Euonymus fortune description. An unpretentious evergreen shrub for your garden - "European Fortune": planting and care at home. Basic care - watering, fertilizing, pruning

Euonymus fortune description.  An unpretentious evergreen shrub for your garden -
Euonymus fortune description. An unpretentious evergreen shrub for your garden - "European Fortune": planting and care at home. Basic care - watering, fertilizing, pruning

In European countries, this shrub is quite common; it can often be seen on city streets, in public gardens and private gardens. Wonderful evergreen carpets, charming curtains and border strips - Fortune's euonymus, an evergreen creeping shrub, can create all this. And although ours landscape designers This plant is increasingly being used to create wonderful compositions; summer residents, due to little awareness of its qualities, do not indulge it with attention, leaving the choice to more common shrubs.

Euonymus Fortune ( Euonymus fortunei) belongs to the euonymus family, its name indicates a connection with Greek roots, since in translation from this language euonymus means “glorious”, or a plant “with good name" And the species name is associated with the name of the scientist who first described this plant.

In nature, euonymus grows in valleys and floodplains of rivers, as well as in the undergrowth of mixed forests. These are deciduous shrub and tree euonymuses, such as, for example, the warty euonymus, impressive with the unusual shape and color of its fruits in the fall. However, among the many types of euonymus there are also evergreen shrubs, for example Fortune's euonymus, a plant native to China.

This species is an evergreen creeping shrub with a height of only about 60 cm, but at the same time capable of growing up to 3 m in length. Its stems, in contact with the ground, form adventitious roots at the nodes, with the help of which it can easily take root and also rise up , . The flowers are small, greenish-white, the fruits are light yellow, inedible, like all other types of euonymus. But the leaves are very attractive - small, from 2 to 6 cm long, elliptical in shape, leathery and shiny in texture.

This species is an evergreen creeping shrub with a height of only about 60 cm, but at the same time capable of growing up to 3 m in length. Its stems, in contact with the ground, form adventitious roots at the nodes, with the help of which it can easily take root and also rise up , clinging to various supports.

Based on Fortune's euonymus, many very decorative varieties, differing in leaf color, bush height, ability to grow and winter hardiness. The beauty of varietal euonymus lies in the varied colors of their leaves. Most of them have variegated leaves: on a green background of various shades you can see white strokes and strokes, amazing yellow or golden edges, and in some varieties the leaves are pink, reddish or purple.

The most famous varieties

  • - a compact shrub up to 30 cm high. Its emerald leaves with golden or yellow edging look very decorative. The autumn color of the leaves is unusually beautiful - they turn bright pink or reddish. The leaf length is about 2 cm, the shape is ellipsoid. Winter-hardy variety, can withstand –25 ºС without snow cover.
  • – its bushes are up to 20 cm high, compact, the leaves are ovate, dark green with a white border. In autumn the leaves turn pink. Frost resistance is average. Suitable for cultivation in Ukrainian conditions.
  • – the height of the bush is about 20 cm, it grows strongly. The leaves are bright green with white edges and turn pink in the fall. We spend the winter without shelter.
  • – the height of the bush is up to 20 cm, the leaves are ovoid, green with a bright yellow spot in the center. It grows weakly, forms compact variegated and bright bushes. Winter hardiness is average.
  • Vegetus– creeping shrub 15 cm high, grows quickly. Leaves are up to 4 cm long, leathery, ovoid. Matte coating The dark green leaf is lined with white veins and strokes. At favorable conditions very quickly forms dense motley carpets and easily climbs onto various supports. The variety is characterized by good winter hardiness.

  • Minimus (Baby)- a miniature copy of Vegetus, grows relatively slowly, forming neat curtains only about 5 cm high. The shoots are thin, the leaves are small, their length barely exceeds 1 cm. The green color of the leaves remains throughout the year. Frost-resistant variety. Good for alpine slides, rockeries, the foreground of mixborders, as a frame for paths.
  • Coloratus– the height of the bush is up to 40 cm, grows in width up to 1.5 m, and rises well on supports. The leaves are oval, dark green in spring and summer, purple in autumn. Winter hardiness is good.
  • Variegatus– bush height 20–30 cm. Leaves are green with white edges.
  • Canadale Gold– the leaves of this variety have a yellow border, the bushes are compact, grow quickly, reaching 60–80 cm.
  • - a dwarf creeping shrub with spectacular white-variegated leaves with yellow, cream and pink splashes. Young shoots are white. An excellent ground cover for shaded areas. Height up to 40 cm, width up to 1 m.

