Safe, fragrant indoor plants for comfort and tranquility in the home. Lemon geranium: natural air freshener and folk healer

Safe, fragrant indoor plants for comfort and tranquility in the home.  Lemon geranium: natural air freshener and folk healer
Safe, fragrant indoor plants for comfort and tranquility in the home. Lemon geranium: natural air freshener and folk healer

I understand that I mistakenly call this plant Schisandra; I have seen Chinese Schisandra. But the exact name is unknown, and the smell of the leaves speaks for itself. At the slightest touch they emit a strong, sharp, but pleasant aroma lemon.
The plant is unpretentious, any soil is suitable for it. But it is sensitive to overdrying of the earthen coma - the leaves immediately wither. In addition, it does not like crowded spaces, immediately starting to grow sharply upward, which is why it loses the splendor of its “crowns” (as happened to me this time!).
Watering is required daily because the root system is shallow and thin. Also, the leaves can wither in strong sun on a hot day, although the plant is light-loving.
I would be grateful to more experienced flower growers for a hint - what is it called?
About reproduction. It is produced by cuttings growing at the base of the main stem.

Replies: 10

There are different varieties, including those with a “lemon” aroma (and sometimes a floral or mint tint). The name of the group is Pelargonium roseum, and the one in your photo is referred to in the literature as Pelargonium graveolens. It would be good to prune your specimen more strongly and divide the stem into cuttings - both stem and apical ones are well accepted, and from the root and from the remaining lateral buds a strong, lush bush will grow faster (despite the cramped space, if the lighting is sufficient). Grows well in chernozem with baking powder (perlite, vermiculite, coarse river sand) and the addition charcoal. Blooms with small pink flowers. - I really like both the smell and general form(if you form the bush well!), and even flowers. And besides, like many pelargoniums, it has a bactericidal effect on the air of the room where it lives. True, some allergy-prone or simply sensitive people may experience unpleasant reactions to it (and this is a shame).
PS. If you decide to trim, act quickly! The growing season is in full swing. And try to arrange a “summer in the fresh air” for your fragrant treasure.

The leaves really resemble the varieties of pelargonium I know, but the lack of flowers was misleading. Thank you for “identifying” the beauty!
I’m ready to trim it today, however, as you can see in the photo, there is only one stalk left at the bottom, then there is a bare stem, which only has leaves and shoots from the middle.
I will place the cuttings cut from the stem in water for germination. rara avis, tell me if they should then be planted in the same pot next to the main plant?
I'm looking forward to the flowers appearing, and I hope your advice will help. To be honest, those who once shared a shoot of this plant with me also never had flowers.

Hello. I also have this beauty, until today I didn’t know what it was called or how to replant it. No matter how hard I tried to plant it, the shoots always disappeared. I have it in a huge pot and I want another young shoot. Question? Should I put a cutting? into the water or directly into the ground. Thank you.

I have this flower too - the smell is amazing. I spray all the time. loves the sun very much.

I don't know the name either. I would like to know! By the way, the cat turned it over, apparently I liked the smell

Pelargonium is the name of this plant)
tell me how to plant it?

Thank you very much, at least I’ll know how to care for him and name him

Hello, I have a cutting, I wanted to know how to plant it, does it give a root or can I plant it without a root?

I have a flower whose name I cannot determine. But it has one peculiarity... after you pat the branches... there is a strong aroma of lemon. Please tell me what it's called?

There are several types of fragrant pelargoniums, the leaves of which (pinnate or patterned) emit the smell of lemon (for example, fragrant pelargonium, grape-leaved pelargonium, etc.). Fragrant or aromatic pelargoniums, containing a large amount of essential oils in their leaves, are used in herbal medicine (scent therapy) and cooking. Outwardly, fragrant pelargoniums are not at all similar to the usual geranium and look much more modest than their “sisters” that bloom profusely on balconies and in flower beds - zonal with round leaves and ivy-leaved pelargonium.
The unpretentious houseplant plectranthus also has a lemon-mint-camphor scent of leaves that are similar in appearance to nettles (aka “fly wagon”, aka “moth tree” - expels moths and flies from the room, has healing properties).

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Fragrant indoor plants

You can enjoy the aromas of exotic flowers throughout almost the entire year at home. There are many known fragrant indoor plants. Each of them has its own unique smell and can be easily selected home flower to your taste.

Among the many plants that people grow in their homes, there are species that are completely odorless or with a faint, almost imperceptible aroma of fresh foliage or cut wood. A common person does not distinguish such weak odors. It is these species that are recommended to be used as indoor plants for offices, because it is no secret that for some people the floral fragrance evokes headache, and everyone has different tastes.

All fragrant indoor plants can be divided into two large groups:

  • Only flowers have fragrance
  • all parts of the plant smell, the smell intensifies when damaged
  • House plants from first group Only during flowering they delight with the aroma. This group includes some orchids, stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine), roses, gardenias, and some cacti. It should be noted that almost always among the representatives of one genus of fragrant flowering plants there are those that do not smell. The breeders made sure to please all customers: among the many hybrids, you can always choose an orchid that is completely odorless or with a pleasant exotic aroma.

    Stephanotis or Madagascar jasmine is a semi-shrub vine that prefers well-lit windows. The white star flowers have an exquisite aroma. The plant requires support and careful regular care.

    Gardenia quite a capricious plant. She loves light, warmth and moisture, but does not tolerate being in direct sunlight. This flower needs high humidity, so it is not always possible to successfully grow this tropical beauty in an ordinary apartment.

    Eucharis or Amazon lily has a very pleasant, delicate aroma. These are perennial bulbous plants with large dark green leaves. From time to time, an umbrella with 5-6 flowers similar to a daffodil appears on the plant. The flowers have a refined and delicate aroma.

    Inflorescences Hoyas(wax ivy) have a strong sweetish smell that intensifies in the evening. This unpretentious, drought-resistant vine with leathery leaves and long shoots blooms annually. It does not require any complex care, but the young plant does not bloom.

    Muraya While rarely found in homes, it is a small shrub that can be shaped into a small tree. Its flowers are very fragrant, they are white and seem to be covered with wax. Flowering can last all year round.

    Abelia It blooms with a small cutting, has a pleasant subtle aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of a lemon flower. This is an ornamental flowering shrub that blooms for a long time and very abundantly. It is better to keep an adult plant in a large room.

    U oleander The flowers are very fragrant; inhaling their aroma for a long time can cause a headache. The pink or white flowers of this evergreen shrub are very beautiful; the plant is quite unpretentious.

    Jasmine sambac– a vine with a large number of flowers, blooms continuously from May until approximately September. Requires pruning and support, flowers do not last long.

    Co. second group include domestic plants, all parts of which have a pronounced aroma. An example is the well-known pelargonium (geranium). If you rub a leaf of pelargonium zonalis, you will feel a strong, pungent odor. Some people like him, some don't. If the plant is not touched, there is no smell. Fragrant pelargonium will fill the entire room with its aroma, even if its shoots are slightly disturbed.

    Such plants include citrus fruits, myrtle, and araucaria. All plants used as seasonings have aromatic properties: mint, rosemary, lemon balm, Oregon, and noble laurel.

    Citrus trees(lemon, orange, calamondin, tangerine) are often grown at home. All parts of plants have a pleasant aroma: leaves, shoots, and flowers.

    Araucaria- one of the few coniferous plants that can be grown indoors. It has a pleasant pine aroma and saturates the air with phytoncides.

