You can install an IKEA kitchen without legs. How to assemble an Ikea kitchen quickly: the opinion of a professional assembler. Ikea kitchen assembly fun

You can install an IKEA kitchen without legs.  How to assemble an Ikea kitchen quickly: the opinion of a professional assembler.  Ikea kitchen assembly fun
You can install an IKEA kitchen without legs. How to assemble an Ikea kitchen quickly: the opinion of a professional assembler. Ikea kitchen assembly fun

Well, I finally got to my favorite topic - kitchen furniture! The review turned out to be long because I wanted to talk about my four years of experience with IKEA kitchens. Nothing strengthens a family more than a successful and, most importantly, peaceful renovation)))) Well, there were no disputes over the kitchen)))

Over the past 4 years, my family and I have gone through two renovations and moves. At first we thought that when we first moved, we would stay in the apartment for a long time, but three years later the attraction of renovating and buying a kitchen was repeated in the new house. And if not for the experience of previous repairs, it would have been difficult, since time was running out. It’s so good that I already knew exactly where to go for the kitchen! Where I will get exactly what I need, without delays, without delays and rework! And my husband was all for it: there is no need to order the kitchen - he came, made the calculation, paid and bought it! It’s simply amazing how streamlined production is at IKEA factories: at any time you can buy and replace a fitting element and be sure that it will coincide millimeter by millimeter with what you need, that the color will not differ by 1/10,000 and, most importantly, you don’t have to wait.

Honestly, I sincerely don’t understand why wait two or three months to make a custom-made kitchen similar to Ikeev’s. The main arguments against IKEA kitchens that I have come across:

1. “IKEA does not have a kitchen inlaid with gold, rhinestones, or feathers.” All this is yes. But with standard “wants”, such as white top/black bottom, thick tabletop, “glossy red” and so on, IKEA has already thought of and provided for everything. Moreover, if you really want to, you can always “finish everything with a file” (glue rhinestones, make stained glass, For example) ;

2. “Quality of material.” Based on my operating experience kitchen facades MDF from IKEA I can say with confidence: they are durable, the paint has not peeled off, and can be washed/cleaned. By the way, their line also includes facades with natural oak veneer, which looks simply great. In general, the IKEA Method kitchen catalog includes more than 20 facade options plus color variations in some types;

3. The argument “a custom-made kitchen can be made to your own size” is not an argument. IN new series IKEA Method a wide range of cabinets, with a width that is a multiple of 20 cm (that is, 20, 40, 60 and 80 cm) Not enough? Yes, you can arrange such diversity any way you want;

4. “Appliances/countertops from other manufacturers are not suitable.” Suitable Read on.

As I already said above, I have been familiar with IKEA kitchens for 4 years. My first “kitchen of my dreams” was the Faktum Lidingo series (the series was discontinued in 2014) - milky white, with high glass wall cabinets 92 cm and a black countertop. When moving to new house, it was a tragedy for me to part with her. Therefore, my husband was given an ultimatum: either the new house will have the same one (in three years it has not failed even once, it has only made me happy), or I refuse to move. He agreed, but after the repairs were completed, one a big problem: along the wall along which the furniture was planned to be installed there was a concrete border 18 cm high and 19 cm wide, which made it impossible to place the bottom row of cabinets close to the wall, and like, it was necessary to make a kitchen to order. And this is where the experience of past years came in handy (see argument No. 3 about the countertop). In IKEA, the width of the tabletop is 62 cm, against, for example, a tabletop from Leroy, the width of which is only 60 cm. It would seem that this does not fit. But no! Fits! A skilled craftsman installed it perfectly in our apartment, not forgetting about the overlap in front. And the two-centimeter gap from the wall was perfectly closed with a plinth to match the tabletop. I'm sure all this can be done with the Method. Ikea countertops are sometimes a little short, but you want a solid one, right? . Here's what it looked like:

installed “foreign” countertop

Therefore, with the new kitchen, the decision that the countertop would not be “original” did not bother us, because there were no other options. As a result, we bought a ready-made solid tabletop 80 cm wide for ours new kitchen, and everything is fine.

Now about the technology. Having succumbed to the panic of rising prices at the end of 2014 (remember when the dollar jumped?), We, knowing that we would be in this year moving, we bought a built-in dishwasher from Bosh in advance, “at old prices,” and it was waiting in the wings. So I waited. When decorating a kitchen at IKEA, we were warned that there was a high (“almost 90%”) probability that it would not fit in the Method and the door would not close. But we decided to try. And what do you think? Yes, with difficulty, but we managed to install it in Method. True, there is one nuance: look, an 8 cm space has formed between the tabletop and the PMM lid, that is, it has risen lower than necessary. But she got up. My husband still can’t get around to making a shelf for my frying pans there, I need to remind him.