How to grow Fortune's euonymus

Choosing a location. The shrub loves fertile, light, moderately moist soils. Does not tolerate stagnation of water and prefers to grow in openwork partial shade. In the open sun, the leaves may dry out and lose their decorative properties. It is advisable to choose a southern or western exposure, as well as a place protected from the wind.

Landing. The best time for planting seedlings is considered to be the beginning of May, but they can also be planted in the fall.

Add fertilizers in the form of compost, rotted manure or complex mineral fertilizer to the planting holes. Plant the plants, water well, sprinkle a layer on top. It is better to shade young plants at first.

Most varieties grow quite quickly, but if you want to quickly get a dense mat, plant seedlings that are thicker. Having grown even a small number of plants, you will be able to easily propagate euonymus yourself in the future. But we'll talk about this later.

Feeding. It is good to use special complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants as root fertilizers. In addition, by adding mulching materials such as compost, leaves, etc., you not only help reduce the growth of weeds and improve the soil structure, but also fertilize it.

Watering. There is no need to over-moisten the soil; euonymus does not like excessive moisture. Dry and hot weather It will be enough to water the plants generously once a week. Water the euonymus only at the root, preferably with water heated in the sun.

Trimming. The shrub tolerates pruning very well, which can be done at any time. Diseased and withered shoots are cut out, as well as shoots that are too long, which disrupt the overall picture. Euonymus can be trimmed regularly, giving the bush the shape you need. You can simply pinch the ends of the shoots to make the bush more lush and dense.

Wintering. Fortune's euonymus is quite winter-hardy. In our country, almost all common varieties winter well, especially under snow cover. But even without snow, they tolerate temperatures down to –25 ºС, and if frozen, they easily recover during the season. But it’s better to cover young plants for the winter non-woven material or spruce branches.

To prevent possible development powdery mildew, and this disease sometimes occurs in euonymus, in the spring you can preventively treat the plants with fungicides: Ridomil, Revus, Falcon.
Among the pests, spider mites are sometimes possible. A sign of the presence of a pest is the appearance of small silvery dots on the leaves. The insectoacaricide Actellik has proven itself well for control.

Reproduction. Varietal euonymus easily reproduces vegetatively. The easiest way is propagation by root suckers and cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings: cut cuttings from young elastic shoots or simply pinch off a twig 10–15 cm long, prepare a substrate from fertile land with sand, plant the cuttings and water regularly. After about a month, roots appear. When root system becomes sufficiently developed, you can transplant the plants to permanent place. It is best to do cuttings in June - July. For better survival of cuttings, you can use various root formation stimulants, for example Kornevin.

The use of Fortune's euonymus in landscaping

With the help of Fortune's euonymus, you can create unique artistic designs, given that the plant can easily tolerate pruning. The euonymus shrub looks wonderful in rocky gardens, on alpine roller coaster, in the form of borders, parterres, in the frame of flower beds, in combination with other plants in

Euonymus Fortune in the rockery

As you can see, Fortune's euonymus is perfectly suitable for growing in gardens. different styles– from a Japanese garden to a rural front garden. It will grow well in city conditions, for example in. I hope that after getting acquainted with this evergreen shrub, you will acquire for yourself another wonderful ground cover plant, quite original, capable of giving the garden a special decorative look.

Fortune's euonymus is a surprisingly graceful shrub. It is widely used in Europe to decorate urban landscapes. In Russia, growing the crop is not so popular. At the same time, euonymus has many advantages: beauty and variety of varieties, ease of planting and care, as well as resistance to open ground to frost middle zone.