    Plectranthus or indoor mint valued for its ease of care and decorative attractiveness of leaves with a pleasant mint aroma. Its flowers are small, lilac or white. Some species have a pungent odor and are used to repel moths.

    Myrtle- an evergreen plant with leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers in short racemes. Myrtle leaves and shoots are a source of essential oil, widely used in perfumery and medicine.

    It would not be amiss to remind you that when placing fragrant plants in the house, you should definitely think about which flower to put where. It is better not to keep fragrant flowers in the bedroom; for other rooms it is important to choose the right fragrant plants. Smells affect your well-being and create your mood. Some calm, others, on the contrary, give vigor and strength. Only your own feelings will tell you which room to use plants for.

    Lemon geranium: natural air freshener and folk healer

    Thanks to its beautiful appearance and exotic origin, lemon geranium will become a real decoration for your home. And the pleasant lemon smell from the plant spreads even from the slightest breeze, so it is placed on the balcony and the air entering the apartment is already filled with the freshness of a citrus aroma.

    Description of the geranium plant

    Pelargonium is a species of the Geramiaceae family. Fragrant pelargonium is often called scented geranium. The confusion in names occurs because the plants have very similar foliage and are all identified as the same family. Geranium is a plant called Herb Robert, as well as cranes-bill because of the shape of the fruit's seed pod, or storks-bill for its resemblance to a bird's beak.

    Pelargonium leaves have a very peculiar appearance. They have beautiful, sometimes deep slits, and their curved shape sometimes resembles a ruffled frill. The color spectrum of their foliage ranges from light green to dark green, and the leaves of some species have cream, red and even purple colors. The plant reaches a height of 30 to 80 cm.

    The geranium family of the genus Pelargonium has more than 200 species. Among them, the five most common types can be identified:

  • decorative deciduous;
  • ivy or balcony;
  • fragrant;
  • English, they are noble;
  • zonal (standing).
  • You can also pay attention to the sixth type - these are succulent pelargoniums; they have fleshier stems and an original appearance, for which they are often used in ikebana and bonsai compositions.

    Lemon geranium leaves are oblong, lush due to their dissection, and have a bright green color. With proper care, the plant grows up to half a meter in height, sometimes even higher. But it is believed that the decorative function is better performed by young geraniums while the plant trunks have not yet become lignified. This plant looks very fresh and tender

    Lemon geranium got its name because of the aroma it exudes with every slightest touch. The fragrance of this plant is reminiscent of the fresh and sparkling smell of lemon.

    Geranium flowering

    Pelargoniums bloom in different time and with different durations, it depends on the type of plant and the conditions in which they are kept. Small flowers neatly connected into umbrellas are soft pink, white, red, purple; the flowers of some types of geranium have absolutely no smell.

    But there are many types of fragrant geraniums (about 150 species). Its flowers can smell like mint, rose, apricot, apple, orange, lime, ginger, cinnamon and even nutmeg or coconut. These types of geraniums are often grown on window sills and balconies, as they not only serve as home decoration, but also refresh the air with a wonderful, unique aroma.

    Lemon geranium blooms relatively rarely and modestly; all the beauty of the plant is in its luxurious greenery and delicate fragrance. With proper care, it blooms with light green or white, sparsely arranged flowers.

    Medicinal properties of lemon geranium

    In addition to its beautiful shape and aroma, lemon geranium is medicinal flower, at correct use It relieves the symptoms of the following diseases:

    • epilepsy;
    • otitis;
    • inflammation of the nasopharynx;
    • acute respiratory diseases;
    • headaches.
    • In some cases, geranium serves as an antiseptic, hemostatic and wound healing agent. It is also used as an effective deodorant.

      A lemon-scented geranium flower on the windowsill can become your own mini first aid kit at home.

      Methods for propagating geraniums

      Geranium can be called unpretentious flower, caring for him is not at all difficult. The plant propagates by seeds, by placing them in the ground and by cuttings.

      Geranium grown from cuttings

      A green shoot can sprout roots simply in a glass of water; such water can be protected from rotting by dipping a little wood ash into it. After the sprout takes root, it can be planted in soil with the addition of sand and charcoal; drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot. Don't forget that lemon geranium does not like stagnant water.

      You need to place the flower on a windowsill where there is a lot of bright but diffused light; in dark lighting the plant will stretch out and turn pale.

      Necessary care for lemon geraniums

      Geranium breeders often face the problem of rare flowering and “correct” this deficiency with generous fertilization or bright daytime sun. This is not worth doing. The main reason for the lack of flowering of lemon geranium is excessive fertilization and heat. Fertilizers can provoke the growth of luxurious green mass, but not flowering. You can correct the situation by watering abundantly for two days; this will help wash away the fertilizers from the root system and after that you should immediately return to normal mode watering without fertilizers.

      Fans of geranium flowers should remember that only zonal geraniums prefer very bright light and if there is not enough light, they stop blooming.

      During the cold season, they even need additional lighting to stimulate their flowering. Other types of plants should be placed in places of partial shading, especially during the daytime and summer.

      Lemon geranium will tell you about insufficient lighting with its increased growth and light leaves; in this way it expresses the need for sunlight at least 6 hours a day.

      Adult geranium bush

      With increased growth, you need to pinch the shoots and the plant will grow wider.

      In winter, geranium should be removed from a cold place; its temperature should be +8-12 degrees.

      Caring for lemon geranium is not difficult, you just need to follow the basic rules for maintaining the plant. Basically, you need to properly monitor the lighting, hide the flower from direct sunlight, water it not often, but regularly and not very abundantly, spraying is allowed only in extreme heat.

      The right soil for planting geraniums

      The percentage of soil acidity plays an important role when planting geraniums. The plant does not tolerate soil acidity lower than 5.5 pH, otherwise the plant stops feeding. For normal nutrition of lemon geranium, the soil must be slightly acidic and equal to 6.5 pH.

      While watching the video you will learn about the plant in more detail.

      A convenient capacious flowerpot, properly selected soil and compliance with all the rules for caring for the plant will make your lemon geranium beautiful, lush, fragrant and blooming.

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      Fragrant and pleasant-smelling plants for the garden and flower garden

      What plants smell nice and have strong aromas - creating a fragrant garden, flower garden

      We wrote about fragrant indoor plants here - now let’s talk about various plants with a strong and pleasant aroma that can be grown directly on the site - in the garden or flower garden, thereby creating a fragrant and fragrant garden.

      When I started growing flowers, I decided to choose species that not only look great, but also smell nice. In fact, when you hand someone a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, what is the first thing they do? Well, of course they sniff it. Even small children expect fragrance from flowers.

      No man-made perfume smells so good! The smell of flowers is a reference point for perfume manufacturers. Unlike perfume, flowers smell so strongly that you can smell it even from a considerable distance.

      Fragrant, strong-smelling annuals

      Old garden forms of sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) smell wonderful. English gardening writer Rosemary Verey, in her book Fragrant gardens", puts sweet pea in first place among fragrant annual flowers. However, this applies specifically to old forms, which are recommended to be purchased. The "improvements" made in modern varieties (as well as in other species) have led to a loss of aroma. Peas come in a variety of colors, but Rosemary Verey notes that purple color- the most fragrant.

      Like edible peas, sweet pea Grows best in cool weather (remember, it is not edible). You can sow it protected in late winter or directly into the ground as early as the soil will allow. Soak the seeds overnight or break off a piece of the seed's tough shell to help it germinate faster. Apply plenty of compost and mulch to keep the roots in cool soil throughout the summer. Peas need support to support their tendrils, so install a metal trellis or trellis (Read about trellis construction here and here).