Well now directly about my new kitchen. My love for Lidingo facades remained the same, and in the Method series there were almost the same facades under the new name “Budbin” in milky and gray colors. My husband decided to “change something” and insisted on gray facades and I did not object.

On the IKEA website you can plan your kitchen yourself and not wait in line to see a consultant. Just when we came to buy it, there was a terrible stir there (it was April-May 2015, just when we got to the debut of this new series). People lined up for a day or two. I mastered the site myself and came to the consultants prepared. I was given a place at the computer and there I was already working within 30 minutes. Then, with a consultant, we removed everything unnecessary and EVERYTHING. The kitchen could be paid for and taken away. How fast!

About the features of the Method series

The range of facades has expanded. My Budbin was “tested” on Faktum, the quality is excellent.

The Austrian fittings Blum, available for Faktum, were replaced by another, more expensive (Maximera) and cheaper (Forvara). Having saved on small things, such as interior lighting, I decided to take Maximera. Having been using the kitchen for over a year now, I can confidently state that it works flawlessly. Nothing is loose, nothing creaks.

The width of the cabinets has become a multiple of 20 cm. Here is a small minus. The 20 cm roll-out drawer is narrow. There is little that can be placed in it; 30 cm was better.

Do you like Ikea kitchens? Now their assortment has completely changed; a new IKEA METHOD kitchen system has appeared in the Belarusian catalogue. It was developed for 2 years, and its main achievement is considered to be its full compliance with the needs of modern buyers. What's interesting about the new IKEA kitchens? How do they differ from the usual FAKTUM? All this is in our detailed review with big amount examples of ready-made solutions.

In the photo: IKEA METHOD kitchen in the interior of the house

What are IKEA Method kitchens and how do they differ from others?

The name was chosen for a reason. Admit it, what do you miss most about standard kitchen sets? Variety of designs? Universal design that will fit into any room? Or maybe the opportunity to complement the existing kitchen with new cabinets and shelves? We hasten to please you - the IKEA METHOD series has it all (details below). Methodical fulfillment of the incredible desires of designers and all the requests of practical buyers - now these are not just words!

New modular system— IKEA Method Kitchens

So, how does METHOD differ from conventional kitchen cabinets and from the previous FAKTUM system?

1. Mobile. First of all, amazing mobility. The design is based on a modular principle, as in children's construction set: connect what you want and how you want. A sort of “Lego” for creative adults.

2. All kinds of sizes. New IKEA kitchen furniture comes in a variety of different width sizes (20, 40, 60, 80 cm), meeting international standards, and 2 height options - for floor cabinets. Thanks to this, METHOD solves problems that seemed impossible. Is the kitchen in the attic or under the stairs? No problem - take up all the space up to the ceiling with cabinets, and there will be many times more storage space.

3. Multi-level. All cabinets can be perfectly combined into a single ensemble. This applies to both wall-mounted and floor-standing cabinets - different heights allow you to create multi-level work surfaces. Including thanks to the legs different heights. This is especially true for those who do not cook alone. Or for those who want to make the most of space.

4. Combination with other rooms. IKEA also supports the current trend - combining the kitchen with other rooms. And in the METHOD series there are many universal cabinets that are suitable for any room. Kitchen-dining room, kitchen-living room, and even kitchen-hallway (for owners of the smallest apartments) - now all this is easy to do.

Two colors of cabinet bodies - white and black-brown (especially for those who do not like “sterile” kitchens). This means that such cabinets will fit into any interior, including those combined with other rooms. And you won’t need to purchase additional overhead panels! However, if you want variety color range- overhead panels are also available in this system.

IMPORTANT! And the METHOD is incredibly easy to assemble. Unlike FAKTUM kitchens, even one person without special skills can manage it here, because the kit includes a special wall plate on which the cabinets are hung. Now you will save not only on custom-made furniture, but also on assembly.

And besides, for fans bright colors You will like the new product in kitchen furniture - open modules with colored inserts. More about this below. Ikea designers also took care of additional lighting for their new kitchens. Lighting the top or bottom of hanging cabinets, lighting shelves behind glass doors or drawers - all this is much easier to do today than before.