Description: varieties and varieties of euonymus Fortune

In nature, Fortune's euonymus is a creeping evergreen shrub up to 30 cm high. But if you prepare a support for the shoots - a wall or trellis - it will grow vertically and can reach a height of even 2 m. Characteristics of the shrub:

  • leaves - oblong, oval;
  • the color of the leaf blades is two-color, with a pronounced transition line between tones: rich and light green in spring, rich red and pink in autumn;
  • The flowers are small and have a large seed box.

Attention! In the middle zone, euonymus rarely blooms. The main value of this plant is in the bizarre and changeable patterns of foliage, which looks great in person or in photos.

Fortune's euonymus comes from China. The culture has more than 220 species. IN landscape design most popular:

  1. Emerald Gold. The leaves have a characteristic golden border, which looks most beautiful on young greenery. More often used in vertical decoration. Loves the sun and withstands slight frosts.
  2. Emerald Haiti. As ground cover plant grows into an elegant wavy carpet no higher than 30 cm. Frost resistance is lower than that of Emerald Gold.
  3. Harlequin. Used in creeping form. The foliage is white, with cream, lemon and pink streaks. Tolerates sun deficiency well. At minimal frosts it dies.

Planting a plant: methods

In cool climates the only effective method planting euonymus Fortune - ready-made seedlings. Best time for reproduction in open ground - from the second half of April and throughout the month. Some gardeners practice autumn planting, but this growing method is more troublesome. It is better to plant dwarf varieties in containers and bring them indoors for the winter.

The culture loves a neutral soil composition. Acidic soil it is contraindicated. The soil should be light, loose and nutritious. The degree of illumination required depends on the variety. Most of them prefer afternoon partial shade. Spotted varieties prefer plenty of sun.

Attention! Keep in mind that in open ground the euonymus will quickly grow in width.

Having picked up appropriate place on the site, dig a hole. It is important to do this a couple of weeks before planting. The dimensions of the hole are 2 times the size of the rhizome:

  1. Place a layer of sand at the bottom. Mix the removed soil with compost and complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. Place the seedling in the center of the hole. Bury with prepared soil.
  3. Lightly compact the planting area. Water deeply. Shade the seedling for the first time. Mulching works well.

Advice. To make Fortune out of a Berseklet hedge, plant plants in trenches.

Shrub care: features

In open ground the plant does not require attention. Caring for it can be reduced to performing simple manipulations:

  1. Shrubs need watering only when upper layer the soil is dry. If in summer it rains at least once every 2 weeks, you don’t have to worry about watering at all.
  2. Mulch will help retain moisture. Use pine sawdust.
  3. Pruning will help you shape the bush into what you want. You can even make a standard type plant.
  4. Immediately after planting, the shrub needs regular loosening and weeding. Weeds can harm young seedlings. Loosening is best done 3-4 days after irrigation.

Advice. For the winter, annual shrubs of some varieties should be covered. Gardeners make a mound of dry leaves up to 20 cm in height. Ideal conditions and leaving in frosts for euonymus - natural snow cover in a windless area.

Fertilizer and fertilizing Fortune

In addition to care activities, the plant can sometimes be fed. This will help:

  • give splendor to the bush;
  • make greens brighter and richer.

The frequency of fertilization is 2 times a season. In the spring, in April-May, compost and a mineral complex are usually added. In autumn - mixtures with potassium and phosphorus. Humus and compost also work well as fertilizers for shallow digging in the first months of growth of a young bush.

Plant propagation: options

Growing euonymus in the middle zone rarely results in flowering and seed formation. For propagation, gardeners use simpler and more effective methods:

  • Cuttings. Pick up mature plant not younger than 5 years old. At the end of June, cut the shoots into cuttings 6-8 cm long with at least one internode. Plant immediately under the film, in nutritious and loose soil. Place a layer of sand about 3 cm on top of the soil. When proper care It will take approximately 1.5 months for the cutting to take root. Afterwards, it immediately needs planting in open ground.
  • Root suckers. Planting material You should have time to cut before the plant awakens, during the first thaw of spring. Shoot length is 40-50 cm. Root length is 20-30 cm, thickness is no more than 1.5 cm. An earthen lump should remain on the root. The shoots can be planted directly into the garden bed or grown into a full-fledged seedling.
  • Shrub division. Good way reproduction dwarf varieties. The plant itself forms young shoots on the main rhizome. It is important to separate it carefully. Before planting, cut the divisions by 2/3.

