Euonymus fortune emerald haiti planting and care. Proper planting and care of Fortune euonymus. Reproduction of Euonymus fortunei

Euonymus fortune emerald haiti planting and care. Proper planting and care of Fortune euonymus. Reproduction of Euonymus fortunei

Fortune Blondy's euonymus is an evergreen creeping shrub with densely branched branches, medium growing.
Size: 0.4 - 0.6 m high and more than twice as wide, on the stone walls of houses, fences and trees reaches a height

Leaves: Evergreen, glossy, opposite, ovate or elliptical, light yellow center, dark green striped margins, green margin turning pink in winter.
Roots: superficial, densely branched, some deep skeletal roots. It is undemanding to the landing site and soils.
Recommended as a groundcover and for growing in containers. Tolerates partial shade, all cultivated garden soils, moderately dry to moist, undemanding to pH, prefers humus. Frost-resistant. Cover young plants for the winter. It tolerates pruning and shearing well. Pruning is possible at any time, but most often only interfering shoots are pruned. It goes well with caryopteris, perovskia, buddley with blue-blue inflorescences.

Fortune's euonymus is a short (up to 30 cm) creeping shrub with dense evergreen shoots. Shoots, when in contact with the ground, take root easily, but if they are given support, they can rise to a height of up to 2 meters. The leaves are in the form of an elongated oval, two-colored: the middle of the leaf is green, and the border is yellowish-white, in autumn the colors change to brown-red with a pink border. The flowers are completely inconspicuous, and in our areas the euonymus practically does not bloom. The plant is quite frost-resistant and undemanding to the soil. Homeland - China.

Origin: China, Korea.

Height: from 30 cm to 2 m.

Light: bright diffused or partial shade.

Temperature: 18-20 °С in summer, 6-8 °С in winter.

Air humidity: moderate.

Top dressing: mineral fertilizers or compost are applied in spring.

Transfer: not needed.

Reproduction: seed, cuttings, dividing the bush, dividing the rhizomes.

Euonymus refers to exotic plants, these evergreen creeping shrubs prefer tropical and subtropical climates. Variegated shiny leaves of rich emerald color with a white or yellow border, change color to pink in autumn. Spreading lush euonymus bushes will decorate any landscape composition.

If desired, by choosing the right place and providing the necessary care, you can decorate your garden with this amazing plant (as in the photo).


Fortune's euonymus is used in landscape design, both as a groundcover and for vertical gardening. In total, the euonymus has about 220 species. Let's take a brief look at three types of spindle trees used for vertical gardening and as ground cover.

  • "Emerald Gaiety" (Emerald Gaiety) -

variety with small (3 cm) leaves.

  • The color of the leaves is dark green with a broken white border.
  • Used as a groundcover.
  • Emerald Gaiety forms a beautiful wavy carpet, the height of the green carpet can reach 30 cm.

Frost resistance is average, in severe winters it can freeze slightly.

  • Euonymus fortunei Harlequin (Euonymus fortunei Harlequin) -

another dwarf species, also used as a groundcover.

  • The color of the leaves is white interspersed with pink, yellow and cream (pictured below).
  • Grows well in shady areas.

Needs shelter in winter.

  • "Emerald'nGold" (EmeraldGold) -

the variety has small (3 cm) green leaves with a yellow border, thanks to them this species was called emerald gold (pictured below).

Young leaves are especially beautiful. But in shady areas, the color of the foliage fades, and the bush loses its decorative effect.

The variety has greater frost resistance (up to 25 ° C without snow shelter) than "Emerald Gaiety", but in especially severe winters it can freeze slightly.

"EmeraldGold" is most often used in vertical gardening. Planted against a wall or trellis, the Emerald Gold bush can grow to 2 meters or more.

Care for different varieties of euonymus is the same. The only thing worth paying special attention to is the frost resistance of a particular species.


In general, caring for this exotic plant is quite simple, especially considering that the euonymus plant in our area is quite rare and exotic. A few simple tips will help you ensure proper care.

The soil. Fortune's euonymus is not demanding on the soil, but if you want it to bloom in full force, it is worth providing it with favorable conditions. Such conditions will provide rich loamy soil (it should not be heavy) and good drainage, spindle tree does not tolerate stagnant water.

