Without a key to the intercom. How to open an intercom without a key: effective techniques, detailed instructions. Simple steps to open T-Guard devices

Without a key to the intercom.  How to open an intercom without a key: effective techniques, detailed instructions.  Simple steps to open T-Guard devices
Without a key to the intercom. How to open an intercom without a key: effective techniques, detailed instructions. Simple steps to open T-Guard devices

Information on opening intercoms

As you know, to set up an intercom you need to gain access to the programming mode. This is usually done by typing the password on the numeric keypad. After entering the installer mode, the specialist who dialed the code has the opportunity to both open the door with the intercom and change any system settings without opening the door.

Manufacturers paid special attention to this part of the system. However, the implementation of security system control is not always reliable, which allows you to both open an intercom without a key and hack into intercoms of any brand.

This happens most often not because of manufacturer errors, but because of laziness or inattention of the installer. Service codes of intercoms, or - as they are also called - secret codes of intercoms, are set by the manufacturer and are the same for all models. Installers do not change these codes when installing and configuring the system, which allows, in most cases, to open intercoms without a key or the use of special equipment.

Let's make a reservation right away: this is not a FAQ on hacking intercoms, which contains all the intercom codes. The universal reference book that we offer in this article contains only those codes that allow you to simply open the intercom without a key. We will not provide master codes for intercoms used to change system settings, just as we will not reveal some other secrets of intercoms.

And the main thing is for each of the readers to clearly remember: opening an intercom if necessary is an acceptable matter, and hacking an intercom for personal gain is punishable according to the criminal code. So if the main purpose of searching for material on how to hack an intercom was precisely such intentions, then at the same time look for the latest edition of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the article we will consider information on opening intercoms of the following types: Barrier II, IIM and 4; VIZIT (various models); Cyfral (various models); Eltis; METACOM; Rainmann; DomoGuard; Blink; T-Guard.

But before we begin, it is necessary to mention one more thing: the universal code for an intercom of any type is a fiction; each manufacturer indicates its own code for opening an intercom. How to find out the intercom code? If the installer did not consider it necessary to change the master passwords, then the descriptions below will help to do this. Otherwise, you need to contact your installer for the code.

Hacking Barrier II and IIM intercoms

An ancient Soviet intercom of the “Barrier” type with a mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key can now be found no more often than a mammoth. But anything can happen, and such an intercom may well be in some equally ancient house. For models 2 and 2M there is an unchangeable opening code - 1013. But, in principle, the intercom opens without problems with a pair of small magnets, which you just need to move around the area to apply the key.

Barrier - 4

The fourth model of this type of intercom is single-user; it was installed in entrances with concierges. Therefore, it will not be possible to type a permanent code, but you will have to tinker with magnets until the bitter end. The key of such an intercom contains three magnets.

How to open VIZIT intercom without a key

Visit intercoms are a little more difficult to open. The codes on them are significantly diverse. Often the * and # keys are missing from the keyboard, instead the C and K keys are used, respectively.

If the standard settings of such an intercom have not been changed by the installer, then the door should open when *#4230 or 12#345 is entered. Opens recently installed intercoms with visit code *#423 or 67#890

How to hack a vizit intercom through the service menu: dial #999 - this is the entrance to the service menu, wait for two short beeps, then enter the master code (default 1234). The visit intercom, which is being hacked, should respond with one short squeak. If you entered an incorrect code, the signal will be two-tone. In this case, you can try standard variations of master codes - 6767, 3535, 9999, 0000, 12345, 11639.

After entering the service menu, you can either open the intercom visit or perform a number of somewhat more complex operations.

So, combination 2 - pause - # - pause - 3535 - command to open the intercom door without a key.

Button “3” is configured to program keys for the intercom. After pressing key 3 in the service menu, you need to attach the key to the reader, press # and wait for the beep. That's it, the key is entered into the intercom memory.

Button 4 erases keys from memory.

* - exits the current mode.

# - used to confirm changes.

It will be a little more difficult to open the “Visit” BVD-3xx intercom - without a display and indication LEDs. To open the door, you need to press 1 in the service menu. However, hacking the intercom is not always successful. The visit will be successful in the case of the BVD-34x model (with a left-sided receiver).