      Flowers need to be cut regularly to encourage continued flowering. A small bouquet will spread the aroma throughout the whole house.

      Flowerbed or pot with Mirabilis(Mirabilis Jalapa) are simply necessary in fragrant garden. This plant is sometimes called the “Peruvian miracle”. Mirabilis is easy to grow and smells wonderful. Sow large, black seeds directly into the soil. (For early flowering in northern regions, sow it in protected ground a few weeks before the end of spring frosts). Soon the plants will reach a height of 60-90 cm and will bloom with very fragrant red, pink, yellow or white flowers. The flowers are closed all day and open only at 4 pm to fill the cool evening air with fragrance. Sow mirabilis in a place where it will be in the shade in the afternoon, and then the flowers will open much earlier. My mom grows it close to the house so the scent wafts through open doors and windows.

      In addition, flowers that smell at the end of the day always attract many butterflies and moths. If you have a mirabilis, you will certainly see large wasps or hawk moths visiting it in the evening.

      On a note: We remove mirabilis for the winter

      After flowering, the plant can be sent to winter dormancy. Depending on the weather, it is necessary to start work in September - October.

      To store Mirabilis, prepare a small wooden box and line it with newspapers.

      The plant itself reaches a height of 50-100 cm. Before storing it with pruning shears, shorten all shoots to a length of 10-15 cm.

      Using a hand trowel, carefully dig the roots out of the container and shake off the soil.

      Before placing the tuberous mirabilis roots in a box lined with newspapers, remove all the soil from them with your hands again.

      Place the roots in the box next to each other so that they are not touching.

      Be sure to attach labels to the plants with the name of the variety, especially if you are growing several at once.

      Cover the roots with sand and place in a dark, frost-free room.

      The low, prostrate form of lobularia serves as an excellent frame for any areas or is used for hanging baskets as hanging plant. The basic white-flowered form is much more fragrant than the new "improved" compact white, pink and purple varieties.

      If you have a shady garden, then you probably know about blooming fragrant tobacco(Nicotiana). Unfortunately, the selection process never took the flavor into account, so only the original forms retained it. "Unimproved" types with a very strong aroma are tall jasmine tobacco, winged tobacco(Nicotiana alata), 90-120 cm high, and majestic forest tobacco (N. sylvestris), up to 150 cm high. Aromatic tobacco (N.suaveolens) is smaller in height - about 50 cm, but blooms more profusely. All three species grow well in both sun and partial shade and are very scented at night.

      A little about lefties

      Ed Rasmussen, owner of the seed company Fragran Pas, suggests annual gillyflower(Matthiola incana) with an exotic, spicy, permeating scent. Rasmussen's favorites – variety group (series) Beauty of Nice up to 75 cm high. They exude fragrance around the clock, and forms with double flowers smell especially strongly. And of course, you can select seedlings yourself that will produce double flowers: the cotyledons of these seedlings are light green in color. You will get almost all the plants with double flowers if you cull the seedlings with dark green cotyledons.

      Good variety for cutting Mammoth Excelsior with a non-branching main stem (single-stem, rod-shaped). These gillyflowers reach 90 cm in height, the color of the flowers is white, lavender, yellow, silver-pink or crimson.

      Levkoi are sown early in greenhouses, grown at temperatures from 10 to 13 ° C, and planted in the ground after frosts. The seeds fall asleep very thin layer finely sifted soil: light promotes their germination.

      Evening levkoy(M. longipetala, in Russia the more common matthiola bicornis - M. bicornis) does not look as impressive as its cousin, but with the onset of dusk it emits a strong, even smell. Sow it directly into the ground - where you like to sit in the evening, or under your bedroom window,

      Fragrant, strongly fragrant perennials

      Always popular lily of the valley(Convallaria majalis) – ground cover plant, which develops equally well in the sun and in the shade. In spring, its small brushes with white-waxy bells emit a wonderful aroma. You don't need to kneel to feel it. The smell from a small clump of lilies of the valley in front of the main entrance to the house will reach the most remote corners of the garden.

      Unlike the odorless carnation (Dianthus caiyophyllus), which is sold in any flower shop, other types of carnation have a spicy, clove-like scent. The list is topped by carnation (D.superbus). This carnation has fringed, purple flowers with a green eye and is biennial or perennial if spent flowers are plucked off regularly. In many areas it reproduces by self-sowing.

      The next type to choose is carnation grayish blue(D. gratianopolitanus) with a strong spicy aroma. It produces prostrate plantlets up to 15 cm high with evergreen greyish-blue leaves, and in mid-summer the plants are covered with a mass of pink flowers. There is still a real one carnation cottage, carnation pinnate(D. plumarins). It is sometimes used to flavor wines. This carnation comes in forms with simple and double flowers, which have an exceptionally pleasant scent. Its height is about 30 cm.

      All three carnations are hardy in the temperate zone, preferring cool, moist climates and well-drained, slightly alkaline soils. They are sown in protected ground or in open ground in early spring. All require a sunny location.

      Long-blooming fragrant violet(Viola odorata) has been a favorite among fragrant flowers for more than two thousand years. The Queen Charlotte variety blooms profusely in the spring and then slightly lighter in summer. This variety is winter-hardy. The seeds need cooling, so sow them in the ground in the fall or keep them in the refrigerator for two weeks before sowing in the spring. Cover the seeds thoroughly with soil, as darkness promotes good germination.

      I know that some varieties of irises have a wonderful smell.

      After studying the scent of irises for several decades, amateur gardeners have discovered that many fragrant irises bloom in early summer and then again before frost. Fragrant, repeat flowering varieties are: yellow (25 cm) Baby Shine, yellow with white (90 cm) Brother Carl and dark purple (90 cm) Perfume Counter.

      Fragrant and fragrant roses

      What a shame that the search for new forms and expanding the range of colors has led to the fact that many modern roses have a very weak aroma, and some have no aroma at all. Fortunately, some varieties still retain a strong odor.

      Favorites among fragrant roses are hybrid tea Mister Lincoln (classic dark red), Double Dilight(cream with shiny red edges of the petals), Color Magic(pink), Pis (yellow and pink) and Paul Sherville(light pink), as well as floribunda French Lace(white) and Sunsprite(dark yellow).

      We have found that most truly scented roses are susceptible to powdery mildew, but a spray of baking soda every two weeks works well. The gardener adds that systematic adherence to basic rules of agricultural technology, including mulching and maintaining high soil fertility, as well as not too dense planting that promotes good air flow, help keep the plantings of these fragrant beauties in a healthy condition.

      “It is very important to avoid drying out the soil too quickly,” he says. – By chance, I discovered that plants that were kept in too dry soil became susceptible to powdery mildew.

      Whether you still prefer old-fashioned roses that don't need spraying, take the advice of Susan Verrier, who grows 175 varieties of roses on her Maine farm. She says rugosa (Rosa rugosa, Rosa rugosa) is the easiest to cultivate and can grow anywhere. The two best garden forms of rugosa are Hansa(purple-crimson, more than 2 m high and the same width) and Delicate(pink, 1.2 m high and 90 cm wide). Both are quite winter-hardy. After abundant spring flowering, the bushes bloom again throughout the summer. The Englishman Stephen Lacey (author of the book “Fragrance in Your Garden”) also characterizes rugosas as the most fragrant roses. “Rugosas have luxurious leaves, are virtually disease and pest free, and turn golden yellow in the fall.” Lacey names two garden forms of the white-flowered rugosa rose, Rosa rugosa Alba and Blanc Double Le Coubert, as smelling better than any other rose.