Lighting. In general, Fortune's euonymus can grow successfully both under the sun and in the shade. But in shaded areas, the leaves may lose their variegated color.

Top dressing is done in the spring, in April-May. For this, complex mineral fertilizers and compost are used. In autumn, potash-phosphorus fertilizers can be applied to the soil.

In the first months of the growing season, it is advisable to add humus or compost to the root zone for shallow incorporation.

Dense thickets are fertilized by resorting to surface mulching (as in the photo).

Watering: for young plants - regular, for adults, the frequency of watering is reduced. In the dry months, the frequency of watering is 1-2 times a week. In spring, more frequent and plentiful watering is recommended, this will help the plant wake up from winter frosts.

To maintain an optimal level of humidity, the euonymus can be mulched with pine bark or wood chips. When mulching, the frequency of watering can be reduced.

Weeding and loosening are necessary for young shrubs, their root system in the early years is not able to compete with weeds. Loosening the soil is carried out 3-4 days after watering.

Shelter for the winter is also mandatory for young shrubs. To do this, it is enough to cover them with dry foliage, forming a mound from 15 to 20 cm high. The need for warming adult shrubs depends on the specific variety. So, "EmeraldGold" can winter without shelter, while the "Fortuna Harlequin" and "EmeraldGateti" euonymus need to be warmed.

Fortune's euonymus is not a frost-resistant species. In the conditions of the middle zone, an adult plant may freeze, but by the summer it restores its decorative appearance. Frost resistance depends on the particular variety of shrub.

Ideally, euonymus should be planted in windless areas, where in winter it will be provided with natural snow cover, which will protect the plant from freezing.

Pests. The euonymus is quite resistant to diseases and pests, but sometimes Fortune suffers from spider mites, aphids, euonymus scale insects and fungal diseases. To combat these problems, ready-made drugs are used.


Fortune's euonymus, under favorable conditions, reproduces well by summer layering, which take root along the entire length of its growth, and by cuttings. It is not for nothing that Fortune's euonymus is also called rooting euonymus (Euonymus radicans). Planting seedlings occurs in autumn or spring.

If the site has a high groundwater level, it is necessary to provide drainage.

  • Expanded clay or gravel should be covered with a layer of 20 cm, on top there is a layer of soil, sand and peat.
  • The planting mixture is made in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  • Another option for the mixture: turf land, manure humus and sand (ratio 1:2:1).
  • Drainage is sometimes made of sand, the layer thickness is 15 cm.

You can add mineral fertilizers to the planting mixture (5 grams per liter of mixture). All this will increase the chances of successful rooting of the euonymus.

The seedling is brought into the dug up soil. The landing pit should be 1.5-2 times larger than the container. It is necessary to plant so that the root ball is at a height of 10 cm above the ground. After planting, abundant watering is needed, as well as mulching the near-stem circle with bark, wood chips or a layer of earth.

As you can see, planting and caring for this exotic plant does not have special requirements. However, Fortune's euonymus will decorate your garden with a colorful carpet or trellis for most of the year.

In landscape design, the euonymus is used in a variety of combinations. Ground cover species look good on alpine hills (pictured below), in rockeries, next to coniferous shrubs and trees, as curb tapes. Climbing species are versatile and will fit perfectly into any garden.

You can look at how different types of this plant look like in the video:

An infrequent guest in our gardens is the fortune-teller's euonymus. This plant is undeservedly overlooked by gardeners. The reason is the rare flowering of shrubs in the climatic zone of our country. But professional landscape designers appreciate the creeping evergreen bush for its amazingly beautiful leaf colors, original and unique. A kind of "highlight" of the backyard adorns it all year round.

Forchuna is a variegated variety of euonymus. The birthplace of this representative of the flora is China. The undersized plant reaches up to 2 meters in length and 50 cm in height. The shrub can take root in the soil when weaving, or cling to supports and curl up. Rigid leathery leaves of an oval shape, color - two colors, changes during the year. Giving preference to this plant in your garden, do not forget that it is poisonous. Especially fruits.

Application in landscape design

The main direction in the transformation of the territory of the Fortune is as a ground cover plant. It is planted in large numbers, in dense groups on large arrays. Due to the good tolerance of urban air pollution, euonymus is used for landscaping parks, alleys and city squares. Beautiful decorative leaves that grow quickly will always help to hide defects or communications.

