed gnawing type mouthparts. It consists of several parts:

  • Upper lip - sensitive hairs on its surface help in studying food.
  • The upper jaw (mandibles) consists of a durable chitinous plate with teeth. Used for biting and grinding food.
  • The lower jaw (maxilla) is a movable organ consisting of several segments that supports food during grinding.
  • The lower lip helps push food into the pharynx; its palp is an organ of touch.

The cockroach's mouthparts have remained unchanged throughout the entire period of its existence. It allows you to absorb plant residues and any organic matter.

Cockroach limbs

Running is the main method of movement for representatives of the cockroach order. The structure of their legs helps them with this. The limbs consist of 5 parts. They are attached to the body with the help of a coxa, which has developed muscles. The longest segments are the thigh and tibia. The flexible foot consists of 5 segments. There are spines on the legs and thighs. How many legs does a cockroach have? Insects have 2 pairs of limbs, each of which is attached to a specific part of the chest.

Information. Some species have a suction cup on the foot, allowing insects to move along vertical surfaces.

Limbs are used for more than just running and jumping. With them, the imago cleans the antennae and body of food debris. The legs are flexible and mobile, they allow you to quickly change the trajectory of movement in case of danger. average speed Prusak 3-4 km/h.

The structure of the wings of a cockroach

The ancestors of insects had developed wings and the ability to fly. Many modern views she was lost. Appendages appear only in adults. They consist of two pairs. The first is the leathery elytra. They perform protective function and do not participate in the flight. The second pair are membranous wings. The length and development of the appendages depends on the species. In females, the wings are less developed. In a calm state, insects fold them on their backs.

Flying cockroaches are most often found in the tropics, but some species are found in Central Asia and Europe. Among domestic insects, the American cockroach demonstrates the ability to fly. Although Prussians have long wings, they rarely spread them and can glide.

Internal structure of a cockroach

The vital activity of insects is provided by the main systems:

  • circulatory;
  • nervous;
  • digestive;
  • excretory

To understand how insects can live for months without food and about a week without a head, we need to study them in more detail.

Circulatory system - blood (hemolymph) flows in the space between the internal organs of the insect. There is only one vessel in the body connected to the heart. Main muscle. The pumping blood consists of 13 chambers, 2 of them are in the chest, the rest in the abdomen. The function of blood is to carry nutrients and removal of breakdown products. Distributes oxygen respiratory system. This is the main reason for the reduction of blood vessels. The blood movement is slow, the insect does not maintain a constant body temperature.

Information. If you deprive a cockroach of its head, the hemolymph quickly sinteres and the body does not bleed.

When depicted schematically, the respiratory system resembles a tree. It consists of a tracheal system that encircles all important organs. Branches extend from the main trachea, gradually decreasing in diameter. WITH external environment The system is connected by 10 stigmas, which are called spiracles in cockroaches. Two pairs of stigmas are located on the sides of the chest, the main part is located on the abdomen. Breathing occurs when the department contracts.

The digestive system is an intestine divided into several sections. In the mouth, food is ground and moistened with saliva. Next, it is pushed into the pharynx, then into the crop, where digestion and absorption begin. Food is fed into the stomach in small portions. It is prepared and sent to the midgut. In this section, the digestive secretion is secreted and the main absorption occurs. Excrement comes out through the anus.

The excretory system or Malpighian vessels remove waste products from the body through the hindgut.

What is the body of a cockroach covered with?

The typical cover of arthropods is a chitinous shell. For cockroaches, this is a shell that protects internal organs. It allows the body to maintain its shape and serves as a skeleton. The outer cover prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture. At the base of the limbs, the layer of chitin is thinner to provide mobility to the legs. The hard shell limits the growth of insects. During development, the larvae have to shed it. The tight shell cracks and the insect crawls out of it. At first his body is white and soft. This is a sign of the absence of chitin. After a few hours the cover is restored.

Information. An encounter with molted arthropods gave rise to myths about white cockroaches.

Features of reproduction

The duration of carrying depends on the species, some shed the ootheca after 7-14 days, others keep it in the abdomen until the larvae are born. The egg cocoon helps increase the survival rate of the offspring. This is the first food of the larvae. The young are born white, with a soft coat. The larvae stay near the mother or burrow into the ground. They go through 3-12 instars before turning into adults. Each is accompanied by molting - shedding a tight shell.

The offspring are called larvae or nymphs. Outwardly, they resemble adults. The differences are:

  • small size;
  • absence of genitals;
  • a small number of antennal segments;
  • lacking wings.

