Japanese euonymus: description, planting and care. Japanese euonymus: planting and care in the garden, photo Japanese euonymus mix

Japanese euonymus: description, planting and care. Japanese euonymus: planting and care in the garden, photo Japanese euonymus mix

Euonymus is an unusual plant with great species diversity. It is very popular due to its decorative original appearance: it attracts gardeners with beautifully colored foliage and equally unusual flowers. Only one variety can survive at home - Japanese. Further on the peculiarities of planting and caring for this variety of euonymus.

  • Watering. It is necessary to water the tree frequently, but moderately. Remember a simple rule: the soil should not dry out completely in the time between waterings. In the autumn, the amount of watering must be reduced, and in winter - reduced to a minimum. To moisten the soil, use only settled water.
  • Feeding. In the spring and summer, it is necessary to feed the euonymus with high-quality complex fertilizers (for deciduous plants) with a frequency of about 1-2 times a month.
  • Pruning and replanting. It is advisable to replant the euonymus annually or as needed (usually once every 2-3 years). The soil for replanting must be light and very nutritious. In spring, the plant should be pruned: usually the shape of the top is adjusted. In this way, you can create a shrub of incredible shapes.
  • Disease and pest control. Euonymus quite rarely gets sick, so any changes in its appearance often indicate non-compliance with the conditions for growing an ornamental shrub (frequent watering, lack of light or its excess, etc.).

These are all the subtleties that you need to know about growing Japanese euonymus at home so that your efforts bear fruit. Good luck!

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus) is a plant of the Euonymus family. Under natural conditions it grows in deciduous and mixed forests, in the subtropics or in temperate areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Japanese euonymus is not found in the Far North and the tropics. It is grown in the garden or park, as well as at home as an indoor or greenhouse flower.

Japanese euonymus is a deciduous, evergreen plant with beautiful bicolor leaves and small flowers that appear in midsummer. Euonymus flowers are unremarkable, but the fruits look like small, pink lanterns. Fruits with seeds ripen closer to autumn.

Japanese euonymus.

The leaves of the plant look more decorative than the flowers; they are dense, shiny, with teeth along the edges, and have an original variegated color - yellow-green, gray-green, dark or light and bright. Gardeners have developed several new varieties of euonymus, with different colors and leaf shapes.

Under natural conditions, euonymus can grow up to 7 meters in height, in garden culture - up to 2-3 meters, and indoor euonymus does not exceed 60-70 cm in height.

Agricultural technology

Japanese euonymus does not require care, but if it does not like the growing conditions in your garden, it will grow only in early spring. The rest of the time there will be no growth of shoots.

As a rule, growth occurs over two periods per season, and with good care in the garden, the Japanese euonymus grows by 15-20 cm over the course of a year. At the end of the euonymus growth period, cones with scales appear on the tops of the shoots - these are buds, from which at the beginning of the next period growth, new leaves will appear.

These features of the development of euonymus must be taken into account for proper care of it; at the beginning of the period of active growth, it is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, then with complex fertilizers, and during the formation of new buds - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

During the dormant period, feeding is stopped, and watering is carried out only to prevent the soil from drying out. After an active growing season, the plant goes dormant and stops growing. This applies to both indoor euonymus and park varieties.

Caring for euonymus in the garden begins with its planting. To do this, prepare a soil mixture of leaf soil, turf, peat and sand, in which there should be two parts of turf, and one part of the remaining components. However, Japanese euonymus is not picky about soil; ordinary garden soil with the addition of sand is suitable for growing it. If the soil is too acidic, lime is added to it.

In hot weather, watering the euonymus is combined with spraying with water from a hose, but this must be done before or after sunset to prevent sunburn on the leaves.


Japanese euonymus grown in the garden is propagated by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

The division of the bush is carried out in early spring before the beginning of the first period of active growth. 1-2 shoots are separated from the parent bush along with the roots and planted in a previously prepared place. When planting, the stems are cut to a height of 20-30 cm to reduce the load on the roots. New shoots will grow from this stem or from the roots.