How to open the Cyfral intercom

To open the Cyfral intercom you need:

a) if there are apartments in the entrance with numbering divisible by 100 (100, 200, 300, etc.), then the code must be entered as follows: call key (code 1) call key (code 2). In place (code 1) you need to enter the apartment number divisible by 100, and in place of code 2 - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

b) for intercom models with the letter “M”, you can try the code “call key + 41” or “call key + 1410”. Sometimes the door opens if you simply enter 07054.

The CCD-2094.1M intercom needs to be opened differently. You can distinguish it by a burning or flashing line on the screen. If you dial the code “call + 0000”, either the door will open immediately, or you will enter the service menu (ON on the screen), then you need to press 2, after which the door will open. If OFF appears, the Quick Entry mode is disabled. This means that an installer who has been installing Digital intercoms for a long time was working. Accordingly, he changed the access codes.

Cyfral CCD-2094M intercom codes

To open an intercom of this type you need to dial the code “0000 + call key”. The display should show “cod”. You need to enter the code 123456+“Call” or 456999+ “Call”, sometimes the combination 123400+ “Call” is used. We wait two to five seconds. If “f0” appears on the display, then access to the system menu is open. To open the door, you need to enter code 601.

If you want to visit this intercom (or rather, its owners) regularly, then it is better to enter your own key into the intercom memory, suitable for the Digital intercom. To do this, press the call key and keep it pressed until a message appears on the display indicating that you have entered the service mode. Then press “five” and enter the number of the existing apartment in the entrance. The display should change to TOUCH. As soon as this happens, apply the key. If you come across a model with an old optical key, then instead of the apartment number you need to dial 600, then insert the key and press the call button.

How to open the Eltis intercom

Eltis intercoms, the codes for which are not varied, are quite easy to open. There are two options for service combinations that will ensure “neat hacking” of the Eltis intercom: “call key 100 call key 7273” or “call key

100 call key 2323". If hacking the Eltis intercom does not succumb to such combinations, you can try options from Digital intercoms.

How to open the METAKOM intercom

Hacking a Metacom intercom is done according to the following scheme: you need to press the call button, then enter the number of the first apartment in the entrance and press call again. “COD” should appear on the display. After which you need to enter the actual code - 5702. If this method does not work, then try the combinations 65535 + call button + 1234 + call button + 8 or 1234 + call button + 6 + call button + 4568.

And also about how to hack the Metakom MK-20 M/T intercom without dancing around the keyboard. In principle, this model does not and will not have a system of protection against the use of master keys. Therefore, if you bring a “tablet” without firmware to the intercom reader, it will automatically enter programming mode. If you don't have a tablet, you can persuade it to open using the numeric keypad. The Metacom brand MK-20 M/T intercom code can be “call button + 27 + call button + 5702” or “call button + 1 + call button + 4526”.

How to open a Rainmann intercom

Reinmann 2000 models, as well as those intercoms of this brand that have a dot on the left on the display, can be opened as follows:

Press the “key” button on the numeric keypad and enter the code 987654. The reaction to this operation should be a double squeak. Then enter the code 123456. The letter “P” should appear on the screen, which indicates that you have entered the service menu.

4 - lock the door;

6 - turn off the intercom;

8 - open the door;

How to open the DomoGuard intercom

DomogarD intercoms are a little more difficult to open. You need to hold down the C button and wait for the squeak. Then quickly enter the service combination - 669900, press the call button and enter the apartment number one unit larger than the last one in the entrance. The intercom will respond by displaying “F—“ on the display. It means that we are in the service menu. To open the door, dial code 080. To enter a new key into memory - code 333, to disable the door lock - code 071

How to open the T-Guard intercom

Hacking this intercom is the simplest of those proposed. Press “call button + 00000 + call button twice.” The main thing is to do the last two clicks very quickly. The door is open.

How to open the Factorial intercom

The system of these intercoms is similar to Digital. The service menu is entered after the 6-digit Factorial intercom code is dialed. Usually this is 000000 or 123456. However, installers claim that hacking the Factorial intercom is practically impossible, if only because the Factorial intercom code must be changed during installation - this is one of the mandatory service settings. But you can try this combination - press the “5” key until a service message appears on the screen (3-5 seconds), then dial 180180 + call key + 4 + call key.