Larvae make up the bulk of the colony. They show more caution than adults and burrow into the ground more often. Development takes from several months to 1-2 years. When the temperature drops, the larvae grow poorly.


IN natural conditions Most cockroaches are vegetarians; they eat fallen leaves, fruits, and dead plants. Some species are omnivores, their diet expanded to include the remains and excrement of animals. Domestic insects feed on any food found in the apartment. Preference is given to sweets, bread and pastries, as well as fruits. You will learn about the diet of domestic pests in the material.

The harmfulness of insects

Synanthropic species living in human homes are a potential health threat. In search of food, they examine sewers, garbage chutes, and rodent holes. Pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and helminth eggs remain on the legs of insects. Dangerous microorganisms are transferred to food, bedding, and furniture. If you do not wash your hands regularly, there is a high risk of contracting dysentery, tuberculosis, diphtheria, and hepatitis.

Particles of chitinous cover, scattered by larvae after molting, cause severe allergic reactions. People develop chronic rhinitis and asthma. All information about the threat to human health is in the article.

In addition, pests spoil food, books, and wallpaper. They prefer secluded warm places, so they crawl into electrical devices. Insects cause short circuit and equipment breakdowns. In the fight against synanthropes, any means are used: freezing premises, glue traps, poisoned baits, insecticides. Treatment of apartments with special chemicals effective method get rid of insects.

Just a few synanthropic species cockroaches received the status of pests of stocks and carriers of infectious diseases. The main part of insects plays a significant role in the world ecosystem. Arthropods are destroyers of plant and animal debris and food for animals, birds and reptiles.

These insects together make up the whole Squad of Tarakanovs. A common feature All representatives have an oval body, crowned with a triangular head with long antennae. So, what types of cockroaches are there?


Green cockroach (banana).

Resident of the tropical forests of Florida, Ecuador and Cuba. It differs from domestic cockroaches in its bright light green coloring and large size. Many people raise them in terrariums as pets.

Banana varieties of cockroaches, photos of which are just below, fly beautifully with the help of transparent wings and can dig holes in the ground.

Brown cockroach or turtle.

Ground insects living secretly. In nature, they live in the warm forests of Burma, India and Thailand.

Quite large creatures reaching 2 cm in length. All body coverings are painted a rich chestnut color. All individuals have transparent wings. In males they are long, capable of briefly lifting the owner into the air. In addition, the wings are decorated with a transverse border of a pale yellow shade.

Females are not so elegant; their small wings are devoid of patterns and do not even allow them to rise above the ground.

Marzipan cockroach.

Exotic from North America. Frequent inhabitant of terrariums. It is not particularly large in size, reaching a length of no more than 4 cm. The integument has a noble cherry color. The wings are very poorly developed, the elytra are short and square.

Females have a wider body. They incubate the ootheca for a day, then hide it in the litter or attach it to the bark. It is cemented on top with chewed pieces of soil and bark.

Marble cockroach.

It is bred in terrariums as decoration or food for hedgehogs, lizards and spiders. Lives in nature South America. The male can grow 3 cm in length, the female - 2.5 cm. The body is colored chestnut. On the integumentary wings there are lighter specks that form marble patterns over the entire surface. There are dark brown lines on the cervical shield.

Other differences from relatives marble cockroach No. Like the others, this species lives in top layer land, is an omnivore.

Madagascar cockroach.

Popular decorative look, living in many terrariums. It has huge dimensions compared to other types. Body length of an adult male reaches 5–8 cm, females - 6–9 cm.

There are no wings even in mature individuals. The covers can be colored red or chestnut.

Despite their enormous size, these giants are distinguished by their peaceful nature and increased timidity. During the day they hide in a litter of leaves and grass, and at night they come out. At the slightest suspicion of danger, they begin to violently hiss. The sound is produced by spiracles located throughout the body.


This is a large genus of insects living in forest areas around the world.

Lapland cockroach.

Inhabits forests and steppes throughout Europe. His dimensions not very big, body length is about 1 cm. Painted gray or Brown color with a yellowish tint. There are blurry black spots on the pronotum. Adult females have long wings protected by large elytra.

ATTENTION! This species has interesting feature. Males are active during the day and live on plants. Females wake up at night and prefer to stay on the ground, hiding in the leaf litter.

Steppe cockroach.