As for FAKTUM kitchens, they have already been discontinued from sale, but within 6 months from the date of the launch of METHOD (until October 1, 2015), their elements can be ordered (if available in warehouses). A standard 25 year warranty applies to both systems. A few words about facades (doors). Almost all the old design options are in the new system. But new products have also appeared, the analogues of which have not yet existed. How to use kitchen systems METHOD in practice? There are many options, and we will show you the most interesting ones here. The names below are based on the IKEA name for the doors (=kitchen facades).

Four Kitchen Tours The IKEA Method Using White Frosted Doors

Economical white matte fronts (in new IKEA kitchens they are called VEDDINGE) can be perfectly combined with other doors. What can you see now with examples? different cuisines.


The snow-white matte fronts of VEDINGE create the ideal basis for something bright. And the green FLEDI doors and open colored TUTEMO modules are an excellent backdrop for your favorite little things. The flexible design of the cabinets allowed them to be placed above the stairs, and the bright colors made this kitchen a real gem of the home.

Here's what else a combination of white VEDDINGE facades and colored TUTEMO modules might look like:


At first glance - the most simple kitchen. But look how FLADI's colorful green facades refresh it! Some of the cabinets were placed on legs - this makes them look lighter and more modern. The kitchen is good not only externally, but also internally - every cabinet and drawer is equipped with convenient shelves and dividers.

Other combinations of bright FLADI doors (matte green or red) + white VEDDINGE:


And here the kitchen is completely in unusual place- under the stairs. Kitchen cabinets and facades different sizes fit perfectly into this makeshift storage room. The cabinet frame was combined with the countertop to create a compact kitchen island. And the HITTAN facades with wood texture are ideally combined with all the other furniture in the room and the white doors of WEDDINGE.


Another METHOD combination that allows you to see the variety of options for white matte facades - they can easily be combined with anything. Including three (!) options for different door designs.

In the photo: Cabinet combinations in the IKEA Kitchen

Note that there are ceiling slopes that would become useless dust collectors in a typical kitchen. But not in the METHOD kitchen! Here every square centimeter of the wall is used to the maximum. Display shelves METHOD and HORDA for your favorite dishes, modules with textured doors (TINGSRID - dark brown, BROKHULT - gray-brown walnut, BJERKET - birch), narrow side shelving - and all this fits perfectly into the bevels.

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Two IKEA Method kitchens with glossy doors


And this kitchen will appeal to fans of eco style. The light walnut BROKHULT facades combine perfectly with the snow-white countertops and glossy doors of the RINGULT upper cabinets, forming a soft and at the same time fresh ensemble. In addition - white open shelves. Kitchen appliances hidden behind the same facades, which gives the kitchen a uniform style.


IN previous version you saw a white gloss. Now let's show red. Bright red glossy facades RINGULT is created festive mood. And the geometric pattern on the GERRESTAD doors (a new product that IKEA has never had before) adds an unexpected accent and creates excellent contrast.

The result is a wonderful kitchen that lovers will love. modern style, including thanks to the spectacular long handles.

Three options for new IKEA kitchens for fans of the classics


Someone loves modern furniture, while others prefer the classics. These are classic white kitchen also made on the basis of the METHOD system. To recreate the housewife's favorite style, doors with SEVEDAL glass were used, making the kitchen look expensive and solid.


Another one classic cuisine METHOD, but with a retro touch. Classic facades HITAP with moldings are complemented interesting elements. A wooden module for dishes, black metal rails and mixer taps, a ceramic sink - all this turns the kitchen into a charming corner of antiquity.

But old-fashioned does not mean inconvenient. Each of the MAXIMERA drawers is equipped with practical accessories that make it easy to keep your various contents in order.


Notice how much stuff fits in this small METHOD kitchen! All thanks to a smart solution: cabinets in a row, one above the other. Glass doors combined with deaf ones, forming a very interesting composition. Opposite are open shelves for small items that should always be at hand.

Looking at this kitchen, few people would think that gray is boring. Combines especially effectively with interior lighting.

Interesting combinations of different kitchen facades METHOD

Now we propose to see how one can be combined spectacular option doors with others (complementary).


If you like laconic design doors with texture walnut(BROKHULT), it can be easily combined with three options for white facades. WEDDINGE - matte, RINGULT - glossy, GERRESTAD - geometric pattern “white on white”.


If you are attracted by the glamorous design of doors for upper cabinets - with dark glass and black frames (UTIS), look how harmoniously it is combined with two options for white fronts - matte or glossy.