How to open the Blink intercom

This is the only single-user audio intercom widely used on the Russian market. It has neither a screen nor a numeric keypad and is usually installed in houses with a concierge or in private cottages. Therefore, service combinations will not help here. An ordinary D9-0.1 battery will help - “Krona”, “Corundum” and the like. The European type of such battery is 6F22. So, under the bottom panel we find false bolts of a strange shape - they exactly correspond to the “Crown” connector. We attach a battery to them - and voila, the intercom is open.

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Information on how to open an intercom without a key will be useful if you lose the standard device for accessing your own entrance. They cannot be used to commit illegal actions. However, it is better to save the data necessary for personal use in the smartphone’s memory. They will help solve the problem if the appropriate situation arises.

Using the “Wof-Hu” energy strike, you can quickly open the door to the entrance. Before mastering this effective technique, you can use the instructions given in this article

These convenient devices are installed as standard when equipping apartment buildings. They perform several useful functions simultaneously:

  • provide communication with the desired apartment (audio and video);
  • allow you to remotely control the locking mechanism;
  • block it when turned on.

This illustration shows the main components of the standard equipment. The call block is installed on the outside. It has keys for dialing an apartment number and a special contact pad. An electronic key fob (“tablet”) is pressed against it to unlock the electromagnetic lock. The control unit checks whether the code of this key matches the sample. From the inside, you can turn off the power supply to the lock and open the door using a special button.

It is known that utility workers have access to entrances with various intercoms. They do this using several techniques. Their detailed study will allow you to find out how to open the intercom door without a key.

The principle of operation of the intercom - device, encoding

When you press a button on the call block, the signal is sent through the switching block to the handset in a specific apartment. In this example, tens and ones buses are used to connect subscriber units. Digital switches are also used that generate an encoded signal. In this option, it is possible to connect more than 200 apartments using a two-wire communication line.

After picking up the phone, you can find out the purpose of the visit. If necessary, pressing the button gives a return signal. It removes the voltage from the electric magnet, after which the door can be opened.

The case is well protected from atmospheric and mechanical influences. As a rule, the manufacturer offers anti-vandal design, which makes even intentional damage difficult. The speaker (1) is covered by a durable grille. The microphone (5) is hidden behind a narrow hole. Some models have infrared illumination (2) and a camera for video monitoring. A “tablet” or other specialized device is applied to a special platform (6), in which the code for opening is written.

Built-in indicators (3) display not only the number of the called apartment. In the appropriate mode, they show the codes that are needed for setup. The following typical symbols are used on the keypad (4):

In addition to the power supply, several functional parts are installed on the printed circuit board:

  • pad for buttons;
  • a memory chip in which codes and settings are stored;
  • information processing unit;
  • transmitting and receiving paths of audio and video signals.

Basic ways to open an intercom without a key

The above information allows us to draw correct conclusions about suitable techniques. The codes are stored in memory in encrypted form, so even if the case is opened from the entrance, it will not be possible to make changes to the settings without special knowledge. You will also need a special device (programmer) to erase old data and enter new data into memory.

We are considering a more complex problem, how to gain access from the outside while preserving the enclosure.

The picture shows classic “tablets” (1) and more modern non-contact modifications (2). The first ones are applied tightly to a special socket. The latter also need to be pressed to a special platform, but less careful actions and small gaps are acceptable.

The second method is to enter an unlock code that opens the door, or access the service menu. The second option opens up additional possibilities for fine-tuning the equipment. Let us immediately note that trying different combinations manually will not work. Modern intercoms use complex coding, which will have to be deciphered using a similar technique over the course of many months. Some manufacturers install special protection that blocks access to the system if such actions by intruders are detected.

Below we talk about how to open any intercom without unnecessary mental effort. It should be emphasized that these methods will not always help to obtain the desired result. They can damage the door itself and the intercom electronics. However, for the sake of completeness, here are the necessary steps:

Is it possible to make a universal key for an intercom with your own hands?