Lives in forest-steppes and steppes of Eurasia. Is different small sizes And nondescript, inconspicuous coloring. The length of its body does not exceed 8 mm, the integument is beige in color with a gray tint. A clearly defined black arch runs along the pronotum.

This species has clearly marked sexual dimorphism. In females, the elytra are short, covering only half of the body. Longitudinal dark lines run along the back. In males, the elytra are long and end outside the body. There are no black stripes.

Steppe people live only one warm season. In winter, they lay oothecae and die. By summer, larvae emerge from the clutches and become adults by June.

Common forest cockroach.

Large specimens from Central America. In length can grow 6–8 cm. The body and elytra are pale brown with darker spots and a black spot on the pronotum.

An omnivorous species that lives inside the leaf litter. When attacked by enemies, it releases a strong-smelling secretion designed to scare away enemies.

And again about the mustaches

These insects are surrounded by a huge number of myths. For example, the tale of the notorious. This is not a monster! In fact, light integument may appear on young nymphs that have just finished molting.

Another popular misconception is that cockroaches are poisonous. These simply do not exist in nature! But many varieties secrete an unpleasant-smelling secretion that scares away enemies.

Therefore, upon detection uninvited guests at home, it should be either , or .

Below are high-quality and reliable cockroach repellents:

  • : , ;
  • : , ;
  • : , ;

Those who have never seen them can familiarize themselves with domestic cockroaches - photo below:

It turns out that cockroaches can not only cause damage to humans! There are types of cockroaches that are used as pet food, and decorative varieties, serving as decoration for the terrarium. We looked at both huge representatives and small cockroaches; photos of all types are above in the article.

Watch a short video of how the Madagascar cockroach hisses:

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From time immemorial, various types of cockroaches have lived in human homes; once the insect was considered a symbol of wealth, but now it is an unpleasant guest, causing a lot of trouble and spreading infection. What attracts them to our apartments? The answer is obvious. This means warmth and a lot of food; in winter they cannot survive in natural conditions, and finding food is problematic.

Any cockroach living next to a person has a whole set of features characteristic of any of the species:

  • The cockroach goes through three stages of development; a larva emerges from the egg and turns into adult insect- imago;
  • Externally, the imago and larvae are similar;
  • Female cockroaches have edema to brood eggs;
  • The cockroach's mustache helps it not to get lost in space;
  • The insect is capable of chewing and digesting any food;
  • For a long time, you can simply not notice them, thanks to their high speed of movement, the ability to hide in cracks and crevices, and their high activity mainly at night.

How to recognize a cockroach

There are a great variety of insects in nature, and a person encountering a cockroach for the first time may not recognize the enemy by sight. How do you know that it is a cockroach? So, character traits insect:

  • The length of the oblong or oval body is 4mm -10 cm;
  • The head is not round, but flat, in the shape of a heart or triangle;
  • The mouthparts of the gnawing type are covered with a shield.

The photo shows the types of cockroaches that may end up in an apartment.

Where do cockroaches come from?

Of the five thousand varieties of cockroaches, only a few of them live in houses and apartments in Russia. Why do they choose your apartment to live in? In each case the reason is individual:

  • Dishes periodically left overnight in the sink;
  • Migrating individuals from neighbors;
  • Accumulated trash and food waste;
  • A cockroach brought from the street or from guests and much more.

Once at least one cockroach has entered the room, there is a high probability that their numbers will soon increase significantly. Often pests are found in clean rooms, do not forget that cockroaches are omnivores and can even eat paper.

How to find out that there are cockroaches in the house

It may not be possible to detect pests immediately if there are still a few of them. The neighborhood will become noticeable when they begin to manage your kitchen as if they were at home. There are signs by which you can determine the presence of cockroaches in a room:

  • Black dots are visible on the tiles, in the corners of the walls, on the furniture - these are insect feces;
  • Look in cracks, tiny crevices and all corners for cockroach eggs;
  • Cockroaches are sometimes accompanied by a specific smell.

Find out which cockroach has settled in your apartment

Cockroaches are the most common synatropic insects. But among several thousand species, not all live at home. The most common cockroach in our homes is the red cockroach, less often the black and American cockroaches. In the south and in the tropics, other species wander into houses, but they cannot be called synatropic; rather, they are random guests. Since the domestic cockroach looks different, depending on the variety, here is short description and photos of each of the common types.

Types of cockroaches in the apartment (photo)

Prusak - red cockroach

We looked at common types of cockroaches living in apartments, but it is possible that you may come across a specimen that is not on this list.

Watch a video about the Madagascar hissing cockroach