To propagate euonymus by cuttings, they are cut from young shoots in June-July. The cuttings should be 6-7 cm long, with at least one internode; before planting, they are treated with a means for developing the root system.

The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of leaf and turf soil, humus and sand. The cutting takes root in 1.5-2 months, after which it is planted in a permanent place, while the new plant is provided with the necessary conditions and provided with attentive care.

Euonymus propagation by seeds collected last year occurs in the summer. Before planting, they are stratified at a temperature of 2-3 degrees for 4 months. As a result of stratification, their skin should burst, this will indicate that they can be sown. The seeds are finally peeled and soaked for 1-2 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Then they are sown in containers with moistened soil mixture and covered with a transparent cover. After the emergence of seedlings, the cover is discarded, hardening the plants at normal temperature and lighting. Young plants are planted in open ground only the next year, and before that they are given the required temperature at home. Before planting in a permanent place in the garden, the plants are hardened off for 2-3 days, leaving them in the open air.

Euonymus at your home

There are several varieties of Japanese euonymus that can be grown at home as an indoor flower:

  • Japanese euonymus, or pseudolaurel, is a very heat-loving plant that can die at temperatures below +5 degrees, so it can only be grown at home or in offices. Its leaves can be variegated or single-colored, the flowers are white, blooming in late spring.
  • Euonymus microphyllus - this variety has variegated, yellow-green, raised leaves. The flowers are small, white, and appear in late spring. This variety is suitable for planting in the garden and for growing at home.
  • Dwarf euonymus has oblong bicolor leaves and red-brown flowers collected in umbrellas. This is a creeping type of euonymus that can be grown in hanging flowerpots as an hanging plant.

It is best to grow Japanese euonymus at home in a well-lit place in a room on the south side - it will feel equally good in direct sunlight and in diffused light.

With the onset of summer, the flower pot can be taken out to the balcony, veranda or yard. We must not forget that this is a houseplant, you cannot immediately place it under strong rays of the sun, getting used to them must occur gradually. Caring for euonymus at this time should consist of watering and spraying in the morning or evening.

As for the temperature, it should be no lower than +5-10 degrees in winter, and no higher than +25-30 degrees in summer. In winter, the euonymus enters a dormant period, and if you keep it in a warm, heated room, it will begin to shed its leaves.

Caring for indoor euonymus consists of watering and fertilizing, which the plant especially needs during the period of active growth. The buds, from which inconspicuous flowers will eventually develop, can be removed immediately so that the plant does not waste nutrients on them.

To plant euonymus at home, use a mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil, with the addition of river sand. Another option for soil mixture is turf soil with peat and sand.

Favorable conditions and good care contribute to the good development of indoor euonymus, so it needs to be replanted every year at a young age, and every 3-4 years at an “old” age.

Japanese euonymus, growing at home, is fed every 20-30 days with mineral and organic fertilizers in spring and summer. In winter, during the dormant period, fertilizing and frequent watering are not needed.

Japanese euonymus needs to be pruned regularly to form a beautiful crown. During pruning, weak, small shoots are removed, as well as shoots growing inside the crown. For intensive tillering, young shoots are pinched.

This plant is ideally suited for the formation of bonsai; its lush branches can be easily given any shape, cut into a cone, a ball, or an animal figure.

Caring for indoor euonymus includes measures to protect against diseases and pests. At home, the plant becomes sick with gray rot, which causes a gray coating and brown spots to appear on the leaves. As for insect pests, scale insects and spider mites most often harm the plant. Both problems can be solved by spraying with chemicals that can be purchased at a flower shop.