It’s inconvenient to carry around a lot of duplicates with you in order to go unhindered to your mistress and wife, to your mother-in-law’s for pancakes and to your work office. Meanwhile, if you contact a specialized workshop, you will be offered exactly this option. The fact is that each manufacturer creates a unique coding system. The same types of keys can be used. But you will have to purchase those that are suitable for a specific intercom model.

Thus, “universal” tablets for employees of service companies and utilities open devices only from specific manufacturers. Moreover, quite often their effectiveness is limited by region and product series.

To reproduce such a design on your own requires certain skills. Controllers are installed here to read information and connect to a PC via USB port. The device is capable of copying data from a working key.

It is also freely programmable. In this option, you need to find out what algorithm the manufacturer uses. If you need a universal key for the Metakom intercom, you should take into account the features of continuous code supply with changes in current consumption/resistance. A packet of 4 bytes is sent as standard, one of which is needed for parity. All that remains is to find a valid code on the Internet and write it into the device’s memory.

For your information! When purchasing such products, you should make sure that they are compatible with the required types of intercom keys.

How to open an intercom without a key: unlocking products from different manufacturers

If we exclude the barbaric methods of the “no trick against scrap” category, what remains is the study of complex electronic circuits and soldering techniques. You will have to purchase additional equipment and learn the basics of programming. It makes no sense to consider the purchase of factory programmers and duplicate keys in detail.

There remains one acceptable simple option: how to open a visit intercom without a key using service codes. These methods are described below. The use of a standard password to open the door implies that it was not changed after installation of the equipment. The tables show such codes for different models. After entering the service menu, access to individual settings is available.

How to open Vizit intercom without a key

How to quickly open an intercom without a Forward key

How to open a Cyfral intercom without a key: a few simple techniques

PasswordV-no. of the apartment.For apartment buildings with numbering up to 300. The use of codes is also acceptable: 7237; 2323; 7272.
PasswordB-41-B-1410.Alternative: 07054. Suitable for models with the letter "M" in the name.
Password, sequential input.0000, after the word “cod” appears, dial 123456B.For intercoms of the CCD2094M series. You can also use code 456999B, or another sequence: 123400B - appearance of “F0” -601.
PasswordB0000.Here we tell you how to open the Cyfral CCD2094.1M intercom. If after entering “ON” appears and the door is locked, press “2”.
For your information! How to open the Cyfral CCD 20 series intercom is not difficult to figure out using the above data. However, if “OFF” appears in the information window, further actions will not bring the desired result. This means that a new unique password was set during the installation process.

How to open an intercom without an Eltis key

Standard passwordsВ100В2323.Alternatives: B100B7273; В500В7273; В800В2323; В200В7273; В500В2323; B8007273; B2002323; B5007273; В900В 7273; B2007273; В600В7273; В900В2323; В300В7273; В600В2323; В9007273; B300 B2323; В6007273; B2323; B3007273; В700В7273; B7273; В400В7273; V700V2323.
Entering the service menuPress and hold the call (approximately 20 seconds). The code displayed on the panel must be remembered. It is entered to change settings.Standard password; 1234. It is not known how to open the intercom without the Eltis key in the service menu. But in this mode you can program a new key fob after sequential input: 5-call.

How to open the Factorial intercom without a key

Keyman Autopsy Secrets

Is it possible to open Blink

This technique is designed to work with one user, so there is no keypad. Therefore, there is no possibility of manual entry. In multi-apartment buildings, such systems are installed in the entrance with a concierge who is on duty around the clock. The only access option is to make a duplicate of the original key.

Domogard: how to open the protection system without damage

T-Guard: unlocking algorithm

Opening Raikmann: the easy way

For your information! The Raikmann intercom differs only in one letter in the name, but has a completely different design. This technique cannot be opened using the instructions given in the table.

How to open an intercom without a Metacom key: codes, entry rules

Intercoms of the Russian brand "" are the most common intercoms in the CIS and Central Asia. They are effective, cheap and easy to use. This article will analyze all the codes known to users that are used in programming (coding) in production.