If it is not possible to plant a real lawn, then the fortune-teller's euonymus will perfectly play its role. Also used by designers as hedges and borders. Due to the versatility of the plant, using it to improve the territory, you can solve several problems at the same time. By choosing the right lighting for the site, you can realize the most fantastic ideas.

A nice feature of the shrub is the formation of a dense cover and blocking the growth of weeds. Due to this property, the bush is planted in those areas that have an important functional purpose. The plant will emphasize this area and allow it to always have a well-groomed appearance. From the gardener, only proper cultivation is required and the minimum cost of caring for the plant is provided.

Need to create a colorful border in front of a building or a luxurious rock garden? Fortune's euonymus is ideal for these purposes. An evergreen shrub gives a well-groomed and cultivated appearance to any composition. Especially after the snow melts. With euonymus, the garden seems to come to life. Multi-colored foliage has always been rightfully appreciated by designers and gardeners. Creating a composition of plants blooming at different times of the year, Fortuna becomes a wonderful backdrop for each of them. Combining in a single ensemble incompatible, at first glance, plants.

In an ensemble in which you need to emphasize the relief and color, the choice of gardeners is definitely a fortune. The shrub also takes part in the formation of the style direction of the garden. It will become a harmonious object of Provence, rustic and English and other styles. The plant has an amazing ability to emphasize the aristocracy or simplicity of the composition, depending on the purpose.


Imitating the natural environment of plants without human intervention, uses euonymus as a solo-composite plant. It is planted at wooden benches, artificial reservoirs and fountains, arbors, and along paths. By following a certain plan when planting a fortune and taking into account its properties, you can get a shrub along the path or one of the plants that forms a bosquet.

french style

Requiring perfect haircut and symmetry, it provides places for fortune near axial compositions (fountains, large trees, sculptures, etc.). Symmetrically arranged euonymus bushes take on a solemn and aristocratic look. Flower beds are created taking into account the period of their flowering, for an unusual pattern. Despite the fact that the euonymus acts as a background to them, its color is taken into account in the first place. Acting as a contrast to a particular flower, it plays the role of an accent flower garden.

Chaotic at first glance, the Scandinavian style is just the first impression

In fact, for each plant and decor items, their place is clearly thought out. For fortune, including. It grows near garden furniture, arbors and stone steps. If large hewn decks are used instead of benches, then the euonymus envelops them, making up a single composition.

Russian estate style, more practical

The euonymus is assigned certain aesthetic zones. Such as paths and bright lush flower beds at the entrance to the garden or vegetable garden. Fortune plays a supporting role during the warm seasons, in winter - the main one. Giving the site "carelessness" the plant is rarely cut. It is allowed to entwine shrubs with low fences dividing the garden into working areas.

Japanese style

Euonymus is planted, at first glance, not thoughtfully and in different ways. Observing all the rules and requirements of the style. But in fact, he is assigned several zones and one or two smooth transitions in them. Emphasizing the superiority of nature over people, fortune grows near the entrance to a garden or house, near gazebos and ponds.

Combination with other plants

Flowering phloxes, deciduous perennials and panicled quarries will make a good company for euonymus in or rockeries. A low-growing Cossack or horizontal juniper will emphasize the bright decorative foliage of a fortune in rock gardens.

Dwarf shrubs such as periwinkle, and others are combined with euonymus in the center of the site. It hides the trunk of shrubs and creates the effect of splendor of the composition.

Beautiful at any time of the year will be a combination of shrubs with representatives of pine needles. Thuja, juniper, boxwood - this is only part of the list of combined plants. Emerald foliage with a golden border will emphasize the shade of needles and will become an unsurpassed decorative element in the garden.

Lemon light and tangerine light bloom at the same time as the euonymus, and the combination of their inflorescences (lemon yellow, orange red and yellow with green) complement each other and create a warm spring mood.

Treelike, euonymus is a win-win option for a flower bed along the path. Not only flowers, but also beautiful decorative leaves are pleasing to the eye and continue to create an elegant landscape even after flowering. Planted in flower tiers.