Indoor euonymus is propagated in the same way as a garden plant - by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Watch the video: Japanese euonymus / Euonymus planting and care

Japanese euonymus is a decorative representative of the botanical world. Unlike other varieties of euonymus, this one can be grown both in the garden and at home. From the article you can find out what Japanese euonymus is, how to plant this plant and how to care for it.

The Japanese euonymus japonicus is valued primarily for its impressive decorativeness and ability to grow and develop safely both indoors and outdoors.

The decorative effect of the plant is given by its crown - lush, bright, and unusual in color. Euonymus has dark green leaves with pointed ends and a light border. The leaves are impressive in size and have a fleshy, dense structure. The plant is evergreen.

In addition to foliage, euonymus also boasts beautiful, decorative fruits. The shrub grows evenly, however, it adds more in the spring. Over the course of a year, the increase in height ranges from 15 to 20 cm. In nature, the Japanese euonymus can reach 7 meters in height.

Flowering is observed in mid-summer: the flowers are beautiful, collected in numerous panicles of yellow-green color. The berries appear in September and the fruiting period lasts until mid-October. Look at the photo of this wonderful plant.

The shrub tolerates unfavorable external conditions quite well: it does not care about air pollution, shading, or small plot sizes - even in such conditions, the euonymus manages to grow well and delight with its beauty.

It is worth knowing that Japanese euonymus is poisonous, so children and pets should not be allowed near it. Despite its toxicity, the plant is used in folk medicine.

Application in landscape design

The plant is suitable for creating a hedge, as well as a border frame for plantings. If you put together a mix of different varieties of euonymus, you can create a wonderful picturesque composition - a garden decoration.

Varieties with uniform green foliage are often used as a background for bright flowers. Living garden figurines are also formed from such plants.

In landscape design, the most common varieties of Japanese euonymus are:

  • pseudolaurel;
  • microphyllus;
  • dwarf.

Pseudolaurus in our country is grown as a houseplant or greenhouse plant. It does not tolerate low temperatures, but is very decorative.

Microphyllus is famous for its beautiful variegated leaves. This euonymus forms a low bush - a maximum of half a meter in height. But the foliage and beautiful flowers make it very elegant and elegant.

The dwarf Japanese euonymus grows up to a meter and is most often planted in open ground. The leaves of this shrub have a double color: bluish below and bright green above.


Let's consider the main points regarding the rooting of this plant.


We recommend planting the plant in a semi-shaded place. In such conditions, euonymus leaves turn out to be especially decorative - clean and bright, with a rich blue-green hue. In a sunny area, the foliage may dry out - especially if there is no regular and sufficient watering.


Japanese euonymus does not like too hot temperatures. The optimal range for it is +25 degrees in summer and +18-12 in winter. In extreme heat, the plant may begin to shed its leaves.

The soil

Japanese euonymus does not have any special requirements for soil quality. The following soil mixture is optimal:

  • sheet soil - 1 part;
  • turf/garden soil - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

Acidic soil is not suitable for euonymus - in this case, the area must first be limed.


You can plant Japanese euonymus in the garden from May to September. You need to choose a cloudy day - not hot and preferably rainy.

The pit is prepared in advance - its parameters should be approximately twice the volume of the plant roots. A drainage layer of ground brick or expanded clay or crushed stone is laid at the bottom of the pit. Then there is a nutritious layer of humus, compost and soil is laid out.

The plant is placed vertically in the hole and carefully sprinkled with soil. After planting, the soil must be compacted and watered to prevent air pockets from forming.

The shrub should only be rooted in pre-moistened soil. In addition, when growing at home, it is useful to heat the bottom of the pot - this will activate rooting.


Planting and care are the most important components of competent cultivation of euonymus, and if we have already dealt with the first point, now we will consider the second. Let's get acquainted with the main points of plant care.

Top dressing

In order for the euonymus to enjoy active growth and decorativeness, it must be regularly supplied with additional nutrition.