Another interesting new IKEA product in the world of kitchen doors is the bright yellow ERSTA. Look how fresh it is spring mood is born thanks to their combination with glossy RINGULT facades. The photo shows examples of 2 different kitchens.


And this is the opposite, but no less effective option. The same yellow glossy doors in combination with dark wood TINGSRID - example modern elegance with a touch of Italian chic. The photographs show examples of 4 different METHOD kitchens.

In conclusion, a few more words about the practical side

You will probably agree that not only beauty is important, but order in the kitchen. After all, it is much easier to maintain it when there is a separate department for everything? Whether you want to put one cup on each of the miniature shelves, arrange a showcase with lighting, or make a universal cabinet for every little thing - all this is possible with METHOD systems. For greater convenience and better organization, cabinets can be expanded drawers MAKSIMERA and FORVARA, and the boxes themselves - with VARIERA accessories. Now for one sliding door may be hiding somewhat completely different boxes. Create a combination that will be most convenient for you personally and finally give kitchen clutter a one-way ticket!

We hope that our detailed review all kinds of new products about kitchens You liked the method from IKEA. Happy choosing!

Today I want to talk about the main differences new system from the familiar FAKTUM kitchens, which have been sold for more than 20 years.

1. Wardrobes will now measure 20/40/60/80/100 cm wide and 60/80/100/140/200/220 cm high. The boxes can be hung horizontally or vertically. IKEA promises more than 16,000 possible combinations.

2. Cabinets can now be mounted to the wall using a steel strip. This method of fastening should make it easier to level the upper cabinets.

3. Height standard base halved: from 16 to 8 cm. This was done in order to save precious space in the kitchen. Due to this step, it was possible to increase the height of the base cabinet by 10 cm (up to 80 cm). By the way, the base will now be made of plastic, this will solve the problem of protection from moisture.

4. Black frames appeared. I know that many were waiting for this.

5. It will be possible to install from 1 to 8 roll-out drawers in floor cabinets. This became possible thanks to the appearance of very narrow facades, only 10 cm high.

6. Some owners of FAKTUM kitchens had a problem with squeezing out back wall cabinet with its contents. Now this wall will be inserted into the grooves inside the frame, and then additionally secured with nails. It will continue to be made from hardboard.

7. Another innovation - built-in LED lights, which turns on when a drawer or cabinet door is opened.

8. Changes also affected the fittings. Now, in order to adjust the height of the cabinet door, you do not need to loosen the fastening screws; adjustment is available in the hinge fastening mechanism itself. Those who have struggled with aligning doors in height will appreciate it.

9. Finally, a special cabinet with a metal ventilation grill appeared for the oven.

After FAKTUM is withdrawn from the range, its components will continue to be produced for two years. How the 25-year warranty will be implemented is not yet very clear. So, if you are planning to buy a kitchen right now, you might want to wait for METHOD to appear.

When writing this article, materials from the site were used.

Corner floor cabinet with a rotating section METHOD in the IKEA store can be found in the METHOD section system Floor cabinets, frame height 80 cm, for quick search use article 499.114.94. The designer of the product is IKEA of Sweden.


Helpful information

This information about the product “Corner floor cabinet with rotating section METHOD” will help you get to know the product better.

For different walls Various mounting hardware is required. Select screws, dowels, self-tapping screws, etc. that are suitable for your walls (not included).
Can be supplemented with a handle.

Main features

  • Removable shelves are adjustable in height and rotate, which provides easy access to content.
  • Ideal for storing pots, baking trays, dry food, etc.
  • The door can be installed on the right or left.
  • The frame has stable construction, thickness 18 mm.


Door for floor corner cabinet, 2 pcs:

Main parts: Fibreboard

Front/Edge: Film

Back side: Melamine film
Rotating section for corner cabinet:

Shelf: Particleboard, Laminate (melamine film), ABS plastic, Polypropylene

Side/Tube: Steel, Galvanized

Plastic parts: Acetal plastic, Reinforced polyamide plastic, EVA (Ethylene vinyl acetate)
Corner base cabinet frame:

Frame: Particleboard, Melamine film, Polypropylene

Back wall: Fibreboard, Acrylic paint
Furniture hinge:

Steel, Nickel plating

Product sizes

Width: 87.5 cm
Frame, depth: 87.5 cm
Frame, height: 80.0 cm
Height: 88.0 cm

vendor code

Use the article number to quickly find "Corner base cabinet with rotating section METHOD" in the IKEA store.