Species and varieties

The forchun euonymus plant and its species are used as a ground cover and as a ground cover. There are more than 200 species and varieties of shrubs. The most famous and sought after:

  • . Frost-resistant ground cover bush reaches 25 cm in height. The leaves are dark green with a white border.

  • harlequin. Dwarf ground-blood shrub is shade-loving, susceptible to frost. White with splashes of yellow and pink.

Planting time - spring or autumn. Loamy soil can create the most favorable conditions for growth and development. Optimum lighting - the sun, a small shadow. Does not like stagnant water in the soil. Before planting, a drainage layer is laid out in the hole (gravel, expanded clay, sand, peat). The depth of the pit is 30 cm, the root ball should remain above the ground, at least 5 cm. After planting, water generously. Mulch the near-stem area using a layer of earth or. Fertilize in spring or autumn, once a year.

The plant needs watering in dry summers and early spring. Young seedlings systematically, adult plant as needed - 1 time in 5 days. A young plant must be protected from weeds, in the first 2 years it cannot cope on its own. After 2-3 days after watering, loosening of the earth is carried out. Sensitive young shrubs (dry foliage) are covered for the winter. By planting a shrub in a draft-free area, in winter it will be provided with a natural shelter from frost - snow.

Shrub not painful. The most dangerous pests for him are aphids, spider mites, euonymus scale insects, and fungal diseases.

They lead the plant to deformation and possible death. To combat and prevent them, the plant is sprayed with a solution of chemicals. Actellik is used every 7 days for three weeks to control pests. The concentration is 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. For prevention once a year - in the spring, 1 ml of the drug per 2 liters of water.

Video - planting and care of euonymus fortune

Fortune's euonymus is a worthy representative of its kind. This evergreen shrub is valued for its decorative properties and attractive appearance. Gardeners also love him for his unpretentious care and undemanding to climatic conditions.

Fortune's euonymus, like, is a weaving evergreen shrub. He comes from China. We owe his discovery to Robert Fortune, who named this type of euonymus after his name.

The shrub is extremely low, only up to 60 cm in height. But its branches can grow up to three meters. They have special nodules, thanks to which the plant grows in breadth or can braid the supports.

The foliage of this euonymus is bright and dense. This is obtained due to the frequent arrangement of leaves close to each other. The leaves have a two-tone color, often silver-green or bright green with a golden tint. The size of the foliage is from 2 to 6 cm.

The shrub blooms only in natural conditions with yellow-green flowers. The fruits appear in autumn and are poisonous.

Fortune's euonymus grows well in our climatic conditions. It is frost resistant.

Popular varieties

This shrub has many varieties and varieties. The most popular are the following.

  1. baby. The smallest type of shrub. Leaves up to 1 cm in length, the shrub itself is over 5 cm. It has high frost resistance.
  2. Silver queen. It reaches a height of 20 cm, spreads strongly, shoots up to half a meter long. Leaves of a bright green hue with a white border, which acquires a pink tint in cold weather.
  3. Emerald Gold. It reaches a height of 30 cm. Leaves up to 2 cm long, pointed. The color of the foliage is bright green with a golden yellow border around the edge. In autumn, the color changes to brown-red. This variety can withstand up to -25 degrees in snowy and snowless winters.
  4. Emerald Gaethy. Up to 20 cm high. Leaves up to 2 cm long, green with a white border. Withstands temperatures as low as -25 degrees. Widespread in landscape design.
  5. Sunspot. Grows slowly, grows poorly. It reaches a height of 20 cm. The leaves are about 2 cm long. The foliage has a golden speck along the central vein. Frost-resistant.

Fortune's Euonymus Monshadow Fortune's Euonymus minimus Fortune's Euonymus Emerald Gaeti Fortune's Euonymus Sunspot Fortune's Euonymus Silver Queen Fortune's Euonymus Emerald Gold

When is the best time to plant a plant?

The best time for planting is April-May. Over the coming summer period, the plant will be able to adapt, build up the root system. Thus, it will help to reschedule the winter. You can plant the euonymus in the fall, but in this case, there is a high probability of its death in the winter.

The shrub does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil. The main condition is the looseness of the soil. For this purpose, sand or peat is added to the ground.