In spring, euonymus needs nitrogenous fertilizing so that the green part is more actively formed. Then the time comes for complex fertilizers and for the formation of buds - phosphorus-potassium. In winter, fertilizing is not needed - at this time the plant is in a dormant period.

Attention: you cannot overfeed the plant, as this can lead to the euonymus losing its decorative properties.


Euonymus needs moderate moisture. Neither waterlogging nor drought should be allowed - the latter is more dangerous. If the weather is hot, it is additionally recommended to spray the foliage: the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.


In order for the bush to grow compact and lush, the tips of the shoots must be regularly pinched. The procedure can be carried out as the plant grows.


In order for the euonymus to safely survive our harsh winter, it is recommended to mulch the root circle of the plant with sawdust, peat or fallen leaves before the onset of cold weather. Mulch will serve as a kind of “blanket” for the roots, protecting them from freezing.

If the plant has not yet reached two years of age, it needs to be covered in the garden. For this purpose, boxes, agrofibre, and burlap are used. An adult Japanese euonymus does not need shelter.

Protection from diseases and pests

The greatest danger to the plant comes from harmful insects - mites and aphids. As a result of damage by these pests, the foliage of the euonymus may begin to dry out, curl and fall off - and the plant thus loses all its attractiveness. If such a disaster occurs, it is necessary to spray the bush with Actellik or a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Dangerous diseases include rust and powdery mildew. Since these diseases are very difficult to treat, it is recommended to treat the bush preventively. Fungicides are used for treatment, and the procedure itself must be carried out in cool, rainy weather.

Home care

As mentioned above, you can grow this plant at home. Bonsai - miniature decorative compositions that decorate a home - are well formed from Japanese euonymus.

Care at home is similar to street care: the same regular watering and spraying in dry weather, fertilizing. In the summer, take the container with the plant out into the open air - this will only benefit it and strengthen it.

Euonymus growing at home in a pot must be replanted regularly. The young plant is replanted annually, and starting from the fourth year - every 3 years. When growing at home, consider additional illumination of the shrub, especially if the apartment windows face north.

Pinching shoots is also necessary for the plant. This procedure will help to form a lush compact bush, which looks much more impressive. In addition, it is recommended to regularly remove dried, damaged and old shoots - this rejuvenates the bush and preserves its decorative appearance.

Usually, the euonymus reacts in the same way to an attack by pests or any diseases - it drops its leaves. If you notice such an alarming sign, carefully examine the plant and carry out appropriate treatment if necessary.

With proper, complete care, Japanese euonymus produces two waves of growth over the course of a season. And if the bush grows this way, this means that favorable conditions have been created for it.


Japanese euonymus can be propagated in three ways:

  • root division;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The cutting method is more often used, since dividing roots is a complex procedure and does not always lead to success. Seed propagation is also painstaking and time-consuming, but is used quite often.


Cuttings are cut in June-July: the length of the shoot should be 5-6 cm, the cutting should have at least one internode and be green, non-lignified. It is best to take cuttings from a bush that is more than five years old. Cuts of shoots need to be treated with a root stimulator, and then planted in a greenhouse with prepared nutrient soil.


Summer is more suitable for seed propagation. Before planting, the seeds need to be stratified for +-4 months at a temperature of +2-3 degrees - this measure will harden the seeds and rid them of harmful spores.

Plant the seeds when their skins burst. Planting is carried out by removing the skin from seeds that have been pre-treated with potassium permanganate.

So, we met such a wonderful plant as Japanese euonymus. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is the only euonymus that is suitable for both outdoor and indoor cultivation. With proper care, the plant produces magnificent decorative leaves, flowers and bright fruits - a real decoration for your home or garden.

The Euonymus genus includes more than 200 species of beautiful evergreen shrubs and small trees. In nature, euonymus can reach 5 meters. But at home, the plant is usually pruned and has a more modest size.