For the first time, the civilian products of this company announced themselves in 1984, but as an independent company called “VISIT CENTER” it was formed only twenty years later. The official website states that the company’s close-knit team of specialists promises a flexible system of discounts for regular customers, quality service and durability of each element of the security system. Video intercoms and audio intercoms are self-evidently the main subtypes of installed systems.

Codes and everything about them

There are a great many standard codes for any intercoms, including “Visit”, and it is impossible to illuminate absolutely everything, either physically or for reasons of maintaining the safety of intercom users.

The coding system of intercoms (which is sometimes popularly called “master code”) of this brand is classic: a certain code is “sewn” into the keys, and it is recorded in the memory of the calling panel, stored in a separate cell.

The calling panel supports all types of keys: contact, contactless and resistive.

Now about the list of codes for technical interaction with the panel:

  • There are always “*” and “#” signs on intercoms. If they are suddenly absent, then their equivalent is the letters “C” and “K”, respectively;
  • Codes *-#-4230 and 12-#-345 cause the door to open if they have not been changed;
  • Another variation of them is possible immediately after installation: *#423 and 67#890. Same effect;
  • The service menu opens with the following algorithm: enter #940, wait for a double squeak, enter the master code (1234 by default), and if it is correct, then you can hear one squeak. Double is a failure, you should try these: 6767, 3535, 4049, 12345, 0000, 9409, 11639.
  • When entering the service menu, the functions of opening the door (2 + # + 3535), erasing keys from memory (4 + # + 3535), programming keys for entry (3 + # + 3535, then attach the desired key to the panel, press #, wait for the beep and enter *), exit the service menu mode (*), confirm installation (#).

Useful video

See the procedure for opening the “Visit” intercom without a display


“Visit” intercoms are known to everyone, as are the universal codes for calling panels and doors of these products. “Old people” know them by heart, like the multiplication table, and young owners of this system should familiarize themselves with them in order to insure themselves against problems with keys in the future.

It is also worth recalling that Any unauthorized hacking of intercoms is illegal! The editors recommend using the materials described in the article exclusively for domestic purposes.

This article contains a mini reference book containing codes for intercoms. This is convenient information on codes for intercoms collected in one place. Below is a list of intercoms and codes for them.

Intercom code Barrier II and IIM

Remember those old “Soviet” intercoms with mechanical locks and a flat magnetic key? For 2M there is a permanent opening code - 1013. But they were rare then, and even more so now. In general, these intercoms were opened with 2 magnets, for example from a disassembled key. You just move them around the key pad until they go off.

Barrier – 4

The same, only without buttons (single-user, designed for front doors with concierges). The key has 3 magnets.

VIZIT intercom codes

General note: If there are no * and # on the keyboard, use C and K instead. C - * K - #.

Non-display models with LEDs (SM/M/N 100-200):
If the standard settings have not been changed, then the code *#4230 or code 12#345 leads to the opening of the intercom.
In newly installed intercoms, the codes *#423 and 67#890 are likely

You can enter the service menu:
#940 - beeps 2 times - (master code, default 1234) - beeps 1 time. If the code is not correct, it will beep with a two-tone signal. Master code can be 1234, 6767, 3535, 9409, 12345, 0000, 11639.

2 + # + 3535 Opening the intercom.
3 - Programming keys for entry. (Apply key + #, wait for beep + *).
4 - Erasing keys from memory.
* - Exit the mode.
# - Installation confirmation.

For intercom VISIT BVD-3xx (without display and LEDs), (with right-hand or central location of the tablet)
opening the door - press 1 in the menu.
Doesn't always work in BVD-34x (with a left-handed receiver)
To be confirmed for them.

Cyfral intercom codes

To open the door we try:
a) If there are apartments in the entrance with numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, etc., then you can try to enter the codes:
call (code 1) call (code 2)
where code 1= “round apartment number” (100...900),
code 2= 2323 or 7272 or 7273.

For other intercom models (with the letter “M”) the following code is suitable:

“B” 41 “B” 1410. Sometimes it helps to simply enter 07054.

Intercom CCD-2094.1M (lit or flashing dash on the display) - dial code B+0000 or open immediately, or service menu (inscription ON) - then press 2. Or, inscription OFF - then, alas, the quick access mode is turned off.