Diseases and pests of euonymus

Some parts of the plant are toxic, so the euonymus itself protects itself from most pests and fungal infections. Sometimes appears on a bush spider mite. The leaves curl and fall off. Prevention will help get rid of tick reproduction:

  • in the spring, spray the greens once with colloidal sulfur;
  • In summer, treat the shrub with specialized insecticides.

Much less often, a plant, usually in a neglected state, can be attacked by scale insects, aphids and some fungal viruses. The fight against them is similar, only the preparations may differ due to the specifics of the pests.

Euonymus Fortune: combination with other plants

This culture is universal in the garden. Depending on the variety and pruning method, Euonymus can decorate a rocky landscape, border, flower bed or parterre. Where winters are not too frosty, the plant becomes a vine on the wall of the house in the manner of ivy. Gardeners often choose suitable variety just from the photo that reflects color scheme plants.

Euonymus is suitable for combination with almost all inhabitants of flower beds. For example, in topiary, mixborders. In open ground, combinations with and other ornamental shrubs. The crop is also successfully grown in outdoor containers.

Fortune's euonymus will help you quickly and brightly landscape your area. Growing and caring for this plant is simple, and its uses decorative properties are extensive. This is why the culture is loved in many countries.

Planting euonymus: video


An evergreen graceful shrub with a wide-rounded crown, which becomes more elongated with age. The branches are densely branched. The growth rate is average. Height - 0.6 m, width - up to 1.5 m. The leaves are elliptical in shape, the middle of the leaf is dark green, marbled, the edges of the leaf are lemon yellow. In winter, the foliage color changes to pink. Grows well in partial shade, grows well in the shade, but foliage in the shade may lose its bright color. Transfers all types garden soils, prefers humus, evenly moistened. Frost-resistant, but at the same time suffers from late frosts. May get burns from sun rays in the spring. It is used in borders and hedges, in landscape compositions.

Planting Euonymus Fortune "Emerald"n Gold"

The planting site prefers sunny or light partial shade; when planted in the shade, it may lose its variegation. Plants grown in containers must be thoroughly watered before planting. The planting pit should be 1.5-2 times larger than the container. When lying close groundwater or heavy soil, it is necessary to arrange drainage from expanded clay or gravel with a layer of 20 cm. Fill landing hole better with a mixture excavated soil and peat (universal soil mixture) and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1. It is advisable to add complex mineral fertilizer to the mixture in a ratio of 5 g. per 1 liter of mixture. This transition layer will facilitate better root growth into the soil. The root collar of the plant should be at ground level. Thoroughly water the planted plant. Tree trunk circle mulch with bark or wood chips. In the year of planting, the plant is watered more often, because the root system has not yet sufficiently sprouted into the soil and is not able to fully consume moisture and nutrients from the ground. In subsequent years, it is advisable to water 1-2 times a week during the dry season. Mulching is recommended to retain moisture. pine bark or wood chips (layer 5-7 cm), then watering can be done less frequently. To ensure uniform awakening of plants in the spring, abundant watering is recommended. Spring feeding(April - May) can be produced with nitroammophos (application rate 20 g/m2) or complex mineral fertilizers for garden plants. In autumn (September-October) you can apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. If the plant is affected by fungal diseases (spotting), treatment with fungicides (Quadris) is necessary. The plant is quite resistant to both pests and diseases.

Wintering Euonymus fortune "Emerald"n Gold"

Frost-resistant plant, does not need shelter for the winter.

Care Euonymus Fortune "Emerald"n Gold"

In the year of planting, the plant is watered more often, because the root system has not yet grown sufficiently into the soil and is not able to fully consume moisture and nutrients from the soil. In subsequent years, it is advisable to water 1-2 times a week during the dry season. To retain moisture, it is recommended to mulch with pine bark or wood chips (layer 5-7 cm), then watering can be done less frequently. To ensure uniform awakening of plants in the spring, abundant watering is recommended. Spring fertilizing (April - May) can be done with nitroammophos (application rate 20 g/m2) or complex mineral fertilizers for garden plants. In autumn (September-October) you can apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. If the plant is affected by fungal diseases (spotting), treatment with fungicides (Quadris) is necessary. The plant is quite resistant to both pests and diseases.