Japanese euonymus- the most common type of euonymus for home cultivation. The leaves of this plant are smooth, leathery and oblong-oval with serrations along the edge of the leaf. Types of Japanese euonymus differ in leaf size and color. Euonymus looks the most attractive golden with yellow-green leaves and euonymus silver with white-green leaves. There are euonymus with green foliage, which also does not spoil the beauty of this plant. The flowers of the Japanese euonymus are greenish-white, the fruits are red, but in indoor conditions the euonymus practically does not bloom.

In addition to its attractive appearance, Japanese euonymus is a useful plant for the home. It reduces the germ content in the air by 50%.

Japanese euonymus is the least demanding of care among the euonymuses. The variegated forms of this plant need sufficient sunlight and can even tolerate direct sunlight for some time, but midday sun is still undesirable for them. Variegated euonymus do not really like shady places - this causes them to lose their variegated color and become green. But ordinary green euonymuses feel great in the shade. They don't need a lot of light. Any form of Japanese euonymus can be taken out into the fresh air - onto the balcony or into the garden.

The plant is very sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, it is better to put it in a cool place where the temperature will not exceed +23 degrees. To prevent leaf fall in winter, euonymus needs a temperature of about +12 degrees.

Watering euonymus in the summer is extremely important - water it abundantly, especially if the plant is in a bright, warm place. The soil should not dry out much between waterings. Often euonymus leaves wither due to insufficient watering. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced; in winter, watering is rare and only with water at room temperature. In winter, overwatering should not be allowed, especially when the plant is located in a place where the air temperature is low. Overwatering in this case can lead to rotting of the root system. Fertilizing is carried out from spring to autumn with mineral fertilizers once a month.

When caring for euonymus at home, we must not forget about spraying. It is especially important to spray the plant in the summer and when the plant is in a dry room. The water for this procedure must be clean, since salts and impurities may remain on the leathery leaves of the plant. Euonymus also loves being washed in a warm shower. It is most important to carry out shower procedures after the plant is brought into the room to wash away dust and possible pests.

Euonymus transplant

It is advisable to replant young euonymus once a year; adult plants are replanted as needed or once every 2-3 years. The soil for euonymus should be light with a fairly large supply of nutrients. Thus, a mixture of 2 parts turf soil, 3 parts leaf soil, 1 part peat and 1 part coarse sand is best suited. A sufficient amount of drainage must be placed at the bottom.

Pruning euonymus

Japanese euonymus lends itself well to pruning and shaping. For faster and more intense plant growth, pruning should be done in the spring. Typically, when the top of a branch is cut, two or four young shoots emerge from the cut point. This way you can achieve a dense crown of the plant. With the right approach to pruning, you can create a variety of plant shapes: balls, cones and other interesting shapes.

Reproduction of euonymus at home

The simplest propagation of Japanese euonymus is propagation by cuttings. Cuttings are taken from the plant in spring and summer. You can take both middle and apical cuttings, the main thing is that they are not woody. They are usually rooted in soil or in water with root formation stimulants, for example, Kornevin. Euonymus takes quite a long time to take root – about two months.

Apart from systematic watering, spraying and diffused light, nothing else is required to care for the cuttings.

Pests and diseases of euonymus

The most common pests of euonymus are spider mites, aphids, and scale insects. Treatment is carried out with insecticides. To prevent pests, the euonymus is washed with foam from laundry soap, the plant is left there for an hour, then washed thoroughly under a warm shower. It is important to leave the euonymus in the bathroom for several hours after this.

04.07.13 / 04.07.13

Euonymus is an unusual plant with great species diversity. It is very popular due to its decorative original appearance: it attracts gardeners with beautifully colored foliage and equally unusual flowers. Only one variety can survive at home - Japanese. Further on the peculiarities of planting and caring for this variety of euonymus.

Japanese species: description and main varieties

Under natural conditions, Japanese euonymus can often be found mainly near mixed or deciduous forests of Korea, China and Japan. The plant is an ornamental evergreen shrub or tree that can reach 4-8 m in height.

The flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences of 30 pieces. The color combination is dominated by yellow and green. Flowering usually begins with the arrival of autumn and ends by mid-October.

The leaves of the bush are quite dense, leathery, have a pointed shape and a beautiful dark green color with a light border. The branches grow in a rapidly vertical direction (at a slight angle of deviation from the trunk).

Unusual leaves of Japanese euonymus

Japanese euonymus calmly tolerates a lack of sunlight; accordingly, it will grow well in the shade and is not afraid of urban conditions (gas pollution and other “tests”). By the way, it is able to purify the air of germs by 50%.

Attention! Euonymus is a unique plant: it needs high-quality, and, most importantly, regular care, because if you neglect it, it will simply stop in its development. An increase in growth will occur only in early spring.

Japanese euonymus is represented by several varieties, the most popular among them are the following (introductory photos are attached):

  • Pseudolaurus. In Russia it is grown exclusively as a house plant. The variety is considered quite sensitive to temperature changes: at temperatures below +5 degrees the plant will die.
  • Dwarf. This evergreen shrub reaches no more than 1 m in height. Their edges are pointed, the color of the outer side is bright green, the bottom is bluish.


  • Microphyllus. Variegated variety. Reaches a height of no more than 0.5 m. The leaves are painted in two colors: yellow and green. The flowers have a delicate white hue. After the end of the flowering period, very beautiful seed pods are formed on the plant.

Planting a plant

Euonymus is not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil, so a classic mixture of peat, turf, leaf soil and humus is quite suitable for planting it (the ratio of all components should be the same, only the turf is 2 times larger than the rest).

Planting of a young tree is carried out exclusively in moist soil. At first, it is advisable to provide young, high-quality bottom heating for the bush. It is also important to maintain optimal soil moisture and periodically spray the leaves.

Advice. Keep in mind that euonymus takes quite a long time to take root, and when grown not only by seed, but also by cuttings or dividing the rhizome. It is enough just to provide the plant with the necessary components (moisture, fertilizing, etc.) and it will definitely respond with active growth.

Subtleties of care

As mentioned earlier, euonymus needs constant and high-quality care, which will allow it to achieve luxurious flowering. So, caring for euonymus is represented by a set of the following procedures:

  • Temperature and light conditions. Euonymus does not need long and bright lighting: a little shade will be enough for it. But this does not apply to varieties with brightly colored leaves. Such plants should be provided with sufficient light. The optimal temperature is about +25 degrees in summer and not lower than +12 degrees in winter. If the temperature regime is not observed, the euonymus will die.
  • Humidity level. The plant does not particularly need moisture, but periodically it is advisable to clean its leaves under the shower. The water should be warm or room temperature.

  • Watering. It is necessary to water the tree frequently, but moderately. Remember a simple rule: the soil should not dry out completely in the time between waterings. In the autumn, the amount of watering must be reduced, and in winter - reduced to a minimum. To moisten the soil, use only settled water.
  • Feeding. In the spring and summer, it is necessary to feed the euonymus with high-quality complex fertilizers (for deciduous plants) with a frequency of about 1-2 times a month.
  • Pruning and replanting. It is advisable to replant the euonymus annually or as needed (usually once every 2-3 years).

    Japanese euonymus

    The soil for replanting must be light and very nutritious. In spring, the plant should be pruned: usually the shape of the top is adjusted. In this way, you can create a shrub of incredible shapes.

  • Disease and pest control.

    Euonymus quite rarely gets sick, so any changes in its appearance often indicate non-compliance with the conditions for growing an ornamental shrub (frequent watering, lack of light or its excess, etc.).

These are all the subtleties that you need to know about growing Japanese euonymus at home so that your efforts bear fruit. Good luck!