      Celseiana is a variety of Damask rose whose scent can be felt even from a distance. This rose is pale pink flowers grows in height up to 150 and width up to 120 cm.

      Susan Verrier suggests growing species roses, and in their original form. "Scottish rosehip" rose femoris(K. spinosissima) has a very strong, distinctive smell - clean, fresh and pleasant.” This species blooms very early with white flowers along the entire length of the branch, and the leaves turn dark red in the fall. The fruits also decorate the bush, which are preserved even in winter, acquiring a black-chestnut color.

      Another rose, known since Shakespeare's times - rose eglantheria, r. rubiginosis, r. rusty(R. eglanteria) Its pleasant, apple-like scent comes not from the flowers, but from the leaves. Verrier says that this rose makes good hedge Moreover, she is not susceptible to diseases. It has showy pink flowers and masses of bright red, aromatic fruits that make excellent jams and syrups. Rose Eglantheria produces a particularly strong scent in damp weather.

      All fragrant annuals are well-known and widespread plants in our country, except for mirabilis. But it can also be grown in middle lane Russia and even further north, following the technology for relatively heat-loving crops that are afraid of frost (such as velvet petunia, winged tobacco, etc.).

      But gilly leaves are quite cold-resistant, and in Russia they are planted in the ground in early May. They can withstand light night frosts.

      All fragrant perennials mentioned in the article winter in central Russia. However, irises American selection in harsh winters with little snow they can freeze out, so with the onset of stable frosty weather it is recommended to cover them with dry leaves, sawdust or peat in a 20 cm layer; in the spring the cover is removed.

      Roses from the hybrid tea and floribunda groups are grown in central Russia, up to St. Petersburg, but subject to careful shelter for the winter. Roses (rose hips) from the park group - r. rugosa, r. rust and r. Eglantheria overwinter in the middle zone without shelter. But Damask rose Celsiana is heat-loving and grows only in the southern regions of Russia with mild winters. Note on growing roses in Russian conditions by L. Kitaeva.

      What to do if the garden is shaded

      Unfortunately, if the garden is in the shade, most of the above-mentioned plants and flowers will grow in it poorly or will not grow at all, with the possible exception of fragrant tobacco, mirabilis, and several varieties of lilies of the valley - somehow it turns out that the most fragrant flowers and plants need the sun, although most of them (like violets, well known to all flower growers, for example) emit their strongest aroma at night.

      In this case, losing the aroma will preserve the beauty

      Considering that the same varieties of tobacco, lilies of the valley and mirabilis can still be planted in a shaded garden, we can add the following plants to them.

      The most beautiful plants for shady flower beds

      Shrubs for such a garden

      Acer platanoides "Globosum"

      height - 6 m, diameter - 5-6 m; spherical crown, grows slowly

      in April - May, yellowish-green flowers

      Horse chestnut meat-red

      height - 10 m, with a beautiful rounded crown, rarely bears fruit

      Irga Amelanchier "Ballerina"

      bush or small tree with a flat, slightly sloping crown, height - 3-5 m

      in May, edible berries in summer

      height - 10-15 m. Lower in height are K. low Nana and K. golden "Aurea"

      June - July, bean-shaped fruits

      height - 8-10 m; beautiful foliage color in autumn

      March - May, greenish yellow flowers

      height - 5-7 m; large bush or small tree, slow growing

      April - May, white fragrant flowers

      height - 3-4 m; golden foliage in autumn, flat crown achieved by pruning

      Also note in case the garden is shaded or even vice versa wants to get such a garden:

      For small gardens, you should choose trees and shrubs with small, neat crowns, otherwise you doom yourself to a life without sunlight. Some woody plants with beautiful foliage and an openwork crown (for example, serviceberry) provide a light, unobtrusive shadow, but at the same time they are capable of “littering” the terrace or area with falling fruits. But the low-growing spherical catalpa, on the contrary, provides dense shade and is ideal for a relaxation corner in a small area. The new sycamore variety “Swing” is distinguished by an unusual crown, shaped like a roof, which, thanks to the special bend of the trunk, gracefully hangs over the seating area.
      For pergola landscaping, perennial vines are suitable - wisteria, lemongrass and grapes (maiden or cultivated). In any case, it will not be hot under the green vault - after all, the leaves evaporate moisture and thus cool the air.

      Compositions of shade-tolerant perennials will become good decoration shady corners of the garden. Variegated hostas, Rogersia pinnate with large beautiful leaves, ground cover small periwinkle, as well as shade-tolerant astilbes feel great at the foot of trees and shrubs. In addition, these perennials leave us more time to relax in the summer, since we rarely have to pick off faded flower stalks and water the plants.

      Ecological flowerbed for bees and butterflies

      The pleasant smell of flowers attracts and is liked not only by people. So let's make a flower bed or a small flower garden for them.

      The original center of a composition that combines all the components of a flower garden can be a decorative house for butterflies or large plant, such as Buddleia Davida, which is often called the butterfly tree. The house is usually installed on a pole, and its height is selected in accordance with the height of the other participants in the composition so that it rises slightly above them. Important: decorative accessory, chosen as a unifying element, opens up great opportunities for creating harmonious composition rather than a bush or perennial. The composition of the flower garden can include both plants rich in nectar and pollen and attracting adult butterflies, as well as “food crops”, which will allow you to observe the development of the most colorful caterpillars.

      The traditional object for observation is the variegated (light green with black stripes with orange dots) caterpillars of the swallowtail butterfly, which have a taste for plants from the Umbelliferae family. These caterpillars do not cause noticeable damage to plantings cultivated plants. If they suddenly decide to move into the garden, transplant them to the ubiquitous honeydew - swallowtails like it no less. Flower beds for both butterflies and their caterpillars will especially appeal to children. Where else can you see so closely all the stages of transformation from a caterpillar to a pupa, and then into a beautiful winged creature?

      What plants to choose for a “butterfly” flower bed?

      Winged beauties are very fond of plants from the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae) with large inflorescences-baskets, on which they not only feed, but also bask in the sun (sunflower, rudbeckia, echinacea, zinnia, telekia, buzulnik, elecampane, cosmos, chamomile) . Here you can also plant plants with small flowers, collected in various inflorescences (umbrellas, corymbs, panicles, brushes and curls) - window sill, Turkish cloves, goldenrod, oregano, sage, forget-me-nots. Double flowers, devoid of nectaries and anthers, are useless for butterflies, despite their strong aroma. In the spring, the first overwintered lemongrass and peacock-eye butterflies are attracted to chionodoxes, white flowers, scyllas, primroses, and hyacinths. Bumblebees and bees like foxgloves, borage, cornflowers, asparagus, hyssop and thyme. Beautiful bronze beetles happily occupy the inflorescences of Volzhanka. Important: flower beds for butterflies must be placed in the sun and away from open windows.

      fragrant trees

      Eleven angustifolia is also known as “Jeddah”, “Russian olive” and “tree of paradise”. A sea buckthorn-like shrub or tree up to 10 m high with narrow silver leaves and thorns. The flowers are yellow and very fragrant. The fruits are silvery with powdery, sweetish pulp.

      fragrant shrubs

      Robinia pseudoacacia in the middle zone it does not extend above 10 m. The flowers are white or slightly pinkish, fragrant, favorable years It blooms profusely, but due to its low winter hardiness it can freeze severely.