Cyfral CCD-2094M intercom codes

Code 0000 “B” + pause 2 seconds. The inscription “cod” appears. Enter the code 123456+"B" or 456940+"B" (rarely 123400+"B"), pause 2-4 seconds, inscription "f0". Access to the menu is now open. To quickly open, just press code 601.

If we want to come regularly, we can write our key into the memory of the Cyfral intercom. Press the bell and hold until the message appears, then enter the code 123456 (or code 123400). We got into service mode. In service mode, press 5, then enter the number of the existing apartment, the intercom will write TOUCH, attach the key - it is in memory. (For models with flat optical keys, instead of the apartment number, dial 600, insert the key and press call).

Eltis intercom codes

Typically the opening codes are:
"B" 100 "B" 7273
"B" 100 "B" 2323
But if it doesn't work, you can try other options from Cyfral.

METAKOM intercom codes

We press call, then the number of the first apartment in the entrance, call again ("COD" will be displayed), then code 5702... If it doesn't work, then we try the codes: 65535+"B"+1234+"B"+8 or or 1234+"B "+6+"B"+4568.

Only for intercoms MK-20 M/T codes:
or “B”+1+”B”+4526

And one more thing about the MK-20 M/T intercoms: Their firmware does not and will not have protection against master keys. Even without knowing the service password, if you bring a blank tablet, the intercom will enter the programming mode automatically!

Rainmann intercom codes

For Rainmann 2000 models and those with a dot on the left on the display.

Press the “key” button + 9 8 7 6 5 4. A double squeak should be heard. Then enter the code 1 2 3 4 5 6, the letter “P” will appear. Entered the menu. Further:
4 - Door lock.
6 - Turn off the intercom.
8 - Open the door.

DomoGuard intercom codes

Long press on "C", it will squeak.
Then we quickly enter the code: 669900, + call button + number one more than the last apartment in the entrance. The display should show "F-".
Got on the menu.
Open the door - code 080
Remember new key - code 333
Disable door lock - code 071

Blink intercom code

The only single-user intercom on the list. It has no screen, no keyboard, and mechanical locking. It is installed in houses with a concierge, so breaking it only makes sense at night. We find false bolts of an unusual shape on the lower section of the socket. These are backup power contacts. When 9 volts are applied to them (and they are just the width of the Krona contacts), the intercom is open.

T-Guard intercom code

Code “B”+00000+”B”B” (the last two presses are fast!) – the door is open.

Some general notes on intercom code:
In winter, intercoms with touch keypads (DomoGuard, Rainmann) are affected by hypothermia. We take a normal lump of snow and lean it against the keyboard. When the display shows “Err” (10-20 minutes), the intercom will unlock the lock.

At the moment, codes for intercoms are not suitable everywhere. The ideal solution at the moment is that it is capable of opening up to 90% of intercoms.

Many residents sooner or later have problems with electronic door locks. Therefore, the question of how to open an intercom intercom without a key is always appropriate. Everyone should take note of several alternative methods to bypass protection using universal devices or codes, and know how to carefully hack the system.

Reprogramming intercom settings

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any attempts to reprogram such a device for the purpose of fraud are punishable. The service codes that were initially set by the manufacturer are the same for all models and most series.

Standard passwords are adjusted according to the instructions only in the intercom installation service during installation of the system. But some companies or employees ignore this rule and leave the old values.

Each device has its own path to service mode. And, if the key is lost, you can find out the code from the intercom using classic combinations.

But when the need arises to reprogram the entire system, you must first go to the service menu. If the classic master code does not work or is entered incorrectly, a longer melody will sound. In this case, you should try to use backup passwords from the table:

Once in the service mode, you need to slowly (with pauses) dial the following combination: 2, # and at the end the master code. You can set up a new code for different models using the command: 3 (key programming), 4 (erases the device memory), * (exit the current mode) and # (confirmation of installation).

You can also change the intercom code at the entrance with the help of a partner, who will dial the required apartment number on the block. When a call comes in, he needs to pick up his handset, and the second person needs to press the “Open door” button 6 times within 5 seconds. At the end of the operation, the command “Dial apartment number” and a short signal should be activated by default. Next, you need to enter your apartment code, confirm the entry and hang up the handset back on the holder.