Caring for euonymus at home

Euonymus is part of the Euonymus family and is an evergreen shrub. As a rule, it is grown outdoors; the rooted and Japanese species are excellent for growing euonymus at home. The plant has incredibly attractive fruits from a group of small capsules. The plant is considered unpretentious, therefore caring for euonymus is quite simple, and a novice grower can handle the process of growing it.



The presented plant is shade-tolerant, but despite this, it is best to place it in a place with good lighting, while protecting it from direct sunlight. Leaves may begin to turn yellow if there is insufficient light.

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Choose a well-ventilated room for growing; the optimal temperature should vary within 25 degrees.

Japanese euonymus - planting, care and propagation

If the temperature exceeds normal, plant development can slow down significantly. During the wintering period, the plant requires a regime within 6-8 degrees above zero. An interesting fact is that euonymus is considered a frost-resistant plant and can survive even 20 degree frost. If the temperature in the room in winter exceeds 12 degrees, the plant may shed its leaves.


This process should be abundant with the arrival of spring and summer, but as the top layer of soil dries out. In cool months, watering switches to moderate; it is strictly forbidden to over-moisten the soil. Settled water is excellent for watering.


Euonymus is completely unpretentious to the level of air humidity, but if you provide it with spraying a couple of times every 7 days, it will be able to reciprocate your feelings.


From the beginning of spring until the beginning of autumn, monthly, you need to feed the plant with special mineral fertilizers.


Neutral or slightly alkaline soil is excellent for this process.


As the plant develops, take care to periodically trim weak shoots. Thanks to this process, you can give the plant the desired appearance; during this procedure, be especially careful, because euonymus is a poisonous houseplant.


Young specimens of the plant are replanted every spring, adult specimens are replanted every 3-4 annual cycle.


A very important point is to maintain the required temperature regime from 20 to 25 degrees above zero. After planting, the container is covered on top with glass or polyethylene containers for an effect close to a greenhouse. A houseplant, euonymus, that is properly cared for at home can delight you with its beautiful, healthy appearance for a long time.

Reproduction of euonymus can be carried out by cuttings, using seeds or layering. In the case of growing euonymus at home, cuttings are preferable. In this case, the development process will be as fast as possible. Cuttings are prepared at the beginning of the summer period, planted in containers and covered with substrate. A mandatory step is pinching young plant specimens. Rooting of the planted cuttings will occur after a couple of months.

One of the most preferred indoor plants these days is the Japanese euonymus, since many varieties, ease of care and excellent survival rate are not a complete list of the advantages of this confident and popular flower-shrub.

Decorative leafy indoor euonymus will help create even more comfort and will qualitatively decorate any interior in an apartment, house, office or outdoors.

A useful and pleasant-looking indoor flower will give home comfort and make dreams of the most amazing indoor landscaping come true. The article talks about growing a plant at home and proper care for it.

You can also look at the indoor Japanese euonymus in the photo, showing the variety of growing forms:

Variety of species, ease of growing and caring for euonymus

Euonymus is a representative of the flora that feels quite comfortable at home. However, if in nature some of its varieties can reach a height of 5-7 m, then domestic inhabitants grow much lower.

Their varieties can be either deciduous or evergreen - and there are many more such species. The variety of species allows you to create compositions from plants.

The convenience of growing euonymus at home allows you to have this crop in almost every apartment. The subtleties of caring for it can be found further on this page.

If you believe the botanical description of the crop, the leaves have a smooth, opposite structure. Among the diversity of representatives are trees, shrubs, and herbaceous maturations.

Creeping (creeping) varieties - Koopmann and dwarf varieties - are in special demand. And the best option for home use is Japanese euonymus.

Home friend and decoration - Japanese euonymus

Home cultivation involves different types of bright, exotic representatives of the plant world, differing not only in names, but also in different proportions combining certain characteristics, growth opportunities, and conditions for caring for them.

Quite convenient and unpretentious in all respects, the Japanese euonymus is a bright decorative representative of its family. This is a true home friend and an amazing decoration for any interior.