      Bird cherry during flowering it is shrouded in a fragrant cloud. Varieties with a height of 4-8 m are common in cultivation. A valuable ornamental species with high frost resistance is represented by varieties with white and pink flowers, green, bronze and purple leaves.

      Abelia korean- a spreading shrub up to 2 m high with fragrant flowers - is so far known only to specialists and is waiting for its finest hour in gardens. A pleasant aroma can be felt from a distance. In the middle zone, only the Far Eastern species survives.

      Honeysuckle Maak attracts not only its aroma, but also the sculptural and expressive arrangement of leaves and flowers. The leaves sit in pairs, one after the other, in regular rows on the branches. The tops of the leaves are pulled down, bunches of white flowers up to 2-2.5 cm long look up. Thanks to this arrangement, both the flowers and the red berries that ripen in September are always in sight.

      Tatarian honeysuckle- a branched shrub up to 3-4 m high. Flowers up to 2 cm long, from white to dark pink, appear in late May - early June. The berries, grown together in pairs, ripen in July–August. Varieties differ in the color of flowers and fruits, which can be yellow, orange and red. Good lighting is required. Can be trimmed and is suitable for hedges.

      Cletra alnifolia- a shrub from the heather family up to 2 m high. It blooms on the shoots of the current year in the second half of summer. Fragrant pink or white flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences about 15 cm long. Requires acidic soils. Young plants are covered for the winter.

      Hydrangea paniculata- the aroma of inflorescences is felt only close and only in varieties with a large number of small fruiting flowers in the inflorescence, such like 'Kyushu', 'Tardiva', 'Wim's Red' ('Fire and Ice'), 'Big Ben'. One of these varieties with fragrant openwork inflorescences – ‘Levapa’ – was released on the market under the trade name 'Butterfly' like a plant that attracts butterflies with its aroma.

      Amur lilac has a strong honey aroma. Openwork cream inflorescences up to 25 cm long bloom 3 weeks later than common lilac. Grows in the form of a tree or bush up to 10 cm high.

      Mock orange (garden jasmine) is represented by a huge number of varieties, both fragrant and without aroma. Hybrid mock orange varieties have a strong aroma Lemoine (‘Innocence’, ‘Lavina’, ‘Belle Etoile’, ‘Alabaster’, ‘ White bouquet’) , but here they can freeze slightly in winter. Varieties feel better than others in our climate ‘Mont Blanc’, ‘Erectus’, ‘Gletchei’. Domestic varieties created on the basis of Lemoine mock orange are also reliable ('Airborne', 'Unusual', 'Snow Avalanche', 'Moonlight'). Overgrown bushes must be thinned out immediately after flowering, otherwise flowering becomes weak.

      Lemon "Pavlovsky" - review

      Aristocrat to the tips of the leaves

      If Ostap Bender had a blue dream of living in Rio de Janeiro and wearing white trousers, then for most of my adult life I dreamed, in addition to the usual girlish dreams, about a handsome lemon. To stand on the windowsill, to warm my soul with its exotic exterior and tropical pedigree - at least, to bloom and bear fruit - as the highest measure of happiness. " Dream come true“I’m there, where the imperishable pattern of snow is bright, but I could live in the world, live without these eternal mountains...”

      My lemon is 13 years old. This is “father”, because there is also a “son” who caught up with “father”, and a “grandson” who was sent to good hands, and a number of brothers and sisters, also assigned to relatives and friends. Based on this we can conclude that Growing a lemon using cuttings is quite simple. A light hand and creative intuition are needed.

      Lemon-daddy was 3 years old when I bought him. Having studied technical documentation to the plant, I realized that it is necessary to achieve the growth of shoots of the 4th and 6th order, because they are the ones who bear fruit. But my lemon categorically refused to grow upward. It grew parallel to the windowsill. My heart was bleeding, but I armed myself with side cutters and trimmed everything that was growing incorrectly. Then she transplanted the plant into a larger container and a year later she waited for both flowering and fruiting. For all lemons, this stage occurs at different times, depending on the care and conditions of detention and the notorious 4th and 6th order shoots. The lemon son bloomed a year later.

      Despite the fact that over 13 years this process has become an everyday occurrence, the soul no, no, and freezes. Now let’s leave the lyrics and move on to practice: “drops of pure experience are extracted from weed being." Information obtained through experience is priceless and may be useful to someone.

      1. The container for lemon should be tall and narrow.

      2. Transplant in February, at this time the lemon is in the dormant stage. In theory. It blooms in February too, so I haven’t replanted it for several years, I just add fresh soil.

      3. Appropriate soil and fertilizers. If you don’t grease it, you won’t go. He loves feeding and also loves to wash and shower, so don’t be lazy and you will be rewarded.

      4. I was warned that a lemon is an aristocrat. Doesn't like neighbors, must be the absolute master on the windowsill.

      But in our outback they don’t stand on ceremony with aristocrats. The green patrician stands there, keeps quiet, and doesn’t quarrel with his neighbors in the communal apartment. I have neither north nor south windows, my husband said so, southeast and southwest, and lemons grow on both and feel great.

      6. Theoretically, for every 10 healthy leaves you need to leave one ovary. A lemon can bloom profusely, but shed its ovaries and fruits at different stages of ripening. To be honest, I have no idea how to deal with this. I fertilize as expected. Healthy leaves - get tired. I practiced “Epin” for a while, but didn’t notice any special results. As they sometimes say about potatoes - they “make a fool” and go into the tops - so my lemon goes into the leaves. This doesn’t upset me much, because one or two lemons still hang on it from time to time. They take a long time to ripen and turn yellow even more slowly, so I grow them not for sale, but purely out of love for the art of the process.

      7. It’s better not to touch the lemon. Let it stand like a monument. They took it down once every six months for a shower (nobody canceled the daily spraying) and put it back. There's no point in twisting and turning, he doesn't like that. And he doesn’t like familiarity. One day I decided to decorate it with toys for the New Year. And what do you think? He began to shed leaves. I was offended, so you have to understand it that way. My husband almost jumped and clapped his hands for joy (the reason will be below), and I was indignant: “Yes, I live longer with this lemon than with you!” My son echoed me: “Yes! I also know this lemon more than you!” Pruning, "Epin" - and in the spring young leaves began to emerge from the bare branches. Peace and harmony in the family were restored.

      8. Actually, why does my husband dislike lemon? but it's purple for me. During flowering, the plant releases a very specific smell into the atmosphere. The smell, frankly speaking, is not for everyone, but I like it. The whole apartment smells fragrant.

      9. If at some point in time you are interested in the idea of ​​rooting cuttings, then everything is quite simple. Cut off the shoots you like, preferably woody ones, not green ones, with emerging bud points, and place them in the sand under glass.

      What is “sand”, where is “under glass”. You need to collect clean sand (theoretically river sand), either from a sandbox or from the beach, and fill a small vessel with it. A hole is required. Wet the sand with water and carefully stick the cuttings into it - no more than three in one container. Close the top glass jar. We put it on the window, water it from time to time, but don’t flood it, otherwise the sand will start to turn green, wait and watch. Doing so better in spring, closer to the summer. Gradually you will notice how young leaves begin to fly out from the bud points. It is better to keep it in the sand for a month, then carefully pull the cutting out of the sand and look at the roots. If the roots are 1-2 cm long, they can be replanted in the ground. Very carefully and gently so as not to damage the roots. We close the top again with a jar and gradually accustom the young lemon to independent life. Not one of mine has died yet. The main thing is attention and care.

      I think I told you everything. If you have questions, ask

      My reviews on:

    Good day everyone!