IKEA METHOD kitchens are furniture that meets three main principles - versatility, mobility and practicality. This is a construction set that allows you to independently assemble a kitchen set of any layout and functionality.

Kitchen "Hitarp"

On the official website you can find the modular parts of this system in the section “Cabinets and facades METHOD”. Link to catalog 2019 ‑

2019 IKEA catalog section with modular kitchens METHOD

A huge advantage of the METHOD system is the availability of a free online designer. Any buyer without special skills in working in such programs can assemble a kitchen by independently choosing the type of cabinet, frame, front panel, etc.

Planning can be done free of charge (subject to further purchase) with a store specialist if you suddenly encounter difficulties.

Module sizes

As part of this system, the company produces modules of several possible sizes:

  • width: 20, 40, 60, 80 cm;
  • frame height 80 or from 140 cm (pencil cases, sideboards and tall cabinets for built-in appliances)
  • depth: 61-62 cm and 38-40 cm.

Standardization of IKEA furniture sizes is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the METHOD system.

On the one hand, standard parameters allow you to assemble the headset yourself by selecting modules the right type and functionality.

On the other hand, the system does not take into account design features premises.

Small kitchen with U-shaped set METHOD (gray facades “Budbin”)

Despite its shortcomings, the IKEA METHOD system still remains one of the most popular among buyers. A wide range of sizes allows you to assemble a set that will suit most kitchen premises apartments or private houses. This meets the main principle - universality.

IKEA METHOD kitchen “Ringult” (glossy) in a Khrushchev apartment

Another important principle is practicality, expressed in the ability to quickly and easily replace necessary elements– frame, plank, cornice, etc. This is convenient and practical in case of damage to individual parts or if you want inexpensive and without unnecessary hassle update the kitchen interior that has become boring over the years.

The METHOD kitchen can be composed of several functional and additional parts:

  • frames of floor and wall cabinets;
  • table top;
  • plinths and legs;
  • overlay panels, strips, cornices.

For a series of videos on how to assemble a METHOD kitchen from IKEA with your own hands, see below:

  1. Assembly of frames (in 2 parts):

  1. Installation of the countertop (part 3):
  1. Installation of cornices, plinths, panels (part 4):

  1. Installation of sink, siphon, mixer (part 5):

METHOD facades: style and color of the future kitchen

Facades determine the finished look of the kitchen. Here you can find doors for the lower and upper cabinets, front panels for dishwashers, fronts for drawers.

On the IKEA website, sizes corresponding to the frames are selected in a drop-down list in the product card.

Because Since IKEA has Swedish roots, it is not surprising that most of the options are represented by . But some are also suitable for kitchens in the style of minimalism, Provence, neoclassical, modern, hi-tech and even loft.

METHOD kitchens with combined facades “Kallarp” and “Ersta”

The price range is due to the composition of the products. The most expensive ones, for example, the “Lerhyttan”, “Ekestad”, “Torhamn” series are made of solid wood and veneer.

Let's take a closer look at the possible types and designs of IKEA facades.


These will look great in a kitchen in the Norman style, Provence, or modern classics.

  • "Budbin." This series is one of the most popular among IKEA kitchens. There are front panels for built-in appliances, frame doors - solid and glass. They are distinguished beautiful bindings, which are ideal for window displays.

Colors – white, grey.

"Budbin." Cost: 2,400 - 3,900.

  • "Sevedal." Only in white.

"Sevedal." Cost: 1,800 – 2,600.
  • "Edserum". In brown color.

"Edserum". Cost: 1,600 – 2,300.
  • "Torhamn." Kitchens in the color of natural ash.

"Torhamn." Cost: 2,800 – 6,300.
  • "Lerhyttan." The design is natural wood, covered with black stain.

"Lerhyttan." Cost: 3,700 - 5,500.

Matte white with smooth surface

Presented in series (in ascending price): “Häggeby”, “Weddinge”, “Vokstorp”.

Such options are perfect solution for kitchens in the style of minimalism, hi-tech, Scandinavian, modern.

The disadvantage of the Heggeby facades is that there is no front panel for the dishwasher. But the design allows you to install white appliances, which, in combination with such an IKEA set, will look harmonious and holistic.

Kitchen "Häggeby". Price category– the lowest: 950 – 1,100 rubles. "Weddinge". Cost: 1,800 – 2,600.
"Voxthorpe." Also available in glossy and wood-effect design. Cost: 2,400 – 3,300.