Pruning Euonymus Fortune "Emerald"n Gold"

Formative and sanitary pruning in early spring, weak and damaged branches are cut out. The remaining shoots are shortened to 1/3 of their original length. Euonymus Fortune "Coloratus" can quickly grow to the sides and, if necessary, shoots that grow strongly and extend to the sides can be shortened. It is best to do this in mid-summer, after flowering, being careful not to damage the leaves, otherwise they will turn brown and die. At the same time, if severe pruning is not required, you can pinch the tops of the shoots, this will cause additional branching. throughout growing season It is necessary to cut out green shoots, without variegated leaves.

The birthplace of this small bush China is considered to be. It has a dense openwork crown with small leathery leaves of variegated or green color.

Important! With sufficient heat, it can bloom with inconspicuous yellow-green flowers, after which poisonous fruits are formed.

The branches are very long, capable of climbing on a support, but the height of the bush itself does not exceed 60 cm. The plant has varieties of different frost resistance, some of them can withstand not very severe winters.

Due to the properties of Euonymus branches to grow on the sides, it is used as a ground cover shrub. They try to plant in large, dense groups and in ribbons of different widths.

It goes well with spruce trees, thujas, junipers, and acts as a background for them. IN home garden looks great among groups of plants and mixed compositions, stripes of various shrubs, landscapes with stones and alpine slides.


The photo shows “Euponus Fortune”:

Home care

The shrub is considered resistant to external factors environment, but to reveal its capabilities, it needs proper care.

Because of slow growth and year-round decorativeness, it can be kept both in open and protected ground conditions.

At the same time, the methods of care differ in no way from each other, and consist of several techniques and rules.

Actions after purchase

"Euponymus Fortune" is purchased in a pot. When purchasing it, you must carefully consider it for the presence of pests and diseases.


The growth of the bush is very fast. To form the required shape, it is periodically pruned. As such, formative pruning is not necessary, but aesthetic shape is achieved by removing dead and protruding branches.


“Euonymus” is characterized by drought resistance and does not tolerate stagnant moisture. You need to water the plant according to the principle - it is better to water less than to fill it “in reserve”.

But you need to monitor watering of young plants, and do this more often due to the weaker root system.

Reference! Summer bush high humidity not required, but in the greenhouse it needs periodic spraying.

In winter, in closed ground conditions and low temperatures, watering is reduced., and in the summer they make sure that the soil in the container does not dry out.


Shrubs are replanted in spring or autumn. To do this, prepare a hole that is twice as large as the earthen ball located on the roots.

The soil removed from the hole is mixed with well-rotted compost.

Removing a seedling from a pot or previous place is done carefully, and planting is done to the same depth as before.

After planting, the soil is compacted.


Mature shrubs are watered up to four times during the season, young ones are often more abundant, especially during periods of drought. The compacted soil is loosened and regularly mulched with peat soil mixture to a depth of 6 cm.

For the winter, young plants (up to 2 years old) are covered with dry leaves, but older plants do not need to be covered. In the fall, digging is done, under which they add slaked lime.


The easiest way to propagate Euonymus is by rooted shoots. If you press a branch to the ground, it produces roots at this point.

After a certain time, it is cut off and transplanted to a new place. To make the process faster, the pressed shoot is sprinkled with a little soil.

Another way vegetative propagation is cuttings. To do this, non-young shoots are selected and cut with pruning shears at an angle of 45° to a length of up to 12 cm. The cuttings are planted in a moist soil mixture, and a rooting agent is used for better survival.

Euonymus can be propagated by seeds. To do this, in the first half of spring, the beds are sown to a depth of 2 cm in a special substrate.

It is prepared by mixing one part turf land, two parts humus and one sand. The emergence of seedlings occurs on average after 20 days.

IN closed ground sowing is carried out at the end of January, and by the end of summer you can get strong seedlings that produce natural growth.


The plant prefers moderate temperatures, up to 25°C in summer, and about 8°C in winter, but not higher than 12. It tolerates mild frosts well, but too much heat has a negative effect on the plant.