    And again about scents and colors. Smells play a huge role in the life of every person. Based on the smell we remember, associations arise from the past, a certain holiday. Naturally, women want to create the smell of their home, to have a unique aroma of their home. In this case, instead of artificial and not always harmless substances, pets - flowers - will come to the rescue.

    Using different fragrant plants, you can create a personalized aroma design in your home, depending on the destination.

    One of the first aromas from childhood is the smell of geranium, another name for the plant is fragrant pelargonium. Its properties were known back in ancient times - traditionally, geranium was found in the bedroom, promoting sound and healthy sleep.

    Each type of geranium has its own scent - capitate pelargonium smells beautifully like a rose, curly pelargonium smells like lemon, if you smell tomentose pelargonium you can smell mint, fragrant pelargonium is comparable in smell to nutmeg.

    A valuable essential oil is obtained from geranium, which is widely used in cosmetics and perfume industry. Aromatherapists also love it.

    The aroma of geranium can be used to treat patients - it relieves depression, improves vision and increases optimism.

    A characteristic feature of the plant is that it emits aroma only when touched. Therefore, it is recommended for the bedroom - so that when you wake up in the morning, you can easily touch it and feel your favorite scent.

    Caring for pelargonium is simple - you only need a sufficient amount of light, regular and abundant watering. You can buy young flowers or their seeds. They. By the way, they sprout well and bloom very quickly.

    Look how many different varieties of geraniums there are!

    Flavors of appetite.

    The kitchen will naturally have a pleasant aroma of your favorite spices. Away from the stove, on a windowsill or shelf near the opposite wall, you can place several pots of herbs - it will fill the kitchen with a bouquet of the aroma of your favorite tastes.

    The most commonly grown plants are savory, lemon balm, parsley, mint, and laurel. Mint also helps to concentrate attention and relieves mental fatigue.

    Lavender and laurel are perennial shrubs; they will be appropriate not only in the kitchen, but are also perfect for the bedroom, because their phytoncides improve the air quality in the house.

    You can kick out others too bulbous tulips and daffodils, crocuses, lilies.

    Among indoor bulbs, eucharis, which blooms with beautiful white flowers similar to daffodils, and some varieties will give a pleasant aroma.

    Exotic scents.

    I would call her the queen of room scents. The subtle, refined scent of even one flower very pleasantly aromatizes the room, giving it an oriental flavor. Great for living rooms.

    A place for gardenia should be chosen that is bright and at a constant temperature, watered only with soft water.

    The strong aroma comes from the flowers of hoya, or as it is also called - from wax ivy. The plant is easy to propagate by cuttings; it is advisable to choose a place for it in the shaded part of the house. Unpretentious plant, very hardy.

    Watering is done less frequently than other plants. This flower is definitely not suitable in the bedroom, since the smell intensifies at night, and not everyone can sleep in such a room.

    Stephanotis, or Madagascar jasmine, has a very refined scent. The white, waxy flowers of this vine smell like a mixture of jasmine and ylang-ylang. A very noble and refined scent and not intrusive.

    It is not advisable to place several plants with a strong aroma in one room. The maximum number of flowers with a strong aroma in one room is two flowers in opposite corners. At the same time, you should ventilate the room daily so that the aroma is always fresh.

    Essential oils and flavors.

    Flowers alone are not enough to create the scent of your home. They'll come to the rescue essential oils. The effect of oils on the health and psycho-emotional state of a person has been known for a long time.

    I always dreamed of having mint in the house, but I always thought that it could only be grown in the summer on the balcony or in the garden. Everyone knows the medicinal mint - peppermint, growing in gardens and orchards.

    But there is also the so-called homemade mint - Plectranthus , which can grow lushly and densely on windowsills.

    I found Plectranthus on the street. Apparently someone trimmed the plant and threw away all unnecessary things. A few days later the cuttings took root, and I planted them in a pot. That's how I got plectranthus. They say that this plant attracts money to the house. So, it turns out to be a double benefit - she saved the plant and lured Denyushka into the house.

    In general, mint is unpretentious, and many people grow it in their garden beds, others grow it at home on a windowsill, and somewhere it just grows like a weed. But all this is medicinal mint, the decoction from which we drink when we have a cold. But not everyone knows that there is also indoor mint. Meanwhile, this fragrant plant of the Lamiaceae family, also known by its botanical name Plectranthus, is quite popular among amateur gardeners. And if the healing properties of this specimen can be argued, then its ability to replace peppermint as an additive to tea is undeniable. What kind of plant is this, and how easy is it to grow it at home? Let's figure it out.

    Varieties of Plectranthus or indoor mint

    Like all Lamiaceae, plecranthus is valuable for its fragrant leaves. And they smell thanks to special glands in the leaves that secrete essential oils. IN indoor floriculture There are several varieties of plecranthus known, and the most popular of them are three:

    • Plectranthus bush or Moth tree - evergreen shrub reaching one meter in height;
    • Southern plectranthus, also known as Swedish or Scandinavian ivy - herbaceous plant with lodging shoots reaching meter long;
    • Plectranthus Ertendahl (has no other names) is an evergreen subshrub, the crown of which forms clumps.

    However, the most common type of home mint in indoor floriculture is the Moth tree. This is what they mean when they talk about growing indoor mint. And it looks more like garden mint than its other brethren.

    As already mentioned, this plant is unpretentious. However, for favorable growth and reproduction it requires certain conditions. Plecranthus bush (domestic mint) grows well on fertile substrates and organo-mineral fertilizers. Exclusively mineral supplements he does not like. This plant is light-loving and needs year-round (evergreen after all) bright, but diffused lighting. The leaves of homemade mint are pubescent, like those of a violet, so it does not tolerate spraying well, and when water gets on the leaves and stems, spots appear on them, which then dry out or rot. But this plant requires abundant watering in the warm season and moderately abundant in winter.

    In nature, the moth tree grows in a temperate climate, so when kept indoors, an average temperature of about 20-24°C is favorable for it. However hot weather Homemade mint also tolerates it, but hypothermia is fatal for it. The minimum temperature this plant can withstand is 10 degrees Celsius. Homemade mint is undemanding in terms of air humidity, but does not tolerate proximity to a heating radiator and dry hot air. So ideal conditions keeping this plant warm Light room, good watering without spraying and fertilizing with flower fertilizers twice a month.

    Care and cultivation

    The main care for indoor mint consists of timely watering, fertilizing, pinching and replanting. It must be replanted once every two to three years, pouring a mixture of turf soil and garden compost into flower pots. During the period of active growth (and the plant is active almost all year round), indoor mint needs to be pinched and the flower stalks broken off. These measures will make it possible to form a compact and fluffy bush. Woody shoots that lose their foliage and decorative properties need to be pruned. Rejuvenating formative pruning can be done at the end of winter or in March, and pinching can be done all year round. Mint tolerates pinching and pruning painlessly and responds with numerous new shoots.

    In the summer, I plant plectranthus in the garden, where it instantly grows.

    Possible problems:

    • if the plant experiences a lack of light, then its shoots become very elongated and droop, and the leaves become yellow;
    • the edges of indoor mint leaves dry out and turn black if it is not fed or watered enough,
    • hypothermia is fraught with damage to roots, young leaves and growth buds,
    • Homemade mint is quite resistant to pests and diseases, but it is possible that the plant can be damaged by aphids, scale insects, whiteflies or spider mites.