Glossy facades

The gloss will look good in a high-tech, minimalist or modern kitchen.

Here are the following series (in ascending price): “Ringult”, “Kallarp”, “Vokstorp”.

  • “Ringult” - in white or light gray.

"Ringult". The price is one of the lowest: 1,450 – 3,300 rubles.
  • "Kallarp" - in light green color.

"Kallarp." Price: 1,800 – 2,600.
  • "Vokstorp" - in a light beige design.

"Vokstorp", light beige. Price: 2,700 – 4,700.
  • "Ersta" - in black and blue. This is new.

Note! This series does not have a dishwasher front panel.

"Ersta" (top). Price: 2,800.
  • "Grevsta." Design - to match the color of stainless steel.

Note! This series does not include doors for a floor-mounted corner cabinet.

"Grevsta" (top). Bottom – “Askersund”. Price: 3000 – 3,500.


Can only be found among "Tingsrid" and "Kungsbakka".

They are presented only in solid and smooth versions. Suitable for kitchens in high-tech, minimalism, and modern styles.

"Tingsrid" (top row). Cost: 980 – 1,400. "Kungsbakka". Cost: 2,400 – 5,450.

The lower modules "Tingsrid" and "Kungsbakka" can be combined with glass wall cabinets"Yutis."

Natural wood look

You will find these among the following (in ascending cost): “Askersund”, “Edserum”, “Vokstorp”, “Torhemn”, “Ekestad”.

"Vokstorp" Price: 1,600 - 3,300. "Ekestad." Price: 4,400 – 6,300.

With an image

IKEA does not have furniture of this design. Therefore, in the minority and with disabilities for use in construction - the Calvia and Gärrestad series.

"Calvia" with abstract ornament. Price – 4,600.
"Gärrestad" with edges that create a play of light and shadow. Price – 7,700.

The size range in these series is limited.

These panels can be used in combination with matte white facades to make the interior more interesting.

Rack and pinion

The grooved door surface of the Hitarp series is an ideal solution for Scandinavian interior or kitchens in country and Provence style.

"Heatharp." Price: 2,600 – 3,900.

Hitarp also has glass doors, behind which you can place a beautiful tea set to create an atmosphere of rustic comfort.

You can also implement a design in the art deco style.


You can assemble a kitchen with glass display cases with the following facades (in ascending order of price): “Edserum”, “Sevedal”, “Budbin”, “Hitarp”, “Yutis”, “Lerhyttan”, “Torhamn”, “Ekestad”.

"Budbin", interior in Provence style

Yutis does not have fronts for floor-mounted and wall-mounted blind cabinets. They can be combined with facades of other series that match the color - white or black (see photo below).

The METHOD modular system allows you to assemble a two-color kitchen, designing, for example, . Or making only the top of the kitchen glossy. Another idea is to decorate the top row in white and the bottom row in grey, black or green.

Frames and examples of layouts

This is the basis or background of the future METHOD kitchen.

The bottom row is represented by modules with a height of 80 cm or tall cabinets from 140 cm. Let's look at examples of what options there may be with real photos in the interior.

  • There are both linear and angular ones, which, accordingly, allow you to create a kitchen with a linear, angular, U-shaped layout.

Corner kitchen“Budbin” METHOD in the interior
"Sevedal." Corner module – with a rotating section.
Linear kitchen "Budbin"
  • Cabinets with shelves, with one or 2 doors (including under the sink).
  • Modules with drawers (including under the sink). Retractable mechanism– Maximera (more expensive) or Forvara (cheaper).
  • 80 cm modules for built-in appliances: hob, oven, dishwasher.
  • Tall storage case with shelves, drawers behind the door, 208 cm high.

  • Tall cabinet for built-in appliances: ovens, microwaves.

Glossy “Ringult” with built-in appliances

The top row of METHOD kitchens is represented by cabinets with heights of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 cm. There are also corner modules for the appropriate kitchen layout.

Wall-mounted units can be equipped with shelves, drawers or both. Doors can be solid, glass or open.

"Ringult" glossy
Gray kitchen IKEA "Budbin"

The frames are available in 2 options - white and black. They can be closed decorative panel or plank desired color, selecting the appropriate one in the corresponding section of the site “Overlay panels and strips”.

There are open cabinets and separate METHOD modules for storing wine and other items, for example, beautiful jars of spices, cookbooks, etc. These are available in the “Vadholma” and “Tutemo” series in color natural wood or in white and black.

Kitchen METHOD with open shelves