When choosing a landing site, the illumination of the site should be taken into account. Fortune's euonymus needs a good sunny place; in the shade, its leaves will lose their brightness and variability.

How to choose flowers for planting?

Fortune's euonymus can be planted in several ways.

  1. Layering. This plant grows very well. In connection with this feature, nodules appear on its branches, which subsequently give roots. If your shrub weaves onto supports, dig in one shoot and wait for it to take root. After the layering gives strong roots, the young branch is separated from the mother and planted in a separate place. In this way, several new bushes can be obtained from one layer.
  2. Cuttings. At the beginning of summer, cuttings are cut from non-lignified shoots about 10 cm long. The main thing is that there is at least one knot on the cooked cuttings. Next, the sections are treated with growth stimulants and planted in soil from peat and sand. Cover the plants from above, forming a greenhouse. In a month, you can wait for rooting. Then rooted cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.
  3. The division of the bush. In the spring, the mother plant is dug up and carefully cut into 2-3 parts. It is important that each division has its own strong roots and growth points. Then new bushes are planted in prepared places.
  4. Seeds. This method of growing Fortune's euonymus is the most difficult and time-consuming. First of all, it is necessary to stratify the seeds:

- soak in potassium permanganate;

- deepen in wet sand;

- store three months in the cold;

- move the container with seeds to heat for three to four months.

Then the prepared seeds are sown in the soil of sand and peat in a greenhouse. After the emergence of seedlings, seedlings are grown in boxes. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, they are planted in a permanent place.

Planting euonymus in open ground

The process of planting this shrub includes the following steps.

  1. Dig a hole with a depth that is twice the volume of the seedling's earthen coma.
  2. Lay a thick drainage layer at the bottom. For this purpose, river gravel or the usual expanded clay will serve us. The layer thickness should be at least 15 cm, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil.
  3. Introduce a little peat, humus, sand and mineral fertilizers into the earth removed from the hole.
  4. Mark the seedling in the hole without deepening the root collar.
  5. Cover with prepared earth, compact.
  6. Water the seedling.
  7. Mulch the surface of the soil around the trunk with litter, sawdust or peat.

Care after landing

Fortune's euonymus is not demanding in care, but you still need to follow a few rules for good growth and development.

This shrub is quite resistant to dry conditions. It categorically does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. Only young bushes need watering. They need to be watered no more than once a week.

To maintain the lightness of the soil and control weeds, the near-stem circle must be periodically loosened. The roots are superficial and do not tolerate excessive soil compaction.

The euonymus does not need pruning. It is possible to carry out sanitary pruning at the beginning of the season. It is carried out in the spring, removing dried shoots and shortening especially long branches.

Preparing for winter

Despite the good winter hardiness of the shrub, young bushes still need to be covered for the winter. For this purpose, fallen leaves are used, covering the shrub completely with it, or burlap, which is used to cover the euonymus from above. The plant will winter in this way for several years after planting. In the future, shelter is not required, but the winter hardiness of a particular variety of spindle tree should be taken into account when preparing it for wintering.

Fortune's euonymus is an ornamental evergreen shrub, thanks to which you can decorate your site. The high decorativeness of the leaves, combined with ease of care, allows this plant to gain popularity among gardeners and landscape designers.

Currently, the owners of suburban areas have begun to pay more and more attention to the cultivation of plants used to decorate flower beds and borders of garden paths. In this case, you should pay attention to Fortune's euonymus - an evergreen shrub. There are several legends about the origin of this unusual plant.

The spindle tree was created by an evil sorceress who wanted to create a poisonous plant to take revenge on a person, but then she changed her mind and made it medicinal, and she herself turned into a robin bird, which alone is not afraid of this shrub. According to another legend, the goddess Flora created the euonymus from lost earrings and a brooch. At the site of the loss, a bush has grown, which blooms with earrings.

In contact with



To European countries euonymus was imported from China, where it was first discovered and described by the English biologist Robert Fortune. Translated from Latin, the name of the shrub means "alluring beauty."

Fortune's euonymus is an evergreen shrub. Under natural conditions, more than two hundred species of this plant grow, which can retain foliage for the winter or dump it in the fall. The euonymus deserves special attention of gardeners due to the unusual bright color of the leaves.