    Indoor mint is propagated by cuttings, cutting off the apical shoots or rooting parts of woody stems. You can take mint cuttings throughout the year, and root the cuttings in water or wet sand. Rooting cuttings do not require special conditions except for a constant temperature of about twenty degrees.

    At good care homemade mint lives in a flower pot for about five years. But experienced flower growers claim that with constant rejuvenation and cuttings, its lifespan is not limited. So it is not only an evergreen houseplant, but also practically ever-living.

    So if you want to have an unpretentious, fragrant and grateful plant in your home, then homemade mint will be a quite suitable flower for these purposes. In addition, it is believed that she is able to expel moths from the house, and mosquitoes and flies do not tolerate her presence. If you don’t believe me, then place some indoor mint in your home and see for yourself. Good luck!

    At first, the young plant actively grows, but it must be pinched to form a kind of compact “crown,” especially since the torn leaves go into tea. A more mature plant sheds large leaves(it’s better to tear it off yourself), its stem hardens, and many smaller leaves appear. The “oldest” plants can wait until they bloom, but the main value is in the leaves!

    Plectranthus is considered an easy plant to grow. We can say that its main problem is that it requires regular rejuvenation, due to the fact that it grows quickly. To do this, in the spring, instead of transplanting from plectranthus, cuttings are cut, and after rooting they are all planted in one pot. To give it a bushy and more compact shape, the growing ends of the shoots of plectranthus need to be pinched.

    Leaves, especially those of a young plant that has begun to grow after transplantation, are particularly decorative and can decorate your interior. At first, the young plant actively grows, but it must be pinched to form a kind of compact “crown,” especially since the torn leaves go into tea. A more mature plant sheds large leaves (it is better to tear them off yourself), its stem hardens, and many smaller leaves appear. The oldest plants can wait until they bloom, but the main value is in the leaves!

    It is not a medicinal herb like peppermint, but its fleshy, slightly hairy leaves give off the same minty aroma. Herbal tea will always be on the window, all year round! In addition, the leaves, especially those of a young plant that has begun to grow after transplantation, are particularly decorative and can decorate your interior.


    Medicinal : The leaves have many traditional medicinal uses: for the treatment of cough, sore throat, asthma (in the form of a decoction and by chewing leaves) and nasal congestion, to enhance lactation in nursing women, against infections, against rheumatism and flatulence. Crushed leaves are applied to insect bites or as a poultice.

    Cooking : In Indonesia, Plectranthus amboinicus is a traditional food, used for soups, salads and the preparation of drinks and infusions, for canning. It is also used as an aromatic seasoning for various meat and poultry dishes. For lamb and fish as a strong fragrance. Leaves in fries are also made in batter.

    Other: Plectranthus shrubby is popularly called the moth tree, as its smell repels many insects, such as moths, flies and even mosquitoes.

    Whether the moth tree really repels moths, justifying its name, is not entirely clear. Although, on the other hand, this plant has been grown on windows for more than 150 years, obviously believing in its effect. In addition, shrubs were grown at home as folk remedy against malaria. Nowadays this plant is rarely found in homes, mainly in rural areas.

    Its magical ability to favor all financial transactions has been known for a very long time. Back in the Middle Ages, merchants fumigated their counters with mint. It was believed that this would help attract buyers. Nowadays, it is enough to place a pot with this plant in the office room - and there will be no end to clients, and the air will be filled with a pleasant, fresh aroma.

    Whether to believe in the magical properties of all these plants or not is everyone’s business. Most often, when purchasing this or that small sprout, we start from its appearance. Although it has long been proven that each plant has its own unique energy, which can either negatively affect people’s feelings and emotions, or, on the contrary, set them up for good luck and lift their spirits.

    I'll introduce you to some of the mints I've found.

    In first place, of course, is peppermint (menthe piperita), the most common and aromatic. Grown as a result of crossing water mint and spearmint.

    Apple mint, or fragrant mint, is also found in our gardens. It is distinguished by graceful, more rounded and velvety leaves, but is inferior in the intensity of the aroma.

    Lemon balm is a type of peppermint. With a characteristic lemon aroma.

    Green mint, or spearmint, is quite powerful, abundant flowering plant with a strong aroma.

    Mint “Iokka” is a little-known variety that has a specific oriental aroma.

    Pineapple mint (fragrant) - has two-colored very beautiful leaves with a white border. Can decorate any garden bed and flower arrangement.

    Thuringian mint is a type of peppermint valued for its high menthol content.

    Corsican mint can be quite used in garden landscaping, since the plant is only a few centimeters high with very small leaves and forms a continuous carpet that blooms with light purple flowers.

    Ginger mint (thin) is also a garden decoration due to the beautiful variegated (yellow-green) color of the leaves.

    Curly mint can also be found in our gardens; it is very similar to spearmint. Has a pleasant aroma.

    Bergamot mint has a complex aroma and is widely used in perfumery.

    English mint is a variety of green mint. Its crushed leaves smell like chewing gum.

    Thanks to its beautiful appearance and exotic origin, lemon will become a real decoration for your home. And the pleasant lemon smell from the plant spreads even from the slightest breeze, so it is placed on the balcony and the air entering the apartment is already filled with the freshness of a citrus aroma.

    Pelargonium is a species of the Geramiaceae family. Fragrant pelargonium is often called scented geranium. The confusion in names occurs because the plants have very similar foliage and are all identified as the same family. Geranium is a plant called Herb Robert, as well as cranes-bill because of the shape of the fruit's seed pod, or storks-bill for its resemblance to a bird's beak.

    Pelargonium leaves have a very distinctive appearance. They have beautiful, sometimes deep slits, and their curved shape sometimes resembles a ruffled frill. The color spectrum of their foliage ranges from light green to dark green, and the leaves of some species have cream, red and even purple colors. The plant reaches a height of 30 to 80 cm.

    The geranium family of the genus Pelargonium has more than 200 species. Among them, the five most common types can be identified:

    • decorative deciduous;
    • ivy or balcony;
    • fragrant;
    • English, they are noble;
    • zonal (standing).

    You can also pay attention to the sixth type - these are succulent pelargoniums, they have fleshier stems and an original appearance, for which they are often used in ikebana and compositions.

    A green shoot can sprout roots simply in a glass of water; such water can be protected from rotting by dipping a little wood ash into it. After the sprout takes root, it can be planted in soil with the addition of sand and charcoal; drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot. Don't forget that lemon geranium does not like stagnant water.

    You need to place the flower on a windowsill where there is a lot of bright but diffused light; in dark lighting the plant will stretch out and turn pale.

    Necessary care for lemon geraniums

    Geranium breeders often face the problem of rare flowering and “correct” this deficiency with generous fertilization or bright daytime sun. This is not worth doing. The main reason for the lack of flowering of lemon geranium is excessive fertilization and heat. Fertilizers can provoke the growth of luxurious green mass, but not flowering. The situation can be corrected by two days of abundant watering, this will help wash away the fertilizers from the root system and after that you should immediately return to the normal watering regime without.

    Fans of geranium flowers should remember that only zonal geraniums prefer very bright light and if there is not enough light, they stop blooming.

    During the cold season, they even need additional lighting to stimulate their flowering. Other types of plants should be placed in places of partial shading, especially during the daytime and summer.

    Lemon geranium will tell you about insufficient lighting with its increased growth and light-colored leaves, by this it expresses the need for sunlight at least 6 hours a day.

    With increased growth, you need to pinch the shoots and the plant will grow wider.

    In winter, geranium should be removed from a cold place; its temperature should be +8-12 degrees.