Reprogramming an intercom is easy; the main thing is to know the codes to open the appropriate mode. You can read more about changing settings in different models in other articles on the site.

Universal codes

If the installers rewrote the service code, it will be impossible to open the intercom door without a key. But unchanged typical settings will easily lend themselves to standard combinations of numbers.

During production, each model of the access mechanism is supplemented with a special code, and the code data remains in the settings menu. Sometimes intercom codes are changed, and then only the professional technician who installed the device can help.

There are no universal codes that provide access to intercoms of any type. You can find out special combinations in other articles on our website (see below).

Universal key

For modern intercom systems, several access options are created simultaneously. Their main task is to open the entrance lock with the selected security control, so they all have a program based on the factory code. If the firmware was corrected during operation, then only the master, service department or the resident himself can remove the lock from the system using a universal key.

Using this option, you can open about 95% of all models on the market. You can buy such a key without a chip at any service point or order it online. The key fob is easy to use: it is enough to have 1 standard copy to open the intercom from any entrance. The software part is located inside, so you just need to attach it to the contact located on the input panel.

Special services and housing office workers often have universal keys, who are obliged to service a single entrance without barriers and always have access to the territory entrusted to them. An alternative pass can be made in the format of a key fob, tablet or classic key. The chip program is pre-programmed with all the necessary data; after reading and comparing it, the device will automatically release the door. The process itself may last longer than in the situation with a “native” key (with a delay of a maximum of 5-6 seconds).

Mechanical opening method

When the key is lost and something urgently needs to be done, many decide to resort to brute physical force. Hacking an intercom mechanically is not the best way out of the situation, but if the above algorithms do not bring results, then it would not be a bad idea to try more radical methods. The following schemes for opening the entrance without a key are especially popular:

  1. You need to press your foot firmly into the lower part of the door (right under the handle) and sharply pull the handle towards you. Here it is important to focus on the correct point of the structure, so it is better to pull the door with pressure from your right foot.
  2. Carefully remove the piezoelectric element from the lighter, bring it to the key recess and click. This method does not guarantee instant access, since some intercoms are protected from such influence, but with a 5% chance it may work.
  3. Activate the stun gun and deliver a short shock to the center of the device (away from the screen, closer to the block with buttons or the reader). There is a chance that the intercom system will perceive this as a standard key activation and open the door. But at the same time, this technique is fraught with damage - the magnet can damage the intercom.
  4. Cool down the device. This method is often used in winter. You can apply snow or a piece of ice to the keyboard, hold it for 15 minutes and wait until the “Error” message appears and the lock opens on its own.

Using the recommendations listed, it is worth realizing that many of them cannot be used for installing apartment buildings. In some situations, mechanical burglary is fraught with punishment (correctional labor and a fine) in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Intercom code database

To prevent hacking the intercom from causing problems, you must use proven codes. You can follow the link.

How to find out the intercom code at your entrance

If the entrance key is lost, you can use a special password. This combination should be requested from the company that installed the device on the door - it must be communicated to every citizen registered at the specified location.

Before you open the intercom without a key, you need to confirm that you live in the house. When contacting a management company or a homeowners association with which an agreement has been concluded for servicing the territory, it is worth having the appropriate document on hand (a copy of the agreement for installing an intercom or a passport). Therefore, to get a code with which you can open the entrance, you should:

  1. Find out the name and contacts of the company that configured the block.
  2. Remember which intercom model you are using.
  3. Visit or call the company that services the home.
  4. Receive a special access PIN for your residential address.

The resulting code allows you to enter the entrance without changing the old key or the built-in intercom settings. But you should not disclose this password to strangers in order to maintain a high level of security.

Intercoms are present in many entrances, so every resident of a multi-story building encountered the problem of the lack of a magnetic pass. Trying to open any intercom without a key will not cause problems if you know several ways to bypass the electronic lock. The main thing is not to break the law and try to limit yourself to gentle methods (codes, reprogramming, universal key), and not to mechanical hacking.