Fortune's euonymus in the landscape design of the photo is a low shrub, the height of which does not exceed half a meter, but the branches of the shrub can reach a length of three or more meters. Let's describe it:

Euonymus blooms very rarely. The flowers are ear-shaped and have a pale greenish color.

They can only be seen in the wild. Euonymus berries are poisonous.

Euonymus unpretentious, tolerates polluted air well, grows in the shade and is unpretentious in care.

Euonymus frost-resistant and grows well in conditions with low temperatures in winter.

Variety of species of euonymus

There are many varieties of this plant, differing in height. Euonymus can reach several meters in height and resemble a sprawling tree. Known varieties in the form of a shrub.

decorative value represents a dwarf euonymus, having a creeping shape. These species do not have a trunk, their long creeping branches are covered with leaves tightly adjacent to each other. Usually these plants are used in landscape design for decoration of hedges, arches and fences. the largest popularity gardeners use several types of this shrub:

Reproduction of Fortune's euonymus

Euonymus is propagated layering, cuttings or seeds. Experienced gardeners prefer the vegetative method of propagation, as it allows you to preserve the species characteristics and decorative qualities of the plant.

Propagation by layering is the easiest way to propagate euonymus, since the plant can independently form roots on branches that creep along the surface of the earth. In this case, several young plants can be obtained from one shoot. For propagation by layering, a branch with strong, well-developed roots should be separated and transplanted to a new place.

If Fortune's euonymus is used as a landscaping of a vertical surface, then a small groove is dug near the bush's trunk and the branches are bent into it. After the branches are well rooted, they are separated from the main plant and transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagating the euonymus by cuttings is also quite simple. As planting material, young shoots up to 15 centimeters long, with several growth points, are used. They are processed phytostimulants and planted in small containers with soil consisting of coarse sand and peat.

From above, the cutting should be covered with a jar or bags to create a greenhouse effect. Rooting occurs within 3-4 weeks. After that, the plant is transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush can be done in the spring. To do this, dig an adult plant and divide it into several parts. It is important that each part has good strong roots. After that, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. Before planting, all sections should be disinfected.

Reproduction by seeds

This is the most time-consuming and difficult way to grow. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then the seeds are placed in a container with sand for three months, where they will be in the cold season.

Next, the seeds are sown in a soil mixture consisting of peat and coarse sand, covered with glass on top. Shoots are grown in small containers, and after the appearance real leaves planted in open ground in a permanent place. Growing euonymus from seeds takes up to four years.

Planting Fortune's Euonymus

In order to grow strong and beautiful bush, you should take care of the planting material. Seedlings can be grown independently or purchased from a nursery.

When buying seedlings, special attention should be paid to the root system, which must be well developed and not damaged. The branches should be intact, without signs of cuts and breaks, with a whole bark.

Landing is carried out in the spring. For a plant better choose a place that is well lit by the sun in the morning and evening. It is better to plant the euonymus on an elevated site, since it does not like close-lying groundwater, which contribute to the decay of the root system. For a plant, plots along garden paths, arbors are suitable.

Euonymus does not require a special soil composition. But in order to grow a beautiful healthy plant, you should prepare a loose, light, fertile soil, consisting of peat, humus of a soddy substrate, humus and wood ash. Mineral fertilizers can be applied before planting.

Euonymus is planted in late April-May. The plant has time to take root and sprout before the onset of winter cold. For planting, holes or trenches are preliminarily prepared, on the bottom of which a drainage layer is laid. Expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles or gravel can be used as drainage.

The excavated soil is mixed with the prepared soil and placed in the planting hole. When planting a plant, do not bury the root neck. Then the euonymus is watered. The earth around the plant with sawdust or peat.

Features of caring for Fortune's euonymus

Euonymus is unpretentious and undemanding to care and growing conditions. However, in order for the plant to please with its beauty, you should follow a few simple rules for caring for the shrub.

Fortune's euonymus in landscape design

Currently popularity Fortune's euonymus grows due to the variety of shapes and colors of the leaves of the plant. The plant is indispensable in landscape design. It is used as an independent planting, for lawn decoration as a ground cover plant.

Since the bersklet tolerates polluted air well, it is used to decorate parks and squares.

Tall varieties of euonymus are used to create hedges, borders, alpine slides.