The plant and the basic conditions for caring for it can be characterized by the following parameters:

The types of this variety differ in color and leaf size. Their leaves are usually leathery and smooth, oval-oblong, with original serrated edges.

A silver or golden euonymus will look successful against the background of any interior, although ordinary green leaves also look presentable and dignified.

The original colors and shapes of the leaves allow the plant to be used as an aesthetically sound decoration for any home or office space.

The possibilities of pruning and shaping a plant can be discussed separately and at length, since with the help of correct, timely pruning, any plant shape can be created.

In addition, more significant benefits have been proven - this representative of the plant world is able to reduce the content of microbes in the air by 50%.

Look at the Japanese euonymus in the photo - isn’t it, this is a unique indoor plant:

A special variety is the domestic dwarf euonymus.

A small evergreen shrub is the home dwarf euonymus, the vertical shoots of which can reach a height of up to 1 meter. The leathery, narrow-lanceolate leaves with small teeth along the edges are 4 centimeters long.

The tops of the leaves are pointed and the edges are slightly curved. From August to September, yellow-green pale capsules, the fruits of an ornamental greenhouse plant, ripen. This is a special variety used in bonsai culture.

Under natural conditions, dwarf euonymus grows in valleys and on river slopes in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine, Northwestern China, and Romania. This species was listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

Proper care of euonymus begins with planting

This natural air freshener is absolutely unpretentious in terms of lighting - the plant can be successfully kept both in the most illuminated places of the house or yard, and in shaded ones. The more variegated the color of the leaves, the more light the plant usually needs.

In all other cases, caring for euonymus is also simple and unobtrusive. The representative of the flora is watered abundantly in summer and moderately in winter, and to remove dust, you can give the flower a kind of shower. Proper care of euonymus begins with choosing a location and planting the plant at home.

From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, it is useful to fertilize flowers with complex fertilizers with minerals, feeding the greens approximately once a month. During the growing season, it is necessary to prune weak and thickening shoots, and pinching and pruning shoots to fluff up the crown should be done every spring.

Young plants are transplanted into larger pots or better soil every year, adult representatives - once every 2-3 years. The most acceptable version of the soil mixture consists of the following components:

  • one part of humus;
  • one part sand;
  • one part of leafy soil;
  • two parts of turf soil.

A drainage layer at the bottom of the pot is mandatory. Among the pests, the most dangerous are spider mites, red flat mites, and scale insects. To combat them, you can use different types of insecticides, used in accordance with the instructions for the drugs.

There may be other reasons for the deterioration of the condition of an ornamental houseplant. When the light is too bright, the euonymus leaf begins to fade, the edges curl, and the tips begin to dry out quickly.

In winter, low air humidity and elevated room temperatures can lead to leaf shedding. When the soil becomes waterlogged, the plant may stop growing and drop its lower leaves.

Application of decorative green decoration in life

Various tinctures and decoctions of the fruits and leaves of these flowers have been used for quite a long time. In folk medicine, there are a large number of recipes that should help with all types of skin, nervous, and internal diseases.

At the same time, given the high toxicity of the plant, which is poisonous in its internal composition, pharmacologists treat drugs based on it with extreme caution.

The use of decorative green decoration as dosage forms is not recommended; in real life there are simpler ways to use euonymus as amazing landscaping for apartments and offices.

In the industrial sphere, raw materials of this type (wood from shrubs and trees) are used to make small crafts and souvenirs. In the chemical direction, one type of gutta-percha was obtained from the warty and European varieties.

As a decorative growing species, the plant can be used for urban landscaping - tall varieties; as original hedges - individuals of shrub forms. Evergreen creeping plants of this species are relevant and in demand for landscape designers and amateur gardeners.

They look aesthetically pleasing and quite bright in interior designs and gardening compositions; depending on the specific type, they can be of different colors and sizes.