Important! IN winter period the temperature inside the room where the euonymus is located should not be higher than 16°C. If it rises above +20°C, the bush sheds its leaves.


The plant loves straight sunlight, under the influence of which the leaves acquire a bright spotted pattern.

But it is better for direct exposure to the sun to occur in the morning or evening.

Guided by this rule, you need to choose a suitable place to place the euonymus.

The lack of light is very noticeable in winter in closed ground conditions.

At the same time, the leaves turn yellow and growth stops. During this period, additional lighting with special lamps is required.

Benefits and harms

"Everonymus" as ornamental plant grows well as open balconies and terraces, private areas, as well as in parks, squares, near monuments, office buildings, and other urban landscaping objects, without requiring special care.

The only downside is that it is easily damaged by pests., in which the bush will act as a nursery harmful insects. This can be easily prevented by conducting regular plant inspections and timely application of pesticides.

Diseases and pests

Euonymus Fortune, like the rest garden plants, is affected by certain pests and diseases.

To combat them they use chemicals fighting and gardening techniques:

  1. When powdery mildew appears, which looks like a white or brown-gray coating on the leaves, is treated with a fungicide. Traditionally this is done most safe meansBordeaux mixture. But it is also possible to use specialized means with greater efficiency. In case of focal damage, diseased branches are removed.
    In case of spider mite infestation, which is determined by the appearance of silvery dots on the upper side of the leaf and traces of cobwebs below, treatment is carried out with an acaricide. Colloidal sulfur is considered the most environmentally friendly product;
  2. When affected by other pests- aphids, mealybug or a caterpillar uses standard garden pest control products. Inspection of plantings should be carried out regularly, since damage to shrubs by insects occurs more intensively in comparison with other garden plants.

Important! Infection of Fortune's euonymus with fungal microorganisms is provoked by increased humidity, which results from frequent overhead watering of the plant.

The likelihood of powdery mildew occurring can be reduced by spring preventive treatment with a fungicide and placing the shrub in a sunny place.

Fortune's euonymus is a plant that is gaining popularity for landscape design, but is still undeservedly rarely used in landscaping on personal plots.

Resistance to cold winter and the ability to tolerate drought along with the lack of need special care put it in a more advantageous position with other shrub crops used to create all kinds of floral installations and ensembles.

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Fortune's euonymus is a surprisingly graceful shrub. It is widely used in Europe to decorate urban landscapes. In Russia, growing the crop is not so popular. At the same time, euonymus has many advantages: beauty and variety of varieties, ease of planting and care, as well as resistance to frost in the open ground in the middle zone.

Description: varieties and varieties of euonymus Fortune

In nature, Fortune's euonymus is a creeping evergreen shrub up to 30 cm high. But if you prepare a support for the shoots - a wall or trellis - it will grow vertically and can reach a height of even 2 m. Characteristics of the shrub:

  • leaves - oblong, oval;
  • the color of the leaf blades is two-color, with a pronounced transition line between tones: rich and light green in spring, rich red and pink in autumn;
  • The flowers are small and have a large seed box.

Attention! In the middle zone, euonymus rarely blooms. The main value of this plant is in the bizarre and changeable patterns of foliage, which looks great in person or in photos.

Fortune's euonymus comes from China. The culture has more than 220 species. The most popular in landscape design are:

  1. Emerald Gold. The leaves have a characteristic golden border, which looks most beautiful on young greenery. More often used in vertical decoration. Loves the sun and withstands slight frosts.
  2. Emerald Haiti. As a ground cover plant, it grows into an elegant wavy carpet no higher than 30 cm. Frost resistance is lower than that of Emerald Gold.
  3. Harlequin. Used in creeping form. The foliage is white, with cream, lemon and pink streaks. Tolerates sun deficiency well. At minimal frosts it dies.

Planting a plant: methods

In cool climates, the only effective way to plant Fortune's euonymus is ready-made seedlings. The best time for propagation in open ground is from the second half of April and throughout the month. Some gardeners practice autumn planting, but this growing method is more troublesome. It is better to plant dwarf varieties in containers and bring them indoors for the winter.