    Caring for lemon geranium is not difficult, you just need to follow the basic rules for maintaining the plant. Basically, you need to properly monitor the lighting, hide the flower from direct sunlight, water it not often, but regularly and not very abundantly, spraying is allowed only in extreme heat.

    The right soil for planting geraniums

    The percentage of soil acidity plays an important role when planting geraniums. The plant does not tolerate soil acidity lower than 5.5 pH, otherwise the plant stops feeding. For normal nutrition of lemon geranium, the soil should be slightly acidic and equal to 6.5 pH.

    While watching the video you will learn about the plant in more detail.

    A convenient capacious flowerpot, properly selected soil and compliance with all the rules for caring for the plant will make your lemon geranium beautiful, lush, fragrant and blooming.

    Attention, super FLIGHT!

    A plant with small pink or violet shade. The leaves are carved, reminiscent of grapes, covered with tiny fibers on both sides. The plant can reach a height of over one meter.

    Geranium has antiseptic properties, kills bacteria in the air and absorbs odors, which is why this plant has found a place in the kitchen.

    It has a calming effect and is widely used in aromatherapy.

    We invite you to watch a video about fragrant geranium:


    An evergreen tree reaching a height of 1.5 meters at home. The leaves are dark green in color with a distinct citrus flavor and smell. Distinctive feature plants – simultaneous appearance of delicate white flowers small size and red elongated berries, similar in appearance to rose hips.

    • Phytoncides contained in the leaves purify polluted air, help treat headaches and cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, angina pectoris and more.
    • Microelements improve mood and stimulate mental activity.
    • Murray berries, sweetish in taste, improve tone and are used to prevent the body from fading.

    We invite you to watch a video about the muraya plant:

    Plectranthus aromaticum or spur flower

    A perennial herbaceous plant with fleshy, rounded leaves covered with hairs. White, lilac and violet bell-shaped flowers of the spur flower are collected in multi-flowered inflorescences. At home reaches 80 centimeters in height.

    If you break the plant, you can smell a strong mint-lemon aroma.

    Medicinal infusions from aromatic plectranthus:

    • have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
    • have a moderate laxative effect;
    • help with heartburn and gastritis;
    • improve appetite;
    • relieve rheumatism.

    Spicy and medicinal herbs whose leaves smell like citrus

    Melissa officinalis

    Grown in Europe and North America. A perennial herbaceous plant with oval leaves with toothed ends and a relief structure. The inflorescence consists of several small corollas with white or bluish petals.

    • Preparations based on lemon balm have a pronounced sedative effect. They help treat insomnia, relieve spasms, and have choleretic, diuretic and healing effects.
    • Tea reduces arterial pressure and soothes inflamed mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Consuming lemon balm is beneficial for women's health:

    • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
    • relieves inflammation of the appendages;
    • during pregnancy it alleviates toxicosis.

    We invite you to watch a video about lemon balm:

    Cat mint

    Distributed in central Russia, southern and Central Europe, in the North Caucasus, Far East and the USA.

    The plant is about one meter high and has a woody stem with carved heart-shaped leaves; the inflorescence consists of small petals of a white or lilac hue.

    Cat mint:

    • treats insomnia;
    • calms the nerves;
    • facilitates the removal of mucus during bronchitis;
    • relieves spasms of the brain and intestines;
    • causes appetite.

    The plant is used in the veterinary field, to prevent the appearance of worms in animals, and also as a sedative for cats.

    We invite you to watch a video about catnip:

    Moldavian snakehead

    It grows in most of Eurasia and North America in temperate climates. A herbaceous plant with small elongated leaves with serrated edges. Purple flowers form a racemose inflorescence. The snakehead grows up to 80 centimeters.


    • Can help with neuralgia, headaches and toothaches.
    • Improves digestion.
    • Increases immunity.
    • Has a choleretic effect.
    • has an antiseptic effect.
    • Heals wounds and relieves inflammation.

    We invite you to watch a video about the Moldavian snakehead:

    Lemon Basil (Ocimum x citriodorum)

    Originated from Central and South Asia and spread throughout the world. Plant up to 50 centimeters high. A strong branched stem with many small, rough, oblong leaves. Flowers form at the top of the branch and have a white or pale pink tint.

    Used for gastrointestinal and bladder diseases, flatulence and bloating.

    Lemon verbena (Aloysia citriodora, Aloysia triphylla)

    It grows on almost all continents, but its homeland is considered South America. A lush plant with narrow arched leaves. It blooms in small inflorescences of a light purple hue (reminiscent of a lilac branch). Has a pronounced lemon smell.

    • treats diseases of the digestive tract;
    • calms the nervous system;
    • tones the body;
    • improves mood.

    It is a real salvation for skin rashes, evens out complexion and rejuvenates.

    We invite you to watch a video about lemon verbena:

    Lemon thyme (Thymus x citriodorus)

    Grown in the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere. Perennial plant, up to 30 centimeters high.

    The leaves are round and small, dark green in the middle and with a pale green tint at the edges. The flowers are lilac.

    • In medicine, the plant has proven effective in treating respiratory diseases.
    • Inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora.
    • Normalizes the production of gastric juice.
    • Strengthens heart health.
    • Helps improve sleep.

    We invite you to watch a video about lemon thyme:

    Lemon savory

    Distributed on all continents, native to the Mediterranean. A perennial with creeping shoots and narrow elongated bright green leaves. Pink or purple flowers emit a concentrated lemon scent.

    Used as an antibacterial and anthelmintic agent. Helps cope:

    • with headache;
    • tachycardia;
    • cystitis;
    • with gastrointestinal diseases.


    Grows in India, Thailand, China, Africa and America. Evergreen perennial, looking like a bunch of grass. In tropical climates it can reach 1.8 meters in height.

    • Lemongrass normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.
    • Effective for headaches, skin rashes, rheumatism.
    • Increases the tone and performance of the body, helps fight colds.
    • Reduces oily hair, removes toxins, burns cellulite.

    Lemmon's marigolds

    Lemon marigold is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 120 centimeters tall with narrow long leaves 5-15 centimeters long. The small yellow flowers exude an amazing aroma, a mixture of citrus, mint and a subtle hint of camphor. The plant's homeland is called the USA and Mexico..

    Marigold oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, antispasmodic and sedative properties.


    Wormwood "God's Tree" (Artemisia abrotanum)

    Widely distributed throughout Russia, the European part, Siberia and the North Caucasus. Perennial subshrub, up to 150 centimeters high. The leaves are bluish-green, pressed underneath, covered with gray down. Small yellow flowers in small, drooping baskets are collected at the top of the stem and form a spreading paniculate inflorescence.

    Decoctions of wormwood leaves are used for:

    • colds, flu, sore throat;
    • rheumatism;
    • toothache, gum inflammation;
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • as a choleretic agent;
    • to strengthen hair.

    We invite you to watch a video about wormwood:

    Callistemon lemon

    Mostly distributed in Australia, in Russia it is grown at home. In the wild, the bush reaches 3 meters in height, has green, linear-lanceolate leaves, sharp at the apex, up to 9 cm long and 1 cm wide. Flowers of unusual shape, reminiscent of “kitchen brushes” in red or pink. The leaves exude a bright lemon aroma.

    Callistemon lemon has antibacterial properties and can disinfect indoor air.

    We invite you to watch a video about Callistemon lemon:

    Most plants, herbs and flowers that smell of lemon not only perfectly imitate the citrus smell, but are also a source of valuable natural trace elements. Their correct use will give a person beauty and health for a long time.