The culture loves a neutral soil composition. Acidic soil is contraindicated for it. The soil should be light, loose and nutritious. The degree of illumination required depends on the variety. Most of them prefer afternoon partial shade. Spotted varieties prefer plenty of sun.

Attention! Keep in mind that in open ground the euonymus will quickly grow in width.

Having chosen a suitable place on the site, dig a hole. It is important to do this a couple of weeks before planting. The dimensions of the hole are 2 times the size of the rhizome:

  1. Place a layer of sand at the bottom. Mix the removed soil with compost and complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. Place the seedling in the center of the hole. Bury with prepared soil.
  3. Lightly compact the planting area. Water deeply. Shade the seedling for the first time. Mulching works well.

Advice. To make a hedge from Fortune's berselet, plant the plants in trenches.

Shrub care: features

In open ground the plant does not require attention. Caring for it can be reduced to performing simple manipulations:

  1. Shrubs need watering only when the top layer of soil is dry. If in summer it rains at least once every 2 weeks, you don’t have to worry about watering at all.
  2. Mulch will help retain moisture. Use pine sawdust.
  3. Pruning will help you shape the bush into what you want. You can even make a standard type plant.
  4. Immediately after planting, the shrub needs regular loosening and weeding. Weeds can harm young seedlings. Loosening is best done 3-4 days after irrigation.

Advice. For the winter, annual shrubs of some varieties should be covered. Gardeners make a mound of dry leaves up to 20 cm in height. Ideal conditions and frost protection for euonymus are natural snow cover in a windless area.

Fertilizer and fertilizing Fortune

In addition to care activities, the plant can sometimes be fed. This will help:

  • give splendor to the bush;
  • make greens brighter and richer.

The frequency of fertilization is 2 times a season. In the spring, in April-May, compost and a mineral complex are usually added. In autumn - mixtures with potassium and phosphorus. Humus and compost also work well as fertilizers for shallow digging in the first months of growth of a young bush.

Plant propagation: options

Growing euonymus in the middle zone rarely results in flowering and seed formation. For propagation, gardeners use simpler and more effective methods:

  • Cuttings. Select an adult plant that is at least 5 years old. At the end of June, cut the shoots into cuttings 6-8 cm long with at least one internode. Plant immediately under the film, in nutritious and loose soil. Place a layer of sand about 3 cm on top of the soil. With proper care, the cutting will take about 1.5 months to root. Afterwards, it immediately needs planting in open ground.
  • Root suckers. Planting material should be cut before the plant awakens, during the first thaw of spring. Shoot length is 40-50 cm. Root length is 20-30 cm, thickness is no more than 1.5 cm. An earthen lump should remain on the root. The shoots can be planted directly into the garden bed or grown into a full-fledged seedling.
  • Shrub division. A good way to propagate dwarf varieties. The plant itself forms young shoots on the main rhizome. It is important to separate it carefully. Before planting, cut the divisions by 2/3.

Diseases and pests of euonymus

Some parts of the plant are toxic, so the euonymus itself protects itself from most pests and fungal infections. Sometimes spider mites appear on the bush. The leaves curl and fall off. Prevention will help get rid of tick reproduction:

  • in the spring, spray the greens once with colloidal sulfur;
  • In summer, treat the shrub with specialized insecticides.

Much less often, a plant, usually in a neglected state, can be attacked by scale insects, aphids and some fungal viruses. The fight against them is similar, only the preparations may differ due to the specifics of the pests.

Euonymus Fortune: combination with other plants

This culture is universal in the garden. Depending on the variety and pruning method, Euonymus can decorate a rocky landscape, border, flower bed or parterre. Where winters are not too frosty, the plant becomes a vine on the wall of the house in the manner of ivy. Gardeners often choose the appropriate variety simply based on a photo that reflects the color scheme of the plant.

Euonymus is suitable for combination with almost all inhabitants of flower beds. For example, in topiary, mixborders. In open ground, combinations with conifers and other ornamental shrubs are used. The crop is also successfully grown in outdoor containers.

Fortune's euonymus will help you quickly and brightly landscape your area. Growing and caring for this plant is simple, and the options for using its decorative properties are extensive. This is why the culture is loved in many countries.

Planting euonymus: video